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A new week has begun edition
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>SSM drivel and uploafs
>ASMR bints
>Insult Ruthmong
>You're a nonce
>You're bald
>Something something *personality*
>Brown sprog
>Comfy womfy NEETs best life
>Wagie in the cagie
>TFW no gf
any SSM updates yet this morning?
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found another unfortunate to watch so you can feel better about yourself you vile nasty cunt
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Really wish I had a gf in my twenties.
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Youtube suggests seemingly sick people to me quite often and I don't know why, I've never gone looking for ill people to watch. Anyway I don't enjoy it, and end up feeling compelled to give them nice comments here and there. Hopefully my little interactions bring them a little bit of joy.
Did that wheezy bloke who always vlogged when he got his shopping in who was recently in the hospital pass away?
Yeah Steven Kelly aka Stevens Allsorts sadly passed away last week
NEETs dont deserve GFs.
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i think the hamtaro wasnt thinking when he posted this
Sprogless wagies women back in the office now.
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look im not the only one that gets ill people suggested to them by youtube
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Even if I worked it would not be enough for a gf. Especially in a low paid job.
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fuck off lad you're full of shit and you're as ugly on the inside as you are on the outside
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Women pretend they have worse lives than men and it makes me hate them.
Morning laddingtons, just logged in for another grueling week of WFH. I reckon today is the today I fire up Leisure Suit Larry because I didn't find any time for it over the weekend sadly.
What's Ruth doing today?
imagine this being the last thing you ever read
Good start to todays thread is it not
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>Pubs are closing because people are choosing to become healthier!!!
have these people have any idea how bad our drug problem is? its so bad the disabled in care homes are doing coke etc multiple times a week
I think Steven was on morphine at that time so he probably didn't remember. He was saying how well the staff were treating him so that was most likely all the human interaction he remembered
>watch TV with parents
>they keep making comments every thirty seconds like the characters on gogglebox
that show ruined an entire generation of boomers
Nice one lad, you've got even stricter filters than I do.
pretend you can't see my cock and balls and whack your cock up me arse lads, it isn't gay because I'm wearing a dress uwu
Filter trips and names and the keywords used in the gimmick and bait posts. We need more lads like the one playing leisure suit larry and yourself.
Going to her first lecture of the new academic year probably.
Fuck it. Here we go.
You have an easier life than most women though
What about a gap year?
It isn't easy. My mental health is worse than ever.
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wops at work while her dosser brother sleeps in.
how many work hours do you think you do a week while wfh?
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just done a big stinky poo poo lol lads :D
What do you even do if no career interests you? I have no interest in becoming a chef, an accountant, firefighter, construction worker or electrician. I certainly don't want to work in a low paid warehouse all my life either. Maybe I really am better of being economically inactive.
Black man put his willy in asmrists vagoo
Fuck sake. Xbox does this thing sometimes where it doesn't launch any game after starting it up. Only solution is to reboot and leave it for a bit before signing in.
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Most of them got white boyfriends. Reckon they are racist really.
If it was truly bad you would do something about it. But you are content with your life.
I don't know how to fix it. I can't have good experiences now anyway.
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>just give yourself a firm handshake and pull yourself up by your cotton socks and fix that something that's completely out of your control
why not go back to school/college? you are in a very lucky position to have a financial and social safety net with your parents
yet those women were having mental health crises when they had to live like ruthlad in lockdown for two weeks
And do what? I don't have money really. Not pursuing something I'm not interested in. It's not easy to get into college anyway.
solitary confinement is so bad they won't even do it to serial killers and rapists in prison because it's too inhumane. If you're an ugly autistic male though it's fine and you deserve it
Ruthmong should become a social worker
No, that's a sad job dealing with single mums and druggies. Social workers are not respected.
you choose solitary confinement though, in prison you are forced into solitary confinement
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neurotypical gaslighting. Society bullies and outcasts autistics because they don't pick up on arbitrary social norms
Want to meet later today? Post train station and time
and have my picture taken and get mercilessly bullied? no thank you
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Walk in publicly accessible Jobcentre, start filming everyone, get assaulted by thugs and wait for the police to arrive.

I bet youre a handsome fella
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public harassment and death threats is so bad for your mental health that even celebrities who make millions of dollars will tell you it's not worth the fame. Yet if you're autistic and break some arbitrary rule that you don't understand then you should just get over it
I'm willing to meet anyone, 3 to 5 PM today, Slough train station.
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Kek the auditor being dragged out the jobcentre. How many security do they really need? Ridiculous.
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He in the right direction for a cash injection. Isn't that lush? Cash creators, for him not haters.
Playstation days are over.
tempted to spin some jaws today
Corr comfy bread this is turning out to be
Slough is not too far from me on the train, might take you up on that. You looking for a fight or just a friendly meet?
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He get lovely fresh coffee whilst his electronics get tested. Isn't that for him? It's all for him. It was meant for him. It's got to be for him but it's not necessarily for you.
kek has he really sold it or trolling, did he even play it once
Passed my MOT with no advisories
very impressive on 100k miles. Did you have any work beforehand?
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Could happily neet it up at home today desu
About a month ago I had the rear brake discs and pads changed
Bennies commitments for the week have been accomplished. I shall reward myself for muh achievement with some video game entertainment.
Do it, you doss-shy worker.
That's a joke note being mean. Treat yourself to a day of hot chocolates and some comfiness.
looking for a shag de lad
I'm a bloke, and not interested in shagging blokes
Unlimited refilld too. Get in.
Is that the PS5 back to CeX already then? Surely a new record.
>Surely a new record.
He love his gramophone, he not sell that.
Need to get on bennies and buy me some vidyas without worry.
He buys them on credit and sells them on for cash.
interestingly he's taken in to some cash shop so he won't be getting vouchers
>interestingly he's taken in to some cash shop so he won't be getting vouchers
Sometimes the channel needs a video where he's waving cash about I guess.
Need a bank account for bennies, need ID for bank account. Can't win.
really is
Take your mum, she can vouch for you.
Nah meant to do this shit on my own.
no tech jobs
applied to work at the supermarket
supermarket jobs can be comfy af
It was only a joke, I wouldn't do that.
Also, you need ID to start a bennies claim.
i dont like customers bro
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Hard to believe she's 23 until she turns off cheat mode aka makeup.
Not him but, shelf stacker over night would be good.
used to work at a petrol station when i was 17 oder 18, fun times
WFH chads making bank from the comforts of their own homes through winter, heating on full blast because we can afford it
one day ill get there
just seems totally impossible to find anything atm
Boards and threads running even slower today. Even less Users than yesterday.
>Current Users: 230,374
70,000 Israel cult soldiers are now disabled
CEX wouldn't let me trade in my Switch copy of Puyo Puyo Tetris because it's the German version. Even though the Switch is region free, AND that same CEX is where I originally bought it from anyway.

