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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Edition edition

Non-happenings, habbenings, haqqenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting / avatarfagging et al. belong in the nonexistent /nah/ thread (>>>/vip/nah/)

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Know your moderators: https://wiki.bibanon.org/4chan/Staff
See how active 4chan boards are in real time: https://4stats.io
Search 4chan: https://find.4chan.org & https://boards.4chan.org/search
Public ban archives: (4bans) & https://hiddenservice.cc/bans (IPv6 only)
Self-serve ads: https://4ch-ads.pages.dev/
Enhance your 4chan Experience (no 4chanX): https://rentry.org/4chan_Userscripts_1
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Yotsuba catalog: https://catalog.neet.tv/
4chan media browsers: https://thread-puller.party/ (Images) & https://www.4webm.org (Webms / [wsg])
Tagmap: https://tagmap.io/search?query=4chan+happenings
How to access IRC and contact the mods: >>>/qa/1690512

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/78850241/ >>78850241
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>check Encyclopedia Dramatica for something
>since I've last visited, .gay and .win have died
how is the ED curse so effective?
they are constantly hoping from domain to domain, but for now this is the one.
it does seem cursed but the truth is girlvinyl was the only competent owner, and with how abrupt she left it could only have fallen into the hands of the most obvious people who would want to own a site like ED.
people hated moot for all sorts of reasons, but if one day he decided to nuke 4chan it most likely would've gone the route of ED. of all the 4chan community's achievements, running a (relevant) successful platform in the long-term is not one of them.
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Seems like the Current User count is back up to around where it was pre-nuke. Just a few (thousand) IPs off >>78584370
Last time I've heard about Encyclopedia Dramatica was when the original site got deleted and the owner tried to replace it with Oh The Internet or something.
That Minecraft thread is right
how come when i use the archive to search for image hash it throws me an error but when i use search image hash with 4chanx on archives it works??
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I found this 10 year old screencap in my folder
I think I titled it Jesus because it was my gut reaction to seeing a MTF general on 4chan at the age of 16
What's the error?
Interesting happenings that were posted at the end of last thread.

Secret Santa on /a/ starting up again

Rupert spotted /c/ and /ck/

New sticky on /g/

Discussion point: Mods seem to be significantly more active lately, banning/warning users for breaking rules across all boards, even ones that the community would consider minor. Does /hap/ think this is a good change or is it bad? I really feel like when moderation is lax or non-existent, people complain that they don't care. When moderation is active, people claim that they're power tripping Nazis who take their job VERY seriously. Wondering what everything thinks. I think it's a good thing.
Tired of the Rupert attentionwhoring
not found
thank you 4stats for making sort by posts/minutes default
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>cast out my unironic reel for a quick round of fishing
>>3 (You)'s in 5 minutes
the post you linked is dead
your own bait aside, I'll post a link later once the thread's ran it's course, don't want you faggots chudding my bait up
Yeah. He's going to get himself and his cat in trouble at this rate:
I ate a 12 hour ban a day or two ago. It is permanently on my 4chan pass records now.
I doubt it. All of the threads are on topic and creative, but I admit the gimmick of photoshopping Rupert into the images for an image dump board is stale at this point. He needs to mix it up.
I think gochuisa threads on /a/ are so low quality they should be moved to s4s or bant or even b
/s4s/ is for high quality posting and discussion at a level that most people can't comprehend.
Appreciate it faglord. Hope you catch an equally gay ban as karmic justice.
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Apparently 4chan (among others) got hacked?
where does it say 4chan was included by sides The White House leaks?
it's a literal nothingburger, just some script kiddie scraping publicly available information
Kill all happenings. Behead all happenings. Debunk happenings posters. Cancel all happenings. Throw a happening into the wood chipper. Hiro sleep 1 million year. No more boards ever, especially not on friday.
bumping shitty thread
moot was an absolutely fucking godly admin in hindsight, it's no wonder he went on to handle g+ and other social media shit at google
In complete honesty, we didn't deserve moot. I have heard that he was incredibly difficult to work with behind the scenes though.

