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Blackpool Tower edition
Who here /venlafaxine/?
Is that for anxiety/depression?
If I was gay and I had a fetish about becoming HIV+, I'd give the honour of "pozzing" me only to a black man.

Of course, I'm not gay, so it's not relevant.
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love me a freddo
what is the least risky 'service' i could use if human contact is actually the point? i know that would be therapy/counselling but i'm thinking along the lines of like, palm readings and that. if it was just sex work and i just wanted sex, that'd be that, it's not what we're talking about.
someone please make sense of what i mean, i just want to be with weirdos who are open minded and chakras and maybe being there is the point, or maybe chakras is the point? maybe.
any ideas?
Andy's Man Club sounds like it's perfect for you
corr, a bunch of hairy sweaty men meeting up once a week to tug on each others cocks, sign me up
I don't think there's anything gay going on there.
i know i've taken it, i didn't break out in hives or anything, but it just didn't really work or 'it helped a bit'
purely medically if people are going to be wankers about 'well there isn't another option it's just effective in SOME people x% of the time, clinical trials have shown...'
even if, that, it is not currently possible to even explore illegal drugs which could have benefits which is a bit daft and everyone agrees
(not saying antidepressants don't do anything obviously they do)
You're why the mental health services here are so shite, cos you don't give a fuck about them. Yeah you have enemies alright
Yeah I think I get what you mean, you want female company don't you. Same here brother
have you been? who knows what they get up to at their meetings
>any ideas?
I'm struggling to understand what you said. Therapy and palm reading aren't similar.
What exactly are you wanting? You keep mentioning chakras.
Nah I've never been, I'm not in the same position as you.
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>ignores appointments
>ignores every letter/phone call
>gets angry when he strolls in and starts demanding to be seen and they tell him to fuck off

Id say a good 8/10 people who torture the doctors for le depression need a good fucking slap and told to wise up tbqfh
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I know its bad bt i had the worst summer of my life this year nd couldn't deal anymore. Nd some of those doctors were cruel nd made me feel worse.I never missed a single appointment since 2015 til now. This has been my own personal george floyd summer. Now I emerging into the dark nights refreshed from hibernation bt weary n traumatised. I never asked to be born.
Crossmong is just a general whiny little parasite who doesn't give two fucks about anyone other than himself.
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yeah i almost replied to the other anon
>hurr durr blokes i want teh womanz
but yeah. also magic.
work coach AND
gp surgery message me
>'missed appointments'
i know what they really mean, NHK style, baby~
don't think foot/crossmong has any redeemable qualities
even SSM got more charisma
>i had the worst summer of my life this year
what happened lad
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Is 2 personal to even say here. I just release energy talking about other things as a proxy. Family problems house problems **** problems medical problems relapsed on drinking 2 cope w those problems problems finance problems mental health problems like 3 or 4 things where just 1 would take u out the game kept hitting 1 after the other. So ye I wasn't in the mood this summer 2 meet the same psych again where the last time we met he told me to try taking a walk nd goes "isn't it mad how much footballers get paid, look at the job I do I help ppl like you nd ill never make that money!" Nd am sitting there like.......I've seen u for 4 years nd you've actively made me feel worse for most of it w your gaslighting @ some point u have to snap nd I snapped in June nd just stay in my room all day I just wanted to be with mum nd ignore the world for a while cus it stressing me out by a lot. Nobody gave me a chance in life. I WILL APOLOGISE 2 THEM obviously.
Is Crossmong the latest dolly to bash king?
the best lolcow here is dollymong
You need to go back
That's a KEK and a CREASE but not quite a HOWLING or a LOLE.
dark knights are cumming
U know my mum went through 3 marriages by the time I was 10 nd they all turned up 2 be abusive psychos
Is that a normal way 2 grow up?
W all the home moves nd school changes nd weird new extended family nd everything that came along with all that
I seen how seemingly nice ppl a lot if the time are hiding some dark shit in their heart. V young. I stop trusting ppl a long time ago. U can only become what you learn. So I don't trust nocunt in this world but I care about the ones that seem ok extra harder as a result.
Bt anyway am over it
That's why it's so catty in here, all you kiwifarm niggas shitting up the place.
>Me me me, my life is so hard! No one else has ever had any problems they've had to overcome!
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I need to have a good look for the old violin that only plays sad songs just for you lad
Ah, so you've been in therapy. That is what they try, EVERYONE FEELS LIKE THAT!
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He get his cream cakes, he get his milk, he bring us all up to speed. He get his money back, he get 50 quid back on his Nintendo games. He get two brand new playstation games so next month he got money for his new games cold nights are coming in.
You don't need therapy for that. It's common sense that everyone has problems they need to deal with. The difference is some people get on with solving them, and other people sit and whine and blame everyone else while making it everyone else's problem.
It's also common sense that people are not exactly the same.
The blanket statement of "blame everyone else", is a fallacy. Some people blame themselves.
You're obviously just being an arse to wind up crosslad.
Do you make yourself feel better by trying to make others feel worse?
I prefer the banoffee cream tarts myself
That's true some people do blame themselves. And that's healthier than blaming everyone other than themselves. If you blame yourself you're taking responsibility for you own life. And that's the first step to actually sorting shit out.

>You're obviously just trying to wind up...

