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Crabbymen edition
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You'll never date a girl like this.
ruth has crabs
Fuck off mate. Armchair psychology bollocks is never accurate and is almost always projection. I just like seeing twats suffer the consequences of their twattiness.
>You'll never date a girl like this.
I have a gf though lad
Some alcohol last weekend which is a rip off these days, but also food, travel, random stuff on Amazon I happen to need. All these spontaneous purchases are adding up. Idk how people manage to live alone and have anything left over at the end of the month.
I've never got an STD but I've shagged loads of random lasses and never once worn a condom. Starting to think that STDs are a psyop to stop young people enjoying sex like they should.
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>I have a gf though lad
Oof little britfeel krabby fuming and seething. And it lush.
Learn to budget baldie.
NEET boxroom crabbington trying to lecture me about budgeting hahaha ohnonononono.
thanks fella x
Little crab fella
>cost of a single US aircraft carrier: 13.3 billion dollars
>entire cost of constructing the large hadron collider over ten years, including tunnelling out 27 kilometers of rocks and constructing the largest and most technically complex particle detector ever made: 4.75 billion dollars
The MIC is such a joke lol.
Why is having a gf inconceivable to you lad?
A boxroom crabbington like you could never get a gf.
He is here all day every day since at least 2020 insulting other posters and stirring up drama. Shudder at the absolute state of his material life really.
I'll remember that when I go and pick her up from her mums in an hour
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She said she is 23. Why does she still go to class?
>You can't get a gf if you're bald
>You can't get a gf if you're under 6' 7"
>You can't get a gf if you're overweight
>You can't get a gf if you're not taking home 5k a month
>You can't get a gf if you're not driving the newest top of the range car
>You can't get a gf if you don't own a 6 bedroom house in the country
Gotten up have i not

