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Starting a new one. Hope you are all doing better than me today.
i went a whole day yesterday without drinking
woke up feeling amazing today
but now i am desperate for a drink
I stopped drinking last year. I miss it and might start again.
I feel like a piece of shit. Hows you boys?
Meh. I hope today isn't such a shit day like yesterday
Not really doing anything. Have 11 episodes of a show left that I'll finish over the next 2 days.
Anyone here like cooking or have any recipes to share?
I made this last night and I'm eating the leftovers for breakfast. It tastes delicious. Used store-bought curry paste.
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Most of what I make is pretty basic, made this for some ramen last night and it was pretty tasty.
good morning, olds. today i will be mentally preparing for going to the doctor tomorrow for a renal ultrasound followed by a cardiac stress test on friday. i love aging it's so fun and exciting
I turn 31 tomorrow. Today I feel depressed and too fatigued to do anything. Wish I could just get ill and die because I know I'm too much of a coward to end it myself.
Why? I turn 37 in a month and want to live forever. Still have far too many movies, shows, anime, etc. to watch and tons of music to listen to.
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My hobo kit is almost complete. need to be prepared for the inevitable homelessness.
My enjoyment of most things has gone completely. Even my love of music has started to wither away this year.
Sounds like you have depression. Change your diet, get some exercise, take meds, etc.
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I'm addicted to alcohol, nicotine and caffeine and I've got to break the cycle, not out of concern for my health but to save money. Have you guys ever overcome an addiction? I'm addicted to weed too but that's not as big of a deal.
I definitely have depression. I've tried all that already, I just have shit life syndrome.
At what point can you claim that it's not just a phase?
When it has been the norm for many years with no sign of anything changing.
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>dick slowly stopped working due to years of porn abuse
>only thing that still works is using a massage gun like pick related all over my dick and taint area
>get a chance with a girl from the bar
>bring her to my apartment which I cleaned for this purpose
>get to making out, she paws at my dick
>tell her to wait in the bedroom
>get the massage gun and go to the bathroom
>lay on the floor, lift my legs, and jackhammer my dick and prostate to get a boner
>she barges in and sees me
>her reaction is of genuine fear
>literally screams, runs to grab her shit, runs out of apartment half naked
Is it over yet?
jesus fucking christ man...
And this never happened ever.
Quit smoking back in 2019. It's quite easy with nicotine patches.
i like cooking always. gonna cook curry tomorrow to take with me on my dog sitting, should last about a week
not bothering with a recipe atm just a jar of sauce from the store and chicken and peppers and onions with basmati rice

i love to go on youtube and watch videos teaching how to cook things from experts it definitely helps
Always liked the idea of learning to cook but I'm too lazy.
Any insomniacels in? Don't think I've had a consistent, decent nights sleep for around 4 years now
You dodged a bullet here. If the stupid nosy bitch couldn't leave you the fuck alone so you could bother going through the trouble of getting it up for Slutty McWhoreington in the bathroom, God only knows what the dumb cow of a cunt would have retardedly barged in on later.
I smoked a pack a day from age 17-30
Cold turkey. You just really want to have to quit. Trying to beat any addiction before you actually want to is really hard.
My sleep used to be amazing before I started working remotely. Now my schedule is all over the place and I never sleep for more than 4 hours at a time.
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Im going on a trip to yourop this monday, which I kept paying for for a year and some, but I don't feel thrilled at all despite doing something many people in their lives won't get to do. I do want to make some memories with my family but the whole process has been pretty tedious to me.
I turned 29 this month. If any oldfags wish to share some wisdom with me it would be appreciated. Im amazed I survived thus far. OD is a real problem.
Should've posted this on a weekend but I'll bump it to keep it alive till then.
medicine does wonders, shit knocks me the fuck out when i take them >>78858873
ya 30+ threads been dying a lot lately, too much fag spam on this board now
Where are you going and what are you planning on doing?
Terrible. Ever since my birthday (last week) I've been feeling shit over forever lost time and opportunities. I've been cursed by God.
>ya 30+ threads been dying a lot lately, too much fag spam on this board now
I think most 30+ anons are just wageslaving to post in the weekday.
no work today so went to gym early
its always rough going in the morning, and the cleaner threw away my $10 umbrella. I'm still reeling from the devastating financial hit, but i have a date later with a cute lady, so that's nice
I try and keep these threads actively in ausfag evenings
>Everything is going pretty well
>Does this mean everything is going to fuck up
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Got to stay positive me lad. Every day we above ground is a great day.
>Every day we above ground is a great day.
That's true, though i don't even have anything to contribute to these threads other than saying I still enjoy SC4k
Got the shits again. My digestive system is fucked as well as the rest of my body.
What have you got in your homeless kit?
gonna move to my own place, slightly nervous, slightly wondering if I made the wrong decision or not since I am suffering from Stockholm Syndrome being held captive in my current room mate situation too long, but I know winters I will regret my decision if I don't move because indoor smoking gonna be hell as always
plus it will be an economic upside due to renting out a room too, and motivate me to go and work and get more money too
only nervous moment come from it being a short term contract and if it can be extended or not next year else I have to move again, which might mean paying double rents, hopefully I got a job by then and saved up money anyway then I don't care
and by the end of that year my goal is to get a permanent one
but until then if this one could get extended would be great
we will see
I'm soon 27 but I'm already feeling 30 can I be left in?
Good on you for having the balls to do it. I keep thinking about dropping myself in the deep end and moving somewhere new. If I don't, I think I'm just going to end up rotting here until my parents die, my family are too passive and agreeable to kick me out and seem to have just accepted my NEETdom. Moving out might kick my survival instinct into gear and force me to get a job and learn to fend for myself.
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shit sux m8s
Take a bunch of pictures and really try make memories with family while youre there
Youll miss them all and the memory of it someday
well there are a multitude of things happening at once and right now that enable me atleast do this now and well I wanna kms during my current living situations from time to time, but I keep gaslighting myself that things are fine, but then they are not and so on
depending on ones parents the situation might be suicidal too or manageable
but yeah, the more responsibility/pressure you can apply on yourself the more you will be forced to grow and seek solutions
these last weeks/month has just been non stop (what feels like for me accustomed to doing 1 thing every other years) errands and things that need to be solved and dealt with for various reasons and it just continues now until I can settle in and have everything on autopilot, including my daily routine and can just breathe for a second
this might be how usual normie life is but I wouldn't know, I like simplicity and less worries
but it is what it is
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would you guys e-date me seriously? I'm Chickn