No need for those pointless spaces lad, you're not writing a novella here.
>He get his cream cakes, he get his milk, he bring us all up to speed. He get his money back, he get 50 quid back on his Nintendo games. He get two brand new playstation games so next month he got money for his new games cold nights are coming in.
Wow really
it not me for guise, i'm not a gamer
is there a summary of the SSM gadget situation?
The constant PS5 buying is such a weird mental illness.
I reckon depression isn't in any way, shape or form a 'medical' issue in 99% of cases. If your life is shite then you SHOULD feel bad about it, that's the NORMAL response to such circumstances. The 'treatment' if you can even call it that is to fix your fucking life and try to make it better. I'm not saying it's easy, it's not, especially given the state of the country, but this bollocks is not something you need to bother doctors with or get brain-fucking psychiatric drugs to treat.
berrer than girrin it t' bookies
How come people with objectively shite lives are sometimes quite happy or at least not crippled by misery? How come people with objectively good lives are sometimes extremely miserable?
Is it though? He doesn't seem to get any enjoyment out of his PS5.
Yeah I really cannot figure out his gadget buying/selling obsession. Someone said a while back it might be a way to keep his bennies in a non-fungible asset so it doesn't get taken from his account the moment he gets his DWP payments and then he can just sell them off later for a loss but still have access to liquidity, but I'm not convinced. There's no way banking systems can't just take owed money the instant it enters an account, much faster than some retard can buy a PS5 on CEX.

I'm honestly stumped as to why he does it.
I am in bits on the floor here lad did you think of that all by yourself
Because psychology isn't an empirical science by any means. Everyone is different and everyone will react to even exactly the same circumstances in highly individualised ways. What I'm getting at is that for the people whose lives are shite and they're unhappy, well there isn't really a mystery there is there? It's not a medical matter in that situation, it's a get-your-fucking-life-together matter.
The only explanation is that he's still a gambling addict and he'll gamble all of his money the instant he gets it unless he does this.
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He wants everyone to add him to PSN
His name is SeasideLush
Just sort yerself out, get a job, get a gf, move out. It's soooooo simple.
What if their lives are shite because of the symptoms of depression though? There's a bit more to it than just feeling sad.
he has 9 items, i called it
>where does SSM get his money from
>why does he keep buying and selling gadgets
But if he can choose to spend it differently can't he just choose not to and spend it at the bookies? Isn't the whole point of being a gambling addict that you can't make those choices to begin with? I dunno, it all seems really weird and I haven't come across a decent explanation yet.
>But if he can choose to spend it differently can't he just choose not to and spend it at the bookies?

Dunno what you mean by this lad, can you rephrase?
Actual medical depression I think is extremely rare. Most people are just sad because their lives aren't great and self-diagnose for attention/avoiding accountability and would be far better off if they made very simple but universally effective changes to their lives to improve their situations. It's not easy, but it's possible.
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The extremely important appointment hath concluded, hath it not

Unwindan and womfan it up now, me

Good phenokino this, corr
How rare do you think it is?
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Calculate my items
Yeah sorry, that was a bit janky. I mean like you say he's a gambling addict, so he wants to put his money into something he can't gamble away. Okay. But if he's really a gambling addict wouldn't his first thought be to go out and gamble as soon as he gets his bennies rather than put it into CEX gadgets instead? See what I mean? At that point it would just be a question of having the willpower NOT to gamble, but we see that he doesn't have that by any means, so again it leaves the question of 'why?' open.
lush gadget update. he's got 9 items hasn't he?
It's easy to exercise willpower once. It's tougher to do it when temptation is right in front of you all the time.

It's a bit like trying to stop eating junk food. It's a lot easier to just not buy the junk food at the supermarket, rather than resist eating the junk food you already have in your kitchen.
Don't you want to be like seasideMARK?

I have absolutely no way of knowing, but I would say that 'extremely' and '99%' get close to the actual reality of things. I've known a ton of people who have been "diagnosed" with "depression" and it's so obviously just bollocks that it makes me roll my eyes quite frankly.

99% of people who have "depression" are merely experiencing a combination of the following
>life not exactly how they want it/something has gone wrong
>they do nothing to fix it, move on, get their mind off it etc.
>they wallow in the pity
>self-diagnose for attention
>really play into the role of "I'm a depressed person" when people are watching but are pretty normal when not
>go to GP and massively play it up (though this isn't necessary in most cases since the diagnostic criteria are astonishingly vague and anyone can get a "diagnosis" and venlafaxine after a 10 min conversation)

I'll say again I disagree with the conception of depression overall. If your life is going badly then it's a NORMAL reaction to be unhappy about it. The unhappiness makes you want to change the thing that's making you unhappy, thus you work to improve your life and you stop being unhappy. This is totally normal, reasonable and rational functioning. It is not a medical issue. A medical issue would be your life is fine, nothing appears to be wrong and yet you are chronically unhappy. That means your brain is NOT functioning normally because that is a wholly irrational response to your situation. Very, VERY few people have good lives but are unhappy.
>what she sees
>I have absolutely no way of knowing

Maybe if you had any knowledge of psychology?
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Who /sober weekend/ here
me but every weekend is sober because im a boring cunt
>Very, VERY few people have good lives but are unhappy.

In the screenshot you'll find a small selection of extremely rich and famous people who suffer from depression.

In this article you'll find a list of famous people who have committed suicide in the last 23 years.


