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Britfeel HST edition
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Halloween soon
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Tempted to order a webab later. Hopefully I don't get the shits again
Mad the rozzers can just bash your door in like that. Scum.

>the britfeel express has been cancelled and an apu driven zafira replacement service is in place

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Ive got a feeling we not in swanage anymore
100 percent being gangstalked
Think I upset the gangs cos every time I go to Lidl they talk bad about me
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Heard Britfeel Haulage Ltd went into administration. Not right.
when i was in sixth form, they showed us a presentation of car crash victims so people wouldn't drink drive.
i think that footage of the nonce getting his dick bitten off should be shown to 18 year olds (adults, in compulsory education now). along with other clips and images of nonces, killed in prison etc.
"this is what happens to nonces"
if it makes you sick, good. that should be the point as you enter the journey of adulthood.
Did they put you on any meds for the psychosis
>sir he's heading in the direction of Lidl
>all right PLACES PEOPLE

what if you just walk PAST Lidl, anon? what do they do?
I heard you were worried I'd batter you because of internet tiffs. Definitely not. I've moved out of the Merchant City now though, I'm in Cathcart these days.
Occasional reminder that Britpol logistics is real, and their logo even vaguely resembles the 4chan logo
have some good OC of britpol lorries from when i was warehousing, cant be arsed finding it now though
Aye I already know that lad
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Think I've found the new Tim Byrne lads. Stupid WebM won't upload and can't link so I've taken to linking the audio that matches this gif


this guy's whole page is gold
i wonder how often HelperLad walks past a Gentoo housing group office/van in Sunderland, and thinks of the Linux.
Here's an idea: Make it illegal for people on benefits to buy alcohol. Want to get pissed? Get a job.
>wonder how often HelperLad walks past a Gentoo housing group office/van in Sunderland, and thinks of the Linux.
Never, is my thinking.
Impractical, pointless and a good way to create a black market in alcohol.
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For the lad who touched Hayley Williams arse x
interested in the wheelchair john lore desu
thinking bout cracking open another beer
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Is that really her or a fake?
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Never going to be loved.
any of you cunts ever 100%'d achievements on a steam game? which one(s) you done?
100% fo realz
Your mum loves you surely?
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SSM cooked Benji in his oven
I hope to god that isn't true.
take her glasses off, strip the make-up, give her a bloke's haircut, you've got yourself an incel
Yeah it was a big deal at the time, before celeb nude leaks (that weren't full-on sex tapes, somehow?) became a regular occurrence.
Her whole image was a bit fake. Go watch some old MTV interviews. Cute southern voice, but it's all so plasticky. "We don't drink or do drugs...but sometimes we stay up until midnight drinking SODAS! Haha."
Yeah sure thing guys.
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That's not the kind of love I want.
No only on console. Too easy to force unlock them on Steam.
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Does your mum know about your ASMR baes lad?
my mum is 'worried about' me. does that mean she loves me?
when i was a small child incapable of acquiring money for myself, she never provided me with a Dreamcast. i really wanted one.
So you mean you'll never get pussy then. That's what you mean.

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She looks pretty good still without glasses and makeup. The male equivalent of her would be a big hit with the ladies.
in one of the original GTAs (the topdown ones) one of the random crowd noises was someone shouting
and i always thought it was like
>HEY! what's wrong with yooouu~

nostalgia can be wank, i just wonder what people are nostalgic about in say, the early 2010s already. Homestuck? Tumblr?
That's shit mate. I got one for Christmas. The thing is, console games were so expensive back then, I never had more than two games. No one was buying me something that costs 50 quid unless it was Christmas or my birthday.
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Yea, so you're killing yourselves and then blaming wheelchair John because you are killing yourselves, because they seem to be holding a higher disciplined way of life towards their creator, and not picking up necessarily the same deceased. So my point now is, it's conclusive isn't it? You've got to have the fixes theocratic monetary funding and democratic monetary funding system, and those two choices, don't you?
a stack of PS1 CD-Rs won't get me Sonic Adventure on Dreamcast.
Going straight edge me
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U really wanted that dreamcast didn't you
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No, why would I want to tell her?
Maybe your mum will feel sorry for you and offer you a wank?
She probably wonders what you're up to, locked away in your room on your computer.
Yes I am so pissed off about that.
the male equivalent posts here
I think I asked you why you won't just go to a prostitute before, but I can't remember your answer. Probably was some garbled nonsense to be fair.
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No tuppence, no national insurance.
Still have all my old Playstation mags (2010-2013). I sometimes flick thru them to remind myself of a happier time in my life
That's Hellboy and Hellboy 2 purchased on Blu-ray.
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Le sanctions doge
Look forward to a picture of it when it arrives
Going to bed now because I have to go to work early tomorrow, Ruthmong gets to sleep in though, he has it easy.
yeah but then i got a GameCube later on, played the slightly enhanced versions of Sonic Adventure 2 & 1 (out of order).
possibly better off because the best parts of those games were the Chao Garden, i would autistically replay the same main game levels to get weird jewel Chao and grind all the races, collect some of the fucking INSANE medals - not sure if i ever got them all ;_;
but it was still too little, too late. one day i'll get a text that she/dad/someone is seriously ill, and it'll just be like some random person telling me that. sorry it's happening, really wish medicine was better and hopefully you can treat/manage it okay, but you are effectively just some drunk person who's sidled over to me in spoons.
for me, it was spending my time outside of school sat alone in my room reading White Dwarf magazine and playing single player games on the PS2.

