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Nothing changes for some lads edition
Going on 16 years I've been on 4chan, I still post with the mentality of a 10 year old
>Going on 16 years I've been on 4chan, I still post with the mentality of a 10 year old
I thought Ruth had a Fiat 500?
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Cheer up lovely lunchtime lads
No that's Scottish lass.
Laura drives a Fiat 500, but it belongs to her mum.
staying here its likely spam mong made both threads anyway to pwn us
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Never get love.
Never get sex.

Very grim how the lack of these things make you give up on enjoying life. It's too late now anyway. Even if I were to meet someone, she'd want to know what I've done with my life so far...fuck all.
>she'd want to know what I've done with my life so far...fuck all.

I'm glad that you at least recognise it's your own fault.
I'm 34 and never took driving lessons.
I never grew out of it
Would be perfect is she had a smol pee pee
It's my genetics fault I'm not attractive physically.
This thread was 12 seconds early. An honourable OP would delete this bread.

Being physically unattractive doesn't force you to "do fuck all" with your life though.
Well yeah why would I want to bother if I don't get the basic things I want? What's the point contributing?
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>An honourable OP would delete this bread.
Honourable on /britfeel/
This is the proper thread Iads




Going back to psych ward not fucked
>I never grew out of it
what do you get out of posting like a 10 year old?
Simple humor
Me and Ruth would be a good couple. I would have to improve myself a lot, though.
What are "the basic things" you want? I'm physically unattractive too and I live a full life with more than just the basics covered.
I gave up driving a few years ago.
There is no reason to drive if you live in a city with good public transport links.
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She likes liquor and beer but not wine. Didn't think she liked alcohol much. I hope she stops consuming the poison. It will age her.
Basics are sex and love.
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She already has lines on her forehead. It's over.
You can get that if you're physically unattractive. I'm proof of that. It's just a bit more difficult.
I don't. I couldn't afford to drive and pay for a car on minimum wage. Buses and trains are expensive. I'm against cars. We should all be using a robust public transportation network. Problem is there's too many immigrants now and Victorian era railway layouts.
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She smiles a lot, that's why. She's a very happy, confident 23yo woman.
Being stalked by druggies
Being spammed by mongs
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Britfeel meet up at t' Bury market when. Proper womfy market that, gives off early 2000s vibes phwoaaaar. Lots of sweeties and cheap traditional food.

Walkable cities. No more cars. Homeless people put in asylums or euthanasia choice.
Very grim. Betting shops, vape shops and mobile phone repair shops. Totally not fronts at all.
You would never meet anyone from /britfeel/
Wankable cities. Tossing off Doncaster.
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He just won't meet me because he's a prick
To be fair I wouldn't meet any of you either. Reckon a fair proportion of you are probably sound, but I don't want to risk the chance of a picture of me being forever tied to this place on the archive
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The only bootleg DVDs I own that I'm not getting rid of are my Tales From the Crypt box set from Spain. It's hard to get legitimately and the rights are in limbo hell. The English audio is pretty decent but the video isn't the best. The show was finished on tape anyway. Apparently the official SD Blu-ray release from Germany even looks like shit.
If this mong fuck me about 2day its war
Getting hard thinking about meeting a big black man on grindr and sucking his cock. His big black cock. His dirty nigger cock fucking my face and dumping a huge load of fresh cum down my throat.Thank you black daddy for the treat. hnnnnnnnng
never even sucked a fanny
Who fucking you about, buddy? Want me to have a word with the bastard?
Grim those crackheads. I bet they aren't getting pussy. Just like you.
That's fair, but photos of HHL are already here.
It's ok for you to fancy black men, but linking it with racism is mental and weird. You should see a psychologist.
Who's the next exposed BBC nonce lads?
Stephen Mulhern pulled my arse out of a hat in Butlins then fucked me raw. It not right.
Him or David Jason.
Not cool bro
God I want a hot girlfriend who could cuck me so bad
Just a dirty slut who loves sex and cucks me on our onlyfans
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Walliams. Can't believe he's gotten away with it so far. Plus he's a racist. She shouldn't support people like that.
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Just hyping myself up2 make phone call
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>tfw still feel fucked off that weekend bender
>tfw not young anymore
Y life so hard.....dunno how anyone does it
Do you even remember the football? Daft bastard
Get on that sobergrind, lad. Get yourself a hobby that doesn't include wokey or alcohol. Will be hard at first but better in the long run. Cheers.
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Yeah, I know life's better without the wooze and wrugs but old habits die hard. At least I'm mostly just drinking on weekends now. A small bit of progress is better than none.
>At least I'm mostly just drinking on weekends now
You had a massive cocaine bender like 4 days ago lad, you need to stop patting yourself on the back for shit you haven't actually achieved yet if you want to make a real change
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Why are there 6 threads in the catalogue?
really can't stand him. Creepy fucker

