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Junkie Elves Edition
Useful resources:
>Community-driven substance encyclopedia.
>Virtual tripsitting and drug combo information.
>Drug discussion board, trip report, library, and other informational index.
>Non-profit org for drug discussion, research, and harm reduction.
>Mushroom (and other substance) discussion, cultivation, trip reports, and identification.
>DMT (and other substance) discussion, cultivation, and trip reports
I'm taking pregablin for the first time today. I took 450mg and went for a 3 hour motorbike ride through the hills. I got off and realized just how 'floaty' I feel. It's like gabapentin or phenibut kinda, but stronger. I dunno if it's super euphoric or anything, but it's kinda cool. I could see myself taking this everyday and getting extremely addicted to it. Lucky I only have 3 sheets.
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>no tolerance
jesus you're braver than i am anon, and i take 100-200 a day. floaty is a good way to describe it. i sort of appreciate that the euphoria from pregabalin isn't really forced (unless you take >1g or mix with weed). you can still have a bad day on it, which incentivizes me to have a good day since pregabalin makes it a little bit better
i've noticed more anons talking about it the past year so i'd like to imagine i'm singlehandedly responsible for improving the drug's image. now i'm just waiting on the checks from Pfizer for shilling it on a burmese opium harvesting forum
How can I get stuff. Does the Grindr method work or will i just get arrested even for a small amount.

Im so sick of using benzedrex
I got a wedding cake cartridge AIO today, taste like cake and gets me high in one hit. Only had to hit it 2 times so far today.
as a computer-fag this threw me for a loop. have a link to what it looks like because i cant for the life of me think of it looking anything other than the kind of pens i get at the store near me
someone should make a terence mckenna ai
Yeah, it's rechargeable too, with swappable cartridges.
woah that sounds incredibly convenient. wish it was properly legal here instead of the derivatives, but it isnt too big of a difference in the grand scheme of things. enjoy your evening or morning, anon
>the Grindr method
the what now
I don't do drugs but I like frieren. Sexually that is the anime is pretty average at best.
Finding a first time dealer through a male associate. I'm sure you don't have to fuck dudes on grindr, just gay people know where to get drugs.
Can DXM worsen autism?
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i dont know but boy do i sure wish you had an answer so i could spend more time with statuses
holy fuck tramadol is disgusting, I can't eat anything for 8 hours straight while the effect lasts + I sleep for like 3-4 hours after...
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>greened the fuck out again
What the hell man I just wanted a chill Saturday night cause my plans fell through. Yeah it was a 60-80mg edible, but I thought I could handle it cause I was only a week sober. Taking too much acid hardly fucked me up that much. Vision went totally blurry and heart rate twice normal. I used to be able to take multiple dabs in a row. I guess it's just bitch dosages for me from now on.
I would love to lick Frierens feet clean after a long days walk/ dungeon crawl.
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I wish she learned a spell to summon me at any time where I'd lick her entire body clean and fill her with my cum.
Got food, nicotine and caffeine.
Feeling very comfy.
Been listening to trance.
Let's see what we can do.
Take a break for a year or two.
Use ketamine now and then to unlearn old patterns.
When you get back, make sure to have high CBD and terps in your weed products.
Having this kind of snap-back effect is usually the result of consuming too much THC to the exclusion of everything else.
No but it can worsen your ability to cope if you overdo it.
See above. Make sure your carts contain CBD. I would recommend mixing your own carts in fact. a 1:1 THC:CBD mix with other cannabinoids like THC-V and CBG as well as a good terp blend would lead to an ideal effect profile.
Look up Darknet bible. Grindr method works but only for stims and GHB. Maybe weed but not good weed.
if you're on benzedrex and want to find some proper meth, you'll find it on grindr. look for the letter T capitalized in weird places and cloud and balloon emojs
>implying this is a bad thing
Greening out is not the best feeling out there, but now you know you can get more out of less drugs. Where's the problem? Don't be like the people who try to brag about how much they can drink, keep your tolerance low.

In Germany I saw a vending machine that sold soft drinks and beer. Another vending machine sold cigarettes. I suppose as long as you place it in a pub or bar you could minimize the chances of kids using them.
How risky is it though?
are you that one guy from swamp cinema
consider visiting the links on the banner of old.reddit.com/r/onions/ particularly those marked as index. Then read the bible
This except it's a vending machine that sells coca leaf infused beverages
My unironic method is to hire a real low class escort. Generally they either deal themselves, know dealers, or can help you in some way. If not you can still fuck them.

This has worked for me 3 times. I moved to a new city recently and that's what I did. She sold me k-pins and added me to 4 Facebook private chats where the dealers advertise their drugs. Sadly it's almost all weed and meth, but I managed to buy some pregablin off some guy.
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>codeine does nothing for me
>ditto tobacco
>high alcohol tolerance even though i barely drink
>i dont feel caffeine until i get the jitters
its over
who here caffeinemaxes?

so far i've had
1x filter coffee
1x monster
3x black tea

and i've only been up for 6 hours.

gonna have another monster and a filter coffee when i go to my job at the radio station later on. doing sober september (alcohol only)
Don't you get insomnia? Aren't you anxious all the time? What happens if you try to stop?
it actually helps me sleep better, i had a monster yesterday around 4pm and slept at 11pm like a baby for 12hrs (I sleepmax as well)

not anxious, although I suppose I could take l-theanine for that

I can stop easily, sometimes i go days without any caffeine (days!)
Does anyone else avoid drug addiction by basically doing a little bit of every drug? Like some days I smoke weed, other days I take adderall or coke, occasionally sometimes psychedelics or ketamine. I'm always high on something but almost never the same substance two days in row. The only thing I avoid completely is opioids.
If I was a narcotics enjoyer this is how I'd do it. Which psychedelic do you take?
>Which psychedelic do you take?
Mushrooms and LSD, gonna try DMT vape soon too.
yummy candy
I do that, I think it even helped me take some of the least healthy stuff out of the rotation. Regardless, I still use drugs as a coping method so this trick only took me so far.
I take antipsychotics and benzos, these have the opposite reaction to moda
They're antagonists to dopamine and norepinephrine, moda also decreases gaba

Anyway i found that 400mg helps somewhat in combating lethargy etc
They do seem to work better if I take them every other day

My take is my psychmeds keep adjusting to any given moda dosage
it's counterproductive but so far it's the only drug that makes me functional

Ps; I'm planning on tapering of my benzos
>muh kids
The same kids that were such a precious future are now strung out on fentanyl anyways, "what about the kids" is a cope for people who can't into parenting
>tfw no opiate vending machine
my school and parents should've warned me about drugs, should be basic education
Just had my first serious amount of amnesia from benzos. Scared the living shit out of me to the point it almost makes we want to take more to calm me down but its better to not. At least according to the people I interacted with I seemed normal. These drug suck so much ass, but I hate how I need them to stave off the night terrors.
mine tried but provided no context or actual information, just generic "drugs bad" bullshit that only the truly uninformed can deliver. This of course spurred my curiousity, getting angry at someone for asking why isn't a good strategy as often it only emboldens curiousities and desires.
Death to those who resist legalization
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have to go to work so posting chiito smoking weed. hahaha it's a really funny imagine what do you anons think
Have you heard of the razzberry jazzberry jam?
hi (you)
can you stop please. im a bit annoyed at having to use a vpn if i dont want my internet traffic monitored
i suppose its my fault but id prefer if it kept to shit that wasnt my browsing history XD XD XD XD
Why does benzo time pass by so fucking fast? I swear they're a time travel lifehack, I savor the days of comfy anxiety free bliss that comes with them
how often could one microdose shrooms in a week without impacting tolerance?
How do I salivate less when I smoke? Everyone I've shared a blunt with has said I just leave it soaked.
Don't put the blunt so far in your mouth that your spit soaks it. Literally just put it on your lip, you're pulling the blunt too far into your mouth, or your lips are soaking with spit which is unlikely. Roll yourself one and practice holding it in your mouth without getting spit on it. Learn to smoke properly, it's technique, it takes practice if you're a new smoker.
Can you snort pregablin?
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>bored, directionless
>Decide to start doing herion after I get offered some and I realize I have a week of vacation from work.
>Do it all week, fucking kicks ass
>Literally best week of my life
>Immediately start going to NA the next day
>Make up that I had a bad bender and that I finally realized I needed to stop and needed help
>Accepted, no one really goes into how long I was an addict or if I can even be considered an addict since I had a one week bender
>Get a cool sponsor that helps me find direction in my life
>Make friends
>Get a few dates from NA
>One girl in particular and I start really kicking it off
>She moved into my apartment about a week ago
>First time in my life I feel like my life has momentum
Thanks, herion
Do kratom
"Didn't you realise you're finished?" Hugh honey 2024.
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It'll all come down when you find her OD'd in the bathroom one day, 12 steppers inevitably crash and burn
does anyone on smart drugs like modafinil or Adderall have lapses of disassociated attention ?

like lapses where suddenly despite the drug you have attention and comprehension problems

like they stop working or aren't consistent
ain't that risky, just trial and error
risperidone? can you get high on antipsychotics?
i don't remember half of 2015, like it literally don't exist for me. erased out of my memory completely. i doctor shopped myself a script of 40mg diazepam and 4mg kpins a day. I had it for 9 months actually but i started giving it away to my mom in desperation because i got so afraid of not remembering anything and acting like a complete bartard. shit was cash though when i moved out a year later though and found 138 10mg diazepams in a cupboard my mom put away for me.
Is like a benzo but stronger and shitty because it kill completly your's emotions
no i just claridy i mean moda as in modafinil, i take with my psych meds

lol nobody get's high on antipsychotics besides maybe seroquel if you're in prison
That is an absurd script. Doctors should be shot dead.
Sibutramine thoughts?
does moda still work if you're on antipsychotics
What's a good excuse to leave the house for 6+ hours?
I wanna do shrooms during the day before the weather goes to absolute shit but I still live with my mom that hates them
Could i get caught for a low amount though
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Got really really ketty and watched my girlfriend play the special event that just happened on splatoon 3, idk what was going on dude but fuck those squids can dance
Can I snort pregablin or not you fucking queers? Answer my question junkie scum
just once. tolerance is more a matter of time than quantity. here's the breakdown for shrooms tolerance:
>full to zero: seven daya
>zero to full: almost immediately after ingestion
make it a ritual, anon. my girl and i do shrooms every saturday before sundown. two saturdays ago we did 2.75mg +/- 0.25mg of psilocybin, that's the lowest we can split these psilocybin infused chocolate squares into. the plan is to increase by this amount every week, so last saturday it was 5.5mg +/- 0.5mg. one gram of dried psilocybe cubensis contains approximately 10 to 12 milligrams of psilocybin.
not really. you'll only end up absorbing what goes down your esophagus so it's not worth it
Thank you for helping junkie scum
yes i used to take just 200 to 100mg before and it worked fine, however my dosage of antipsychotics is increased and additionally i take 3mg pyrazolam (benzo)

So instead of 100 mg or 200 mg, i take 400 mg modafinil atm which is pretty ridiculous, however i'm planning on tapering of pyraz in about a week

it's mainly the benzos that blocks all of it since they're used to stop stims
he said when i was 16 years old and just diagnosed bipolar type 1 and asperger that
>you're not going to live past 25 anyway so i'm writing you whatever you want when you turn 18

well jokes on him because now his old ass i dead and i'm 28
nta but what the fuck? what doctor would say that?
I'm on zyprexa 15 mg, invega 7 mg, 10 mg nebivolol, pyrazolam and lexapro

I take beta blocker only when i want to now, i'm modafinil guy
It's amazing how addicts always manage to find the perfect person to enable their bullshit. It's like being both blessed and cursed horribly at the same time. It's always hilarious to watch from outside, at least. Thanks for the laughs, bro.
Why do you think they have you on both zyprexa and invega? Never heard of a schizo who was dual-wielding antipsychotics before.
that's what a lot of people tell me lol polypharmacy in shizos is rare,

it's because i keep getting episodes i think, i was locked up and was taking benzos without permission, so i went in withdrawal maybe that's why idk
can you tell us a little about the schizophrenic delusions you have
a doctor that's old af, going to die any year and simply doesn't give a single fuck anymore i guess.

where are you from? i not familiar with some of these.. also didn't know pyrazolam was prescribed anywhere. you from an eastern bloc country?

yeah well he understood pretty quickly i was going to manipulate the fuck out of any other young(er) doc that doesn't understand that people and especially patients can actually be more knowledgable and intelligent than them. becuase you're a patient there they think you're automatically a retard and because they sucked cock in behind a school bench for 7 years they're much better and smarter than you. so we got to a pretty quick non-bullshit type of relation where every intention were pretty straight forward.
any advice on getting the shirmp to prescrime me xanax?
depends on what type of person they are, size them up. try to understand what they want to hear, play the long game and don't be greedy straight out the gate
Yeah, I get enough side effects from taking one AP I can't imagine taking two of those bitches. How are the side effects? Both of the ones you're on are known for intense side effects, as well.

