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Non-gay porn edition.
Yea this is better dee lad, cheers
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Don't like gay freds, simple as.
BNWOlad just deletes the threads after 100 posts or so anyway. Might as well stick to this one.
i still say have a meaningful discussion about the fact that the fertility rate isn't at replacement levels. just ignore immigration a sec. a population decrease would be fine up to a point, but that's only short/mid term thinking.

we're dead-ends but we have lots of time and some of us probably have brains. what can be done?
She gave it one last shot. It not for her. It might be for you, but it not for her.
I intend to laddingham
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Importing thousands a week isn't helping, the billions used to house and refurbish housing for them needs to stop, close borders. Whip politicians into shape, prison time, loss of jobs and privileges, hold them accountable for their words and actions.
Defo not posting in the other thread
Honestly proper hate gay people and the OP from the other threads is exactly why. constantly pushing their gay fetish shit on others. fucking hate gay people
nother day of posting fictional stories king?
He loves black men even more than Ruth does.
yeah my work coach has been reviewing my portfolio, says my posts are definitely improving and i could even be the new /britfeel/ Chairman some day :3
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How can he afford to eat so fucking lush???
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It lush. it REALLY lush x
if that fish didn't have batter on it, you wouldn't want it. it's the katsu chicken of not being steak.
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He's glad he's told ya.
This is the only thread not being spammed, I'll migrate here
we welcome asylum seekers
Do you accept blokes locked in permanent chastity?
British cuisine is so grim
of course, that's where we put them
IS THAT what hhl IS HAVING tonight?
Balding paedophiles use britfeel to communicate with each other.
Im skinny and have a head full of hair
Which thread we in, this?
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yeah it truly is the worst
>Which thread we in, this?
Other one is ran by a gayfag fetishist so it's up to you lid.
we've already taken over an area of internet the size of Ireland.

cup of tea corr
what mp3 player did you have as a young'un?
catptcha is well annoying today. like 10 letters
just think, some other cunts wrote plays in the 1600s.
>here, Will, hold on to this for us, won't you?
we need AI to simulate everything we've missed.
new catptcha broke my script today
is it new lid? what script?
It's a captcha solver, you need Violentmonkey installed. hopefully gets updated soon with new characters

Corr didnt know about this cheers. get it rite installed
Cant remember desu
ipad classic for me
some of these might sound like odd questions, but do you know what day of the week it is? do you know what country we're in?
If you have the Zune, you were no doubt, into men
>do you know what day of the week it is?
Yes, i have work tomorrow
>do you know what country we're in?
Yes but im not going to say

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Just had this 4 tea myself desu
Wee cinnamon candle on
Might take a bath
Early night boys
old episode dis lid
Cassette was my first portable music player had CD players but they were crap and jumped had iPods since
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Still have stomach cramps from yesterday
Good. hope they conmtinue
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Cute mummy
Any glimpses of Helen in the vids? Or just her hands?
Are these SSM Blackpool videos just reuploads from his trip there last year?
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Wonder if he took her to "pleasure beach"
"The big one"
That is fish chips and peas lad not a mummy
Yeah the mods are just replaying old videos, Speed style. Keeps his arrest out of the public discourse.
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They are fresh videos from his trip to Blackpool this week lid
some off brand usb stick one but I was so happy not having to walk around with a sony walkman cdplayer stuffed in my jacket pocket
Mushy Peaz would be a good name for a rapping musician.
Ruth and her Black FWBs
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Give er the ole pepsi MAX iykwim
Do it lid get chatgpt to write your rhymes
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Trolls are livid she's present at all
>usb stick one
>sony walkman
they converged.
i still feel sorry for DJ. just a daft lil thing at the end of his videos, no harm no foul, but wait...it's CRINGE! oh no not the big C, gotta cut that out if it's Cringe.
You can clearly see Helen's reflection in one frame

I won't say what video or give a time stamp

You'll need to watch ALL his videos to find it

Happy hunting my liiiiid
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Alright lads. I'm back from my holidays
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Give a clue?
you might not realise it but that is peak woman
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Not the person you were conversing with but, picrel.
Yeah noticed this too. Not the clearest picture but you can sorta clearly see her
Is it better to leave off Uni education if I'm applying to jobs at Tescos and shit? Just got my application for Tesco rejected which I didn't think would be possible since there are legit people with mental disabilities working at my local Tesco but alas.
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I agree with this lad. Like my videos simple and without gimmick.
The job market is mental lad. I had one employer say they received thousands of applications
>Is it better to leave off Uni education if I'm applying to jobs at Tescos and shit
yes. basic retail places only hire low IQ retards who have no aspirations. they don't want to spend time training you and then you leave in a month after you get a better job. if you apply to places like Tesco you need to act like a legitimate retard.
haha are you 18 or summat lad? welcome to the real world. there are people with Master's getting rejected from Tesco's. you need qualifications for some of the "anyone can just do that" entry level jobs you can imagine. and obviously everyone will apply for them, OR they'll just hire a non-union foreign person cheaply.