Slept thru the entire 8 hour tapeington again. Phwaor imagine that
Do we have a pic of his room? I'm curious how such people live.
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Saw it the 1st time king
Ruth could actually be really popular, if she came back and professionalised her content I could see her channel getting very big. Like Gibi, she's cute but not so pretty that she seems completely alien to the average viewer, plus she has a nice middle class English accent, a sunny personality and a slightly alternative music taste for a girl of her generation, she would get a lot of simps for sure.
All of these points are demonstrably true though. If, by some miracle, a girl agrees to meet with you regularly she's not 'your gf', she's just using you as a placeholder for her eventual real bf.
Tee-hee what if I use a coinage that (poster) just used in my post insulting/lying about someone else? XD I am so clever. Then they will think (poster) is being mean to them and doesn't like them hehehe aren't I just an epic ruseman. Fucking hell imagine this being your life? The state of it. Genuinely not a human being at all.
Some Sunday Blu-rays have been purchased on eBay, have they not? Around three quid each new and sealed.
>robin hood (russel crowe one)
>kick ass
>youth in revolt
>pacific rim
Hopefully all legit, don't think there are much bootleg Blu-rays doing the rounds in the UK anyway. I made that one mistake with a bad seller for American DVDs which I won't make again. What I have on the way atm:
>the revenant blu ray
>a replacement dick van dyke show dvd box set from a legit source this time
Hope everyone has a womfy Sunday.
I think I may have to give up being an auditor. Just too much hassle to deal with and too many arrests.
Do the
>Cheeky Baldrew is a nonce post
We all bored
Chika took my advice to learn budging very badly.
Not my type thanks, she has a chin like Jimmy Hill.
It means nothing in this context anyway. Sometimes you just need things simple as. Can't squirrel away every penny forever.
why are you dating a child?
Our child minder might have cancer, lads. I feel very bad for her and hope she doesn't, but is it bad the single biggest thing on my mind is thinking how fucked we are trying to find more childcare?
Why are you thinking of children in this context lad? You going to call me a nonce even though it's you thinking of kids?
Spam mong is just trying to get a reaction out of you lad. He is best ignored
Nope. That should be your priority.
Why do you take OP as an insult to you? Says more about you if you just assume it is about you desu.
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Monday again tomorrow. Feels bad after 12 days off.
Oh well.
Shame lad. Real shame. She's just not confident enough or has the mental energy for it now. Glad me Scottish lass came along. She's mentally stronger.
Comfy afternoon watching Sergio Calvo videos and nursing a hot mug of tea.
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Not on about that
What post then
I couldn't even get a job ever again.
Uni class?
Do you want one? If so really why? I've waged and been a NEET and the latter is far better imo.
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I dint want 2 embarrass anyone lad. HE knows.
Why employ this tactic if you're a man?
>I'm not the one hiding behind anonymity, using reputation destruction and innuendo to outdo someone I don't like. which is literally feminine behaviour, as those are the primary means to which women express aggression
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Love it along with her big pointy nose. No perfect girl exists.
23 is a bit old for university.
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>you're all a bunch of whiny boxroom crabbies!
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Not that guy but will be largely personality dependant. I won't larp about always enjoying work but from personal experience long periods of unemployment made me depressed despite being financially "okay"
Boredom is a silent killer.
I don't really want one because it'll always be deadend jobs for me and of course that means no girls.
Oh that's totally fair, yeah I get that long term NEET isn't for everyone. Bored lonely and depressed ain't just a meme.
Not if you take a gay year, start at 19/20. 2 years in your course, then a placement year, then you have a final year, plus Masters / PhD.
Orrrr, people just start later. I had friends who were 25+ while in 1st year.
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Did you just say chin?
Lmfao it obviously hit a nerve if you react like this. Because you know it is true.
>take a gay year
Holy Christ lad that's one hell of a Freudian slip.
>I'll never be able to get a job
What any job lad
>Well, the one I feel I deserve. Not working a shit job and not getting a gf
Having an insanely high libido and playing vidya caused me to only care about those short dopamine hits and never pursue anything. Not that I'd have made it anyway.
Most normies are almost always covered in shit. I mean that literally. They're covered in it. They don't shower after taking a shit to scrub off the layer of aerosolised shit particles caused by flushing that coats the room and their bodies. They eat shit all day. They scroll endlessly on their phones with shit covered fingers and then eat buckets of fried chicken with their shit phone hands and fingers. It makes me fucking sick. I never shake hands or hug or whatever because I know I will get covered in shit. That's what covid was btw. It was just the critical mass of people walking around covered in shit and finally a germ emerged from it all. I fucking hate it all.
yeah you're all totally robots with your jobs and houses and social lives and girlfriends and disposable income and full head of hair and you've been out partying all weekend but you're back to larp as a le heckin robot on your sunday evening before you snuggle down with your long term partner for the night before work in morning where you'll be discussing footie with "the lads" because it's "mad bants" fuck the lot of you larping cunts
I have no idea why we need to pay 100 pounds to renew a passport and queue for hours at the airport when you can come here illegally and stay forever.
SSM has to wash his arse in the sink.
Absolutely C R A B B E D mentality lad.
We essentially have an open border policy now for anyone in the world that wants to come and get free accommodation and healthcare (among other benefits) for the rest of their lives if they can get here and utter the magic words of "I can't go back home as my life is in danger" (don't worry about having to learn it in English, can be in whatever language you want it to be, we will pay for a translator). The whole Asylum system is broken and not fit for purpose, any sane government would have actually done something years ago, it blows my mind this isn't fixed as a priority.
Ruthmong do you post on the 30+ thread? I think you might be an interesting addition to it.
Lmao Y and P are not even close to each other. I fucked up bro.
>openly admits he's too stupid to do anything better than a deadend job
>also feels that he deserves a much better job
>sees no problem with this logic
It isn't fixed as a priority because the elites like it the way it is. They don't want to stop the third world flooding our shores because they all have fundamentally christian marxist worldviews and they see it as a good thing.
chika should post there as hes well into his 30s
Not very much. I usually just lurk them. There's never a solution for us 30+ incels.
Never once claimed to be a robot myself. If you don't like it then do something?
Oh wait you can't.
Why is the age of other men in this thread so important to you?
it's full of americans they don't care about auditing. It wouldn't suit him
My brain doesn't want to do that mundane shit work all my life. I'd rather be homeless or better: dead. Working a shit job with no progress is not good.
>My brain doesn't want to do that
Sometimes ruthmong talks like a little alien fella
Most jobs are mundane. But I suppose a high wage makes it worth it
Remember the New York Jew tunnels? Crazy how that was a thing for five minutes then never mentioned again and they were filled in with concrete the next day before any investigation could take place. Anyway, I'm sure that no other Jewish communities around large cities in the West have them.
Chika like to pretend he is 25 though lad
What does it matter if a lad here is 25 or 35?
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Would be easier 2 quit if elf bar didnt taste so lush
A nerve has been touched, has it not.
Grown man behaves like a bitchy teen girl to score imaginary points against other posters on an anonymous website
Close but not traditional grown man posting. It's supposed to be punchier. Snappier. More matter-of-fact.
Mong fucked up the gimmick syntax
Once again. I started the gimmick lad, so no you are wrong.
I actually started it, so no your so no is wrong, actually.
Grown man invested in the looks and lives of other men from 4chan
Again, wrong syntax me laddy
What else is your day supposed to look like when you have no gf? I mean that earnestly, what are gfless men supposed to do all day?
No pussy. No work.
Doesn't get much simpler than that.
Thanks for this webm
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Bloody chilly outside need new winter coat
Pollers getting beat in the personality poll soon big man?
Same here. Might venture out next weekend and buy one.
Maybe a new blanket for the sofa too.
run out of pepsi so irn brew and whiskey it is
Women are so fucking lazy and entitled. You don't wanna do your marital duty to your husband after he got back from a fourteen hour day at the sawmill? And the reason is because he hasn't gotten you 'in the mood'. Fuck me no wonder most marriages fail, women are totally uninterested in putting in the work to keep the going. Take one for the team sweetie, I mean christ is it really that horrendous to fuck your husband?
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Just go shoppington laddie
lad's come back from the sawmill absolutely fuming
Anyone else noticed threads all over the site going at way slower paces than normal? Am I going crazy?
It's 5 o clock everyone has gone to Catholic Church
4chan changed their captcha. All the bots stopped working
Christcucks are so retarded lmao.
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Prefer shop weekdays 2 avoid normies desu
Been like this for a few months now lad. Hiro has offered cheaper and longer passes. I hope he starts shutting boards down next and /r9k/ is one of them.
Bald sprog
people who dont like baldurs gate 3 are deranged
You are an insufferable, contemptible dosser mong. Literally more people would be happier if you killed yourself than if you stayed alive.
Melanin enriched sprog
That is no way to talk to the /britfeel/ UK Chairman!
thinking about my historyfu
nice arse on her
I know its grim but i have a body very similar to this
yous wanting a game of Skribbl

