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Thornbury Castle edition
think im dehydrated again
Grown man. Makes a /britfeel/ thread on /r9k/. Highlight of his day
Phoebe's minge
I'm a pretty stoic guy, to the point where people usually ask if I'm okay because my face looks so blank, bored and unhappy even.

But sometimes I will just be going about my daily life and a random britfeel gimmick will enter my mind, maybe not even one I particularly like, and I will keel over and my face will contort with uncontrollable laughter. It is honestly hard to breathe sometimes I'm laughing so hard and tears are coming out of my eyes.
Sad sacks desperate to get the first post in.
Grown man. Name is 'barry'. Thinks he's some sort of hard nut
Anthony LEL
Uh oh, he replied to multiple posts. I guess that means I lose and have to close my internet browser.
>a random britfeel gimmick will enter my mind, maybe not even one I particularly like
Can you give us an example
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Honestly want to try fucking some spastic gash just to see what it's like
Seems a nerve was hit
Can't believe the first episode of Doctor Who still isn't on iPlayer, just because the writer's son is going mental on Twitter. Says the BBC killed his dad. He died of a heart attack.
Grown man. Describes himself as 'bisexual'. Has taken a blokes cock up his arse
>spastic gash
good band name desu
Imagine how nice life in England could be if the population were allowed to stabilize naturally at 20-30 million
Floor to ceiling windows was the last one. The one before that was the lad who makes the jungle bunny IQ pumping post.
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Wish I was an ephemeral little animal, noble and pure in my ignorance, scuttling around eating leaves and making noises and stuff
yeah gotta agree there, Throbbing Gristle vibes.
Imagine how many migrants we fit in that castle corr
Grown man. Uses a cross as his avatar. Abandoned by god
The elites literally have heart attack devices. They work using ultrasonics. I'm not joking, it's not a conspiracy this is well known.
why DOES he use a cross symbol?
This. Anyone advocating increasing the birth rate is a moron. We need to DRASTICALLY reduce the population of the isles.
Grown man. Lives in a care home for invalids. Gets food served to him on a spacker tray
i've rambled recently but depending on policy it could go that way. we could definitely manage that and have things closer to the good ol' days.
and bring back the water boards, nationalised rail etc. make more public sector work, and make it attractive.
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>advocating increasing the birth rate
He LARPs as a Christian. Yes it's as pathetic as it sounds.
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Phoebe is attractive. I wonder if she's into older lads.
>points his heart attack remote control at a school bus driver
haha dazza you mad cunt
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Should I order a kebab lads
birth rate is low enough, we haven't had a replacement level birth rate since the 60s. They just need to stop letting in 800,000 fucking immigrants every year
do it shippy
Yeah that too obviously. We need to actively be deporting them.
As extra context he DID die of a heart attack while filming Poldark.
I read some of Coburn Jr's tweets and there was lots of typical Little Englander stuff in there, but also many rambles about how the BBC had murdered his dad. I'm sure he explained the mechanics of that at some point.
think she has an almost complete innie, just a bit pokey out at the front
Grown man. Wears a dress and takes cock up his arse. Thinks this makes him a woman.
>tired alizee
>smug alizee
>alizee not smug
all pictures of the least expresive woman i've ever seen in her life, sick of looking at her massive low res forehead
But very flat though, not a nice puffy innie like good Japanese girls have.
Grown man. Thinks she has an almost complete innie. Just a bit pokey out at the front.
Shame you'll never have legally consenting sex with her.
Uh oh he's grownmanposted me. I guess that means I lose and have to close my internet browser.
>just eat dessert
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Stop hating on our lass
Probably best to throw your PC out of the window as well, just to be safe.
>I am so pwned and BTFO
Framing that
>p-please be jealous of the vice which has consumed my life. please bro... Look how comfy it is bro...
Online Christlarpers are a diamond dozen these days.
I have only met one serious Christian person and he is now a Benedictine monk. Actual religiosity changes people forever. Everybody else is larping.
She's French. #NotOurLass
You don't know that for sure. There literally is a chance that I will do this.
She doesn't even look very smug
had a good howl at this one
Look it's not my fault I'm attracted to females in their prime. All men want a young bird really.
I saw your caps joke and smirked, don't worry anon.
Please be jealous of my vapes and my cans of lager and living with mummy. You wish you were me. LMFAO.
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Maybe that's why the filename is alizeeNOTsmug
oh pack it in ruthmong you attention seeking little faggot
I don't think that anyone with an IQ over 90 GENUINELY believes in a god. I mean really actually thinks there's an almighty deity beyond time and space who created the universe and has some kind of plan for things. The notion is patently absurd on its face.
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What about this one? Very smug, no?
hes got you there lad, it does say notsmug
Crosslad how did the YouTuber ruffle your feathers? Is she diabetic? Is that you attacking her, her weight?
Or was that unrelated drivelposting?