>fat and short latina
>chronic e-flirt
>loves it when men write smut for her
>plays farming simulators all day and Minecraft

would you date me? or ghost me? like all men do?
Tent, backpack, sleeping bag, something to sleep on to insulate me, thermal blankets and a 10,000 mAH power bank
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Slept terribly thanks to my neighbours having construction done on their house AGAIN, like they have every 6 fucking months having some new extension or whatever put in

Also realised recently that my feelings of Im going to miss this someday when thinking about being here with family, not stressing about money too badly, having online friends etc, they all stem from the fact that I deeply believe that things will only get worse
I fully believe that in the future I will barely see my family, will live alone and be totally isolated, online friends will be gone and even this site will be deleted, and Ill be working 50 hours a week in an Amazon warehouse to fund it all anyway
I want to be optimistic about my future again like I was 20
are there any other 30+ women here? it was brought up in another thread and now im curious
Rare enough that there was a year or two when there were no women in the 30+ threads. There does seem to be 30+ women in similar predicaments but they exist in other places online.
>realize that human relationships are an unnegotiable need
>interaction with others only triggers my anxiety and sense of worthlessness with no joy added
God, life and living is so stupid.
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>tfw have to decide what table, chair, bed to buy for apt
>might need to value portability and ease of transport when I have to move later or not
>foldable lawn chair and foldable table and a soft mattress or actually buy legit officeware table and such
damn. i mean, obviously good for them for not being here, but it'd be kinda nice to have some other hags around to chill with
i'm turning 24 soon so i'll be joining you all shortly.

if you're still using ai generated pics for the OP i swear to fucking god i'll beat all of you with a 2.5' long double ended dildo. or maybe a 3' long one with a massive ballsack that can be used like a cudgel of some kind.
If it's your apartment, just get a Japanese futon.
Apart from a few major boards 4chan is basically a ghost town.
That's what happens when the mentally ill, bots, pajeets, corporations, and jews come in and ruin everything.
some threads are still okayish, like this one. the large boards are hopeless, though.
In a sense. 4chan died at the same time the rest of the old web 2.0 internet died. 2014. It was already dying before then but that year was the last.

desu senpai, 4chan is a specific time and space that does not exist anymore. It's never going to recover.
I don't have that need feelsgoodman
When I moved out of home I had a bed, pc, table and a chair, 50 books.
I brought everything else and only after months. Main things are cooking appliances/things you actually need
Cruise around the mediterrean, from Portugal to Italy and the way back

Will do. The main reason of putting up with it really. Don't think I'll ever do other trip like this unless if it with a spouse and children.
>would you guys e-date me seriously? I'm Chickn
Absolutely not. You're a troon who's only here to find children to groom. Fuck off back to /soc/.
I'm so fucking burned out, thing I've caught a cold too
You know what, I'm not working tomorrow, THE WEEKEND STARTS NOW (I'm too tired to actually be excited by this)
It's definitely a lot less active than it was 10 years ago. I'm grateful I got to experience the golden age of the internet.
I'm trying to quit alcohol right now. I've taken month long breaks before and it wasn't very hard, but when I decided to resume drinking "moderately", it just turned into binge drinking again. So I think I just need a much longer break this time to unlearn my alcohol abuse habits, and follow careful moderation after. Possibly complete abstinence, we'll see.
I've had some terrible hangovers which is what triggered me to try quitting again.
>That's what happens when the mentally ill, bots, pajeets, corporations, and jews come in and ruin everything.
Hopefully if they fuck off everything will be ok (bad) again.
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I mean there's more people than ever but less than 10% of them are worth engaging with.

Same for internet "content". My god there's no end to the AI written articles about nothing. None of them are worth reading, the energy spent moving your eyeballs back and forth isn't worth what they have to say. We're drowning in a tidal wave of content with very little to actually look at and engage with.
>I mean there's more people than ever but less than 10% of them are worth engaging with.
I'm finding it harder to contribute to these threads. Advice is pointless/not needed/ignored.
No one wants to hear about normie "problems".
The other thoughts/what keeps me here is deeply personal in the sense that there isn't much to say or discuss (similar to this>>78860693 )
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>I mean there's more people than ever
If you're talking about 4chan, there's less people than ever. Looking at these stats /pol/ has been propping up 4chan for the last 10 years.
I think discord has been devastating to sites like 4chan
People will still come here to lurk but never interact, and just copy paste memes and shit to their servers and talk there
>Looking at these stats /pol/ has been propping up 4chan for the last 10 years.
That's not a good thing. If /pol/ never existed this entire site would be better as low as that bar is
>bb-b-but the jews
Yes we know
>I think discord has been devastating to sites like 4chan
Social media killed forums, but a lot of forums were filled with people who should be shot so.../shrugs
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>That's not a good thing.
At this point /pol/ is the closest to the old irreverent 4chan spirit. Not saying it IS the old irreverent spirit but it's the closest we have now.