Hot take, but I think moot did us all a favor by selling the site to Hiro rather than somebody else, and I interpret it as his final gift of love. People love to shit on hiroshimoot but the truth is that he has changed next to nothing and allowed 4chan to continue being 4chan, rather than drastically changing things that would actually kill the site.
This is a post that is similar to a bump.
Where there any details about how and when the deal was settled? It never seemed like he so much as glanced at anyone else wanting to buy 4chan. The closest thing was notch talking with swaglord on twitter.
I guess we should be thankful he didn't sell to Milo Yiannopoulos or such.
bumping hap on page 10 challenge (ompossible) wrong thread
Making original bumps isn't even that hard Europeans have the easiest task given that the whole site slows down so less bumps are required and yet they consistently fail us.
We need graveyard shift Americans because apparently only Americans can keep this thread bumped.
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>We need graveyard shift Americans because apparently only Americans can keep this thread bumped.
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>he says we can't bump the thread?
>heh I'll show him
>I'll basedquote him that'll show him he will never recover
i mean, who else would he have picked? unfortunately, there's nobody else that could take a site like 4chan anywhere else in the world, as far as i'm aware. the fact that hiro was able to have 2channel be a thing run by unpaid volunteers from the late 90s to the early 2010s is still pretty insane to think about when you remember most relevant sites nowadays started in the mid-to-late 2000s and are huge multinational companies.
the only other example i can think of right now (of equivalent size) is deviantart, which was only bought out recently afaik.
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as followup proofs to >>78907257
>200 replies (300 to go)
>30 of them are biting down hard (over 1 in 6 posts)
stunning success so far

we really ought to have threadly fishing competitions, winner with the most (You)'s baited by the end of the thread gets banned
*^* >>>/v/689765108
I absolutely love butting into oldfag discussions and saying shit like "I'm literally an oldfag, I've been here since 2016" or "2020 was 4 years ago retard, that makes me an oldfag" and watching the (You)s pile up. I wanna try censoring fag sometime ("I'm an oldf*g"), but I feel that would make the bait too obvious.
the best bait image in the history of the internet
Why don't you post this in hap anymore?
I had unironically forgotten about it
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sometimes it's funny to go for the obvious bait like that because it means that the people who fell for it are even more retarded. it's like a special kind of bait and it makes every reply funnier because you know everyone who replied is retarded.
So, nothing is happening?
Literally nothing changed after the downtime?
Nothing ever happens? What a cruel world.
Don't worry, only three years left.
/qa/ catalog is back to normal
the haps are back to page 1 too
I keep seeing people, mainly wannabe lolcow historian youtubers, with Sneed PFP edits on twitter, and they somehow get less funny each time I see one.
Baneposting was overdone, but at least it was funny. Sneedposting is just "ironically" laughing at an unfunny joke so the kool kids (4chan) think you're hip.
^ seething city slicker
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nah sneed is locked, the normalniggers got to it and understand the joke now
shits on page 9 no good
great now the shit is on page 1
don't worry if we sit here with our sages it will drop to page 2 in no time!
Never been too fond of sage.
I'd rather have some parsley or chives.
Anyone else feel like most non-4chan memes referenced outside of the internet are obviously forced?
Most of the time when a 4chan meme is referenced in an official publication, it feels like it's because it's just a now-commonly-used phrase like "red-pilled", but when I see things like pic related, it feels like it's just because the author wanted to reference an internet meme (from tumblr) to be reposted online, and it feels the exact same with memes from twitter, instagram, tik tok, and so on.
can't get anymore forced than a 4chan meme
Oh, absolutely. Memes stick around because they're cognitohazards.
You can't just make something up, it has to have a mental effect so profound that people can't stop thinking about it.
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search has been frozen for over a day now
how did you remove that useless check box?
NTA but checkboxes aren't shown on find.4chan.org
if you want to hide them on the boards here's custom CSS
.postInfo input {
display: none;
they are limited, they changed it a few months ago. It resets once a week.
if you search for something, you won't see new results about what you searched in the following hour/day/three days, you need to wait one week.
I assume people were sending too many requests and the poor server couldn't handle it, so they had to limit it.
it froze right when the maintenance was happening, maybe they broke or forgot to turn it back on
nah it's completely frozen, it's not cached results
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if i ever win the lottery i want to use rent out an entire building's office spaces, set all the PCs to 4chan-x's fastest autorefresh speed, and then hire people to sit in the most active threads to make sure as many requests are being sent to 4chan's servers as possible.
if you still want a little space next to the Anonymous use this
.postInfo input {
//display: none;
visibility: hidden;
width: 0.001px;
//height: 5px;
im rusty with css so if anyone knows how to do this better lmk
huh, it really is. I searched for something and the results are from one day ago.
.fileText {
margin: 0 10px;

can someone help me changing this? it put this in the custom css but its not changing it?
You can usually follow up with a decent second collection of (you)s by making a later post saying you only did it to bait people. Some version of pic related almost guaranteed to be featured in the replies.
What the fuck is "Spiders Georg?"
nvm figured it out!
:root.sw-yotsuba .reply > .file > .fileText {
margin: 0 10px;
Porn dumps are not allowed on /bant/ and there's a general there for exactly that
If someone calls you out for being a newfag when you clearly have been here for many years, just say you've been here for 1 year and watch them seethe its the funniest shit ever.
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welp, WAR It is
I used to think the whole "all memes come from 4chan" bit was just some hyperbolic self masturbation before seeing the pipeline first hand. Its interesting how even today, despite people saying 4chan is less culturally relevant, its memes still end up diffusing into the wider internet community, yesterday for instance i saw someone using KWAB on twitter. Also interesting how chan memes tend to stick around whilst others die out within a week or two
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Is nintendo / Nintendo being wordfiltered or am I going schizo?