I used to get invol committed 3+ times a year and they never gave me dual APs.
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idk its gonna be a bitch to get that in comparison
ill see
>where are you from? i not familiar with some of these.. also didn't know pyrazolam was prescribed anywhere. you from an eastern bloc country?

it's an rc i take them without a script
just paranoia when being outside which can get pretty severe like your mind is in a daze
i have no side effects besides negative symptoms like lethargy tiredness etc
yeah that's what i thought i was which is why i was confused. i thought you listed your scripts.
you should seek Christ
That's amazing. I've taken 4 different APs and I got major side effects from all of them. I've just found the one with the least so far and accepted it.
You also have the luck to have no debilitating delusions whatsoever? I want to crawl inside you and take over your life, you can have mine.
>I got major side effects from all of them. I've just found the one with the least so far and accepted it.

what are/were your side effects ?

also i have schizotypal traits that make my life quite difficult at work and just being outside is pretty hard, it's hard to describe
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tfw only drug that helped my ADHD was 4F-MPH
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I want heroin i want xanax I want speed I want crack I want drugs so fucking bad bros i wish i want a shut if fuck up cause if i knew a dealer i would make them rich beyond their wildest dreams god fucking damn it im sick of doing kratom and gabapentin and phenibut and shit i want REAL FUCKING DRUGS
it's not hard to spot drug users in the wild, a good chunk of sex workers and homeless are regular drug users and will gladly hook you up if you throw them some or get them high. Not sure what country you're in but look for places drug users congregate if you can't into DNM, also be wary of where your money and drugs are at all times
>you should seek a Jewish faggot that condemns the world to apocalypse
hello anons, stoner autist here. i have access to pretty much any drug. which would you recommend me try next? i dont want to go full druggie and take like, cocaine or something. whats like the next step up from weed? i was thinking maybe shrooms.
i hope hamas kills every last idf coward left in that shithole
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psyches are probably your best bet yea tho personally i prefer lsd to shrooms, other than that and dissosiatives like ketamine and dxm try basically anything else and you run the risk of addiction but if you ever do decide to throw your life away i can recommend speed, benzos, and basically any opiate, shit is tight
I don't want further brain damage
I'm quitting benzos and ssris and reducing my antipsychotics to abilify
>can actually be more knowledgable and intelligent than them

In reality your doctor was just a retard doing medical malpractice and you ARE dumber than him for enabling yourself with his poor practice.

I have a doctor. I tried to manipulate him to get a benzo script. He gave me like 10 lorazepam a month, for 2 months, then cut me off. I think this is correct. Do I want more? Of course. But I'm a benzo retard and ALWAYS want more. It's up to the doctor to say NO get fucked, fuck off.
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I've tried heroin and Iv meth lol and one of my favourite drugs is phenibut. My favourite opiate is tramadol. The grass is ALWAYS greener. Human life is just set up in a way where we are never satisfied, and always think that what we don't have, but want, is the answer. As if "I just need to get x y then everything will be good!"

But in reality if you get those drugs, you'll suffer severe harm to your body including possible addiction, drain your money and end up worse off. Your reward for this will be momentary "pleasure", which will largely consist in relief. You'll chase this until you wake up and realize you're retarded for chasing a tiny carrot and being hit by a baseball bat stick. And ten think you wish you never did it in the first place.

Then you'll start think "I just need to be sober, then everything will be better, my life will improve and be perfect when I'm clean!" But it's just same delusional thoughts that lead you to drugs in the first place. You will NEVER get to a place of satisfaction. Human life is constant dissatisfaction, imagining some future or goal or object where it ends. You'll strive and chase these false ideas constantly, all while your body rapidly ages and breaks down, hurtling towards an instinctually terrifying death. Where the suffering, if we are lucky, will be over, and it will be as if the entire meaningless shit never happened in the first place. And I'm not here to help you. The world's a bad place, being a human body is hell, and we are all going to die. But you think that would engender empathy in the world, a recognition that others suffer like us and we should band together? No. It's dog eat dog, me against you. Fuck you. What causes this? The brute fact is that there is only so much food, and my stomach won't stop hurting when YOU eat. Fuci empathy. I put myself first. You do the same. Resources are limited, drugs money food shelter women. And I won't hesitate to fuck you over to get what I want.
Tell that to Jordan Peterson lmao
I'd gladly risk every negative consequence if it meant I could have a bond with people, better to have a clique of junkies than be isolated and alone. Plus sober people just rub me the wrong way, most of them are vastly ignorant about drugs in the first place
Bond. Whats that short for? Bondage.

Relationships enslave you.
you have adhd b
physical existence enslaves us, if we don't constantly pump this body full of H2O and food it shuts down and fails and it's constant upkeep for a disgusting sack of meat and bile. Nobody save certain types of schizos can manage by themselves, plus actually finding solitude is increasingly hard in this overcrowded world
blh blah blah phenibut is SHIT compared to true and noble benzos,
Faggot. Phenibut makes me sociable and chad-lite, banging broads and prostitutes. Benzos make me black out and total my car and commit crimes and remember nothing then wake up in a panic.
More false imaginings like I'm describing. As if it will ALL be better of you just get friends a gf or find love. HAHAHAHAH if onky I could be so naive
seething and coping and pissing and shitting and whining and crying
why do you prefer lsd to shrooms and which would you recommend me take? i'd probably be taking them alone in my room at night, if that makes any difference since i know setting is important. arent dissociatives the shit that makes you see spiders, and stuff like the hat man? like the benadryl challenge that retard tiktokers did a while back. seems pretty scary desu.
my mentor has the opposite problem. any time he'd get a place to rent, it was only a matter of months until his M.O. kicks in
>load backpack
>kick and punch holes in the walls
>clog the sinks and bathtub
>run the hot water
>cause an indoor flood
>drain the hot water tank
>calls me to meet up at a park
>i go and listen to his side of the story
>"these fucking scientologists follow me everywhere"
>"they keep gangstalking me"
>"they torture me through this chip in my brain"
>"every time i'm home trying to do something important"
>"that's when i hear them and see that face witha big toothy grin"
>"i just fucking had it, man, they've been doing this for years now"
>"this shit wouldn't have happened if they'd just leave me alone"
>"i thought they'd learn after i did this to them at the last place"
>"oh well"
>"can you give me a cigarette"
sorry you're having to deal with schizophrenia, anon. at least you're not untenable, homeless schizophrenics have it rough
NTA but those are deliriants you're thinking of, definitely stay away from those. DXM + weed is extremely good and I honestly prefer it to any psychedelic, I would start with that since you're already familiar with weed. Lay down in bed, throw a sheet over your face, put on some music, and just enjoy the ride.
shrooms are a rougher high but they arent as long a trip as lsd, lsd is a gentler high but youll trip for like 8-12 hours, i always say to do lsd first simply because the high is less intense but the long duration is definitely something to keep in mind
i strongly recommend you have a sober friend with you for the experience who can help you out if you start having a hard time, also some benzos if you have access
>makes you see spiders
youre thinking od deliriants and youre right those are fucked dont use them, dissosiatives are a different ballgame though, they give you a "trip" in the sence that a psych does but the character of a dissociative is much much different, theyre fun but i still say try lsd before anything else so youre used to being in a state like that
>He doesn't realise that he has a polysubstance addiction.
Shroom tolerance usually takes two weeks to get back to baseline. If you wait seven days between trips you will still trip, but the trip will have muted visuals.
How did this compare to Ritalin? I'm curious as someone who was prescribed Ritalin in the past but stopped taking it due to anxiety and loss of appetite.
I have about 25 pills of 5 grams each of clonazepam.
How do I get high with them?
without alcohol
my main vendor is back in stock but apparently they had a very hard time getting them and will run out again in less than a year. They also raised their prices, again. The new vendor I found has been around for 7 years, are half the price and exactly the same quality.

The new vendor goes in and out of stock so they aren't as reliable. I'm really nervous about this year, no one seems to be able to get any amount of what I want in stock for some reason. I think this particular product has sky rocketed in popularity in the last couple years and either there are going to be busts, stock issues, or massive price increases. The best part was always the price. It's the cheapest way to maintain my medicinal usage. If any of these things happen I'm fucked.
You seem too retarded to get high sorry. 5gram each pills? Lol. Come back when you at least know what you're taking.
At least say what the fucking drug is
and no I won't say what it is because I'm being a gatekeeping faggot. It's something I need to literally survive, without it I will 100% kill myself. Life just isn't worth living without it so it being obscure, unpopular, and hard to find benefits me greatly.

If I had the money I would stock up on it now but I don't. It fucking sucks.
>Full tolerance is reached almost immediately after ingestion
>Decreases to half after 3 days
>Returns to baseline after 7 days
>Cross-tolerance with all psychedelics
>It's something I need to literally survive, without it I will 100% kill myself
learn to synthesize it
I forgot an m, calm down Chapo.
I wish I could but you can't with this. I might have to join the darknet eventually and get some shit fent presses and pray to God I don't get a hot pill that kills me. But then I wold have to deal with crypto and I hate that shit.

There no way I would be able to afford Adderall online. In person from a doctor Its impossible to get.

I just need to find a way to earn more money so I can stick up ph8dpw
>But then I wold have to deal with crypto and I hate that shit.
yeah, its suck, I can't eat too, i puke everywhere, explosive puke, like 28 weeks later
benzos don't make you euphoric the way pregabalin does
>I might have to join the darknet eventually
>I wold have to deal with crypto and I hate that shit.
am i to understand that you buy drugs over the internet with fiat currency, anon? why do you hate crypto?
>pray to God I don't get a hot pill that kills me
I knew a dealer who had a serious benzo addiction. The guy lost months of his memory. One day when I went to grab some weed, his gf and baby was gone, instead there was this blonde bimbo there. What ever, just gimme the wees. A few months later, the gf and baby is back. I asked him about the other girl later in my car and the dude had no idea what I was talking about. Another friend lost bits and pieces of his memory over a much larger time spam. Ended up thinking all his friends was just faking being his buddy and got too paranoid to hang out with anyone. So sad, that guy was the sweetest person.
Benzos are satan
Yeah. I have ADHD though. Was on that poison for a year, nearly had a psychosis but that's rare and anecdotal. Anyway, after getting of the stims my attention is even worse, I used to be able to read books or watch movies. That was more than a decade ago, still got shit all for attention
Sounds like adhd. Caffeine in high doses is worse for your heart than low doses of dexies fyi
Wich it was easier to get fun scripts in my country. Managed to get 2 months of oxy after breaking 3 fucking ribs, and the guy who prescribed it apparently got his ears yelled of by his superior doc.
I've done most stims, which helps a bit but isn't worth the sides. Weed helps but I get too lazy and end up smoking way more than I need. Psys work wonders, but the tolerance is a bitch or I'd do acid every day. Low dose opiates is like magic but for obvious reasons not good in the long run. If legality was a thing I could just cycle the stuff know works.
Don't care what history tells you, fascism won ww2.
Shrooms are very introspective. The wave you are riding might feel unstable at times, but it will give you insight like nothing else and it doesn't have a ceiling. Heroic (10g+) doses doesn't make you hit a wall like acid, instead you break into DMT space and meet entities.
If your goal isn't working out some deep seated issues or gaining revelations, I'd go with acid. Acid is more visual with your eyes open, but its also more "flat", easy to control and so on. It's more like a state of mind. Acid is easier to socialise on (compared to shrooms), have more energy and less couch-lock.
I'd say try both but my best bet is acid. Or more novel phenetylamides like mescaline analogues, 2-cb, 2-ct7, and things of that nature. Stay away from n-bomes. Other tryptamines are also fine, 4-aco-dmt, n-n-dmt, 5-me0-dmt, 4-ho-met, AL-LAD and so on. Might be a way deeper trip than you wish for though.

