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Manlets cant win either way
same guy? i dont get it
Is 167 manlet ?
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>Height is the only thing that matters. Nothing else matters
>If you're ugly women will still fuck you if you're tall
>If you're balding women will still fuck you if you're tall
>If you're fat women will still fuck you if you're tall
>If you are tall you can get literally any woman you want with only the barest minimum of effort. You don't even need to do that some of the time
>You can be a rich funny confident 10/10 manlet but any girl you do get will immediately leave you the second she finds a 6'0 guy. Even if she doesn't she will be in permanent despair for as long as the relationship lasts. Even if the relationship ends with your death she will be on a tall guy's cock in a week tops
>The percentage of women who would fuck a short man without desperation or monetary incentive is 0%. There is not a single woman on this planet who would ever have a short man as her first choice, let alone prefer them
>You are doomed to a lonely death if you are below 5'9. Even 5'9-5'11s struggle with getting women more often than not
>The only way out of this is to either kill yourself or take HRT and become a transgirl
You tard, it's height, face, and penis size combined. A fatass balding tall guy isn't going to get much pussy
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>>You are doomed to a lonely death if you are below 5'9. Even 5'9-5'11s struggle with getting women more often than not
It is even more brutal. The treatment that you get from men is just as bad. they see you as easy pickings and free validation, constantly trying to mog and dominate you.
No matter what you do they see you as lesser to them, If you are assertive you're trying too hard and if you submit then it's the justification for further abuse.
Even those close to you decide on sight that you are lesser and no matter what you do you did the wrong thing. As a manlet your only option in life is to avoid people altogether.
Being short is one of those massive predictors of future failure too.
>jfl at not being tall
imagine the super tall handsome chads with muscles and everything but then they got like a 2 inch dick. lmao fuck chads.
in a fair world all the chads would have microdicks. it's only fair. if the beta incels just got their shit together they could invent penis shrinking weapons to shoot at chad dicks.
but no, instead we are just here fighting each other cause no pussy.
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Seriously bros, how do you counter this?
In primitive times? Nothing, he wins. Now with modern society there will always people who will take your side and call him an asshole for doing that, or if you really wanted to be drastic, shoot him and claim self defense.
This is just coming out of my ass but you can probably learn some close combat skills and take them by surprise.
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they sure can
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tase him TASE HIM
that is so disrespectful jesus christ. that is exactly how a woman would behave if she was big and strong. god i hate these stupid chads so much. they think and act just like women.
in primitive times you could grab a club and bash his skull nowdays you just have to take it like a good boy
well in primitive times there were no ultra tall freaks like that to begin with. these super tall people i think only came along in the past 200 years or so.
Martial arts, combat ones at best . When shit like that happens that is when your flight and fight instincts kick . I know little ass beaners and asians who take judo and they fuck people up twice their size.
In a one on one combat scenario a manlet with a lot of training in combative MMA can take on a guy who are 6ft+ . I've seen tiny ass beaner boxers rock the shit out of some corn bread fed white/black dudes in highschool . I'm a manlet been at it in muay thai for 6 months and I'm already kicking the fuck out of guys who are 5'10+ who don't know shit about martial arts
It's fucked up but the guy started the incident the manlet should've just went at home for that shit . Just stood around with his thumb up his ass like he doesn't know what the fuck was going on . doesn't even matter if you win or lose that fight at least you're willing to stand up for yourself and that "chad" will probably wouldn't be such a threat if you had some hair on your balls
human height has exploded. people point to improved health and nutrition for this, but of course that is a bunch of bullshit. as height has increased our health and food has gotten worse. people are basically eating plastic and chemicals now. the whole environment is polluted with hormone disrupters, etc.
one must conclude that excessive height is in fact dysgenic.
it is so surprise either that women would sexually select for a dysgenic trait like excessive height. we have seen this time and again in the animal kingdom in animals like the peacocks or those antler creatures that literally died out because the females kept breeding for bigger and bigger antlers and eventually the males couldn't even walk anymore.