>If /pol/ never existed this entire site would be better as low as that bar is
I used to think that /pol/ ruined 4chan but there's a certain level of...inevitability of /pol/. 4chan would have been ruined regardless on account of how otakus/nerds went from ignored outcasts to public enemy number one in the last 10 years.
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I get what you mean. The lines between schizo/trolling/psyops is far too blurred however.
It's very interesting seeing "trads" pop up when 15 years ago everyone was an edgy atheist online. In a weird meta way 4chan has definitely aged and grown.
>but I don't feel thrilled
Not sure if it's chronic porn addiction finally having an effect but doing "big things" like travel or such gives me the same rush as staying home being comfy however I always feel better in hindsight after doing such things
since i'm too young for this thread i guess i'll talk to 30 year old me and respond in 5 years
>your life is still worthless, isn't it?
>you've used /r9k/ on and off for like 16 years which is longer than you've been alive when you browsed /r9k/ at 14-15
>be thankful for your hair genes
>give me a fox yiff animation using newer local ai technology, it can be whatever sexual act
>give me a fox yiff animation using newer local ai technology, it can be whatever sexual act
unironically kill yourself
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>give me a fox yiff animation using newer local ai technology
Soon, my boy. Soon.
gonna try and finally make it to japan this year. i feel like a retard for waiting so long to go and im kinda nervous about even going to another country as a 30 y.o hikki with no friends but i guess even being a neet shutin in another place for a while is better than just staying here.
I've been in a similar boat for a long time until I realized that I indeed have that need, as I still am a human after all. I was just too deprived of it and alienated to even recognize I had such a need.
>make it to japan this year
Better hurry nigga there's only 2 months left.
I don't think I'll ever quit, but I'm cutting down while also trying to enjoy it more. I used to drink a lot of cheap beer on a daily basis. Now I just have a good one like once a week or a glass of wine while having a special meal.
I like cooking, most of the time what I do involves pasta or meat. I also like bringing a portable stove when I go fishing.
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>make it to japan this year
I made the holy trip to mecca, I mean, Japan this year. I'll post about it when I get back from wageslaving.
>most of my contacts have has close relatives in other countries and useful connections among friends
>they keep traveling like it's nothing, mentioning friends offering them jobs, etc.
>my whole life I've been making friends only with people I shared hobbies with
I don't regret my decisions. I don't think I'd be able to keep in touch with someone just for benefits, without common interests.
But now that I'm rotting away jobless, I feel like I've been playing a different game.
Like when you choose a class that looks and plays fun, but isn't viable in a long run.
Relatively very few people actually have networking connections with people of good value.
It was already bad prior to the age hype. I remember when youtube started to get popular and people would re-upload youtube videos on their own accounts. Stuff like that drove me crazy, yet it was still a better time than it is now. 10 years from now we will be looking back at 2024 and thinking "damn, remember those good times?".
*AI hype. I really need to proofread.
how do local tabletop game clubs work? do i just walk into a shop and say hey i wanna play dnd

i'm there to socialise but im too scared to even talk to the people running it, so this is all a bit pointless really
I never done it
You can ask chatGPT to do prep work or simulate a game I guess
My sister hurt her child for the millionth time. Possibility attempted to kill it and my female alter blames herself. Really badly too. But my male alter came up with this fantasy where she's a kid and me and him are fused and very androgynous. And we meet her randomly on the streets alone because she's trying to run away from our abusive parents and tells him/us what happened to her and we say to her that no one would do that to any child, no matter who the child is, it's so natural for humans to love children, therefore her parents must not really be humans and they have forgone their human rights, to feel pleasure, happiness, or even to live. When I spoke to her as just myself I told her I'm just waiting for our sister to die. I always knew she could never love a child. I'm just waiting for that fat ugly stupid bitch to die in her own hoarding filth. Hopefully her remaining dogs that pony hasn't killed yet just attack and eat her and her entire family soon
>but im too scared to even talk to the people running it
I know some normies who do it but you'd be with people who understand people who aren't social
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31 and just started working for the first time in my life 10 months ago and the stress/anxiety is starting to get to me. I started taking pills for it last week. What do?
what are you working as?
i'd just use my phone when I'm not busy
Factory worker. I'm constantly stressed about making a little mistake and messing up some parts or paperwork
I lost a friend today, still have this feeling of just existing.
Autism is kicking off again
Lost ability to be alive

12hr nights are killing me
>Factory worker. I'm constantly stressed about making a little mistake and messing up some parts or paperwork
Do you do this generally?
10 months in you should be over the initial hump of learning.
Also, look for other jobs/raises/promotions etc when you're comfortable.
>10 years from now we will be looking back at 2024 and thinking "damn, remember those good times?".
When youtubers turned corporate is when it was over, which was like between 2008-2014, when people stopped doing things out of passion and instead for money (remember when channels were getting demonitised and the youtubers were crying?)

Youtube has been bad for a long time and I don't think I'll remember the 10s or the 20s of youtube with any fondness.
it's not just youtube. the whole culture has turned around 2010 and alienated us nerds.
>female ex coworker keeps texting me complaining about work stuff and asking for advice
I don't reply anymore because I simply don't care, neither I have to pretend I do in order to get pussy.
Same thing happened with art
There used to be a whole community about learning and getting better and now the only thing that matters is shilling and building their own following and numbers
People only care about ways to get more likes and views and money
YouTube art videos are 99% just dumb shilling from people who werent good enough to make money making art, so they make videos like HOW TO GET GOOD AT ANIME HAIR IN 1 DAY and shit

A couple of times people have tried to make new forums like the ones we had in the 2000s, and they dont even last a month
Pros and noobs alike join, dump their work and a bunch of links to their Twitter, insta, YouTube, patreon, and then never interact or post ever again
I member when we all had online sketchbook threads and you could get and give comments to pros and they were just as active as the beginners
My survival Minecraft server died.

All the lonely men and simps left when the ebitches left
I didn't show up for orientation on Monday and they didn't even contact me yet. Is that normal? It would have been my first job.
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>it's not just youtube. the whole culture has turned around 2010 and alienated us nerds.
This image might be of interest to you.

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There's a theory that I ascribe to, is that the nerds are/were the last group of free-thinking people that needed to be controlled. So now would-be nerds are generally corralled down two paths, transfaggotry or alt-right reactionary (or both). Cos I hear the linux and open source movements are irrevocably fucked due to transfaggotry.