So, my question is, what the FUCK?!

Traded in Sonic Superstars because it's shit. Also traded in Mario Kart 8 because while it's objectively a good game I could see why people like, I'm so pathetically bad at it that it isn't enjoyable to me. Also traded in a shitty game called Gun Gun Pixies. 57 pound voucher in total. Not spent it yet got so many games already. Gonna wait until I REALLY want something.
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You're meant to believe she has Turkish origins.
Ruthmong would you prefer to work with your hands or do you prefer to use your brain? Maybe we can narrow it a bit down like this.
Bet he'd prefer to work with his asshole and mouth as a rent boy for old men.
how long is the ruthmong drivel drama and make believe running for today lads?
Yeehaw howdy doody
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Giving to the online dolly you use as a punchbag king?
Remember buying an Xbox 360 PAL game and it had all the European languages but not English. Managed to finish it still. Think they used to do that to stop cheaper imports of UK versions abroad.
I'm definitely a computer lad but no good at programming.
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Cold nights are cummin
maybe you could work for a IT support hotline, i know a guy who used to do this and he has/had a gf
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And also the days.
you have to be a huge neurotypical to thrive as a programmer in an office environment. "programming is good for autistics" is the biggest lie going
Millions of pensioners across Britain going to be living like this in winter.
Lad everyone here is a neurotypical. We're all 170 IQ lads taking home 4k a month, we live in 6 bedroom houses that have a double garage and we need the double garage because our wives drive top of the range Audis, we all have kids that go to private schools.
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It gonna be so fucking lovely
webserver dropping again lads, images failing to load captcha shitting the bed. it was nice knowing you all
we should make a whatsapp group so we can stay in contact when 4chan dies
It always happens near Hiro's giro day.
Most of us are in Lollers discord already.
He debunked this lad why are you still playing this silly game of lets pretend
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Not enough security on that site, what if we get snooped on?
We need to go clandestine. Also, use something da joo's can't blow up.
can't imagine a single reason why i'd want anything to do with any of you outside of 4chan 2bh
>can't imagine a single reason
Too many to think of 1 single reason. Ah yer a goodun lad, loving us soooooo much.
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blackpool is lush de lads
Just been having a coffee and watching Leave It to Beaver. This Beaver kid is pretty funny. Child actors were different level back then I reckon.
The kids were stealing milk, eggs and brandy to feed their pet alligator and the dad sacked the maid because he thought it was her. MAD.
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Same w mgs collection on ps3
Is like 50 quid 2 trade in as well. Scunnered
Never even thought to say to them ps3 is region free. They just said American version NOT ALLOWED. I got it off amazon tho.
Nobody is good at mk8 online btw dw. Even if U are kinda good at it it's designed to punish you for being good w rubber banding.
at the airportberg watching SSM's uploafs and wagies clean the roof. Well it's better than going to the bookies isn't it?
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Shoulda downed a melatonin or two before heading to beddingtons

Barely got two hours in now before the cough woke me up fackin ell
>text from nationwide saying I need to top up my account to make my scheduled payments
Okay, no problem, I use it as a slush account anyway for various expenses, plenty of money in other accounts.
>try four other banks, none of the very small payments go through
>login to nationwide
>all sending and receiving payments are delayed
Well I can't fucking top it up then can I you bellends?
I usually drive, but earlier today I decided to get the bus down to the shops just for a change. I noticed the bus driver was a guy I went to school with. I could tell he was shocked when he saw me. His eyes were glancing all over my head. He couldn't believe how bean shaped it's gotten now. He was stumbling over his words, it shocked him so much.

He probably thinks it's just genetics. He has no idea that I've been rubbing Bean Oil all over it day and night, trying to make sure it looks like a bean that's grown just right.

I went down and sat in my seat, imagining what he'd say when he saw other people we went to school with. He'll probably say "I saw Greg the other day, his head is so bean shaped, I couldn't believe the fucking state of his head." As I was imagining it, I realised my cock was rock hard and absolutely throbbing.
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nobody said it was easy
Imagine being this infatuated with another man lmfao
Is it a gay thing or a nonce thing?
More of a grim lifeless mong thing
Sat in work lids. Already caught up on all my emails and work. Now this is it for the rest of the fucking week. Working in an office just kills your soul. The only thing to do is to pretend to small talk with normies to pass the time. Sometimes I wonder about how much life I am wasting away in this fucking room
I've done similar waging for nearly a decade. Sorry to say but it doesn't get better with time.
He's a bit before my time, but Mr Blobby was never funny. So annoying, so egregious.
>when personality does thing but he a nonce