DON'T OVERTHINK TOO MUCH on this topic if you have suicidal thoughts or something like this.


are you an actual fighter? there's a reason fighters get classed into weight classes. it's because size is a huge determining factor in fighting. bigger fighters will almost always wreck smaller ones.
you'd have to be an idiot to start a fight with a random tall faggot. you can literally die or get crippled from a bad hit in a fight.
tall fags can literally pick you up as a doll, a gesture so demeaning and humiliating that ancient cultures would probably mandate execution for this transgression, but in modern society you have to just accept it because violence is only allowed if you are actually defending yourself from lethal threat. bullshit.
>it's because size is a huge determining factor in fighting. bigger fighters will almost always wreck smaller ones.
sure but that's mainly a matter of skill, if the tallfag doesn't know how to fight he's going to get fucked up keep in mind a ton of tall men have gone through life without ever getting into a fight since 99% of people get instantly intimidated by their height which means most untrained tallfags will cower as soon as they recognize the manlet can actually fight.
Money is the only thing that matters. Literally nothing else matters.

Actually wait, only confidence truly matters.
actually this, I've seen short niggas ragdoll untrained big fat niggas at my fighting gym
with money you can practically buy confidence, or at least the experience and training that will give you confidence. god i wish i was a secret billionaire.
Face>>>>>>>>>>>all the rest
If you want to be real, only social skills matter and everything else doesnt even matter to women
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>hurrdurr im mad cause im short and women are all whores!!!!

daily reminder that height doesn't actually matter, you can be 5'6 and ugly as long as you're fit and remotely interesting you can still bag bitches like jeremy here

you faggots just have no personality
Human evolution is the opposite. Humans have only become smarter and they literally were only able to invent computers because they evolved to become taller and healthier in the last 50 years
>you faggots just have no personality
i see a lot of people saying this but it really doesnt make sense, everyone has a personality, sure the average normalfag will find you boring if you like collecting stamps and play videogames but it would be incredibly submissive to try and change your personality just to get pussy.
how would you even get a personality if your personality is molded by years of personal experiences the most important ones being the ones from your childhood where you had no control over anything, it's like telling someone "bro just be good looking brah
>bro you cant just learn how to use a toilet if you wore diapers as a baby
Learned helplessness is crazy. I cant imagine being such a fucking narcissist that you would defend having a shitty personality that doesnt even get you a loving relationship
This is the problem with normalfags, in the end they hate the usual personality here, even if that other person was a nice guy, they just want you to conform. To flush everything about you that is you and be them.
>bro I totally dont conform bro trust me
>also I just used a computer or phone to write a post in English
Eat my shit, lazy cuck
Being too heavy to lift.
I'd like to see that lanklet try to move all 250lbs of me like that. I am the grand tungsten brick that will shatter the back of all takers.
>bro you cant just learn how to use a toilet if you wore diapers as a baby
that has nothing to do with anything i said, your base personality was molded by your childhood experiences, that's a psychological fact, some people are meek and quiet because of the way they were raised, there's nothing wrong with that, i don't believe one should try and change his personality to get validation from anybody specially women and i find that telling other people to "just get a better personality brah" just makes them more miserable since they wont learn to accept their own self.
you make no sense, what does using technology and using language have anything to do with being nonconformist
Typing your posts in English makes you a conformist
>I dont believe anyone who wore diapers as a baby should learn how to use a toilet
And yet they do. Your problem is that you are very narcissistic.
>Eat my shit, lazy cuck
Never normalfag, I don't care how much you tell me to looksmaxx, or give up my interest. I want to be me, not the faggot you wish me to be.
Amazing how your you always has to have multiple male sexual partners and your people seem to love cross dressing and taking estrogen
like i told you that has nothing to do with what i said earlier you base personality is almost imposible to change since it got molded by your childhood years and infact a big part of your personality comes from genetics too, it's not like learning a new skill, if you're a quiet person by default and try to be a loud person instead you're probably going to be miserable because you're trying to be something you're not just to fit in.
>Your problem is that you are very narcissistic.
i don't know how you would decipher that from an anonymous post so im guessing it's a projection
What if we just stood on each others shoulders manlet bros?
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I'm a 5'6 manlet that weights 200lbs.
It's over, the west has fallen.
Hell yeah nigga, I can even bring a oversized trenchcoat to add to the disquise
It's a bar. There's plenty of glass bottles hanging around.
God, you're stupid.
We are where we are because we developed the ability to pass on information, we are not born smarter than people of the past, we just have more information available to us.
I'd would have socked his bitch ass right there. I'm 5'8 and 220 lbs. The other manlet looked like he weighed like 150 lbs or something.
You're saying I can bag bitches just like that rich actor who's in a dogshit show that appeals to women and has recently become part of the zeitgeist?
We cant win but can punch Chad in the balls anon
jeremy is also famous retard. now obviously you're partially right. However to say height doesn't factor into attraction for most girls would be a lie
>tfw 5'9 manlet with tiny 7 inch peepee