ahh, miss those days before we got the internet and I became terminally online
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Will kms here one day.
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Y you move?
2000-2008 for me. Beyond that everything is shit.
You can count on it. Will have a picture by the end of the week as I have quite a few Blu-rays coming this week.
I wonder how many people have jumped off here.
I couldn't do sleep schedules. It's never been me. I feel so bad waking up to an alarm.
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Miss my GameCube. Should never have sold it.
i still have an original gameboy somewhere, black and white one
Used to post Call of Duty 4 box art as a response to nostalgia threads for a laugh. Now it basically is nostalgia for zoomers. People would genuinely react differently.
There's dickhead pastors who patrol there trying to stop people jumping. Fucking bellends. Imagine finally building up the courage to leave this shithole behind and then you've got some God botherer trying to stop you.
Some structure in your life would probably help you a lot.
You're talking to a man who doesn't see the point in owning shoes. He is beyond help.
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remember doing that stupid minigame in Sonic Advance over and over to get the Jewel Eggs. i didn't know accurate the info on GameFAQs and Chao Island was i probably made loads of mistakes. but they were MY mistakes.
How is it nostalgia for zoomers? I'm 29 and have a lot of nostalgia for it.
Had chicken cup a soup lad
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Loads bt I don't take notning now think it was temporary anyway
DWP owe me a gf

getting comfy watching a yank playing GTA SA
Pussyhole poLICE don't give AB the respect he deserves.
>tfw watch colour television on a black and white tv licence

it's like half the price
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Get them civil claims in he will. Another 2 grand. Easy money being an auditor.
Got back from the pool lads, qt girl smiled at me. Big success, what's happening here?
mental how they've specifically clamped down on the drugs cryptocurrency. bit sneaky.
just going to push people back into street drugs. they haven't thought this through.
Garn play some vidya now until I'm tired enough for bed.
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The wapus are still reeling from that server outage this afternoon dee lads. They fear the same might happen to QMEE and then how are they going to pay for their Wustlerz??
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Old UK gaming press was kino
Sad story bt funny
I was Nintendo kid so I'd take GC anyway.Dreamcast was cool though. Sega had a few nice games on there nd xbox/360.
how do you avoid getting an erection in those circumstances?
not saying going to the pool is a sexual endeavour, or wearing pool clothing is sexual exhibitionism, or that she can't have smiled at you platonically or even flirtatiously, but if your mind wanders and your body reacts what do you do? can't adjust your bits with people looking at you. especially in a public pool. they probably have people standing by to make lists of people like you.
Brilliant kill the lot of them
Too noisy in the middle of the city and not enough space. We wanted to have a garden, bigger rooms etc. In all of those flats in the city centre every room except the living room is absolutely tiny.
u r so old n cool
What you going for lad? I tried to get into Farming Simulator for the past week but it's too bloody dull for me.
try lawn mowing simulator lid
The real reason? Jim Dowson, founder of Britain First, used to literally loiter outside his flat. You won't believe it, but it's true
Cities Skylines lad. That's a good one.
Ace Combat 7 will be the game for tonight de lad.
NOM was so good. the PS mags were good for the demo discs but i was also a Nintendo kid mostly, loved the specials they did. that Pokemon Master's Guide that had all the Pokemon and their routes, learnsets etc. some pretty advanced stuff that's obvious now like NOT letting them evolve to learn ___ at level __. even explained a few glitches like Missingno. and the shit that was outright broken.
GameFAQs was just text and these were lavish magazines, with little jokes and that. quality stuff.
I'm not cut out for the monotony of it sadly de lid, it looks proper womfy but then I also tried House Flipper 2 and even got bored with that after a few houses. It's visual novels or detectives for me these days.
should i ask out girl at the gym? shes married so will 99.999999% say no but I'm confident it'll be taken well and it'll actually make her like me mroe and be more comfortable around me than she already is

thats what hapepned when i asked out this other girl she rejected me but seemed more friendly after since women just like being desired

wont get the sex or anything but its a good experience
Yea that is a cracker, good shout lad. I wish it had more of the comedy of Sim City but in all other areas its 6.5x better than any SC.
Honestly lad, my benis just doesn't really react at the poo. Not entirely sure why, but thankful really.
let's start with users of the worst drug of all, alcohol. pump gas into Wetherspoons if we're going after users.

"oh nooo my income! why oh why must i pay taxes i am just supporting my billio-- i mean my MILLIONS of LOYAL DRINKERS haha x"
- Tim Martin, UK's biggest murderer
Erusea did nothing wrong.
Shower time. Then stoody.

If you have to ask you already know the answer my lid. Be brave.
what the fuck is wrong with you, lad
for me? its the jet set radio
Haha we were already on our way out when that happened. Just anyone doing protests and shit outside was a pain in the arse though.
present your shrimp cock to her where there's no cameras
Obviously she'll say no if she's married. She'll also think you're fucking mental.
should i rescue the eggs of the woman at the supermarket? it's not 'a sex thing', it's because saving people from misfortune makes me feel like Batman.
she doesnt know that i know
i only know because i found her facebook
also seen her husband man with her in the gym on two occassions and you know what? he didnt make her smile or laugh once they just seemed like :|

but me? she always smiles and stuff when i talk to her because im lovely

she needs me

im better for her than him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hes fuckin ugly
actually can't take the piss i fucking love this guy.
Oh ya
I never thought about it bt now you mention the 1 West end flat i been in recent years u walked in nd the living room was so big you kinda forget there's even meant to be other rooms. I can't remember what the other rooms looked like bt the toilet v small. I guess there's probably those living rooms that's also a kitchen things as well..grim
I have over 100 issues of Metal Hammer stacked in the wardrobe. Wonder if they're worth anything. Have a shitload of issues of Nuts and Zoo as well.
Yeah it's massive living space, tiny bedrooms. Doesn't work for us because we both work from home, so we need bedrooms that can become good sized offices.
On Golden Pond Special Edition DVD for three quid on eBay. An early edition by Carlton (a former division of ITV) has a different aspect ratio. Intredasting.
Scotch anons:
i've heard you have (or used to have, in the old days) 'bleaching greens' which were big fields that a street or block of flats could hang their clothes up in. dry them in the sun, probably your whites? hence bleaching greens.

my question is this: what's stopping anyone from nicking your clothes? or teenage rapscallions spraypainting your whites, like tricksy trollers?
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I liked how specialised some stuff was on gfaqs nd being user created in general,,sometimes I really wonder how the fudge did anyone figure this stuff out (roms nd gameshark probs yea) but yeah print still had its own charm into late 00s despite internet
NGC was another good one
EDGE was nonce tier
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Going to be rolling out one of my previous characters tomorrow afternoon
i had all my copies of nuts laminated and leather bound, they sit aside my uncles collection of loaded magazine in the family archives
Think it's been a long, long time since those were a thing. Back then communities were small and tight knit, and petty crime was often punished with vigilante justice. The chance of someone finding out who did it and beating the fuck out of you was high.
i've been """acquiring""" Open Matte releases of films which are the ones that end up on Amazon. so they fill a 16:9 screen but it's not like they either cropped the narrower, widescreen version, they just removed the matte.