That doesn't even go into the millions of people who have "normally" good lives who suffer from depression. It's just a small selection of very famous people who have or had inarguably great lives.
we've wobbled a bit too far into the court of abstract/constructed/spectrum ideas
you can't loop that back 'round' or we'd all have 'digits extending from our palms syndrome'
Appeal to authority, lad. My arguments are not based on an assertion that I have some greater technical knowledge on the subject, but nor do they require it.

Did early chemists have to defend their claims on alchemical grounds against the old guard of alchemists? No. Quite frankly I see psychology as pretty much a pseudoscience for the most part. Utterly unreproducible, entire swathes of it just pulled out of peoples' arses a century ago, tons of academics in it for openly political reasons etc.

Depression as it is commonly understood is nonsense.
It's not about authority. I didn't say "maybe if you had a degree." I said maybe if you actually had any idea what you're talking about. Which you don't.
SSM's meaty cock
gadgetless wagies
supposed to be cleaning my flat but i cant be arsed so im just gonna doss about and listen to police interview of murderers on youtube
Haven't had any walcohol in 3 years
Defo not lmao
Several hundred people out of give or take 8 billion is staggeringly small. But frankly I would say most of these people did NOT have good lives by most standards:
>drug addicts
>porn stars
>literal terrorists
>people with a range of obvious co-pathology mental health issues
>bullying victims
>disgraced politicians
>indian women
etc. etc.

Moreover, this obfuscates the fact that the vast majority of people who live decent lives are not suicidal.

>I believe this entire field is generally getting things wrong.
Really lad?

Yes, this is absolutely a thing. Over-diagnosis is the biggest flaw of modern psychology in my opinion. The DSM could be used to diagnose literally everyone on the planet with some kind of pathology which is patently absurd.
Giantarse spider from ousside crawling along the walls again just now

Fackin ell
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On that weddinggrind me. Can't drink too much though need to save meself for tomorrow. It Friday x
>But that's not what the field itself says

That's not my argument. The argument is that your opinion is based on absolutely nothing. No relevant knowledge (not just of psychology, but of anything relevant at all), no direct research. Just your own supposition
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State of this religious nutjob.
>the vast majority of people who live decent lives are not suicidal.

What percentage of the people who live decent lives are not miserable?
Not a fan of spiders, me. No sire
>for the last ~10 years, people complained about a few lines on a post, and said I'M NOT READING THAT WALL OF TEXT







No complaints.
State of current posters.
AB had one of the worst encounters with police lately. Looking forward to these tyrants being exposed.
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Womf kicking in right now is it not
Throat still sore af de leds it not right
Not for me im still at work
Just watching his Croydon final part video. The officers hes talking to seem like sound lads. A rarity
Want sex with an openreach engineer
It's not based on nothing. It's based on my demonstrable experience and my capacity to reason.

Again, I couldn't say. But certainly the vast majority. It's almost a definitional issue.
want to give him an openreach around? WEHEY
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Wops' brother kicked off again and took the "wifi box" away. Guess no one calls them routers anymore.
Changing of the dollies is it not
look lad i know you were trying to make a point but think of how many trees died for your post, yeah?
>Again, I couldn't say

You couldn't say? But surely that's pretty central to your argument, no? I mean if 5% of people with great lives are miserable, then depression is very real and one of society's biggest problems. If 0.0000000001% of people with great lives are miserable, then you have a point. Both would be "the vast majority" but one would support your argument and the other would demolish it. Don't you think?
Don't trust any of them. Very suss when they're too nice.
















Dollymaster has all the dollies dancing to his tune
Mummy making chips fish fingered and peas
i refreshed the page and upon my afternoon perusal of /britfeel/ i spy >>78872287

henceforth letters shall carry social and emotional weight (c.)
I can't put an exact number on it, but that doesn't mean it isn't obviously a very high proportion.
Yeah that's my point though. It obviously isn't a very high proportion, but that's totally meaningless. It could be not very high but still significant. You simply don't know, so you've made a conclusion based on nothing.
Pissed on me slippers
I disagree. Lacking empirical data doesn't mean based on nothing. But we are obviously never going to see eye-to-eye.
You're meant to put your feet in them, you drunk fool.
i remember enjoying things
You've come to an iron clad conclusion that you're 100% sure of, but you've got absolutely nothing to back it up. "It obviously isn't a very high proportion" is true, but it doesn't support your conclusion at all.
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What kind of man would find this attractive? Disgusting looking pig.
Spreading my cheeks REALLY WIDE
You're seriously arguing that depression isn't over-diagnosed? Come on, lad.
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Men want trad, chaste and demure obedient loyal princesses that turn into whores for them only.

Women want ripped, brutish, psychopathic bad boi Chads that turn into controllable little puppies for them only.

These two cannot be reconciled.

Society is either matriarchal or patriarchal in nature - In the case of the former, it will suceed; Yet in the case of the latter, not so much...
I do not have a single qualification but let me tell you about depression and do not get me started on vaccines
I have no idea whether it's over diagnosed or not lad. But neither do you.
When the auditor suddenly starts speaking upon being arrested and then dearrested. Scared boys.
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Getting close to 5pm, lads.

In 30 mins I will have done exactly ZERO work all day after having logged in.

Thanks for the salary, you fucking twats.
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Auditing muslim workplaces and mosques is a new low.
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Same lad. Thanks for the bennies.
What do you feel like after sex is it like wanking?
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Shall be copping some R&R-on-the-naze quite soonish, me

Probably won't be falling asleep either since i've only been up and about for 5 hours but it's important to unwind and reset regardless, give the system some time to settle down and recuperate in earnest

Is it not
Fat bully government clown pushes him to the ground. Thug.