It's just survival of the fittest + no censorship + hard-ish to force. Altchan ememes are better thougheverbeithoweverish
4chan is absolutely nowhere close to being as culturally relevant as it used to be. The golden age is long long past. Some things originating here end up spreading and becoming somewhat mainstream but not like they used to. Spaces like Tiktok and Twitter are where most of the hot new memes come from nowadays.
people on here just have a very unique way of talking and it makes it hard not to just act like you would on 4chan to deliver some jokes, greentexting being the biggest example of this.
the sad thing is there used to be way more forums making memes like peanut butter jelly time from offtopic.com or advice dogs coming from some random fucking mario fansite, but now those are gone people just lump everything into "4chan did it" so it makes it harder to tell.

this is true but for its size 4chan still has a disproportionate influence on broader culture, e.g. gigachad memes and soijaks being inevitable in any heated discussion. hell the word zoomer literally comes from here and is now an actually recognized term for gen z, it doesn't really get more mainstream than that.
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Facebook grandma:
>based, redpilled
Reddit tourist:
>gem, keyed
4chan noob:
>tsmt, schwayed, cheyed
Truchan gangster:
>hryk, gmta[t], ftt[t]
Redpilled patriot:
>quisit, basado, frem
has there ever been a good post made by a frogposter?
Don't forget that jaks are in one out of every 10 YouTube videos and that pepe the frog has official merchandise. Really, I think that 4chan memes breach reality more now than ever before - it probably seems like they have less effect because the actual internet has become smaller.

Unrelated but
>warned on mobile network off of some faggot's /vt/ post
This but with Leebait. We need to crash the Turtelli economy
sidson shitter:
/nah/ is /nah/t important, I'm afraid
The only people who go to /trash/ are niche fetish coomers and ERPers. Why somebody thought that was a great place to hold relatively serious 4chan based meta discussion is beyond me.
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Do you think 2025 will be a scary year?
Yes absolutely 100%. I think the end tail of 2024 is going to be scary as well. World war 3 is no longer a jokes about topic, it's an inevitably at this point, and the US presidential election in November this year will greatly impact the direction ww3 goes. It's also likely going to end up being the ugliest, most divisive election in the nations history regardless of the result and I think civil unrest and political violence is likely. Feel free to tell me I'm overreacting but I don't think I am.
I forget, is ghost post mixer a bad thing to use?
I think it's gonna be epic as fuck with INSANE battles all over the globe... I can't wait to make it to the front page of /r/combatfootage
did you know that the 4chan logo on the landing page is a link to frames? I didn't know that
wait no it's not. how did I get to frames
the fuck i thought this was a meme
>blue r9k
you should be hanged for your sins
i messed up with the style and i don't know how to set it back to default
forgot to add
that what i meant was i can't have as red for nsfw and blue for sfw it's either one or the other
New stonetoss
Another quality OC, as expected of /qa2/.
thread's too dead
post a slightly interesting post from the boards you visit, doesn't have to be a major happening
I found this mildly amusing.
how do you fuck up with badly??
>yeah i agree is shit but when i wanted to try linux, the guy who basically handhold me through the installation, installed gnome as the de, since i don't know how to code, i have no idea how the fuck i am still here, i have been literally surviving trough yt videos, may switch to windows upon realizing how inconpetetent i am.
fuck didn't meant to greentext the post, sorry
>oh and im also stuck greentexting idk how to turn it off
>how do I whitetext?
This is the way /trash/hap ends.
This is the way /trash/hap ends.
This is the way /trash/hap ends.
Not with a bang but a whimper.
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I saw /trash/hap/ on page 10
Didn't sago
Didn't bumo
Just watched it die
>wellp chickn face got leaked today
/nah/, fuck off back2/soc/
eh idk its kinda happening since chickn has had growing attention
>has had growing attention
No, it really isn't, your fotm attentionwhore doesn't command any shred of attention anywhere.