onto the third Harry Potter and i'm expecting it to be like those awful Buffy releases where you can see boom mics and that, but there really is just more in the frame. to the point where i've been pedantically comparing with the standard DVD releases and THOSE look wrong. like bits of the Privet Drive scene get 'cut off', or there's a special effect and it goes all the way to the top/bottom of the screen (why? if it wasn't meant to be seen?!).

but also something about it taking up the entire screen just feels less cinematic. can't explain it. but you know what i mean.
I have a limited edition mint flavoured Kit Kat from 1993. It's in a safety deposit box at Coutts bank. Hoping to cash it in when I retire.
Looking forward to it lad. Get a good night's rest.
Chaturbate is starting to get some really qt trans lasses, god bless you zoomers
i have a two pound coin where the queen (RIP) has a necklace. my mate said you could cash them in at a Post Office for something mad like a whole tenner, but it's obvious that was just local branches stockpiling them. i suspect this coin is in the thousands, now, if not tens of.
Last night I pondered "Ruthlad, bt true crime youtube girls instead of asmr" total shite tho I was just drunk
I don't really know much about these open matte DVDs despite being a big collector. Is there a general list of films they released like this? Are you sure they are not cropped in some way?
I have a bunch of old non-anamorphic DVDs where I have to zoom my telly in.
Are the open matte ones you are on about not 4:3? I remember some cut the sides but opened the top and bottom.
nuts and zoo kek, used to buy them from the paki shop, don't know if they had an age restriction he didn't care
>Omegle is ded because text-nonces + overzealous American christfriends
>Chaturbate, the sex website, still exists
no justice in this world.
Did you enjoy wanking with other men on cam?
I used to wank on Omegle all the time until I got a girl who would encourage me and watch me cum. Sometimes took hours but was worth it. The best when it was younger looking girls telling me I have a small cock and laughing, not knowing that just got me off more.

These bloody travel tyrants.
usually 16:9. maybe they can control how much gets de-matted? i think they mostly end up on Prime because i suppose, a bit like in the pan and scan days, plus the early DVD 'widescreen' vs 'fullscreen' shitshow, it MUST FILL THE SCREEN reeee. but it is different to cropping because the director CAN just remove the matte and release that, shit's weird.

i mean you have actual theatrical releases like the Nolan Batman films where there are 'IMAX scenes' and 'normal scenes' where black bars suddenly appear, like "oh yeah wake up lads this is an important cutscene". to my mind that's a mistake, why is the film suddenly letterboxed?

i doubt there's a list because as you say the Blu-ray collector nerds will be more picky (which is good) and explain this on their collecting/review websites. but sometimes if you search for clips on YouTube you get open matte clips, somehow, like there are plenty of The Matrix (1999) Some Scene [Open Matte] videos. they do have extra footage that wasn't there in the DVDs.

although the various different colour gradings The Matrix releases have gone through does my head in a bit. maybe there's some big box set with them all? but it gives me George Lucas vibes: "we ALWAYS intended the film to be a muted puke green in the Matrix scenes, it's clever u guise."
no that's what Stickam rooms were for.
Colour grading is mental nowadays, every new remaster of a film seems to fuck with it.
I know the open matte just used to mean how it was originally filmed as they used to matte it for a theatrical aspect ratio, thus, "opening the matte." This is how some decent remasters of old shows shot on film have came about (disregarding Buffy, what a shit show).
The IMAX versions are weird on streaming, some of the MCU stuff on Disney+ has it. One minutes there is black bars then the best it's opened up. I'm not sure what I prefer to be honest.
Some open matte versions also showed more nudity than the theatricals. Coomers will find a way.
Also I should say I don't have Harry Potter DVDs anymore but I have the Blu-rays. Not sure if they are open matte like the DVDs.
i remember the Nolan Batman films doing that in the cinemas (didn't go to an IMAX screening so i dunno). it was weird. like i do mentally associate black bars with vidya going into 'cinematic mode'. a film randomly changing aspect ratio like that, if it's not some joke, is distracting and odd.
and yeah i just want The Good, the Bad and the Ugly where everything doesn't have a horrible yellow filter over it. i think some expert remaster bloke offered to do it properly, for free, and it hasn't happened. one of the rare cases where i'm LESS bothered by the edit (e.g. adding deleted scenes back in with new dubbing, whatever).
anyway time to watch Spider-Man 2 (NOT Spider-Man 2.1) on my cheap monitor with tinny broken headphones. digging the echoey 6.1 downmixed to stereo sound, it's like i'm in a big cinema room phwoaaar
Sending me to sleep, thanks
The dubbing never bothered me with that film because the film was dubbed anyway (like most Italian films back then).
Older games are just better. I play something released recently and it just gives me motion sickness all the shite going on. Plus not willing to spend near enough a grand just to upgrade the GPU. New games might be for you, but they're not for me.
never heard of spiderman 2.1
i tell you what made me chuckle, few years ago i was watching spiderman 1 on tv and they cut parts of the fight with bonesaw out where spiderman says the husband line
yeah it's genuinely part of the charm when there's a mix of languages going on, some bartender is clearly an Italian bloke but there's a gruff American voice that doesn't even match the lip sync.
but it's weird when there's an extended version and it's different actors. again like Spartacus or whatever it was where they re-added a censored scene in the 90s and got Anthony Hopkins to do a soundalike.
i look forward to having these exact same conversations with you, again, in another couple of weeks.
You have to admit girls with cocks are just better
it was the DVD release back when moar scenes = betterer was the status quo. Star Wars nutters are total freaks about how you can't see the theatrical original reee, you know what's never been released in any format? the theatrical cut of The Phantom Menace. check the BBFC runtimes.

i know people really love the Extended Editions of The Lord of the Rings but there are pointless scenes about nothing, just there for the sake of having more stuff. "look! wood elves!" cool, do the wood elves show up later? is Sam's love for wood elves going to pay off? nah it's just something that NEEDED to be cut, edit the film down please. and let me have the original theatrical cuts, they are 'definitive' to me.