Ket, PCP, DXM, MXE and similar dissos won't do much for you but is great for anxiety and depression.

Avoid deleriants at any cost.
Any tips for managing study and weed/psychedelics? Can it be done?
they are lying about deleriyums they just show you that which is born from the dark side of the moon (living shadows) while psys show what beauty lies in the moonlight (faeries and lesser gods)
does anyone here also do AAS (anabolic steroids)?
>and no I won't say what it is
>it being obscure, unpopular,
>no way I would be able to afford Adderall

I guess its manageable if you smoke once every 2 or 3 days at most. I can't imagine studying while high.
Which deliriants have you tried, anon?
Based on your spelling of deliriants, I'm guessing you went through a heavy DPH phase.
I've tried Brugmansia and Datura, and I recommend neither of them.
My father is a semi-functioning alcoholic. He has a job, but he is extremely short-tempered and will yell and scream at his family if provoked slightly. He is also overweight as a result of alcohol consumption (he goes to the gym most days yet still has a wine gut).

I want to help him quit drinking and, ideally, convince him to switch to smoking cannabis occasionally. How do I achieve this?

Bonus: we are playing on hard mode. He is a boomer who was brainwashed by the war on drugs. He has only ever consumed Alcohol, cocaine once in Colombia, and Khat once in Kenya (when in Rome, do as the Romans do).
how many headaches and dead braincells will I get from sniffing random hydrocarbons for a night?
doesn't matter when you lose their favor and they leave you to become meat
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i have no clue how to get any here tbqhwyf
probably not enough to prevent me
cheers hehe
speed lite
people say it's overall better than ritalin. Better effects less harsh comedown
sounds like someone is is mad jelly because they couldn't into manipulation.
you're perspective on what intelligence and knowledge is is strikingly similar to what normies just think ethics and morals are which is NOT the same. if you can't believe a intelligent person can also be self destructive you're the retard bro.

just last year or something they stopped giving hard opi scripts outside of inpatient care. so it's not all sunshine.
I miss when CVS would sell uncontaminated DXM by the 8oz, costing less than a dollar per ounce, with 708mg per bottle in total.
That was a really, really long time ago. I'm not sure when it stopped anywhere else, but to me, when they disappeared, that was when I knew the walls would only ever close in, and the world was tightening up, in this weird subliminal way that normalfags weren't supposed to be able to detect.
mfw music hits on its own again after not doign drugs 4 a week
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>tfw you can no longer buy DXM for less than a dollar per ounce and you can feel the walls close in, and the world tightening up
>overall better than ritalin
I have heard this as well. Most people describe it as a stronger version of ritalin.
>Better effects less harsh comedown
This would be a game-changer for me. My least favourite part about Ritalin is the prolonged comedown anxiety.
alcoholics are trash, boomers are retarded, and anyone with a blood alcohol content who thinks they're entitled to express judgmental opinions on any other drug is a fucking lunatic. the amount of time it would take to fix all of that would exceed how much time he has left to live. he is mathematically impossible to save. pack up and leave when he's at work. don't come back. block his number.
try a real drug
you can get tolerance from dexies right????
Substance addiction is an illness, he's retarded, entitled and irritable against his better judgement. That said,
If this has been going on for years it's unlikely you can save him. Especially as his son, he likely doesn't see you as an authority regarding his well-being. Best you can do is try to convince him to seek help or quit drinking hard liquor as a first step idk.
Is it true that there's no point in taking more than 100mg of Vyvanse at once due to the ceiling effect?
bout to smoke high dose of nnDMT with the sole intention of putting the entities everyone is talking about in their fucking place
Knockout one of those elves and suck their dick for me.
until you tell us what the drug is I hope it runs out and you ACK
ive got a suboxone refill in 2 weeks now i have to stay clean for 2 weeks but i will smoke weed idgaf AAAA
> These drug suck so much ass
>Benzos are satan
Benzos are an amazing and useful drug class, I wish faggots would stop demonizing them all this "benzos bad" bullshit it makes them impossible to get for people who actually need them to function. It's incredibly easy to not go full bartard yet somehow bartard blackouts have made doctors reluctant to even try them anymore. Eventually some RC is going to show up that will make them all wish they'd just given us our pills, look at how restricting opis went
do you use benzos recreationally or like therapeutically every day ?
I wish DMT was more available FUCK when will my vendor restock it's been months.
I can't wait for the day we put the last judgemental boomer who can't function without caffeine, nicotine and booze into a shitty home and explicitly tell the staff how opposed to drugs they are and are not to be given any under ANY circumstances. Bonus points if they have an alcoholic background to weaponize
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i've come to accept that i am addicted to pregabalin and i'm okay with that :)
I use them therapeutically, I take days off whenever possible. Benzos aren't a great recreational drug, they have good synergy with others but higher doses just make people think they're sober, not a great quality for a drug you want to get high on
how does it compare to benzos
never done benzos oriri
melatonin is underrated got me fucked up than gabapentin
who is your vendor and where do you live.
Hey there stimmers (and sure, non-stimmers alike).
I trust you have your hands where I can see them.
Heh, j/k. Just "yanking your chain" a little.
But truly - I DO wish you a "productive" day, whatever that accords to you.
~Anti-stimfap Crew
>last judgemental boomers
Indeed and concurred... Yet the frustration that occurs when you passionately point out the obvious dangers of banal conformism and the evils of brazen anti drug propaganda to a hapless normalfag... well it can rustle one up big time.

Even my dear old Mum ( a victim really) STILL has a glass of wine with her dinner:... DESPITE ALCOHOL being a HARD DRUG she continues to consume this filth while oblivious to neuroscience. It's irrelevant whether one is NEET or otherwise, it's besides the point.

The sheer HYPOCRISY of outlawing an alternative to alcohole in the form of a harmless plant (from the unspoiled natural world)... what can I say... that rustles the hell out of any thinking person.

But sometimes these anti drug sheeple are sadly, in severe cases, often strangers to basic logic and.... you know shit and that.
They're frankly just immune to comprehending ANY matters of a cerebral nature.
So as you can see (if you have a BRAIN), the drug "Alcohol" deserves all the shade you throw at it.

The re-stigmatization of ethanol (that's alcohol for you non STEM types) needs to done pronto. Not next year. Not this week. Now. Why? This is a literal POISON, in every god damn way you can scribble down. Another factoid right there for you guys.
Ideally, every normie in a bar with a beer needs be called aside, told to stand straight, and pay attention... and brace themselves for a barrage of red pilling.
Poland, It's a local telegram vendor that sells psychedelics (best fucking shrooms ever) and other stuff, dmt/changa was one of them and my biggest up about them is that they don't last that long so I can do them during the day while living with my parents.
Switch to dnms? How long does DMT last?
My binges usually last around an hour but usually around 10 minutes, I don't smoke it to breakthrough tho I just really fucking love the visual effect, it's like entering a world where everything's the same but also different, like the clouds and sunset being distorted and more colorful, the leaves being sharper and when you focus on trees or plants, they start growing and expanding but also melting at the same time.
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Took my k-pin for class yesterday and the girl didn't show up. If she transferred out I'm gonna be really pissed.
2mg Kpin, Dabs, Cigarette, Coffee feeling pretty good

If I might give a brief final autospy on the vamp to defend my own dignity. I was binging on benzos and/or withdrawing from benzos cold turkey the entire year. Yeah I guess she basically said hi to me like 50 times like several other girls in my life but I swear I only realized that it was actually real months later. Why would I ever think that pretty 16 year old girl actually wanted me, psychotic drug addict UNLIKEABLE 4channer to be her boyfriend just because I read the Bible to impress her. An older creepy guy who's idea of a fun time is refreshing 4chan just to see if she posted about me. I honestly thought I was being baited the entire time either by vamp just having fun and pulling my leg or vore who has nothing better to do. Then when the Sam Vaknin video dropped telling her to not be my gf, why would I actually believe her when she asked to be my gf. In my head she was gonna entrap me with Sam, report me to the FBI for the whole thing so I needed to avoid the situation so I didn't post a discord or anything. I think that's what was going through my head. I was in a terrible state, back to living in the smelly basement. Don't forget I was withdrawing cold turkey clonazolam. The last year of offensively stupid douchebaggery I was typing into the text box was obviously a perfectly reasonable thing to do considering I absolutely lost the best thing that could have theoretically have happened to me and I was SEETHING from it and probably will be seething the rest of my life that I managed to ruin it. In any case, I'm not stupid. My wisdom is very low compared to my intelligence, I can say that much. I'm well above average book smarts wise but my wisdom and life decision making is retard-tier. She wants me to call myself a stupid fag all day every day. Can't let it happen.
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Not to mention I was also reeling over the whole telling her she has NPD and realizing I had NPD thing and I thought she would be really pissed at me for that, why would she wanna be my gf? And did she really have to tell me to kill myself on one occasion, and on another occasion say that she hopes that I kill myself. Very rude thing to say.
drugs haha
Smoking weed in the afternoon is great to avoid insomnia, but it takes some restraint not to slowly continue until the sun goes down. Recently I noticed cravings so I'm harder on myself, summer's over and I need to function.
how did you delude yourself into thinking you could ever have anything, trashfire?
Telling someone to kill themselves doesn't even offend me, like I don't value life
Nihilism principal to me means you'll die eventually anyway, so why kill yourself
I didn't anticipate I would become addicted to weed so quickly. It only took like three months to become a complete degenerate stoner with no drive. The PSA with the flat people was right. DFW was right
>How did this compare to Ritalin?

Extremely functional. I get horny on ritalin. NO horniness at all on 4F-MPH.
Lasts longer
Gentle comedown

GOAT stimulant. I wish it weren't so expensive.
Most grown adults have enough willpower not to become like this. You're just telling on yourself.
This fool is waiting two whole minutes for a second marshmallow, while I feast on my one
A gram is like $25 that's alright price considering the dose is like 15 mg.
>become addicted to weed
Err, excuse sir. Stopping you right there

>addicted to weed
Are you having a wind up? You sound possibly like an alcoholic, is that right? A victim of the destruction caused by ethyl alcohol.

What you state here is actually, you know, an impossibility. Allow me to give to give you a free education.
Addiction and weed usage as phenomena simply don't mesh. They don't go together. They are like chalk and cheese mate. In fact: they simply affect a contradiction in terms.

"Hooked on and cannabis" huh? Let me tell you about "The bachelor who was married". Are twigging what am I elucidating to you here my friend? If you're wondering why, you're going to have to blame Science.
I was put on ritalin and became psychotic
After I stopped taking it I was basically feeling like being on ritalin all the time
I was a sex degenerate and I could sit in a chair for an entire day and still not get bored
So it be when you're a shizo
Addiction is largely a mental game. Someone can become addicted to anything if they have a weak enough will and an inability to be real with themselves coupled with a lack of self-reflection.
Why coke make me quiet and freezed out?
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my job is completely fucking me despite being with the company for years and putting up with their bullshit. never complained, received multiple "associate of the month" awards, just received another "recognition" award literally 3 days ago and i look at the schedule for 2 weeks from now and im fucked. how am i supposed to live working 9 hours a week? fuck th=gfksg
i need a new job now, jesus christ. i just want to get high. i haven't had to type out a resume in so fucking long.
i just want to get fucking high man
im going sober out of necessity now. i cant even afford weed and nic anymore let alone any actual drugs. what the fuck
No clue where you're getting those prices
Good luck finding a new job
I need more money myself.
Where are you getting your prices
Actually really smart. I've always wondered how I can possibly get drugs other than having them prescribed but this seems like a very accessible route and I already hire escorts (only high-end ones so far tho) so I want to try this.
Do you think theyd be able to get me ritalin? That's all I want
just order 4f-mph bro
A related method is to find drug dealers and ask them where to get an escort. Even if he doesn't know, at least you'll get a handjob off him...
Wait, have I got this right?
Why do wou want Ritalin, specifically?
>pay high end escort to help find Ritalin
>she text a link to working dmn mirror or clearnet Indian Pharmacy or drop shipper
>pay online to obtain aesthetically pressed but decidedly non-Ritalin type pills thru the mail
>bottoms up, and then browse /drugfeel/ while enjoying strongly elicited and enjoyable placebo effect
Jobs a good un
I agree that they are a great drug and have used them a few times now to prevent panic attacks, but the amnesia is just something that causes me even more anxiety.
I'm not trying to use them recreationally, they suck for that (unless you're really retarded). I just want to not hyperventilate myself into unconsciousness yknow
This is what I'm talking about, Ritalin is kinda of a meh stimulant. I couldn't even get high on it, I took 50mg the other day and all I could feel was MDMA-like euphoria and a bit better thought processing speed.d
why do you consistently whine about someone who nobody here knows nor cares about?
for me it's 2 weeks like that other anon
if I take them after 7 days the effect is not the same
reminder alot of escorts have habits they need to upkeep and if they're sick and hurting you'll come off as an opportunity, don't be shocked when the escort suddenly disappears randomly one day over a trivial amount of money, people fiending aren't known for their long term planning or acknowledgement of reliable money
Yeah especially if the escorting is illegal when the anons reside, then it's kinda double dipping into getting ripped off (however unlikely of course). Otherwise just single dip.
The risk is spending all of the neetbux and not only getting no drug-like substance, but neither one's diddle getting fiddled.
The harsh reality leaving anons confounded and befuddled... nothing yielded... except one's dick in one's hand.
Here I am NEET fired from part-time job just doing nothing all day while I have bux
lsd causes a change in consciousness
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preparing 20 of dry truffles, lemon tekked

If you guys want you can send me more reccs like this one to listen to

no work for tomorrow, no deadlines, pretty good personal life, apartment cleaned, snacks prepared
this should be good
Recently, I had a bizarre experience that I wasn't expecting while staying in a shoddy hotel in Mexico City. I wasn't looking for drugs or hookers when it happened, was just minding my business in the hotel lobby when this girl started talking to me. I remember thinking "she's definitely a lot friendlier than most people here," but didn't put two and two together that she was a sex worker immediately. Anyway, we went to get some beers and shortly afterwards headed to my room. At that point I finally realized she was a hooker, which I don't usually use, but I was bored and figured why not. That's when she pulled the meth pipe out of her bag.