I dont think anyone likes her even on soc
why not bumo?
I (and everyone else in this thread) unironically could not care less.
/r9k/ is like a hood full of rabid niggers, and the happenings thread a gated white community
/trash/ is like a landfill full of furry gooners, and the happenings thread an aristocratic hobo encampment
the happenings thread is like an office full of journalists, and posts like these >>78920397 >>78920437 the fat gay black diversityhires that sit in the corner and don't do any reporting while filin' they nailz
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hope we piss off al qaeda and they bomb this thread
The archives might get pissed at you and block your IP depending on how heavily you use it
i think it's cookie based, sometimes when going directly to 4chan.org it redirects me to frames before i can even click on anything
i wonder if they will ever give 4chan's frontend a makeover. nothing major just clean it up a bit
thou needeth headeth backeth
fun fact it's been 10 years as of a few months ago since the last time they did that
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they really do need to tho
just because hiro is absent doesn't mean they can't improve the site right? does 4chan even have developers or is it just mods who know php and css?
id love to see transparent thumbnails because currently they just don't work with tomorrow theme. id also like to see more themes.
and ofc text styling
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happening: janny's payslip got leaked in >>78907907 they're apparently due for a 27% payrise to adjust for inflation

where is the site getting the money from???
last time they changed the home page people hated it because channers hate change, which is the same reason nothing else about the site has changed since (cosmetically), and they probably don't change the inline extension because they assume anyone who wants a better js experience can just get 4chan-x. which is a shame because i miss the vanilla look to the site; 4chan-x and xt feel too modern.
but yeah, text styling, transparent thumbnails, gif autoplay, and actual working filters feel like they should be a given at this point, it's insane that they haven't gotten around to them yet.
probably the porn and anime ads?
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/trash/ happenings thread is back up friends!
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>the board where they send shit that not even this place, /b/ or /gif/ wants
No thanks, I'd rather stay on /r9k/.
The "no duplicate posts" thing works surprisingly well to counter shitposters.
It also helps that you can report for avatarfagging here
I feel like this board is one of the few where mods actually do their job.
/trash/hap is going section 8, there's only one guy bumping the thread.
Let us have our fun. Do you really need to obsess over our thread?
Also as one of the bumpers I can confirm that there's at least 2 of us.
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>Let us have our fun.
No, I don't think I will.
I noticed that a while ago, pretty much onl use search in an incognito tab so it's fresh.
It would be better if you guys didn't have such absolutely horrible taste in pornography
whipping the llama's ass
What do you think the top 3 highest quality boards are, and which 3 are the lowest quality?

My top 3
#1 /vr/
#2 /d/
#3 /trv/

Bottom 3 in no order
>/b/ (to be fair it's low quality by design)
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>#2 /d/
Happy to explain. /d/ tends to be much more than just a porn dumping board, there are usually intelligent and helpful discussions around fetishes and sex where people often effortpost that you cannot get elsewhere on 4chan.
>high quality
Maybe 10 years ago.
Whenever I see someone using obvious bait words like "y'all" and "folks" I tell myself there's no way anyone would fall for it, and yet people fall for it 9 times out of 10 and think they're hilarious when replying "go back".
At this point it's stopped being funny and is just embarrassing how easily people here get baited.
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i don't use it often but someone in a chronically inactive general was nice enough to go out of their way right as a thread was dying to help me finding a hentai i was looking for despite my using probably the vaguest terms i could've, so i give it props for that.
What would you have us post?
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Careful with Icarian tendencies, they often lead to wars and downfalls.
(All unordered)
Top 3

Bottom 3
/biz/ (it's literally just r/WSB and ifunny)

This is purely referring to the quality of the boards, and not their broader effect on the site as a whole.
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set this to 2x speed to see what would happen and felt like i was gonna die
/nah/ but wtf are those characters?
i'm stupid, what i mean is "what are those characters if not greater than arrows"? nothing shows up when i search for them
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>anon makes post about you
>get /fit/
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I don't know how to actually make these weaponized webms. Be very thankful that I don't know how to.
>jaks are in one out of every 10 YouTube videos
Which is really fucking annoying because I instinctively avoid videos with jak thumbnails, but there are some like Mental Outlaw who are at least occasionally helpful or interesting in spite of their awful taste in memes and sense of humor.
Why isn't this spammer rangebanned yet?
mods responding to FFXIV threads with almost MLP efficiency, interesting that /v/ is still a shithole but they're responding with speed to things like that
>but they're responding with speed to things like that
/v/ mods only do things when they feel personally attacked
Like abib (more like anig amiright) only allowing infinite smash threads because the game is according to him a "cultural phenomenon"
There's probably an lgbt cultist mod who sees any and all criticism of wuk lamat as criticism on transgender people
sometimes even the mods act like EDiots or old /b/ larpers when everybody knows they weren't around for that so sometimes i think they just see an anthro character and feel the autistic screeching of their /b/ ancestors fill their soul

