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Winning on a Saturday night edition.
First for
tsssh tsssh bdmptchdshsh pah pah pahpahpah
*clicks finger*
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I've just had a look there on your advice. Didn't bother to even look at this stuff before.

It looks like one of the 4 brass(?) inserts that turn the circular hole in the latch mechanism into a square, so the spindle fits snugly in it has completely snapped in two.

That your assessment also? Hopefully this means I can just get a new latch and that will be fine.

One of the Seaside Classics
You lads need to get josh of brit/pol/ to start posting here. He's a good lad really just misunderstood because of his autism and narcissistic personality disorder.
Where is HHL dolly? Need him to make a fool of himself for my entertainment
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Did he sell his 6th PS5 yet?
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Fucking hell that speaker is massive lmao
Nah, disrupting his routine would be bad for him. They need structure those autsimus chaps.
It 6 times louder.
Is Ruthmong dolly here need to feel better about myself
Yup just replace that and youl be fine.
You won't need to change the door handles but might aswell for the cost imo
relentless energy drink used to be 1 bong in morrisons now its 1 bong 70. how is the apu meant to keep focus now
How many of you have known the joy of a drunken fight outside a Wetherspoons?
i just reported that guy for public drinking and reveling. also a noise complaint. its too early to be partying that hard. shut this goyim down, no fun allowed outside of your home in your bedroom.
I bought a 4-pack of that Lewis Hamilton Monster Zero in tesco this afternoon, 4 quid something with the clubcard

not tried it yet but will report back when I have
Also wanna add this. Put the square bar into an end of a handle and make sure it turns and isn't rounded off.
>have friend
>friend is depressed
>message friend multiple times a week
>get one word replies, conversation dies immediately
>invite friend to see a band
>get a million excuses about why they can't go
>friend complains on social media about having no friends and nothing to do

this is so frustrating
why are depressed people so retarded
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>Lewis Hamilton Monster Zero
Didn't see the nu breadingham did i now
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cheers fella

yeah I'll have a look at the handles at B&Q, might as well while I'm there
Depressed people are the most selfish fuckers you'll ever meet. They somehow make everything about themselves.
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ssm's stream is a bit boring atm. will check back when hes a bit more pissed
>bossman remembered to make my nuggets slightly less crispy because that's how I like them

is this what it feels like to have friends?
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3 days off the alcohol been cancelled
Be aswell cus the handles come with the parts your looking for anyway
It BBC Saturday my lids
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No worries pal I did check the handle housings as per your original recommendation, looks cushty. The metal in there looks brand new, good solid angles. Spindle would have been snug as a bug in there and the thing turns when you pull the handle down.

It was just when I went to look that I saw the brass shit had completely broken.
Took quite the painful shiddington just now

Some sort of piece of shit fly that came in from outside is whirring around again as well all of a sudden
i walked past my local spoons a few days ago and there was a man on a bike stopped by one of his pals ("alright steve!" wasn't steve, don't remember his name) and he said he was barred for 'chinning a nonce outside'.

steve (not his name) looked hard so i wasn't about to actually ask him, but i want to know the full story there.
do flies have brains? minds?
they aren't as stupid as they want you to think they are, spray fly spray at them and they immediately go to the window or door
a spider was crawling my wall, and i walked over to squish it. it saw me coming and fucking leapt off the wall behind a couch. as a survival move that was totally crazy. it was a 2 meter drop, that was a very risky jump.
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He forced to move again.
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Next couple days shall be comparatively womfy

Wednesday's going to be a big day for sure, pretty much the most important one since [redacted] in fact

Exciting stuff is it not
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Didn't end his old stream
could you place flies in such an arrangement as to form a computer?
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I deserve an asian kveen in my life.

Every h'white man does.

So true. Far superior white roasties.
some set of milkers on her
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Proper David Brent dancing atm
He bringing some light to the people of Wareham before the dark cold nights set in.
He's mental though. Can't imagine just rocking up with my speaker and screaming and shouting all on my lonesome.
Life of an extrovert
White women had their chances with me, and they kept blowing them up due to me not being a Chad.

Now, it's asian women's turn. They are grateful for any BWC, Chad or not.
Marks t shirt says "no pain no gain"
Why did British music fall off so hard? I genuinely can't remember the last time a British band/artist was "cool". We used to rule the music world, now we're a joke, stuck making the same shitty Britpop for 30 years.
no aspect of British culture/industry has maintained its success. even something like computers where we were trailblazers and everyone has a computer now.