Only oldfeelers will get this reference, take my upboat (You) kind stranger
Dont need a dog that says no. She needs a dog that says yes or woof WAN WAN
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4chan is reclining
It over
Ofc this jankyarse POS server still has to shidd itself, only been 10+ hours this has been going on too lol

Maybe i'll down a womflatonin after all, can't even lurk with this shite going on
Apparently this is only happening in the UK, I think kweir is on to us lads.
>Now this is it for the rest of the fucking week.
More like the rest if ur life
I remember these feels v well
I stsrt calling them slaves 2 their face. They took dig @ me for turn up 5 mins "late" to meeting(manager wasn't even there yet) I says oh you're a good wee slave aren't you? They were so used 2 me being a good boy until id snapped they thought it was banter, haha what are you like calling us that
I wasn't laffing
Got psychosis nd just cleared my desk randomly 2pm 1 day nd walked out
Nxt thing 2 psychiatrist at my door visit me in my room for 3 months they told me get on the bennies nd that was that
Maybe try that
4chanmaxxing shut ins on suicide watch
>Sorry to say but it doesn't get better with time.
I can imagine mate I'm 33 now been doing it since I was 20. Been wondering about a career change but the biggest problem is the hit to salary. I'd love to be an exotic pet keeper in the zoo (guy who feeds the tarantulas and manages the insect huts), but I can imagine they just aren't paid well.
>Got psychosis nd just cleared my desk randomly 2pm 1 day nd walked out
Brutal. I wouldn't do that mate I dont want to rock the boat here I get paid well. I'm just sat here browsing 4chan and ready to alt tab when my boss gets up out of his chair
A lot of nights during that time i just felt eepy sleepy nd went 2 sleep in the middle of the street @ night wherever I felt like it. Dunno how nobody fuk with me. Maybe some vampire did kill me those days nd this is hell. Make sense.
hello british people whats up
quick wank and then im off to bed
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wagie watch update

outside temperature is 38 but that glass must be concentrating it like a funnel
>hello british people whats up
The ceiling.
Also, alri.
I bet this is /britfeel/ will end one day. Either r9k or the entire site gets shut down from one moment to the next with no announcement. It will be chaos.
Captchas keep getting more difficult but my IQ stays the same.
I think boards will get shut down first to save on costs. Pointless boards like r9k and bant will go first
I wonder how much it costs to host all this nonsense
Fucked if I know but more than comes in from a couple of sex adverts and selling passes
I wouldn't be surprised if the FBI/CIA have provided some anonymous donations to keep it going over the years.
Captcha can suck my fucking dick.
People who watch gogglebox should be rounded up and gassed.
never even sniffed a fanny
Agreed. But you should also lump yourself in while you're at it.
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Arigatou 4chan wagies
How many inhalers did you go though when you couldn't post, king?
i guarantee that my life is vastly better than yours
>i guarantee that my life is vastly better than yours
Prove it then lad
Didn't even notice lad, how long were you sat here refreshing?
That was my first post on 4chan today, king.
Prove it to who? You? Just look around you lad. Look at how you live. That's all the proof you need.
Was once watching Designated Survivor, terrible show btw, just awful. First time watching it. Other people with me, won't say who. Halfway through the first episode and they literally ask three or four questions a minute.
>What's that?
>What's going on?
>Who are those people?
>Wait why did they do that?
Etc. etc.

I paused the show, stood up and told them that we are all watching this for the first time and we are 30 mins into episode one of season one. If you don't know who a character is or what they're doing, maybe just sit and watch and your questions might be answered in time by the show itself. No more talking while the show is on. They were a little sheepish but agreed and said sorry. I pressed play and ten seconds later
>Why is he talking to her? She did x/y/z!

I paused it said I'm done and got up and left.

These were not children by the way, these were fully grown mature adults with jobs and kids and houses and stuff. They simply couldn't stop themselves. It was reflexive, almost on a lizard brain sort of level.

I fucking hate normies so fucking much.
>Other people with me, won't say who

It was your mum and dad.
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I was on my walkies w mum neway bt i refresh on my phone few times
No, I just didn't want to say exactly who because it would detract from the point of the post. I know how you lot obsess over these things.
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The good news outside in irl is autumn weather
Th bad news flip flop sandal season over 4 another year
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I enjoy shuffling pieces of paper, I do it quite a lot, I'm quite good at it actually
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I actually enjoy being cold. As strange as that my sound. My mother is obsessed with the heating and has it on full pelt during the winter months I dont have the radiator switched on and prefer it that way.
Maybe I could swap homes with a pensioner for the Winter months.
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>FBI/CIA mentioned
>Servers shut down for hours
40 days been cancelled
New plan 6 days off
Rather sell me fucking shit and arse out me knackers
I hate this word lads
Why are pakis so fucking fat? Thought they were fasting
They're genetically inferior inbreds whose diet consists of 80% sugar and 20% carbs.
But Sean isn't your diet mostly takeaways? Even when you decide to 'cook' food it's just various different kinds of battered or breadcrumbed stuff you shove in the oven for 30 mins.
any alkies relapsed then had a good go of it?
Matt, you need to close 4chan, turn your computer off for a while and really think about how you can improve your life. I mean really look at yourself.
Fair enough. Still why the fuck are they everywhere?
actual South Asian diets are based. they literally make vegan food taste GOOD just with spices: not even 'substitute' bollocks.
all the tasty stuff is fats, just have brown basmati rice which tastes better anyway, that's your carb for the meal.
now don't let me hear you badmouthing the planet's best cuisine ever again.
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He got a Subway and a Picnic and a bag of crisps and he's doing alright there de lads he's doing alright there. Of course he didn't sell his PS5. Do you think he's stupid. PS5 ALL the WAY.
Trolls are #FUMING
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I relapsed yesterday after doing 10 days no wooze
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cor, cracking film that new Batman.
>JAMES GORDON: why don't you take off your mask?
>BATMAN [glancing at a newspaper about Bruce Wayne]: i'm not wearing my mask....
makes you think
i've got 10 days, can anyone top 10 days?

