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Tamworth, Staffordshire, England edition
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Did he ask to be born? No he didn't
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Can mark swim
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Post man cat.
Why is this thread so girly and weak?
it's for me
>Can mark swim
what's that style of hat he wears? i want one, some kind of fisherman hat? and what are these new captchas
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we're making it seem more welcoming for you, ya pansy.
did your primary school have one of them kids that pissed with his pants round his ankles with his full arse on display
I fist a girl and I liked it
That's what she get when chat shit
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He struggle with despair every winter.
But it was like that before I joined?
We always knew you'd join, just not the exact date.
Looks like Phil Collins.
You're not all witches are you?
my step brother did this from about 4-6ish years old but he snapped out of it when he saw his older step brother pissing like a man
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Bucket hat
josh is a paedo
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>His head so big it barely fit in a bucket hat
>Soon he can't wear it anymore

He love that smelly hat.
>proud, strong structures
>representative of a tough nation of yesteryear
>my manly tears only inhibited by conjunctivitis
personally i think this thread is a rugged, brutish display, with a certain je ne sais quoi.
Nope, but might have a couple of wizards here.
>with a certain je ne sais quoi.
Told ya
lads, what club in nottingham is best for picking up drunk sluts? I want to get my dick wet tonight
Ask them for a t potion
A rounders bat, it's easier to conceal.
fucking kek i see it now, it's so small for his head the brim is down
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lmao, very good lad
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Turtle wax? I don't drive.
i went to school with a lad who went to uni in nottingham. the ponce.
will text him now, good excuse to get back in touch, this.
chain clubs are always filled with chav sluts with low self esteem. pryzm, tiger tiger, etc
why isn't this google search thing the magic sci-fi zoom-zoom searching..... thing we were promised? what happened to them pervert specs?
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P good deal desu
we have to drink alcohol to 'let go' and have a good time.
we could have set up the world where it's just normal to let go on a daily basis but it's an 'event' and booze helps waht the fuck
lads, I met the perfect lass last week, and then she ghosted me
give me some tunes to help me wallow
I used to stop at Tamworth station almost weekly corr
I thought a faraday cage had to encapsulate whatever it was protecting, no? Bucket hats are totally open on one end, so they're useless as faraday cages.
Remember when he briefly lost his bucket hat in May 2023. Loremasters will remember.
I'm so fucking unhappy, lads. How do you deal with it? I'm 25 and I thought that the general trend of becoming less and less happy was just like a period of adjustment to 'adult independent life' from the age of 18 to 21/22, but it just hasn't stopped. Every year I'm more miserable than the last. Why?
I accidentally put a post in the name field and I'm thinking of keeping it, it describes me perfectly.
Why the change in posting style?
what happened with that chubby cex girl? wonder if that lad asked her out
You know how fags say "it gets better"? They're normal, non-retarded people who had a healthy childhood and just learned to do the things that make things better automatically, with out thinking. The kind of people who end up on /r9k/ didn't learn that from a young age, so we have to consciously go out of our way to make things get better.
hitting 30 is class lad, it's like 'aye this is just who i am now' and yeah it's basically a confirmation of all the dread you experienced at 25.
it's not like going from primary school to secondary school or summat is it, you're just a person now, this is life, and who you are. but also take drugs while your liver is healthy.
>5 people have this in their basket
our resident steganographer is at it again, assessing your posting style and connecting the dots.
They don't look very masculine. Look like lady hats
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Hijab it is then

Nothing happened. I went in again and bought something the other day. She gave me a big smile.

Nothing will happen. Coworkers always right there. Can't do anything unless I bump into her at Costa repeatedly and am able to get talking to her a few times.
Am I me, or just someone pretending to be me?
Guess we'll never know
Fucking tramp just shat in the doorway outside the chemists, FFS I hate this country
does this mean there's people at the warehouse with little trolleys and they all five have hats in them? waiting for a potential purchase to send them out.

i struggle to understand the world.
Thanks for the update CEXlad
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It really is hard to think of a show worse than this that has received as broad acclaim and popular success in recent years.

It's seriously absolutely hot fucking piss vomit shite. It's SO. BAD. People like to talk about pleb filters a lot but mostly they're just being tongue-in-cheek. But with this one it's real. If you like this show you are a fucking retard.
Good one josh lad.
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It goes downhill the older you get. You get slower. More tired. Aches happen. Cuts take longer to disappear. Always stuck in work with little time to yourself. Maybe a moaning girlfriend who brings you down because she has a shit job as well.
>asked socially retarded girl out twice
>got "yeah sure but I dunno what we'd do"
>now I'm not sure if I got rejected or if she's just too retarded to express her interest properly

I fucking HATE getting attracted to terminally online girls. I'm in my late 20s and I've had multiple serious long-term relationships with women that I met IRL, yet every time I fall for a lass who reminds me of myself, I feel like a 16-year-old loser who can't talk to girls again.
i don't want to break your heart but why WOULDN'T she have a bf (or gf)? and if she was single, why WOULD she select you? just got my gambling/statistician hat on here laddy, i know it's tough.
9 items
She probably does have a bf. Most girls do. They don't spend long inbetween each one. It's so easy for them to get one. I have been chugging blackpills for a long time bro don't worry you can't break my heart as it is already dead.
the internet is just what used to be magazines, maybe Mills & Boon novels, probably something like The Strand back in Victorian times.