Shoving bon bons up me arse corr
getting the bbc porn urges again liddles
The apus are hard at work maintaining depression levels according to government standards. We thank you for your cooperation.
yeah bitch fucking call the police on me again. didn't even get charged. cunt.
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If Britain was invaded, would you volunteer for an insurgency? I'm torn. One the one hand it seems fun, but on the other hand I hate this country and what would I be fighting for? I suppose I'd only sign up if the insurgency was dedicated to ousting the invaders whilst also looking to enshrine a radically new government afterwards.
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>tfw only 2 items
Go up to woman and film her in public.
what scene should i fap to? abigaile johnsons scene with mandingo is in my head a lot
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Go into supermarkets, take expensive meat and fish from the fridges, walk around for an hour, then 'accidentally' put the meat and fish at the back of a shelf behind other things.

Whoops, hope that didn't affect your bottom line teehee x
Nicole Doshi with Anton Harden has an amazing blowjob at the beginning (after the 'intro blowjob).
The usual Friday night alone posting on 4chan is it king?
Based and that would not be against the law.
It is being invaded. There's 10's of thousands turning up each year. We are at war with the political scum, and have been for a long time.
>Those digits
Holy fuck
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Do you have anything other than projection?
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I see no point in working if I don't get life's basic pleasures.
metaphorically, that's just what they're doing to us anyway, metaphorically.
load up a full trolley with expensive meat and fish then walk out when they refuse to give you the advertised sale price without agreeing to give your data away on their loyalty card scam
Having some Ribena and sparkling water. Is that alright with you, lads?
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Ame is graduating from hololive, lads.
I'm not okay...
Dumb wagies think he's breaking GDPR by filming them.
i'd join some kind of revolution if it was like the peasants revolt. i'm weak and squeamish and i would definitely get my head kicked in, but i'd be absorbed into the rabble willingly. has to be for a proper cause though, but at this point maybe that's just "the government is bad" yea i agree.
>Having some Ribena and sparkling water
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Little pussy. Get back in a dig your hole. Tyrant.
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DVD menus are my special interest de liiiids.
Need someone to rub my belly while I poo
>Go home, put a cup of tea on and watch the chase. You're an old weirdo. An absolute freak.

Tyrant giving it all. Low iq hole digging wagie.
like these are just occurrences that happened probably within your lifetime, and they made a tangible difference
to the point where people have mythologised it, jumping on the next big thing like it's World War 3.
Womfyarse wapu innit
not rite how he bully wops not rite at all
Thankfully 30+ years of mass immigration and economic stagnation have strengthened the British people into a more cohesive, organised, motivated and higher quality group, unified neighbour to neighbour, so that we can hold the government to account.
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oh lawd big momma comin
i mean if that magical group did exist it could just 'be' the state and that'd be nice. as it is you just get nutters doing whatever.
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90s DVDs had the COOLEST menus
this kind of creativity is missing today
important life lesson from mark

Shut up DVDmong
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He's a jobless loser who dropped out of college and wants to play vidya all day. What a sad lad making her mum's life a misery.
Enjoyed fapping to this. Nice one thanks m8.
Or what, lad? You going to throw your toys out the pram?
Why do I get the feeling he was the one buying the woman a 1k computer
wops should get a bf and move out.
It's DVDlad's world, you're just living in it.
i have had multiple stabs at this
just feels a bit, gay, y'know?
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Imagine having this sweet lass in your life. Shame we'll never know the feel of being attractive to lasses.
You have such a life you have to impersonate posters on an anonymous site.
State of you, lid.
Do think Marks had blowjob from Helen after 2 years of dating each other?
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My life is not worth bothering about without a gf.
what's the closest you've ever come to death?
>He's a jobless loser who dropped out of college and wants to play vidya all day. What a sad lad making her mum's life a misery.
You know that sounds almost exactly like you, right? You must know. Why do you do this?
same desu
makes everything so much more difficult
Why doesn't Wops like the French
Want to move to York. Better than Winchester isn't it?
When I was a little kid on holiday in France I was running around the woods next to our camp site, had been playing with some other kids. A random grown man stepped out from behind a tree and said "don't move a muscle" to me but I was too autistic to process it and just kept running straight past him. It might've been a weird joke or an older kid taking the piss but I also feel like I could've been abducted and murdered lol.
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He's not an incel I don't think. He just doesn't know what direction to take in life. Young lads are more likely to be unemployed than females. She has no idea how easy her life is because she is female.
I watched my aunty almost die.
She's a far right lass probably.
Explored some old abandoned asbestos factory.
Everyone else got their gf experiences without needing to be top of their career. It not fair. Not getting love early on in life breaks a man.
She needs braces.
you know what i would do, if there were zero taboos, no laws,
i'd eat crisps. that's right. crisps.
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Autistic people don't like them. She probably refused to get them on the NHS as a child. Now she will have to pay a lot of money. You should be allowed to get them free if you didn't get them as a child but nope... everything as an adult truly sucks.
Anyone else just eat pizzas and chips almost every day? What's the point caring anymore? I'm never going to work or have a relationship. I don't care about living a long, miserable life.
Ruthmong ramping up his spam for the weekend
what medical diagnoses did YOUR parents miss, frens?
Was in Milton Keynes today. What a grim soulless town
What if the unhealthy life doesn't kill you? You'll have a long miserable life, then get to the point where it's too late to change. More misery then.
why does she only brush her two front teeth?
i did this accidentally. went from not eating to eating takeaways, because NEET life (to the tune of parklife).
don't know how yous who just eat like this can cope tbqh
Getting the thermostat up to 22C again
I'll kill myself eventually. I will end my life when the time is right.
Things can change, anon.
IRA almost blew me up in manchester in 1996
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Middle class lasses generally have very good dental care. Bet she goes private.
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Things will change for the worse. That's how it is so far.
We can't predict the future, something may happen to change your mind on death. It also may not.
Got my legs and feet under a blankie comfy so it is
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Unsure what happens in dreams or reality at this point anymore. Dark times frens.