tbf day 2-3 is the hardest (don't believe the day 1-2 crowd, you can just sleep through that)
it's not meant for you, it's meant for me
there's a Lord of the Rings anime film coming out, what's going on with the world?
>don't let me hear you badmouthing the planet's best cuisine ever again.
from my point of view, the Jedi are evil

>20 years later
what i told you about 'Darth Vader' 'killing' 'your father' is true, from a certain point of view
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>still got my playstation guys
What about his Switch?
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you'd eat that slop, we all would.
>mark asks if he can "choose me salad"
>woman starts making him a tuna salad
I absolutely would not understand any circumstances. Some of us have standards, lad.
So he isn't doing 40 days off the alcohol anymore. He is doing 6 days instead.
would someone who works in a fishmongers be able to smell someone with TMAU?
wouldn't work out because some days he stinks of shit
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howling at this CAPTCHA
Jermaine and Ruth
Need a semi-walled neddy gf immediately
just got the first four letters of today's Wordle in the first try, then didn't get the word until the last attempt.
heart's racing. might have a lie down.
Watching SSM eat a subway is making me hungry
not to stereotype, but can't you find a 30-year-old woman with a drinking problem? one so severe she doesn't even have any kids.
Your name is James, is it not?
>threat of Ukraine's final push
What does this even mean? What does the person who wrote it think it means? What final push? What final anything? Have they looked at the map lately?
Boggles the fucking mind some of these mongs, it really does. They do not live in reality.
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No but its close.
>Current Users: 231,087
RIP 4chan
Any of these?
My name's Liam, the fuck do I care if britfeel knows my generic first name with no other details. Pussies.
with the time/electricity it takes me to reheat cold takeaway chips, i could just cook chips
One of them is correct.
not only do we know your name, we now have a fairly good idea of your gender and ethnicity

maybe you're a newbie but 4chan has some pretty good hackers, you just made a BIG mistake
>My name's Liam
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>we have you now Liam, you fool, for we now also know you are a white male!
Oh no...
I did 8 months, was fucking miserable
didn't say white, or male.

we call this 'social engineering' in the invasion scene, a classic hacker trick.
yeah it's really fucking boring and i've done a year, sobriety was a fog lifting at first but in the long run it's boring. don't know if i can ever not go full on guzzling drinks alone i can't afford any more. but i do miss booze. life is bland and fucked anyway, but the temptation MIGHT pass.
>black liam in the thread
very nice, hes a good lad
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>hoo boy I bet you feel stupid now for letting slip that your obviously male obviously white name is actually... the name of a white male! leave the hacking to the professionals kid, I'm ten steps ahead of you
Liam? Yeah I know her, nice lass, very dark skin.
Gay Liam
Gay sex Liam
>It's a political story that's been cutting through - and mostly when I stop people to talk about it, they say it's "not fair".
>"We all have to pay for our clothes, so why shouldn't they?" Martin, 18, says.
>Film student Sophie, also 18, agrees. "It should be the other way round," she says. "They should be gifting to people who aren't as fortunate."
whats happening here then?
Sophie and Martin shopping in Liverpool city centre
Well that's where you're wrong, kiddo
*teleports behind*
bollocks, thats liam that is
Little Liam fella
My brother's name is Liam
Just checked the census and there are only 8 Liams. Don't know where she's gotten that idea from.
Creating new dollies is it kings?
Nerve struck is it, Liam lad?
Got Liam on the ropes.
This idea does the rounds every single expenses/gifting scandal and it's never going to change.
The weirdest gift was people buying Keir's wife clothes.
1. Why is SHE accepting clothes?
2. Why are people buying her clothes?
I get that she probably does just want clothes, but the act of offering that is weird, the act of accepting that is weird. Before you get into the usual 'WE buy our own clothes!'
The most normal answer is that it's a sex thing, for someone.
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Would be cozy,but i 2 anxious 2 go anywhere i could meet ppl,,except when I have a drink myself bt then I'd have 2 stay that way forever to maintain gf
Sad I will die alone I guess anxiety is a silent killer
Hearing on the grapevine that Liam is bricking it right now lads.
liam will weather this storm, i have confidence in xer
Got Create-A-Sim fired up now. What comes to mind when you think of a 'standard' Liam?
Overweight Indian bloke, one too many curries, I reckon.
i think there's some cute outcome where she's probably a bit more chavvy and you're a touch more geeky, you're a nice lad unlike her twentysomething string of mistakes, she's a more streetwise woman who wants to bring you out of your shell a bit.
where to meet this woman? i don't know. but it FEELS like she exists, and now the ball is in your court.
why do you type like a faggot teenager from 2007
my takeaway order just went from a bloke in a car to a lad on a bike.
that just means it'll take twice as long to get here, everything will be cold and possibly soggy.
not even sure when to preheat the air fryer to warm stuff back up again. wish i'd just take a valium then a bump of speed and popped to the shops, got something there.
i WAS a faggot teenager in 2007 and i typed
Rather like this; with full sentence case and obscure punctuation. Contractions? Internet slang? No, for I am intelligent! Begone with your 'txtspk'!

let the lad type however he wants he's in his early 30s it's more likely a burnout thing. these threads move fast it's more like IRC, people who typed 'formally' in IRC always came off as cunts (mayhaps... I was one of them!).
the thread dollies eventually get bored of the childish banality and post less or stop and move on