we'll see if they go so hard on the game when 7.1 rolls around and they can't contain threads about it without pissing off the board's entirety
Let's hope they keep at it instead of giving up like they did with the master duel threads
so far this is the longest they've actually properly targeted FFXIV but i imagine a large part of it is due to lack of thread interest (game is in a mediocre spot, little to talk about) and that they've let five or six spastic mexicans run free in the threads and do whatever they want, and even when they do get slapped they ban evade instantly
for a while when EW released the xiv threads on /v/ had a purpose.
the /xivg/ on /vg/ are just an ERP circlejerk of perma-mazed fappers and avatarfags. The xiv threads on /v/ are where people went to vent about how shit the game had become without having to deal with avatarfagging lalaposter etc.
But now those posters are in the threads on /v/ as well, and also complaining that xiv is shit now is no longer novel.

I'm glad they existed for a week or 2, but not any more.
the threads were getting really tiresome and spammy to the point of driving off anybody that might've been interested in keeping a recurring thread going so it's not like i'm sad to see them go right now, hell for all of that an autistic spammer has been religiously talking about the same shit on endless repeat for about a year, year and a half now, maybe longer. this isn't getting into the guys that are very blatantly the only ones who give a rat's ass that there are avatarfags and try to make everybody else obsess over them too, or the one that spams artbooks and pretends he's on-topic while he does so, or the one that spams off-topic song lyrics because he hates masayoshi soken and got really upset when he did it with the "poopity scoop" part of kanye west's lift yourself and wouldn't respond to anybody that posted it back at him in later threads
Anyone here from /tg/? I always heard the /tg/ janny or mod is shit but in my few months of lurking I never learned why people are crying.
I truly have no fucking idea why mods foam at the mouth whenever there is a thread about ff14 on /v/ and ban people over it. I would imagine that they would want people making threads, discussing videogames on the videogames board. Not even complaining about it, I don't care since I don't play it or make threads about it, but as a user I find it an incredibly strange thing to enforce and "die on that hill" so to speak. I asked about it once in IRC and was given the answer "all recurring threads (generals) belong in /vg/" so I guess that's the official policy on it. Talk about ff14 in its designated thread on /vg/ or risk a ban. I'm sure there's a good reason for it, but I am honestly at a loss to whatever that good reason could be. I don't really go into ff14 threads, so if anybody knows the reasoning behind this (real reasons, not "mods like WoW") please reply and let me know because I'm actually curious.
native fa/tg/uy here. I think our janny/mod/whoever takes a particularly strong stance against /pol/ leaking into "their" board. That makes it either a good board or an awful board, depending on your stance.
Also some time in the last year the chess general moved from /tg/ to /vg/ claiming it was to excape the wrath of an overzealous janny, but whenever I looked at them they were having arguments about geopolitics and e-celebs or lusting over female chess players.

my guess is once a topic gets pinned as "pseudo-general with little good discussion and lots of shitposting", they start looking at it more closely when it gets reported.
off the top of my head it's a traditional thing, a mod waaaay back randomly assigned himself to /tg/ and went totally against the board's grain, especially because they'd already had a good history of actually, properly self-moderating against trolls in a creative way
i don't think there actually is a good reason since poor thread quality has a lot to do with mods also refusing to moderate them, so baby's first CIA false-flag on their part if it's poor thread quality that's their reasoning for getting rid of it