don't learn a trade, don't learn STEM, don't learn arts/humanities. DO learn healthcare or psychotherapy or similar.
stop posting that goats fanny for fucks sake
My guess would be yes. Make it sound like your a loser with no other prospects
same lad

>the antiskip "technology" that never worked
it's just a random pic from /soc/ lad
Fuck that other lad you were born to be Mushy lad
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DJ should go back to auditing police stations. Or at least break away from industrial estates occasionally
rock has no reason
rock has no rhyme
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Rip gay mong thread
He should film more roadside accidents. It's just a rare miss, I genuinely like the guy, but that was so beautifully awkward. Like a perfect cocktail of autism and psychopathy.
Got all tearful and emotional last time I watched School of Rock and felt really stupid about it
good. gays should be executed
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>weak thin cumshots
I don't want to be a gay sissy
i rewatched it recently, it is just a really sweet film.
terrified i'll have a white boi moment again
too late lad, better book a table somewhere for you and tilde
Where was your holiday to
Kinda sick of jack black now desu
>the antiskip "technology" that never worked
Forgot all about that lad because it did nothing lol. Cassette players ate batteries too. Digital takes the win on this
if your GP does a random spot test you're fucked lad.
I'd rather shag Arbs desu
>more CAPTCHA letters reduces the ambiguity when the text could kinda align that way or maybe THAT way
actually a fan of this. since all the cloudflare shit, the back button eats my posts.
>the back button eats my posts
what did he mean by this
Might have a shit desu
>his back button doesnt eat his posts
so back when web sites were a series of web pages some bright spark decided a browser would retain your entry into forms
4chan now has some floating javascript reply box which is SHITTY WEB 2.0 GARBAGE (i'm typing into it now, so that's on me)
but also sometimes the captcha fails and rather than put some text in the page using javascript it goes to an error page, which is correct, but then hitting back all of a sudden the comment box is empty again

pretty sure it's some cloudflare shite maybe it's even on purpose for security reasons. also i can refresh the page constantly and get different results. 4chan/the web never used to be like this. imagine 'live' web pages skipping backwards, that's the cloudflare cacheronoo bonus feature fuck off just be web pages again.
(ctrl-cs this ream of nonsense)
lad just buy a pass. can you not afford 25 quid
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autumn this sunday
Back from my shit lads
25 quid won't fix the site
Gotta get all my fall outfits sorted don't I?
i'm going to wear cardigans. wool ones. and listen to music by Nick Drake.
I'll shag you up the arse lad.
Sounds good lad let's meet up
is this an angry threat, or is it a pleasant offer?
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Greedy bugger.
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anyone remember when Leah Culver's personal website had /dear4chan/4dogs.swf ?
it's not on the Wayback Machine is it archived anywhere?
hell is /prog/ archived, somewhere? it was just text? is /prog/ gone forever??
Sure lad. Where abouts are you?
The Dartford/Gravesend area
Drop a discord lad.
i don't like gay shagging, but i do like gay pop music.
Reckon I'll be on TOTP soon lads, fame and fortune here I come.
Got my album artwork sorted as well, using my AI artist skills.
Albumcoverrel, something a bit edgy, to draw the eye and accompany the tone of the album.
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>britfeel lads so alone they start to meet up to shag each other
this is EVERY /britfeel/ meetup, lad. i try to stop them, i really do.
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https://youtu.be/kNJsDCwurPs it nae fuckin right
this makes me feel fantastic, hey hey hey
gay people have infections
again, /jp/ gets these bangers:
we get that shite
Hate how nsfw AI chats filter the bots replies. how am i supposed to fap
I miss being able to generate vaguely suggestive pictures of celebrities
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SSM has aged a lot in the past few years. Bloke looks about 60 odd now.
He living the dream life though.
Leaving my mark by cumming in the thread
Sounds good but its asking me to sign into google or apple lid. not sure i want to give away that info when im roleplaying erotically with bots
could always make a dummy google account. its by far the best nsfw AI chat bot i've come across.
>signs of autistic spectrum disorder, Asperger's syndrome and ADHD
Used to post here alI the time years ago