honestly think there's something in our water.
>I had a bad temper back in the 90s
He should have decked his step-dad for noncing him back in the 90s
cor there's going to be a Sonic the Hedgehog 3 just watched the advert.
Shadow the Hedgehog is in it and he *teleports behind* the goodies. couldn't make it up.
it's in the meal deal. not worth squandering the meal deal savings on, could get a fancy Starbuckes iced coffee or even an Innocent premium smoothie, but i'm just saying the option is there.
music in general has fallen off hard. new artists just don't happen anymore, everyone just listens to the same shit that was made between 1980 and 2010. when was the last time there was a big new artist that people outside of the terminally online music trivia world were excited about? We are a failed culture, we just haven't realized it yet.
yeah well. you would say that if you had depression. probably very loudly, to multiple people.
nothing personel kid
I saw the trailer for it when I was in the cinema watching Beetlejuice and all I could think of was Chris Chan seething at the colour of Sonic's arms. This site has rotted my brain.
I was away to comment but you pretty much said exactly it.
We live in times where music gets worse as people's attention spans get smaller. Imagine a song over 5 minutes being popular today.
His step dad used to feed him fly sarnies and goldfish flake butties. He never had the strength to fight back.
Everybody moving.
Every grooving.
Can anyone feel a vibe coming on?
Everybody grooming.
you ever try the Shaken Udder vanilla milkshake with your meal deal?

dead nice
maybe it's just me but the Sonic model looks a bit closer to the original weird one too.
still think they should have made it cartoony, set it on Mobius or summat. 'cartoon characters enter OUR world!' is cheap, 2000s shite. i expect better from Sonic the Hedgehog.
Still wanna know the logistics of the fly sarnie
nah those worry me lad because what if i proper like these daft little bottles of milkshakes? i just blitz hot chocolate powder and milk in the blender, convince myself it's a lush treat. pennies.
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The wapus all rushed out to dance when ssm went for a slash
can't beat a Renfield butty tbqh
>One's already scavenged his old liverpool fc jumper

End of an era.
They are nice, worth having once in a while.

The bottles are small though so you don't get much hydration. Not the same as a 500ml of fizzy liquid.
government regulations probably
like you can buy a healthy smoothie and the back says 'per 150ml portion' because that's the upper limit to your 5 a day. you're meant to drink 150ml of that 250ml bottle then put it in the fridge. but those cans of Relentless full of sugar? obviously a portion each, obviously.
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They're lush n I fugging mena lush
Id view that as whole milk milkshake
The hard stuff
Frijj is like semi skimmed everyday usage
Yazoo is red top skimmed (shit tier)
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Bt the strawberry 1 is double lush if I may say so
Britain is literally the best country in the world for jihadis.
>no deportations ever no matter what crimes you commit
>never denied bennies because they pump out eight kids each
>free schooling/childcare
>deradicalisation programs are a joke
>bring in as many 'dependents' as you like
>citizenship handed out like sweets
>lawyers come out of the woodwork to defend you
>years of marxist influence in courts and government make them increasingly incapable of even finding the language to express why you shouldn't be allowed to live like middle eastern jihadis in modern day western europe, let alone stop you
>native population sufficiently cucked and doesn't actually do anything when you fuck them over

It's literally worse to be a jihadi in saudi arabia. Over there at least the domestic security apparatus either keeps a fucking close lid on you or keeps you on the payroll.
Just watched The Joker. Here's my review: Utter shite. 1 moment where I thought, oh nice, but that ended within seconds.
I thought it was going to be capeshitrel, but it was not.
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stay punk britfeel x
were you the lad watching Taxi Driver earlier?
i think it's important we remake films in cycles, and telling stories with comic book characters is a cunning way of doing so. back in the day it was turning them into Westerns, now it's Batman.
>I thought it was going to be capeshitrel, but it was not.
It's just a worse version of the King of Comedy with bits of Taxi Driver added in, but with the heckin jokerino. Usually don't mind Joaquin Phoenix but his last few films have made me think less of him
yeah i'm an expert in jihad. gotta learn your enemy, that's it. hang on my shift is due at the paedo hunter sting operations: today i'm role playing as a 12 year old girl. it's all to catch them out, of course.
POS thing just keeps incessantly whirring about in front of the screen but it won't land on the desk so there's no way for me to blow it the frick out

Bit frustrating this
No I'm not that anon. This was nothing to do with capeshit, it was a detective thing, about a serial killer.
No not that one. I thought it might have had jared leto in it, but it wasn't even related to that.
What were his last few films? Joker, and you were never really here, but not sure of another.
wouldn't have this problem if it wasn't for EU red tape banning the REAL fly sprays.
you can't think less of an actor for the roles they take. they're actors: they transform. Ralph Fiennes heard from his agent that he'd been offered the role of a heckin bad guy Nazerino, and he said 'yes'. does that make him a bad person? no, playing Voldemort terribly does.
Defo not a drain fly, they're waay slower in flight and differ anatomically from whatever this thing is

Prolly came in when i was airing the place out as per usual
Napoleon and Beau is Afraid, Napoleon was a load of shite, proper disappointing
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Oh you got groomed, abused and raped by foreigner sex criminals at the age of 11?
Yeah no sorry love you can't say they should be deported, you know it's their human rights innit?
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Pakistanis in Mirpur prefer to spend their remittances on luxuries instead of actually improving their lives and simply wait for invitations from their relatives to join them in the UK.

yeah fascinating
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Despicable to see it enacted so brazenly.
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Thank god they're so concerned for the paedophile's wellbeing.