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I reckon I'm one of the only people in the UK who own this and are watching it. Truly, I am a mong.
would be lovely to take her to a historical site and shag her on it
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Wonder how SSM is doing with his 40 days no alcohol challenge
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In such a good and optimistic mood. Dangerous times frens. Pride before the fall. Spooky.
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Thinking of having a beer nd watch naruto amvs
You'll have done your wollocks in again soon enough I reckon.
He's probably got a bokkle in hand right now.
I just want Juri to choke me with her feet while I'm neck deep in her pussy.
For me it's Naruto PMVs.
I don't really do that too much desu. Effects of drinking are always mostly emotional for me anyway.
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A fair point,however, U are bespectacled, bald, overweight, nd your mouth is open
You and spam mong are the most effeminate poster in britfeel
35 year old baldie
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Whoever decided blueberry elf bar could b upgradef 2 blueberry sour raspberry elf bar is my nigga for life
Really going a long way to disprove the krabcel allegations. Nice work.
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Cant believe they really put lady gaga in joker. Thought it was a meme. Wont b getting a single concession ticket from me 4 that homoslop.
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Din-din soon is it not

I do reckon, indeed
Full head of hair, slender, 20/20 vision. No mates, sleeps alone every night, has never had sex.
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Nu season, is it not
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Sounds like a cool guy desu am thinking Ryan gosling in drive type of guy
I bet she has a nice innie tuppence on her like Ruth
Probably likes sitting on black cock too desu
cute little female asian first gnome with freckles and a hairless pussy
Something very noncy about a man using a word that little girls use to call their vagina
I've seen only my mum's tuppence.
since when do they call their vaginas pussy
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give me all your money britfeel, i deserve it
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I bet Polish lass has a cute one too.
It really is a mistake that modern comics and games and that aren't as sexualised as they used to be.
The director of the new Dragon Age is a tranny. Disgusting.
They don't lad, only children call their vagina a tuppence because that's what their mums call it. If you're an adult using it to talk about woman it sounds like you're thinking about children.
I've never once heard someone say tuppence IRL, only in here. I assumed people were saying it for a laugh.
Ruthmong likes 'em young. Nonce.
Chika has no hair
I like my women like I like my coffee; 300 year old dragons in the form of a nine year old human girl.
when i was young spacker, girls called it a foof
On his head? No. On his back? Yes, lots.
Womfy fartington-derived stank
I first heard it used by my auntie when I was about 9 and she was talking to my younger cousin. If you're using the term tuppence then the connotations are thinking about a prepubescent girls vagina.
I'd pick me 24yo mental and physically ill lass over a younger lass to be honest.
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Feeling zesty as fuck drinking mums pink gin
Shagged a Welsh lass that called hers this
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What is her end game?
heard welsh lasses are pretty dirty, i do like the accent aswell, no idea why since it sounds horrendous but theres just something about it that floats my boat
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Welsh lasses not for me.
Why are there so many celebrity nonces in Wales?
Diabolically insane gay man
Obsessed. I am content and moving in a good direction. You are stuck in misery in mummy's boxroom. Not much more to say than that is there.
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I was in pontypool on Friday, didn't see her
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1. Not about you
2. Never reply 2 me bald man, never so much as indirectly post 1(one)sentence that could be even ambiguously construed as referring 2 me in any way first second third person AT ALL this is binding. I will take U to court. Thx
females, females, he means females
Why do you always come across like an angry woman?
A cross
He first got obsessed with Ruth when she was 17 and he was in his 30s. Very noncey indeed.
years of trying to talk like a little uwu anime girl online probably. irl he sounds like a junkie from trainspotting
Lasses makes it sound like manly man from the north who has vast experiences with women.
Nah I reckon she's an outie girl.
As far as u concerned I am the artist formerly known as a symbol
>Never reply 2 me bald man
Please work on your reading comprehension Chika
Ruthmong loses interest in girls after age 25
It blows my mind that you don't fix your life as a priority instead of getting worked up like this
>Ruthmong loses interest in girls after age 25
was kidding with the >lasses
lads, was just recalling when some lad used to always reply with that and say i was larping if I ever posted anything with lass in it, must have been a few years ago now
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There are at least 2 gay nonces in britfeel

He actually was at the front of the queue at the Department of Girlfriends, Housing and Stable Employment but then a bunch of immigrants pushed in front of him and he's in the back again now.
I like the feeling when my gf runs her hand over the stubble from what is left from my balding head
Still above the rolex shop lad?
Chika and ...?
I'm not bald I'm nw1 but I'm fairly certain I will be losing all my hair in my 30s.
Time to get on that gym grind ;_;
>Personalities are nonces
Nerve struck, is it king?
Most are yes
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Chika, what are you on ze chart
Been posting here for years and I've never felt the slightest urge to be a "personality" or adopt a name. I know they like the attention but nobody is ever nice to tripfags or namefags anyway unless it's another tripfag piping them off.
Why are you invested in other mens looks?
This is literally all they have, there isn't anything else
I'm fat and got bullied as a kid. I never had friends and was scared of others.