>A couple of times people have tried to make new forums like the ones we had in the 2000s, and they dont even last a month
They can't last. 4chan and it's contemporaries are from a specific time and place and people that don't exist anymore. I mean, the way people use the internet is completely different to how it used to be used.
Definitely normal unless the place is absolutely dying to fill the position. If you still want the job you'd better come up with your best excuse ASAP and call them now, and it might still be too late
that's an interesting interpretation. i sometimes wonder where the new atheism stuff of the early 00s moved on to and it might also have gone that path.
Life is a series of constant failures, miscalculations and wrong decisions
I went back to school go prep for uni and get some grades, turns out when I'm done I won't even have all the basics needed due to the curriculum being so slow I will miss a course in two years time which I will add later
On top of this I could have studied and done a test for this myself, maybe over summer before starting and I could have passed the entry level course which I'm now doing and saved me the hassle of doing the advanced shit in two years time over summer before uni applications starts
On top of this I could have chosen another study form and I would have been done in 1,6 years roughly which I also did not apply for, although maybe it would be more hassle and harder
It's all so tiring
You think you make good decisions but it's always wrong
Now I'm demoralized and tired again, life is too much
Has anyone tried testosterone supplementation, either over the counter or prescription? Mine is low-normal, about 300, and I'm consulting with my primary care doc next week. Psychiatry hasn't done much more for me than let me work a job without killing myself. I'm really hoping a little more masculine aggression is what I need because I am so fucking melancholy and passive and pathetic; everything fucking sucks and I suck and nothing sounds good.
i miss sketchbook threads so much its unreal. the closest thing i've found to comfy art communities is like picarto and drawpile
>gonna try and finally make it to japan this year.
What cities?
Have you tried eating better and working out?
I just hate people so it doesn't matter. Trying to date and 30+ women are just complete shit at it while zoomer women at least put in effort.
You need meds, physical activity and to cut off contact with any degenerate enabling your delusions.
>suffer one set back mentally
>It's once again over and I'm demoralized
Why do I always swing to the extremes at the minor inconvenience and wanna kms? Guess deep unhappiness with life will do this
One of my biggest regrets is getting onto conceptart org a little too late
I joined in like 2008 or 2009
People like Algenpfleger and Miles Johnston are about the same age as me but they joined years earlier than I did, and got so much advice from professionals and got good FAST
Oh well, next time
>Why do I always swing to the extremes at the minor inconvenience and wanna kms? Guess deep unhappiness with life will do this
It is hard but try to set small goals for yourself. For me it is currently cleaning up the place bit by bit like focusing on the bathroom, laundry, dishes, bedroom. Some days I don't do anything and they are the worst. I also set other small goals like going out to somewhere once a month where I might be uncomfortable, losing some fat, working out, doing something for someone I care about. If you get to a point you are very busy then you have no choice to but to focus on the tasks at hand and can't be bothered to deal with the bad thoughts.

Haven't heard that for a long while, just went and checked it out and it is just degen shit. I used to watch plague back in the day but he went total libshit retard incapable of thinking for himself.
Were you never friends or is she just using you?
In the past I had substantial success living a healthy lifestyle because I wanted to get a girlfriend. Now I totally agree with you and that's my problem. The fuck am I getting healthy for? Carrying my parents' caskets? I wouldn't have even thought of T if I wasn't so useless for so long.
>I'm really hoping a little more masculine aggression
What does that even mean? Being able to return incorrect orders when dining out?
I don't want to have my family have to bury me first so I decided to get in shape. Getting back to looking and feeling good physically has opened up dating to me again buy I hate it, wish I was still fat and consooming but mentally I can't live like that anymore.
I don't wanna do anything, man. I've told this story in various forms here so forgive me if it's familiar, but I managed to date two girls in college, and only after a lot of pain and heartache, and after school it was only going to get harder to date, so I just said fuck it, I wanna relax and enjoy nerd life, and well, I took that train far past my stop.

I'm almost 40 and "mid-life crisis" isn't a joke I guess. I accept I brought this upon myself. I didn't believe anime girls were really the answer, but I thought they'd make me smile for a while, and I was right about that.

God I think I need a woman and I just want to fucking die. In college it felt like I was just finally trying to date and get laid and check that off my list. It was hard enough that I didn't realize ah shit, this is actually important for building a life huh
Yeah it took me a while after my midlife crisis started to figure out I want a family of my own to live for. I thought about just trying to adopt as a single male but I want to pass off my genes.
>pass off my genes
I'm sure this is part of it, but I don't even feel like I care about my bloodline that much. I always figured that the normie path was getting married and having a family, and based gifted kids like me would find more interesting things to dedicate their life to. What a stupid fucking faggot I was. Now I'm just lonely as fuck, man. I'm into vtubers and shit. And now it feels like I've gotta play a sad game of chicken up against every loser-ass woman in my area to figure out if we can both settle for each other and make it worth all the trouble.
The way I view it is not everyone in my family was shit and put effort into me so if I loved them I should do the same as they wouldn't want me to be childless without a family either. It is a game of chicken but the thing is most people are fucked up in some way and once i got over the unimportance of just sex it made the desire for a family more important.
Yeah. I could give a fuck about sex, masturbation has been fine for all these years. It's the solitude killing me, not the boner. But you've also gotta have some sexual compatibility because if you're not fucking her someone will be, right?

The other odd thing about this is that my younger sister is much more well-adjusted than I am and I always assumed she'd be the one to give my parents grandkids (which they fully deserve). But she got sidetracked by her teaching career where she gets enough of kids, and the fact that we could never have a pet as kids -- so she's making up for lost time with three dogs and volunteering at a shelter. I do wonder if she'll ever regret it, but her life is full right now. I might be the only longshot hope to bring my parents a cute baby. I wouldn't have given a fuck about this a year ago.
Not to talk shit but it sounds like your sis is missing her window to have kids, I have talked to 30+ year old childless women and they are similar. I was content with my animals in my 20s but they did hold me back from pursuing a family. My brother has kids but he hasn't raised any of them.
I'm very much worried about that too. But she's happily married, good at her job, and loves her hobbies. We are pretty close and connect on a lot of things but I really don't feel in the position for my aimless bachelor ass to interrogate her on the child issue when I'm far from the first person in the family (and extended family) who's considered that. My parents have said they're okay with not being grandparents and point to the fact that, well, the world sucks more every day. That was one of my "outs" for having kids too. This world sucks. Who am I having kids for, their future boss? Now I feel like I don't even explicitly want to have kids, I just want some meaning, and "family" is what everyone uses for that.
It's been a month sense my cat died in a freak accident and I don't want to live anymore...I got 9 grams of Fentynal, I am gonna go all the way out to TAOS New Mexico (I am in Philadelphia rn) and gonna do a 9 gram shot of fetty and watch the sunset as I die.
>It's been a month sense my cat died in a freak accident
My condolences.
It's a long 6 years of rotting but somehow in retrospect it feels like it went by quickly.
30 and I hate life. Wish I had booze. I'm tired of being broke and just doing stuff to pass the time nothing is fun
it's been 8 or 9 years since I moved home after university
feels like it's absolutely raced by because I've just been focused on making money for the next month all the time
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Bumping this thread with a sad image.
at least he got a cake
Here's a similar kind of thread that was on /pol/ earlier before being moved to /bant/
A guy who is almost 40 asking for advice (I hope I did crosslinking correctly)
That guy looks like he could fuck
>Get to almost 40 with nothing
>Time to ask /pol/ for advice
Trolled hard son
theres always a few nuggets of good advice among all the shitposting, arguing, and "I got mine" type posts
I hate the last ones the most desu, people posting about how they retired at 25 and have a trilliion dollars and 3 cute asian wives, as if anyone believes them or cares
I am of the opinion that late gen x/very early millennial wizards/loser/NEETs/outcasts had it better than us. There were still opportunities in the tech sector and we still had geekery to ourselves because no one wanted to join.