Also interesting to note that earlier this year the police literally tweeted out the names and addresses of anti-immigration protestors. Just a thought to consider.
Bit of the ol' R&R soon is it not
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Comfy garden live

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Are you copying and pasting tweets from men in their 60s?
threads quietened down now all the part time normoids have fucked off
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Ah you see, Edwards can't be sent to prison for being a paedophile because he... *checks notes*... 'grew up in the cultural milieu of South Wales' and 'had a sense of being inferior because he went to Cardiff instead of Oxford'.

You see, your honour?
>Ah you see, Edwards can't be sent to prison for being a paedophile because he... *checks notes*... 'grew up in the cultural milieu of South Wales' and 'had a sense of being inferior because he went to Cardiff instead of Oxford'.
>You see, your honour?
I'm texting 4chan from Pryzm mate
We're just having a little schizie interlude while this fella rants about nonces into the void
might start shaving my bollocks
like a couple of golf balls in a silk sock
like a wet shammy leather
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He selling the GoPo
He be down to 8 items
Well, summer is over, innit?
He get the GoPro 13 when it comes out
i'm no expert on the matter but what makes someone MORE of a suicide risk in prison than out, with not-in-prison access to knives, pills, bridges, etc?
better than auntie nora's split tennis ball.
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One of the most interesting parts about bald ben's nu travel vloggington imo is when he reminisces about how the jeets have grown *much* more aware of the camera's presence compared to his last visit half a decade ago

Fuckers have been flooding the internet (and ever other cunt tree) since then, every inbred retard there has a smartphone now
wish lollers was still here
he'd always destroy the nonce spammers
I'll remember to avoid them.
Some criminals are sad for being sent to prison because they commited crimes. Sometimes they decide to kill themselves. Therefore we cannot make them face the consequences of their own actions, because what about their human rights innit?
Being gangstalked lads
>One of the most interesting parts about bald ben's nu travel vloggington imo is when he reminisces about how the jeets have grown *much* more aware of the camera's presence compared to his last visit half a decade ago
>Fuckers have been flooding the internet (and ever other cunt tree) since then, every inbred retard there has a smartphone now

The most interesting part is how fucking bloated he looks now compared to 2019
By what... making pro-nonce arguments?
lollers was far too good for this thread
Wonder if he shagged any Indian girls there this time. He used to be a PUA back in the day and boasted about shagging Indian girls.
watching this Trump stream what the fuck is he going on about? public speaking standards have dropped, why not just hire someone with similar opinions who still has all their marbles?
B&B is a nonce. Most of the YouTube travel vloggers are.
incredibly fucking anxious and fucking angry
i fucking hat emy life so much
every girl i like has a boyfriend
every girl i dont like has a boyfriend
none of them want me anyway
i have no social skills and nothing
im just trash and a subhuman who should be fucking dead but in this modern world people like me live because of it being an easy place to survive and we just struggle on until we finally suicide
we wanted based trumplid running the world again
Cuz they're cowardly faggots who would rather top themselves than face adversity
Bald and Bacon
Tbf they're incredibly easy if you're even a moderately decent looking and non-creepy white guy. The quality of indian men is so low they jump at the chance.
Sad & lonely
How many children do you think B&B has around the world?
probably into triple figures at this point, lucky bastard
Crazy how low the bar is in India. Imagine your average mate still takes a shit in the middle of the street.
if you ask me, having a dog bite off their nads is only HALF of what they deserve.
and that's me being kind. you do NOT want to know what i think about nonces what i'm not being kind......
He apparently has a sprog with Alinchik
every time I sleep with a stranger I secretly fantasise about knocking them up
I must have cummed in a dozen chavs at this point, I wonder how many little anons I've made
Lonely & sad
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B&B has a dark past.
He only got 100 quid to last him 5 weeks. Something needs to go.
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broken Starmer Britain
It's out of date.
very good saar please do the needful and keep sharing this around saar
first storm of the year
I hope you remembered to clean out your gutters!

love nylons me
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Bloody hell
wouldn't mind having a sniff of her toes
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for me it's a nice bowl of Crunchy Nut barista edition mocha flavour. bit like you spilled some Nescafe into your corn flakes and didn't want to waste it so you just accepted your lot in life. it's just that good.
Bald and Bastard
Wutted just now did i not

Now for some brushington-on-teefham
I'd give it a try, if you know what I mean.
some of you are sick.