"mods prefer WoW" isn't as bullshit a reason as you would think at first, mods similarly refused to get rid of a robot spamming guild wars 2 threads and generals on /v/ and /vg/ way back
>I asked about it once in IRC and was given the answer "all recurring threads (generals) belong in /vg/" so I guess that's the official policy on it.
Yeah, except for smash threads because smash is a cultural phenomenon.
/tg/'s nazimod was FOURTEEN fucking years ago. I know, I fucking emailed moot about that situation and still have the email in my old email address outbox.
same for console specific threads like "comfy switch thread", or the console-tan threads, or the drawthreads, or the AI generals, or the master duel threads, yeah they don't like talking about this kind of thing because there's no way to not come off as hypocritical about it
#4chan on Rizon
Mods seem to be incredibly active lately, especially in these threads (This is a good thing). Would suggest giving feedback about concerns via the proper outlets rather than getting banned for "complaining about 4chan"
>Would suggest giving feedback about concerns via the proper outlets rather than getting banned for "complaining about 4chan"
No thanks, this site is dead to me.
I'll gladly wait until three years from now when hiroshimoot pulls the plug.
lad we're talking about a bullshit answer coming specifically from that source
schizo update
He actually survived the motion to dismiss???
What the fuck
oh wow, this one reminds me of the resident /qa2/schizo
the resemblance is uncanny
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Why do any of those when I could instead skip them ignoring me and just complain here?
Yes, I have used the feedback form with properly formatted, legitimate feedback, no I have not gotten anything but silence in return.
No surprise there. If I could sell my soul to have the entire mod team replaced I'd do it no questions asked.
I guess small claims court is forgiving? Or maybe everyone's so confused by what OP's arguing they don't yet realize he has no claim.
>Or maybe everyone's so confused by what OP's arguing they don't yet realize he has no claim.
This is it lmao
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Why does it seem like everyone and everything on the internet wants you to be angry
Because emotion drives traffic.
And more traffic means more money.
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Epictetus spoke on the matter 2000 years ago.
Anger and outrage generate the most engagement, and people who post such content are financially incentivized to do so. For posts on 4chan, it's Yous that feel good.
How do you think 4chan would go if it started today? Pretend imageboards aren't a thing in the US yet.
It has the same type of moderation and attention it had when it started.
Would it last a year?
Previous replies are true on a broader scale, but also on a personal level: people (e.g. trolls or aggressive keyboard warriors) who have nothing in their lives look to the internet as a way to expel their frustrations, and doing so towards unsuspecting bystanders gives them the ability to shit where they aren't necessarily eating by pissing of people they'll never meet again, a community they don't care about, or anything like that.
No. The internet is too coagulated around large social media sites and the trends involving their use now.
>How do you think 4chan would go if it started today?
>Pretend imageboards aren't a thing in the us yet
I can't, that's too stupid for me. Somebody would have done it already. Moot was just the first to do it.
>It has the same type of moderation and attention it had when it started.
4chan was incredibly obscure for a long time and it's moderators we're not exactly the most professional or seasoned people. Mostly thinking of Snacks in particular.
>Would it last a year?
Depends. I think it would be up and operational for users in the way that an old hobby forum is up today, but the few people who use it may grow bored of it and stop using it completely. Absolutely zero possibility of growth or expanding the userbase.
It would just be seen as a novelty site for shitposting without being tied to an identity, nobody would bother writing "serious" posts after 25 years of using forums and modern social media. however the concept of an imageboard is so simple i don't really see them *not* appearing at least once in the 2000s
Honestly, I think an even more interesting question would be what the fuck would 4chan look like if it was started by users of some other site like YTMND or Ebaum's instead of Something Awful? A chan culture (if it even still existed) based on Gaiafag humor would be a disturbing timeline.
>inb4 that's already our timeline
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Here's a video from /a/ e-celebrity MadThad.
In it, he says "I feel more stressed out online than I do in real life" and god damn did that hit because that seems to be the general mood that everyone thinks these days.
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Freya eating a sandwich!
because you keep eating your boogers as an adult in his 20s.
High quality get
This just confirms it was this guy shilling himself with that OP pic all these years bruh even looking at his own posts in the archives
You know outside of the obvious issue regarding him, I've always really liked madthad. He was incredibly funny on 4chan, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. I remember when the Sims launched their Facebook game, me and him would water each other's plants in it daily until I quit after a week. About halfway through this video he says he plans to an hero and has ideas on how to do it. Hope he's okay.
/DBS/ threads on /a/ are the same thing and get a pass. There is no discussion that goes on in those threads and it's firmly cemented as a shitposting general on a board that used to ban generals outright.

Some of the garbage that gets posted is incredibly funny though. The copypasta about Goku using the dragonballs to turn into a small worm that feasts on Vegeta's shit and smegma is comedy gold.
sticky >>>/vr/6775606
no fucking shit thats always been there
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Anyone got the stick figure comic of all the /v/ boards, back when it was just /v/vg/vr/vp/?
Thinkign of updating a classic, ever since we got the new ones.

nah, just a bumo
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superbump saves the thread
You're a superfuck.
Nice to meet you, I'm superchuck.
>"average person eats 3 spiders a year" factoid actualy [sic] just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn [sic] should not have been counted
i don't really see 4chan memes oot and aboot anymore unless they're political or an insanely forced meme buzzword like cuck, tranny, NPC, etc

too many people using 4chan as a content farm and not enough people willing to just ride an in-joke for maybe a month until it naturally enters the 4chan lexicon and becomes incomprehensible, and also not enough mods filtering dumb forced memes
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Mare Fair starts tomorrow but anons are already doing stuff >>>/mlp/41454133
I think I missed the change of venue. Were the causes banal or was there autism involved?
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Once in a blue moon they do appear.
>For one and possibly possibly only once, a leak on 4chan paid off
There are legitimate leaks on 4chan all the fucking time. The problem is more that there are so many fake leaks that nobody pays attention to the real ones. There are legitimate /pol/ leaks, /k/ leaks, /mlp/ leaks, /co/ leaks, /v/ leaks etc.