i think the internet content is enough for some women. i'm obsessed with tattle.life, they're a fascinating bunch.
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;_; don't worry anon if you get a depression diagnosis you can get medicine that actually makes you feel less interested in sex/romance it's like if you never had to eat meals to stay alive, it's alright.
It takes two to tango lad. Even Chad would struggle to figure out what's going on inside the head of an average femanon. The difference is that Chad wouldn't give a shit about whether he was rejected or not, he'd shoot his shot and then move on the next girl if she doesn't respond. It sounds like you've made progress working on yourself, but if you're still getting worked up by women who remind you of your past self, you have more shit to work on deep down inside. You need to get to the point where you are attracted and satisfied with a normal, well-adjusted woman who lives in the real world.
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He in Seaside Sundown stage of his life.
Days get shorter.
Nights get colder.
His TMAU terminal.
He not expect to live this long.
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how do you refer to trans gender people 'in the past'? like the whole concept of it being a TRANSITION means they went from A to B, so they WERE a she then now ARE a he, yeah?
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winters coming
Still got a season to go through, in fact, that season doesn't start till tomorrow.
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Electricity going up.
He not be able to put his heat pump on.
He freeze this winter. He one of Starmer's Sacrifices. Dread to think how many hidden disability sufferers and OAP's are going to perish this winter to fill that black hole left by the tories.
i remember when Game of Thrones was what everyone was watching, i think it was on Netflix or one of them.
never seen it, personally, but people were walking around in hoodies that said
>winter is coming
i bet it was dead exciting to be part of that.
>winters coming
on wikipedia they still call them by the new one in the early life section
He's right about butterflies u know. Sad.
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He go gay in the 1990's, but it wasn't for him. But it might be for you. But it wasn't for him.
just look at energy bill charts
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seasideSWITCH werent for him
PS5 werent for him. He not a gamer.
Bt this new ps5 is for him. U won't hear nothing about selling it next 12 months u won't hear a word about selling it.
CBA limping about to find muh firestick, so I'll use mum's scamazon account to watch some slop again.
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He miss when he'd get a whistle posse blow
>josh lad
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A lot of pain behind those eyes
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been on that fortgrind again today with plenty of lush palm trees
i've seen some articles where they've used every trick in the book to avoid pronouns, a right flame war in the Talk page as to whether a Victorian person could even 'be' 'trans' and all that
in my brain i'm a man, i 'was a boy', what 'were' trans people as bairns?
all i wanna do is do it
he was never the same after the headstand it change him
its better than giving it to the cookies
No diagnosis but I take duloxetine don't do shit
Getting therapy again doesn't help but I want arfeerral to some more intense stuff so I can get diagnosed
Also getting a autism diagnosis

Need stuff to help me stay on bennies the rest of my life since I'll probably be needing it

Getting everything I can I'm pretty rich since I live at home still so keep it all mostly

but just entrenching my position incase them cunts down the bennies office ever try to attack me and get me off it or some shit ya know
going through all the cans on my floor to see if any still have liquid in them. what a treat.
had another wank to nicole doshi

thanks who suggested her blacked scene yesterday some good shit shes a good performer
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Who do you think was in the wrong here?
Womeme who was into me I think has finally given up. Terrible situation. How could anybody be bothered with them.
same mate
>meet normie woman
>exchange contact details
>have a decent conversation
>go out for a drink
>feel nothing for her
>ghost her

>meet retarded woman with extremist views, zero friends, autism, zero friends, etc
>instantly fall in love
>exchange contact details
>try and fail to ask her out multiple times
>every rejection makes me love her more
>eventually get ghosted
>decide that I actually hate her and women in general

my brain seems to be hardwired to be attracted to broken, toxic women. I have no problem meeting and hooking up with normie women but they just leave me feeling sad and empty because it doesn't feel like they really understand me. I wish I could just rewire my brain to be satisfied with what I have rather than constantly craving the excitement over the horizon.
what you should do, right, is go to CeX every day and fantasise about her saving you. maybe she secretly feels the same way and she'll pull you out of your current lifestyle: you'll have a bright future ahead with her, and all this grey fogginess will seem like a daft, sad bit of your life before being together with her.
I had an old fren staying with me a couple of months ago, and he did the same, got one can once from the kitchen, and it had been in there a week. "still got beer in it" was his excuse for drinking it.
How do I get rid of fucking spiders
The brown cunts are invading my home and I don't know where they're coming from
Can someone hook me up with some insecticide that's banned in the UK/EU or something
fucking gnarly man i don't drink anymore but there were a few times i took a swig form a can i'd pissed in
who are the 'sides' here? i think the neighbours, the residents, the police, and the Mail are all incorrect.
you will never be normal. you will always exist in the seedy underworld of the internet. you will only ever be happy with a crazy girl who secretly sends nudes to chris chan behind your back.
i had a cat once, it found spiders that would have otherwise gone undiscovered.
now, not having a cat, i suspect there have been at least one hundred spiders in my flat.
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>it had been in there a week
Good way 2 get fruit flies lad
trick is to put the cans in your Nutribullet, remove them later and you can blitz up the fruit flies for extra protein (works)
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>man blocks off public right of way
it same energy lads
what are some chemicals you wish were re-legalised? my list:

Coal tar extract
Non-methylated spirits
Every day? They'd think I'm one of them twats that buys games all the time then never plays them.
Standing still and not speaking isn't a crime.
qrd on the 'silent man'
I miss when I could buy Relentless without having my loicense checked.
He got locked up longer than Huw Edwards did.
He still not free to this day
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Diamorphine nd all barbiturates
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He knows something we don't
Huw Edwards did nothing wrong and was only sentenced based on a technicality due to an absurdly vague wording in the law. The judge in the case readily admitted that he did not actually do anything under the typically definition of the law, but as a technical violation occurred he was forced to give him a suspended sentence.
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Why have they blurred out the BAME's that are causing this?
do the whole Super Hans Freecycle thing of buying and selling games/DVDs that she will find interesting. she's an alt girl, right? buy Heathers off Amazon, sell it in CeX. 'good film, but it reminds me of my ex.' makes her think you're 'ex'-worthy. and also a fan of the film Heathers.
for medical reasons they have been replaced with better drugs, for suicide reasons they should be replaced with living. can't agree with you on this one.
operation clean my shithole flat has commenced, filled 2 rubble sacks so far and i have 8 left, might need a small skip
at least 2 of those are legal lad, borax is just boric acid and I think I have a shampoo with real coal tar extract
i remember chatting with a mental lass on VampireFreaks who said i should get the Megabus down to go see her. bottled it but 15 years later i wonder if the offer is still open.
Happy for you lad. Did the same thing a while back, maybe went a touch overboard, but damn it felt good. Cleaned nearly everything out. Went minimalist zen monk mode for a good few months. I'm talking like my bedroom was a futon on the floor, a laptop and a few linen boxes of clothes, literally nothing else.
>I have a shampoo with real coal tar extract
you don't.
AB attacked by tyrants. Absolutely disgusting behaviour and one of the worst audits this year.