not you though. you're OK.
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asian woman suck dick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have to wait until next week to upgrade my phone without being charged.
Think I'll go for the Pixel 9 Pro or the Motorola Razr 50 Ultra.
Edging closer towards the Motorola to be honest. Going to get on chat tomorrow and see if the pajeet will let me upgrade a bit early. I bet they will.
They probably will, but put what you owe on the first contract on to the total cost of the new contract.
Stupid that. To upgrade early today will cost 48 quid but next week it'll be nothing. How's that work when my bill is 32 quid a month?
Tell us more, we're always listening...
And watching.
And waiting.
get yourself on giffgaff ffs, fuck those companies, you can also get a phone off giffgaff on direct debit, no contracts or bullshit, no indian cunts
stop rebranding everything. 'gangstalking' is just paranoid schizophrenia. if you have to call something a neologism like 'gaslighting' or 'grooming', what were those things before we had those terms?
I think the contract length depends on price of buying the phone, plus whatever they put on top of it. Say you had a 2 year contract at 32 a month, the phone would prob be worth 500+ if bought outright.
It's a good money maker really, the customer finally has bought the phone, then they come along and offer a new phone, and the whole thing starts again.
The phone I want would work out a few quid cheaper with them but don't know if I can be bothered switching. Who's network do they use?
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Tonight in Lancaster
Wonder if when I'm dying I'll have a flashback to all the great thread we had over the years
o2 network, been on gg for 8 to 10 years, had 2 phones from them now + they're unlocked
Wouldn't mind switching but it's a hassle with the PAC plus I'd have to wait an extra few weeks until my minimum term is properly over. Pain in the booty. Will probably just stick to Three but they charge too much for the airtime and data. Wankers. I reckon Pajeet could get me a better deal that's what happened last time.
Is that the face she makes when she's taking a shit or the face she makes when she's taking a shit (BBC) up the arse?
Both. She loves the feeling of her anus being stretched.
Why do the likes of EE charge so much per month for data compared to others?
who's gonna get >>78888888
Who is this and how do I become her simp?
FUCK EE it's because of those cunts i became a giffgaff shill kek
Aye it's all a racket. They onto them three year plans now because flagship phones are so expensive. Innit?
just rang my dad, it's him
>not buliding your own phone and starting your own network for a fraction of the cost
If only the link to the post wasn't broken, we could find out who got it. Oh well, guess we'll never know.
>starting your own mobile phone network
thats pajeet behaviour
fucks sake lid
Did I split your sides with muh excellent joke?
Felt so out of place at my cousin's wedding
Idk how to socialize or be normal at all
was there any nice feet there? you get a boner over a fat lass who stuffed her little piggy hooves into open toe heels? bet you did you dirty little bastard
There's always the one lass who kicks off her stuffy heels/flats at these sorts of things
Not that I saw but were some cuties there for sure
I got caught staring a few times
Corrrrr it's been lush and I mean lush. Will sleep good tonight I reckon.

These things are always worse when it is people you haven't seen in a while and have grown distant to. Whole things feels pointless especially if you are introverted. It not right. But you know I have been thinking lately that us shy and closed off people are actually the real problem. A burden to everybody else.
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>Here for the Feel Street Freak Off, boss.
You're right on both counts there unfortunately. I feel too far gone now, I missed the boat and nobody else is like me. It's a pitiful existence carrying on at this point.
>tfw one of the lads gets in a 9-pack of Napolina
who here deserves to exist the least?
just eating a kinder bueno
Wonder what BBCanon is up to huh.

Hmm well we just have to live with being a bit outcasted desu. Life has a lot to offer even if you never fully fit in anywhere imo.
Even the sweetie weethies deserve to exist, I just wish they would grow up!
>Wonder what BBCanon is up to huh.
Probably watching the news still, I think they go to the regional section at this time.
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the britfeel freak off sir? apuettes with loose morals and looser assholes? taking place in the britfeel towers penthouse suite? why not, it is the weekend is it not?
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Beautiful numerals.
wouldnt mind going to ruths regional section at this time
How do I get people on my MC server? I just want to play survival with some lads
thanks, i take after my dad.
craving sugar due to dehydation...am i drinking more water? no, i shall get mysend a 2nd (SECOND) kinder bueno
if you have multiple kinder buenos available, just eat them all (you will)
Have you had a look at the minecraft general on /vg/?
might play Cave Story again.
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Ruth's asmr on YouTube, she has a stalker on here already who scared her off the internet for good
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Saturday night on the nonce wing!

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Sleep time. Must force myself to sleep. nn
Nighty night laddy
i didnt buy 4 to only eat 1
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>every time I sleep with a stranger I secretly fantasise about knocking them up
We're off the air
juicy fanny
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Scottish lass is 23. I bet she's done more in life than most of you lads stuck at home. It really is a different, more exciting time for some people. You will never have even a basic life. You're meant to be the lad who just lives a mundane and lonely life.

No I'm not. I like her. I'm just a negative person, a realist.
Some lad will be enjoying Ruth's juicy fanny tonight, that's for sure
>a negative person, a realist
Can't be both. Also you're just a cunt, simple as that.
Vile man. She's only 19.