I have a lot of experience with drugs but never tried meth before this. Now I realize it's only because no one ever offered some to me, which I suppose shows a dangerous lack of self restraint. She took a couple big hits and blew the smoke into my mouth, then repeated this process another time. I'm sure if I'd hit the pipe directly it would have been more intense, but she wasn't feeling that generous. I might be crazy but it almost smelled like freebase dmt when smoked, very obvious chemical smell. At that point I realized I didn't have a condom and she became a bit agitated over that.

I went down to the lobby to look for a condom (it was a shoddy hotel after all), and when I returned she was gone. Honestly I wasn't too upset about this because I was more interested in observing the effects the meth was having on me. Suddenly, I was convinced that I should write a novella about my trips to Mexico and Colombia, and start taking my writing more seriously in general. Creative urges were popping up that I hadn't felt in years. I did not feel like I was tweaking at all, rather I felt normal. Just in a positive, relaxed mood and ready to create.
just got some magic chocolate, it's so freaking good
are you retarded? nta but ive tried every "real drug" worth taking and nothing on earth fucks you up like dxm
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fucking suburbanites. bet you chase your bottle of cough syrup with a duster can.
pick one lol
i shoot dope faggot
How much do you smoke? This afternoon I used less than 0.1g in total, and a 1g can last me weeks. But I make an effort not to smoke every day and use a pipe, which wastes less product.

Taking a fat shit after a long drive can also change your consciousness. Also checked.
Personally, I would consider a steady daily IV infusion of "diamorphine" administered in for example a carry-all bag such as a rucksack "Apprentice" tier drug taking, or maybe with enough consideration "Journey Man" tier...

I might, *might*, consider Datura in post-Eiriel equivalent dosage "Adept" perhaps. Huffing paint I'd muse off the top of my head at beyond Novice, but certainly nowhere near Elite Drug Taking.

For a sample of my current area of interest as an Elite Tier Drug Taker please see below. Certainly at least "Challenger" level wouldn't you say.... maybe even pushing "Expert" - lets not be hasty though

>EA-3167 has identical effects to QNB, but is even more potent and longer-lasting, with an effective dose when administered by injection of as little as 2.5 g/kg (i.e. 0.2 milligrams for an 80 kg person), and a duration of 120-240 hours (5-10 days).

>The intensity of EA-3167's effects is unparalleled among known psychoactive substances of any class. Incapacitating effects can last anywhere from 5-10 days, sometimes manifesting as a full 3-day peak of vivid hallucinations, along with prolonged confusion, amnesia, and inhibition of speech and cognition.(4) Some subjects exposed to the drug would not fully recover for almost 20 days.(2) Even six months after exposure, a few subjects demonstrated significant increases in the scores on the hypochondriasis, depression, hysteria, psychasthenia, schizophrenia, and mania scales.(5)

>/repost for sure this time
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>I might, *might*, consider Datura in post-Eiriel equivalent dosage "Adept" perhaps
according to anon I *might* be an "adept" drug user. Nice.
never ever reply to me with an effort post again, this board is for SHIT not SUBSTANCE
After keeping my kratom dose level for a few weeks I am finally adding another gram and a half or so to the dose and securing a nod
I much prefer any other opiate to kratom but when that shit hits it hits god damn i love this feeling
Day #3435 of wondering why the fuck most 4chan autists are all GOVERNMENT BAD but when it comes to drugs they deepthroat the government boot like there's no tommorow.
they arent government bad half of them are fascists and only wish the state was more racist and cruel than it already is
everytime I take concerta/ritalin it seems to decrease my libido instead of increasing it. I can't get hard even with porn, so how am I supposed to stimfap?
My apologies anon, I'm not quite certain of the appropriate style of prose or general etiquette quite yet on the board.
Perhaps this one has a "play it fast and loose" or "shoot from the hip" vibe or ambience, and I came across as "stodgy" or as one who is lame footed.
~Anti stimfap Crew

wait s-sorry wrong character
you answered your own question, it's a combination of complete lack of social awareness and deeply engrained prejudices only an autist would use to feel superior. It's a sign they severely need to touch grass, their experience with drug enjoyers probably doesn't extend past youtube videos of skid rows and various unpleasant retards online who give biased accounts. And with people believing fentanyl is in everything it's even easier for them to get self righteous about it, joke's on them for eschewing one of the easiest ways to escape the inceldom they lament to no extent
its okay anon i play at least three characters here, as far as i know its just the two of us
>just the two of us
go build castles in the sky or something if that's the case
>Incapacitating effects can last anywhere from 5-10 days, sometimes manifesting as a full 3-day peak of vivid hallucinations, along with prolonged confusion, amnesia, and inhibition of speech and cognition
How the fuck do you not starve to death on that shit?
Along similar lines, I'm relieved that I'm probably not (mostly) talking to myself, much to strictly my own amusement.... even as I "cruise by" the druggie forums *in medias res* (cringetastic).

Basically, once again a "re" dose of the eurospeed, and not more of a "re" think of finally doing the do list while on the "session" powder. At least I'm not pulling myself off I guess.
I-I'm just glad you're here anon. There's no longer much of a doubt we're going to m...make it
democrats, republicans
liberals, conservatives
left-wing, right-wing
at the end of the day
they are all statists
they do not serve freedom
they do not serve liberty
they do not serve justice
and they do not serve your interests
always remember this
centrist brain damage on full display, the only way to secure freedom, liberty, and justice is through workers revolution
we have nothing to lose but our chains
Smoke a joint and chill out nobody needs to hear political sperging right now.
read marx
Found some etiz stashed, I eyeballed some of the powder and now I'm pleasantly tipsy. Found out about some deaths and said fuck it, I love how a tiny bit of powder puts me in the zone and weed kicks it up a notch. I would usually try to volumetric dose and be safe but I don't care all that much, it beats trying to talk about this with people who don't even respond to me. It gets difficult trying to measure small amounts, I tried to be as conservative as I could and imagine I hit between 2-6mg. Next time I'll actually do it proper but I lost my liquid medium and the liquor store us closed. If I end up not passing out maybe I'll add more drugs and benzopost, I always wondered how incomprehensible bartard babble actually worked-I never got to the point I couldn't type coherently
marx was a freeloading NEET. read >>78846158 again. i was criticising statism, look it up. communism and marxism are just two among many flavors of statism. those systems dispense with the two party oppositional theatre of western democratic governments, and they replace it with a one party system of overt tyranny with zero checks and balances. i can admire the honesty of the latter, but that's as far as it goes.
>I eyeballed some of the powder
every post like yours brings me closer to accepting the lonely reality that i am probably the only anon on /drugfeel/ who bothered to drop twenty bucks on a milligram scale.
Do scientists in a lab use their glass pieces as a bong when theyre done their work
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probably not, it would gunk up with resin and they'd have to clean it before leaving, i could imagine them bringing old labware home to repurpose as such. damn, now you got me thinking about how my mom and i used to smoke joints together using one of her hemostats as a roach clip. good memories.
I have a milligram scale, it's just hard to accurately weigh such small amounts. If I weigh above 5mg I go back and try to measure half that amount, generally I try to be cautious but I am in a fuck it mood. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day
I'm back from it
I had an absolute blast, no wonder they call them magic.
I mean you basically solve life with these,
I didn't really understand the "seize the means of muh production" that it is said, in modern times any way on reddit and less serious "spaces". Not the more cereal commies apparently, who have their shenanigans of old.
Incidentally, it seems socialism was defined around the worker too in the past, and now it seems among the yoof to be defined around *not working* or getting the precious gibs. I'm generalizing ofc and also generally don't know what I'm on about for sure.

But one can already "seize" the means of production by working at a new business one starts, or working at a co-op chipping your lot in with other pinkos, working at company with share options. Of courses profits only. The gobberment can deal with any losses (which shouldn't occur when the workers take over).

Admittedly, you may not get a "democratic vote" on the marketing depts printer's ink brand to order this week or what the actuary's strategy should be for this specific project... but why would you want a 0.00001% vote in that? Surely you neither know nor particularly care about every single topic of interest?

But what really is meant by "seize the means" is take from every owner of wealth/asset owner of a business.... everything they have... and if they don't agree then do it by force. Surely you'd need an army for that? No? And ofc after that, no one will ever have more or less than another and no one will ever want to go for a re-seize as such.

But yeah as said, seems to be reddit style commie stuff, not serious commie or British style socialism for example I think (e.g. mundane although also potentially disastrous nationalization).

OH fucks sake that's way too much typey typey BULLshit, and stim post-ing.
It STINKS and it will end now.
>alza 36s
>200mg caffeine
my heart is gonna explode (I am not used to stims)
Do you ever supplement CBD with your kratom to mitigate the risk of suffering from seizures? I've never tried Kratom before, but I'm aware that Kratom lowers your seizure threshold when consumed in high doses. CBD is one of the most effective treatments for epileptic seizures, and I wonder if any Kratom abuser chads have caught on to the fact that they can use CBD to avoid the greatest health risk associated with Kratom.
absolute scholar and gentleman, your post tickled my sensibilities properly
does anyone here use archetyp on tor, trying to make a new account and it's not working
I believe it primarily hinges on the manner in which the average 4chan user developed their political beliefs and from which perspective they grew to distrust the government. If they were conservatives, to begin with, they will subconsciously cling to some right-wing statist beliefs such as "the government should have the right to ban drugs for muh public safety". The flip side of the same coin is shitlibs who claim to be antigovernment despite supporting gun control and bans on assault weapons (muh public safety again).
When I started developing my political beliefs as a kid, I was initially a leftie who hated the government because they outlawed drugs like cannabis and mushrooms at the behest of lobbying interests such as the paper industry and the pharmaceutical industry. As I grew out of my shitlib phase, and shifted to the right, I maintained my absolute disdain for the state, and support for bodily autonomy, and therefore I will always defend a person's right to consume drugs.
something weird going on other people having the same issue and theyrecent;y forced 2fa due to scams going around... used to be a great market
That guy clearly isn't a centrist; he's either an anarchist or a libertarian.