Surrounded by goofy ass no hope lanklets who get bitches without even trying. At least I'm not fat nor a femboy.
jump up and hook him with the inside of my elbow, dive towards the floor with my knees, and hope i hear something crack
Its okay guys there are lots of women that don't care about height!
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he might be able to pick me up but I am at perfect nutpunch height

webm related: it's what I will do to this crown jewels
I like his head movement and shifting, are cops even allowed to punch anyone?
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People tend to give you a hard time for being short, but I realized that once I am alone, being short doesn't affect my life one bit. There are plenty of things in the environment that stops people from reaching places or makes places difficult to access, but we are a tool-using species and things like ladders, steps etc. exist for a reason. If a tall person needed to use a ladder, nobody bats an eye, but if a short person uses it, everyone laughs. So clearly it's not a question of height being practical or strong, it's just society, (women and men) having room temperature IQ.

The real problem here isn't stature, it's the fact that people are shitty, stupid and have such miserable lives that they need someone or something to punch down on.

Give this experiment a try; talk about how strong short people are when it comes to lifting, (short people usually are better at lifting) and watch all the seething tallfags try to cope by rationalizing "muh leverage".
When you turn the argument around in any other situation they just go "nah you just suck short fag". Clearly, what's the point of trying to gain the approval from these troglodytes.
Unironically true, except
> You can be a rich funny confident 10/10 manlet but any girl you do get will immediately leave you the second she finds a 6'0 guy.
Replace with 6'4''
I'm 6'4 why haven't I had sex with any women?
> in primitive times you could grab a club and bash his skull nowdays you just have to take it like a good boy
Implying he doesn't carry a bigger club and can't bash your head harder.
He just wins, period. There are no ifs ands or buts about it. Some lose in this life, some win.
"But, I can do BJJ on him"
And what, he never trained BJJ?
"B-b-but I can shoot him!!!1"
And he can't do the same?

Get a grip and accept your inferiority.
>I'm 6'4 why haven't I had sex with any women?
Young and never talk with anyone or lightspeed ugly
Another anon said that this is actually an edited version. The original was just a bunch of woman shitting on short guys
both, but see its not just height
and he can't carry a taser? Dumb argument
If you think its that simple youre dumb
That isnt true. People used to be 6 feet tall on average thousands of years ago
No its because people were living on bread and slaving away their whole lives in the middle ages. Hunters used to be tall and people are returning to their natural height.
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Reminder that women think manlets are always mad because they make their problems everyone elses problem.

Source: Instagram
Height matters a lot. Period
I'm no player but been with a few women which wanted more. I'm 5'9, this shit is a meme and you guys are retarded.
Yeah I know there's weight classes I'm not that retarded . But if you're talking about video related I just responded to, yeah man that's when training comes to play and it can help you defend yourself.
I've been at it for 6 months and the first thing they teach you is that you're not doing this shit to start shit with people , just self defense . im not dumb enough/people I train with are that fucking stupid to start fights with randoms fuck that. Only thing you're asking for is legal trouble
You'll be surprised by how many tall fucks think that their size makes them on par with amateur fighters when reality is it really fucking doesn't .
If you go to a MMA gym consistently you'll see all types of guys from short and tall come in. but at the end of the day new guys short or tall are just going to be tossed around all day by short and tall guys who know what the fuck they're doing .
Either way man I've seen it with my 2 eyes . Little ass Asian kid dropping 6ft+ footballers because hes a judo black belt. there's videos on YouTube with those back yard arenas and there's a lot of them with manlets fucking tall dudes up because they have skill.
yeah size matters in a fight, if the bigger guys knows what the fuck he is doing .when it comes to video related , literally any manlet with a few months of training can rock a guy that size shit unless that man knows what the fuck he is doing which like I said , vast majority really fucking don't.
this is literally the only thing that matters. I'm 5'7" with a regular dick (6in) and a good face. I get auto filtered on hinge (uninstalled after a week) but women are always telling me how attractive I am irl. I did sexo 3 or 4 days ago
What is the point of trying hard if you are a manlet? Being a NEET is not that bad. Short men are entitled to NEET bux.
We evolved this way you retard, mostly because we got taller which made us smarter. It debunks every fishermans run theory
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>This actor bags bitches
Oh wow!
I'm supposedly 5'7" but I go out and half the women are taller than me and all men are taller than me
There is some sort of conspiracy going on
I hate life

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