You have your head in the clouds. The reality is life has to be shit for some.
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asmr is not sexual.
A adult man who spends his every waking moment whining or posting impotent fantasies on 4chan cannot be considered a "realist". Life does have to be shit for some, that doesn't mean that you're not just a cunt.
I wish I could be happy with life just collecting vidya and working at home bargains in preston part time.
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You can be a realist and have fantasies. Sadly there's no introverted girl who finds lads like me attractive so naturally I have to find my coping mechanisms.
You're utterly unwilling to deal with the reality of your life so you spend your entire day (every day) coming up with copes, excuses, fantasies about being oppressed and treated unfairly, and when you get bored of that you move on to fantasies and larps about riling up policemen on nightwalks or frightening women who walk by themselves. You won't even admit it either lad. You've got no real grip on reality beyond the fact that you're fucking miserable..
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I wonder if her bf would lose interest in her if she stopped slapping layers of makeup on every day. Would you lads care about that?
no, also it's really weird and nasty that you keep deliberately finding unflattering pictures to bully this girl. especially considering you're always whining about being ugly
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You're so fucking delusional man. Fuck off. All I want is a basic life and gf. I am denied that.
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She's 27. She can handle it. Girls don't have to be perfect for me to like them.
>You're so fucking delusional man
Everything I said is true. You're doing that weird thing where you just repeat things about yourself as insults again, like how you keep posting random insults at lads here which are just facts about your own life. I genuinely believe you're intellectually disabled, just not for the reasons you think.
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As a man, it's all about your LOOKS. If you aren't physically attractive (and I don't mean being fat), it's over. No girl would want that in a man. I've seen some ugly women with super attractive boyfriends. They have so much choice in the dating market.
>All I want is a basic life and gf. I am denied that.
delivered to your doorstep as a reward for being a nasty little ghoul who doesn't leave the house for 15 years? and doesn't wash, or have any hobbies or interests? why should you get that?
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get back to your psychology dissertation, sad cunt
Plenty of ugly men have girlfriends, you can literally see them on the street de lid. For fuck's sake even some of your weird auditors have wives and gfs. That other lad is right, you are just a whiney cunt
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>sad cunt
incredibly fucking rich
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Nah you only see ugly men with girlfriends because those are TRANSACTIONAL relationships or both are alcoholics/druggies. Women don't care about a man if he can't provide for them financially. They know there's always someone else on the market if he cannot meet her expectations. Why do you think misogyny and so many young men simply aren't working anymore?
Quite the shortarse R&R this hath been

Did fall asleep thoughevermorebeit
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Well obviously I'd put effort in if it were a game I could win.
Is it transactional or all about looks? Make your mind up lad
hope ruthmong's computer explodes, and his xbox
Incels wouldn't exist and be newsworthy if there wasn't a clear issue with the way women are now. The online dating has made it extremely favourable for a woman to find mr perfect where only the top chads are fucking all the women. These women do not care about any other man.
Mostly looks but finances does play a part. The man has to be the provider because women know they can deny men of sex.
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>fantasising about an exclusive upper tier of chads who fuck 99% of women
weird and faggy
>I am denied that
You're not being denied anything little fella, women are human beings and shouldn't be forced to pity shag you just because you (allegedly) exist
Real arthritis mornings kicking in, lads. Dreading the temperature dropping. Very pain to get out of bed. Me back is FUCKED. No more baths this year, last year I got stuck and me dad had to help me out.
I have arthritis in my hands, I can't imagine how bad it must be to have it in the back.
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Tyrants. Making the victim seem like the criminal here. Ugly pig chewing gum, lucky she hasn't had her face kicked in yet by some actual criminal. It's extremely important to waste police time legally if they are going to keep acting like this.

I have rehumatoid so it affects my hands get bad too and my other joints, back only started getting worse the past two years or so
I'm too young for this shit
Ah man that sucks. Shit when our bodies fall apart, especially if not old. I'm expecting to be using a cane to walk within the next year.
We're all fucked, it not good.
Going to film some police cars at 3 am.
Just start talking gibberish when approached by police.
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>what if your ethnicity? *shows me the list of the stop and search form*

Always says anything other than white. I believe blacks say they are white so that's why the stats are all wrong.
ruthmong you're such a retard
He couldn't even wait a full hour between switching routines, it's proper weird
>til britfeeeeeeel
ten years ago you could post something like "you will never get a gf" on r9k and everyone understood it as a sort of collective self deprecation in a community of blackpilled internet losers where no one is the better than the other. Now you get complete mongs who read that and see it as a personal attack on them and instantly turn hostile and have to be bullies and braggarts and let you know how much better their life is than yours. Normalfags really have ruined everything good about the internet.
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Life is so lonely for me. I never did anything in my twenties. I don't work.
>nobody ever got told to shut up and stop being a retard in 2014
don't think that's true
Is this really what its like growing up being a faggot from Wales?
t. american
believe it or not r9k in 2014 wasn't 90% full of normalfag braggarts
the board only changed when people starting posting screencaps of greentexts to places like reddit and tumblr
Going out at 3 am.
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>r9k in 2014 wasn't 90% full of normalfag braggarts
i think every thread on every board has always been a series of rolling arguments
pictured the kind of nomgroid who ruined this board
back then you used to get hikkis and outcasts making genuine posts. Now no one bothers because it just invites braggarts who think they win if they're the biggest normalfag on the loser board
might go to the shops by myself later and brag about it
The midnight snackington hath been gulped up
wonder if that lazy cunt ever got a job
I went outside the other day in public. No autographs.
Sneezed and got some on the glasses. Need to wash them now. Corr
Backpacker ben's vlogs aren't that much worse compared to bald ben's imo