What is this general like now? can barely remember what it was like when I used to post here desu
Not Mayuri by any chance? I was in Casnewydd today. At the Blaina Wharf actually
No I wasn't a namefag or anything. I just wanted to remember why I posted here
seems like a slow general
everyone left or moved to /brit/
idk why i come here either.
we watch and discuss a mentally deranged man on benefits who one day smells of fish and one day stinks of shit
but that sounds exactly like /brit/
>could always make a dummy google account. its by far the best nsfw AI chat bot i've come across.
Made a dummy account lid. Its ok but the bots don't seem to build up slowly. this one literally was grabbing my cock in 5 seconds. i like to slow roleplay up to it. that kinda instant sex is a turn off
>not sure i want to give away that info when im roleplaying erotically with bots
say that out loud to yourself just once
understandable, you can do that but it needs a lot of tweaking in the backstory part. you'll need to play around with that whole section a lot, the backstory, the likes, dislikes etc. i managed to get a bot that was a secretary at an office and i was the sleazy boss trying to shag her while she was denying me. had to come up with all sorts of ways to feel her up and shit before we shagged. was great roleplay that lasted a while but yeah, by default the bots are eager to please and will shag even if you set them as friendship or mentor
i can handle the sex logs, it's the therapy logs that worry me
So so unwell.
>say that out loud to yourself just once
Wot lad. Ai girlfriends are all the new rage

fair play lad that makes sense explaining it all to prime the bot. guess you paid for the premium model? ran outta messages at 50. grim
what's wrong linklad
yep lad, i have a years sub.
Uncontrollable changes in mood to the point where my life is basically a disaster (and overly dramatised in my own head). I am a ridiculous person. Just want to be calm for a significant length of time for once in my life. Won't happen.
gonna get my haircut tomorrow i think
Get the bean head special.
I'd wait till you're 100% committed, you don't want to change your mind halfway through.
if you're on a plane and it's too scary but you're proper mental AND rich and want to jump off with a parachute do they let you?
thanks for the suggestion lad but i dont have the confidence to go full bean, i would be too heavily bantered at work
sometimes you just have to roll the dice laddo, if you arent living on the edge youre taking up too much space, thats what i say
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Fast forward rewinding blackpool episodes 1 thru 17 for a reflection that might not exist
we need a new thread mentalist, its pretty much confirmed that mihai isnt coming back, we need someone to replace him
you could do it but youre just not the right sort of nutterist, mihai was very happy-go-lucky and used to regularly doxx himself without caring at all, you need to be more like him, sort it out lad
crosslad is mihai ya dingus
Mihai wasn't Scottish
>we need a new thread mentalist
we need that like you need another chromosome
Watching the original Danish version of that Speak No Evil I saw the other day. Will be interesting to see the differences.
The most interesting remake ever in my opinion is Psycho (1998) by Gus Van Sant. I guess it's more of an experiment. It's basically a shot for shot remake of the original film with Vince Vaughn as Norman Bates.
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Yeah, I'm on that Thursday night wuppagrind. Keeping meself nice and fresh for that wedding tomorrow.
twin flames aren't restricted to a set ego or physical body, it might be easy to think of them in linear time as 'jumping' but that's not quite accurate because then that suggest a cause-and-effect that it's just more convenient for us to wrap our heads around. suffice to say that mihai was Scottish the same way Socrates was mortal.
do you wash your pecker or do you let it cheese?
mihai didnt have a nationality, he wasnt really a person, just more of a machine manufactured to love lord of the rings and shitpost on 4chan
he wants us to ask about the wedding. don't.

what wedding lad?
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Fucking hell I totally forgot about that guy. Wonder what happened to him.
Glad they allow gay weddings now, you deserve to be happy, lad.
>wedding tomorrow.
These events are awful in terms of distant family members asking you about your job and partner. Hope it goes womfy for you
do they allow straight civil partnerships yet?
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Cousin's wedding. I'm only going for the free scran and a few jars. Might get wissed if there's a free bar on.
>phone beeps
>check it
>i have a new voicemail
>at almost midnight
>no missed calls, no nothing, just a voicemail

wtf is going on lads
probably dead

too fragile for this world
So you'll be spamming the thread with drunken nonsense until Saturday afternoon then? Grand, just like last weekend
>doesn't rhyme 'scran' with 'gan'
>doesn't rhyme 'jar' with 'bar'
you'll never make it into the mushy peas at this rate
Check the voicemail and report back.
im scared to though lad, dont want to phone it up
what kind of panties you got on?
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Nah the Sunderland v Boro match is on Saturday, I'll be watching that. Ngl though things could get messy this weekend.
only thing that ever gets messy is your nappy
Welty reschedules for Saturday night then, nice one. Even more like last weekend
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Sounds like you're about to get Hezbollah'd. Don't answer it lid the Israelis have compromised your phone.
do you prefer one or two fingers in your bum?
truth diss
cor this'll be the wildest Sunderland's been since Victoria Hall
I think you should be brave. It will only be on your mind all night and annoy/worry you.
i plan on it being on my mind alot longer than that lad, what if something happens if i listen to it? can viruses be installed on your phone like that?
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The Chairmanship era is over.