>he bought football manager again
kek, last time he couldn't even figure out how to set up a new game
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He's not played his PS5 once since buying it
>kek, last time he couldn't even figure out how to set up a new game
He said he hated 'Murder on the Orient Express' last time he had it.
yeah he got stuck on the menus and couldn't figure out what button to press to confirm choices kek
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Like yr wan in afterlife
Its a nice dream
Idk lel
Punching down on the fatty boom boom YouTube man is it champs?
Nothing stopping 3 or 4 neets chipping bennies 2gether nd just live in flamingo land indefinitely desu establish neet oasis community. Notnagainst the law to be on holiday for long time is it
SmeIIy fish man
s s sometimes he smells of shit LOL LOL LOL
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he's a good lad who doesn't take himself too seriously
>be me
>28 years old
>lonely but rich
>buy five bedroom house
>advertise my spare rooms on spareroom/gumtree/whatever
>get a few hundred applicants
>discard all men
>discard anyone over 25
>discard anyone ugly
>interview the rest
>take the most promising 4 on as lodgers
>set rent way below market rate
>now I have 4 potential GFs living with me
>they can't leave because their lifestyle depends on having such low rent

lads, I think I've finally figured it out
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>but rich
There are way less convoluted ways to get laid. Just go on any dating app and subtly hint at your salary.
based liam effectively starting his own roastie jail
Alright lad I'm Anthony have fun playing make believe about a lad called Anthony. Dickhead.
based anthony effectively starting his own roastie jail
What are you going to do when one of your rentoids starts acting out and you can't get rid of them?
What are you going to do when the council takes you to court because you didn't get your landlord loicense, annual fire safety certificate, legionella test, gas safety inspection, etc?
that's why I'm making them lodgers, not tenants. I can kick them out within days and they have no recourse. if they decide to leave, I'll just find another roastie to fill their spot in literally hours.
my name is brett actually
Got an EPC assessment at the flat tomorrow, don't really know what that consists of
It means your landlord is going to have a hefty bill.
If only there was a way to look that up like a magic thing that connects to space but the space has lots of information on it
Always wanted to be called Brett
Alri Brett
Big brett
Brett Pilkington, is that you?
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Still af but garn try and eat something. Haven't ate anything since Friday evening. Smackhead mate is still on the gear today. Rather him than me.
Those things never answer the important questions like "how long will the man be in my flat for" and "how ashamed should i be of my living conditions"
>Still af
wocaine sizzled away a hole in his brain it not right
>Still af but garn try and eat something. Haven't ate anything since Friday evening. Smackhead mate is still on the gear today. Rather him than me.
Here's a less retarded way to do what you want.
>be me
>28 years old
>lonely but rich
>go on tinder
>mention my job and salary in my bio
>take golddiggers out for a fancy meal
>rail them afterwards
>buy them an uber home
Between 4 and 6 hours. Tidy up you lazy cunt.
Funnily enough, the length of time he's in your flat will depend on how shitty your living conditions are. Literally all he has to do is accurately measure each room and inspect each radiator and boiler. That took about 5 minutes in my flat, but I'm ridiculously clean. If you live in a pigsty, it might take a few hours to climb over the mountain of trash.
I will tidy up this evening. Would've been nice if landlordberg hadn't emailed at 5pm the day before to let me know but I should keep the place nice anyway really. Hope they have to pay a lot to fix the broken radiators.
>Current Users: 231,483
>Active Content: 1200 GB
See you around space cowboys
what are the usual numbers lad?
This ain't gunna work out the way you want it too like in your animes laddie but I wish you the best of luck.
Pure miss Teletext, lads. It not right. Things used to be COOL. I miss CRTs.
near a million
weird one, this, but i hope you actually do keep track of the numbers and this is real rather than some gimmick.
what blew my mind was a few years ago when someone pointed out /pol/ is THE main board now, not /b/. even back in the day /b/ was like a containment board, did my head in when someone wandered into /tg/ doing the whole "hey nigras!!! shoop da whoop lulz" thing, like that's 'the whole site'. nah lads there's a few catchphrases but some people are actually on the [topic] message boards to discuss [topic], not treat it liked a themed FYAD.
used to enjoy watching the arrivals/departures at airports on teletext, was proper space age back int' day
what if we combine >>78903711 with >>78903656?
you're already a cunt, but i can confirm this is basically how it works. as shite as the private renting system is 'even for landlords' apparently (you can do drugs and wreck your own home, nobody can step you rich-anon), taking in a lodger they can get booted at basically no notice.

obviously decent social housing would be better and then the money is going to the council rather than a richoid. but even as an in-between housing associations and the old leasehold/freehold systems had their benefits: i forget when the law changed (mid 90s?) but despite service charges jumping around the actual human being living there has some more rights.

really just set up a hippy commune shared living type place, you're this cool older bloke who got rich oh nooo some qt young people are moving in with their playstations and weed haha. then become one of them.
Yeah I remember I used to play some sort of quiz or something on it. I forget the name. Pretty sure my mum booked holidays with it too and we used to get the cinema listings too. Mental.
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Quite a few roads starting to flood in Banbury
It not right
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u gonna get BOOZLED by BAMBLER
Fucking yes Bamboozle. Phwoar, that takes me back, lad. Feel like a proper oldie. Imagine trying to explain this shit to a zoomer. They barely understand the concept of a DVD or CD.
>tfw still have VHSs and casettes in the old crap drawer in my bedroom
ill never watch or listen to them again but cant bear to throw them away
Fuck off. Seriously just fuck off with your tiresome, overused gimmick.
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No floods here. It right
I actually watched my VHS of Hannibal lately on the old CRT. It was a right trip.
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How is liking DVDs a gimmick?
Why don't the government just out in anti flood measurements? Are they stupid?
anthony HATES dvds
Why hasn't Keir Starmer told the rain to stop?
liam loves blu-ray
Can't even mention or say DVD in passing before someone gets riled up. DVDlad has really done a number on Britfeel.
For me, it was watching ceefax on the mini tv which could be powered by battery or mains which my parents had in case of a nuclear strike and I convinced them to give to me. Didn't have a remote so I couldn't navigate ceefax at all when regular tv stopped broadcasting at night, just had to let it scroll through like a bellend
the delivery driver actually DROPPED my takeaway and then rain got in and everything was soggy. fine once i'd re-heated the chips and tendies in the air fryer a bit, but still.