His narration is a helluva lot more somber and less boastful but he manages to capture a bunch of kinographic shots as well, some of them arguably even more kinographic than bald's
they are boggling people desu

Just ripped a murderous fart

Very loud, too
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where's your fucking queen now?
Only in these quiet moments does it hit me how mentally ill I actually am. Blimey. Time to get up.
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Get a coffee and some breakfast and get on with the day
Food yes, caffeine no. Bad for the nervenibbas and sleepberg that. I am dramatic but what can you do.
Need to update the thing to a newer thing do I not
Why are there no updates from HHL? worrying
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worried this lass is a chronic liar or bi-polar. or does that go hand in hand?
You're not worried though lad you just want to know if he got up to anything stupid so you can laugh at him and make up stories and call him a mong.
head is pounding feel sick and need to clean up the sick from last night ;_;
What you been up to? Too much I am gonna guess... cans of average ABV lager.
bottles of 8.2 percent cider from Aldishires fucking lethal lad it just goes down easy. fucking hell need to check amazon or my bank account to see if i bought anything or gambled
No hangovers for me. 4 weekends straight.
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8.2 cider
Why do this to yourself. Asking for trouble. Strongest non-spirit I ever have is probably leffe.
1 week for me so get in there. Becoming a more rare occurrence anyway.
he having 40 days off alcohol it a fresh start. he got the ps5 now

>he having 40 days off alcohol it a fresh start. he got the ps5 now
Brit/pol/ ambassador here. Would you accept josh as a refugee? His life is in genuine danger over there.
it's too slow here try /brit/
go and play with your brit/pol dolly where he is big man
He get new MAGA Hat.
He Starmer all the way
and Trump all the way.
Do you think the whole trans/gender thing is going to go out of fashion? I can sort of feel the vibe shifting around it.
Yeah but I think it will take a good long time before normal people feel comfortable talking about how mental it has been these last 10 years.

In 20-30 years time I think there will be a whole: remember when tonnes of people thought they were the opposite sex or neither sex or something? That was wild.
So who is this josh character then?
I will probably end up like Thailand or Brazil where trans is seen as a very legit thing but they do not see them as literal and actual women.
The whole non-binary thing will fade away though. Yeah there will be some regret and some lawsuits but it will not be as big as the gender critical crowd think it will be. It will just go out of fashion and people will stop talking about it.
Does Ruthmong post in /brit/?
Can't stand watching the fat bastard eat these days.
shippy what should I start with if I want to learn chinese? any particular course/resources you recommend?
corr more cosmic kitty drama
Fucking hope so. Sooner it gets out entertainment the better
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Did some work stuff on a non-working day.
Oof. This is how it starts. This is how they get you. Enough of that.
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>Sky Sports
Are on his telly.
>Bacon and eggs
Are in his belly.
>Fishy farts
They're 4x smelly
Sent to Makaveli
>Sausage rolls
From Curtis Deli
Stay fucking jelly.
>Seaside Army.
Fat not thin like skellies.

And it's LUSH.
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Wonder if he shagged Helen in Blackpool
Good for you, baldie. You'll get promoted soon.
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>Having 40 days off the beer guys
We all know that won't happen.
He has already proved he cannot go more than 4 days off the booze, never mind 40 days.
it's for me you fucking bastards, of course it fucking is
Likes to set himself ridiculous goals only to fail. All part of the game though isn't it.
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Hope helper hasn't totally done his bollocks in
Heard he's in trouble for using his spacker cord to request a sexual emergency off the Nigerian night staff whilst in the depths of a wokey binge.
they said the same thing about no bookies. He'll do it and the trolls will be absolutely fuming
Those Nigerian lassies would fold him up like a pancake and have their way desu
They've all got fists like frozen chickens
Mark is definitely a degenerate but the folks in r r riff ratz comment section are as bad if not worse to be honest
We also know where you live, runcorn retard.
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RiffRatz is so obviously Cloutier
Charles veitch a mutt? What's his nationalities?
Get in there RiffRaff. The SSA are always thankful for your archival work.
40 days and 40 nights
Cuntish and Bellendian
This girl ghosted me after I tried to humour her to lighten the tension over her telling me she was going to prison (i didn't know how long) over theft and possession w/ intent to supply weed (obviously in hindsight now I know she got out in 6 months)
I got drunk the other week and filed a Fearless (glasgow crimestoppers) report over the time she bragged she got away with turning off cctv and getting away with armed robbery 10 years ago at a place she worked at.
Am I a huge cunt for this or just a good samaritan?
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That cosmic kitty is an absolute monster of a woman
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>armed robbery
>drug dealing