Fast-forward to the mid-millennials and beyond, and there is nothing out there for them.
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>had it better than us.
Heh, I don't know. It's just a different kind of poison.
Before you were mocked for literally anything you did as a NEET/nerd/loser* or whatever buzzword that was trending at the time.

>comic nerd? you're a loser
>video game? (atari, gameboy) you're a loser
>japanese cartoons? you're a loser
>online game? you're a loser
The funniest part being how all of those "hobbies" got invaded by the same people mocking me for them 20 years ago. And to add insult to the injury, they're now trying to chase me out. From my own old hobbies. Shit's seriously fucked up.
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>Before you were mocked for literally anything you did as a NEET/nerd/loser* or whatever buzzword that was trending at the time.

At least it was *your* hobby at the time. And if you met other people in the hobby they would more likely be your kin.

Now it's like any other venue to be exploited.
It's why I said it was a different kind of poison.
On one side my "hobbies" getting normalized came with a lot of changes, booming fields, and I get to enjoy my stuff now without people bothering me since "most people do it too".
On the other side, online and communities have been completely invaded. So it's near impossible for me to find people that I can get along with since we do not share the same life experience nor mindset at all.

But to be fair the last point might be a (Me) issue. I'm fairly old at this point. Still partially hoping I'd get to find a 43+ neet gaming girl but it's almost like looking for an actual unicorn at this point.
>It's why I said it was a different kind of poison.
I'd rather take your poison. So much shit has been lost.

>On one side my "hobbies" getting normalized came with a lot of changes, booming fields, and I get to enjoy my stuff now without people bothering me since "most people do it too".
Mid-millennials probably had the same feeling when geekdom became bigger, I know I did, but we soon realised how bad of a thing mainstreaming something is.
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>At least it was *your* hobby at the time. And if you met other people in the hobby they would more likely be your kin.
There was so little anime (released in English or with subs) in the 90s if you met another anime fan, you were guaranteed to have stuff to talk about.

This topic made me think about how I was so much of a spaz I wasn't welcome in the local D&D group, in hindsight they weren't wrong. 15 year old me was a little asshole that craved negative attention. It's okay though I became a fighting game aficionado instead. By the time I was 18 I could clear out an entire arcade on either the Tekken 3 machine or the Marvel vs Capcom machine. People would give up trying to beat me.

90s memories over. TY for reading.
>how bad of a thing mainstreaming something is.
I'm 50/50 on this. I view the "problems" that those people create as their problems.
-Animecons full of OFs? I don't go to those.
-Games with lgbt or stupid content? I don't support and buy those.
-Communities locked behind a discord? I don't join those.
I'd argue that the major change to me is how I've got a huge amount of filtering to do now. But otherwise, I don't really care and just stick to what I like. It's still there, albeit you have to look harder because of all the shit around.

.. Though I'd say that discord gating everything has been seriously annoying. Especially when basic pieces of information get now locked behind discord links instead of regular forums that anyone could view at any time. But that's another whole discussion.
>tfw never cared enough about anything to feel a lose of normies liking it
I like Tolkien lore that's the only geeky thing other than video games

>Though I'd say that discord gating everything has been seriously annoying. Especially when basic pieces of information get now locked behind discord links instead of regular forums that anyone could view at any time.
Zoomers are incredibly stupid, if discord goes belly up that means everything there would disappear. People used to host their own shit.
You know, going to japan at 30+ for the first time, I get the same kind of feeling I got when I went to comic-con for the first time in the 10s: I should have come here years ago before things changed.
>I should have come here years ago before things changed.
me going literally anywhere
Unlike comic-con Japan is still worth going as a sightseeing place as opposed to a nerd mecca.
Also Japan is not what I thought it was, but all "weird Japan" things that you used to see on tv back in the 90s and 00s make a lot more sense when you get there.
I'm boring, but I like being boring. I'm slow, but I like doing things at my own pace. I'm alone, but I like doing things that I want to do.
i made a discord server. i don't plan on utilizing most of the server settings unless yall want something changed. i personally like the feel of a basic group chat, but im obviously open to what you guys want out of this
discord dot gg slash YNy9SyVZ
Come on dude. Discord is shit, and every 30+ discord I've ever seen usually just dies or implodes.
it's what i have and what im used to for r9k group
It seems I'll never use Discord ever since my phone number is considered invalid and their Customer Service is pahjeet tier garbage.
you shouldn't have to tie it to a phone number, mine is connected to my email because i don't have a phone
Most of the groups I've tried to join want you to validate your phone before being able to post there. Then again these were big groups.
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almost 38... i am more at peace with being alone now than my 20s and most of my 30s, when i longed for a gf. i no longer have the benefit of youthfulness to offset my autistic creepy appearance. working on mindfulness/acceptance.
yeah i don't have any sort of verification set up, i don't think it's needed for just a basic 30+ group
>i don't have a phone
Hello, fellow phoneless weirdo.
It's depressing seeing everything become phone-based. I guess they're what home computers were in the late 90s, and we're like those people who didn't want to use emails.
My bank's website still uses old-school security questions for login, but it's probably a matter of months now until they roll out some mandatory SMS verification thing.
went into ikea today to look at furniture and other shit shops
the amount of couples in town is brutal
the amount of everything
although I did not see anything outstanding that made me fall in love until I was going home again, where I locked eyes with a heavenly blessed beauty
but alas, I am not the man I am supposed to be, so it was destined to be over (for now)
to be continued ladies and gentlemen, in the next episode
will anon make it? or will he cope and rope? stick around to find out
just turned 30 last june

i have couple of things going for me:

>had sex with a girl that is attractive when i was 25
>im trying to be an artist, so I have something that kind of stands out
>most people guess that I'm in my early 20s and are surpised that I am 30

it's tougher going forward. still working on the basics. friends, drivers licenese, gf, job and money.
yeah I remember that from the last time I went to ikea
>me: getting boring stuff for my home office
>90% of the other people: happy couples clearly moving in together or setting up their houses
there was also a schizo guy who walked round and round the car park and then circuits inside the ikea before going back to the car park
that seems a more likely future to me than the happy couples honestly
I wasted my entire life and regret everything
I wasted my entire life and regret nothing
I wasted my entire life and am indifferent.
i have more life to waste yet.
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this night I was going for a 1 hour long train ride. 40+ woman sat next to me, drunk. She dropped her phone on the floor and then bonked her head in the table. I picked up the phone for her and said oops with a smile. After that she started babbling some nonsense I couldn't understand. Gradually she started inching closer to me, puttin her hand on the table next to me (train was really crowded). At the end she was basically leaning her entire weight on me and I let her. I had to pat her on the arm and wake her up, then show her what bus she needed to go (she told me where she was going) and then thanked me.