Someone got hurty feelings
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Reckon this lad has a dark past
corr proper kino shot that
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Wish he'd record in 4k more often, need some crisp SSM cinema
anyone started their christmas shopping yet
Fuck thanks for reminding me. Need to budget for this. Even one present each adds up with enough people.
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>go Aldi
>its the same lidl wagies wearing aldi uniforms
You're a drug addict, alcoholic mong loving in a care home and wearing nappies. You've never had a gf, are still a virgin, have done nothing but be a parasite your entire life, your friends have all left you and your family barely puts up with you any more and nobody can blame them for it.
You eat dogshit goyslop every single day, spend your waking hours drivelspamming a 4chan thread and wear retard jeans.
You have no future, no prospects, no path the self improvement.
You torpedo all your own attempts at improving your lot and then blame it on something or someone else.
You even openly sameswan yourself with insults by accidentally leaving your trip on because you have a sadomasochistic humiliation fetish.

Truly I mean it when I say I've never come across a more contemptible man.
Thought this was gonna be one of those choose your own adventure things
>retard jeans
What are retard jeans?
Car just drove by blasting Party Rock Anthem. Godspeed you prince among men.
>vulnerable people most at risk/affected
Well no fucking shit. That's the fucking definition of vulnerable. I honestly can't stand what passes for discourse at this point.
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Bit of Fortnite after a quick run around the gaff with that new vacuum cleaner. It Tuesday x
What are your thoughts on this lad>>78912597
Seems like he's hit the nail on the head.
Anyone here ever had gay sex or sucked a cock?
Literally normal jeans, seethers looking for any excuse to mock HHL
Mong oy wears retard jeans! Ha!
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Sprog whining and crying on the overground
>You've never had a gf
thought he had paige but was too much of a floppycocked junkie to shag her
Never gonna be a problem for you eh lad?
I am the smartest lad here. My views are the most rational and beneficial.
Me personally? No. Never. I came quite close once though. It was with a lad I went to uni with. We went out one night and got full of pills and coke and ended up kissing. Went back to his and we were planning to make it happen, but I think we both weren't that keen by that point. He felt weird doing it in his parent's house, and I felt weird about the whole thing because it was really all about the drugs for me. A few months later we met up again at my place and I think he was keen to make it happen then, but I had a girlfriend by that point and massively preferred girls to lads anyway so I wasn't even thinking about it. All in all, I'm glad that it never happened. I think I was more looking to just do something mental and experiment a bit. This was years ago and I've never fancied a guy since.
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It's my sprog
LARPing you are a father again is it, king?
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Of course I triumphed as always. Y I ever doubt myself.
Baby mama said sprog very rarely cried. Maybe it's inherited autism. Made me wonder if autism is a beneficial trait for being less vulnerable to SIDS (ie. Mother killing their whining sprogs and having it listed as Cot death)
Nah it wasn't, although we are passing through Tottenham right now on the east London line so who knows.
Grown men trying to raise their status on an anonymous website by playing make believe
Not every alizee post is mine. The notsmug one was, but the smug one wasn't
>sameliaming about coloured sprogs
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Visiting my sprog
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Why would anyone LARP about being a father? I understand people LARPing for exceptional things, but being a father is a perfectly realistic, even mundane thing for most people.
Burst out laughing at Hackney downs overground Station at this post
>Not every alizee post is mine
Playing spot the real Shippy routine is it, king? xD
That's not Phnom Penh...
Playing let's pretend that poster is BritNormie is it, king?
That flat was too small, he needs a large house with many rooms for his dossiers in the lore archives
Oooohhh no no no Liam is NOT going to like this XD
People dont belive a word anyone says here lad, if its not discussing ASMR bints or junkies it MUST be a larp
Kek, beat me to it lad
Look like a right mong constantly sniggering at posts on the train
>le photoshopped baby hands
LARPing twat
You just know Shippy's baby mama is one of those bucktoothed hijab wearing Somalian blacks
Trinity from Trailer Park Boys has tits and blowjobs on her OnlyFans.
Constantly WHAT?!
>Removal men arrive with their massive lorry
"Yeah mate, the blue shelfing and folders in the rear office, the brown shelfing and folders in the box room, the black shelfing and folders in the room next to the kitchen
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Wrong. She looks just like Leah actually

Don't really care what he says as long as he keeps paying for my wizzas and wints.