weirdly the one thing that wasn't ruined slightly was the milkshake, because it wrapped to shit in cling film. and that fell out/rolled on the ground, but was entirely unscathed on the inside.

still going to give him 5 stars don't want to ruin MY rating just because HE made a mistake.
I remember those TVs. I stole my parents one for my bedroom I remember.
Are there any femanons here who would be up for living for free in my house?
I remember when DVDs were newish and something they claimed was that DVDs would have 'games'. The example I saw, somewhere, was that The Tigger Movie DVD was going to have this whole platformer game.

I expected something along the lines of Beehive Bedlam etc. that was on Sky Active at the time. I'm guessing those were just some wrapper type thing for Flash games? Maybe these newfangled DVDs could do that.

I suspect the most advanced DVD 'game' was probably some lame quiz, just a series of slides taking you to either the correct one or the wrong one. Home video didn't need an interactive element, at all. Just multiple channels for commentary would have been fine.
Will you accept trannies?
Yeah I had a Deal or No Deal game that was exactly as you described. Some DVDs had hidden secret menus and easter eggs too. Blu-ray menus are pretty boring in comparison.
dont watch DVDs anymore but i do miss the little menu one them, where you could pick which scene to watch and sometimes the extra bits and director commentary, etc
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Had cottage pie for din dins
My dad still watches VHS tapes.
Nope, the only mental illness I accept in my harem is BPD.
I've been told I am passable (Natalie Mar-tier)
Noel "the ice man" Edmonds
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Quite like Charlie Bighams cottage pie desu
Ass to mouth cum guzzlers 5 still hasn't had a dvd release and it's a disgrace
Oh I'll give interactive DVD games that came with some actual board game, buzzer, or whatever, some credit. Not a bad use of the medium if you can effectively just do menus and scene swapping.

Although it was a golden age for quiz show tie-in PS1 games. The Weakest Link is a barrel of laffs, all the Steve from Sussex characters were daft, you can tell they had fun fleshing out that roster. Play with weed + mates if you still have one or both of those.
deal or no deal was a laugh
I bet it'll come out that he's a nonce like Jimmy Savile one day
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I don't remember seeing Ass to Mouth Cum Guzzlers 5 in my dads VHS collection
Trans women are con men, simple as.
I sometimes play the weakest link and millionaire games on my ps3.
kek i had the weakest link game on pc, i assume it was the same as the ps1 game, i was young so i didn't know half the answers but i started to remember them after playing it enough
i miss Noel's Scrounger Britain programme. think it might have been on Sky.
funny how he went from this Mr Blobby Playhouse type guy doing silly practical jokes to pretending to be Jeremy Kyle.

the actual Scrounger Street or whatever it was called that started a NATIONAL DEBATE was pretty sympathetic when i sat down to watch it. same goes for The Undateables which yeah is about awkward autists and deformed women, but it was sweet at times.
Can't believe the new PS5 Pro won't even have a disc drive. What a joke.
It was in the Schindlers List case
No idea what's the point in that Pointless show.
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I will check when I'm there next
Funny how u can tell politics in some ppl face
I already knew noel wouldnt be a lib w/o checking, chud phenotype or maybe it's the hair
Four same fours >:)
Didn't the later PS3s stop being backwards compatible? Feel like I took it for granted but it was mint that I could still play my old PS1 games. Played through all of Final Fantasy VII that way, good stuff.

There was a good Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? one on PC too, might have also been the same as the PlayStation one. But the little electronic game with plastic discs was the coolest.
having a half pint with my tea has changed my life
>home from work
>gonna read work stuff for free tonight
He does it for free. I will prove I am competent for my own sake. Weird times brehs.
I heard you can get teletext if you have old tape recordings of live TV. That information got recorded onto the tape
Have you got a monged up knob to seal the deal?
shaved my pubes last night, actually feels pretty good, can understand why women do it all the time
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he is almost certainly a lib in the liberal = classic liberal/Liberal Party/neoliberal sense, or as we say here in the UK, 'liberal'.

that's one of those fucked up American imports that isn't just nitpicking, it's actually wrong and sometimes confusing. 'could care less'.
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>Edmonds said he had attempted suicide in 2005, after fraud by a group of HBOS financiers destroyed his Unique Group business: "Until these criminals took me to the brink of emotional annihilation, I had always felt those who opt out by taking their own lives were selfish and cowardly... But having been cast into that bottomless dark space devoid of logic and reason, I have a much deeper understanding of life without hope... I seek no sympathy and feel no shame in admitting that on the evening of January 18th 2005 I attempted to end the overwhelming mental pain which had consumed my whole being."
Didn't respond to my ex and left the conversation fizzle out. Better off without her. Chapter of my life officially closed lads.
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Nope my cock is perfect
All PS3s can play PS1 games I think. Sony would never care about making a full on media centre console anymore. They even patched out the GNU/Linux capabilities.
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>my cock is perfect
i feel like i should understand all this stuff but i don't

>Talk to a Floodline adviser over webchat
>We're running webchat as a trial.
>When it is available, a 'start chat' link will appear.