Or is it?
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Thas quite beautiful lad I saved jt
...so anyway, back to gay cocks
Nobody gives a shit about your spacker larps and power rankings
do you know what a pink sock is?
get your anime feet out of the threads you spastic knob
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V true desu. U got 12 hours 2 grt your fake story straight helper lad about how U work from home it consulting it technical stuff U don't want to bore them etc etc it's for your own good
helperlad are allowed out on the grounds
>how U work from home it consulting it technical stuff
Works for goo-goo-goo-g-google
yea...he does alot of admin work
>oh i used to do that, what do you think about...
and thus ended my fictional career as a WFH freelance editor
I don't think so. It's not something you are installing or anything like that.
It is a bit weird how there was no missed call.
What will you do if you get another voicemail? You'll have to dial the voicemail to listen to the message.
data input
what do you input?
>What will you do if you get another voicemail?
probably slightly shit myself and ignore it, much like i did with the first one
if it wasn't a ghost, it would email.
helper agreed to meet me at Tk maxx in sunderland to suck each others cocks but he never showed

very unprofessional
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HHL has my full support, either as UK Chairman or womfy civilian
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You could disable the voicemail in settings, then you won't get another voicemail.
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Yea literally
"Oh me too, who u working for?"
Fudging hell
Just mumbled some shit nd avoided her rest of the night
That was a wedding too
you can do that? excellent idea lad, ill have a look now
why dont you just tell them you collect bennies? theres no shame in it right
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Then@ the dinner i was tanning the drinks nd knocked a red wine glass on some lassies dress
I TOLD mum I didn't want 2 go, it wouldn't be good for me 2 go "everyone will be nice, u won't get anxious" ye not like I've been replaying the whole nightmare every day a year later thx
Online it says it can be done.
Hopefully it can. You can just delete the message and get on with life then.
Except the 1 deano guy that was talking my ear off from the moment we met til leaving nxt day which was kinda OK except am near certain my stepdad whispered in his ear 2 do that on purpose so I wouldn't just sit in a corner staring the wall. V humiliating if you actually think that through. Just wanted to stay home. wawa
@least I saw a cool butterfly,only 1 I've seen in years. Nature is dying.
hes gone lid i fucked the autism right out of him

>capcha: k8dvd
Nd the hotel was dead fancy bt I brought my 3ds to play links awakening then by time I got back from drinking all night realised id forgot the charger nd it was dead. It was 1 ordeal after another bt I guess the day was more about the wedding couple bt obviously from my perspective my own miseries were also roughly equally important.
personalities most likely to rape or get raped?

we can leave out lollers just because it is trivial
helper to get raped, ruthmong probably fantasises about raping but he'll never have the bottle to try anything
helper doesnt realize yet that im watching him i know his every move
any train sperges in here? apparently tomorrow (today technically) is the last day that royal mail will be running their trains, RIP class 325
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A fresh wuppa for me? That will do nicely, thank you very much.
you make me wet papi
you know there is
aw shit pourin 1 out 4 my homies
Mihai lives on the streets now. It sad.
i like to let my smegma ferment for a month or 2
Okay. The original Speak No Evil is way different. The remake completely changed the second half of the film. It's more thought provoking for sure but I think the remake is better on James McAvoy alone. They wouldn't have the balls to do the original ending in a Hollywood remake.
Gotten up me

Indeed i have
not listening to that voicemail, dont give a fuck
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javla norrman
good mornington lids

evening /r9k/unt
ok I just clicked the link what the fuck
at least link some actual porn
Where do I find gays in England?
right here in this thread
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>getting random adverts for Angela Rayner's clothes

I keep remembering cringe things I've done and recoiling in almost physically painful cringe
do you wanna try on outfits for me?
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Are you Angela Rayner? If so then okay.
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Necking these BBQ rib wringles then I'm off to beddingtons. Yeah, I'm aware eating late at night is not good for sleep but the fuck the science, I'm wungry.
There was a previous thread which listed the gay sex towns of England
Love BBQ Pringles as well as Prawn Cocktail.
My new favourite is the Extra Flamin Hot Crunchy Watsits as they're the closest thing I've found to the imported Flamin Hot Cheetos.
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For me, it's the classic Salt and Vinegar. I got these BBQ rib ones because I hadn't tried them before. I'd give them a solid 7/10 though.
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Beddingtons calls my name. Tonight I stand my ground is nightmareville. Nobody scares the Chairman.
something womfy about waking up when the NEETs are going to sleep
just listening to new order - true faith
fucks sake boys dont all post at once eh? dont want to crash the board
i can post some forts filth if you like
Noseburgh bleeding quite heavily just now after having picked it

ckin ell
crack on lad
bro how old are you? 5?

must have a weak ass nose
LMAOing at bro with the weak ass nose
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Backlog worked off. Very womfy and quiet right now.