Cheers x
Car exhausts driving me loopy
>going outside where the normals are
the fucking hell do you think youre doing lad? stay home and look like a mong like we do
Of course she does m8
Sniggering, as in laughing in a way where you are trying, but failing, to conceal it
I wouldn't be caught dead in retard jeans.
Any OnlyFans actually worth paying for?
That isn't a word mate
whats good for cleaning paint off my hands? i dont have any white spirit or lighter fluid and ive scrubbed them so hard that my skin is turning pink (like ruths vagina) im out of ideas lids
What about Zimmy's babby mum?
>Any OnlyFans actually worth paying for?
your mums
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I'm at work. You'll see in about an hour when I get my vehicle, you'll like it
who is that
No, not when you can get all of them online for free on SimpCity and Coomer party.
Sprogless wagie cope is rising substantially
margarine and sugar
This lad>>78912826
Confirmed brown sprog haver.
paint them with skin coloured paint
They are white, no?
Never ask me about my day wagie
Well I mean the kids hands look white there because it's a bad photo in low light, but he has posted other pics confirming his kid is mixed race.
Head like a pea
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>He can't post proof he has a wife and sprog
a girls arsehole
Grown man being told off for having a beer. Not right.
could be onto something there lad
How is that proof? Could be a family relative.
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>posting pictures of your child on 4chan to as proof for a bunch of dossers and nonces on a tuesday afternoon
im not a dosser
Non consensual banter situation
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>he doesn't have a large collection of language books for display purposes only
Gay sex Harare
does mummy know you're posting pictures of her books
You love that image don't you? It's one of your favourites from the personality folder
thought it was wednesday lol
I have a pair of trainers in my wardrobe, still in the box, unworn for 3 years now, king.
bookless wagie
I wonder if he has different folders for different personality pictures and screenshots of their posts
zimmy is nonce
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Valium came on suddenmy. Thats fucking lovely. I have one(1)beer @ home just 2 turn it up a bit
You forgot to change to lowercase when you sameshipped, king
Who is this fine lassy
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>I have a pair of trainers in my wardrobe, still in the box, unworn for 3 years now, king
how come?
mummy taking me to morrisons
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Arbroathy and Crossmong to star as the Krankies in this years /britfeel/ panto
I mean, I was literally the person who took that photo and they are my books
Big Black Penguin
Shippy loves classical music
Being stalked
Take the name of a movie and replace a word with dolly or dollies
>War of the Dollies
regret ever generating this image to be honest lads
>Dolly Darko
>The Silence of the Dollies
My bookcase angers him
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Some of it is alright. I have quite an eclectic taste though
>How to Train Your Dolly
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That ginger ned with the HOODRICH hoodie on got more chance shagging 2night that me the whole year. No wonder I drink.
Never stepping foot into Lidl or Tesco again
>A Clockwork Dolly
Shippy loves handjobs, travels great lengths for them.
>Dolly Fiction
Shippy loves his mum and goes to great lengths to prove it to her.
>Dolly Club
realising just how heavily addicted to porn i am, i dont even wank over it anymore, just watch it like im watching telly
shippy is too much of a pleb to enjoy classical music
it's one of the reasons why ebin never went bowling with him
>Saving Private Dolly
Shippy hated MB for exposing him as a nonce.
Been watching wrestling it remains me of virginity
Just had a lonely happy meal in my car
>Star Wars: The Last Dolly
Sounds very grim Ebin
Ebin dolly
>Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Dolly
SCEA is posting ITT right now
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I wish he was desu
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Once I finish off the last of the wooze in the fridge I'll have a few weeks off the drink until Walloween. I'll be cutting it right down in October.
Hydrate hyper fella
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So you keep saying Sean
shut up lad, you know full well you wont, why talk all this endless bollocks?
No shower for me
Hate showering
gotten into showering again recently, even had a bath or two
vulnerable people like you shouldnt have access to alcohol
You can't come over our property with the drone without our agreement.
Greentext deployed
All wallows weve
The time of year border of 2 worlds are closest nd my dark powers are @ maximum
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>tfw central heating is fucked
>takes 3+ hours to get luke warm water
>barely bathe at all anymore
>offered to fund the repairs many many many times
>sick of washing my hair in stone cold water
>just wear a hat all the time instead