In my teens I got included in some groups but was always the last in the hierarchy. I developed self hate and the feeling of being inferior and worthless. As I started to like girls it never worked. Often my crushes got hooked up with my friends. It also happend that I listened to my friends having sex with my crushes. This developed anger and much more feeling of worthlessness. It also developed a fetish of cuckolding, and today, I often only can get off when I'm emotionally abused.
I wouldn't say I was 'invested' but curious
Most of them have jobs, friends, partners though.
Had another big day of trying to cause hurty feels from behind your screen, king?
Touchy subject is it, lad? Forget I said anything x
Stop talking about my hairloss.
lot of sexual tension between these posts
He is heavily invested in Chika's hair (or lack of)
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might have said i was a bit of personality back in the day
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Good kinography, this
Stop comparing the shape of my head to legumes
Even the personalty dollies you created are boring lad. Though that's to be expected when you go nowhere and do nothing all day except post on 4chan.
>I like tits and post tits
>I like arses and post arses
>I like tea and post how many cups I've drank
>I like DVDs
gifs that don't move always make me feel uneasy because what if a monster or something horrible pops up?
Tell us about your day big man
>all personalities I dislike are puppeteered by one anon
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the static off google images was just more suited. Not sure why it carries through to their search results as a single frame gif
That one hit hard didn't it you grim shut in
He spent the day sitting in britfeel posting Link and Chika images

Wonder if Marti was consulted for any of this, or if it was just a craig david in bo selecta type deal where he had no idea in advance
My hairline is none of your business chuddy.
Imagining that all of my posts strike nerves, hit hard, hurt feelings etc. (also wanking)
We get it. You're bald. Wow.
Does it bring you comfort knowing you have a full head of hair as you lay alone in bed every night?
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ABBA - The Winner Takes It All desu wa
Big day for me tomorrow.
Is this an open question to all? I have a decent hairline and lay next to my gf at night. Suppose I'm blessed in that regard
>TFW full head of hair no woman will ever touch unless it's your mum or a barber
hey google show me a sad drunk japanese salaryman singing ABBA's The Winner Takes It All at karaoke
I am bald and lonely, to be honest
Complete opposite of me then me laddy.
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For you de lad
What's next champs, the alpha male eye colour is .......
Im bald but have one sprog
To me, it might be for me, to you, from me, it might be for you but to me it be for you?
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Green. I said my piece.
I'm balding and have 2 sprogs
I'm balding, and have 1 sprog
deleted all my porn
gonna start chucking out my sex toys
bbc just aint for me
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Might have another nicotine pouch, strong things they are
Can't hack it eh
bein a cocksucking sissy fag and eventual tranny, just aint for me man
wonder if cheekas older bf is black
>He's bald
>He could do with losing weight
>He doesn't wear Levi's
>He wears t-shirts that cost less than 50 bong
>He isn't on 70k a year
>He doesn't already own his home
Has anybody here applied to claim PIP for autism and ADHD? Ive got a telephone appointment next Monday. Just wondering if anybody had any experience with it.
nothing wrong with liking tits
All good if that is what you stick to
But if you go on a mad goongrind again you are gonna feel pretty dumb my lid
Nah just a bit of a swarthoid
I will have fully paid off my mortgage by 2027, possibly sooner if I am prepared to take financial risks
Wonder what poley thinks about the state of britfeel
Black cock, it's for me
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In winter its comfortable in summer its hell, 2 anxious 2 go hairdresser,last year he cut so much hair off he took a photo of how much was on the floor,,I might be a Snapchat barber meme
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I like all cock as long as it's uncut
It might be for you, and it also for me. So get in there.
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Not 2 scared u but the last one I did lasted literally over 2 hours iirc on the phone. I felt physically sick @ the end from talking so much not sure I've ever spoke to anyone so long ever in my life nvm about personal stuff. Bt I tbibk its essentially the exact same as if you were filling out the form again they just ask the same qs. So if u still have that its worth keeping in front of you to remember what they're even talking about. I have bad memory tho bt it was basically like that. Its not really that bad though overall nothing u haven't already done probably.
I'm a decent looking guy, a few pounds overweight but nothing major. I'm in a happy relationship with a woman who respects and loves me. I live in a home that far exceeds the typical standard of accommodation in this country, in a safe and pleasant area. I earn a comfortable living doing something intellectually stimulating that I enjoy, with good working conditions and reasonable hours. I have good friends from school and university who I've kept in touch with and see regularly. My life is comfortable, peaceful and interesting. I have a full head of hair, too. It's thick and lustrous. I wash and condition it every day with premium products, and style it in a manner that suits me. I visit a high end barber on a monthly basis to keep it neat and ordered.
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Did a bit of an organise, did I not?
Not reading any of that text slop
lovely looking bit of organisation there lad
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Looking good DVDlad. Is that your entire collection?
It makes me happy that DVDs make you happy lad.
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Cute hime cut on the left
Serverberg shidding the beddington again is it not
Were you awarded PIP for your claim?
No that is just all my DVD films and DVD TV. My Blu-ray films, Blu-ray TV and all my film box sets (DVD and Blu-ray) are elsewhere.
yeah you're all proper robots with your big fancy fucking houses and a beamer parked out front and your big titted missus with a nice arse and a big social circle full of cool and successful people and your nine inch cock and your six pack abs and your seven figure crypto portfolio and your three exotic holidays a year and your wardrobe full of designer clothing and a brand new motorcycle in your twin sized garage fuck the lot of you
cant get likes on bumble even by paying money. its kind of crazy, never used to be like that. im in shape, 6', clean, dress well, and got pics that show me doing cool outdoors stuff... how anyone has any luck on that app I'll never know. Had 1 like in 2 weeks (didnt match her tho,,, probs wouldve done if i knew
ive not got a twin size garage
Boards will be removed soon for costs and upkeep hope r9k gets wiped out lad
Eventually people grow up and decide that actually, they don't want to be a failed outcast. Good for them if they make it. Making an identity around being a "robot" on 4chan what a life. I wish we had more turbonormies here desu. They are nicer and more fun people.
Mate of mine at work had crazy success on it, but then again he's 6ft 6 and his family are extremely wealthy so take from that what you will
Yeah I think being 6'6" and rich definitely helps... I mean ive filled out all the questions and ive told them im an IT professional and right wing so i doubt thats helping my case
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>Connection error
>Bad gateway
youtube is attacking 4chan, thats whats happening
>babylon 5
>tales from the crypt (I think)
>quantum leap
I wonder to what extent the predilection for noncing overlaps with the desperate need for attention that tripfags have.
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Excellent taste lad, loved B5 to bits me
Captchas take like 3 minutes to load
>Connection error
>Bad gateway
End of an era it over lad
Yup. Gotta give dues to the people who drag themselves out of the doldrums and do something with life.
I'd drop the right wing thing, doesn't matter if its right or left, most people and especially women care little about politics. IT thing is probably fine, demonstrates you have an actual career.
How big is your SSM folder, lads?
For me:
>328 files
Though tbf the majority of the big files are in progress edits in GIMP which are saved as xcf files.
I wanna know how big Chikas anime folder is
I assumed it would drastically reduce my likes but I would end up a few people who are pretty based but so far ive had 1 chinese looking bird like me and she probably couldnt read my profile
One of the first TV shows that was planned from beginning to end.
I don't have a memes or special folder I'm not 16 any more
Lollers fucking with 4chan?
12 images, mostly reaction images of him crying or being smug
3 webms (throwing his kebab on the floor outside Munchies), (headbutting the fridge in anger), (dancing down sandford lane)
>IT professional
>Right wing