Love the night lurking hours, me.
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lewd cannons in this one
corr tasty boogberg that was

he who picketh the nose

reapeth the booger scran

am i not
Incredibly tired but the show must go on, on my way to work atm
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This view and a coffee, what more does one need?
are you in Yemen de lad?
i encourage you to go out and find a woman
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this is Oman, next to yemen
could never live in a muslim country me, love getting pissed too much
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you still can, it's just more expensive and private. it depends on the country though

the bigger reason not to live in them is because the weather means everywhere is dead during the day
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that and they don't even have a flamingo land, just a shabby imitation
>another sleepsex episode
like sleepwalking only gayer
feels like being possessed does it not, it does indeed. scary
state of that
Why would anyone go to Oman.. cant get my head around it
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why go anywhere? it's completely different to home, there's lots to see and do. just keeping it womfy and having a break today
For me, it's southeast asia. Love the vibe there.
All i've seen in your pictures is sand and a shite playground. Not trying to diminish your experience, its just not for me. But it might be for you.
feel a cold coming on de lads
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He living life 4x LUSH.
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it depends what you want and how much you like seeing different types of places. I wouldn't judge it based on a joke about flamingo land
nice little preholiday for him before his trip to tokyo
Imagine jumping down there
Big day today for ruthmong
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al beachy head
Sore throat, might have corona
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He talk to other RSPB members, he meet public, he friendly.
I've been to Oman, just to Muscat and then a few nearby deserty plateau areas, but was very nice. My experience of almost all the decent gulf states is that they have generally very high quality of life.
SSM is a fraud
I sleep
HHL is a fraud
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Mark buying the same games again.
Road to the masters
Footy manager ( lol )
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He always be a Grade A PS5 Gamer
What does the ps5 camera do? Is it for streaming?
Trying to think of a game you could actually recommend mark that he'd be capable of playing. Can't think of any yet.
Footy manager not it
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He take back all his PS5 Games.
He get full refund on postage
Then he buy back his old games postage free.

He quids in. It's LUSH
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Certified Seaside Classic.
SeasideMONG does the same thing again
britfeelMONGs breakout all the same memes, questions why, recycled make believe and catchphrases
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Getting some really decent images out of me Nomis recently.
You're part of the same ecosystem getting all upset about it
Dollymong has no self awareness.
Not upset lad. Laughing at you downies getting giddy over him doing the same shit over and over. You are no different than him in mentality.
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>he buy thing!
>he sell thing!
>he buy thing again!!!!!
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This one's fucking hilarious
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He likes his sausages done 4x longer.
>You having some cream cakes later?
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looks proper lush that, he even get the plate out for the full trekkie brekkie experience
What is your expertise with the gypsy/Irish traveller community like?
What a fucking revolting animal he is. Make no mistake, he's not a victim at all - he deserves every single ounce of hatred he receives.
I don't feel well.
Tummy ache and sniffly.
Dog sitting for 48 hours, not looking forward to it, but I need money.
Das it, blog over.
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On that wuppagrind, am I not
Mark is being terrorised out of existence by the builders.
Who is the hardest bloke you have ever met?
>nooo you can't eat off a worktop because... umm.... you just can't okay??
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He get Grade A Music Boombox.
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Twolls having a little seethe because Mark eats better than them
18 fucking quid delivery for a few ps5 games. it not right
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>Exciting party sound
> Twolls having a little seethe because Mark eats better than them
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Look at the size of that BOOMBOX.
size of that speaker
he have the whole building shaking at 4am and it's gonna be lush
alexa, play the wurzels
All day everyday seaside dollies are back on the menu
Might move to liechtenstein
And you'll be here to sample every Seaside Starter and Seaside Supper on that menu little lid. Looking forward to your next KEK HOWL and possibly a CREASE.
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He Sanford Lane ready
No lad I spend more time on Reddit now x
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>I spend more time on Reddit now
we get it lad you are the king of britfeel the unstoppable wind up merchant and spammer
how do local tabletop game clubs work? do i just walk into a shop and say hey i wanna play dnd

im there to socialise but im too scared to even talk to the people running it, idk what im thinking
Corr just did weights after not doing them for 4 months. Need to ease myself back in. Only did it for about 5 months before I stopped. Just need to tone up
>ssm has ordered another ps5
SSM even bought the same games again:

>Road to the Masters
>Dakar Desert Rally
>Murder on the Orient Express
Currently in Pontypool, I wonder if I'll see that fat Welsh bird who keeps getting posted here
Wonder if SSM will keep the ps5 this time
2nd date with Greek bird tonihjt wahey
dark nights are cumming
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Happy Friday neet army nd honorary neet wagies
Best day of the week innit
>here's where we make the trade
>so what are 'the goods'? cocaine powder? assault rifles?
>haha michael you old boomer it's a keygen to mine cryptos hmm now how do we hack the door....
>*kicks in the guards' heads*
>heh, still think i'm a 'boomer' who hasn't got what it takes?
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Currently in the bath. Might head out for some din dins later on
Life is too exhausting for me atm
Life is too easy for me atm
kekking at the comments on that bald and bankrupt india video
>Currently in the bath
saucy post this, what are you wearing?
I am caught between these two extremes, eating Coco Pops with a bad tooth and avoiding checking my bank balance.
the disabled people don't apply for the job, they get given it. in return, tesco receives gov subsidise for programs that get disabled people into work.
the people actually applying for the job are getting it because they have experience. if you have zero experience in retail, you'll be expected to do volunteering (slavery), and even then the people with actual long term experience will have an advantage over you.
unless you're a girl, in which case your chances go up considerably if the manager is a degenerate.

the best way to get a job these days is to have an apprenticeship. but this isn't something you find out until after you've already graduated uni and are failing to get a job, in which case an apprenticeship is no longer possible. if you're unable to get a job in the field relevant to your degree, you're shit out of luck. there's always the armed forces though, unless you're over 30 that is, in which case you should just claim disability (chances are at this point you have a genuine mental illness) for the bennies and work on starting up your own independent income buy making apps or games or some shit.
Just armbands, safety first.
Boom-boom-boombox for him de lad. It 6 and half times louder and 4 times bigger!
Christ the amount of slags here
Well yeah. It scratches the surface, cakes in food particles and unless he's wiping it down with a wood/laminate safe disinfectant (spoiler, this is fucking Mark we're talking about so he obviously isn't) then it's basically a breeding ground for germs. There's a reason we use plates.
the perfect number of cats is two stupid cats. preferably siblings. but they can't both be the same type of stupid. one needs to be stupid (dumb) and one needs to be stupid (annoying)
Relapsed to BBC porn again. BBC, forced bi, cei etc type vids. Women telling me I'm a fag and encouraging me to suck cock. It's so hot bros. Fuck.
I feel like I deserve to be an honourary NEET wagie desu. Sure I wage, but it's WFH, I do fuck all, I regularly just ignore emails and shit and I give zero effort. I game, goon and watch anime all day. I'll probably be fired at some point but I really don't care. Just running out the clock and collecting a salary. I'll keep waging again after in WFH jobs, but really my heart isn't in it at all. Spiritually I'm a NEET.
It's good to have SSM back
I run a 7k bbc porn twitter lad, I know exactly how you feel.
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i'm a frumpy wrong-side-of-30 lonely mental sprogless societal dropout
it's not sexism or entitlement it is EQUALITY that i am entitled to a frumpy wrong-side-of-30 lonely mental sprogless societal dropout gf
Forgot your trip HeIpermong
whats the twitter?
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>8 character captchas now
i think someone twiddled the knob for a bit of a laugh, not knowing WE'D have the last laugh
don't forget to verify with CloudFlare before accessing the site
I asked him before, he wont say
>there are non-addicts who could have (your poison of choice) for the first time
>it'd be just like you using it for the first time
>from 0 to good
What are some other areas of life this applies to? Thinking I should watch The Sopranos or Star Wars or something. Maybe get into sudokus.
Good news bad news. Good, don't need to dog sit as my friend is ill in bed, \o/, but, bad news, no pennies for me.
Feels good not having to fanny about when ill, but feels bad as no monies.
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Johnny walker
Don't feel like sharing it right now since I've got a nice community and don't want britfeel mongs disrupting the good thing I've got going.