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>my own aesthetic larp was a phase so everybody else also going through a phase, every1 fake and poser except me!
Alright Holden Baldfield
Grown woman. Has an international music career. Makes faces for an incel board as a side hustle
Looks like a screenshot from a dream sequence in a red dwarf episode.
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Not really. She looks more smug here
I'm attracted to women my own age.
>Grown woman. Has an international music career. Makes faces for an incel board as a side hustle
Tay tay?
You don't believe in god, lad. Nobody who isn't clinically retarded does these days. I've never believed and I doubt you have either.
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I have an IQ of 148 and I believe in god
They're all basically the same image! She is not very expressive and you are training me to hate her with your vexing and irksome posts
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This one should be renamed 'alizeeverysmug' desu
dr pepper doesnt clean paint off hands
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>The notion is patently absurd on its face.
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Grown man. Still believes it's 'intelligent' not to believe in a god.
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Does Alizee look pregnant here?
used to go to school with a lad who looked like this, minus the fedora and glasses
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>tfw no Phoebe gf
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Love an image with a smug aura
Try Dr turpentine.
Grown man. Euphoric. Not because of any phony God's blessing, but because he is enlightened by his own intelligence
Oh dear, it appears the christcucks' nerves have been, as they say, le touched teehee x
My name is Barry Useful and I'm very useful.
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I unironically do bt its not really something to discuss on r9k
Alizee secured that sproggington. Two in fact.
yeah this one is just true.
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Many lads would've got a Phoebe gf back in their younger days. Too bad you'll never experience that kind of love now.
Grown man. Eats salad. Wonders why he's a virgin.
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>he doesn't go to church
that sammy needs to send her down more streets with speedbumps, hes letting us down
kojima-san you rogue
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Do you lads like my language books that are purely for display purposes?
Barry Useful helped me assemble a display case for my Warhammer collection.
Wow the christcucks are fucking RATTLED
It's okay lads one day you'll grow out of it
So when you're 60, you'll love old eggless ladies?
Grown man. Will only have sex with contraceptives. Terrified of sprogs
dakota james blacked stuff is great
that intro bit where she is in the swimming pool omg
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Do you think she's still 17 there?
>Ghost annoying gay mong
>make up pretend story that I became a monk so he won't stalk me
She's probably got a deano bf. I very much doubt it.
The idea is when we're both 60, it's because we've paired up and aged together.

Of course that's the part that won't actually happen, so who knows. Maybe it's stopped at 33 and will remain ever thus.
He got the bookcase image out from his personality image folder
Condoms are fucking disgraceful. Any man who has ever worn one might as well have personally asked another man to fuck his gf for him and paid him for the pleasure (you literally pay condom factories to make your sex worse and non-contact LOOOOOOLLLL). Absolute fucking evil cucksheaths.
Only nonces collect language books
bet phoebe loves a good bookcase
Genuinely heaved with laughter at this one lad. My lungs hurt. I love these posts.
it's not ghosting, really, that's not how ghosting works.
and it's not stalking under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997, i know the law.
She was 17 a year ago.
Fucking Phoebe up against a bookcase
ruthmong on the search for an ever younger ruth
rolling on the floor laughing at this post
Serious flooding in Banbury now