Yeah you sound like a boring autist at the very best, and racist and not a nice person at worst. Not the type of person women want bro.

>doesn't matter if it's right or left
So why is being right wing stopping him from getting dates? For 99% of young people, right wing means you're a right cunt.
Show us the headbutt one please?
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Me? Hate normalfags. Always have always will. Normalslimes, normgroids, normalniggers, normalnonces, w/e U want to call their stink I hate it.
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So many of the cast dead now
it sad
Yeah I'd bin it off lad, we're it me. You get any matches you can have a conversation with them in person and gauge their personality and perspective on the world. Some women can actually be quite right wing without realising it (and if they are, for fucks sake don't tell them, they will recoil from it despite it apparently being their default views)
>Me? Hate normalfags. Always have always will. Normalslimes, normgroids, normalniggers, normalnonces, w/e U want to call their stink I hate it.
Here's a lovely little one for your collection
I've been debating whether to buy the series again on the recent Blu-ray set. It's remastered in the original 4:3 broadcast ratio but the DVDs I already have are widescreen (not cropped, they were filmed in widescreen). I don't think it's worth the upgrade, it's one of the few shows I think the widescreen version benefits.
because he's the specialest gloomiest softest little boy in all of scotland
Normies on suicide watch knowing that Crosslad has a poor opinion of them in his boxroom with the curtains perpetually closed
you've seen the sites home page and the announcement, lads?
Been nothing but nice to you too.
The lengths people will go to to not have to work. I suppose he earned it in his own way.
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Here you go de lad.
Added to the SSM library.
He seems to cry a lot does are SSM, wonder what he was upset about that time
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Yeah. It was inevitable really. I'll miss this place.
One of his exes upset him is my guess. Probably Claire
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This lad says the 16:9 was 'overstretched'. His only complaint about the remaster was the packaging it came in
I can't even remember now but think I saw it in 4:3 when I watched it
mega based L A D
I don't see a flipping thing de lid
Wonder if someone with money will step in to save 4chan
doubt it. the site literally makes no money.
plenty of rich lads in this thread who could buy 4chan
>Current Users: 232,768
limiting connections it's all winding down see you lads
Alright fuck it

