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Pontypool edition
First for, a hate filled life isn't groovy.
Feel bad for the shitty first post. Sorry about that lads, and OP.
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3rd fir early night sweepy time >>78876344
gneh gneh gneh gnehhhhhh sthpud man
Five pound for sthpud good deal make conomy run good sthimple best of br ish
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Nu breadingham... Home innit
>he's got himself paying 800 a month mortgage because he wanted to "get on the property ladder"
>he thinks he's officially "made it" and now looks down on others
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Oh, it's caturday again, oh yeah.
Nighty night.
>Home innit
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Fugg it, another caturday picture.
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It waturday innit
BN is looking rough these days
Ah bugger, I forgot the sun was visible in front of the land. It's not realistic.
How's the Etherum looking. Sprog or nah?
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Don't know, don't care. Things only get interesting around 6 months after a us election once "uncertainty" ceases to be a thing
Asian women are to white men what black men are to white women.

Nature is healing and restoring balance.
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U make good AIbergs Haleylad
Not sure wat da fox going on ere bt I like it
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*Enhances your bloodline*
lads i just filmed a documentary where i went back to the future to show them what it's like now and isn't it shocking and i didn't get the response i wanted (they were alright with stuff) what i do i'm fucked
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Ah, I thought it was ALberg. I even googled what one was the other day, kek.
It's fun playing about with it, but I didn't put much effort in, and I struggled at times with creativity. I liked trying gore stuff, and weirdly like stuff with dolls.
are there diagnostic/technical terms for someone being unintelligent, thick, stupid, etc?
I just call myself a fucking idiot.
Simple minded, maybe?
it's someone else so i'm worried lid. lass that thinks she is a bit dim, and she is, and she thinks she is.
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Hello britfags how's your life been?
Bit grim unfortunately lad
Ah, maybe don't call her a fucking idiot then.
I honestly don't know, dim is a good one, but whatever name is placed upon it, is insulting in a way.
It takes some intelligence to be aware of one's shortcomings. IMO of course.
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I'm not gay. I don't even like the word. But I know what I do like, and that's men.
i'm a demisexual. can't have feelings for people, unless i feel them.
Poley likes men, he is a gay man.
Therefore, Socrates is mortal.
Just got home, several prozzies tried to sex me, denied them all, said i have a wife and a sprog
what if ideas, and caves?
mate i figured that out by age 5, in my own head.
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All tbe things I want in life is out of reach 4ever
I never ask for much,..i feel like a wee salmon w a broken fin
Js there even a place in this cold world for a lil nigga like me
Lower your expetion de lad, lots of people here have very few things (ssm, hhl) and are happy, its all a mindset
where's toucanlass poster at?
he finally jumped off a cliff in minecraft?
fat tattooed single mother on naked attraction rejecting lads by their height and cock size and northern accents. God forbid any men reject a fatty though. Can't stand that show or the host
Need some benzos to come down ASAP
Headacheburgh coming on strong like

Fink i'll manage though
also rejected one lad because his calves were too thin and suggested he go to the gym and work them out. Like she's ever stepped foot in a gym in her life.
Kino has been redeemed /v/ros
>rejected one lad because his calves were too thin
yeah that's fucking bullshit lad
either he wasn't tall enough or his face was shit
gay little fella with a muscle fetish
Watched a vlog from Bagatelle theme park in France earlier and saw some French Chad in the background with some chinky bird and a hapa baby in a pushchair. Not good.
ever looked at a lad with a fit bird and wondered how the fuck he managed to pull her?
8 inch cock.
ssm has 9 items lad
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Everybody post their calves, everybody rate
Women have double standards, and whilst these programmes highlight those standards to some of us, the world falls for the psyop that women can do no wrong.
good evening saar- DO NOT REDEEM CALVES
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The more I drink the more my piss is transparent
Eat some beetroot
went on a night mission to the petrol station but it broke out into a full blown nightwalk when i noticed how quiet it is, even on a friday, do normals just not go out anymore?
got some boots just like those
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Goddamn cow just chilling around in the middul of the street lol

Quite the lynchian scene this
Redeeming a fat log now benchods
Holy fuck that was painful
>Holy fuck that was painful
just done a right rancid fart under the covers
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This fucker almost got redeemed by the benchod train for bald ben's vlog lmao