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I've never been happier than when I was completely miserable and going to the gym every day. I want my old life back.
i've somehow created a perfect gridlock that ensures my flat remains a shithole. to do the washing up, i will need to get a fresh sponge, which means putting the old one in the bin, but the bin is full, and i need to do the washing up so i can free up floor space, which means putting old cans/bottles in the recycling, but that requires bags? the bags are in a packet that needs placing in the bin...

i'm sure some Professor Layton type could unravel it all but as far as i'm concerned, it's one of those mathematically unsolvable situations. no starting point can result in a successful ending where my flat is clean and tidy.
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Gfberg and I have officially broken up, lads. Shame, she really was a lovely girl and had a cracking arse, but it was a case of wanting far too different things in life. Ah well, at least I don't have to feel bad about stealing glimpses of nice butts when I'm out in town now.
>AB attacked by tyrants. Absolutely disgusting behaviour and one of the worst audits this year.
wow really?
paracetamol, wank, nap
You didn't miss out on anything anyway. Mental lasses only have one trick: they drip feed just enough affection to keep you on the hook because you shower them with even more affection in return. If you met her, you would have walked around a dismal shopping mall for four hours and then got back on the Megabus going home with a single peck on the cheek. She probably invited a different simp to see her a few days later.

TL;DR don't ever get emotionally involved with any woman who has autism, BPD, etc
Watched that yesterday. I found AB to incredibly cringy in this one desu
Especially when he starts using terms like 'pussyhole'.
how long before titlad shows up itt
He was very upset. Never has he gotten this angry before. These muppets violated him.
Almost 300k subs. DJ won't be overtaking him any time soon.
why do these cunts get so upset by some spacker with a camera lmao, now you're forever on the internet making a fool of yourself
AB = another BAME
They usually get away with it that's why.
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Toastie de lads
Toastie de lads
Making a toastie ain't I
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Just came out of a relationship myself lad. Always bittersweet, though sounds like your girl was a lot better than mine. Right bitch at the end ngl. You know what they say though - nothing gets you over the last one like the next one.
>Gfberg and I have officially broken up, lads
Are you a normie? Its difficult to get a gf these days
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I feel like a foreigner in my own country. Anyone else? How do you deal with it?
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23yo Scottish lasses.
claim bennys and never look back lad
Hairline update lad?
would be a fun memory though, wouldn't it?
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Sometimes I feel like this. It not right.
There are a couple of coping mechanisms lad. First is to zoom out and just see all life on earth as one blob. Another is to zoom out time rather than space and just see that all things are temporary, races will come and go constantly, go back a bit and our common ancestor was just some fish thing crawling out of the water, go forward a bit and who knows what? Go forward far enough and it's just a bunch of black holes with all the mass in the universe on a slow collision course into each other before it goes bang again. Just enjoy the time you got lad
been a weird shift in the auditor community recently. i don't like to find things 'cringy' even if it's furries or weirdos like that, but the DJ video of him pretending not to know what auditors are to a pretty nice/friendly Liverpudlian lad was just embarrassing. surprised he uploaded it.
Thermostat getting set to 22C
Anyone know how old Chika is
fucking hate when some cunt brings their vwoorpal box onto the metro.
PJ always been soundest of the lot, other auditors just get too jumped up and cheeky in a lot of their videos
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Sorry to hear she was a bitch, lad. Hope you do better with the next one. And yeah, don't think I'll be wallowing on this one too long, it was pretty mutual, just hope the next matches me better.

>Are you a normie?
I wouldn't say so, not exactly. Not nearly as fucked up as some of the lads here, but normie might be stretching it. It is fairly difficult to get a gf, or at least get a decent one. You have one?
just going to adjust the thermostat, quick check on the homebrew, water the herb garden, see how the sourdough's getting on.
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I sort of am a foreigner in my own country because of parentage. However you just have to accept you don't live in a country but moreso a cattle pen that exists to allow a small minority of people to live a life of largesse, oh and also they hate you. It sad but what can you do.
nah, it'd be a trauma. the chance of coming out of an interaction with a mental lass without thinking "imagine what could've been..." is zero.
he said he is in his early 30s, but i think it's probably mid 30s
his human rights
Can't be bothered. I'm kind of broken down by life.
my whole life is one big "imagine what could've been...", including the exact situation we're describing.
wish i'd made mistakes tbqh.
Anyone just not bothered anymore? I stay at home all the time, unemployed. Oddly I'm not too concerned for the future as I can always kill myself.
used to have a legit paranoid schizo gf, one of the most attractive women ive ever seen when she'd done herself up but yea, it just isnt worth it
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My basil garden not long for this world now. Dark nights are coming
Remember lads, without illiterate rapists from the Sahel loitering in our towns, our pensioners wouldn't be able to go on cruises!
I would've made something of myself.
Alas, one day I stink of fish and the other I stink of shit. I had opportunities denied.
I never wish to be born.
i'm miss understood and unpleasant
The son of the guy in the blue shirt and body warmer.
I don't get why people treat them with respect. It's rare to find a respectful paki.
Hi Miss Understood and Unpleasant lass
Do you ever think about what your old schoolmates are doing thesedays?
There was a guy who went to my college who was nicknamed "blowhole" because he thought that dolphins have sex by putting their nose in their head hole. He spoke in greentext, thought he was in the illuminati because he browsed /b/, and unironically referred to small children as "lolis". He'd be 28 now, I wonder how he's doing...
Hope she gets her tits out, desu.
Well he said his bf is 30 years older than him, his bf is 60 odd so it's around there.
What do you even get out of doing this little routine every other day? Baffles the mindbussy.
>one of the most attractive women ive ever seen when she'd done herself up
this seems to always be the case with mental women. I dated a BPD lass who genuinely looked like a model every time I saw her yet she'd constantly say she was disgusting and ugly. These women will never be satisfied with themselves because the problem is in their head.
Chika has an arrangement with another (older) man. Chika can live with him in his house rent-free as long as he gets to shag Chika's arse whenever he pleases. Chika refers to this older man as his 'bf'
i think we both know you're using tinned tomatoes for your soups, there is no shame in using dry basil.
I've been here 10 years and still have no idea who 'Chika' is
>tfw I was blowhole
Like what's the point? I don't have any interest in a career. I don't find anything appealing. Some of us are just... different. We don't get to live good lives.
whistle possie suck
me? i'm no cunning linguist, but i am a mas turbator.
Don't reply to me gay nonce
don t you want to contribute to society?!?!?!?!?!/111111!?/1//
Can reduce almost anything down to statements like this though really.
Honestly good. Better to not keep track of internet people in that way. Or you will end up like some people here making things up about posters who left years ago.
probably moved on and became an ordinary lad, but it's fun to imagine he's one of the 'new wave' of 'anime' paedophiles (the old-school moustachio nonces can only dream)
No shame but it's shite.
Don't mind canned cherry toms tho
all the ones that went to uni turned into homos and lefty fart sniffers
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I would go outside but that is there to do? Just drive around wasting petrol and then go home? Sit in a car park by myself eating McDonalds? Walk around town seeing couples and then walk back to my car?