Mark's neighbours won't like his new LG XBOOM speaker
How many items does SSM have now?
Meant to be a nice fella though
It's for down the lane only.
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Sounds like u have the heart of a NEET soldier to me
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Have a wee peppermint mocha
Aka that choccy woccy goy juice
I have been exposed to the dark underbelly of bootleg DVDs and I am shaken to the core.
Said he will do a gadgets count later on today.
Post your address ill send you some money
i esitmate he now has 9 items
LG Xboom XL5s Portable Bluetooth Party Speaker, A-grade
I'm in between addresses at the moment, I'll have to come to you.
What does that mean? Are you homeless?
Might get the Motorola Razr 50 Ultra.
No, it was a non witty way to say, I'm not posting my address.
Thank you for the offer, I do appreciate it.
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Sandford Lane party bout to go DOOOOWN
Girls love guys with a motorola
Post your bitcoin address
Will be fun to have a modern flip phone but the novelty would probably wear off.
I'm too plebby for that.
It's bennies day on tuesday, and I have food in, so I'm not desperate for it.
Mum just dropped some lemsip and asahi off, so I should be OK.
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Wot da fox go on eeeenaaaaa
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We have rhe same bennies day
I always thought every1 was same day bt it's down 2 the day u first applied I think
Love a Tuesday me
Fucking hell has Mark scaled the Eiffel Tower like Godzilla?
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>Used the CEX Postage Exploit to get the Grade A X-BOOMBOX before level 3.
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Lol, which personalities are scouse? You know, so we can make witty comments like 'I found [personality's] account lol'
Yeah I think they go on the date. Trying to think if it has always been like that, I remember the days when giro's got posted and had to be cashed at a post office, and several times I got mine on a saturday, but missed the opening time of the post office.
No idea but let's just pretend castlelad's a scouser so you can play with the dollies
They should go back to this system. Where you have to go and personally ask for the pittance from the state from a real human being. Bring back the shaming element to it. There should also be an open public register which updates in real time of who is on benefits that anyone can access at any time.
One day he smell like fish another day he smell like shit. Another day he smell like fish shit but that's another story.
I don't use any social media other than 4channel
corr that's TMAUxxtra
>let's just pretend castlelad's a scouser
I'm not
this al fayed story sure seems like a distraction given the timing
Everyone queueing up waiting to see an advisor? I remember those days, walking the line looking at all the job boards. Then the computer things came in, and you could print jobs off. Filling out the job diary, and forgetting/losing it constantly. Ahh, gud times.
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TMAU ruin his life. It not right
Sorry lad, word is out.
One day he smell like butter. The next day he smell like margarine.
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Craggles must pay
I was living in a hostel and signing on in 2007, because all of the post was delivered to the main desk and there was someone with the same first initial and surname as me I'd collect my giro, cash it at cash converters and then go to the job centre and claim it was lost to get an instant replacement.
Managed it for about three months before all of the "lost" ones made it back to the job centre and they were not pleased at all.
One day he smell like petrol. The next he smell like diesel.
Desu every time they showed eiffel tower on Olympics it looked like a fugging grim rust heap
the ps5 is not for me
It is, lad. Not to mention it is swarmed by wogs and muslims at every angle. Paris is a literal refugee ghetto.
I've gradually accepted the change in how prescriptions work and I feel like an amnesiac/gaslighted/something.
Someone, anyone, just explain: you have a health problem, your doctor prescribes you a drug. What's the process? For you, in Britain, today?
1)Consultation: You visit your GP or a specialist who assesses your health problem.
Prescription Issued: If medication is needed, the doctor will issue a prescription. Most prescriptions are now sent electronically through the Electronic Prescription Service, which means they go directly to your chosen pharmacy