me: hi is there going to be a flood
advisor: yeah
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i love trans women
Yeah the Linux thing was mental, that's homebrew hackery voiding-your-warranty stuff now. I suppose fair play to Valve/Steam for allowing it, but they were a PC platform anyway. Although the Steam client monopoly does my head in (why is THAT ONE okay, gamers? just let me buy a disc and install games, no specific launcher required).
If you really squint, you can see my bean bobbing above the submerged town of Banbury from Queens Avenue, Ilfracombe
woah hamtaro got fucking dark
i like in the NEW Matrix (everyone's favourite) when Neo's body dysmorphia kicks in and he freaks out at his bald patch
>nooo that's not my sexy Keanu Reeves rocker hair!
congrats mate, that's just how middle aged men look.
trans men
god i hate youtube comments so much, that hamtaro guy is fucking based and should not feel bad about what he said
not a fan, only if they dont take testosterone. usually cool people though
can't believe he's gone de lads. It not right
Trans girls are usually very emotional and clingy. I tried dating one and it was a nightmare.
They'll be dancing in the streets of Total Network Solutions tonight
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Just want a gf lads.
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QRD on hamtaro
really want to get my ass fucked
It not for lads like us. It might be for them, but it not for us.
same but id also like to find a suitcase full of used notes somewhere, and have a 6pack and massive dick, have a massive garden with a little railway around it that i could ride around on while im NEETing, id also like to have the power to fly and freeze/unfreeze time at will and if possible, remote view into the ladies changing rooms at the gym down the road
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same m8
Is that you again BBCanon
I predicted this
this is just how it goes isnt it? you slowly shed all your friends and personality bit by bit until the closest thing you have to an interaction with feeling. "bless you but watching you slowly expire in a hospital irritates me"
i meant fucked in the ass by a woman
The majority of British girls are complete slags these days.
>have a massive garden with a little railway around it that i could ride around on while im NEETing
never knew i wanted that until now
Now that's just even weirder. As you were x.
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this really is a prison planet, im surrounded by four walls at all time and if i look outside my window im surronded by more walls, where does it end? where is the exit? i cant find the exit. i've been laying on my bed for so long i cant tell where the bed ends and i begin,
someone put me out of my misery
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Tried it in 2017. It wasn't for me desu, but it could be for you
when we work together, it's much better
(my best friend)
Normie slags and deanos having sex makes me feel a bit grim. You know for them that 'good' sex is just really hard and fast, like not even nice at all
I let my gf finger my ass a few times. Its quite nice. I couldn't take a cock up it though.
exactly and thats why my hate for everyone else is justified, if were to snap and just kill as many people as i could it would be 100% justified, they brought it upon themselves.
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All of that would be nice but a gf is a basic thing in life for most.

Not fucking fair at all.

The NHS really has done one of the biggest cover ups of their incompetence. Sucks for her.
even with lads i've found having a penis up there uncomfortable. don't mind tossing/sucking each other off. i think that's still 'gay' because i'm attracted to a man, but then i wonder if it's not 'really gay'.
but then it's exactly the same with women. perhaps porn is to blame. like another human being is just your porn doing masturbation on your behalf. and it's NOT misogynist objectification because it's also men.
Mad to think some guys just message a girl online and meet them the same day.
Yeah if he's Chad. It's not for lads like you and me.
in this high-tech appological age i wonder if that's what rich people who travel do.
>in town for the night, i have a really good car, who's up for some fun?
then they probably do spend a lot on some fancy bar/hotel, a mutually beneficial shag, then on to their next shaggington.
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l've done that before
i like it but only if im dressed as a girl, otherwise i feel like a faggot
cant wait, i love autum and winter. the only times where the world reflects how i feel on the inside, cold and grey
today i learned that "Vidya" is an indian girls name, imagine having a QT curry gf named vidya, not for lads like us though
Deal or No Deal really fucking winded me up, lads.
>they all acted like there was some sort of skill to it
>everyone had a sob story
>they would hug people who opened a good number and get irrationally angry at people who didn't
Paying 50+ yr old women to give you unmotivated handjobs is not the same thing
one thing i thought was cringe was how they'd treat the new players cold like they were replacements in fucking ww2 or something
It's easy if you are willing to meet ugly fat women.
I had a brown gf.
could easily shag an ugly woman but not a fatty, i just couldnt get an erection
Yeah it was weirdly really full of cliques. Whatever hotel they kept them in all the cool kids must have stuck together. Really crap show.
didnt noel believe in some shit like you could control your own luck by believing? mental case
i wonder how much of 'Christopher' moot 'Poole's ironic little girl stuff was real.
and how much got waived in exchange for a few logs and hey also have a cushy job at google :) you ex-wapanese, you ;)
>on night walk
>police car about to loop back round the dual carriageway definitely wants to talk
>cross over the other side
>he goes back round again
>cross back over
>eventually he just stops in the middle of the road and I run away
>stand in river
>he tells me to get out
>say no
>eventually he has to come through and soak his uniform to detain me for a search
Always got huge nonce Saville vibes from him. Wonder if there's any truth in it.
Anyone remember Goldenballs? Now that was truly based. Always a laugh when some simp got fucked over by a hot girl.
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What about a chubby woman? or 'thicc' as they like to call themselves on dating apps
size 16 i could do, 18 would be pushing it a bit i think
That's all sex is at the end of the day. People try and romanticise it and make it all lovey dovey but at the end of the day it is an act of raw, animalistic desire akin to a tiger pouncing on a gazelle to consume it. The male in the sex act is basically stabbing the woman with his engorged penis. The woman's moans sound like an animal crying out in pain.
to be fair what's the alternative here? it's so samey i want everything from a casual '19 is my lucky number' to 'I AM MANIFESTING CHANGE FROM THE MOTHER UNIVERSE'.
unless they're literally selling something i want trash telly to be able to do this, get a psychic on, say what the spirits are saying today's lucky numbers are. not everything has to be fact-checked rationalist stuff.
They don't want skinny autistic boyish lads like me.
Any gazelles out there who want a tiger in their life
Juggernaut's law means it is actually harder to go whaling rather than approaching a woman of normal weight
a psychic would be fun trashy but deal or no deal is just them opening boxes, its boring shite
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Corrr that mealington was lush and I mean lush. Womfy autumn night ahead.
A mummy type may be interested if you put a little effort in and get /fit/
not him but some fat women, especially older ones love skinny little twink spergy lads
might rewatch a few clips but it's genuinely cringey in a nail-biting sense rather than an embarrassing sense. turning the prisoner's dilemma into some gameshow is just cruel, you genuinely end hating the contestants.
Too depressed for anything to be womfy today. Just pure shit.
Everything is transactional with women. That's all they care about for non-chads.
i've put a finger up my ass before, its not that nice, it feels like taking a shit. its better to just play with the entrance of your anus as you jerk off
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You sound like a sweet twink desu
another night of gooning alone in your room king?
I knew I was a hater when, at 9 years old, I would come home and watch that show, hoping to see them lose in the most frustrating way