Of course you would think this because you never had a real friend. And who would want to be friends with you?
My sides are in orbit lad
A chuckle was had here, was it not
american ruthmong

Phoebe Ruth bookcase innie stalker dosser gimmick grown man personality condom nonce french singer bean sprog
I haven't laughed this much in years
t'was ever thus
Feeling that Halloween vibe 2nite desu x
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My hygiene is not why I don't have a girlfriend.
Same, not since your mum died.
My mum is alive and well. My dad is dead though.
My life is britfeel and porn, porn and britfeel.
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>My life is britfeel and porn
Phoebe spread eagle against my floor to ceiling windows
Reminds me of this.

Imagine John Major's old affairee owning you this hard.
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>remembers trivial things people have said in the past about their friends, twists them to le pwn and own them
Wouldn't even occur to me to do this. The thought would not enter my head. What a sad little goblin. It so sad.
Coorrr fucking racing along today aren't we?
the next step is to make it so /britfeel/ IS your porn
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I tried asking if anyone went to andy's man club also mentioned roping and it changed to that kek
How is that owning him exactly?
>ruthmong attempting to learn how to breakdance and dislocating his shoulder
>peruse my bookcase
>give "latin for evil retards vol. 2" a firm tug, activating my hidden door
>sweep into my /britfeel/ chamber
>framed printouts of every personality, every meme
>stare wistfully at the Timothy James Byrne antichamber, but move on
>I must make haste
>slide down a fireman's pole, my cloak billowing
>tenderly remove a picture from a gilded frame
>scan "alizeesmug.png" into my computer
>"Yes... Yes... This will show them..."
It not right. It not right at aII
Probably all the fizzies, lots of sugar/caffeine in those.
He's spent more cumulative hours on britfeel than he has talking to his family at dinner across his entire life.
I may have no shoes but there's simply young looking consenting girls out there. Don't know why they do that shit.
Because he's saying it like it's a bad thing, she's coming from the position of previously pegging the Prime Minister of Britain (and having a lovely time).
He really should give it a go.
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Who lad? Ruthmong? Shippy? Crossmong? You need to be more precise with this accusations
>slide down a fireman's pole, my cloak billowing
Okay had a nice chuckle at this bit
Ruthmong is pretty good at finding new qt's on YouTube
Those are LITERALLY all the same person my lad.
ive found a couple of good ones hes not got his grubby mitts on yet, im sure it wont be long though
I miss reaction videos on YouTube. As in, the video reply feature. It was like the OnlyFans of its day.
He keeps a USB of /britfeel/ lore in a safety deposit box
Share them with your britfeel frens
Grown man. Spends all day on britfeel. Applauds another man for doing the same while also searching for ASMR girl on YouTube and scrolling past the first hundred results.
He has a graph of river levels in Banbury up on his computer screen right now. He doesn't live there. He's never even bean there
Algorithm bombarding him with identical asmr birds and vile audit orcs, no wonder he's mental
Uh oh he said dolly. I guess that means I lose and have to close my internet browser.
/britfeel/ lore may only be accessed by a Crown servant or a government contractor in accordance with official authorisation.
It all YouTubes fault
ruthmong getting told off by his mum for drinking milk straight out of the bottle
He's never beanhead there.
We all need a Phoebe to brighten up our lives.
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okay this one has got me howling with laughter
Grown man. Sat on a train. Getting paid to post drivel on /britfeel/. (that's me)
Spaffing in Ruthmong's milk bottle
Has YouTube ruined the internet the most?
Reddit is just some nerd/meme website, it hasn't affected anything.
Twitter started appearing in/on the news because politicians and journos use it. Twitter a close second? Or worse than YouTube?
Ruthmong's mum sighing at the sight of his 7 inch long toenails, deciding it's best not to bring it up
He posts so much drivel all day every day that his browser and phone have learnt to autocapitalise ruthmong
TikTok is worse than YouTube
It's normiesation and mass appeal that have ruined the internet.
Ruthmong is his legal name, poor lad never stood a chance. It destiny
It's pretty good now. Not seeing any male asmrtists anymore.
Milk. Glass bottle. Non-homogenised (i want the cream at the top my brother always got the cream now it's my turn).
How it should be.
Thats Mr. Ruthmong to you.
Ruthmong Penis Greg Gregg Penis Austin
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Having the stepmum thoughts again
SSM said he refuses to get fresh milk delivered because it goes off quickly in the sun
That's not her. She has three kids and helen is sprogless
Well you can't expect a dosser to wake up before midday to collect it can you?
I don't think that is mummy (I did some research)
Brother! The cream at the top of the milk is MINE
helen is obviously working undercover for the DWP, like that wheelchair lass from phoenix nights
he's usually up at 5am
Need a bookcase update. Don't even care if there's no changes, just need to know the bookcase is still there and full of books.
She's been 'investigating' him for 22 months then...
gathering evidence innit
She wants to guarantee a prison sentence
In the end, the real grown men were the friends we made along the way
Shit I forgot about TikTok. That's a whole different world. Fine if they're sticking to the app, then it's like how Snapchat isn't ruining the web somehow.