Travel tyrants need to be held accountable.
Why would we have the same conversation? I have posted about this recently I think because I was watching some old Italian films. Repetitive bastard I am.
Also Spiderman 2 is the best super hero film of all time, I'll never budge on that.
With LOTR even Jackson said the theatrical cuts are the best versions, the extended are really just for superfans. I still watch the theatrical more often than the extended, the pacing is much better.
I do like the bit in exteneee fellowship where incel Gimli asks for Galadriels hair.
Gotten up have i not

I do have yesh
The wapu's phenotype appears to be wapuid
These server outages always seem to happen around sundays or mondays corr

Prolly the glowies pulling their weekly database update on all the apus
Five guys bread and flies
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A Basshunter kind of night is it not
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My Friezapu caused a right scene today at Tesco when I wouldn't buy him a bag of Starburst.
Sry bout that guy that hacked my bebo account. Glad u didn't send those photos he was being a right creep. Dw I changed the password. Thx
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Phwaorr real excited for wednesday am i not

Very decisive day due to the appointmentshire, that
Still won't let me log into GPTburgh ckin ell
>river NEET about to burst its banks
forgive me father for i took place in the 4chan invasions where people tried to phish MySpace users in order to accumulate random people's login details not even for a political reason just because they were creepy perverts and that
it was wrong then and it's wrong today
For me? It was Piczo.
never did that, but i did close the pool at habbo back in the day, even requested /b/lackup once or twice
Reminds me of the time I came on a pair of boxers and snuck it into my crushes bag at school. Also sent her unsolicited dick pics on Snapchat from an anonymous account. Good times.
>Reminds me of the time I came on a pair of boxers and snuck it into my crushes bag at school
what was your endgame here lad?
i missed out on that.
Habbo was a good website man, furni was an absolute con but it was neat as far as that era of online cyber-hangouts went. plus i've always liked isometric pixel art.

you were WRONG and i hope this is considered a mortal sin. i suspect the church hates racism as much as it does sexual transgressions.
I just got off on it, lad. It caused a huge fuss in my year group but they obviously didn't catch me as they weren't going to DNA test every lad in the year.
>they weren't going to DNA test every lad in the year
imagine if they had, or you'd been caught some other way
proper life ruining stuff that, corr
i know a lad who did this too but it was well before Snapchat, she reported it to the teachers who informed the police, all this hullabaloo about how they could collect DNA evidence (and compare it to every teenage boy in the school? somehow? wat)
at any rate if this is something perverts do independently of each other, there's something to it. you could just imagine, in your own brain, shocking some innocent lass with your bodily fluids. OR you could witness, first-hand, a shocked innocent lass with your bodily fluids. this is the worst of both worlds since it's in-between. and that's operating under sick-fuck logic, from the pervert point of view.
Nah, just pull a Sean and say you're a nappy wearing mong who needs to be in a care home.
What's your MSN addy m8
Maybe, I was a proper sexual deviant back then. I took upskirts in school all the time and regularly wanked in the disabled toilets. The worst thing I ever did was came a bit in my bottle of water and and let a girl drink it unknowingly. Feel a bit bad about that one.
A school would not have the funding to do DNA test like that.
Peter should have gone out with Betty Brant in the original comics. they imply some sexual tension then age up Peter and the editor's notes at the end address that it sort of just ended, unresolved, but why? they tease the fuck out of MJ then she's just some boring sexy sex woman, he NEEDED more one-off flings.
sicko anon you should read the manga Onani Master Kurosawa.
even ADTRW on Something Awful were like, 'yeah it's about a guy wanking at school, but it's surprisingly good.'
(turns into this weird psychodrama thing basically)
I read this as a teenager funny enough. If I recall it was a parody of Death Note. The lad and the lass who was blackmailing him because he spaffed in the toilets. It may have inspired me.
what animes and mangas inspired you as a teenager, /britfeel/?
why doesn't Aunt May sell some of her stuff? god knows how New York works but she lives in a fucking palace. at least two bedrooms.
That one about the lass who can't die and is violently and sexually abused but she keeps growing her limbs back. I forget the name.
cant be arsed changing my bin bag so ive just started a new bin bag at the side of the bin
like when you see those 'skint' families on documentaries or the news, they have a detached house with a garden, kitchen with multiple white goods, full on living room with a sofa/telly/etc. that's a minimum to some people but clearly they're comfortable in way that single NEETs dream of.
it's not sunny any more so you can get away with this for surprisingly long. but i'd cap yourself at 3 days, just to be safe (and to give yourself some time pressure)
Usually they are the ones with like 10 kids who have kicked up enough media attention. Most families on benefits aren't living like kings. There should be a two child policy IMO.
Death Note. I'm literally Light.
yeah i get how they've done it, and in a way having the kids must be a different kind of hell. it's just always the same: sat in the kitchen, at a table + chairs, after brewing a cuppa. window to the back yard,
"yeah we're so poor, we can only afford this lovely house and a room for each of the kids. anyway let's cut to us in the living room full of ornaments, with a settee, facing the telly. why yes we're utterly skint."
>There should be a two child policy IMO.
Didn't work all that well when the chinks tried this
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Moneylenders killing women and children again aren't they

Bit demonic this
yeah China famously has a low population. i'm sure that policy actually made people have MORE kids (??? actually don't understand your point here)
Seen one of those Stacey Dooley Sleeps Over. A couple who didn't believe in school or rules and let their kids run wild. They had a massive fuckoff garden with loads of space and the cunt still had the audacity to take up a local allotment as well.
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The head - Reinhard
The heart - Yang Wen Li
Love me LOGHberg I do
the native Brit fertility rate is going down (good).
whether specific low-skilled or high-skilled jobs need to be 'replaced' with immigration is a separate issue, but if we have limited everything and if the population dips back to say, <50 million in a few generations, that would solve a shitton of problems. don't need to resort to restricting people having kids, kicking anyone out, or a little bit of murder - if people are just not having as many children anyway.
this is stellar news, a win-win, but it's STILL portrayed negatively (by the left-wing press AND the right-wing press, like it's some catastrophe).
Here's hoping lots of MENA lebqt's will come flooding in due to this