Did I stroke a willyberg in my sleep or did that not happen. Who is to say.
Australian lass has those same roses. Probably sponsors both of them. Ad revenue, memberships, patreon, sponsors. They must be making loads of money.
deep cut, i like it lad
I'm on private now but grew up on NHS dentistry. It's not so much about keeping them clean and sparkly, just keeping what I have left working.
no I actually like eating healthy lel
Thick white creamy piss coming out of my willy
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Nearly pissed myself at the shops desu had 2 emergency look @ some sexy pics on my phone to get er*ction code yellow tided me over to home bt it was close call
>Thick white creamy piss coming out of my willy
Hate that. Just comes on every now and then. Burning sensation too. Almost like cum.
Any DVD updates de liiiiids?
Why does the urge to piss get stronger the closer you get to the bog? Boggles the mind does it not
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Yes she's shown them roses off a few times. Female asmrtists get showered with gifts from companies all the time. Even low subscriber ones.
Any VHS updates de liiiiids?
hope ruthmong's computer explodes
You'll never know if you are infertile.
Don't need a computer to play DVDs. DVDlad won again.
Got a 64 bit capable processor in this 2006 laptop. It will be good for while unless the capacitors fail.
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New Blackpool video dropped

SSM has DVD. It a heart a heart condition. He do handstand to make DVD spin right.
>plenty of ta-ta-towels
Struggling to find something nice to say about that bleak little hotel room
towels? dvds r better haha
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Hope you all have a womfy Friday night de lids whatever you end up doing
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U know when you really really hungry order some slop curry nd just having it sitting there your tummy feels fuller before you even start eating, just knowing it's there
Like that
Your brain send signals 2 your wee willy the wait is finally over nd it gets a bit carried away
Absolute worse is getting to the front door nd start struggling with the fudging keys etc
they all got shit stains now
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Proper greasy, acne one this. Bet she tries all the snake oil skincare products too. She shouldn't be eating cake. Diet is very important for your skin and eating sugary shit is not good for your skin.
bastard now I want a chicken curry half rice half chips with prawn crackers
Ever since I converted 2 stoicism tho I can hold pee for up to 5 days
For me it's when I make myself a coffee and start desperately needing a shit before I've even sipped it
My arse has learned
Got some of that fancy ILY coffee today, lads. Fiver. I must be going mad. Shall make espresso in the morning.
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What stopping u, jt Friday
Pop 5 loperamide b4 any coffee desu
ruthlad will have the last laugh at 60 when all these girls have leathery wrinkly skin and he still looks young because he doesn't drink or tan
Mental isnt it you hold that piss in for an hour but as soon as you reach the front door you have seconds before the dam bursts
cause i already got pie n chips in the oven lad
not right
burn them on purpose, sacrifice the pie on the alter of the weekend
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It Friday de lads, have yourself a few jars
might have a jar of nutella then shit me guts out
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Just feel bad for these lasses spending lots of money on skincare products and still ending up with greasy acne skin. I doubt I'll be alive at 60.
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Will only have a few jars if somebody invites me to something, that's my policy from now on. I do sometimes miss drinking while playing battlefield though that was a womfortable time indeed.
Will be having a luxury wank when mummy goes out
She needs medication tbqh. Accutane.
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Have to work tomorrow. Having a monster instead
Oh yeah? Describe it for us then chuddy.
does not tanning give you younger looking skin? suppose it would if you think about it yea
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Would be nice bt nah. Vimto squash all de way
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Imagine waking up every day to your greasy goblin girlfriend. Men are truly desperate.
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SSM may have many faults but I will say his trousers tend to fit him very nicely. Wonder where he gets them.
Found a new lass to spam and bully have you?
Is that moot, lad?
Do you even like her or do you just enjoy bullying her?
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Nah she needs to stop drinking starbucks shit and dairy. Accutane has bad side effects and should not be on the market.
give me a
*starts a mexican wave in the thread*
Imagine waking up everyday as Ruthmong.
>*starts a mexican wave in the thread*
*refuses to stand for the Mexican wave*
That's cheap for a bag of coffee mate. Stuff I drink is 20 quid for 250g
Not even like top 50 gayest things I have done me laddy.
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*joins in the mexican wave and gets really emotional about it*
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No just think it's embarrassing to be 27 and still have acne.

I only watch her sometimes. She is sexualising herself now so I don't like her anymore.