These fucking people man

Why are the saars like this
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>Of course there's an obliga-fuckin-tory rando jeet shitting beside the railtracks too

This just keeps getting better kek

Peak jeetkino imo
why do homosexuals have such deep lore?
What an absolute fucking hellhole that place is. The african cities he's been to look like some sorta civilized paradise in comparison
why does my sweat smell sweet? am i eating too much sugar, or is it lack of testosterone?
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>Here's your vibrancy benchod
makes me kek how india for centuries was seen by westerners as this deep spiritual land that was in many ways superior to the west and now after just a few years of indians having internet that's been completely shattered
The whole place is like some sort of badly fucked-up fever dream one can't wake up from. There's appears to be a kind of palpable existential despair permeating the air of the place, both figuratively and literally in the form of human excrement and assorted other forms of improperly disposed-of waste

Very kafkaesque
can't even understand why he did it, was he trying to show off for the camera?
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The whitewashing stuff prevalent in their society will never not be funny to me either

They shittalk evropeans all the damn time but wish they were as white-skinned as us, some stockholm syndrome type shit going on there
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Good kino so far, this

Especially the dead cow floating thru muh holy river
up early to set up is playstation. Oh it gonna be lush de lads

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beggars belief how many of dem jeet nibbas have never even done a shidd in a properly plumbed toilet before

bet some of em aint even shat in a vase on the ground

real fuggin kaflaesque hours imma hafta be finkin rn
I'll start not fapping tomorrow
Just that one today and at least it was to some normal JAV and not bbckino
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I did nod off on the sofa which wasn't de plan bt I went into amazing elaborate dream about flirting with a qt grill so it was ok bt of course I woke up as it was getting gud. Inspired back onto the dream journal grind. Back 2 sleep few hours 4 now tho
SSM on his 6th PS5. What the fuck is wrong with him?
it might be for him after all
Some of the comments are absolute class.
Shut the fuck up you little troll. SSM is winning in life, buying the latest gadgets, going on luxurious holidays with the love of his, drinking the finest ciders and real ales Dorset has to offer. Meanwhile you're sat in your little boxroom crouched over an old laptop running a shitty version of Linux nobody has ever heard of and crying into the void of your empty, meaningless life.
Better than giving it to the bookies, no?
Saturday morning seaside dollies is it king?
SSM the mong can't figure out how to add new items to the menu.
Gunna make a pot of coffee.
Slept well last night. Didn't wake up with sore muscles either
SSM and the SSA run these generals. Only the reason the rest of you are allowed to post here is because we allow it. Remember that.
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Some mongs here forget their place. They're beneath even the lowliest Seaside Soldier.

Suppose I got to get up and do stuff. But I just wanna lie in bed. Was never as well rested as when I used to sleep 4am-12pm. Not fair though.
Yea i'm saying bye to yellow (the fat pig). Why yellow? She just seems to live too far away for it to work between us (wouldnt touch the lardarse with a barge pole but cant say it out loud, though we sll know).

Every time
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Feel sorry for this lad, looks like they developed Late-Onset TMAU. Their life is going to be changed forever.
Just wish there was cure for TMAU it ruin so many lives.
Got an open reach engineer coming today I am going to ask him if he would like to cuddle before he leaves. So lonely lads ;_;
Get yourself a dog lad
Bit more vidya today is what will attract the gf bus i reckon
Dog will not be able to fix my internet lad
For most people their best bet on gf/bf is going out drinking and being less terrified of themselves for like 5 minutes desu wa.

Describes most people I know. Is what it is. The gf bus loves late night bars but acts like the bus in SpongeBob for neet gooncaves. I don't make the rules me laddy.
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life is good sometimes
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What's good going in life me laddy
the magic gf bus was one of the most relevant gimmicks ever invented to fit britfeel
reconnected with a lady friend this week, been flirting and teasing then spent all last night sexting and sending videos and she is absolutely gagging for me. which is very nice.
hope you are well mister chika, any plans for the weekend?
Based chad lad
Is she dare I say - pretty?
I am good. Work is going better, I make progress, I want to live again.