Sometimes TikTok does end up on here and it scares me
Will post one sometime around 11pm
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first thing I thought of too
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Not clicking on that me laddy
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Yeah you're better off it's a strange place.
The kids are into it, let them have it. Like Tumblr back when.
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>bradley reactions
Bradley is a known nonce.
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What kind of cake?
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Based Bradders enjoyer
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I use tiktok as a little webm factory. I also sometimes leave little comments on videos with a girl as my profile picture and get thousands of likes from other girls and it makes me feel good about myself. I am, as the youths would say, "cooked".
SCEA used to Bradleypost a lot
Grown man. His go-to humour is accusing grown men of raping children.
Post saucepan
I was SCEA, but I stopped posting and some random lad took over my personality and I never corrected anyone about it
*uses a vase to pull a pint*
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Any of you lads been hillwalking?
Nope, never leave the house do I?
All girls have tuppences
Huh? Like the vase is a container, or it's a handpull that dispenses secret pints like some mad Batcave thing?
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Forgot my crane
>hillwalkinglets ITT
You can tell by a man's hands if he's a nonce or not.
I sometimes thought the 2016 and 2018/2019 SCEAs were different
Running up and down the stairs pretending I'm hillwalking over and over aand over again until my stepdad wakes up and kicks me in the face
I was ebin for quite a while
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Explain nightwalks.
You never seen Phoenix Nights?
In the show the character is in a wheelchair. He uses a long vase to pull himself beer.
Yep, but not for ~5 years, due to dodgy leg syndrome. It's fun.
Are you thinking of taking up hillwalking?
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What about my hand
ruthmong walking up and down his stairs with bags of ice as shoes pretending he's climbing everest
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Apologies, misread as 'we'.