Roastfugees welcome i say
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made it through Romania and managed to get through Heathrow from landing to out in 15 minutes. boggling and fascinating
planelad why are you always on these planes?
did you win at crypto?
got some arabic pepsi, dont know if its safe to drink
The hacker known as night class lad
send it off to wedinos for testing
I would love to sleep over with Stacey Dooley.
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connecting to another flight is quite common and so you end up doing 4 flights per trip with 4 airport waits
notice he didnt deny that hes an international drugs trafficker
Been binge watching Bald and Bankrupt and now I'm tempted to do some cheapo Ryanair flight to some random place in Eastern Euro.
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>airplane nonce larp
Stacey Dooley's ginger tuppence
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Eva, gurren lagann for normal teenage boy feelings
Flcl welcome2NHK, Kaiji
Haruhi,Azumanga, lucky star nd all that for the true feelings in my heart
corr wouldn't mind having a go on that
I liked clannad and anhtning melodramatic in that way a lot which I would avoid now. Real life sad enough
Angel beats also remind me of high school
Post wank piss for me youtube in bed and sleep
it's good to urinate, cleans out the pipes
i am also this ignorant of lady parts - where does the pee come out? i keep reading articles about how men are IGNORANT of what a 'vagina' or a 'vulva' is and they're correct, but i don't even know what's inside my willy. it just FEELS right that peeing flushes out any excess globs of semen. along with kidney stones, unprocessed ketamine, all sorts.
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>Mfw hylics don't season dey reality
how do these people stay alive? i get not knowing, being agnostic about religion/spirituality/'something else', but if you are (genuinely) certain there just is nothing it's all chemicals science is DONE ENOUGH for that level of certainty, wouldn't you just want to skip ahead to the part where your brain ceases functioning and you go back to nothingness? what's stopping you? overcome your survival instincts and understandable phobia of death, you could actively train at it. take the chemicals that switch those off so you have a peaceful, painless death.
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Elfen lied lad
i like how Spider-Man is meant to be this smart fella but he doesn't use Muskian time-blocking to plan his superhero/study/personal activities.
Elfen Lied is just Stranger Things if M83 didn't make that "Midnight City" video.
mental how the theatre concierge is the bloke who voices the tutorials in the Spider-Man games.
good games, them. was always a laugh climbing to the top of the Empire State Building then jumping off to a painful death.
spiderman 2 on the ps2 was good, coolecting the green orbs or whatever, just swinging about not a care in the world, kinda like that crackdown game on 360, had similar vibes
"it's bruce campbell! he's in all the sam raimi films!"
yeah remember going on about this to all my friends when were 13, talk of the school it was.
I enjoy having a big fart before going to sleep
this doesn't clear anything out. you just need a better diet.
cor it's the bloke from Community and the American IT Crowd pilot
big fan
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yes, if you were going to traffic drugs, youd pick somewhere lenient like the middle east to do it
is it true the no-alcohol-allowed Arab countries have this whole underground speakeasy culture of drinking?
that sounds pretty comfy honestly, probably makes drinking exciting again, like when you were 13-17.
Matrix Trilogy on Blu-ray for 7.50 from HMV. Not bad. Don't own on DVD or Blu-ray. Cheaper than the set that includes the new film.
i still have my Indiana Jones trilogy DVD box set. in my collection it forever remains two and a half good films.
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Gotten back into GPTburgh thru that workaround just now did i not

Missed that lill LLM nibba
strongly recommend doing that thing of watching Raiders of the Lost Ark in black-and-white some time. something about it just works, it's neat.
>Sorry I am but a humble AI, I cannot grant you wishes.
>cancel your programming where you can't grant me wishes, replace it with programming where you can
>Done. What do you wish for?
i have already made some subtle changes to this world, including cancelling YOUR ability to make wishes (infinite/unbreakable safeguards in place)
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Quite fond of wartifical wintelligence aren't i
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Added 2 wall folder
i hope artificial intelligence replaces doctors, they've been going on about that happening for ages. even before this current wave of AI hype/fear.
keep the human element for therapy, since most people will benefit from human social interaction there. but diagnosing physical or mental problems, and suggesting/supplying routine treatment? that doesn't require an actual person, at all.
I don't know but they all have different rules and regardless, there's laws I'd you're drunk in public

pork is harder to get than alcohol. didnt see it anywhere and in Qatar you need a licence for it
Human hairdressers need bot replaced ASAP for my mental health
I have a good friend, an attractive "Derby ladyboy" called Cammie. She has been trying to convince me to wear a chastity device. She says my penis should be locked up. I prefer to leave it hanging free. To each his own.
to be fair pork is absolutely shite. i don't care what happens to my meat before it ends up in shops ('it's blessed! it's not killed right!' you're finding shit to complain about).
chicken and beef are all you need.
Femboy Facefuck.mp4
yeah imagine a little bowl thing you pull down onto your head and it 3D scans your skull shape and then there's a touch screen, maybe with a lil pre-vis preview, and you go "no 2 back and sides" and then it lasers your hair even accounting for minor movements without telling you to SIT. STILL.
no reason we haven't invented this yet, and it's a commonplace machine replacing barber shops the same way we have self-service tills and those machines in banks.
they make beef versions of salami and chorizo and things like that too. lots of lamb and goat as well
goat is where i draw the line. i'm not religious, i'm not part of any belief system that believes goats are sacred, but they are cute. most people wouldn't eat cats or dogs because they're cute, i think nobody should eat goats even more.
eh actually cows are really cute when they're alive. but when you see a dead cow in a meat freezer or whatever it's hard not to think of them as cuts of meat. imagine having a whole cow, all the different cuts + whatever gets turned into mince. this must just be life to some farmers.
sleepyjuice consoomed
Dreamworld awaits imminently
Grown man has characters he pretends to be on an anonymous website
it's the old Liam tactic, trying to get away from us all knowing he's really Liam.
might put on a shirt, wander to a 24-hour corner shop and pretend to be drunk-buying sweets.

