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Why aren't you having sex with a brown girl?
Anon, tell me. Why would a brown girl have sex with me?
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Well I'm trying to figure out how to get robbed by a brown girl so I can beg her for sex and hopefully get some.
brown girls worship white bois
whitecel = volcel
they worship white *Chads
if you aren't Chad you have even less chance with them, as compared to a white girl
I'm going to have a white family because the idea of that seems to really piss a lot of people off.
I am too busy
Brown here I adore white boys that is why I'm here lol
im already tucked into bed and sleepy
i have avpd and will never make the first move and also am a hikineet that doesnt leave the house
You like white Chads. Be specific.
Even brown girls don't want me.
there are no brown girls where I live
not interested in sex desu
Im not white enough for a brown girl and not black enough for a white girl. Such is life as a manlet Mediterranean loser.
I'm a woman and i dont like women like that
Literally me as well we suffer the same pain
Are we not going to discuss her vile discharge stains on her underwear?

That's why, op. Brown bitches are bad news.
because of racism
A very simple answer
I don't have a brown girl willing to fuck me
I'm White and autistic. Women of every colour dislike autistic men.
>Women of every colour dislike autistic men.
sad but true
Real Important question, are you fat?
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I would have coitus with her, but not "brown people."
No; I don't eat much.
Because despite being bi and having had countless FFM's, I came too fast with the one and only brown girl we had. So my wife got a bit jealous and decided that it's White girls only from here on out.
>black enough for a white girl
Your post gave me some insight into this "White girls only go for black guys" meme that doesn't line up with reality at all. It finally makes sense how people can believe this despite it being completely untrue in real life. You think that because White girls don't want you, they must only be in to black guys. The reality is, 99% of them aren't in to black guys. They're just all sharing the same handful of high-value White guys.
Funny, I've never thought of myself as Chad. Maybe I've been under selling myself.
Chads don't want me plus I have trouble speaking with the opposite sex lol
How anon ?lol
I did for about a year. Indian hottie with some Spanish DNA mixed in there somewhere. She turned out to be the craziest psycho I ever messed with. Be wary of something a that appears to be too good to be true.
i want you be my bangmaid brown gf
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I wish black girls liked us southern yuros.
You would be very disappointed if u saw me irl lol
nta, but it's easy
all you need to do is
>be a nice person to spend time with - autistic shut in is great- loyal, honest, genuinely care about the other person, not a huge cunt
>do anal
>still try to look nice sometimes with makeup/hair/nails even if you think it doesn't help
>have a low number body count
that's it, wife material ugly or not
does asian even count as brown?
They tend to either be extremely picky and only want trad hypermasculine providers (and I refuse to be that) or they are white worshippers (and I'm white but hate racism, so I won't date women who are White Only). They should lower their standards and stop being so picky and racist but they never will
SEA are definitely brown.
>and I'm white but hate racism
lmao what a fag
Nah i love white boys in any shape or form
woman who won't take it up the bum are not wives. women who think they are ugly who wont take it up the bum to give themselves an advantage are insane.
i would try just about anything my wife wanted at least a couple of times unless it involved another person or like, needles, punching and kicking or eating shit.
i want my wife to be happy and try the things she wants to try and be satisfied, just as i expect her to actually -want- to satisfy me too.
you've obviously never met a fat 37yo virgin
that pic is incredibly hot
Those are some really nice feet. Saved!
It doesn't piss us off at all. We would be happy for you. We just want you to go outside and get some air. We're worried about you.

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