>the only way to secure freedom, liberty, and justice is through workers revolution
You, on the other hand, are either a retarded young adult or underageb&. 100's of millions of people have died as a direct result of left-wing populist revolutions, with absolutely nothing constructive to show for their deaths.
>inb4, you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette
Where the fuck is the omelette? Where the fuck is the communist utopia you yearn for? Your ideology died along with the 20th century.
What? The communist manifesto? Do you mean one of the shortest and least cognitively complex "philosophy books" (kek) in existence? Read Kierkegaard, faggot.
> i am probably the only anon on /drugfeel/ who bothered to drop twenty bucks on a milligram scale.
I dropped $25 on mine, use it when required, and don't regret the purchase at all because I value my health, life and general well-being.
No one uses that stuff, man; it's illegal.
Im at work when i suddenly got this pang of depression, its probably the molly i took 4 days ago
so funny

Found some Afghan hash. Holy fuck I remember why I used to be so obsessed with this shit.
Unparalled spice. So strong. Holy fuck.
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What do you guys think is the easiest drug to create?
is weed actually addictive? i've been somking 1-2 bowls a day for more than a year and i feel like i can't stop
Took 600mg pregabalin, i've never done more than 300, what am i in for? should i smoke some weed to make it better?
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technically ethanol
but otherwise ketamine, i synthesized some in orgo 2
lol. shiggy diggy
go ahead and smoke a bit. 600mg is where things start feeling good, add some weed and there have been times when on 1g prega and some edibles that it felt so good i was like on the verge of cumming
i'm guessing you're the anon who's been asking about pregabalin lately, make sure to space things out because tolerance builts fast
as a chemist? probably the simpler molecules like DMT or psilocibin unironically
but I am not a chemist so I would not know

you basically answered your own question
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Anyone here have experience with 7-OH tablets? How do they compare to regular kratom powder? I like kratom powder but it always feels a bit weaker than I would like even after tolerance breaks and unfortunately I don't have access to real opiates.
It's not physically addictive, but you can become psychologically dependent. Just have some willpower and set aside a week or so to go sober without it. I'm currently 4 days into a weed break, and I feel fine.
I've been smoking for 7 years, and I once took a year-long break in that time period. Once you learn how to practice asceticism, you will realise that you have the willpower to stop taking any drug that doesn't cause physical withdrawal or spike your dopamine levels like meth.
mirror mirror
thank u anon :(
i crave the NEET life so bad bros
you guys better savor every moment of your freedom
>1g can last me weeks
lucky as hell
i dont smoke that much. maybe 1g a day, depending on the day. sometimes i'll smoke more like 2g and sometimes i'll only smoke like 0.5g.
what drugs you are taking to act like this
Nta, but I'm guessing it's a stimulant.
I love it. I was about to make a post about it. On 30mg right now. It doesn't compare to oxy, fent, h. But certainty beats out hydros. It also doesn't cause much respiratory depression, almost impossible to od on. Regular kratom effects a ton of different parts of your brain, it has a big entourage effect. 7oh is purely an opioid. But it will ruin your regular kratom tolerance similar to trad opis. Don't buy 7ohmz brand. Look for liquid or chewable tablets. If it's your first time try like 25 to gauge if it will make you sick and go from there. Don't buy pseudoindoxyl. Might be worth trying but it's just a worse 7oh in my experience.
Why even mention that it's not physically addictive? Meth, cocaine, and ketamine all aren't physically addictive.
addiction and dependency are different from a treatment standpoint
also meth and cocaine are physically addictive you retard
>Where the fuck is the omelette?
To be fair, Chile looked promising until Kissinger pranked them.
What's a drug that's similar to weed but doesn't have the munchies? I don't have enough food to eat like a fatass every session.
there isn't one, what does your question even mean?

do you want to smoke obscure bath salts?
could it be used to continue taper off an IV h habit once one get to small enough shots to make the move to an orally administered opi?
Alcohol of course. The original, the #1, the Big Evil aka the Olde Enemy aka the One that Should be Banned aka the Literal Poison (susssh: ..... I don't understand what poison means.....).

Likely though, you'll have to be jolted from your years of being in a thick headed reverie caused by you know what. You'll have to stop being silly old couch potato barely able to form a train of thought.... ones that don't involve taking bong hits, ranting about the drug way, or the next wake and bake sesh coming up, that is.

But when the billowing clouds of noxious marijuana smoke finally clear from your midst, when the air becomes, in comparison, clear as crystal... and in addition your lucidity and your cognitive facilitates finally return, like an old childhood old friend paying you a visit after so long.... and yeah and ... you know... the thing

What I mean to say to you drug users is: when the you put down the Reefer - the typical Redditor's Recreational choice btw - pick up the glass and start pounding booze like a man it will be coming out of Charles Hinton's Flatland and into ..... errh like 3d shit and stuff.

Don't believe me? Just the at the company the two of these media take. The bottle for example; all the old writers and movie stars of yore: Bukowksi, Bogart, Hemingway, Burton, Faulkner, and, goodness, Dorthy Parker. And Andre the Giant!
How can a redditor and his reefer compare? Answer? They can't.

Ok enough pretentious babbling and bullshit for this morning
I meant similar not identical functioning, you have a buzz and NEET hobbies become more fun but without the increased appetite.
> The bottle for example; all the old writers and movie stars of yore
you can make an argument for the fact that besides alcohol there wasn't another psychoactive compound all year round in europe, and that's why it gained prominence in it's culture
IMO, alcohol is dogshit tier on the drug list

i mean only alcohol as he >>78849962 said, but it's just a worse alternative
That's interesting anon, from my vantage point it seems like I can see a S-tier category... and next to it a pint and fag (not gay, means a smoke to you anons the other side of the pond). As it should be non autists or addicts.

I've seen Reefer Madness my friend, I'm as red pilled as you can be on the reefer. I have a strong grip on the ganja mate.. I'm afraid I got your number pal. I see you coming. PS: Might want to have a little look into something called MK Ultra if you want to know about another nasty chemical.

But yeah, ellcohole was likely drank for some intoxication puposes since before we were fully humanoids and had come down from the trees. Also easy af to make. So there is that. It's one thing it has over N-Ethylhexedrone or Marker Pens.
OK seriously, amphetamine. That'll get you going at least a bit I'm sure anon. If you fancy a bit of this or a bit of that.

Overseas, not so much here, it can come in a handy pill, as our American friends might know from their insolent teenage years when they were hoodwinking Doctor or or the local drug store again like a typical tweaker. You can also cancel your appetite if you like, taking enough. I think you might like it anon. But it is kinda addictive, like most stims to varying extents 2bh imo
>I would usually try to volumetric dose and be safe
>I have a milligram scale
>it's just hard to accurately weigh such small amounts
anon... if you own a milligram scale and know how to dose by volume, then surely you already know how to get around that problem, and that it's not accomplished by attempting to use a $20 scale to nail a measurement that only $2000 scales are sensitive enough to rely upon. there's a good reason for that price difference. in case you or anyone else need a refresher, start by weighing as much of the drug as you have (up to the scale's weight tolerance), because larger measurements are more accurate and less impacted by the margin of error:
>20mg +/- 5mg = between 15mg and 25mg (huge difference)
>20g +/- 5mg = between 19.995g and 20.005g (who cares)
now it's just a matter of choosing a ratio and a solvent. this is when i'm breaking out the borosilicate labware. a graduated cylinder, a squeeze bulb pipette and a stir rod make the dilution process fast and fun, or at least i think it is. all of those and a pack of cleaning brushes is cheaper than a reagent set, so go ahead treat yourself. the pipette (sans bulb) and stir rod should be roughly a hand span longer than the cylinder's height. pour the drugs in the cylinder, pour the solvent half way to your target, stir until dissolved, pour in more solvent until the bottom of the meniscus touches the targeted measuring line, stir, pipette into labeled storage jars, done.
>I don't care all that much
you seem to have a mind for harm reduction, and you own a scale, so for those reasons i think you care more than you let on. whether you had a moment of weakness, or you hold anons in higher esteem than yourself, that was too big a risk. you have life saving knowledge, stick around and share some! 99% of drug users don't give a shit about this stuff, but you could save the life of one who listens. you're one of the smarter ones, a stupid death is just not your style.
Tripped on 200ug lsd but still feeling apathetic and dead inside. drugs don't do anything for me anymore.

nothing in life excites me or even feels like anything anymore.

all i can think about everyday is wanting a gf or someone to care about me.

wtf should i do? am i fucked? i literally tried everything
>i literally tried everything
even heroin?
well no, but do i really want to go down this path of no return? I'm still a functioning wage slave with anxiety strong enough to prevent me from slipping down the hard drug path. I'm on kratom daily but it's eh
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Alkiechads will be delivered, the rest will burn for all eternity. That is all.
To whichever anons were talking about using drugs in a dream, fuck you because my night terrors have gotten a lot worse now that i'm tripping balls in them lol
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I'm usually good with harm reduction, I had a fuck it all moment over drama I'm not going to bore this thread with. I did try taking as small an amount as I could, it was barely a dusting. Still I don't advocate others to be reckless, I just like using risk taking as a coping measure. Plus I didn't want to risk raging out, cats and other animals passing always hit me harder than people. I appreciate the concern and solid advice, I do personally push harm reduction and safe supply at any opportunity but I'm far from perfect, I don't advise people do anything I do in life at any given point
I don't get why heroin is still treated like some big bad boogeyman, diamorphine is really only morphine twice as strong. The big dangers come from the unregulated nature, most heroin users buy bags of unknown quantity and content. These days fentanyl is constantly mentioned but laced bags have been a thing since it went underground, before fent it was rat poison and probably a myriad of other things. Also fentanyl bags were a thing back in the 2000s, I remember news articles about people dying from laced batches with fentanyl like 20 years ago
> functioning wage slave with anxiety
I think you'd be surprised how many of your fellow wagies are on some type of drug to keep going, the true insidious nature of addictive drugs is it makes being one bearable. People just cast judgement on the dysfunctional and visible users to draw attention from their own predilections. Also quitting makes going back to wagiedom even harder, the days will crawl without opiate bliss to keep you company
>3g of h.

i'm down to 125mg per shot from 333mg. took me 4 weeks but here i am.

i was down to 85mg but i stopped sleeping so i had to ease off a lil bit.
all good, man. sorry drama's bringing you down, i've had more fuck it all moments than i'd like to admit. i always tell people "never dose in a bad mood", you'd think it would be easier to follow those six simple words, wouldn't you? anyway, glad you're okay. let's both be strong today.
>tripping balls in dreams
aw, i want that, i'm about to try a WILD soon, i'll item spawn a ton of shrooms if i remember to. at least thank the elves there's a ceiling to that experience, at least that's what the psychonaut wiki has to say about it. they say it's impossible to get any of that five dimensional geometry shit in dreams.
> --- easier to follow
> +++ easier for me to follow
Dexamphetamine or dextromethorphan? In either case, yes of course you'll build up a tolerance.
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Is it time if you haven't already to maybe to bite the bullet, and stock up on the green wonder sludge?
That's also definitely NOT a opi - but darn if it ain't got some of that opi sorta type stuff in it..

I mean the above in light of tapering down the opis... once you get muh tolerance to the Big H to a predicable level - this is actually more or less the goal. Cold be yet another misfire from me. Another "mouth", "insert foot" moment.

Go for the Red strain of the miracle plant (aka kratom obviously). That's what they say, that's a good little selection if ur coming off a 6 year nod.
Might even be able..... at some point... to catch a bit of that op-oid warmth with this amazing herb.....as long as you're not guzzling down a pound of sickly plant matter a week. Or doing all your all wages on gas station extract shots.
I made aspirin once in my O-chem lab and that was pretty easy
was sweating and couldnt sleep right so I got me some heroin for 50 bucks. Feeling good rn. Im in wonderland.
Opium. You just put some seeds in the ground and wait 4 months,
I wrote down on some paper what you would need to create a really terrible blunt and cocktail

-some marijuana
-a grinder
-some kief
-a filter
-some hashish
-some fentanyl
-some Xanax
-some Adderall
-some cocaine
-some liquid pcp
-some liquid LSD
-some liquid morphine
-a stone grind bowl
-a stone grinding tool
-a bowl for mixing liquids
-a tobacco leaf wrap
-some rose petals
-some lavender
-a brush for applying liquid
-a scale for precise measures
-some everclear
-some ice
-some lean or cough syrup
-a cherry

Using a scale measure out 1 g of marijuana, 0.5 g of rose petals, and 0.5 g of lavender, grind up the material in the grinder until very fine.

Using a bowl mix your liquid morphine, your liquid pcp, and your liquid LSD in the bowl and put the brush with it to the side.

In the stone grinding bowl add your fentanyl pills, your Xanax, your Adderall, your angel dust, and your kief then use the grinding tool to pulverize it into a fine powder, set aside after that.

Grab your tobacco wrap and apply the liquid that you've mixed together using the brush and coating the wrap until it's covered, let dry then grab your flower lavender and rose petals mixture and your hash and combine and wrap them together firm and snug, then dip the finished product in the fine powder mixture.