Usually Saturdays end up being extremely spontaneous so what happens happens, I keeping it pwivate.
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When will it be in YOUR postcode?
Lads have been jumping the queue for the gf bus it not right
aye very pretty, feel like she's way out of my league, not used to it all lol
glad things are going better for you, i recall you being down fairly recently. we can all make it
If assessed by a meme doctor they would likely say that I am bipolar so no issue, always been like this constant ups and downs but it lush.

Glad for you my lid. Hope you get the girl :). It is nice to see particular anons here making things of life.
Putting in a bit of old spice for the openreach engineer I hope he likes it
Hmmmm, what I want to know is why the frog is driving the bus from the outside and why is there still an older looking bloke where the driver should be... Perhaps you should refine your prompts until you get one that actually makes sense.
Open air bus but only for the driver de lad
The Apu is traditionally used as a crumple zone for the safety of the passengers. Should the bus crash the frog at the front will take most of the impact; thankfully this kills the lid instantly and a new one will be eager to take his place once they hose the bus down at the Dream Depot.
the man to the side is to make sure the Apu doesn't drive off the road.
On the wocaine me. It's over lids. Let this era end with some grace. Fuck me I'm a loser x
You are a stupid cunt lad I am done with you
need a SeasideLUSH Playstation update
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Reminds me of my alcoholic uncle. Some people need to have no control over their decisions, cannot be trusted.
Need a seasideMARK cream cake update.
how do I put a flag next to Anonymous like they do on /int/?
>reminds me of muh alckie uncle
shut the fuck up nobody cares what you have to say you fucking weirdo
At this time in the morning? Is it the wedding afterparty or something
This is so sad... He fills a room up with his stink in seconds... The ignorant idiots that think TMAU is fake need to see this.
Cared enough to read his post and seethe little lad
This lol
Sad lad will be here all day getting angry I bet
TMAU has genuinely ruined my life. All it takes is for one person to bring up the smell of shit or fish in a room for my confidence to plummet. Wouldn't wish it on anyone.
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Might order a kebab later
Sounds grim
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I had a kebab Thursday night and it gave me the shits
Dehydrated sugary piss in the toilet bowl smells rank. Morning monster can will do the trick and hydrate me. Specific Punch flavour is my fav.
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Never had a kebab myself. Don't intend to either
Chips for breakfast after a fudgy first poo
Crackington Haven edition next please lads
I will PayPal some bong over to make it happen
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>tee hee mr fluffies keeps pissing and shitting in the neighbours garden
>uhhhh why are they trying things to prevent MY cat from pissing and shitting in THEIR garden
SeasideMARK teach me I have TMAU too.
People next to me ask if someone farted or shit their pants and all i do is get distant to everyone so they wont smell me. Even my friend talked to me about it because he could smell it too. My social life has been going downhill and its showing effects on my mental health. Not everyone can smell it either.
Thread dollies an leddit drama is it king
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He never play games with money. He can't lose
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>you need to send your kid's to a public school otherwise their social skills will be stunted bruh!!!
the daily 16 hour shift on 4chan hath begun has it not
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hope we get to watch ssm play some vidya today
Grown men sat in their box rooms all day hoping a grown man plays video games and streams it so they can watch
What a life
I remember they used to get wound up over the course of a lesson then just take it out on one kid at random for any minor mistake, getting right in your face screaming veins practically popping out. Mad when you look back and realize you're maybe eight years old at this point. Yet they want me to feel sorry for them that they're underpaid and have to deal with angry parents. Fucking cunts.
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Breakfast with SSM