Quite the classy lady there anon
The police will probably do you for wasting their precious time with such trvial bollocks like armed robbery

Now if she had of shouted at a police dog or looked at a facebook meme they'd be trying to reinsate the death penalty
She lives a few streets away from me. Small world.
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HSK is a good one, very methodical and can get see progress and set goal easily. No harm in downloading Memrise to help with vocabulary either
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Cheeky wank before i head out
Whenever I have a wank to completion now it just kills my energy and makes me want to sleep.
Scottish and Brazilian
Did he live in US or Canada. How he get the accent?
Deano's dick penetrating Ruth's tuppence and anus
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Based. Gonna jerk to qt female feet as well methinks.
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Officially autumn now
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nothing like watching cuties surf and be happy <3
underrated post this imo de liids
Sunday is feet day de leed. Enjoy jerking.
Cheers lid
not feeling well so am staying in and playing Runescape, maybe having a cheeky look at findom Twitter here and there. Might even take the day off tomorrow too. Comfy times ahead.
Reckon HHL must be quite loaded. I know he's on top rate bennies, but if he's ordering in Scran every day, and wooze, and occasional wokey, and endless waravan holidays it all adds up
>Reckon HHL must be quite loaded. I know he's on top rate bennies, but if he's ordering in Scran every day, and wooze, and occasional wokey, and endless waravan holidays it all adds up
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Not done much all weekend other than browse caption porn on Reddit, goon and play Driver San Francisco.
Back to workberg tomorrow though.
Hope you get better soon!
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Thanks mate! is that Abella Danger? love her ass ngl
Local Morrisons has put all the spirits behind locked and key, got to buzz for an employee to come unlock it lmao.
Thanks Starmer.
Why aren't you at gym lads?
Sunday's always a rest day, went hard on the heavybag yesterday anyways so a bit achy
full of puffters
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Anyone else feel guilty when they pull a sicky when they're not sick? Havent had a fucking rest all year apart from a vacation back in April. Gonna say I have a fucked belly tomoz x
what is it with asians nasally saying "isneee" after sentences? it's like "innit" but infinitely more annoying
I was I was
Love me cardio
fuckin mong
Post physique, baldie
Dunno lad, r/gooned rarely give the source. Looks like its from MrLuckyPOV though
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>make a post
>says it went through
>doesn't show up in the thread
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I only go to the gym on weekdays. Too many normies at the weekend desu
still on woliday and using any spare time to catch up on SSM updates
Laura's privates
gyms are a scam. i went for years and still came no closer to getting a gf
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I got banned from my local gym for taking creepshots of wheyfus. I wish I was joking. Banned from the entire Pure Gym network. I only went to take the photos anyway, I never had intentions to work out.
You should've gone to the Froggym and taken pictures of Wheypus.
I got banned from the local gym for going there too much. Was losing them money.
I used to regularly wank off in my gym shorts as well. I designed a system to collect my cum without it showing or making a mark. They could probably smell it though. One one occasion I left a bit of cum on a machine and then a lass sat on it. Hope she isn't preggers.
Why would you do such a thing

This is obviously not true
I have a huge fetish for muscle lasses and I degenerate with absolutely no shame or morals. It was alarming how easy it was to get away with it for months to be honest.
Tempted to go shops to get a pot noodle and some wkds but sunday drivers are all pricks
Why would you drink WKD? Are you a teenage girl?
Me and the gf are ordering pho bo for a late lunch soonish, really excited
You are just throwing your life away if you have no shame
feeling really sad today lads
It's that or those JD & Coke premix cans. I can no longer trust myself around spirits cos I drink half the bottle and get fucked up
fancy a pad thai
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The lad who calls everyone fat and or bald
Post your hairline and belly
>Post your hairline and belly
Ban worthy that is lad, so no
That's Chika
Reckon it's more likely to be you lass
last day of summer before the dark night comes
Wops should let her hair down more often, all the tension from pulling it back is making her go balder faster.
He needs to get on that fin desu
I'm bald and have a gf
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been B&Q to get new latch for the door
Went to Lidl today instead of the usual Aldi. Awful shop. Full of ethnics and Poles as well, products missing, shit piled on top of each other everywhere, narrow aisles. Never again.
you are now DIYlad
Wow just wow. He wasn't even doing anything and they start demanding who he is and arrest him.

Hearing rumours DIYlad is a nonce
You're thinking of Alizeelad
He needs to get himself a gopro
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went for the more expensive Yale latch at 5.88GBP as the unbranded B&Q ones got bad reviews. Didn't bother going for new handles in the end.