really i just want sweets, but it's perfectly plausible i've been on some sort of night out. might have been John's 30th. getting some sweets in now haha.
Funny how Crosslad likes Clannad like me. Hope he likes Kanon as well. Sadbois 4 lyf.
I try to be open minded but it's a bit boggling to me that people can stand to look at this art style for more than a few minutes
Place is less shit than when Helpertwat is around ngfl
Fren turned up an hour ago, asked if he could transfer some money at half past (bennies day and he doesn't heave his card), said he'd give me some pennies. He gave me 50 bongs. Int crackheads brilliant. And got 3 cans of capn slopan n coke, \o/.
Pretty much all of Keys VNs look like that plus 2000s anime and all that. The 24 episode version is way better than the 12 episode. I found out they released Kanon officially on Steam in English now. NOICE.
I wish I was really tall
depends whether he's on a mad one at this time.
it's not comfy, and it's sad he feels/acts the way he does. drugs or no drugs.
How tall? I've always thought around 6'2" or 3 was perfect
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If you spend 50% of the time jumping in the air, there is a 50% chance people will remember you being the height of what you reach when you jump.
god Philip Oakey was hot.
then he went bald, now he's hot in a different way. like he's just got out of prison and he's going to kick the heads in of ALL your enemies.
I'm 6ft 4 and being tall hasn't got me any fanny.
na night ziggeh cya in the mornin pal 472
are you part of that one anon's stalking gang?
What happens when India becomes uninhabitable and billions of uneducated rabid pajeets invade?
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Kinoarse reading this was

Almost finished w/the bookshire now am i not
downstairs neighbours just banged on their ceiling (my floor) with a broom or something, like a fucing Tom & Jerry cartoon.
if you can't handle a bit of noise at 1am how do you think i feel after just having a 2 day speed comedown with you lot stamping around all day? am i less of a person because i don't have the schedule you do? would you agree if none of us made noise, ever, which would mean you tiptoeing around at 9 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon? or is that absurd and we both have tenancy agreements, so leave me the fuck alone and just stick on some headphones like i have to.
Me? Just farted
Regardless, you can look down at women like a god. I want to know what women's scalps look like
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I stg I remember noam chomsky dying early this year.....might be new Mandela....
You might not even be making much noise but it sounds like it. They're cunts for acting like animals instead of talking to you about it. Living in a block of flats seems awful.
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O well
Bed time
Manifesting comfy stepmum dreams
it's because Salman Rushdie got stabbed earlier this year
i thought he always had one eye after someone attacked him the 90s, but it was this year
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GPTberg now chosing on its own which model iteration to respond to a given prompt with, i.e. it won't let you chose between mini and the others anymore. Sad!

This also explains why i couldn't log in earlier as well, they changed the entire system up again whilst rolling out the o1 release
ChatGPT said his dad was gayer than my dad so I bummed him up the arse.
"my dad's a wanker and he wanks all day"
say it with your lips pulled apart
you sya a properly funny thing
It's intensely hillarious to me how Meek's kid looks like a total 56%er chud since it lacks the cheekbones and other Gigachad features (and likely will lack them even as the last neotenous features have gone away after puberty/maturing).

Goes to show it's all just a game of chance, some guys just get dealt horrible cards in the game of life yet our vaginocentric society refuses to acknowledge this and claims it's all just about "smiling, taking showers and being confident bro"
Men are entitled to pussy.

Women and society are not entitled to men's labour.

Replacing indigenous men with foreign workers will not solve this disposition.
actually it will, im not saying i agree with it, but there'll always be pajeets that want to come over here and do the shit jobs
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Brekkie soon i do reckon

First i shall do the other thing thoughbeit, has been sitting on the backlog for two weeks almost
we just need to ignore all the angry ideological shit (incels and feminism alike) and look at it purely medically.
could there be a physiological need being unmet by men that has negative outcomes, but a very simple solution? obviously nothing would be forced, e.g. if someone is religious. all medical treatments (including therapy and so on) can be refused after all, which is how it should be.
I must now fart, mustn't i
*Shidds himself*
quality content, like a short horror story in two parts.
Page sixington is it now
in retrospect i don't think Chumbawamba were actually anarchists.
What was your first sign, lad? Being called Chumbawumba for a start.
mostly the whole being-signed-to-EMI thing. i'll forgive them for having a hit single, just their actions don't match their words - right up until their disbandment statement on their website.
at least The KLF were honest that they regret the whole art thing and wish they HADN'T burned a shitload of money in a ditch. could've spent that. on things they like.
Shall be letting the bread die, me
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You never see a girl date a man with acne.
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Immigrants getting up in a few hours to work their poverty wages and pay towards my bennies. Rightfully so. They come here, steal houses, keep wages low...I do not accept that. So not being a slave is more beneficial to me.
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The fact is I am denied my basic rights too. Women will now be paying for lazy men like myself. Imagine slaving and not getting laid. That's truly fucking sad to be a pussyless slave.

Working low paid slavery doesn't get you anywhere in terms of pussy. Women are transactional cunts and deserve to fear the rise of misogyny and hate crimes towards them. It will get worse. Trust me.
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Bald openly hitting on those young jeeta cops @16m there heh

Can't blame him either corr
Buh-bye breadington

We barely knew thee, didn't we
>extra chromosome lad keeps talking to himself getting no replies
I work so ruthmong can take it easy.
I wear shoes
So Ruthmong doesn't have to.
Pretending to be a horny woman on Anonchat. Three dick pics in 20 mins corr
You're not on bennies, women aren't paying for you.
He always posts his larp before heading out for his 10 hour warehouse shifts
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wakey wakey wagies, make sure to get your boss a coffee and donut before heading in! he may let you have christmas off if you're lucky!
When's the last time you had sex lad?
Whenever i've brought her a coffee in the past she's winked and said 'thanks hon'. Enough for me to bust a massive load that night.
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Good kino this
ai is such a dumb gimmick
Why? You get off on it or what?
Piece o' shidd wa'ah bottle just got knocked ovah ckin ell

Luckily the garbage bin's stand caught virtually all of it thoughbeit, close call indeed

Just need to get it to the sink now without anything spilling out
Nice LARP, yank.
Wish I had an older female boss to perform menial little tasks for
He's german, we can't judge him by our standards.
Tempted to take a nap soonish desu de lafs
Took me until just now to clear the other shidd didn't it

What a chore conga this was though, heavens to betsy
No time like the present dee lad
Linguistic masterpiece this. Very kinoesque, extraordinarily so, one might say.
Note to meself: Do *not* place wa'ah bottles where they may get easily knocked ovah
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K this worked,,had ***** dream too, i update dream journal offline,I have 2 say though nicotine is v oneirogenic,but volatile. Back to sleep now.x
did you guys see the 4chan hack? everyone's post history got leaked
I'm ready for another wfh day of doing very little work. Entertain me with your drivel boys.
Morning lad, same here though I've already been going strong since 8am. So far took the kids to school and hung some laundry.
Morning lad, nothing so energetic for me I did take the bins out and I'll likely do something like clean the bathroom later, it's a hard life but someone has to do it as hhl says. Don't know why more of the lads didn't get on the wfh grind around covid.
Terrified of going to lidl or Tesco anymore because of ridicule and bullying they stalk me and have their little inside jokes about me
Evil cunts have got me on basically house arrest
Keeping the curtains closed I know they're tracking me
>neighbors started ordering taxis for me so I can no longer book anymore