>hurr durr I'm hopin' wiv' all me heart that it's a blue Jackie *boing sound and groan*

I always suspected Chris Tarrant myself. Either that or just being an abuser or an arsehole. My old teacher met him and said he was
Nothing illegal about perusing my extensive foot fetish folder w a girl sitting behind me on the bus. U dint like it move seats. U do like it let's chat.
It feels better when a girl is doing it + she uses lube
i called chris tarrant a cunt once but he didnt hear me or just pretended he didnt
Dont see the point in having porn on a phone.
I'm 34000 feet above romania
you can transfer it to your pc you know?
Probs like living near a busy road where you tune it out over time, enough people called him a cunt that he stopped even hearing it
>Always got huge nonce Saville vibes from him. Wonder if there's any truth in it.
There was a recording that came out of Savile getting a girl to say she loved him and not Noel Edmonds, wouldn't be surprised if he was part of the nonce ring as well.
>I'm 34000 feet above romania
i hope Noel Fielding is a nonce.
not because i hope anyone is a nonce, i hope nobody is, but i hope Noel Fielding is a nonce. just don't like his style of comedy. tried watching Mighty Boosh the other day with decades of hindsight, maybe it's cute now, absolutely insufferable. if anyone HAS TO BE a nonce, i hope it's him.
Why even look or dl porn on a phone?
>I always suspected Chris Tarrant myself. Either that or just being an abuser or an arsehole. My old teacher met him and said he was
David Jason is the name that keeps doing the rounds.
doubtful but he is a tranny
i dont desu - ill never be able to watch my mighty boosh dvds ever again
yet when a mother hands her child a phone/tablet and all i can hear is Peppa Pig or Bluey, i remind them the bus does not have a premises licence for copyrighted film or a PRS licence for any licenced music. they ARE committing an offence, and i WILL report it, don't they care about their kids?
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For bedtime
i dont know maybe you were at work and you found something nice while browsing 4chan
that's fine if he's gotten away with it this long, good for him.
if you like them that's fine i gave it a fair try. just not for me. you can still enjoy things made by nonces. e.g. if you 'can't listen to Lostprophets any more' (and therefore, used to?) that's on you. YOU'RE not the nonce.
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You couldn't impress a girl even if you tried.
Alongside Noel Edmonds and David Jason I think this lot are dodgy as well
>David Walliams
>Graham Norton
>Nick Knowles
>Richard Madeley
>Eamonn Holmes
>George Osborne
Me: calm; collected, wearing sunglasses, chilling
U: angry; fuming, punching ur keyboard, jizz stained XXL tshirt
Diddy do it lads?
Norton said Japanese people look like poo. He's a racist too. Walliams made very sexual comments about teenage boys. Definitely a nonce. Moyles too.
Watched that video of him beating up the woman in a hotel. Nasty lad desu
>David Walliams is being criticised for a resurfaced video of the comedian humiliating a 16-year-old boy by pulling his trousers and pants down on stage.
>In the footage, Walliams grabs three volunteers aged 16 to 18-years-old on stage in a game of "hide the sausage".
A bit dodgy innit
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>Norton said Japanese people look like poo
Feel the same way for that Attenborough fella. All too friendly and has a long history working at the BBC.
of those i really only think David Walliams.
Graham Norton seems sound. still a fun chat show and his edgier 90s/Channel 4 shows are fun to go back to.
rather than TV mouthpieces who could go one way or the other or just be into OTHER crimes (cocaine, shoplifting), it's the new wave of social media types who rub me the wrong way.
if it was the 2000s and you told me [author] was putting sexy gym pics of themselves (?? why) on their personal website, then instant messaging with younger/teenage fans, i'd find that suspicious as fuck. Owen Jones does it on Instagram/Twitter and that's fine now it's just social media engagement?
can we agree that just about everyone whos worked for the BBC is a suspected diddler at this point?
i suspect he rose through the ranks thanks to his talent as a documentary presenter.
When we are ready de lids
He has loads of dodgy Malthusian views that he's allowed to get away with cos he pushes the regime's climate hysteria
nah some of them are just well-connected middle-class cunts, others are social media yoof/diversity hires (could be nonces in the future - yet to be seen).

i like the BBC in principle, they HAVE made some great stuff i just don't quite why it's so few and far between now. 'new media' (YouTube etc) doesn't have the same budget and basic gatekeeping for production and so on, ad-heavy media like American TV is excruciating, streaming services are OK for now. we could just have a UK, semi-public streaming service of sorts with a basic set of principles, call it the British Broadcasting Corporation...
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It was free intercourse with a 30 year old woman actually

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