Thank you for your understanding of our unique lifestyles, and a special thank you for being here throughout the years and reading it all.
I'm on a train actually.
Nothing better than shooting a hot load of cum on your GF's face before punching her senseless until she's unconscious.
Why would bottles of water stop cats from shidding and pissing?
any chance you can raise your mentality above that of a kid today lads?
This is a LUSH video right here de lad. Thanks for sharing.
On the train to Tamworth watching SSM on my phone. Lush, is it not
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The new Dragon Age is gonna be great!
Lonely men spending their Saturday watching a fat dosser eating his breakfast
What a life
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Hhahahahaha imagine being killed by a fucking cockerel.
I've an empty fridge so I'm hoping watching him eat will tide me over until Thursday.
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He looks pretty hot.
Revenge for turning his kids into nuggets. Based.
Filter, lots of filters lad
Just want an openreach engineer to hold me in his strong arms
As a man or woman? As a woman he just looks like your typical man faced tranny.
Are lad burnt himself. Not right
As a woman of course. I'm not gay lad.
It's what he deserves for putting Benji in the oven.
Well you must be into ugly women then. As other anon says, trannys use even more excessive filters than women. One look at r/traps tells you that. Some absolute ugly trolls in there. I'm alright with a tranny as long as they are somewhat attractive (usually transitioned when they were young). Some of them just look like Eddie Izzard.
losing my fucking mind lads
i'm spending the day out the house today. don't care if the weather's shit. i can't keep living in the repetitious rut. i can't i can't i can't.
What you going to do outside? Follow some lasses and take some creepshots for the lads.
Engineer (Kim) is in the way. Best not be a girl. No girls allowed in my dosser cave REEEE
Go for it lad. I always like a nice walk and gym visit.
Going to impress Kim with my memes
Good weather today down south if you live here
Fuck the Boro x
corr could be an asain
Wonder what shagging Emily would feel like
Should I offer to make them a jam butty do Asians like jam butties?
Banned from the gym for being a creep
the same as any other woman they all feel the same, you virgin
What happened? Did a woman walk into your field of view and you forgot to avert your gaze? Women don't go there to be looked at you perv!!!!!!!!!!11111111
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Might start OMAD again for ze finasteride gyno
losing body fat will not get rid of gyno because gyno is excess breast tissue, not body fat
Last message 45 mins ago that Kim is on the way. What if they died on the way here how do I live with that?
is this place better than brit/pol/ ?
Side effects ain't worth the hair on yet head desu
If by better you mean more retards more spammers then yes it is better
im in a really fucking shitty irritable mood for some reason
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/brit/ is better if you fancy a change
What a depressing thread
Yeah, brit/pol/ is full of knobs
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Pretty reasonable to finmaxx at norwood 5 my laddy
Shape up sunshine
Shave your head nonce
RIP Kim you were the best engineer I never had xx
I cannot seem to post
Brit moves too fast
might ride my dildo later today
will distract from how awful i feel
I cannot seem to cum
were laughing at you lads in brit/pol/. This thread is beyond grim.
Peter Kay is my dad. Not even joking.
Virgin playing dollies all day and pretending to be other posters.
/britpol/ is the high t general

Try that thread anon
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Waiting for mum to go out so I can turn the living room into a temporary goon cave x
anyone know any good pornsluts who make hot joi that will convince you to go gay and suck cock? like they have a planned out training program, with 1 on 1 instructions and mentoring to brainwash you to becoming a real cocksucker. a girl that will finally make me go do it for real.
the thread before this one was better, bunch of spackers took over this one
Oh no.

Not sure how il recover from this
large black penis
swollen genatalia
Footlad? Still not moved into your own little goon pad then?
Fair enough. If that's what you wanna do. How's it worked for you?
its not though is it, you lot have always been this awful
Fuck me, Bella Ramsay is one ugly cunt. How an ugly bint like her got so famous is beyond me.
Openreach engineer Kim is a girl. I have had a girl in my dosser flat. Fuck you losers lmao
How? It was the same SSM, ruthmong, auditing drivel posts we see in every thread.
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SSM should start an ASMR channel
Now with SMELLOVISION! Sometimes fish, sometimes shit.
Kim has a smol tattoo on her wrist. DROPPED. I was so close to having a gf lads :(
Pin her to the ground and run your fibre up her arse, lad.
brit/pol said we are full of