Every day is the same for many lads.
You guys don't get my sense of humour. You will change over time. Didn't work for the first 7 years, but the good news is, I can never leave. We're in this together gang.
You're possibly the stupidest poster this thread has ever seen, and that takes some doing
Shit up me back shit all down the backs of me legs fucking shit everywhere
I dunno, it is breddy gay
What did he say that you consider to be stupid?
Every day for you must be a torture. I feel sorry for you.
If that's alright with you my lid
wouldn't mind a fanny on me face desu
What are you a journalist? Taking notes? Suck a fish
Jermaine will have Ruth's fanny on his face tomorrow night when she returns to Lancaster for the start of her second year at Uni.
Hehehe what a pooftah
Zoomers do that and claim to be straight.
It not like it was. It not right.
I am known as the fanny wrangler
>Anyone else just eat pizzas and chips almost every day?
I pretty much do this. If you maintain a healthy weight and exercise, what makes up your diet has very little effect on your health if you reach minimum protein and micronutrient needs, unironically.
Looking forward to touching myself later corr
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Int AI fun.
For me it's an AI-based gooning sesh
Can't afford that, lad. I drink a lot of coffee. Fiver is still dear for supermarket crap. Any good online websites for buying coffee?
Gay stuff for gay men only.

Yes mate this one is great, they have loads of stuff and it's all very fresh. https://brewed.online/
Gay sex at a truck stop
That gave me a laugh lol
Been saying that for ages me. People need to stay in their own worlds.
In the dim-lit glow of a midnight screen,
Ruthmong posts where shadows convene.
On 4chan threads, where whispers dance,
He speaks of Ruth with a quiet trance.

Her voice, a breeze through autumn leaves,
Soft as a sigh, yet strong as he believes.
In ASMR, she finds her art,
And Ruthmong feels it stir his heart.

Each tingle, a symphony of peace,
From gentle taps to whispered release.
He listens, rapt, as she weaves her spell,
A world of calm where chaos fell.

But beyond the jokes, the memes, the noise,
Ruthmong yearns for her voice, her poise.
In Ruth's soft world, his soul takes flight,
A fleeting love in the quiet night.
Andrew's VIP (Men Only) Night Club
You will never have sex with a man named Buck in the washroom of an American dine
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Looking into a poLICE car seems to be the easiest way to get yourself arrested
New civil claim incoming. It lush
Cheers, lad. Might order some whenever I get through my current bag. Seems to have a good variety.
being serious, whats licking fanny actually like? does the taste make you sick? can you catch anything from it like any stomach bugs or anything, or just the usual STDs?
so what happens if a tart tries to go to andys man club?
do they physically stop her? call the police?
what about trannys? mtf and ftm could technically fit into the concept of a "man", what even is a man?
and what exactly are they doing at these man club meetings? why all the secrecy?
I really enjoy it personally, tastes neutral
I go monthly. Women wouldn't get it, we just like to build bonfires then watch them burn through the night.
>can you catch anything from it
I like to squirt a bit of BBQ sauce on a lasses pussy before I give it a lick.
Salt and vinegar for me, keep it traditional
winter vagina is coming
A gashtronomical experience indeed.
Pumpkin spiced fanny before Christmas if we're keeping it seasonal
corr wouldn't mind a sip of that
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Guys do you think on average scottish people are good looking, average or ugly ? i'm just wondering because i had a nice scottish friend but i always thought i would be too ugly for him, so if he is ugly too it would reassure me ...
Business idea: A christmas parody film, V for viennetta.
with loads of fanny in it
It over Algeria
He not coming back and it so so sad
Noo, not V for venereal disease.
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I haven't posted in years, how could you recognized me this fast lol
Cuz I used to speak to said Scottish guy also
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It Friday evening. time to do nothing all weekend x
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Yeah your Mimorin right ? i didn't thought you d still be posting there

I was just asking in general, he talk to me from time to time


I'm very ugly compared to him kek, he sent you his face i presume ? is he good looking ? why did he even stop talking to you desu
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Harder than ever to become sprogged in 2024. What a grim time to be alive
No I never saw him. He just deleted me for no reason. Like 90% of people online will do this eventually. They just disappear and you never hear from them again. That's life.
I'm put off by the thought to be honest.
I find the look of a vagina pretty disgusting.
I'm not gay, tho.
I am straight up fucking miserable. Nothing makes me happy any more? Why? Things used to. Why did everything become shut and boring and depressing and uninteresting and misery inducing?
its called getting old. we've done literally everything there is to do
Nothing really seems to have a point if you can't even get the basics little pleasures of life. No pussy, no good food, no friends, no leisure time. What's the fucking point?
On the contrary I've done barely fucking anything with my life. But even the things which used to bring me joy seem a chore at best and torture at worst. The fuck even is that?
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Why tho, he randomly deleted you ? but you guys share lot of interest in common and both of you are scottish, + you are a femboy right ? he love those ! maybe you rejected him and forgot

He is still around, i wonder how old he is, i'm 24 yo since few days, he must be 26-27 minimum

