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>Chris Chan made a website
What have you done with your time?
I made a website too, but it's a boring one that we are selling for money
Fuck. Forgot the link
>What have you done with your time?
created a slack/discord clone for a uni project
I hate that he is even more successful after getting out of prison for RAPING HIS ELDERLY MOTHER
Anyone can make a website. Who cares
It was CONSENSUAL. Which isn't a crime. Chris should have sued the DOC for false imprisonment
Chris Chan stopped being funny a long time ago. They trolling went from kinda fucked up but admittedly pretty hilarious to just disgusting and sad somewhere between the kid that got him to shove the medallion up his own ass and him meeting the female Jeffry Dahmer.
Barb isn't all there, she doesn't have the mental capacity to consent, similar to a child
Chris Chan raped his mom
Do you think you're better able to diagnose her than a cop appointed therapist who wanted to railroad innocent Chris?
If he didn't watch all 85 parts of Chris Chan: A Comprehensive History, then yes I think I am better able to diagnose her
Didn't he already make one in the early 2000s?
Chris Chan stop making anything himself post arrest. If you think he's capable of creating a website and greenscreening videos himself you're retarded
Someone should look into his handler
Oh fuck I forgot he made a site like 20 years ago, I'm retarded
It wasn't True and Honest
It's a shopify store to sell medalions, I just checked /admin
Nah, this shit is still funny, sure it's more disturbing but tragedy and comedy goes hand in hand
How the fuck doesn't this dude have any serious health problems. I can imagine he only eats garbage and probably hasn't had any actual fruits or vegetables in decades.
42 is still (relatively) young. His life choices are starting to catch up to him
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>muh fruits and vegetables!
He won't die in your life time because the universe cannot exist without the avatar of all existence
That guy doesn't get fries or soda with his burger so that alone makes the meal significantly healthier. Outside of his daily big mac I would imagine that this guy's diet must be pretty good.
The only fruit he eats is in vending machine snack bar form like fig newtons.
The real secret to health is just don't be fat i.e. don't eat too many calories. Eating salads doesn't really help make anyone healthy.
>There's no moderation on Chris's website
The comments are just a bunch of unfunny cringe weens
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I can understand trans rights for sonchus but that nigga actually put wore porn his his fanart section kek
Well Chris is a fatass so my point stands
Chris Chan won, trolls on suicide watch
>has a gf who looks like she's 8
Chris won
>the internet collectively tortures a disabled person for almost 20 years and documents every single detail of it for viewing as entertainment
if this happened in Black Mirror people would call it trite, melodramatic and overblown. yet...
Black Mirror is cringe and bullying people on the internet is funny.
I don't know about the 2020s, but anyone who thinks she had dementia during the 2010s knows nothing about dementia.
Chris is at his funniest when left alone. Since the golden age (pre Bob's death), all the decent trolls have gatekeep Chris to themselves
This guy is not organic and hasnt been for most of his "career" as a lolcow. Calling himself jesus confirms my suspicions
I made a website too but I'm not famous and I just use it for my software projects that I show nobody.
This. I actually find it kind of confusing when people are baffled at his good health. A young body can handle a lot and for a long time. Simply being fat and having a bad diet probably won't cause much in the way of serious problems until your 50s or 60s. Severe health problems under 50 require either bad genes or drug use.
The difference is Chris Chan is fat, does not regulate his eating to 1 meal with no side dishes and a small midday snack, and does not take walks or leave the house regularly.
>own car
>self employed
>lives in his own place
>friends and followers
If you had told me 15 years ago that Chris would be doing better in life than me, I would've ended it
Well damn, Anon, when you put it that way, I don't feel so good about myself either now.
>Barb isn't all there
and chris is?
>own car
his parents bought it for him
>self employed
he's famous for being retarded, and which also ended up getting him psyopped into raping his mother
>lives in his own place
because he's not allowed to be in the same house as his mother anymore
>friends and followers
his "friends" follow him because he's a retard they can manipulate into doing stupid shit and documenting all the stupid shit he does
he's famous and it's impossible to be famous and single except by choice
>you're coping
yes I am
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many people call me CWC... do you guys think I'm a victim of other people? even my oneitis in the military thinks I'm a lolcow and doesn't even reply to my pings in a discord server anymore.

I guess if I was a lolcow, people would manipulate me instead of leaving me alone but idk.

post made by chickn
100 bucks for a sonichu medallion made by cwc or save 20 bucks on an 80 dollar medallion made by jcwcsp, which one you buying?
No, you're not similar to Chris at all. You're a normal and attractive girl who's just a bullying victim, not a weird lolcow.
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I wouldn't say I'm attractive! but thank you for replying kind anon
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>Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime
>What have you done with your time?
Pondering. Still pondering btw
>daily half dozen walks
That alone puts him above 90% of america in terms of fitness
>almost 5k sales
>all his shit is expensive as fuck
what the fuck is going on
I don't know, don't ask me nigger
>takes half dozen mile walks
So does he take six one-mile walks or one six-mile walk? Who says "half-dozen" when they mean six? Someone from 1880?
I agree that tragedy and comedy are one in the same from differing perspectives, but no. What happened to Chris Chan was really funny in that "that's really not ok" kind of way, but at this point it's just beating a dead horse with a stick. There is no real shock value in it anymore, and he's barely even sentient at point. I mean, what's funny about a bunch of sad losers fucking with a bigger sadder loser for over a decade?