yes i'm 30+ and and sexless and felt slightly happy that a woman wanted to be that close to me, even if she was drunk
I wasted my entire life and I don't see how I could have done anything different.
this is really cute to me
If UBI ever became a thing, would you actually do something with your life or would you just laze around?
That depends on what could I do with it. Barely to get by? Not likely.
I would become the best artist I could be
I'm trying now anyway but it's so hard when you're burned out from working every day
Really depends how much an ubi is.
I'm currently on $77k and could probably live off $50k/y if I didn't want a house/children ever.
If I could get $50k for no work without some horrible catch I'd take it up.
>home brewing
>Art/writing/creative projects
>DJ'ing/music collection
Dunno if I'd still pursue math/coding/fucking around with ML, I probably would.
Pretty much the same things I do but scarcely
Im 30 and work, i dont even know what to do now outside of go to bars and drink until im drunk.
No dreams, no aspirations, nothing, i just exist.
Tried every advice from
>church, therapy, exercise, get abs, socialize, find a hobby!
i really see no point in my life, i stopped videogames and masturbation recently just to see what would happen and now i just walk around my town like the meth addicts.

If i had even more free time i wouldnt know what to do. Most hobbies are boring to me
the "trads" are all 30 year old women trying at the end to find someone to take them. I know one and she has attempted suicide several times trying to find any guy to take her.
There isnt any hope for the majority but one or two will get in.
Huh? The context of trad in that sentence was trad Catholics that are on 4chan, nothing to do with irl, women or dating
>No dreams, no aspirations, nothing, i just exist.
Are you happy at least?
You definitely have a mental illness even if mild if literally nothing is bringing you joy.
im already on disability so i doubt much would change beyond ubi likely paying out more
Every woman I talk to goes insane for me and I hate it. I just want a normal relationship.
im on social security. on a $100 a week allowance. basically sit in front of pc all day, besides my sperg walks to and from store for food. if i had more money, id get carryout more, and would by more 'toys', like instruments or other hobby stuff. but id still live the same reclusive life. waiting for whatever health scare i feel is coming, either heart trouble or cancer.
>Are you happy at least?
No but i dont really know how to be. I get scared if im not hurting because i get lazy and just day dream of what its like to have a girlfriend.
>ust day dream of what its like to have a girlfriend.
If you had a girlfriend what woul you do if you don't like doing anything?
quick bump before death? Lets find out
i'm doing super well after a long streak of not. but everytime I post about my huge wins/successes here people just go 'ur gloating normie' so i guess I won't go into detail. People here don't want to see actual success or to hear about people finally making it out. Seeing that just makes them feel bad about their own lack of progress I guess. Everytime I post my shit here people just tear me down. crabs in a bucket, etc etc.
Just post it lmao.
I don't share things for similar reasons but if you've earnt it and have been here for a proper amount of time fuck em.
It's one thing to say "I've been moving forward with my life" it's another thing to say "I've become a millionaire with a wife and kids in my 20s".
>I post about my huge wins/successes
What did you expect here?
If you want to brag about your successes why come to /r9k/ out of all places? It's like rich people crying that money can't buy happiness to poor people.
31 yo khhv. It truly feels over. Looking for a different purpose. Never touching my dick again, except to clean it of course
31 here
Live at home. Don't have a personal car even. What I do from day to day that is some teacher shitty work in college, scroll reels at evenings. I have no energy to study something new or even watch some productive youtube or even play some video games. Sometimes I walk around the streets with empty head, or do some calistenics exersises, that is all my deeds. To see differends types of students with their lives "happenings" which I haven't in my life do not bother my feelings even. I am just hollow.
I'm here read only for the most part of time. But I love you guys, you all such different from other and this is really good.
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I know so many married guys. Married with kids, married without kids. And seeing what they have to deal with makes me glad I'm not in their shoes. Women are just so fucking retarded, they're actually worse to deal with than kids. Counting my blessings that I can hack it solo
>25 yo khhv
its all so tiresome bros. i need to lock in
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I just turned 30 today and my life is at its absolute lowest so far. I am so inconceivably fucked its almost funny in a sort of cosmic way.
That's the way I feel too. I have a coworker who constantly complains about his wife. He has to drive her everywhere, do free favours for her relatives and take her on vacation. And then she questions him why he hasn't fixed some shit around the house after blowing money in said vacations and binge online shopping while making half his wage. I would kick that bitch out, but they already have kids. He is miserable and tired all the time and his wife isn't even some Stacy, she's a 4/10. Pretty much every other normie I know has to deal with all sorts of crap and illogical behaviour from their gf/wife. Us incels see them walking outside holding hands but none of us think of the hell we'd have to deal with on a daily basis to enjoy those brief happy moments.
People memed up 30 to be some death point or whatever, but nothing's changed. I got some gray hair in my beard and worse eye sight, but nothing "changed" my 20s was fucking dogshit, it's not any different now
>nothing "changed"
you're older
and no, it's not a meme reply
>but nothing's changed
Opportunities or lack of change.
>but nothing "changed" my 20s was fucking dogshit, it's not any different now
Your 30s will be a new level of dogshit.
I don't feel like I had more opportunities then than I have now
PUA convinced all men that your life gets exponentially better in your 30s, and you'll have a hoard of young woman wanting to fuck you at all times. Sadly, everyone fell for it and continue to repeat this bullshit lie. Now, instead of PUA, it's mostly the roided out gym retards saying to "focus on yourself in your 20s". Same shit, different wrapper.
People actually believed that Rational Male grifting cunt who made out that women would be creaming themselves over balding 38 year olds
Those grifters use the idea of the chad who was already successful with women in his 20's and has a great career/social circle and is interesting.
Life does get better if it's already getting better, but that's not as marketable.
Yep, the reality is, if you weren't pulling women in your teens and early 20s, you won't be pulling them ever.
Life only gets better as in you can probably make more money. That means you'll either be comfortable and alone, or with some gold digger whore and her nignog kids.
I'm smarter, more attractive and Worldly than when I was at 25. But I never brought into PUA stuff and would never be successful at picking up a random woman
>PUA convinced all men
I'm pretty sure it was aimed at a specific demographic. Dudes with "no game" as they said.