Grab a glass and pour your ever clear ice and cough syrup in together and then add a cherry in with it.

Proceed to smoke and drink your finished products.
currently tweaking at my job lolol whats new
look someone just flew in from stupidtown dis you watch too much harry potter again?
this is an incredibly stupid post, lrn2bioavailability because combustion points would burn off several of these drugs to the point of just tasting like utter shit. There's a reason that people use foil with fentanyl
Avoid. If you're opiate naive and can't get the real stuff you're setting yourself up for misery because this shit is so getting banned alongside nitrous.
Is there more of a sickness of the soul than marathon stimfapping? Well, yes... probably, but stimfapping is a sickness fo sure - a lonely road to where the heart become heartless and soul soulless. Truly.

Once in a while you might tell yourself it's a good time.
But if you stay in the game long enough, you've got to lose
And once you've lost, there's no way back
No way at all

A soul without a mind
In a body without a heart
[.]Missing every part

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Why do I feel sick did I take too much H? Ive puked all the water and the little food I consumed out and my stomach hurts. Can someone explain?
i do have like 40g left of some red bali but i feel like it isn't going to do shit until i get to like 200mg H per day. i do 4 shots, so now at 125mg x4 so 0,5g per day. so goal would be 4x 50mg shots and be well on this daily dose before i transfer over to kratom.
This is religious nonsense stimfapping isn't bad.
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reminder that Elon Musk is one of us and has used the following narcotics: Ketamine, LSD, cocaine, cannabis, alcohol. And this is only stuff he's telling us about.
heroic is 5g
You don't have to be a Deacon to sense caution at the idea of stroking yourself silly for 3 days and 3 nights at the desktop pc while on potent dopaminergic drugs... while often taking little heed to food or water. You might say that's a worst case, but it's not that rare. I used to think stimfapping was like 80% joking and tomfoolery. I used to think it's it was a bit of laugh. But now, I think stimfapping is NO JOKE. So, about only 30% joking now.

There are (or were) a couple of stimfap anons on here who did the above or got near it (but had a level of control still) and iirc they said it's a horrible thing really, love it and hate it. But keep playing pocket ball hopped on the addys while browsing xvideo tabs if you like. I'm not going to lecture you about it boyo
>he doesnt even know what capital is
jesus fucking christ, and i have read fear and trembling, have you? did you understand it or do you just like being a contrarian?
i would thank you to never compare me to that faggot
how is your drug use different than Elon's drug use?
i use them like an adult and he uses them like a child
does anyone else feel like drugs arent as good anymore? everythings boring. rolls arent what they used to be, cant hole on dissos anymore, cant take phsycs anymore because id just get tortured for 12 hours again, weed makes me anxious as fuck
what now? either become a alcie bartard or heroin addict?
i miss being interested in drugs and looking forward to them, being sober is even more boring though
As the world's population ages, Alzheimer's and dementia are set to create a staggering $14.5 trillion economic crisis, with informal caregiving placing an overwhelming burden on both high and low-income countries, demanding urgent global policy action
He can afford his habits
its okay anon weve all been there but yes those are your only options
i used to be a wook using all kinds of psychs but now i just stick to opiates and benzos, lucky for me theyre scarce enough that they stay interesting but im just waiting for the day i become disillusioned with them, its been three years tho and i love pills more than ever so theres that
the kratom bros
its hitting so good
hope i dont puke
This is a side issue at best for most anons sadly. When they're not too busy cavorting with Madame Palm and her five lovely daughters while re dosing the euro paste or meth, the most tragic thing in all robot kind kind is not being able tp purchase the thing they already purchase against the will of the normalfag.
I'm talking drug war business here my friends. The siren call of every "ascended" 18 year old heavy online frequenter it appearrs.
Are you feeling a bit rustled now? Don't be, I'm not a filthy prohibitionist (like some of those on the tabs and some of the potheads heh). I'm just putting food for thought on the table as such, Something to get the old noggin jogging. YOU do the math. Yeah so... h-have a good one anon.
I just hope to Christ that when i start to go they prescribe me oxy or some such shit
Getting old would all be worth it if I could source benzos and opioids straight from the pharmacy
never going to happen. My dad is 70 and in a wheel chair with a broken back and they cut him off his pain meds because "he was taking too many" when he failed a drug test. He was taking 6 a day, 7.5mg hydrocodone. He is in constant pain so he was taking 3 more a day than he should have been.

But it's like fucking 7.5mg of fucking hydro. That's nothing.

The DEA has had a crackdown on doctors prescribing pain meds for things like that now.
I'm guessing that there will either be
mass incentivized euthanasia
mass poverty
or the world becoming so automated that taking care of the elderly won't be as much as an issue
>never going to happen
just like weed legalization? Drugs and policy are unpredictable, I think when boomers face the day of the pillow there will be massive reforms. At the end of the day it's safer and more sane to allow drug dispensaries than have people sourcing street fentalogues or whatever else they throw into powdered dope, this is very much late stage prohibition and the US is going for broke, which means the bloated DEA budget has to get slashed eventually. Drug enjoyers need to stop hiding and get behind someone who will offer actual reform to this wretched system, for a "capitalist" nation they're pretty shit on policy in favor of faggy puritanism
Did you know that, accordingly the most highly sperged theory that's relevant, the ground - as in the floor, is akshaully accelerating upwards. An ok akshaully maybe for piddlingly passable and plastered minds alike i guess. This is the only one I have.
This apple that the boffins have a bizarre obsession with has no force acting on it except teh air when falling down. I assume I haven't pissed in the wrong pool by typing this tl;dr/no one care faggit. I was kinda inspired by Alzheimer awareness anon. I could also be completely wrong too.
There are states where even weed legalization is just never going to happen. I live in a state where even kratom is illegal. It's going to take decades for people to get over the "opioid crisis" because they are dumb and think the people that created the crisis in the first place are the ones that should be running things.
I imagine those cigar slurping and mustache twirling fatcat motherfuckers in control of big pharma don't want to be fined an 100 million quid again a few times, which some ague could some part. Getting your speed and whizz sorted for the weekend might be the next relevant botheration on the horizon. The doctor may not hand over 30 Adderall so readily - or even like a pavilion response - when you utter a remark about having a 'mare not being able to concentrate on this and that.
Of course it's irrelevant for most here, and other druggos too... because of the onions. Ofc that observation is irrelevant itself among certain quarters. It's the principal god damn it.

But I have heard thru the grapevine (read on google) that in these hospices can dish out a bit of srsly decent gear. Limeys of the walking dead sort,can throttle a plunger which delivers bolus ((sub-subcutaneously? of diamorphine.
You heard me right. No, I'm 100 dollar serious. Not morphine. Not Oxycontin. The big one: H and nothing less. If they get a bit flustered.
It's not an IV push of ludicrous volume, but it's a start.
What are all these old geezers saying to their primary care practitioner?. Have they got the gift of the gab. Or am I grossly mislead in these matters.
When you spend a long time on drug forums/ internet im general or hang around with like minded teenaga.... I mean philosophers of the Good and the True... it's easy to forget that there is a slight majority of ppl don't want the big L in full glory. Or even close to it. They don't perceive matters on a true cerebral level but act on instincts like beasts and vermin. We wage a never ending battle against the normalfag and the evils of the modern state.

They don't want oxymorphine being sold among on the shelf with the shampoo in Superdrug, They don't want alprazolam assorted in the aisle containing the toothpaste.
Normies will point to democracy. I, on the other hand, will not only point to but passionately fight for science. For intellectual and ethical standards. For the red pill. For good against evil.
Thing is people have access to information about drugs that used to be gatekept by retards and cops. It wasn't long ago people said LSD would convince people they could fly and end with falling off a roof faster than an lgbt muslim-turns out it was just glowies doing glowie shit behind that story. When you can easily pull up dosage info and effects of drugs they become less an amorphous fear and more something people can actually gauge. Harm reduction used to be written off as a niche to enable junkies, now it's something even the highest levels of government have to put effort towards. Allowing safe supplies is the end goal of harm reduction, bottom line is people are never going to stop doing drugs until humanity wipes itself out
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Remember to vote yes on question 4 if you live in Massachusetts

Question 4: Allow persons 21 years of age or older to grow, possess, and use natural psychedelic substances, as well as establish a commission to regulate the licensing of psychedelic substances and services
>When you can easily pull up dosage info and effects of drugs they become less an amorphous fear....

Fair enough anon, I see you. How would you rate the claim or observatuon that those with the a high amount of Psychonaut wiki knowledge, online types, in many cases are among the most enthusiastic users of teh drugs and often addicts. Most big meth heads on discord likely have memorized the wikipedia article to some extent, some may have a 4 fig karma on R/RCs or r/drugnerds.

"Some ague" education will not be close to a panacea. Mainly due to the more abusable drugs being intrinsically rewarding.
Gubbment spend an awful lot of time and money in a campaign to show how harmful tobacco is. Only recently have numbers come down, and still 15-20% of the whole population smoke. Same thing with that awful toxic waste ethyl "drinking" alcohol.

Despite what the the terminally online tend to say, getting pissed off your nut 6 days a week or being a full bore alkie is not only socially a faux pas but is well known to be bad. Still loads of god damn IDIOT drunks. Makes my jimmies hit the ceiling anon.

I'm for harm reduction but not the biggest "Harm Reduction" (tm) fan. Translated sometimes, not being too hyperbolic here, as "take whatever drug(s) you fancy, in whatever amount and as many times as you wish as long as you do it in a way that's less likely to kill or harm yourself". When I see harm reduction on injecting grams of meth, even I as bit of a boorish stimmer, I take pause. Whatever.

> bottom line is people are never going to stop doing drugs until humanity wipes itself out
> bottom line is people are never going to stop doing stealing until humanity wipes itself out

Lel Altho I'm on board with u in spirit. Hard to say tho, it kinda is obvious that many argue for liberalizations for selfish reasons rather than some claimed high minded philosophical ideal (altho those ppl do exist and not saying it's not you). There's nowt wrong with that though
im vaping white widow right now
those drugs are making u psychotic
>Question 4: Allow persons 21 years of age or older to grow, possess, and use natural psychedelic substances, as well as establish a commission to regulate the licensing of psychedelic substances and services
Thanks fren will do.
just took a massive edible now I'm gonna chill and listen to music.
dude weed imao unironically isn't nearly as addictive as opis
You've been stimposting for quite some time (I'm assuming all the stimposts came from you, they all have similar mannerisms).
It might be time to stop.
DMT Salvia
Yeah he's simultaneously the guy who occasionally types with a stutter like t-this, and the one who signs off with:
~Anti-stimfap Crew
kinda based stim poster unironically. At least he's encouraging stimmers to do something more productive with their high.
I've never vaped before but I want to try it since it seems more convenient than cigs. Only issue is I have no idea what I'm doing.
I think the best vape for me would be the Xros 3 Nano. I want vape juice that is freebase and flavorless, preferably low nicotine content. Anyone got suggestions?
Fair, but if >>78840604 and >>78857609 came from the same binge this guy didn't sleep for two days.
what goes up must eventually come down
not in space
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my favorite stimposter was the methhead electrical engineer
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bonus: claude methe, or methcent van gogh
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>liberalizations for selfish reasons rather than some claimed high minded philosophical ideal
I mean it can be both, there's nothing wrong with being selfish with your own cognition/body
the point is legalization was considered an impossibility or trivial a few decades ago, now multiple states/nations legalized
I miss the homebrew meth guy, I regret not saving pics of his setup and the muddy ass shot he brewed
rare wise words from our resident namefaggot.
>muddy shot
did he dead?