I'll just keep wautistically cleansing me backlog now while hiroshimoot sorts out the servers/captchaberg again

Here's hoping it won't be one of those 6+ hours outages again otherwise i might hafta put on a kino or two i fink
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Theres some nice 1s ive met, my mummy technically a normie bt thats different, bt in general i would say the fact am forced 2 comply with their world nd their rules nd I do my best to placate them that way but the same courtesy is never returned,, its always about them them them what they want nd need, pointless social rules they take as life or death when it doesnt ultimately mean anything at all, pointless addiction to drama 2 the point they'd start a fight in a mirror just to stop being bored, randomly snapping @ ppl taking out their mood about completely unrelated things on other ppl that got nothing to do with it,, cant be alone with their own thoughts which they take out on other ppl, personality changes depending on who else is around just dont trust them desu
Explains why all the boards are slow :(
I dunno I think the 16x9 looks fine on the DVD but he's right about the parts with special effects they look a bit weird.
where will you go when 4chan closes?
Hiroshi is definitely making something from this place it's just logical to say he's struggling for appearances moot did the same. Probably not a lot. I'm surprised moot sold it, there are endless different ways this website could be turned into a massive money spinner without changing it too drastically, which sort of defies logic about why it hasn't and why it's just been left as is. When it boils down to it, does seem like the only conclusion is that it's a massive containment area for the sorts of people who agencies want to monitor. Reddit was probably a big interest for them back in the day too, didn't one of their heads end up getting suicided?
shite gimmick, this
wish dubtrack was still a thing desu
>Current Users: 232,764
bye lads
He misses the 90s.
It used to be 800,000 5 years ago
even flogging cheap passes couldn't raise the money its over
Robots all over the world pulling their spacker cords
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Just to make sure I'm hearing this correctly, you're saying you want 400 grand of my money to put on a musical about the Rotherham rape gangs? I'm sorry but I find that very offensive. I'm out.
4chan is boycotted by most advertisers because of its reputation. 4channel was meant to be the new SFW domain to attract new advertisers but even that didn't work out
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The demise of 4chan coinciding with the demise of helper lad after a wokey binge.
What does it all mean?
He'll come back stronger and back on the wagon, no more woke for him lad
/b/ is one of the few remaining places online where you can make a good old fashioned racist post to blow off steam, and have another tab going for a cheeky wank, i shall miss it
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They weight every decision against social approval nd their place in le hierarchy nd they fuck over any1 they need to in order 2 get higher, they put on like they're 1 person when privately theyre some1 else,, I could go on all day, I would say though it also happens even when non-normalfags form discord servers etc, the human need 2 start 1-upping each other, it just gives me the ick, bt thats why i dont use social medias apart from 4chan anonymous
Only ads you see are them grim nonce pandering OF girls.
well we had some laughs lads init
where's the announcement not showing for me
It's just a very boring larp de lid
remember that lad who thought posting pictures of his (you)s would somehow prove he wasnt samefagging? good times
turn on frames you mongs
Once more for the road - Ruth's tuppence.
chubby cex girl came into costa
another of the cex employees with her but he didnt order anything so its like they came together
must be a bf since if he was just a coworker surely hed just continue on to his workplace down the high street? why go in wiuth her to not order thing for imself?

so yeah shes a bitch i hate her he looks like a fuckin nonce too all grotty and that
Sorry you're right, I'm now asking for 4 million to buy an anonymous message board associated with extremists which has several mass shootings attached to it, and one pair of mens shoes, don't ask. I'm willing to give a 30% stake to the investor.
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Your world view is very narrow desu
I can understand why of course but I wanna point it out anyway.
It's the same as the ones who think all "incels" should be dead or in camps because they're violent weirdos.
2 extremes held by people who don't know much outside of their wee sphere of knowledge.
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Sad day indeed
gonna go for a shower now, strange to think that 4chan might not exist anymore by the time ive finished shampooing my bollocks
so is 4chan shutting or what? cunts
there is not a fucking female on earth that doesn't have a boyfriend, doesn't make sense, i reckon there's actually like 1 woman for every 10 men statistically, that's the real secret behind inceldom
no it's just a sad cunt on a mad one
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i can't see any message. is it larp guys?
Goodbye lad who was born from brother and sister
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Stop fugkgding scaring naive lads I am naive lads
getting some 404 errors on other boards
please shut this shithole down for good
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We all wee sphere of influence in life
Aye thats true.
It's only a problem when people don't realise that.
femboy fuckmachine.mp4
Absolutely buzzing lads, got tickets to see Femboy Fuckmachine at the O2
That can't be a real band(?)
Not willing to Google it and find out desu
Fucking hell, so where do we go now when the place shuts?
Threads dropping off boards like mad
gonna have go to outside lad, i went there last week its not that bad i suppose

Thoughts ruthmong?
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My god that man could sing lads
And probably off his tits on droogs here