There was also a 4-pack of the latches for like 12 quid. I thought about getting that and then replacing more doors in the house but surely that's just too paranoid? I think most people will go their entire lives without any instances of a door latch breaking and trapping them inside a room without tools. I've had it happen to me once so statistically it seems unlikely to happen again.
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It's the little things in life that you have to cherish. We get about what, 80 years on this planet? If we're lucky? It's a blink of an eye really. When a moment touches your heart, take a pause, savour it, the memories are the only things that will stay with you until the end.
Only nonces have door latches
He's back again. Bracing myself...
>Brown sprog bait
yeah it's a right shithole, only went in once, was an abseloute mess and way too cramped
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Feel ill af. Wasn't clever at all going on that bender.
>Brown sprog bait
it's also got that bizarre aisle down the middle with the most random shit
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Thankfully this is a fresh start lad. Life better without the wrugs and wooze, right?
Get yersel a bag in de lid, will clear up those groggy sinuses I can promise you that
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I think he has bigger issues going on right now than to worry about a gopro. Autistic audits really has some shit encounters with tyrants.
Alri zimmy? You still with your missus or are you in single dad territory? I see conflicting reports.
Alri to you too lad.
>You still with your missus or are you in single dad territory?
Still together and happy, reports to the contrary are false I'm afraid. No drama, sometimes relationships work.
why do women here always use mental health as an excuse for everything? was dating one for 2 months and one day she said she was struggling mentally and wanted to be alone
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Been playing Deadlock bot games bc too anxious to queue up for a real game. Done fuckall all weekend also.
Anyone else have this feel?
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I bet her angry brother who doesn't care about working and dropped out of education has a better hairline than her.
Years and years ago I was like this with League. Only played bit games for like the first two hundred games I played. Friends convinced me to play actual PvP. Was super nervous but started playing and it was fine. Just a mental thing I reckon.

Thank christ I quit that fucking awful game years ago though. Video games were seriously fucking my life and League was a big one. Now I game way less than I used to and only comfy games where I have fun. If I'm not having fun I stop immediately.
Because they have the emotions of a child still.
i do honestly think all women are just overgrown children. demand so much and give very little
>Feel ill af. Wasn't clever at all going on that bender.
Zimmy plowing that black twat every night while seethemong wanks to bbc porn corr
He won't fuck you lad, you don't have to simp for him.
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why do asmrtists do this? it's not meant to be sexual.
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Who said anything about fucking him
How long until 'Arby' & 'Shippy' show up king?
>I'm bald
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>why do asmrtists do this
For views lad. Sex sells.
laughably predictable is it not
What would I gain from proving it?
Will never forget my best friend, wherever he is. It not right that people drastically alter their life and don't even tell you about it.
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Auditing Banbury
specifically your hard drive shippy
where's my search record you pussyhole.
Bunch of jokers.
this is the way it's meant to be- accept that you're a beta male who doesn't deserve pussy, lock up your little dick and throw away the key
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A sweet 23yo Scottish lass is more for me.
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Very sad how women just only find value this way.
Repetitive moron
You're here to read it all, are you not
So youre not bald, got it
Bald & Proud
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>went to lidl today
Even her chest has acne.
Started going bald when I was 14 lad. Didn't stop me having friends and still do, getting a job, living away from mummy with my gf.
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wops couldn't make asmr because her brother is always raging over some vidya.
Point out the posts we all read little lad
Nice litte larp there, pal
Bald mong.
Spent nearly 300 pounderinos in the space of 8 days.
Bloody ell. Saving money plans out the window.
No lad being bald isn't a social death or a massive hindrance in finding a woman.
So you admit to being a mong?
Male pattern baldness at 14? Impossible lad.
Compared to some but not you, yes.
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She likes her dairy and I reckon that is a contributing factor. Probably would clear up if she was willing to give up dairy. Some people just have to learn to live without cheese and chocolate. Women don't have any willpower. They all seem to love cheese. Even Scottish lass loves it.
>y you're bald
>you're not bald
missed out on quads there me laddy
grown out of 4chan special numbers years ago kid
Ruthchad got them >>78893333
shame ruth doesn't want to be egirl tier. hopefully she'll make the odd video every few years.
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All white people love dairy, it is in our DNA.
Chocolate and shit like that is bad because of the processed sugar.
Drinking lots of milk as a white person helps keep you healthy.
but it will never make you over 6ft lad. it's over.
good. better than this nasty little mong getting them. >>78893348
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I'm never getting a girlfriend and that's just the way it's meant to be.
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Never happened 2 me desu bt am not a clatty bald imbecile. On the contrary, I am the 1 who ghosts (mental health reasons)
New and proper Sunday thread lads
Why the expenses lad? Just buying takeaways and booze and stuff?
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I have come to terms with my stature sir. You will never come to terms with being brown.
Glad you got it all sorted lad. Looks good
700 of them migrant cunts coming over today.
>You can't get a gf if you're bald
>You can't get a gf if you're under 6' 7"
>You can't get a gf if you're overweight
>You can't get a gf if you're taking home 5k a month
>You can't get a gf if you're not driving the newest top of the range car
>You can't get a gf if you don't own a 6 bedroom house in the country
What does XD stand for?
trying to learn britfeel lore
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Women like men with a bit of danger
Show them your eggs and flour. Maybe even an eggbeater

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