>captcha rh JAM
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Same. That guy was a legend. It's a shame we don't attract more people who post stuff like he does due to the glowie activity on this website.
why do i go right back to sleep when i take my adderall in the morning?
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Im extremely addicted to nicotine
Same. I unironically wouldn't mind if my government banned it due to how addictive it is.
Do you smoke, vape or use ZYN?
All are bad for your health and provide the most underwhelming high you can find in the world of drugs.
How the fuck do people get addicted to nicotine, I have smoked/vaped a far bit but I've never will came close to getting fully addicted or hooked on nicotine. Is this type of addiction dependent on genetics and environmental or am I a pussy who hasn't had the real deal let?
idk about genetics, but nicotine addiction is definitely dependent on your environment and subliminal peer pressure. That's probably what separates people like you, who can smoke once in a blue moon without getting addicted, from people like me, who sleep all day and frequently lose their temper when they don't have it.
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I smoke but I also vape for the convenience of it. Considering this is the only drug addiction my mommy is happy to foot the bill for I would be sad if they banned it. The health debuff is a plus in my book, maybe I can get lung cancer when I'm 40 if I'm lucky. Though I'm starting to get those phlegm bubbles stuck in the back of my throat which are annoying. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if vaping turns out to be even worse than smoking, inhaling flavors and industrial chemicals can't be good for you.
Well there is probably a genetic/environmental component, I would say there's also a personality component. It kind of ambiently raises your stress levels over time until you get a hit then you feel good again. There's not much to it, I barely get that early morning head high anymore. Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night I spark a cig or take a few vape hits.
>Honestly wouldn't be surprised if vaping turns out to be even worse than smoking, inhaling flavors and industrial chemicals can't be good for you.
So far vaping is proven to be better for you than smoking in the short to medium term. We'll have to wait and see what the life expectancy of millennial neckbeards who started using box mods in the 2010s is before we can conclude which one is worse for you long term.
>hasn't had the real deal
how do you smoke "fake" nicotine?
>take 5mg of ritalin instead of 10
>feels a lot more effective and i didnt feel tired after it wore off
Less is more
Less is more
Less is more
Less is more
Less is more

Please understand this. You lose a lot of your perception, as well as context, when you get blazed as fuck over and over. Smoke a small amount or take a smaller dose and just wait, you will feel fresh as fuck and have more dosage for later, and you will get higher the next time. Learn to reduce as much as you can and you will literally never get addicted to anything.
Less is more.
I don't know why but this last batch of opiates are killing me. I take them and I'm fine for an hour but then I get crazy tired to the point I can barely keep my eyes open. I'm only taking 20mg hydro and it's only been the last two days.

Like I'm so fucking tired is insane.
What drugs do you guys take when you're depressed that's aren't alcohol because that shit kills me
i take weed
only time i took a hydro it knocked me the fuck out in like 10 minutes and woke up 2 hours later
I dislike the smell of weed, will cbd do?
Just try edibles if you want to avoid the smell.
>I dislike the smell of weed
i only use edibles or vapes
>will cbd do?
not really
guys I'm high rn :3
Yeah I could try that

Honestly I'm not a fan of smoking and it brings me bad memories. I could try along with some shrooms maybe though
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you are horny aren't you
you slut
Is this JOI? Are we sexting rn??
I've been taking them just find for a few weeks but the last two days they have just been knocking me out. it fucking sucks, I have work I need to do. Normally they make me hyperfocus but these last couple times it's been the complete opposite.
It's kindof inevitable to deal with weed smell but a vaporizer subdues it for me, only the vaporizer has a smell but I just chuck that bitch in the jar with all my other weed and weed things.
Lighter fluid, it's trashy as fuck sure, but the feelings of nostalgia are god-tier and If I do enough of it, I fall asleep, sleep is also god-tier.
I don't do it too often though, I once really fucked my throat up by puking from it
My neighbors smoke weed on their back porch. I can smell it like 150ft away in the second story of my house.
nta but I smoked nicotine several times and it never did anything to me. Might be related to a broader issue I have where I can't get high on any stims for example methamphetamine.
Its so irritating that people act like this distinction means anything. Why should psilocybin be legal but not LSD?
LSD is a nasty CHEMICAL that no plant would bother to produce
if anything it should be the other way round
Both should be legal, governments are retarded
sounds like undiagnosed ADHD
>muh naturalistic fallacy
mate having adhd wouldn't stop (meth)amphetamine from working otherwise they wouldn't give it to ADHDfags
That's exactly why they give it to ADHDfags
why don't opifags just use shrooms to cure their addiction?
psychs dont work like that
t. opiate addict who does a shit ton of psychs
did the shrooms at least tell you opiates bad
the idea that psychs are "good" is a product of delusion, all drugs are potentially useful but imo opiates have done more for my mental health then psychedelics do
Currently on 0.5mg klonopin a day, if I take shrooms or lsd will they have any effect?
no they wont, best give all the kpins to me so you can have fun with shrooms :^)
so you're not even addicted then
are you retarded? addiction is a state of mental and or physical dependence not being upset or totally ruined by drugs, ive been taking opiates daily for a little over three years now and i still love them
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What do doctors give for basic anxiety and does it fuck with my dick need my heart rate to be under control
you would likely be prescribed gabapentin or pregabalin neither of which fuck up your dick, you could also luck out and be prescribed clonazepam or something which works better but is a riskier drug to take
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Weed allowed me to cry last night for the first time in over half a decade. Everyday I'm thankful that God graced the earth with bud.
you mean high fived
opiates are just very nausea inducing. specifically, opiates decrease gastrointestinal motility, chemoreceptors and increase the sensitivity of your vestibular system.
its just your body trying to reject things that may be dangerous for you.
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I wish I lived alone so I could take a stupid amount of DXM and be anywhere in the house without caring
I've taken a strong 2nd plat dose and it was fine but it would've been nice to have the freedom to sit on the toilet for as long as I want to
>sit on the toilet for as long as I want
why is robotripping so much better in the bathroom? every time i trip i visit the bathroom a few times just to hang out in it the room just has such a nice feel to it
Depends where you live, but they'll usually start you on SSRIs, then something like buspirone. If you're having panic attacks just read the dnm bible and get yourself some xanax from a reputable vendor.
Don't trust telegram shit, there's too many scams, pressed pills and whatnot. I can personally vouch for abacus
Just need some for elevated heart rate
Get something like speed, benzos elevate your heart rate but its very minor
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fuck I remember bags I got like that, pretty sure they were fent cut but this was back in like 2010 when fentdope was mostly a junkie fable/holy grail everyone wanted to find, I don't get the appeal of fentanyl at all. It's trash compared to true and honest opiates and its users are such stingy, anti social fuckwads it's insufferable
I'd have posted my MDMA production setup but I really don't want glownigs to crawl up my asshole.
If you're a poppy pod enjoyer I have some bad news for you. At least 3 of the major merchants had a very poor harvest this year, meaning shit is only going to last 6 months tops, if that. It's going to be scarce and people know this so they will stock up as much as they can. So unless you have thousands of dollars just laying around you won't be able to get any past March.

I'm poor so it sucks. Everything sucks.
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Papaver Somniferum is hurt, humanity has rejected her beautiful gift and she shirks it. Reject humanity, return to pod
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edible, 3 beers, 20mg valium, cigarettes and a shower after in bed devouring a half bag of munchos listening to goodnigjt & good morning.. waiting for autumn
i love life sometimes
hows your night going drugfeel
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Im a pothead industrial engineer. I wonder if I should try studying while high? Work is hard. I really should stop doing drugs on workdays. I know it's a thursday but come on.

...ok I do wanna try learning how to establish proper fucking KPIs before next week

Should I let this work project become my special interest?
how many of you grow their own weed?
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>take 1:1 edible
>start feeling pretty anxious
>take 1mg xan
>over the next couple of hours figure out whats wrong with my life and how i can fix it
This has honestly been one of the greatest nights of my life, I haven't felt this much relief in months, years even.
Severe ADHD dampens the effects of stims. I was prescribed Ritalin for it, and I was borderline mute, appeared completely relaxed with no jitters, yet my thoughts were always super anxious whilst I was prescribed it.
Sorry to control elevated heart rate
are you here again? shoo!
Are you talking about rapid shifts and drops in heart rate? If so, benzos are definitely the go to. But like I said, they'll probably put you on some softer meds. However, I recommend trying to exaggerate your symptoms if you want to get to the holy grail faster. Describe and demonstrate hyperventilation, twitchiness, and a constant fear that everything is going to end. Nightmares are usually good to include too. But if your heart is really that irregular, I'd suggest making that the main issue you discuss, because there could be other very serious medical conditions causing this.
I dont need something of that caliber just something to keep my heart rate in a normal range I get to anxious and it spikes
Like I said, benzos will do that. You've probably got a panic disorder or something in combination with anxiety and that's 2 birds with 1 stone
>wife has an illness for a few years
>at one point she has anxiety issues
>the illness resolves
>anxiety resolves too
>keep the Xanax prescription
>she never uses it
>just gives it to me instead

And thats the story of how I take Xanax to ease my worried mind late at night. Work follow ups? Finances? Just take a couple Xanax and sleep like a baby lmao.
why is pregabalin so hated? people are pretending that it makes you retarded when alcohol is 10x worse
what gives?
Yeah just make sure to keep a watch on your intake, bartarding is a serious issue. But as long as you're taking smaller doses the bad side effects like amnesia and getting turned into a retard are very minimal
pregabalin anon died.
Propranolol is your answer, it does exactly what you want without fucking up your brain.
Stay away from SSRIs, SNRIs, antihistamines or quetiapine.
this. though ssris don't even do much and are easy to quit
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does 2 years on pyrazolam 3mg cause major brain damage ?
>antihistamines for anxiety
Really? I only ever found it helpful for if I really needed to sleep at a certain time, non addictive as long as you aren't dumb.
>similar to xanax
Yeah you're probably fucked lole
What's the appeal of rc benzos when there are a lot of good options already
Just read on psychonaut wiki
>Pyrazolam is reported to produce comparibily greater amounts of anxiety supression than sedation and euphoria in comparison to other benzodiazepines, limiting its recreational use
Were you using it to treat anxiety?
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hi drugfeel. i used to post on here a lot two years ago about strange hallucinogens, whatever interesting ones i could find. i didn't get "sober", drugs were just never my vice. but they formed the bottom of my soul, and today i finally properly shared them, mushrooms, with the girl i'm going to marry. i let out all of my emotions to her and she understood.
there is a happy ending sometimes. it might just take a while to find it. thank you for being who you are, anons.
>Were you using it to treat anxiety?

yes i see my doctor on sunday after that my taper starts after 2 years, i just want to grasp what the damage might be

I had interdose withdrawal when i used temesta to taper, so i switched back to pyraz
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As long as you weren't abusing your script, the drawbacks of being slightly less coordinated are far outweighed by managing your anxiety, which if left untreated can do terrible things to you.
I wouldn't worry about it too much, but if you are really that concerned, ask your gp about it. Also good luck on the taper, after 2 years it'll probably be rough but I believe in you anon :D
yes i hope it goes alright slow taper, plus i got some agmatine to help
This is kinda crazy. I came here to post about a very similar thing. I have been sober from all drugs for 6 days straight, and before then, I was only using the dude weed, bro. My heart rate has been spiking randomly, right, as I almost fall asleep at random for a few months now. over the past 4 days, it has gotten substantially worse, and now I am unable to sleep. Over the last 5 days I guess that I have only slept a total of 10 hours (in one shift), and my mind is working in overdrive.

Is it really just anxiety in combination with a panic disorder? Would Benzos really fix this? I don't want to take benzos, I despise the whole concept of benzos. I only have experience with Lora, and I don't want to venture into that class again out of fear of losing my inhibitions and doing something incredibly stupid.

Surely there must be another way to fix this with/without a substance.
I need an anon to fly over right now (none of you lives close enough to drive) and knock me over the head with a baseball bat so I can finally get some shut-eye.
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>i used to post on here a lot two years ago about strange hallucinogens, whatever interesting ones i could find. i didn't get "sober", drugs were just never my vice.
This is me right now at my current stage in life, not addicted to anything, and I will likely never stop using entheogenic plant medicines.
>today i finally properly shared them, mushrooms, with the girl I'm going to marry
And this is exactly where I want to be in 2 years from now.