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Just found a $100 bill

was using it as a banknote in a book I haven't touched in over 4 years
is 4chan ending or not? im getting bored of waiting now
Apparently it is yeah, within the next 10 hours it's getting shut down.
it's in managed decline lad reductions in everything
With what little time we have left, let's remembers the high quality posts over the years, such as.. and ..er..oh
ebin meeting iqbal from banbury
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All those posts lost like turds in a sewer
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Hope it does get shut down desu. Final closure on this terrible website would be pretty nice.
Zoomers were never going to come, you need an app for zoomers to bother
Zoomers can't stop coming, unfortunately it's to the most degenerate pornography summoned from the bowels of hell itself rather than to this website.
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Its physically painful how inane U are. Christ on the cross.
The types of media you can attach wouldn't suit them
wonder if they drop the captcha server and let it all go to fuck first for a laugh
Very Online Christians who exhibit zero behaviours which imply any belief in or care for the gospels. Funny.
Only gone and bought Saving Private Ryan on Blu-ray. Ain't seen it in years.
rewatched that last week desu still think the story is retarded but the opening scene is great
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I dont care what you think about anything, just pls put a name on again or a tripcode so i can get rid of ur depressing negative drivel. Thats asking nicely. Bt ofc u wont, youll continue obnoxiously spamming the same 5 pics over nd over again to force me into it clockwork orange style,,which is basically a digital rape on my soul. Twas ever thus.
One of the best opening scenes in film history I reckon. Really captures the horror of war brilliantly. I think it's a good film overall, not as good as Schindler's List but very different WW2 films I suppose.
I enjoy Vietnam films like Platoon and Full Metal Jacket.
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Nvm just had a comfy talk in the hall w my mummy so I'm in good spirits bt u were about 2 GET IT from me otherwise, i let it slide, take this as a combined warning nd last chance nd display of how magnanimous I am
Gotta make it to Thursday to get me ESA it not right they expect me to live on a pittance.
Five star reservation in Beddingsville is it not, it is indeed.
We only ever come here to act like mongs and we have interests and shit going on outside of here, right?
In between shitposting I watch films and TV and play games as well as browse eBay for hours looking for DVD deals.
one thing i was thinking about when watching saving private ryan, people always talk about how these so called veterans walked out of cinema because it gave them ptsd or whatever, look at youtube comments, it's like every cunt had a grandad that was there
like fuck they were even in the first waves, these cunts could have been in like the 40th wave and just casually walked on the beach after it was all over, realistically how many of these so called veterans just HAPPENED to have been at omaha, in an early wave AND survived, bollocks
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Get a budgeting loan classic SSM style de lad. Wagies pay the lot anyway.
I have quite a lot going on at the moment. And probably even more coming up. But you can basically post a lot because of mobile phones regardless of what you are doing. Addicted to this stupid screen.
True. I imagine a lot of people in the war didn't see battle either and worked doing other things. Definitely a lot of people died horrifically but not as badly as WW1 I reckon. That shit was nuts.
To be honest this place is like an old friend you meet at the pub and when you ask how they've been since you saw them last they're like "Same as always" there's a certain comfort in things that remain the same
For me? It's Bridge on the River Kwai.
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Phoneposters dont deserve human rights
I've been phoneposting my whole life and you and I have had loads of lovely conversations.
i was reading about the battle of the somme recently and if the numbers are to be believed, the amount of brits that died in the FIRST DAY is disturbing
>On 1 July 1916, the British forces suffered 57,470 casualties, including 19,240 fatalities. They gained just three square miles of territory.
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Mind U almost every post ive made since like June this year has been on a phone. Need 2 get out the habit though.
Trench Warfare was a fucking nightmare, lad. Give me instant annihilation from a nuclear bomb anyday.
I know you're here Leah you psycho bitch
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Is it at least android lalafellad
Hearing rumours Leahs a wrong un'
Of course it is, lad. How'd you know it was me?
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>I know you're here Leah
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>Leahs a wrong un'
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Cause we pals
Id have some half caste sprogs with this amazon, if given half a chance
I heard she got fingerblasted by Bean'ed behind the PE changing rooms
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>have some half caste sprogs
>He doesn't have a half caste sprog
Leah is knocked up with another man's sprog
Like to think mine would have a lower chance of going into care, or dying of neglect within months of birth
Shut the fuck up shippy
Don't set Arbroathy off again, although he's more concerned with carbs these days
pretty sure every brit on /r9k/ has shagged Leah at least once lmao
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BritNormie has followed the Constance Marten and Mark Gordon case VERY closely
Thread is seaside mark and "she's died, Mark"
I unironically dated a femanon called Leah for a few months and she ended up cheating on me, now I'm worried we're all shagging the same lass
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I have spoken to someone who has spoken to Mark Gordon
A mate of mine just told me that I've got a gay thing going on with a guy from Romford. I had no idea it was going on, but he's right. Fuck knows why I didn't realise.
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Wow ur basically black
Wish i coulld speak 2 someone who has spoken to lucy letby so i send her my valentines kisses by pigeon message
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I'm white lad, 100% White, Ancestry even pinpointed me to Oxfordshire
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I know those sprogs werent killed
By U
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>I know those sprogs werent killed
>By U
Imagine in 5 years Lucy has a youtube channel
George Floyd was a nigger.
i want to share a freddo with lucy, i hope they let her have them inside
so who got >>78888888
*tumbleweed blows by*
nigger farts
fanny farts
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>You here for the Feel Street Freak Off de lid?
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Seven same numbers
tranny farts
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He been on benefits for thirty odd years
Is not his fault cushegkthsiddendissbilkty
He been on bennies 30 odd years
It's not his fault he got hidden disability
1 day he stink of fish
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Never asked 2 be born so zip it pal
Mummy just sharted me out 1 day nd here I was
>He been on bennies 30
How is that even possible? Job centre look for any excuse to throw you off bennies
You are justice
The five great guys PLUS one....nd why wasnt he great.....well......thats a story for another day............
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We don't talk about the sixth guy.....not after what he done....
2 words.....porn vendor......yeah..
Boggles the minds those really fat women who don't even know they're pregnant.
Besides the obvious size difference stuff, they must also be used to feeling really weird and horrible and uncomfortable all the time
Yeah like imagine just going for what you think is a shit for a baby to pop out. A literal turd baby. Mental.
Even more boggling is someone had sex with them.
Timothy James Byrne Will Return
would be good if mark got put in the same nuthouse as timmy and we had a colab
Think Timmy's been long out of the nut house but think he's well medicated nowadays. Not sure.
Never asked to be born
Living with fish odour syndrome gives you suicidal thoughts, but I stay positive all the way
i like with cider and fag smoke odour syndrome
burned my cunting toast again
For average women, looksmaxxing via fakeup is a question of whether or not they'll be having sex with a top 10% guy.