>Trannies, goon addicts, porn posters, really wimpy lads, far left lads

far left isn't true rest sounds true plus drug addicts with helper
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He needs to utilize the seasideMARK brand more

seasideMARK Gaming
seasideMARK ASMR
seasideMARK Auditing
seasideMARK Gadget Reviews
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He already has a gaming channel lad (seasideMARK PS5 Slim Gaming)
She is currently scaling my pole de lad corr
Kek this is actually spot on isn't it?
and what's so good about britpol, josh this, josh that, americans talking about immigrants, hi bongs
They forgot fantasists that play make believe with YouTubers and other posters lives to the point of pretending to be them kek
Funny how there's always a lowercase poster jumping between brit generals, asking about other brit generals, constantly trying to cause shit.
Go back in there and tell them, king
That also describes brit/pol/, and brit from /int/
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Garn get on that Wuppagrind for a bit then scout the 2nd city
Britpol is full of more oddballs and trannies than us.
Corr i own that one
footmong and arbroathy are britpol rejects
same with shippy
Shippy does this in-between playing with dollies
>you lot
I wish this board had ID's.
I think you're the one constantly trying to cause shit on here.
What happened to his Switch? Didnt he get one last week? Havent seen him play it once and now he has another ps5.
Spam mong now copying helpermong.
nigga tier poster
Tell us what Angela White's minge feels like lad
I've never been a regular poster in brit/pol/, posted there fewer than 10 times, and generally only during elections and happenings
Cold and tight. Smells of rubber corr little slag isnt she
A brit thread in /v/ would be lovely
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It just not right how big his head is getting
I have told them, lass x
Arbroathy has been blacked on at least one ocassion that I am aware of.
Ginge is based
Manufacture on Demand DVDs are burned, not pressed. Interesting. I have a few MODs. Will be interesting to see if they go bad quicker than pressed. Although they're probably burned with better equipment.
I've only come onto here once in 3 years, It started with one lad asking what goes on in brit/feel/
it's not for him
What was the first scene that got you guys absolutely hooked and addicted to BBC porn? For me it was that BLACKED video with Sydney Cole and those other two girls. You know the one. Absolutely addicted interracial porn ever since.
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Josh here
stop bad mouthing britpoo
i won't have it
you have been warned
/britfeel/ is the saddest general
Run complete corrr. All the chores doneberg.
Get some courage and just do it. Not that scary. Some porn meme isn't gonna change your soul.
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I don't play with dollies. I am the dolly
No need to change your posting style lad. Also, only having being here once in 3 years, what qualifies you to say
>you lot have always been this awful
How would you know if you have only been here once?
Unrionically this, I am one of BN's favourite dollies
bore off fatty
because ive been on this site for 11 years and used to browse here a lot then I migrated to Brit/pol/
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For the record, I did not impregnate my mum. It was all a big misunderstanding
fuck off minge
carlys fanny on your face
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>For the record, I did not impregnate my mum
I really like people from glasgow their mannerisms and the way they speak is super endearing
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It all BritNormie's fault
I'm finding it hard to believe you. Why wouldn't you say that you had posted here for years, and moved due to it being shit?
the worst part about josh from brit/pol/ is that he is terribly boring. he has nothing interesting to say. no insight on anything except a handful of niche video games.
and he's fat.
Anuda engineer has come to help Kim, he stealing my gf lads it not right
Both of you are nigga tier posters, bitching about who is the worst.
>Anuda engineer has come to help Kim, he stealing my gf lads it not right
On the cocaine me. Fuck the boro
terribly unfunny post
gwarn lid i feel another baggington coming on strong
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>On the cocaine me
Based and wokeypilled
Can you lads convince j*sh to post here? Tired of him shitting up brit/pol/ with his samefagging 18hrs a day
he's the absolute worst
>Can you lads convince j*sh to post here? Tired of him shitting up brit/pol/ with his samefagging 18hrs a day
Fuck off.
Who is josh
Josh lad, how many bedrooms do you have?
Any cum man in?
lots of samefagging itt
Think I'll just pretend and practice with my dildos some more
Unmitigated Bumming
He cancelled the links
Any cum man ln?
Thank you for fixing my internet Kim but you have left my heart broken :'(
Ginge is pretty based...
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Mong. You trying to burst my eardrums?
You do you me laddy. But if you really want to do it, there is no substitute for the real thing.
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>HHL sitting in a care home surrounded by old people off his fuckin nut on the wokey while the old duffers sit and watch bargain hunt

This must be a bizarre thing to witness
Do you own a fleshlight, me laddy? I'm in the market for one. The Angela White one looks quite good
Why are you so invested in another mans Iife
Why are you so bothered by another mans posts?
>one post
>invested in another mans life