Bit grim tbqh lads
HHL have you ever scored a header?
>Doesn't live with mummy
>Has had 2 women interested in him
>Has mates
>Gets invited to weddings and parties
>Is exceptionally knowledgeable in some fields and edits Wikipedia
>Plays sports

How are you shaping up against HHL, kings?
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As if the tattoos werent bad enough kek
HHL have you ever received head?
>Lives in a care home
>Had 2 coke heads try and shag him
>Coke head mates always getting in fights
>Avoids every family gathering by going on the piss all night and refusing to go
>Edits Wikipedia (anyone can do this)
>Plays in the local spacker league

How are you shaping up agaist HHL, kings?
And his life is still better than yours
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Anyone noticed with 4K films, especially restorations, they remove a lot of the grain and scratches and stuff? I hate it. Also having a laugh at pic related.
>bonus features - animated menus
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All these questions will be answered in my future wautobiography.
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And hes in his mid to late 30s
Sadcunt hours
How old are you lad and how are you shaping up against HHL?
I'm 23 and all my stocks are flourishing, king
>>Plays in the local spacker league
what happens if they do really well? do they eventually get promoted into the real football leagues? Or is it a whole parallel pyramid. Is there a spacker premier league?
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Giving the online dolly a good working over to feel better about yourself, king?
HHL's life unironically is comfy af and it seems like he is happy nowadays
Trip on, Helpernonce
In 10 years time, HHL will be in the exact same situation as he current is in now. Even he knows I'm right
hhl is one of lifes failures. harsh but true
The kings are coping again
we're living in an age of decline so that's not too bad
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Well, that's the Fortnite birthday quests finished. Now off to get some din dins classic HHL style.
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In 10 years or tomoro u could be dead who cares. Dumb normies nd their 5 year plan slop.
We're all 170 IQ lads taking home 4k a month, we live in 6 bedroom houses that have a double garage and we need the double garage because our wives drive top of the range Audis, we all have kids that go to private schools, r right lads?
HHL will most likely remain in that spacker care home for the rest of his life.
Don't reply to me Crossmong
>HHL's life unironically is comfy af and it seems like he is happy nowadays

Could be better, could be worse. I'll be even happier if I can secure that new laptop next week. Thinking about getting a proper high end one now, probably worth it if it lasts me years.
>HHL will most likely remain in that spacker care home for the rest of his life.
> I'll be even happier if I can secure that new laptop next wee
What about securing a wife, sprog and house of your own
he happy with just the waptop lad
a man without a wife is a house without a beam
dickheads battling for status on /britfeel/. go and impress women with your status in life lads
you won't and you can't
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That can come later, for now I must focus on securing the new laptop.
He unironically has a better life than me
any update on SSM's driving licence?

what do you need a better laptop for if you have a PS5?
Post monero address ill fund it
He has a better social life than me, had more gfs than me
Does Helper have autism

