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Im 26 now and I never had abs in my life or a toned body
me too except im 18
if I don't have it by 20 im killing myself frfr
Okay and? Most people don't you fucking faggot. Theres a reason its impressive.
this sounds like cope. normal men are healthy. healthy men have muscle definition without trying
it's pretty easy if you commit to it and get used to it but honestly i wouldn't recommend it even as a gymfag myself
No they don't. The average man is skinny fat or dad body. Most people in the real world are fat just like you. see pic related. That's the official data. Nobody achieves this look without serious effort through diet and exercise. I was a soldier and nobody, not even most of the special forces guys look like that unless its their only hobby outside of work. I have a BMI of 20 and have been doing PT since I was 16. Never once have I looked like that.

Take a break from the internet. Its warping your mind.
You aren't going to get ab definition like that naturally without very good genetics.
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I'm 24 and almost have abs by default just by being skinny. If I hit the gym I'd look great but I'm lazy.
yes? you just need low body fat
I'm 19 BMI, my body above the ab region and my obliques are better looking than the OP image from working on it and even though I do core more than upper I've never had anywhere near that level of ab definition show. It's largely genetics.
you're probably slightly skinny-fat, bmi doesn't tell me anything about body fat
I used to exercise a lot as a kid. I did crunches every day for 3+ years. At my peak I could do 1000+ in a single go. Never got visible abs. Fuck my genes.
Cope, you either don't lift or are just a roidtranny.
so you think the guy in op is on roids?
ugh lets try writing this out again
i didn't either until i was like 35
not that much, no
its about high protein, work over time, and low body fat. its not magic
genetics plays a part, but most people can get that with hard work
you do not know what you are talking about my friend
Im 22 and ive had them since i was a kid because of sports and martial, arts and then also lifting since high school. It doesn't matter. I'm still a khhv incel and no girl i know has ever seen me without a shirt on. It doesnt matter how ripped or muscular you are if you never get into a situation where you can show it off. I might as well have been a fat oaf retard, it would be the same.

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