Dont get why people tell you to touch grass. I assume they mean go outside with friends, as opposed to be lonely outside.
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>tfw software engineer
>spend 1 hour writing code
>spend 1 hour in meetings with other spergs who are like me
>spend the rest of the day playing vidya
>get paid 73,000 a year for it
>still not happy
what's wrong with me lads
why can I never be satisfied with what I have
maybe chucking your old m8 anon a few quid will make you more happy eh lad?
i can't believe Smirnoffbro was an MI5 false flag agent sent by the CIA to demoralise /britfeel/ into joining the Royal Mail Christmas workforce.
Don't reply to me balding geordie nonce
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He been bullied and trolled his whole life. He forced to get NCA to take a look. It not right.
they tell you to touch grass because they have nothing to actually say
nothing helpful anyhow
so its just an insult

replace touch grass with "loser!" or even just "fuck off" and it makes sense
>Sit in a car park by myself eating McDonalds?
Unironically love doing this. Especially if it's raining. Dark rainy evening, gloomy and overcast, orange street lights with a warm glow through the pooled rainwater on the windscreen. A delicious bit of mcslop, an ice cold drink to wash it down with. Privacy and silence to sit and not be bothered by anything except the pitter patter of the rain. Phone turned off. Maybe go to a car park and find the darkest spot for extra womf.

Can be very comfy, lad.
keep at it lad! one day you'll reach assistant vice president of technology and you'll thank yourself for all your hard work!
i read somewhere that the processing order in terms of quality is basically
plum tomatoes (best)
-> chopped up into chopped tomatoes
-> sieved into passata (worst)
so it's better to buy plum tomatoes, even if you smush them up yourself. but then the bastards obviously go in sauces/stews with other ingredients, i'm fucking up my chilli con carnes by crushing the beans along with 4-5 giant globs of tomato. are some cunts just eating those whole, as part of the meal?? mental.
At least you have a car. All I can do is walk in the same old town.
Didnt think about that lad but its true now that i think about it. Youll say something like
>I hate black people
And they'll tell you to touch grass. Never really made much sense
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Always uploafing is are lad
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Used to to this when I first passed my driving test lid but driving got more boring as the years went by. I hate driving now. too many wankers on the roads that drive up your arse when you're doing 30 in a 30.
>Just drive around wasting petrol and then go home?
>Dark rainy evening, gloomy and overcast, orange street lights with a warm glow through the pooled rainwater on the windscreen.

fucking hell, car-owners don't realise how lucky they have it. this is the dream.
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Very sad after watching her latest video.
>go for nice meal by myself
>restaurant is filled with sprogs watching brainrot at full volume
night drives are very comfy, something about calling at a petrol station in the middle of the night just floats my boat
If you're going to a restaurant that lets tons of shitty kids watch brainrot shite at full volume then you're picking the wrong restaurants, lad. Sorry but that's on you. There are tons of places which don't allow that sort of thing and aren't family casual eating gastropub places like you're going to.
It's saturday, what did you expect? It's like going to the cinema on a weekend....bad idea
I used to like walking in the countryside, with nobody about.
Had to stop all that due to ill health. Bit sad when I realised I can't do the things that brought me happiness before.
a woman i know does stand-up poetry (?) about 'misogynists' now. she had a history of abusive relationships, was a very angry/tense driver, one time sitting around with a few drinks she complained that she'd never had an orgasm.