>Now, instead of PUA, it's mostly the roided out gym retards saying to "focus on yourself in your 20s". Same shit, different wrapper.
I don't know why it's changed to that.
Dudes with "no game" in today's society means anyone not Chad.
It's weird how close it is to the truth and yet leads to poor results.
You should always focus on yourself, being healthy, being strong. but you still need to have a social life and he active in the life you have.
>It's weird how close it is to the truth and yet leads to poor results.
How do you mean?


If we're talking about the old PUAs, like Mystery and those other kinda nerdy PUAs, they were a lot more tame than whatever counts as a PUA today.
No anon, you must spend hours in the gym every day while consuming whatever billion-dollar company is paying me to promote. You'll be the envy of all the other dudes that have nothing else in life except body image issues and drug abuse.
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Isn't it funny how they call you a nerd/loser for feigning in an interest that requires a high level of knowledge, time and effort to enjoy?

Now that corporations have tapped into these markets, changing the rules and essentially the fundamentals of what makes the hobby, THE HOBBY, now these normies feel comfortable enough to push the nerds out.
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I've always felt that image was a tad unfair to catladies and female outcasts/geeks. Though I wouldn't know how to change the image to accommodate that.
>Dudes with "no game" as they said
I was always a bit confused about PUA. It's been kinda sold as a way to help men gain some confidence and teach them how to interact with women, but in reality it's been just shitty tips about how to try to hook up for one night stands, which feels like such a niche when it comes to relationship and such a huge misnomer.

If you're someone that struggles hard to get anything going on, trying to go for random approaches and pickups seems like such a terrrible idea. Not only is it likely not what the guy is actually seeking (probably wanting something more serious). but then you're going for some of the least natural ways of forming connections. You should be meeting people through other people and interests/groups, that way you have some basis and things to talk about and it's less awkward and more natural, not this pick up line/negging bullshit. You also won't be able to compete well when you don't have the look/swagger, which just sets you up for a failure and world of hurt and biitterness. Trying to compete in way that least compliments you, for a prize you probably aren't actually that much into and go for as a way of desperation.
I don't think it was ever anything but a con. But I do remember it being more light-hearted in the very beginning, a lot of the advice was kind of.....like stats-maxing in an RPG because it was aimed old school nerds (social retards).
I guess so. Ultimately it's just a scheme to take advantage of desperate guys with "Let me teach you how to fuck hot bitches like the chad does". Probably shouldn't think much more about it than that. It just never really clicked with me personally, though I don't consider the whole thing worthless.
You're reading too much into PUA. It's always been about money.

The idea behind it was just gaslighting young men, for a lack of better word, into thinking that you just need to "up your game" to get women. And you sell that "knowledge" as a business. It's easy money.
Think about it. Haven't you heard about this before as an oldfag? People selling "knowledge" to dubious people? Could be a book. Could be a cult. Could be a pyramid scheme. That shit has always existed, it just shift and adapt itself to whatever is trending at the time. And if you can back your "knowledge" by slightly shifting the real cause of what's happening in the world, you win.
We went for MGTOW, to PUA expert, to right now PASSEPORT BROS. Right now I give it maybe 2-3 more years until we shift to another narrative again.

I'd argue that there are two major reasons for this:
1. Social media. It has shown to the world that the vast majority of people are actually completely braindead. And owner of businesses obviously don't do in morals, so it's like a rich mine of people with money to waste out there.
2. The dating apps controversy. For -obvious- reasons, all of those were mainly filled with men, and women with options will obviously only go for the top guys. We're in the sexual liberation era after all. Which gave a huge amount of men the wrong idea that ALL women are like that when it's mostly a western issue.

The thing is, no amount of -fixing yourself- is going to make women magically interested in you, I have no idea why people fell for that but when you're depressed I guess you'll cling to whatever hope you can get.
The good thing about social medias is how women will willingly exposed themselves because of an inflated ego, which we can blame simps for to be quite honest. If you keep hearing women shitting on your gender all day, everyday, guys will inevitably start to realize that PUA is nonsense. PUA experts exposing themselves as scammers over time didn't help either.
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It worked for this guy! HEYO!
My biggest problem with all the PUA shit is that it's all about the man doing everything imaginable to better himself just to get a useless, worn out hole. Here's an idea, how about the women do everything imaginable to better themselves to get a man.
>but that's not how it works
If all guys told women to be the strong & independent girl bosses they think they are, women would come crawling back in a week and the game would be flipped. They need to realize that any point men can checkout and 90%+ of women will die within 6 months.
I started mounjaro today (something like ozempic, but jew told me it is slightly better). I have more energy because now I feel like I have some hope to stop being fat retard without much effort
>If all guys told women
There's the (western) problem.
We will ALWAYS have the majority of men bending over just to get laid. This is why I believe that the dating market is permanently fucked in here, nothing will ever change that.
Those same men don't care about having their money basically stolen for the rest of their lives (alimony, subscription to onlyfans, twitch subs) just to get laid. There's nothing we can do about it.
I got to start saving seriously for retirement, but I haven't done jack shit in a month ever since deciding it. I have a little money already (around 80k) but I need to buy some index funds or whatever, can't be arsed.
Have to clean my apartment it looks like shit, but can't be assed. Bathroom sink has been 90% clogged for several months but can't be arsed to clean the waterlock.
Should start doing some programming exercises but after the first day I haven't even touched that.
Need to schedule driving lessons, but haven't done it.
I'm just fucking broken, I've even had the perfect opportunity to get shit done (been sick/had a cold for several days) but I've only mindlessly watched pointless shit and jacked off. Am i just extremely lazy/depressed or do I actually have something else broken in my head? Who knows.
Can't even enjoy being a piece of shit because I'm having major aging anxiety.
>he still thinks it's just a western problem
Look into Japan's idol culture and how men are basically slaves to them. They buy literally everything they sell and blow money just to shake their hands. SK is even more fucked since all the girls get plastic surgery and watch too much kdramas, thinking that the super rich & hot CEO will pick them.
You'll never retire, but nobody else will either, unless you're a trust fund baby or jewish.
>how about the women do everything imaginable to better themselves to get a man
That's more of a problem than anything. The higher the value of a woman compared to a man, the smaller the dating pool for said woman, but even just the way of thinking about relationship as some sort of dating game where you rank and strategically settle for some people already sets you up for absolutely horrid and unhappy relationships.
Women always believe they settle. They could find some mythical perfect guy, and they'll still wonder "is this the best I can?" after a few years of marriage.
This is the part of the thread where some anons have some valid points but their bitterness will overwhelm them.