I always wanted to be his gf, but i'm brown and ugly, also stupid unfortunatnely
I don't think I've laughed genuinely in years. Even smiling is probably only a few times a week and it's always like a forced thing to a cashier if I'm in a shop which for some fucking reason hasn't entered the 21st century and installed self checkouts. Not exaggerating when I say everything is shit and nothing makes me happy.
All I want is a crumb of joy in my life. Do I get it? Fuck no. I'm a loser. A waster. A feckless, underachieving mong. A friendless forever alone twat. Can't even convince myself that I deserve to be happy at this point.
IU havent felt any emotions in years. Like anger, sadness, happiness. Nothing. Nothing to be angry about. Nothing to be sad about no one has died. Nothing to be happy about. It's mad to think I'm just... not feeling anything except a baseline feeling
>Why tho
I have no idea. People are just weird and antisocial like that. They will just drop people in an instant and not care at all.
Most people are not worth your time, he certainly isn't, Algeriabro.
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Garn go scouting tomorrow
Why do others live such amazing lives. Traveling to amazing places, staying in luxury hotels, designer clothes, high class restaurants, sex every day with beautiful people, sports cars, yachts, rolexes, champagne. For me? A microwave dinner in a one bed flat with mismatching door handles and a ten minute wank if I'm not crying too much to do it.
I think I might be less unhappy with a gf, but she'd probably leave me quickly when she realised what a fucking hopeless useless mess of a twat I am. I won't lie, I can't offer a woman anything. It's impossible to get a non-fat gf if you're a guy like me.
I can be sad and alone on a Friday night without this
Lately to cope I think to myself I could have been born a street shitting Indian with a deformed forehead and then I think you know what, maybe things aren't too bad.
I read all of RMs posts in my head in a funny voice. It fun.
>Why do others live such amazing lives.
cause they're born to rich parents. that's pretty much it
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Half tempted to Garn scout now. I want to do it in both day and nighttime, although I was planning to stay a good chunk of the day tomorrow, around the afternoon/evening boundary
I'm angry and alone.
What's the "this", you mention?
Run out of drugs lad
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I understand what you mean but i have been thinking about him day night for the past 7 years, only thinking of ending it because i couldn't become what he wanted me to be, aka a pretty girl that he could abuse

I just wish i could have seen his face or heard his voice
Only cannabis for me, but I get mightly miffed when I don't have it. I found it easier to stop being a smackhead, desu.
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Took over the wedding now having a few jars in town. It's my city. It's my world.
new walk with me wim video is up lads
Was it womfy, didn't cause any commotions did you?
Take is easy lad no need to go full tard outside or you will get a smack
did you have a role, welper lad?
I was doorman at my brother's wedding, but I really just got first dibs at a corona bucket and got shit faced early on.
Why the fuck would you need a doorman at a wedding?
Doorman might not be the right word, I told people where to sit for the actual ceremony.
More like an usher then sounds like an easy job an a alright reward. Shag any bridesmaids?
Get some help Algeriabro
Failing that, obsessed over someone else
Aka tard wrangler.
Fucked if I know.
Barely remember any of that night. My Dad told me I ended up rat arsed sat at the bar, and was just buying drinks for any cunt that asked.
I ran off to my room to crash out early. My Mum still moans about how she never got any pictures of me in my nice suit lmao.
I chuckled at this post, yes I did
I have worn top hat and tails at 3 weddings and I like it
Respectfully. Get over it.
Obsessing over someone that long you've never even seen is psycho behaviour.
Grown man. Drinks sparkling water. Probably through a curly straw
I'm liking the grad job, I've even been invited out by people. I'm still finding it hard to talk in groups but trying. A girl said I was nice and cheerful. I was in a meeting and made everyone laugh loud with a joke I made. I've never been more hopeful than now. I could actually make it if I keep it up, I could have an active social life and even a gf. Please jesus.
Glad you like it. Sounds like your doing great too. Hope it works out
>joke I made
what was the joke
Imagine your mum and dad never seeing you get married ;_;
Have faith in yourself lad, you will make it.
I'd have to explain the meeting and context lad, wouldn't make sense to just say the joke.