painting her in a bad light here because for the most part she was absolutely sound, just wound a bit tight and had a bad lot in life. BUT now i wonder if it's as straightforward as being sexually frustrated? does it work that way in women? flip the genders etc etc.
>I used to like walking in the countryside, with nobody about.
Sorry you cant do that anymore lid but that sounds boring to me. I'd have more fun at home on the video games
>local cinema wants proof of benefits for the one quid concessions ticket
>going by myself on a weekday afternoon isn't enough
the fuck do i show them? i don't want to show them a print-out of my UC monthly entitlement letter, isn't that like asking a random employed person 'can i see your payslip'? creepy.
What the fuck? Why are cinemas giving dossers discounts? This kind of shit is insane, and the government pretends to wring their hands about people not wanting to get back to work? Well stop fucking incentivising it then lol.
What's the most British way to top myself?
yeah had to show proof at specsavers
lady went "oh is that how much you get?"
feel like im being judged with all the lies people believe about benefits people
they really have no fucking clue
saw some twat before saying "oh its UNIVERSAL credit? so everyone just gets free money? i dont get it because im not enough of a scrounger to sign for it" like this fucking mong thinks its just free money given to people who want it but hes such a good person he refuses to take it
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>one quid concessions ticket
Is this really a thing?
to be fair every screening during the day is empty. how many people are going to see, i dunno, some anniversary restoration of Wicker Man on a Wednesday afternoon? if one quid of dosser money goes to one seat in a big mostly empty room, that's recirculating the money back into a local business, get in?
psycho ex gf found my linkedin
might be my last week of being employed lads
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You DO have a sunflower lanyard right?
wish a girl cared enough about me to ruin my life
>oh yeah well where do YOU work if you're so good
tried this once, felt like a right muppet once i realised
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Need 2 go shop soon b4 it fill up w drunk normies
We get bus pass too
local off licence now has a hand written notice in the newspapers bit
and i want to know what led to that. i suspect people standing there, to read. is it all right if i just ask?
>one pound screenings
lad this is not even remotely close to covering the cost of running that place, it's not 'recirculating the money'
She doesn't care about me, she cares about herself.
It's not illegal to ask, lad. Might be after a few more years of Starmer, but right now it's legal.
lads, is it weird to go for shisha alone? I want my baccy hit and vaping doesn't do it for me anymore
i'm not an economist but 1 is a larger number than 0. it's not even an increase of 10000%, there isn't a number big enough to say "if you multiply this 0 by _, it becomes 1". it's just free 1s.
too many video games on the go
not good for you mental elf
when you play a game you actually scatter a piece of your soul to inhabit the character in the game
if you dont finish the game, a bit of you is trapped within the story
which is actually real life in another world
by playing the game you breathe life into it
but you never finish it so you dont get it back you know
so when you playu new games allt he time you split yourself up
get the wacky baccy mate
my worry is they're actually friendly about it and then i become of those regulars they have a conversation with, 'back for more energy drinks is it? bit odd for a grown man on a weekday afternoon during working hours, isn't it?' they could say.
i just want the information, but also to not lose my local shop as a useful resource.
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>be english
>pay a "water bill" every month for literal water
>tastes like shite also
What gigs do you have coming up /britfeel/? What gigs have you been to recently? I want to know if I'm going to be in a crowd with you.
shisha is a social thing you are taking up a table that could have gone to a group. it's not right.
Does anyone wanna go for shisha with me?
>Scotch man drinking fancy Scotch water
>'why isn't it good enough?'
want to come down here and try our hard English water, you soft ponce.
i'm going to visit secret livestreaming websites on the dark web and watch the Oasis gig at Manchester Arena
It was really good, not having to be nervous and wonder why I felt people were always looking at me, which happens when I go out (it seems).
Best times, climbing up the side of a frozen waterfall at malham cove, and doing the yorkshire 3 peaks with my sister, and climbing whernside in a thunderstorm.
I've done, and still do, vidya, but the adventuring IRl was great.
Drown in a bath of gravy.
remember a mad phase of /britfeel/ers getting scooter licences. wonder if any of them made it.
Oh when that bloke was doing wheelies in Soho?
>bombay bicycle club
>yard act
>happy mondays
>new order
>everything everything
>american football

coming up
>maximo park
>pale waves
>hard fi
Tell me that being from Manchester is your entire personality without telling me
>>maximo park
fucks sake forgot all about these lads, good memories from back int' day
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You have spent the whole day playing make believe on the anonymous website
You will spend the rest of the night doing the same thing, alone, as normal for you
I regret not seeing A7X when they were in Newcastle a few years ago. Had nobody to go with though. Not a big band person though I mostly stick to my OSTs
more like drowning in a bath of madras masala, nowadays.
I'm going to my first ever concert alone next month. Going to see bdrmm. Will people judge me?
maximo park are top lads. they're the only band from the 2010s era of strokes/arctic monkeys copycat landfill bands that have stuck with me.
i found my old primary school report cards a few years ago, said i was bright and good at maths and i'll go far.
if my teachers are still alive i feel like i should let them know they got that one wrong? i'd want to know.
Spot on Meg, ngl
Link lad if you live in Newcastle why don't you meet HHL and be real life friends?
My secondary school report cards said that I'd never be a high flyer. I was excluded from school three times.
Hey sis, can't believe I bumped into you here!
just realised i called them 'report cards' isn't that an American thing? they weren't cards, those daft worksheets with the copy-pasted sentences about your spelling and then an actual personal bit at the end. what were those called?
We different people. I only fit in with my established circle.
how does one apply to become part of the circle?
I am from manchester funnily enough. didn't realize it was that obvious.
Yeah plum tomatoes are lush. I like the tanginess of cherry's tho. Tins are great for convenience but fresh tomatoes roasted a bit in the oven before you make soup is the best granted you get good tomatoes. Easier said than done in the UK desu.
You're both nonces though, so you have that in common.
Usually need to have known you since before I have any formulated memories.