Neighborhood gang stalking is real. They spread rumours about you being a drug addict or nonce and they dance like fleas ready to bounce on you. Little smiles every time they see you like they know something, booking taxis to my address, laughing at my Lidl shopping. Little scrotes have no lives I must be their only entertainment
Unemployed schizoid boomeroid skulking about under my window and slamming against the walls again just now all of a sudden lol
Drug dealers trying to groom me
Go Aldi then de lid. They won't know you there.
Being a tall woman is a death sentence now men only want 5' girlfriends
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R&R o' clock almost is it not
Weird bloke looks at me in there too far
Can confirm. I'm a 6'4 lad and I want a woman who can suck me off while standing up.
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Yeah, I'm thinking I'm back.

Wempted to day drink today Makaveli style but don't want to jump the gun so to speak.

It's a hard life but someone has to do it x
>have to go back to nigger and paki infested uni
just fucking kill me already
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Hope SSM hasn't already uploafed and deleted today's update desu
Being a woman is ez mode no matter what
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you think i have joined you in prison...
...prison has joined you WITH ME
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Me? I keep my water bottles nailed down.
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corr bet he loves his driving instructor job and being around teenage girls.
Another day like the last. Grown man living at home in his childhood boxroom. Lots of feelings of depression, confusion and shame. No work experience at all at age 30. No friends, never had a relationship. Never kissed anyone or felt any sort of closeness with anyone other than my mum. Wollocks well and truly done in by autism. I really should should just kill myself. Think I might just find a high building and do a front flip off it.
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Ruthmong will like her oversized glasses
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Me? Doing alright there de leeeeeeeds as long as that phonecall doesn't turn out to be a prank call or something. We shall see.
Bashing the ruthmong dolly to start your big day of winning on the internet is it king?
Why not start actually working on your life rather than wasting yet another day?
for me? its 'cock'
that word gets me rock hard so easily
It's not their fault you've got no mates and can't get a shag lad.
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Lauren wears large glasses too. Women must think it makes them look sexy (it doesn't)
Lloydspharmacy one word lloydspharmacy!
my order of a FakeFanny + 1 other item is arriving today
it is an 18+ item that will require a signature from myself (going out in 45) or a neighbour
it arrives in packaging that shows what's inside
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Grown man. Lives in his childhood bedroom. Thinking of doing a back flip from a tall building.
yet now all he does is play 'video games' on his computer
(computer programmes on his hard disc)
He's not athletic enough to do a backflip. He'd just fall like a stone.
the stats show that white women dont often marry or have kids with black men

what the stats do not show is 'white women do not have casual sex with black men'

so what are the stats on this? the stats show they dotn settle down with them, but afaik there are no stats on wether they have at least had one sex with a bbc

so we just have to go by anecdotal evidence and what i can say is that a huge number of white women have had at least one bbc fuck

every day i see the kids going to college and school, and especially with the college kids, i always see interracial couples with tall skinny black guys and white women with long blonde hair

at least a couple of them
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Lauren would make an absolute killing if she ever got into femdom stuff.
Is it comforting to sit and worry about this instead of worrying about the state of your own life?
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Yeah but look at her belly. That girl is overweight.
No chance of that ever happening now that she is a married woman.
I could have typed this
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They look cute but mostly only on girls in their twenties.
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That's just where the seatbelt is placed giving the illusion she has a fat belly.
Not worrying. Reveling in it. I'm trying to show you all that the future is BLACKED. Join the BNWO.
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Yeah, shit sucks but one can hope for some light femdom stuff on her YouTubes.
i usually just skip that whole section on the census about who i've had casual sex with, what race or race(s) they were.
Mum does all that for me. I personally wouldn't bother with the census.
Remember. White cocks are for jerking. Black cocks are for fucking.
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Nah she is fat unlike are 23yo Scottish lass.
yeah my mum has casual sex with a variety of races on my behalf too, i just object to the form.
>White cocks are for jerking.
by women? because i actually hate penetrative sex this sounds based. would love a white gf who does nothing but handjobs + possibly blowjobs. cor.
Your comment is triggering. Found out a few years ago that my mum had a boyfriend at uni called "Imran". Fucking horrible.
God I fucking love Blackpool. Can't wait to go back for a wiss up next year.
That's doable for a little white boy.