Mostly just to watch me YouTubes in higher quality and also might start watching films in bed. Whatever I get it has to have a minimum of 16GB RAM, Full HD screen and 1TB storage. Also, a backlit keyboard would nice as well for that late night shitposting.
I genuinely feel sorry for HelperLad. It's like he never grew up, still has a teenage angst mentality
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What was the wee soft lad called in dennis the menace,, w the glasses n bow tie
Thats how I see all your posts
Can tell you're southerner
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then get a decent tablet with a good screen
>SSM watches are Ruth
Can this man get any more fucking based.
watching world at war in 16:9 on TV and it looks like SHIT
fuck me why do they ruin these old shows
DVD set I have is cropped 16x9 too. Network put out a 4x3 set but I'm not buying it again.
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Heavily pregnant woman on the Undergoing rubbing her bump
The underground*
still havent got the fucking paint off my hands, might start telling roasties im a decorator, see if that gets me any skirt
Have to wait until Saturday to upgrade my phone with no fees. I. WANT. IT. NOW!
why you wanna upgrade your phone, normie?
Did you try this lad, this works it also removes engine oil from your hands like Swarfega
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They look ashamed. They love it, and they want it, but they know they shouldn't. They want you to save them, but you can't, and you also love it. You love that you are helpless to save them from the big black men. They know you like it too. Blacked. Their bodies are blacked. Your mind is blacked. There is no going back now.
didnt have any margarine innit lad
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>order new dildo on Amazon last Friday
>now getting 'Your package may be lost' status
used to see all sorts of strange things when i worked at amazon lad, dildos, cock rings, massive boxes of hundreds of condoms, even a big sex bench thing that was going to a priest or vicar or something in ireland
Cooking oil or butter would work.
I don't remember this scene from Final Fantasy the Spirits Within
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>boxes of hundreds of condoms
the ol' filter has done me proud today
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So cringe talking 2 doctor wagies about my mental health now when I was a wean I also hated it bt then after my wagie breakdown I just started being an open book in 2016 nd then I became self.conscious again nd I paranoid like they're judging me as dosser instead of sympathetic bt idk really
Why not? I use my phone for hours every day and I've had my current for three years. Feel like an upgrade de lid. Having and using a phone isn't normie. Get a GRIP.
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Shall be contacting Amazon directly about this
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL it was Shippy who ordered a dildo lets bully him and laugh at him lads KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
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Holy moly guacamole is that le black bepis
Wowzers am.so le horny xFddd
Dunno if 'Shippy' buys dildos from Amazon but I do
Definitely not on my Amazon wishlist
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Fish fingers, chippy wippies and peas for din dins x
Wonder if Ruth has an Amazon wishlist
No you don't get it lad 'Shippy' posted one of his notsmug images and said
>Shall be contacting Amazon directly about this
It Shippy, It Shippy, It Shippy, It Shippy, It Shippy, It Shippy. LOOOOOOOOOOOL Shippy buying dildos from Amazon, what is he like. Sprogless wagie buying dildos from Amazon KEEEEEEEEEEK
I usually just have fish finger butty me lad
Yeah, I own DVDs. So what? Nerds.
Do you realise you're just as annoying as the lads you're lampooning? Is that on purpose?
>Do you realise you're just as annoying as the lads you're lampooning?
Don't care
>Is that on purpose?
No and still don't care

*eyes roll to the back of me head SSM style*

Yeah that's what I do as well. It lush x
Not everyone who posts 'notsmug' reaction images is Shippy lad
Shit OP image always heralds a shit thread.
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>eyes roll to the back of me head SSM style
Downloading a pair of hour-long PMVs so that's the evening sorted DEE LADS
Chika here lads you can tell by the avatar. I'm bald btw
I post Alizee and constantly get called 'Shippy'.

Lmfao I love when he does that. It's like your overdosing on womfort.
>Shit OP image always heralds a shit thread.
post something worth reading big lad
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>t' Bury
That's now how it works baka