Not saying you do nightwalks. Go about your (non-) business.
yeah you're all proper robots with your fucking fancy houses with a sea view balcony and a big dvd collection and a big fuck off tv to watch them on and a brand new kawasaki dirt bike parked in your twin garage that you haven't even ridden yet and your 73 plate bmw with only 5k miles on it and your state of the art cctv system and your wardrobe full of lacoste and polo clothing and your rolex and your brand new door handles and your big social circle full of party animal friends and wealthy business acquaintances and your extravagant weddings fuck the lot of you
keep telling you ive not got a twin fucking garage
I miss Phoenix Nights. Why is TV so shite now? Not right.
Oh yeah duh.
Need to rewatch this tbqh.
ruthmong's mum watching silently
i've mentioned multiple times i have an air fryer.
Honestly I've always loved Peter Kay even though people say he's very generic. Something about his delivery or something just makes me want to laugh.
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For me it was the IT Crowd. Proper fancied Jen
fuck it, im off down the shops, should take me about 20 minutes there and 20 minutes back, assuming i get twatted by the police for being an incel on average of once every 90 seconds then i should be looked at somewhere in the region of 26-27 police twattings by the time im home, i think i can manage that
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Xbox? Not for her. I'll always be an Xbox lad.
TV stopped being good about 10 years ago
i did like 15 Storeys High someone recommended to me recently. it was alright.
The episode where Reynolds goes out with the tranny is banned from streaming lmao
>Something about his delivery or something just makes me want to laugh.
"GARLIC BREAD" etc. was massively overexposed but I get what you mean, not his fault he got popular and I think he just seems like a naturally funny bloke
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Does she still have her PS5?
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Yep it's YOU we're after.
Mad how you can clearly see her areola in that pic.
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Nah, she sold it to SSM.
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>Proper fancied Jen
Fucking hell, same. Always wanted to shag her senseless, even when she popped up on Taskmaster a lot later. Always had a thing for lasses in officewear.
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>irish girl i matched with on hinge unmatched me (or deleted her account)
My virginity remains intact another day.
Wonder what her PSN handle is
>whoawhoawhoa sweet child of mine!
>sweet baby Jesus and the orphans!

Series 3 with the original cast + writers pls. Your family are fine now.
She was overwhelmed by the lust she felt for you and left to repent and join a convent, can't be helped lad just move on to the next one
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the reminders of you don't hurt me
Her tights did it for me lad phwoar. I remember looking up pornstars that looked like her too
I used to have all his stand up DVDs. A lot of his material was relatable to me growing up working class and the way he talks about his mum reminded me of my mum. Car Share was pretty womfy as well to be honest.
this is NEVER okay
speak to them like a polite human being
The beast of Banbury has awoken
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Yeah but she's an outdoors girl and barely plays it. She doesn't want to waste her life indoors all the time like some of the lads here.
Is it true Laura is SSM's daughter? Loremasters?
Good evening Ebin
bet she does cute poos
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>He doesn't have 12 months MOT remaining on his car
Baby don't (You) me like that (I do not understand your post)
Feeling like a 3rd shower 2day b4 my next Stella bt kinda excessive
Obviously not ebin
Good evening Shippy
Course it is, just look at her. He's got strong genes
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Had a few hours kip on that couch now I feel a bit groggy. On that wuppagrind now.
I am Ebin lad
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Based crosslid. That wooze is the fridge is already starting to get real wempting but keeping to the wuppas tonight. Need to give my body a break.
I am not though. He was speaking to me, not (you)
Just want to stick my cock inside a petite ginger lass with pink nips and a pink pussy and a pink arsehole and green eyes.
Oh well, was a fun little thread for a while
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>Imagine even remembering my discord mong pal used the classic monk excuse to ghost me
>also heres a detailed list of your vices, your social situation, and you live with mummy, and you vape
I might read this bald spastics post after my shower for completion sake bt he's so exhausting as a human it feels like I've been given homework and detention at the same time
Ebin rules this thread remotely
Why so negative brother?
The personalities become bolder as the night grows late. Even now they skitter about in the darkness, scrambling for attention.
Din-din o' clock almost

Good heavens
>I only work so my family won't be ashamed
Sorry ur parents don't love u I guess bt no need to take it out on me
Mad to think she does that. Looking at the tissue every time and making sure there is no more poo on the tissue like us lads.
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>Bunch of asian and white dudes
>One or two jeets and chosenites
>One suspected tranny