Shut up you mong
No, not into that myself. More into other things.
>More into other things
Like what?
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What do you lads think about wagecucking and saving until you have a decent amount and then going to Thailand to stop being an incel? Apparently, if you're white and have money you will get treated like a king by hot thin girls
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Do we have a full on nuclear weltdown coming from HHL tonight?
Vibrators, dildos, buttplugs and things of that nature.
Jailbait etc
Bargain Hunt is better when you're on the wokey and gooning to Natasha.
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Cant wait for autumn, lads
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Wish life would hand me a spacker cord.
ive almost given up.
he had a level 10 spack attack last week after going to the cinema so if hes on the wokey there will be
>Do we have a full on nuclear weltdown coming from HHL tonight?
If we do this will be the most excitement you'll have had all week
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I am of an identical opinion, lad
Quite the restorative sleep this was, was it not
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Me? I'll be spending a few weeks of autumn in Japan x
1 more sleep.
Fuck meteorological faggots, amariite.
Meteorological: weather scientists split the year into quarters based on annual temperature cycles for statistical purposes.
Too slow to impersonate me this time my lid.
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Helpermong will be back to playing the thread jester later on. He know where he stand x
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I hear Tokyo is lovely this time of year
How old is chika again lads? I keep forgetting
40s, I do believe
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November for me lid. The leaves will be yellow and brown. Cant wait
I don't even know why he bothered dropping the 'UK chairman' title if he isn't having a fresh start
>Does not get invited to parties
>Does not get invited to weddings
>Has no mates to go drinking with
>Has no mates to do drugs with
>Spends all day everyday on 4chan
But somehow thinks he's better than HHL
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It pie season
It pie season.
Mid 40s
HHL actually has mates which is quite funny given no one else here has any
>HHL actually has mates