The market is being renovated now which means its inevitably going to turn shit
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I bullied into silence for pointing out this obvious fact b4
Mongs that dont understand symbolism nd pavlovian predictive programming
"It doesn't matter" k make every op image a jpg of a blank fucking square off ms paint then since it doesn't matter
i say that though
Don't ever reply to me Crossmong
I would but you couldn't handle it de lad
How does the op image change the content of the thread?
Monster Hunter is so wank lads. Might possibly be the most overrated thing I've ever played
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2 quote the junkie i saw fighting w an Iceland wagie in middle of the street yday "ill do whatever the fuck I want when the fuck I want"
Bit rattled are we?
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Guys in the gym are so intimidating
Womens walking on the treadmill instead of exerting actual effort
Winds me up
Those are all good 1s tho
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Too knackered to do fuck all.
Away to melt the brain on YouTube with utter shite
What has made this one bad?
/britfeel/ is just like any other dog shit thread on /r9k/ that has no topic or talking point. You could move all this daily tripe to a telegram channel.
Grim picture. Not comfy. Shite patter to be totally honest
>telegram channel
Furfag, brown, schizo or all 3?
Ill do whatever the fuck I want whenever I fucking want
That was it I fink
>ill phone the polis
Pure screaming in the middle of the street
I audio recorded bt didnt pick up much through double glazing didnt want 2 get too close to window nd end up involved somehow
Are you still upset your clouds edition wasn't successful?
I'm surprised you didn't flood this edition with images of shit like you did with the gay edition you disliked.
The second this guy showed up >>78914157 it became shite.
you have nothing to talk about, you're scared to look like a bigger failure than other anonymous posters, you come here to big up your ego, you are on r9k trying to rule the roost through lies and punching sideways. these threads are cancer
Nah I don't care I'm just bored. And have no idea who you think I am desu
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A sneak peak into one of my Blu-ray drawers. Smart way to store them IMO.
>The second this guy showed up
Who is that guy?
Better than cluttering your shelves and walls
the bald nonce that hangs around every thread like a bad smell
Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself.
>the bald nonce that hangs around every thread like a bad smell
No, it was me playing dollies with avatars little lad get rekt
>typing the dull shit he would type
whats the point
Steve jobs shouldve really made apple logo a banana,, it would've worked just as well, I mena ppl are just there for the phone at the end of the day what does it matter
You thought it was Chika and I pwn3d you little lads lol
Britain is such a shithole, they cant bring assisted dying quick enough
Still malding ur fetish mong op got deleted kek
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>b b b but mine was first
>it's the RULES
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Tiresome working being a sprogless wagie, that buys language books and hasn't read them fink I'll have a kebab later
you sound like a fat scottish man that has smoked 20 cigs a day for 10 years and you try to portray yourself as a cute fragile anime girl online
>he wears Liam jeans
How do guys find girls who are into cuckolding and weird shit like that?
Damn, all these zombie knives out there stabbing schoolchildren. Watch out, lads, you never know when a zombie knife might randomly appear and stab you.
couldnt most women be talked into this? not many would turn down the chance to shag chad and still have a boyfriend who pays for all her shit, etc
That one lad will demand to see every disc lad
There aren't. Women don't have fetishes or kinks like men do. Every time they indulge in them it's to please their man. The question only remains are you the kind of man she will indulge such things for (aka, are you Chad?)
Show us all the discs then you LARPing mong
It's mostly black on black drug gangs lad. Us whities are safe.
No it's zombie knives. The policeman on television said it was a problem with zombie knives. Big old zombie knife problem.
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>AI zombie knives with a mind of their own
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The ***** dream went like this. I was on ebay@computer a listing with ***** sluttishly sitting on her bed the title was sth like "I LOST MY BEST FRIEND. BUY IT NOW TO BE MY FRIEND" which is weird cus normally text don't work well in dreams bt I tbink it went lucid cus I consciously thought ""I need 2 save this photo before this goes down" nd right click on it. It was pretty cheap too like 150 squids. I woke up soon bt I felt warm nd fuzzy in my tummy.
He's now getting angry at Pepe
>He's now getting angry at Pepe
lmao he's seething
He's fuming de lad
he's gone nuclear with rage
Little lad is upset lol
imagine a large black penis inches away from your mouth
Don't have to imagine it desu
Well I do right now this very moment but not previously
>imagine a large black penis inches away from your mouth
youre so 4chan you mad cunt
I had one in my mouth at the weekend desu desu
You always giving me a boner with your sexy Makina feetposts. It not right.
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Am quite comfy in life. Am quite lucky for what I have. I just dont have the type of brain that can appreciate it. My neurons waging war against my happiness. Brutal.
Even when I'm happy I can't enjoy it because in the back of my mind I know everyone is ashamed of me.
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We all makimas dog in life
Jim Lahey talking about Liquor the way Jedis talk about Midochlorians.
Subhuman post
Subhuman poster
D*litacel make me laff
HHL loves peas.
Phwoar. Saving Private Ryan looks brilliant on Blu-ray.
>HHL loves peas
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I'm watching The Ark series since my release. You lads don't change, we all like regularity in life.
Love a bit of Kanna. She's my spirit animal.
You're not a fan of massive black cocks?
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>Love a bit of Kanna.
She is my life I feel at times desu
Woah, is that really you Lollers?
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Possibly a joke bt its a subhuman thing to even have pass through your brain in any context so am giving this the stamp too
Some things never change my liddd
Glad you are alive
Subtle subtle
Pure want to hunt and eat frogs with her.
Nope no joke de lad. I'm gay and proud me
fake lollers imposter
For me? It's wanting to beat up Nagisa from Clannad.
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Yeah mate.
I will write you on the discord when I'm ready Chika dude. I hope you and your mister are well in life and the harpie has given up.
I've met a plethora of Black men from Grindr
Punching Kanna's face in until she's unrecognisable.
All quiet on that front. I guess life gets in the way. Thankfully. No more womemes from now. They not for me.
Kanna is honestly worst girl, and I mean that.
lads is cinnamon supposed to make your mouth burn/tingle a little
never really thought about it but starting to wonder if I'm allergic
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Kanna is not just a girl though
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Thx for reminding me kanon is on switch apparently
Need 2 check later I been disappointed a lot by these announcements not applying 2 UK ultimately tsukihime was like that for ages
I check after dindin
Would be a comfy one for winter I think. Never played it.
Swinging Lollers around by his greasy ponytail.
sulkanon HATES pepe
Same I am planning on buying it soon me thinks. Need to finish some of me porn VNs however.
Are Pepe LOVES hopping.
He make you dizy
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wee fella loves his new hair system
Gangstalkers are shining lights into bedroom window again
Frosty's apu had a hair system
Heavily on the piss, thinking about HHL
I would simply move my mouth away from it.
Fetlife is the place lad. Be warned though, girls who are genuinely into femdom are usually not particularly good looking.
Facefucking Kanna until she vomits.
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She is my angel lads I will love always
Ruth has a Peugeot.
Dont want2work woyal wial please man
Peleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease man no fucking woyalwialal man
I steal the fucking christmas cards
Taking the money out of christmas cards, replacing it with crudely made porn images of late TV chef Gary Rhodes
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>Clair de Lune