2) Collecting Medication: You can collect your medication from the pharmacy. If you have a paper prescription, you take it to the pharmacy yourself. For electronic prescriptions, you just need to go to the pharmacy and they will have it ready for you.

3)Prescription Charges: In England, each prescription item costs around 10 quid. If you need multiple medications, you pay this charge for each item. There are options like the Prescription Prepayment Certificate that can save you money if you need multiple prescriptions regularly. Exemptions: Some people are exempt from paying prescription charges, such as those over 60, under 16, or with certain medical conditions
takes you a month to get an appointment, you turn up, they're an hour behind schedule so you sit in the waiting room surrounded by scum and filth, smackheads waiting on their mephedrone, scummy mummys on facebook while their kids run riot, you get in the doctors room, some indian fucker looks at you like you're a piece of literal dog shit, you explain your issue in depth, he googles it, gives you a prescription to a drug that won't fix it, you stand in line at the pharmacy for 30 minutes surrounded by scum, turns out the doctor hasn't signed the paper so they can't give you the drug, you walk out and go home, they try ring your mobile but you don't pick up, issue eventually fixes itself a month later
I don't mean general 'you', like 'does one', I mean you.
crosslad giz a valium gowan be a good lid
>I don't mean general 'you', like 'does one', I mean you.

Scarily accurate. But also don't forget the waiting rooms are filled with entire families of foreigners who see a trip to the GP as a day out.
Rhodesia lives in the hearts, minds and souls of every sensitive young man who longs for adventure. It will rise again greater than ever before.
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Craggles wuin his life
I'm not talking about an abstract concept of people in Britain, but the actual material people in Britain, you and I.
I'm not autistic but I am on drugs. I think my point still stands that prescriptions have changed. But I'm asking it as open question, right, that way it's left open.
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Wonder if SSM got his milk
true story from 2019, first time i'd been in a doctors since my early teens, last time i went earlier this year the whole waiting room was just browns, "doctor" fucking stank and made out like i was making it all up, african woman outside asked me where the doctors was, i said it's this building here, she just grunts and me and goes in, some time after i went to a&e, there for 5 hours, some romanian cunt mouths off at me as i leave
Elon lost his milk to this
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>order repeat prescription online
>pharmacy send me a txt message
>too anxious 2 go pharmacy
>pharmacy continues 2 spam me occasionally to collect prescription
It's been there since June. Am never going. Too scary now they'll shout @ me last time I finally went in January they'd had it since October. Shouted @ me. Cant get away w my excuses again.Changing pharmacies.
2007 was when I started working more. Think I wasn't signing on between 2007-2019. A good run, but now I have health issues.
Funnily enough I just got a survey through the door for how the government help with disability/health conditions. I'm going to fill it in. I'm on the lowest amount of UC, no PIP, don't get disability, keep getting messed about with reviews of health. Things are getting worse, and there's nothing really coming from the government. I feel like they are trying to keep me on the lowest amount possible.
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Methadone unless u know a really lit GP
2 be fair when I had that nd my valium script I NEVER missed a pharmacy day
So give me better stuff again nd I'll come. Simple as
mum went a week without her meds last month because the online repeat prescription she filled at boots just didn't go through or some shit. GF went 3 days without her meds recently cause chemist just didn't have her anti depressants.

fucking state of this country. Last time I went to the doctors a guy got up and asked someone if they were doctor x. Then just fucking laid into him telling him his behaviour was absolutely fucking disguisting and left.

Doctor was just walking round with a receptionist or something discussing the upcoming building works because they built an extension to the surgery and he was doing this on fucking patient time with people waiting for their appointments.
i had this cunt in a pharmacy mouthing off to her colleguge while giving me a mucky look about how i should have picked it up 3 days ago, yet it still wasn't in the bag, well if it wasn't ready today it wasn't ready 3 days ago was it you fucking cunt, if i wasn't so dejected i'd have destroyed the place
yeah i thought that wasn't the right spelling, kek
No no no, lad, you don't understand, our healthcare system is the 'envy of the world' I'm told. The previous chancellor even said "Scandinavian quality with Singaporean efficiency".
So is a country wide thing u have to ring them in the morning just to get an appointment right
Before covid we could full on just book appointments online nd it didn't normally take long
Feels like they took the opportunity w lockdown 2 basically pick n choose their work day nd do as little as necessary except everyone says covid is over bt to the GP surgery it's like jt started yesterday still
Ofc the random mobs of flip flop enjoyers loitering around the waiting room all day since then doesn't help am sure
Is it anti-anxiety medication?
pure howling at a bunch of charvas outside Tesco's "givvuz a valium" "corrr" hahaha lads
the domain name went back. that was a technicality thing, like being in Ireland.
Not much better in the hospital. Nurses chatting absolute pish about going out and how many guys they fucked and who did what with who taking a wee break to tell one of the patients to fuck off bey they are really busy or some shit. Fucking scum the whole lot of them. God forbid anything serious actually happens to you in this country
i genuinely like being around the 'smackheads and filth'. the single mum going 'na. na. u know wot. a canet deal wi this.' having a meltdown. that's me in the zone. it's comfy. would wanna be pals.
you lot with your phantom high horses can go fuck off and pretend to be middle class elsewhere.
did that lad find out what the voice message was?
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Yea....ironic eh
Hate it when the pharmacy nag me to pick up prescriptions
what happens then? do the pills just disappear? is it like a neighbour receiving a parcel, where they get to open it and then the pills are for them?
I just switched a new one and they rang me today to let me know my prescription had come in stock. I found it very helpful, and the woman was polite and supportive, bit of a laugh. Overall a good experience. Useful, what I wanted. No complaints.

I'm scared, lads.
My friend the virgin neek loser wants to know if there are phone lines he can call to talk to sexy women, do your friends know of any, lads?
Ask Shippy. He's 12k down on sex lines this year alone.
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U would THINK they just send it back 2 gp affer long enough in reality they keep it in the shop FOREVER nd constantly spam ur phone w txt message even if they knownyou are shut in that can't deal with it. It sick
see if i worked there i'd just take your anti-anxiety medication
for multiple meanings of the verb 'to take'
New threadhams de Iads

Plus dossed off psychiatry on 21st June nd ignored their letters rescheduling nd fobbed that 1 off too nd been fobbing off GP so I got a lot of enemies atm. Just in my own lane though

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