I just don't make friends easily because I am too guarded and don't let people know things about me, aside from online which is probably why I just post random shit here so much.
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You will never do anything interesting in your miserable life. You just let the days, weeks, months and years pass.
Your right, why doesn't the government just pay for everything?
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Any lids from Liverpool?
moving into a new flat in the coming weeks lad, what are you upto?
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Why do you always have to be so mean
One British shithole is essentially the same as the next British shithole, lad. Does it really matter the name of it?
God, Mancs are so fucking insufferable. There's a whole world of music out there and yet they insist on only listening to working class northerners whining about how hard life is under Thatcher.
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>the government pays for rain dropping out clouds
Not much. Life has been the same day over and over for like 15 years. Waiting to fucking die.
you mean west manchester? I've been there once or twice, it wasn't worth an hour on a pacer.
i work in warrington does that count?
Does he just work in a warehouse and does he run it
English people don't pay for rain water, lad. Anyone can set up barrels and collect as much as they please. What we pay for is the water treatment and distribution infrastructure. Which scots do as well, just through the government rather than semi-privately.
Life is passing you by and there's nothing you will ever do to improve it. You don't have the energy, looks or social skills to live a normal life.
The stone roses are the most overrated band in British history
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Quite like the Manc accent, dunno why. Can listen to a man go on and on in that accent all day, it womfy.
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NormaI peopIe have sex. You are not normal. Therefore you don't have sex.
southerners will never know the joy of 10 pints, belting out live forever, and then getting into a fight.
Imagine being stuck in a grim warehouse and some dickhead starts recording you. Acting like this is a perfectly normal thing to do.
You and me both Iad.
I am going to attempt to walk to the droog dilla, I hope I get there and back (limpy leg).
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That's why I don't work. If I'm not having sex, then I am not normal. Why would I work? Normal people work because they get sex.
the manc accent is nice, but listening to them talk about the hacienda for the 200th time isn't.
What the fuck is that tattle life website about? Just women shitting on other women?
>Usually need to have known you since before I have any formulated memories.
this sounds spooky
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DJ runs the company. He imports dodgy laptop chargers
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No lid I don't mean from Warrington. I said, any lids from Liverpool
>>the government pays for rain dropping out clouds
what the fuck did he mean by this??
Remember when someone audited DJ's business and posted pics of his family up on the walls. Haha.
im not even from warrington i just work there, but i work with alot of scousers so thought i could be an honorary scouser
i'm the anon who was going on about it, yeah pretty much. like some weird cross between Kiwi Farms and Mumsnet. can't explain why i find it all fascinating, it just is.
Gotten back have i not me leedinghams

Rain dropping out of clouds won't get me a gf.
Well most of the people I am close to are family (almost all of them are older than me so I have always known them) or people I knew since I was 2yo in ze play group. Even people I have known for 15 years feel like newcomers still a little bit.
My free will. Remember that ladies.
The government taxes their citizens and uses the tax money to fund water treatment plants and distribution infrastructure. This isn't complicated, lad. Water coming out of your tap isn't just collected in tarps from the rain.
Importing AC adapters won't get me a gf.
I want a gf but do not have the energy to keep up hygiene and go to work anymore.
I am not normal. I have lots of sex. Normie women are weirdly attracted to aloof autistic guys as long as you put some effort into your appearance - they made up the "alternative" label to describe guys like me.
The hard part is finding love. The women who interest me are the ones who are as internally fucked as I am and I've never managed to hold down a relationship with any of them. I've held down relationships with normie women before, but I eventually get bored of the mundanity of normal life.
I get it, lad. You've got me interested too. I read all the women insulting Taylor Swift on Reddit too. Women seem to hate other more successful women.
it's daft how secretive people are when Companies House info is, rightfully, very public.
like there was a 'leak' that Limmy earned loads on Twitch.tv. not really a 'leak' when you can view Permo Productions' accounts made up to the current financial year, is it?
and people still pretend Banksy is some anonymous, he-who-shall-not-be-named faceless guy. as if there isn't a list of officers for the holding company who handles all his business ventures, lol.
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The four greatest words in the English language:

"It wasn't sexual harassment."

Get. Fucking. Bent. You fucking twats! The tribunal said I did absolutely nothing wrong. It was a farce from the start but at least the system worked this time.
>and people still pretend Banksy is some anonymous, he-who-shall-not-be-named faceless guy. as if there isn't a list of officers for the holding company who handles all his business ventures, lol.
So what's his name? Spoonfeed me anon.
have you tried fuses? the fuse community is notoriously pretty 'thirsty' as they say.
SSM's got a new Christmas jumper. Life will never be the same again.
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I'm from Liverpool and I WORK in Liverpool.
Robin Gunningham. Everyone has known for many years now even though he tries to keep the 'mystery' going. It's pathetic but he literally pays news sites to write articles regularly, even when he's not in the news as such, along the lines of "Who is Banksy? While his true identity has never been confirmed... blah blah blah...".

Aging, irrelevant mong.
Robin Gunningham of Bristol, from Pest Control Limited.
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life is over past 30 unless you're a woman
i'm from home and i work from home.
Hope it's a Liverpool FC jumper or the hundreds of AI SSM images I generated won't make sense
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Speak for yourself.
30s > teens >20s
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He get brand new Liverpool FC Christmas jumper.
being a teenager was the worst thing that ever happened to me desu
BASH the YouTube Dollies
Kinda same
The brutal social realignments that occur in the first year of high school can mess you up if you are not up for it
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>be english
>some1 point @ a chart with letters n ask you what letter it is
>pay them 20 quid

What's your favourite /britfeel/ dolly game?
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It lush, is it not me laddy
The one where you don't have to shit on people to make yourself feel better?
>just a checkup please
>everything is fine
>okay that'll be pounds just to have been informed with non-information
Nye Bevan would be rolling in his grave.....
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Simps like you pay for ASMRtists lavish weddings
Point out the simps itt
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Wishing I was spawned by the devil and had some kind of special powers that allowed me to always escape from authority figures like the police. Then I would go on a murderous rampage frequently and always escape thanks to the special gift I was born with.
I don't need to point him out. He knows who he is.
I've never watched a single asmr girl. I have only ever watched unintentional asmr content. All the intentional stuff is so fucking cringe.
To be fair they check your eye health and that too, that's why they shine the light in them and make you look in funny directions.
What time are you heading out tonight lads. You're not going to spend the night here looking down on losers are you?
>go to daft little glasses section of pound shop
>try on different specs until i can read the little example text
>pay a couple of quid for some plastic + bent glass
oh no i can now see and read perfectly without a fancy machine to capture photographs of my spackered corneas. shame about all those stone-age-era guys who died of eye cancer.
Spending the night in blasting African folk music to annoy my neighbours, lad.
Just waiting for my gf to finish doing her makeup then we're heading out lad.
Staying in with my gf tonight, going to start watching Shogun and drink vodka
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>I have only ever watched unintentional asmr content. All the intentional stuff is so fucking cringe.
Fucking my wife in her arse tonight, lad. Would much rather that than go to some shitty nightclub and listen to bad music while overpaying for watered down piss drinks.
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Waiting 4your mum to finish work xD
did him right in deeee liiiiiiiiiiiiiid LOL
You getting a bag in tonight lad? You are our new UK chairman after all x
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ASMR is rain water, keyboard typing
Vapid roastie slobbering saliva into mic reading a gay script is not asmr
Someone is coming to my house. Don't need to leave the house that way.