Soothing melody lads x
Peugeot 207 to be specific
She's probably got a better, electric car now.
she calls it the raggin wagon
300 christmas cards oh, 20 pound gift voucher. Lovely. 10 pound cash. Lovely. Oh 20 pound cash, lovely,,50 pound cash, lovely, 20 pound voucher for boots lovely
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Thinking about how pretty and nice girls are
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She doesn't even drive. Shouldn't be expected to.
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Wonder if he passed his DVLA medical
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Phoebe is bloody useless at driving. Get her a bus pass.
That man is not the skin tone women should be showing off that much thigh skin around.
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Stinky dosser scum.
Taking Kanna's anal virginity. She's squirming but secretly enjoys the feeling of fullness and with a flushed face asks if we can do it again next time as well.
might just crop the diet pajeet out of this picture so i can knock one out to it
Grown man. Hasn't showered in days. Thinks to himself 'I have just the ASMR girl screenshot for this reply!'.
I would not want my daughter with a male driving instructor.
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He's more hygienic than you
who got that picture of girl#2? i know one of you fuckers has it saved, post it here for your pal, anon
Nearly went radge on this stupid fucking roastie on youtube bt i just have another stella nd calm down
She's 9 wtf is wrong with your brain.
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She's too cute for that lad.

remember i said i got that voicemail at midnight the other night? well i never listened to it, just wanted to keep you updated
Diabetic cunt
what did she say/do that riled you so?
don't want to set you off here but maybe get it down on /britfeel/, a bit like the unsent letters thread.
Can't even take their sweatpants, hoodies and headphones off to put flowers on the grave of their friend.

Civilisation is incommunicable.
I will burn out at this rate. No rest. Only work.