>Tfw, no catholic hippie San Pedro and mushroom gf.
If your heart rate is spiking randomly not in correlation to substance use or anxiety, go to the doctor. You need to get your heart checked out.
It is highly likely to be anxiety. But yeah, I do need to go and get checked up by a hot doctor, regardless.
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Do I do DMT tomorrow or mushrooms? (I can also do both)
I want to take advantage of the nice weather before it goes to shit and it starts raining and being cold again.
DMT in the morning, mushrooms in the mid-afternoon.
nigga ask for beta blockers
kratom for 2 weeks to taper off tramadol so i can finally use dxm again. onions?
i got prescribed hydroxyzine for anxiety. ive only used it for sleep. i feel fucking retarded the next day.
Been smoking weed and will have some GBL soon, life has been comfy. Is 4F-MPH worth trying? I know it's an analogue of methylphenidate which is shitty and I don't like, but some people say it's a lot better and more amphetamine feeling.
Is there an easy way to get GBL still? Amazon delisted all butanediol.
Hydroxyzine and gabapentin are both very good low-risk anti-anxiety medications.
welp 4f-mph is a stim that also doesn't work on me. It's fucking over.
sudoku from widthdrawals?
how does it compare to tramadol i gots to knowz
i'm *a* pregabanon and im alive
yall niggas dont get working two jobs
Should I purchase some methamphetamine?
what would you need that for?
What are these strange hallucinogens? I only know the following:
LSD, LSA, 2-CB, shrooms (psylocibin/psylocin), DMT, mescaline, salvia. That is, if we don't count deliriants and dissociatives.
did you try any of these and what's your favorite?
Unfortunately only acid, shrooms and LSA in the form of HBWR water extract.
I'd say acid was my favorite, despite making me restless.
then who was phone?
To smoke it for fun. Meth is really good but I always take too much and stay up for days. But this time surely I'll moderate my use??
>I always take too much and stay up for days
Yeah I've heard that tends to happen. How about just smoking a little in the morning and that's it?
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>What's the appeal of rc benzos when there are a lot of good options already
I like the rc's effects wise, they actually work better than most scripted benzos(xanax and ativan at least). They're cheaper and usually fall in a legal gray area, all advantages to having to play the doctor game
ime xanax has diminishing returns real quick, I save it for social events or panic attacks and 1mg usually does the trick
>the girl i'm going to marry
she's not real, she's a drug induced hallucination anon. Avoid the anti-psychotics if you don't want her to vanish
if you're this level of self aware you should be ok, most bartards are several layers deep into denial about their habits and rationalizations why they're a super special case that totally needs benzos unlike those other dirty junkies!
DMT entities are
absolutely fuckable
have you tried fucking a DMT entity? I would like to lose my virginity atleast in my imagination.
you need Cocaine to lose your virginity for real
how do I get adderall, psilocybin mushrooms, or LSD if I am antisocial and cannot get them through online means?
i have a scrip, but i ration it out reasonably because i cannot always fill it in time. feels like i am fucked.
>cannot get them through online means?
why not? you have a computer and the DNM bible exists, fuck you can even do it through telegram if you don't wanna figure it out.
you guys heard the new about monero right?
not independent so any non-cash purchase is monitored.
i have basically mooched my way into anything I got my hands on so i am a total virgin with respect to getting anything for myself.
Bros, what should I expect from a combo of Modafinil and Pregabalin. Don't wanna feel high, just normal
you'll get there. just be open to others and try to find the beauty in them.

Amanitas (classified as deliriant but not functionally so) and nitrous (similar to other dissociatives but with very different qualities) are the only two I can attest to. Z-drugs are also similar to amanitas. I can't speak to glaucine, kambo/sapo, spice, and likely some others I'm forgetting, but I'd like to try them someday. I can attest to a lack of hallucinogenic effects from kratom, a high dosage of gabapentin and ecstacy, but maybe I just needed to combine them with another hallucinogen to see their unique characteristics.
Along with those, there are many, many psychedelic analogues. The simplest class is the phenethylamines (DOx, 2C-x, *escalines), which are related to MDMA and have long durations, stimulation, mental "clarity" and generally are like empathogenic psychedelics. Tryptamines (DMT, psilocybin, their analogues like DPT and 4-ACO-DMT) are highly related to serotonin and produce what I'd call "pure" hallucination - DMT feels eerily like being shown a movie. Then the lysergamides, like LSD and LSA, which are amazing but extremely mentally intoxicating and are the most difficult to handle in large doses.
There are also some truly unique psychedelics, like DiPT with it's auditory hallucination and NBOMe for it's propensity to fuck you up or kill you (it's the psychedelic version of spice, basically).
Mescaline analogs. They would solve the world if everyone took them.
>Mescaline analogs. They would solve the world if everyone took them.
Like 2c-b? Might try that soon I hope it works unlike any stimulants I tried.
You can buy crypto and just make it seem like you're into trading it or something, alternatively find a h2h dealer in your area, idk how to do that so lurkmaxx.
Never tried it, but it seems like a less intense version of mescaline so I'd say no harm in it. Phenethylamines are seriously the least risky of psychedelics in terms of having a bad trip and it's hard to not feel love on them, but like any psychedelics, take the normal precautions and don't combine it with something else like weed.
Alsp forgot toention 5-MeO-DMT, which is also unique in that it has extremely different qualities to DMT itself. Also ibogaine, which is an "introverted" psychedelic from African trees that has high efficacy for helping with quitting opioids or alcoholism, possibly due to k-opioid receptor activity like salvia.
If you're as interested as I am, I'd recommend going down this list and exploring the wide world of psychosis.
I'm currently trying to find a drug that works on me. I've tried a larger number of stims at this point and none work. amph, meth, cocaine, mph, 4f-mph etc.
trams give a way better high but they make me feel much more sick than kratom does, a while ago i had some anti nausea meds that made trams perfect but as of right now im mostly just using kratom
Is there any cross tolerance with these? Both are tryptamines and they feel extremely similar if the shroom dose is high. Like I don't doubt you could do both in one day but would you need to dose higher to compensate for crosstolerance?
I'm not gonna be sleeping tonight aren't I
not a huge amount of fun desu. like being sucked into a vacuum. at least it's not pants on head retarded like kratom but it is not colourful like NN-DMT. Just perplexing.
you should gradually increase the moda if you don't feel anything in an hour
Guys? Why is it possible to literally "feel" psych substances like LSD and Psilocybin in the brain? Or is it just another "hallucination"? Like, it's a very pleasant, almost electric and cool feeling.
its hallucination but i feel it too
hello fellow drug enjoyers...

realtalk bonglander here, I've smoked like 3 times in my life. i went to america and had some thc gummies. when it hit, i'd get small orgasmic muscle spasms all over my body. every sensation felt intense, and obviously i was a lot more horny. i'd move to the beat of the club music without hesitation - no thought about how silly i'd look at all. I couldn't keep my balance properly without intense concentration though.

what strain of weed would provide this same effect? or is it only edibles? i'm not well versed on the weed/drug life
with both I meant doing them at the same time, according to one chart they mix well.
They mix well in the sense you won't get sick by combining them but they are really similar in terms of visuals. If you are doing a high dose of shrooms I'd do the DMT another day, moderate or low dose of shrooms then yeah go ahead and mix them.
if singles I play hoi4
if evens I do drugs
if dubs I do amphetamines and play hoi4
anyone? or am i asking a really dumb question? idk
don't worry about strains they're scams to keep potheads obsessed with trying everything out instead of just settling for ol' reliable

anything good will work, i.e high amount of THC (for the psychedelic effect) and CBD (to keep you calm) + low tolerance so you can actually get the psychedelic effects from THC instead of just being put to sleep/turned into a dopey hungry retard
its likely that you got the effect from it being an edible, conventional wisdom is that sativas have a more energetic high while indica has a more relaxed high though i can hardly tell the difference, edibles however are processed through the liver (first pass filter) into a much more intense version of tch making the high more psychedelic
there is a huge difference between smoking and taking an edible but strains arent too different than one another imho
DMT doesn't create (much) tolerance, but is affected by the tolerance of other psychedelics. Aka, if you take DMT before mushrooms then you won't feel a reduced effect from the mushrooms, but mushrooms before DMT stunts the DMT. There was a good study done on this, I think with DPT and DMT
None work? Like you took all of these and didn't feel in some way stimulated? You might have ADHD or a dopamine disorder anon.
Don't try to use psychs like stims, they're not a daily use drug. They create immense tolerance to the psychedelic effects and can kinda fuck your mental state. But, I'd say a phenethylamine trip once per week isn't that bad.
Whatever you do, don't do empathogens (MDA, MDMA) more than one every few months, since although they're like phenethylamine psychedelics, they're neurotoxic when abused.
i definitely have the low tolerance

damn, and I don't really like the idea of inhaling smoke too, so edibles seemed great for me
just scored a single diazepam pill bros. 5mg. Apparently the half life of this drug is 40 hours lol.
>furry shota and feral porn tabs on my phone
This is what no drugs and no pussy does to a mf
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i love pregabalin. it makes everything feel nice. this world is beautiful
Fuck off then. We don't need weeb fetish images here which aren't drug related. OP fucked it up though and like moths to a flame here come the incels and their childish foreign pedo media.
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spending Friday night talking to chat gpt and drinking
You want to fuck a cartoon. Reexamine your life, buddy.
Fucking freak.
you used 'into' in place of 'succeed at'? Okay.
don't know where to post this but here's me playing guitar on 400mg
>samefagging this hard
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man, that weed tolerance really hits at week 2. it takes like 2.5x as much for the same effect.
never really gone past 4 consecutive days before
I think you're a pathetic manchild who somehow got off track and has strange and adolescent tastes in entertainment.
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>still samefag threadshitting
thats a chill and interesting night
odd i buy lsd
even i buy kratom
doubles i buy only weed
I need another LSD trip. Dose above 300ug at least
Enjoy your trip.
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>To smoke it
If you do that...
>I always take too much
... this will happen.

Try an oral dose anon! I've boofed it, I've snorted it, I've smoked it, and I've swallowed it, and I think that swallowing it is probably the best way to do it. Get two bottles of electrolyte drinks, Gatorade, Powerade, whatever you like. Then measure out your dose (on a milligram scale, of course) open the cap, drop it in, give it a shake and you're ready to go. Meth dehydrates you like a bitch, and it also makes it really easy to forget about taking care of yourself, so by mixing it with your electrolyte drink, you're making sure that you stay hydrated. It's very discreet, too, you can go on a walk, do it anywhere, no one will know.

Remember: You won't come up as quickly. It's not like smoking it. In fact, it's kind of the exact opposite. You don't feel that rush. It's a nice, gradual acceleration curve. That rush is the most responsible part of the compulsive redose mechanism. By skipping over it, you'll have less of a temptation to do more. But if you feel like you're not high enough, whatever you do, do not do more right away, it takes 45 minutes for it to fully kick in on an empty stomach, and up to three hours to fully kick in on a full stomach. Oral doses are 70% bioavailable as opposed to 90% bioavailable for smoking, so it will be a little weaker overall, but it's meth, so don't worry too much about that.

The high lasts much longer, easily longer than LSD if you take a strong dose, so make sure that you do it in the morning if you want to get any sleep at night. If you need a booster dose, take half of your first dose before sundown. You will easily be able to if you have even the slightest bit of discipline. It doesn't nag at you nearly as hard as any other route of administration I've tried. It slowly lets you down nice and gentle, and then at some point you realize, "Oh. I'm not high anymore. When did that happen?"
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>no friends
>ignored by marketplace dealers
>scammed out of 50 dollars
whippets and pregab it is
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can someone help me understand why if I take an edible and I don't feel it kick in because I took a low dose but I started drinking too the alcohol hits faster
I'm such a retard I hate kicking out the one person that liked me from my life. I think it's really impressive you guys take hard stuff and don't get more messed up
>I'm such a retard I hate kicking out the one person that liked me from my life
If you made an earlier post about what went down, I must have mised that, but I can relate... I had to kick my best friend out many years ago when his descent into paranoid schizophrenic hell was approaching terminal velocity. His condition didn't scare me at all, but my roommates didn't know him as well, and coping with him was starting to wear me down, too. One night at 3.30 in the morning, he woke us up ranting at the top of his lungs, shouting about how awful we are so that was it, he had to go. As my roommates were telling me later, if we hadn't kicked him out when we did, we would have all been crazy and homeless, not just him. I agree with them, but it doesn't mean I don't miss him. The hardest part of that all of it was that it wasn't his fault. It would be easier if it was.
>I think it's really impressive you guys take hard stuff and don't get more messed up
i take it this person had a drug problem that got out of hand, huh? Oh, that's never easy, either...
>joke's on them for eschewing one of the easiest ways to escape the inceldom they lament to no extent
This is so fucking true.
You shouldn't take drugs to get laid buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut if you can't get laid NOT taking drugs narrows down your chances by an unreal degree.
As I always say: I respect teetotalers. But only if they have their social lives in order. If you're deprived socially being sober is just about the worst thing you can do.
Samefagging implies I'm hiding it or pretending to reply to myself. Yes, all the recent anime fetish bashing is by me. You really exposed the mystery.
both use the same cyp2xx receptor its not going to be a speedball go figure

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