A videogame leak posted on 4chan that comes to mind is there was actually a guy who posted in a smash thread saying how one of the new fighters was going to be piranha plant and how he uses the pipe as a vehicle of sorts. Nobody paid it any attention in the thread but when he dropped, that post in the archives got something like 300 replies.
The Wyndham was sold several months ago, probably because it was old and cost a lot to maintain. It's being demolished to put apartments there. They didn't even tell the organizers, we all found out from an article about it. Really fucking sucks, we all loved that place and there's almost nothing within walking distance at the new place.
i love cock so goddam much bros
go back to /trash/ MSPgirl...
how was that not caught in the r9k filter
Impersonating a mod is against the rules.
r9k is a straight board.
Moot? I thought we killed you.
Who is Mott? The guy who owns the applesauce?
The /trash/ hap thread has been hijacked by blogposters.
It's just Isadoge grooming nat/msp girl, it's their thread culture
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reminder that boomer (in its modern slang form) and zoomer both came from some faggot forcing a meme on here by spamming countless threads and now "zoomer" is in the webster's dictionary
I'm so tired of mentally ill people, man.
>furfags ruin everything they touch
Not surprising
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For a while now.
It is a bit funny. Kind of like how sneedposting was made just to kill off simpsons threads on /tv/, and now it's really popular.
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>Mods seem to be significantly more active lately, banning/warning users for breaking rules across all boards, even ones that the community would consider minor.
One look at /vp/ tells me otherwise.
/vp/ is and always has been a shithole full of literal children, if it suddenly became the most actively moderated board on the site it still wouldn't be enough to make it not one of the top 5 worst boards. Why bother?
That is sad. Could have at least had the courtesy of telling y'all that was happening.

Why bother with anything? Same reason as any other board.

Pic related it's me
If mods should take any action in regards to /vp/, it should be deleting it outright desu
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Perhaps the same could be said of all boards.
What even happens on /vp/? I checked it out just now and the fourth thread was some random discord drama
Your words are as empty as every /vp/edo's brain.
If they have a discord, it's injokes and drama. If they don't, it's either a new general, or they used to have a discord and got rid of it, and in either case it'll last less than a year before getting a discord again.
>Any mentions of specific posters:
Discord drama. Especially the avatarfags.
>Coomer threads:
The same small handful of coomers making the same arguments back and forth about whether or not Pokemon are sentient enough to consent, and falseflagging as some long-gone avatarfag who apparently disagreed with them once or something, whenever they run out of sincere posters to argue with. Sometimes they argue about porn tastes instead, probably an extension of arguments spawned in some coom general somewhere (really weird how that's become a "thing" on this site).
Discord drama. The cynthia vore spammer is actually some discordfag who took over the role from the original for attention.
A bunch of fake shit dreamed up by children, up until maybe a month or less before the newest release where most of it will still be fake but one or two will be real (real stuff sometimes mixed with fake stuff anyways). Sometimes they'll try to funnel you into their /vp/ discord where they distribute the .nsp once it leaks, so one could argue that "discord drama" occasionally applied even here.
Discord drama. A couple of shartyfags from some /vp/ discord routinely make up boogeymen supposedly behind every anti-gen _ (changes every time) post and then post about how shit some other gen is in retaliation, they'll even make low-effort fake discords supposedly dedicated to genwars and then screencap it as "proof" to fuel more genwars.

Genuinely one of the most dogshit boards on this entire site. Just discuss Pokemon on /v/, or /vr/, or literally anywhere else, and it will be leagues better. /v/ having better discussion on the topic is honestly the most scathing indictment I can give it, it's absolutely over at that point.
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>tl;dr total chaos
Sounds amazing.
I ran out of characters, but I forgot to mention the board is extremely underage, the average age is probably about 13.5. The leaks have driven a bunch of literal children to /vp/ in particular because it's constantly namedropped, reported on, and content-mined by Poketubers and twitterfags with hundreds of thousands of followers. Most drama there ends up being very uninteresting, immature, and repetitive, and you can tell large swathes of the board's userbase aren't familiar with the rest of the site at all. It's just not really the same as authentic high-energy schizophrenic 4chan drama.
what the fuck did i just read?!!! i love this comic so much
while searching for the oringal comic i found a poker forum from 2011
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just learned that you can customize the Board Navigation Bar!
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That would explain why the cynthia guy writes completely differently than "he" used to.