I know of this clip because of AA. No idea what it is even from though.
what an odd complaint.
>No idea what it is even from though.
Fist of Fun.
Isnt your job just moving money around? Doesnt sound very exhausting or challenging
Yeah but it is the entire day built around getting to work etc that adds up. And stoodying. And chores and exercise. And desu my job is not easy on the brainberg or the eyes. It will get worse before it gets better.
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Good programme in that silly/edgy 90s way. This Morning With Richard Not Judy was great too. They snuck the word 'fucking' onto live daytime TV, eee.
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Driving is too expensive these days, especially in London.
i don't like London for all the usual reasons, but the public transport is great.
car owners always pop up driving as this you can go from A to B anywhere, any time thing, but i simply don't need to. although that one anon's description of driving around at night does sound comfy, but he was bored of it.
all cars are good for is buying a 30-pack of pop and sticking it in the boot. can't lug that around on the Tube.
wank cancelled
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Get on the metro nd pay my bennies cueball
What do you do lad? Manual labour?
He's an admin ASSISTANT (lol)
Grown man. Claims to be heterosexual. Calls drinks 'pop'.
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Phoebe should start an asmr channel.
No him but we say 'pop' in Manchester
think she shaves?
Why do girls with braces make me want to sexually destroy them?
That makes her even more adorable.
Grown man. Buys hundreds of condoms thinks he's a 'top shagger'
Room thermostat says 19.5, but it's fibbing, as I am cold.
I also say pop.
Oh great another bimbo with oversized glasses he will obsess over and spam here daily.
where did i claim to be heterosexual?
Yes as she seems to make an effort into her appearance.
Grown man. Head shaped like a bean. Fathered a sprog in Phnom Penh. Penis is at most 3 inches long.
Phoebe's tuppence
fucking hell what a dirty slag
why should they? makes zero difference what clothes you wear
>no you can't wear a hat inside, it's heckin disrespectful!!
totally arbitrary rule. God I hate normgroids
Oh you mean the bennies you use to buy what exactly? You have no meaningful life to fund. Oh maybe sometimes alcohol to make yourself feel even more terrible about the choices you have made and how you got there. So yeah okay I will keep paying for that through taxes, I am so pwned and BTFO. KWAB.
Not my official job title. It is shorthand for working in an office though because why would I wanna narrow it down. Think financey stuff. Not that I am trying to glamorise it, I am not highly paid and don't pretend to be.
Wow you lads did NOT like that pop comment lol
You've got your lore mixed up lad.
Don't reply to me cueball
missed it kicking off, does sulkanon hate pop or just hate people calling it pop?
do you work in one of the banks on Northumberland Street?
What shade of pink do you think Ruth's pussy flesh is?
Grown man. Think he is an expert at /britfeel/ lore. Hasn't got a clue
It's mental how he finds so many similar looking lasses
>brags about bennies every day
>Also spends 12 hours per day posting utter despair and how much they hate themselves and their life
You cannot have it both ways. Which is it, never ending dread or smug and comfortable?
Is she fat or not lads?
The YouTube algorithm is probably helping him
Grown man. Head shaped like a marrow. Mock others for having a head shaped like a legume
What shade of brown do you think Ruth's anal pucker is?
Hate that shit too desu bt i cba arguing about it, bt it gives me the heebie jeebies every time
Its called juice
Grown man. Never boarded a bus before. Thinks you buy a ticket from the conductor
on the dulux colour chart id probably go with ballerina dance, or possibly sorbet
Only nonces use the word pop
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i did say i dislike London but i didn't say 'because I love Brighton'

now Manchester is pretty homosexual.
never been on a bus or train in my life
Don't sexualise my middle class babe.
Haha, you're a NONCE
>pay for my [vice/addiction] which is making me unhealthy and miserable (I have no money for much else)
K E K. They think this is an own. Ohnononono.
Not gonna narrow it down my lid.
Grown man. Goes for a poo 3 times a week at most. Takes his constipation out on /britfeel/
I'm so fucking depressed lads, all I want is a Brazilian girl to sit on my face.
Castle edition? OK!

Had three shits today myself
its a complex feeling.
The reforms and changes that I want to undertake, particularly around immigration and DEI are very emotional topics, and as we have all seen by now, these sort of conversations and actions coming from someone who is from the same ethnicity or looks like you is perceived more openly plain and simple.

Me having white kids will lower my ratings with the Familia, regretfully it speaks louder to some innate instinct within us and its a shame for white people honestly.

>what innate instinct
in and outgroups.
outgroup breeding into the ingroup is perceived as a slight by the outgroup particularly with the current political climate....see how Kamala's supposed blackness is celebrated but my whiteness is shamed on, how I'm whitewashed..... etc etc

Ask AOC she can help me explain this.
Uh oh, he's using all caps. I guess that means I lose and have to close my internet browser.
How it should work. Bus driver focuses on driving, conductor goes round with his little ticker collecting coins.
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>So yeah okay I will keep paying for that through taxes
Cheers lad, was only a shitpost waiting 4 for my webm to upload tho, not reading the rest
An cute innie no doubt.
big krks winner

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