Where is the passion? Where is the excitement? Where is the shock value? Chris just talks about his little fantasy world and some angry spergs give him a few bucks for the chance to rip on him for raping his mother. It's soulless and completely mundane.
I don't mean I'm offended, I mean I'm bored.
Its tragic and funny that Chris Chan actually exists as a person.
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>Chris Chan actually exists as a person.
That this "thing", Sonichu Prime Jesus or whatever exists. Yeah. It's beyond absurd.

That's all after nearly twenty years of influence from strangers who think it's funny to put a crown on a retard. 2006 Chris wrote letters to Nintendo Power, sang songs he made up about virginity, and had ridiculous escapades around his town that happened organically within Chris' life. That was funny. That was candid and real.

This version is like the internet "prank" video that is completely staged. Everything's fake. His persona, the fans, the fame, it's all forced "oh, you're that meme guy" shit from people who first heard of him from Youtube.
Chris has been extremely boring since leaving prison. He was funny for years because he would always fall for the trolling, but now he doesn't, so he's boring as fuck now.
He's only been back online for like a year
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You're not a lolcow, you're just a really shitty catfish and pedophile who keeps getting exposed.
Chris hasn't been funny since his house burned down. He's had a few amusing antics, but they're like one a year
ummmmm what's cwc?
Chris Chan's real initials
Christian Weston Chandler
It is pronounced "quick"

But Chris Chan legally changed their name to Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime
Oh yeah, ok
>selling burned CDs
Chris is definitely going to jail this time
Who are you again? Why should I care?
how did he get out of jail so fast
Jail time is only for straight white men now
Too mentally ill to be responsible for his actions or something.
>graduated from college
>knows how to drive a car
>has a gf
>world famous
>knows how to make own website

chris chan has beat me at life
There is no law against consensual incest in Virginia. He shouldn't have gone to jail in the first place
Learn to read.

He served the maximum sentence for incest in Virginia (2 years) in jail before being convicted so they had to let him go.
Chris couldn't be convicted because he didn't break any law. The closest law was "parent to child incest", but that applies to the parent, not the child.
fuck his websites not even that bad
>chris chan made a website
he's probably made dozens since the late 90s. not really that impressive
Reminder that Chris turned down prime, consensual autistic poon to keep raping his elderly mother.
Chris thought he was going to fug Bella, and was using Fiona as a backup. Getting arrested prevented a really unholy 3way
Damn, 'I'd fuck that and I'm not even an incestual rapist
yes, but don't expect newfag zoomers who found out about cwc from some faggot's "documentary" to know that
>42 is still (relatively) young.
heavy copium. 40s is middle age
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>Medallions for sale on site
>claims to be "blessed" by Chris-chan himself

Holy shit, they really are demonic artifacts!
does he actually play sonic though
or he used to ?
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There is, apparently, a "temple" to Sonichu somewhere out there on this cursed earth.

He literally just picks up rocks at his mom's house and sells them
Women deserve to be raped and his mom was one of the worst cases
I would hit this
It really is that simple. He's going to outlive us all by pure necessity.
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good on him being disabled and still trying to support himself. I think the accusations were false and he didn't know what he was saying.

They act like they want to help him but its just so someone doesn't go too far that he leaves the internet.
Literally the plot of Deadpool and Wolverine
The Idea Guys, Teen Troon Squad, and Bella were all EVIL and TOXIC
I wouldn't know, fag
>not liking things is my personality
>Chris is more successful than me
I really want to see how the lives of his golden age trolls turned out
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>a wild white knight appears
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>>Chris is more successful than me
it's honestly funny how the cwckie has scrubbed him, yet he was the most influential person in Chris's life after he got released

Protip: Never white knight
QRD on this one?
A man meets Chris at a store. He "kind of" knows about Chris Chan's infamy. He befriends him by talking about Sonic. He White-Knights him in a few videos. He makes a final video about Chris saying he's washed his hands of him

Typical Black anime nerd / white knight. He has a wife and kids too. He's autistic or low IQ

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>He makes a final video about Chris saying he's washed his hands of him
What do you mean, he washed his hands?
>17 minutes
ain't nobody got time for that, thanks for the QRD.
It's from The Bible. When Pontius Pilate condemned Jesus to Crucifixion. It means you're no longer have a direct contribution to their fate, other than acting out your part.
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I wanted to say thanks for explaining it to me, but r9k didn't let me without me turning this into a larger sentence.
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hl37gl_vjhw [Embed]
Holy shit this guy seems legitimately sub 80 IQ. Honestly I want to know MORE as to what Chris could've done to make this retard give up on him
>Protocol: TLSv1.3
>Cipher suite: TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
>Key exchange: x25519
>AEAD: Yes
>Signature: ECDSA-P256-SHA256
>Forward secrecy: Yes
>Validity from/until: 9/17/2024 ~ 12/16/2024 (86 days remaining)
no ECH but that's still not widely supported so I can't ding him for that
this might be the first thing in Chris-chan's life that he's done at least competently.
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Otaku King is mentally retarded. He's made Christory and doesn't even have 1k SUBS?

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I would literally commit genocide for a girl to make this image about me. If she was at least as cute as Fiona, I would do it with a smile
I am going to unalive myself
Its a shopify website. He didnt do shit except use the built in editor

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