I think the main issue is that it's a very small board with bleed-over from /v/, which means you get the handful of 24/7 autists f5ing constantly mixed with the usual edgelord kid somewhere parroting buzzword word salads.
Nice guys finish last
That's why I treat you like trash, it's
Not what I really wanna do, but
You only date bad guys, so
I'll give it my best try to
Treat you the way you want me to.
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Anyone? >>78930905 pelase?
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I have it here.
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thx babe, time to get to werk
And still true to this day
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a tail of 2 haps
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mmm...bnuuy stew...
How old is this image? Because it looks like it could accurately describe every one of these boards today.
Holo NO!
>seeing a /b/ screenshot in an old poker forum
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Tis all in jest Anon, nary you worry your bald green head.
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FUCK i forgot the image also fuck you photobucket
/vg/ is a lot more prone to conflict and drama, in no small part due to discord.
/vr/ is worse off since it never recovered from the influx of /v/ covid lockdown tourists.
so what you're saying is; we need another /v*/ board?
/vfur/ A /v/ board for all the not so subtle furries on /v/ and /vp/ to migrate to have their furry threads with a regular lol thread being the main.
Why is there no report option for obvious thread derailing bait?
Which posts do you want to report? Maybe I can help you out.
janny bypass always exists if you're so anal about it
>inb4 happenings thread is your personal report button / personal army
Believe me when I say that making that known would only make it worse. /pol/ has a chokehold on every goddamned board on this site.
/hap/ is my vent thread. Here I can indirectly bitch about the state of this site without getting banned.
ah, if it's /pol/ outside of /pol/ report it as racism outside of /b/ or trolling outside of /b/

don't do this, makes mootsard gas
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>ah, if it's /pol/ outside of /pol/ report it as racism outside of /b/ or trolling outside of /b/
Huh, will keep that in mind.
Also I forgot to thank you for your offer of help. Thanks.
>if it's /pol/ outside of /pol/ report it as racism outside of /b/ or trolling outside of /b/
this actually works?
i'll keep it in mind, thanks anon
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It has a 33% success rate, depending on various factors, and you're welcome. Just don't report any of my posts haha!
what game is BS? bullshit? is that the joke?
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>/pol/ has a chokehold on every goddamned board on this site.
I've actually been quite curious about this. What exactly is considered "/pol/"? Is it constantly moralfagging about political matters? If so, I think I'd agree that /pol/ has a chokehold on most boards, especially /v/. What people mean seems to vary though.
Oh hey, it's you. Hey boss.
Black Souls 1 and 2.
They're hgames, but ignore that and play them anyway because the story is actually batshit insane.
Also the gameplay is fun.
>especially /v/
I miss being able to talk about video games
Take Signalis for example
Every time a thread is made it's 80% full of
>I heard this game makes you trans
>hey sisters, how are we dilating today? ;)
For me it's usually when it's race related for no reason
Like the anons who see some art and say "This person has brown skin" based upon the proportions given to them or start posting crime statics unpromted
That or when they're called out for being a /pol/ fag they usually post a picture about how people blame /pol/ for doing nothing even though most /pol/ fags have those reaction images ready to go
Showing that they are a baiting /pol/ fag
>see a bunch of replies laughing at an image I've seen over 9000 times
>realize that I'm in a diminishingly small demographic of posters
Gets more common every year.
soon it will only be us. TOTAL NEWFAG VICTORY
You guys should see the new schizo on /wsr/
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>Yuji Sakai
lurk moar, what you are looking at is a seasoned shitposter at work, almost certainly a veteran master of the craft.
either way, that poster is neither new, nor schizophrenic.
I know I should know this namefag, but I can't remember why.

He seems fucking delusional, skimming that thread.
see >>78900121
funny he's wandered into wsr
He has been an /s4s/ namefig for a long time. I always thought he was sillyposting and playing a character but maybe not.
I have posted here anonymously for almost 17 years. I may start tripfagging in my posts moving forward to experience the site in a new way. Has anybody trip'd in the past? What was your experience like? Did you get more Yous?
>t. tripfag
Holy fuck. I am not totally persuaded this isn't a schizo.
manic psychosis if you wanna get technical
tripfagging is just asking to be filtered nowadays
avatarfagging is harder to filter though easier to get banned
I would honestly be shocked if even 15% of the userbase nowadays knows how to use a filter or force anonymize other posters. Avatarfagging is shitposting and all who do it deserve death. I refuse to do it. I remember Lanced Jack on /a/.
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just use a new tripcode for every post you make to artificially inflate 4chan's user count
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4chan scholar showdown going on right now
Who's right? Who knows!
>find off-topic but fun thread
>genuinely engaging discussions instead of just shitposting back and forth
>mods let it get almost to 200 posts before they prune it
Thank you mod-sama, very cool.
"the quality of posts is very important to us"
/v/ nostalgia thread

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