Had more than one test and I still haven't got glasses. Don't know why. Maybe I am stupid. Got that astigmatism and visual snow.
What is the lore on Tamworth
downloading grindr rn
i need bbc
I get an erection watching females do intentional ASMR.
It's a sexual thing pure and simple.
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Even imaginary jobs too much work for me. May I pass it on 2 alizee poster or Arbroath poster lass.
LSFPL watches that Italian ASMR bird. Don't see the point in foreign ASMR myself.
i'll be posting here, watching youtube, eating an asda pizza, and desperately trying to figure out how to fix this joke of an existance that i've curated for myself
Are you the dildo guy from earlier?
The trick is to lean into it and embrace squalor.
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The mind is its own place, and in it self
Can make a Heav'n of Hell, a Hell of Heav'n. Desu desu
yes that is mee!
i didnt really download grindr just posted that i did
i have downloaded it before though but always lose interest before i can find anyone suitable to let me go to theres and blow them
Kanna Kanna, yes we canna!
Kanna Kanna, yes we canna!
Fair enough
I can get into it with foreign language vids in English I just feel, u don't feel that way, you're reading a script, stop lying 2 me
Not sure if I saw a big spider crawl across the floor and under the door, or if it was just a dark eye floater. What do lads?
Lollers, that you mate?
fake lollers xD
Why not just do it desu
It fun, you only live once etc
Lollers posts Kanna. It must be him.
Not illegal to fuck Kanna, she is old dragon. LOL.
I know he's read paradise lost, the bible and the Quran. Easy enough to fake being him de lads
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Back with muh droogs, \o/.
*gets stoned*
Kanna is 9 lad. Cool it with the nonce shit.
True. I would fuck Kanna since she's of legal age.

Anyone who hasn't read Paradise Lost, the Bible and the Quran is a mong.
wehey drooglid on a mad one tonight
human registry. she is actually 30
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Are u in Glasgow de lad
Cant mind if u said
Leave me some drugs in a bin in town I pay u?
It's easy, just ask him what his favourite jazz song is.
I'll even give you a clue
tsssh tsssh bdmptchdshsh pah pah pahpahpah
*clicks finger*
Nope. She is a dragon and very old. She's like 300 years old at least. Go eat a frog.
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No one will believe this but this morning when I woke up I was trapped in the bedroom. The door latch had somehow become uncoupled from the handle so when I turned the handle down nothing happened; the latch remained in place (see webm).

There was fucking NOTHING in this room, tool-wise let me tell you. I had on me:

>a bunch of clothes
>a set of nail clippers
>a single pair of trainers

No wallet, no keys. I'm not joking when I say there is nothing else in that room besides except the bed itself. I don't have furniture because I've not long moved in.

Obviously I did make it out but I won't say yet how I managed it. Instead feel free to imagine how you would get out if this happens to you.

Imagine you're alone in a house, nothing but the above mentioned items, door handle does nothing, 2 floors up, suddenly the door latch isn't working. Under normal circumstances the door opens inward i.e towards you inside the room. How do you get out of this room? I'm curious to see if people have better ideas than what I used in the end (besides phoning some one / the fire brigade).
Unfortunately not, and I don't think if I was I'd be able to walk back to town.
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Bit of a useless clue
Kick it down
End of
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Fair enough some reason in my head u were also loch lomond poster bt that doesn't make sense now I think about it. Neway enjoy ur narcotic
A lot of pointless spaces there lad, I'll just pick one line to comment on.
Woah, nothing in the room. Mental.
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I had a similar, but in a way opposite, door problem. My webm related. A public toilet in Reading train station that had rubber stoppers added in such a way to prevent the door latch from actually locking.

Interesting how life does things like this, eh?
>feel free to imagine how you would get out if this happens to you.
don't have to: very similar situation recently. ended up using nail scissors in bathroom to wedge open latch, brief panic situation since i didn't have phone and woudl have to yell out window or something. but it all worked out in the end.
door drivel is it lads?
i would hate it if more anons posted clips/pics of their hands haha
never even seen a fanny
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SSM locked himself out of his flat once. Don't have anything else to contribute to door drivel hour
playing with your door dollies today, kings?
99% of them are ugly as fuck, but that's okay because you're supposed to fuck them not stare at them
Ah yeah, but that's typing it out, you need to sound it out, it makes perfect sense then.
It's only cannabis, not proper narcotics, but I will enjoy it, grassy arse amigo.
Choon for narcoticus loverandoms
sick of this riveting* door discussion getting in the way of my classic literature chat. so back on topic, how does the 'ran compare to Milton? i think it does, but that's just me.
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>two door posts
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I fucking shat it when it happened. Obviously I had the phone so at worst I could have just phoned someone with a front door key to come in, try the other side etc.

Incidentally, the handle on the other side also didn't work either.

Yeah I've had it happen in public toilets too. Usually there you can force the door away from the lock cause they're quite light and flimsy.

Paranoid about the other doors in the house now. Have taken the faulty latch out of the door in question and will get a new one from B&Q but I worry about the others.
>twisting plankhandle
I've only read one book in my life and it was in Italian so I didn't understand it.
wow this door gimimck really got to him, eh?
sulkanon HATES doors
Not him but, so you didn't read it?
>and the Quran
In English or Arabic
had this in 2020 but it was downstairs so i just climbed thru the window, guess i'd have to kick the door in if it were bathroom, maybe should leave a skrewdriver in there just in case
Are you fucking thick? I read it back to front but I didn't understand it.
Might order some new doors. Not to install or anything but just nice to have around just in case, you know?
Kick the fucking door til it opens
Tf is wrong with zoomers
You read it back to front, no wonder it made no sense, try reading it upside down next time, dummy.
They might be worried that the force needed to kick the door in, would dislodge their dildo's from their bumholes.
I'll read you back to front if you don't stop your jibber jabber.
Madchester, the Fringe, you could say i was pretty 'alternative' back in my youth
If you so much as looked in my eyes I would spin your fucking jaw mate.
Mavis beacon teaches anal
Autists are getting violent now, ffs.
Just want go die.