For average men, looksmaxxing is a question of whether they're going to have any sex at all whatsoever.

Sad, is it not
shut up you miserable faggot, have a beer with me
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Good progress on the backlog up until now

Splendid, in fact, even
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Shame you won't be the lucky lad in her life to verify.
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And women's extreme standards for men means young men just aren't going to work anymore.
got a lap dance for the 2nd time ever recently. was much better this time than the first time. Spent more than 500 pounds with the same girl and was genuinely a great experience. She was really nice and very skilled. Think I will make a habit of this.
The social contract has been violated. If men can't get sex, men aren't going to respect women anymore. There's no point working just to masturbate alone every day.
Used to spin the cat round and then make it walk as a kid. Funny seeing it stumble around for a few seconds.
Quite the kinoarse spaffington this was
we can have lap dances though anon theyre really good.
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Lotta butthurt saars in that thread kek

>"B-but he was so fond of india in his earlier vlogs!"

Maybe, just maybe india has turned into an even worse shithole since then? He frequently expounded on it being a shitty place full of inbred retards and scammers even back then, that's the part they like to leave out

Indians are a lot like the chosenites in this regard;

>Kicked out of 110 nations? Can't be our fault oy!
>Hated on by the entire goddamn world? Saar this is irrational india hate!

O i am laffin
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Another Monday, another week of wageslavery. Not for British NEETs like me, though. We got the immigrants willing to work for poverty wages. Rather not work and make my point clear - I do not work for no sex and poverty wages.
Can we stop building 4 and 5 bed fucking mansions for no one and just build an absolute fuckload of small houses and flats and maisonettes?
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>Calling bald a "white supremacist"

He's literally partially jewish lol

Goddamn shit for brains currymuncher can't even learn the lore
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That'll be 75p for tap water.

And that's why I never go to restaurants. Complete ripoff.
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>According to bald, even the literal air smells like piss there

Oof madonne!
FYI anywhere that serves alcohol legally has to give you free tap water
Roight den

Can't really be arsed anymore for today, can i now
Watched enough CP for today? Nonce.
No one in England is allowed to complain about having a bad day because of this "stiff upper lip" rubbish.
Youre a NEET with zero responsibilities and your parents let you live rent-free in their home. Your life is extremely easy.
lot of those lads werent even 20 as well, sent straight to die in a trench for britain xD if they were just born 100 years later they would be posting in this thread and eating tendies

>in the past i saw it as exciting and interesting

bullshit, he just faked all that to not appear racist and now he's too popular to care, its become way more normalized to hate india in the last 5 years or so
I know two single women.

Both work at the gym I go to. One I know is single because I saw her on Tinder. People tend to only go on that when desperate, specially women. So I asked her out and she rejected me becaise "I don't date people at the gym." I am thankful that she took it well and didn't think I was creepy and continued to be friendly towards me.

The other works at the gym and I know she is single because I found her facebook. I haven't bothered asking her out because she acts very cold towards me. I also don't want to get a reputation if I start asking out all the employees.

That's literally it. Other than that every woman I see has a boyfriend or husband.
Why arent you getting ready for work?
Stinky NEET
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enjoy ur job
me? ill be painting and relaxing
Post your underwear, lad
Would you trust it though? Bit of a dick move walking in a pub and demanding free water.
I have no intention of ever contributing to this economy. We got 700 migrants come over the other day. They will work the shitty jobs I don't want to do.
There's nothing wrong with that. She is cute.
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Next time you walk past a girl, know she can smell your degeneracy.
I call bullshit. My mother was devoutly religious and had the nose of a bloodhound, yet she never picked up on what a chronic masturbator I was as a teen.
NEW Monday thread lods

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