Thanks lad. I hope so too. I don't have much to do right now since I'm new fresh grad, but I'm being proactive and managed to get myself involved in a project. Will do some work for that next week hopefully. And I'm always asking questions to learn as much as I can. The IT systems here are insanely complex.
I remember at a work BBQ the person doing it was making a balls of it and there was ash falling down. I stupidly said it was like having lunch at Auschwitz. It DID NOT go down well.
Would go down great with tradies lad.
Got a warning from management because the wrong person was in earshot.
Was it, DA JOO?
Don't know lad I'm making it up.
Just like, DA JOO.
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Tilda swinton in constantine, hmm? YES PLEASE
ngl black men are really sexy
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That film was alright, nice early 2000s slopkino. Love me Keanu, he cool.
>calls himself a homeowner while he's paying a mortgage
Oh you here to seethe at random categories of people again because you hate your life? Today it is those with a mortgage. I wonder who it will be tomorrow.
It's a bit meh. Might try watch another later, maybe dogma.
Them's not wrong though, it is owned by the bank/mortgage broker till the mortgage is paid in full.
Here's a good question, say somebody only owed 1k on the mortgage, but missed payments. Could the bank take the home?
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What's the demographic situation like in Arbroathy, Scotland these days?
Yeah and? Nobody genuinely believes they own a house until it is paid off. You think people who pay a mortgage are totally unaware that if they can't pay it will be repossessed by the bank? Just more chasing shadows and fighting imaginary wars against categories of people that only exist inside the head of mentally ill cretins. I hate this thread so much.
Kino bald seethe
what kinda hat is that he always wears?
hope all you cunts are locking in
Trip back on so I can filter you.
Some people do genuinely think that, yes.
I think you might be a bit too invested in this. Yes, unfortunately there are posters that want to cause drama and fight against their thread nemesis, but it isn't all of us. If you do truly believe it, then surely you also are a person that chases shadows and fights imaginary wars.
Don't tar us all with the same brush.
It is pretty rubbish really but it just reminds me of childhood and womfier times innit. The concept of the film is far better than the execution.
fanny on my forehead
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stay punk shitfeel x
grad job anon and uni lad are going to be like the court jesters occasionally reminding us of their presence
Bald man fighting invisible tripfags
sad man twolling due to sad life, it funny
Cheeky wee blonde half elf with an innie tuppence.
i have all my angry "i used to believe that, but" posts ready to go for when i own a house.
you'll be getting some whoppers, /britfeel/, let me tell you.
Womfy right now am i not
I don't mind if other people use ascending armour class, I just don't want it forced on me.
I wasn't a child when it came out.
Dogma is from 99, I was bloddy 20 then. I'm old af now, what the fugg.
Am I expected to believe you're 45?
rewatched Dogma for this purpose and yeah anon is right about the times thing
just gotta accept it
I wouldn't believe it, because it is a few week away yet, but yes, I am old.
The really unbelievable thing is, I've only been posting ~8-9 years.
Oh I was talking about Constantine
Never seen Dogma me
I thought I was old at 30, lad. You ever been married?
I've run Arbroathy out of the thread again
just seen arbroathy absolutely legging it out the thread, wtf happened?
I heard he's done his wollocks in. Now he's a she and there are no wollocks to be done in. The wollocks (past tense) as they were.
I got that, lad.
Hurrhurr, nope. Not risking having children that could be like me, plus I don't think I'm loveable. I had a couple of gf's in my 20's but nothing lasted more than 2 weeks, they dumped me quite quickly.
imagine having your bollocks done in so much that you have to cut them off to stop the relentless bollock-doing-ins
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Assorted things are in motion

The game of life goes on
might watch harry potter 1
I have decided to watch, the ides of march, as I have not seen it before.
good luck finding a torrent where they say 'philosopher'
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I've done Arbroathy in
ides of march
my brain is data, i am illegal
yeah we're all connected in this life forever
was just reading about that on the imdb trivia page, can't say i've ever noticed that before, can't stand that shit
I thought you were homeless? Mihai you nonsensical nutter.
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Fuming@ me when ive no posted a word since dinner time. Meds.
Nobody mentioned you.
we are all starstuff existence is our home
intelligence is illusory
>teasing the seethers to seethe the teethe
and so it continues.
on that sleepington grind once again
hopefully I don't do weird sexual stuff in my sleep this time. pretty messed up
missed you x
don't pretend you're me now that he's him
night link lad
Bald nonce.
Engaging in an act of masturbation in bed and then crying alone
Your mum's a what?
how do i cry? i can wank, but how do i cry? i'm a grown man i deserve a fucking answer
bit of yt in bed shame about some of the cunts itt
>shame about some of the cunts itt
I agree, tripfag worship, constant drama.
Sick of most of the cunts here, desu.
i know i'm being awkward but i think everyone here is all right to be quite honest
yeah we have a few scrapes, but them's the games.
Thread needs to die 2binit
You seem like a nice person, so I won't say anything bad.
I wish I could be like you.
had a cheeky wank earlier, can't for the life of me remember what i nutted to
Nu breadingham soonish i do reckon
to be fair i'm wankered on ket, half the time i'd be in the exact opposite position and i'd be (You)
Why does your posting style change?
hate going for haircuts
hate the inevitable responses if i just buzz cut
can't do proper hair cuts myself
sobriety is a specrtrum
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Buzz n wear a hat,? Don't stand out in cold months
I h8 haircuts so fuvking much Its unreal. It makes me violent thinking about jt. Dont have the balls for buzzcut cus I've neber had 1. So idk if it opens a portal to a different dimension of being etc. I just let it grow for months until its physically uncomfortable enough to snap nd get it over with by which time the length makes the whole process even more awkward than it already is bt default. Probly spent 15% upwards of my total time alive in angst over this dire business of haircuts
Almost halfway thru bald ben's nu travel vloggington

The amount of sensory overload confronting you within the filthy downtrodden streets of that shiddhole is absolute insane to behold

Mind-boggling, in fact
horn beeping constantly would drive me nuts
Anyone doing their wollocks in?
mine have taken a battering already this week but
i think they can put up with a bit more yet
ha ha

anyone here shave their (done in) bollocks?
The wapu hath sated himself
I have conversed with the divine, and was told to open my heart to love, to get back to what I used to be.
I am incapable of change, I have hate in my heart (for myself), I don't think I can love.
I was given a chance, and squandered it, due to being a hateful cunt.
Why can't I change (rhetorical, doesn't need an answer, unless you want to insult me, then go ahead).
Wish I was collecting Blu-rays more during the boom.
Une pepe et une wapu
suffering from quite bad indigestion at the moment lads, or i might have dropped lucky and im actually having a heart attack
at midnight we all do the truffle shuffle en masse, create a small bellyfat wave not big enough to cause any real damage but hopefully it will end up on a few major news channels
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I could have saved her /v/ros.
I had a dream not long ago I belly bopped a guy outside the pub so hard he exploded. There were guys and innards and blood everywhere. It was FUCKED.
what happened? chantelle killed the kiddo?
The problem was there were only mental health service for fat people. The daughter was fit so had no luck.
Pontypool edition lads


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