>Look into Japan's idol culture and how men are basically slaves to them.
lol no.

>They buy literally everything they sell and blow money just to shake their hands.
That is a specific subset of dudes.
It doesn't compare.
Japan has maid cafes, "massage" parlors, and all kind of kink services that men can pay. It's technically legal.
In fact, Japan is a great example of what happens when men are not completely gated of sex activities, while women still say selective. Though to be honest it's just half the issue, Japan whole economy and culture plays a bigger role into that equation.

Fun fact: We tried twice to open an alternative in the west. The maid cafe was an absolute disaster, and the sexdoll brothel just got immediately shut down.
>says no and then admit it happens
Wow, you contradicted yourself within 2 lines.
>reddit spacing
Figures. You need to go back. Filtered. Reply more redditfag, I won't see it.
Maybe not, but I will potentially have significantly more money to make my life easier in my advanced age
>doesn't compare
>women are literally more picky in Japan and SK
Are you retarded?
Unless the government seizes it or skyrockets inflation even more, or the (((financial sector))) decides to crash the market again. We will all die working, and then that same day they'll hire someone to replace you.
That anon thinks Japan is a western country with an asian coating.

>Japan has maid cafes, "massage" parlors, and all kind of kink services that men can pay. It's technically legal.
When I saw that IRL I realised Japan wasn't that different from the other East/South East Asian countries except that it had a working economy and welfare system (and a high trust society, I have never seen a city so clean.)
>Figures. You need to go back. Filtered. Reply more redditfag, I won't see it.

Why are you mad?
The point is that men are not gated from sex activities.
If your plan is just to get angry and not think then you're free to not participate in the discussion.
>If your plan is just to get angry and not think then you're free to not participate in the discussion.
I guarantee that he's under 30.
I guess that's mostly true, but it goes beyond natural proclivities. The way our systems are set up really plays into it.
Neither are people in the west. Prostitution is basically legal in most of Europe. In the US, it's illegal, but the cops don't care. You can buy any kind of male sex toy you want. The fuck are you even talking about?
Ok, tried to kept an open-mind you are completely retarded.

>Prostitution is basically legal in most of Europe
No. 18% effective coverage is not "most".

>it's illegal, but
But nothing, thanks for proving the point.

>male sex toy
I'm not going to mention how you're purposely ignoring the social stigma. Also most people resort to ordering the male sex toys from overseas, why do you think that is?
For your information, there's a law that got passed in Australia for jailing men owning sexdolls, a few people have already been jailed for those reasons. Canada is slowly moving towards the same goal.

Since you unironically resort to misleading pieces of information I'm not going to bother with you. Go get mad with someone else.
Mixed up my source.
The jailing happened in Canada, not Australia.
>reddit spacing
Filtered. You need to go back.
That's not how filtering works you stupid fag.
lol he explains otakus like homos explain their existance
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Otakus in Japan must live a hellish existence these days. It's no wonder that they become hikkis.
I'll teach you how to drive, anon.
When I was 29 I worked as a delivery driver with no clue what I wanted to do. All I knew is I needed to earn more money. I spent years trying to learn various skills. If you don't already possess valuable skills and knowledge start now. You can use always learn some newer and more valuable skills.
>going back to finish my hs in europe
>think I was gonna get everything to qualify for uni
>schools planning is so retarded I wont get full basic planning in two years time due to one course missing and I alreayd have 1/3rd done
>have to apply to other schools now or later in summer and get more stress on me to finish one more course for this crap
>come to realize a "hs degree" in my country is fucking retarded too since it doesnt even mean anything I won't get a fucking degree or credentials to even go to uni
>this can all be solved by just one course but this whole ordeal is triggering my autism so hard that I wont get a complete verification from said school that im qualified for applying to basic unis (without the additional other demands that other programs might have like engineering, doctor etc) like you get if I were studying another type of school form which this is a given that you get this basic level at all degrees
>once again dont even know what employers mean in my country when they demand you have a hs exam minimum because I have no fucking idea what this is supposed to mean after I study this garbage for 2 fucking years and not even get basic uni competency
>my retarded paper after 2 years will just be so triggering for me I feel bad about it now 2 years in advance that I have to get a uni degree just to wash this retarded filth off me to make me "legit" some how
Thanks mate but I'll probably get it done soon, since it's so fucking expensive I HAVE to go and do 'em
How does one live like this at 37 and just consume endless goy slop? I'm 32 trying to get fit and angry at myself for being a fat slob for so long.
based webm
>goy slop
You're 32 and using those words unironically?
>Where do you think you're
yeah 30 felt like a big deal and a landmark birthday and then time passes and I realised everything's the same
it's a huge deal for women but less so for men
Being sick is NOT the perfect opportunity to get stuff done
I used to feel that guilt too, like ooh I had time off work why didn't I clean my whole house and get gud at my interests and all that stuff
When you're sick your body and brain are running on backup power while the majority of resources are busy fighting off whatever the cold is
Don't feel guilty for just surviving that stuff, you can do things one by one when you're actually healthy and functioning again
I wasn't actually that sick though, I've done nothing the entire weekend despite being almost healthy. I'm off tomorrow too actually just because I was sick.
So now I have 1 day left to get anything done. Which won't happen obviously. I literally installed a new pointless timewaster videogame this evening like 30 minutes after deciding that I was going to get shit done tomorrow.
Well either way I think you should do little bits at a time
Like cleaning your apartment feels like a huge deal so just do one little bit, can be insignificant as fuck, like just take our your bins and recycling for example
Do some small part of it and then reward yourself with your timewasty game for the rest of the night
It means youre at least making some progress and the remaining to-do list gradually gets smaller and easier too with next to no effort
that's kind of the plan, we'll see how it goes. God I also have tons to recycle hidden away in cupboards and closets. Need to throw a glass panel away too. That driver's license would be great right about now. Can't believe how I could live this long without considering getting a permit. how fucking limited life has been.

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