Only realistic option to give me any peace.
Mate you couldn't spin a teacup at a fairground.
my flat has a chain on the front door so it would have been some whole wank on with the fire brigade literally smashing down the door all for the sake of a few inches of wood, that kept me sane as i felt some claustrophobic panic attacking coming on: simply not worth the fuss.
in the end i also got the drill out and undid the latch like this, put it all back together now it works fine. looked some stuff up online and it was all wrong: lots of scaremongering about how the whole DOOR would need replaced (lol fucking hell). some monke part of my brain just sat there with all these bits, figured out how it went together. doors are actually pretty neat.
>>78883802 me and her drinking vodka and playing astro bot.
Hope you all have a good one
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>maybe should leave a skrewdriver in there just in case

Seriously lad, I'm contemplating leaving one in every room of the house after this incident. But afterwards, even when I took the handle off once the door was open and could see inside, it made me think that even a screwdriver might not be enough.

I'd never seen inside a door handle before, it looks like pic rel. When you take the handle off there's a removeable steel kit-kat for lack of a better term that goes through the door, through the latch mechanism and into the core of the handle on the other side. The steel thing slides out but it doesn't undo the latch. And turning the steel rod on its own did nothing because whatever had gone wrong in the latch had essentially separated the 2 mechanisms from one another.
Grandma, what big retarded words you have.
90 posts early? That's insane
Can't believe Astrobot is 60 quid. A bit steep for a game like that.
like i'm not so mental as to suggest that being stuck in my bathroom with a broken door puts me in the same wheelhouse as an SAS officer, but spiritually? it's a very similar space.
Poo update, lads:

So for me personally I find that I get more mess on my arsehole the more my hole 'cuts' the poo as it comes out through muscle clenching. So I've been trying to maximise the ghostiness of my poos as such. Of course a good diet to get solid poo logs is the most important, but I've done that so I'm moving onto improvements on the margins.

The upshot of which is that I'm learning to relax my arsehole as the turd comes out and stop the reflexive muscle contractions of my anus which serves to cut the log into smaller chunks. It's sort of a weird feeling where you're holding back your muscles, sort of like holding your breath, but in reverse. Letting the poo just 'slide out' without anal contractions.

Anyway, had a good one just now, managed to hold off the contractions for the whole thing. Big solid log. Virtually no mess. One wipe and all done.
This happens cuz the spindle is usually shorter than the distance between the two handles and slips to one side. They have a grub screw underneath the handle you can use to tighten it back up.
Pain in the hoop but easily fixed
Thanks for the update Poolad
fuck off doormong
chortling at all the doorlets ITT
Modern games for ya. No regrets with buying it but I understand what your saying.
Imagine not having doors in this day and age.
>Poo update
wonder if this'll be a thought-provoking discussion of the 19th century Franco-Chinese author Gascoigne Poo, or a lad spouting bollocks about his bowels.
I presume the spindle is the metal kit-kat I mentioned. I trust your expertise but when I took the handle off the door the spindle looked to be spanning the length of both.

See when you buy a latch in B&Q, does it come with a spindle or should I buy a longer one when I go to buy the latch?
what is the purpose of doors if you live alone? if my flat operated as one larger, well-insulated unit, i'd never have to block off specific sections.
Yeah I don't know. It seems good but I'd be more comfortable paying 40 for it. Will wait for a sale in a few months.
>what is the purpose of doors if you live alone?
You answered your own question anon pal.
Keep the heat in a room.
What's the point of windows if I don't want to see outside?
keep ghosts and monsters at bay

imagine waking up in the night and there's just an open doorway to the dark hall? Horrific. Guaranteed some spooky spectre is stood right there in the doorway waiting to get you
If neither side worked then the inserts on the handle will be rounded off. Take a look at the square "hole" it's probably rounded at the corners and not catching.
You can pickup a cheap door handle with everything in it for about 15 quid. Even b&M sell them. Just measure the thickness of the door first
Keeps the Apus in the QMEE farm. Door can only be opened from one side.
feeliass dendi bube
The language of love.
another rewatch of taxi driver it is
I mena the real one the true waffle muncher not fake indian 1
i did this in the summer and it's creepy as fuck yeah
as if a plank of wood would actually stop ghosts, at least i wouldn't visibly know there's an area for them to lurk in
>two lads outside smoking weed
>"yeah yeah (something something) star dog! joints. haha"
>"b-bet you...you don't have a personality...weed is your personality"
he's still thinking about it. normally don't brag about pwning people, but this one was too good not to share.
da nu fred is here
far too early yet lid
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Always feel like few bevvies after saturday shower bt its not on the cards. Every1 else in the country drinking tonight nd so what? Every1 else has sex, married, owns house, every1 else does a lot of fucking stuff. Am not every1 else am a dying petal on a delicate endangered flower. So be it.
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I've just had a look there on your advice. Didn't bother to even look at this stuff before.

It looks like one of the 4 brass(?) inserts that turn the circular hole in the latch mechanism into a square, so the spindle fits snugly in it has completely snapped in two.

That your assessment also? Hopefully this means I can just get a new latch and that will be enough
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Shall be taking a womfy shidd now, me
It BBC Saturday
Going to bed soonish, couldnt sleep last night as i was coming off the cokey wokey, knackered af atm me
Played a snooker tournament for my uni team at the snooker hall in Tamworth once- got told off by some muzzie bastard for having a pint with my breakfast in the spoons because I "wasn't taking it seriously." Fuck off Ahmed

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