Made a new vid lads
Main thing putting me off going to Japan is the flying. Even 3 hours is too much for me. Just sitting there shaking and drinking spirits to cope. Grim.
My apu is pie ready
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Imagine posting in /britfeel/ as a 40 year old man
He has just described the dollyking
>I'm not the one hiding behind anonymity, using reputation destruction and innuendo to outdo someone I don't like. which is literally feminine behaviour, as those are the primary means to which women express aggression
brit feelers will talk big but they'll never get sissied up and fucked by real men
That was my post unironically enough
Done it countless times. Don't let your dreams be dreams.
>Don't let your dreams be dreams.
Very true
I have one of those litre cans of lager from Lidl. Should I down it?
>Should I down it?
I think you should lad. Get it down ya boy x
A Stella?
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Gonna try and dox this with as few second of footage as possible
That's what are top twoll does here to every trip/name or identifiable posters. Actually behaves like a girl targeting looks, height, build, income, living conditions, age etc.
Though it is not necessarily a good thing so I will not encourage you too much.
No. Drinking quickly proves nothing and just impresses idiots. Just enjoy it instead.
desu if you smell really close to your skin, it doesn't smell particularly good, it kinda smells like dead skin or something. If you are insecure you might imagine you smell worse than you do
Saddest thing is it's all made up. He will make something up then sameswan and laugh along to himself. Literal toybox. Fake little world in his imagination. It like a black mirror villain or summit.
I wish I had went in autumn, wanted to kill myself in the upper 30s heat. What was I thinking going in summer?
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Somewhere in Leicester
Is this a normal or autistic thing to do, lads?
Whenever I start some form of entertainment like a book, a TV show or a game, I focus entirely on that. For example, If I started watching season one of a show, I'd have to finish that before doing anything else or if I started a book I'd have to finish it. I couldn't put down a book and watch something or play something.
The exception is music, I always have an album on the go as well as a main thing. Films I can watch whenever.
With music too, I never spontaneously listen to a song or a playlist the way normal people do. I plan an album in advance and listen to it a few times before picking a new one.
He says that at the start of the video, retard.
Mate it's universal knowledge not to go during summer. The best months are April and November to visit.
And you come here daily to watch his little performance.
Shippy has a low IQ lad, don't bully
>You're fat
>You're brown
>You're bald
>You're a manlet
>You're poor
>You head looks like a bean
>You can't afford X
>He shops at xyz
The same mentality as a woman.
Josh does this too
Everytime anyone comes here he's doing his little performance until his bedtime
All of these apply to me
That's what I just said you spastic
I think it is somebody pretending to be him. Same sad cunt that pretends to be mulitple posters on multiple threads. It's especially easy to do on here, a board with no ID's.
I didn't hear him say Leicester, but there is a Leicester bin at 40 seconds in.
I think there are like 20 DVDlad imposters.
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My IQ is very high actually. Look at all the books I have
You collect books. How does that make you high IQ
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Its a bit like mixing foods
If u got fish n chips u eat the chips first chips is what's known as a starter
When they're all gone u can eat that fish
Its both food nd they taste nice together bt it's not the same meal technically
Apply 2 most things in life
Obviously if there's peas u eat those first veg>carbs>meat in that order
I'm unsure of the time, I skipped parts.
He loves posting the bookcase image, he gets such a rush as he presses 'post' and it appears on his computer screen
Retard, I need a timestamp
t. bookless wagie
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I will never quit nicotine. Am on the morning vape listen2 this fucking drivel.
I'm actually not, I have many books, in fact, I have every single book in that image you posted
I'm a NEET actually, mong
>unemployed dosser
>calls others a mong
OK lad...
There were lots of posts mentioning that name yesterday, that's just trolling faggots out for a quick bit of mischief, it happens constantly, like if I posted and said, "I fucking hate when people ask me how I'm doing", I'd have multiple posts asking me how I'm doing.
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Is ShippyDOLLY day today king?
Who said anything about 'dossing' ? I collect books as you can see
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Should have known hed delete this
Why you not quit vape and smoke? Very berry bad for you.
It's near the part where he walks past the blue car.
What was SSM saying in the video?
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Yeah I think DVDlad literally only posts whenever he has new packages.
DVDlad is also makes posts about vidya
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Dont have the willpower,,wish I did. Cant even make it past a day...........Except when I had coronavirus i was so sick I stopped for the whole week nd couldbe taken that as an easy way out bt ofc as soon as i felt OK got back on it w immediate effect
any cute girls in here
No idea desu it was like 5am this morning didn't watch it. Need riffmong reuploaf
Must be tough if you been smoking since teenage years. Luckily I never got addicted, just sometimes have a smoke with booze but never felt the urge to go and buy a pack of ciggies. I do like a spliff however but not so much nowadays.
all those ip reset to win a poll to beat lollers and 'upset' lollers an lollers never mentioned it once lmfao
watched an andrew bridgen interview and then said he wouldn't want to be reincarnated in this world
I was called DVDlad by lollers for a couple of years, but not because I collect DVD's, just because I talked to lollers abut a DVD I'd bought as a joke for my sister.
bizarre thing to randomly bring up, king
The poll would have been created to allow multiple votes from the same IP address. It's a common tactic used.
I've been posting here for 10 years off and on and I honestly don't even know who Lollers is.
Does the w33d help ur leg?
He made over 700 posts on his trip. You're either LARPing or just a retard.
I've been posting here for 20 years off and on and I go bowling with Lollers every weekend.
Same lad, i just assume they are all some variant of a tranny or a faggot and so far ive not really been wrong
i've been posting here for 30 minutes and i know you're all a bunch of spackers
>i've been posting here for 30 minutes and i know you're all a bunch of spackers
Nothing better on a Friday night than ten pints and a fight
what things i remember can i post here lad?
how about something actually interesting, can you manage that, lad?
i'm not here for your entertainment lad and i'll post what the fuck i want got it? x
Have any of you ever worked on a film? I have.
>i'm not here for your entertainment lad
you are lad.
>700 posts
that's fuck all to be fair
I was an extra on Vikings and Game of Thrones. Never watched either so don't know if I show up.
Some lads do 700 posts a day
much of his posting was off trip
Most I've done is buy sex toys, makeup, some lace stockings, a sexy red dress etc and sissify myself in my room for my wank sessions. Chucked everything but the sex toys out though.
>oh you didnt notice the 700+ posts of drivel by one of the many spackers? you must be retarded
You tend to notice posts done on a tripcode as they stand out, yet that lad claimed to have no idea who Lollers was, despite being here for 10 years.
>andrew bridgen
corr where is this from de lad?
My knee is feeling bad today, might have to wear my knee brace, but only while sitting inside, if I wear it while walking/limping it seems to push my knee back when I stride, and it almost locks up.
I said on and off. Sometimes large breaks. I don't know what to tell you. I know other regulars like Poley, SCEA, Tilde, Ebine, Coinlad (RIP), Smirnoffbro etc. etc.
Canvassing back in July, top lad he is, oh aye
>the name field isnt anonymous so this drivel post MUST be important