Noggs the joggin does it not
Dreamcore vibes coming on strong x
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Have U tried NOT being bald and gay? Works for me.
>Sorry ur parents don't love u
That's a bit mean innit? Also weren't you having a melty cos your dad wouldn't text you back the other week, at 8am after drinking all night?
Oh is he drunk again and getting increasingly angry at posts from over an hour ago? Guess that is his night sorted then. But remember, if you work, you have to be jealous of him because he so womfy. KEK.
Actually can't think of many things I would want to be doing less right now than drinking cans of Stella in my mother's house. Must be a normie thing to want something more out of life I suppose. Bedtime. Goodnight wagelords.
did he just say all this stuff then vanish?
did you get a right to reply?
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>detained and talking to female pig on night walk
>she sees the cat wallpaper on the phoneberg
>"aww that's cute what breed is that?"
>tell her "a fucking pig? don't fucking pretend to be nice to me foid cunt."

And that's the level of respect those tyrants deserve for unlawfully detaining me on night walks.
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Quite fancy a webab reet about na
>Must be a normie thing to want something more out of life
it is, and you know it is. we just want to be comfy. many comfy people ITT, can't see why they irk you.
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Go to bed you bald sprogless wagie
We don't like wagies in /britfeel/. HHL will back me up.
HHL, crossmong, shippy, chika and the ruthmong audit routine? The invalids are on parade tonight de lids, corrr
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Chad gets to have sex with many women and you don't even get one.
I miss summer already.. t-shirt, having a couple pints in the garden. It lush.
I should feel disgusted watching this fat slop eating a kebab, but I just feel hungry now
Fucking hell man.
Didn't see the file name. Thought "I remember these horrors from Flamingo Land". Clicked to see filename. Stunned. Vestigial memory emerges. What even are they again? Absolute depths of my memory. I don't like them at all. Seriously UNWOMFY post.
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>crosslid on a mad one tonight

Gwarn lid get stuck in, don't forget to post some movie clips later to Welpermaxx.
kebab in the garden, oh it's lush
Can't believe SSM didn't post any videos today. Mad how some days he posts 10-20 videos then goes silent for a few days
All your posts are UNWOMFY.

I remember watching them when I was a little kid, think Flamingo Land got rid of them around circa 2003 but I'm not sure.

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Wonder what her dad looks like.
Wonder if she looks good without clothes or if it'll be underwhelming?
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Not reading that lad, its really not that serious 2 be writing uni thesis,, take a chill pill, get on that metro 2moro pay my bennies nd we're square. Night
I should probably ask this "Chad" fellow for some tips then.
ssm was having one night stands in scotland in the 00's
I think slightly later than that. I must have went in 2005/6 and have vague vague memory of these things. Or something similar. In that cafe thing. Professor Bubbles also. God. What a time to be alive. Spooky. Them little monster guys were also pretty unsettling now that I think of it. Frankenstein and that.
Chad don't converse with incels like you.
I went all the time in the late 90s, don't remember these. Was that the bingo hall bit, just dressed up?

Someone get the main bear prop. Find who has it now, and send it to the Red Letter Media guys.
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Why would you work if you're not capable of getting sex? A basic need a man should get otherwise misogyny happens.
>N-not reading
Biggest cope going. Enjoy your drunken ranting and self hate. Bye.
That's why they call him the creampie king
Bald nonce has finally gone. Thank god
back from the shop in record time, managed to keep it down to 24 police-twattings for being an incel, would have been more but they spotted a fat lad with glasses getting off the bus and called in armed response on him
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I was just about to put the finishing touches on my app that matches sexless NEETs to women who will have sex with them, 100% accuracy.