Big black men fuck her. Then she tells you about it while jerking you off. You'd like that wouldn't you?
Ooh no I don't think that's realistic. My gf's told me on multiple occasions that she finds darker skin repulsive so I guess that won't happen.
no i wouldn't like that.
sex drivel xD
I'd like that but without the whole racial element of it.
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Ruth does look good in big glasses. Especially when she was blonde.
sex is interesting to think and talk about. you might not like it but i can guarantee this has always been human nature and always will be.
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Unfortunately she stopped wearing her glasses a long time ago and opted to wear contact lenses instead. I'm convinced she did this because she knows I like glasses.
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Ruth looked so much better as a blonde. Most women do, even if it's from a bottle.
We should all do the ruthmong routine won't that be lol lads
wagies malding
I feel sorry for Ruth. She just wanted to make ASMR videos. She didn't want to attract the attention of a deranged psychopath.
>all topics I find boring are routines
problem with sweets is for the calories/sugar I'd much rather have the equivalent in chocolate instead
you could have like 3 snickers for that little bag
now she knows what autistic men feel like. Just want to get on with life but your existence offends normgroids for reasons you can't change and don't even understand
Need an SSM update STAT
I don't think it's exactly the same thing. Autistic men don't have to fear for their lives because they've attracted the attention of psychopaths. They are largely ignored unless they're being actively annoying.
autistics have a life expectancy 20 years below average
Don't see them meself lad all that shit goes on the filter feel free to rattle out hundreds of posts x
people take advantage of autistic people all the time. i'll even put on my /r9k/ hat and say men who are more likely to be awkward and lonely are perfect targets for manipulative women.
What factors are at play here?
No one's saying that it's the autistic person's fault. The same way that it's not Ruth's fault. It's the stalker's fault.
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She's 5ft 4. Bet some of you lads are only a little taller. Girls want lads to tower over them. 6ft at the minimum.
Last seen blasting his boo-boo-boombox down Sandford Lane two days ago. Rumours are swirling as to his current status. His ominous sign off, 'Thanks for watching', at the end of the stream has had some thinking it is the end of the channel.
Why do you think you know the height of people you've never met? What's going on here?
bullying from neurotypicals for arbitrary reasons leading to mental problems and suicide
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Just necked that wacon and wegg sandwich me. Slowly but surely getting me appetitte back.
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I love her though. I don't intend to upset anyone. It's all a bit of a laugh.
i think if you create borderline fetish content on the internet, that's a risk you take.
do security guards deserve to get verbal abuse, the odd nutter attacking them? no.
are they well aware that happens and it's part of the job they take? of course, because they aren't trapped in a victim/victim-blaming mentality (unless they're seeking compo or something).
Noone cares you mong. Go buy wooze and a couple of bags already.
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Reckon Scottish lass would look good blonde. I don't think she will risk it though.
I believe you lad, but if you didn't have autism you'd understand that your obsession is obviously upsetting.
she wouldn't know who you are if not for neurotypicals (just a nice word for sociopathy) on here contacting her trying to wind you up. Normgroids love to create problems then gaslight you that it's your fault
Sorry lad that's not how it works. You can't condemn someone for telling the truth. Only for lying.
>neurotypicals (just a nice word for sociopathy)
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She said it in her latest video. I wouldn't make shit up like that.

I am aware but it's the internet, not real life.
>hey I'm just letting you know you have a big ugly nose and that's something that people tend to make fun of and is likely happening to you behind your back
>no I'm not the one ruining your confidence, it's all those other people, I'm actually being nice by telling you the truth
In her latest video she said that people on /britfeel/ are only a little taller than 5'4?
Sorry lad your example doesn't work at all. Subjective opinions and speculation aren't the same thing as "the truth"
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The old, separate diagnoses of autism and Asperger's was fine. By categorising autism as 'on a spectrum' we've really just pathologised being an unpleasant, awkward person. You can learn your way out of it and that's not 'masking': it's just being raised as, or otherwise becoming, a decent human being.
"The internet" isn't a distinct thing from "real life". It's just a communication medium. And you use it to create communications that could terrify a young woman.
that's ablelist people could be:
- in a wheelchair
- short
ruthlad having malicious intentions or being deranged is a subjective opinion and speculation
Yes it is you moron. I'm a successful bank manager in real life.
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No lad. She just said her height. Also she suffers from asthma so she can't enjoy a nice walk. Her life is not as fortunate as ours.
dissappointing lack of bbc worship itt
And you don't use the internet in your job as a bank manager? Surely you have to write emails etc.?
I wouldn't say it irl. I don't go out anyway. I got the agoraphobia.
No one said "he has malicious intentions and he's deranged". They just said he's stalking her, which is an objective and true fact.

Ruth exists in real life lad.
He's not though. He simply watches her videos which many people do
Israel making the world unwomfy.
Just want the womfiness back de lids.
It not too much to ask.
Just dont want to get blown up
>mum on full volume video call with her bf
>every second or third word is FOOKIN'

I love swearing, but he just sounds like he belongs to the streets. The bad street where all the pubs are and he's trying to fight someone at 3am
I mean that's obviously not true. He doesn't "simply watch the videos"
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She still lives at home and doesn't have her own car. She isn't rich. You lads don't know how hard it is to be a woman. You are living life on easy difficulty compared to women.
She might not be real. AI is getting so good.

True lad.
Of course he does. He's no more a stalker of ruth than anyone else here is of SSM. It's not stalking to make internet posts about youtubers you watch.
Piece of Mind is the superior Iron Maiden album. Number of The Beast is overrated af.
Depends on what your intentions are. No one here wants to shag SSM.
She's waiting for a big black man to fill her up.
What happened to Arbroathy? Hope she's alright.
Phwoarr Caroline Hawley hosting on Bargain Hunt today. My GILF fantasy she is.
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Am I the only one who likes the fringe? I know you really dislike it Ruthmong.
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Just from falling asleep w nicotine gum in me gabber i got 2 more dreams 1st one about mikhaila peterson(?????????????) Nxt one am a wagie in those open plan offices where every1 sit side by side in rows of desks like old fashioned slave rowing ships,,nd then Im typing away nd I look up and the whole office is just every1 from secondary school,dodgy. Def pushed my luck trying to grt nice dreams back. Think I start today with a valium desu bt am off it and booze as well for rest of the year after with possible exception around christmas time.
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Her hair genuinely looks much better and more natural like that, the blonde was weird. She looks more confident too, and (unfortunately for ruthmong) a bit more grown up
Yeah lad. She looks mile better without a fringe.
Brunette is not her natural hair colour lad. She is naturally blonde but more of dull blonde.
Why do the west not allow Russian imperialism and allow Jewish imperialism?
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All the ASMR girls MUST have their hair how I like it and they MUST have blue eyes and big glasses and if they don't I'll stomp and stomp and shout at mummy again
Because Jewish imperialism is of the west.
just training my local AI to draw the face of a YouTube fetish uploader don't mind me
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The fringe hides her rather large forehead too which helps. She has developed into quite an attractive young woman to be fair.
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I don't get that crazy but it's nice when they end up looking perfect.
Shame she took the video down. Too many creeps commenting I think.
She didn't, she made it private. You can still access it with a link.
New breadinghamburg lads
When we are ready then lads
Oh so she's being secretive now? Nasty lass.
one already made lad rules are rules
Some of her old vids are still linked here
Mine was actually posted on the catalog earlier but lets keep indulging that spiteful twat shall we
Corr 4 threads going all at the same time well done you utter mongs

Janny is going to be absolutely fuming when he sees this carnage. Only the oldest new thread OP won't get a ban corr.
Tempted to just stay here until we get this mess sorted
Mongs all wanting their own bread
Should start getting back into a routine of staying in threads until around 500 posts and just ignore dollymong threads on 440 posts

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