is it really that hard to understand that people simply do not care about namefags?
I sprained my ankle over a month ago and it's still constant lingering pain. At least I can walk better but I'm not sure it'll ever feel the same.
2020/2021, Swanny was posting about Lollers daily. You're a LARPing spastic.
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What's this on the Norwood scale? An IVA?
It's not a 'sex thing' but sometimes I go to Poundland and buy lots of makeup (cover story: 'the wife') and then have a mad night in, painting my face.
Didn't know you needed special kit to REMOVE makeup so I've been looking like a goth clown for near on six years now.
Your reading comprehension is shit lad
2 years no bookies
Who the fuck is Swanny? Fuck off, lad.
And yet the Swanster is still here. He flushed Lollers out like the rat he is only for Titlod to smash him.
Corrr get back on that sissygrind my lid
It lush and I mean lush
Smdh at some of my posts recently. Not even sure I am being sincere anymore. Time for vidya.
AKA Local New Man. One of the top 5 /britfeel/ personalities
He's never heard of Lollers
>Searching for posts that contain 'Lollers'. Returning only first 5000 of 5235 results found.
MB, a nonce
For me? It's:
Swanny and MB are made up characters so he could use himself as a dolly and spam the thread from both sides.
I didn't know Shippy and Lollers were friends
They have a lot in common lad. It was inevitable they would form a friendship.
why is there a BBC article on Tamagotchis coming back? why is an Australian CHILD getting to be in the news about Digmon? i'm watching his YouTube channel "i bet everyone wanted a digivice like" i don't have to bet you small child i LIVED this i shoudl be in the news instead of you ree ree
Dollies revisited edition is it king?
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Just in fucking tears. The Apu is almost eighty percent microplastics at this point.
fink them numbers of truth lad
That post wasn't me

incoming glasses and moustache
tamagotchis been on amazon for years, i don't get it
Dark times ahead for SSM. Not right
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This really set him off so he had to rig a poll to beat lollers
Never heard of this Lollers but if he's a Kanna fan then he's based.
Pollers, as I know him as.
i have surmised that the Digmon child is actually the same age as me and he (??) is a trans-gender man.
i now fancy the Digimon child.
I've had issues with my left leg for ~4 years, fannied around with rNHS, and I don't think they have a clue what is causing it. They are trying to say sciatic nerve damage as I have uncontrollable shaking at times (of muh leg).
Hopefully we won't be doomed to these ailments all our lives.
he loved his dragon loli lad
it's for me, OF COURSE IT'S FOR ME, but it might not be for (You)
I miss speaking to lollers, he is a good lad.
What do you lads think of josh? Personally I think he's a twat
It could be for you, but it might not be for me.
So many variations of that saying
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Life might be for you.
But it not for me.
Didn't ask to be born.
TMAU ruin my dream.
Rooms? Stunk out in twenty seconds.
Mockery? Constant.
Here lies John West
i have restless leg syndrome. i bring this up whenever someone mentions they have tinnitus, because i know how it feels (RLS is worse, obviously).
Got my heart broken again lads. How do I keep on going?
Have you tried getting insurance for it?
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It sad, is it not
wudda worked all me life
I have tinnitus and a shaky leg. Is restless leg syndrome a constant thing for you?
For years I said I had tinnitus, but realise now, I should have called it sporadic tinnitus. Now I have constant tinnitus in both ears. The first few years were hell. Really bad, now I have kind of got used to it (no choice really, desu).
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Weather is decent but I'm spending another weekend just sat in my room.
What's the story behind him crying on the beach?
Drunk cry?
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Build a mechanical woman (or man). She can never leave you (or yous).
Fresh bread lads

Why is this thread so girly?
you keep popping into these threads you aren't even British
don't make me get my anti-dyke shotgun, under the Firearms Licencing Act 1985

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