But you're right about working. Think I'll give this one a miss.
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>tfw me and Zeldalid likely crossed paths as little kids at Flamingo Land
>tfw likely encountered each other in them arcades and he watched me grind Time Crisis

Now years later we shitpost together on Britfeel on a Tuesday night. Corr and I mean corr.
probably that smartschoolboy lad all the zoomers are raving about. few helicopters soon.
SSM probably conceived her before 9/11.
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Love that webm man
Can I request u do Jaws 1 day for film posting over Jurassic park
Idk I was in the mood for that a few nights ago
Mad to think SSM probably has sprogs all over the country
Not impossible nope. Might have been on the same caravan site. Small world. Probably spoke on a certain bulletin board forum in 2011-2012 too my lid. But I'm keeping it private.
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They'll be here all night. Winning.
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The wops cut.
The Cheeka cut
Did you ever go to Wet n Wild (RIP ;_;)?
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Some lads would kill for this hairline
You're a million times more likely to make friends and get a girlfriend working a minimum wage retail or hospitality job than you are as a NEET sitting alone wanking and playing videogames in a damp-ridden bedsit.
Not him but I grew up near Sunderland and went on many nights out there and I think we're around the same age, very very high percentage we've been within 50ft of each other at Gatsby's or TTonic or the Lambton Worm or something before. Weird stuff.
i remember that, felt like it was gonna collapse
Yeah maybe if you're 21. Not in your 30s. You'd be expected to be at the top of your career. No female is going to want an older man on poverty wages.
Was always too scared to go on the kamikaze me. Some chavs nailed holes into it. (Obviously they didn't but that was the urban myth).

For me? It's the abyss. Good times.
Popped into The William Jameson or The Cooper Rose for a quickie? HHL was there, waiting.
That lad is right, you just ignore anyone who tries to speak honestly with you because you want to sit here spamming all day. Also it's weird that you want a gf but seem completely uninterested in making friends.
The one in Orlando yes. Like 20 years ago.
For me it was the one where you hit the lights and it was meant to give you a score at the end. Sometimes it WORKED, cor.
Helper is quite fond of little kids at Flamingo Land.
Retail is hard to get into these days. It's only warehouse wage slavery with the immigrants for the autists.
Funny how I know lads in their 30s working in McDonald's who have girlfriends, yet you're saying it's impossible. Almost as if you're completely full of shit!
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>Professor Bubbles

Corr another core memory unlocked. I loved that womfy little car ride in that Seaside Advernture place. It's an F1 car ride now.

>Them little monster guys were also pretty unsettling now that I think of it. Frankenstein and that.

They are still there de lid, they are the last remnants still remaining from that Dreamcore era. I went on that ghost train when I was there earlier this month and it's basically falling apart, most of the animatronics don't move anymore. Will be a sad day when they are gone but it will probabaly be torn down in the next few years, that's why I needed to go on one last time in case it was the last time.
What the fuck is wrong with her head?-
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>Not a single one of them even knows how the word "tattoo" is spelled

Need a rice kveen like this in me life
Bald mong loves his redditclamation marks
Such sass xD
Phoebe is probably shagging deano right now.
>I went on that ghost train when I was there earlier this month
This is man in his 30s
That's what happens when you tie your hair back tightly for years.
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Playing on that Simpsons arcade machine in the cafe.
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Twenty five years
Shame they delisted the game from the 360.
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I hit le wall
Corr an I mean corr. All coming back to me now. Had some good times there and nostalgia for the place but something is always unsettling about it for me. Something strangely unwomfortable about Flamingo Land in general and I am not sure why.
remember playing that in fucking fun junction when i was like 10
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Ye cannae go back.

Yes, I went a few times as a teenager. I liked that womfy river ride where you floated along in them rings me. I also remember the food there being grim af too. Everything stinked of chlorine lmao.


Depends, I only started going out drinking in 2017. The Lambton Worm was womfy, think it's some fancy Indian restaurant now.
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It's ok for 29yo women to be groomers.
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think this was one of the first video games i ever played
But not 34 year old men. Not right.
For good? Huzzah
Male celebrities get away with it all the time de lid
I like consenting girls.
Given Dun Cow a go? It's nice. Went in and had a chat with one of the lasses about their pantings, some local artist had donated them. Suggested I view some exhibit at a local museum - never went.
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>Something strangely unwomfortable about Flamingo Land in general and I am not sure why.

When I think about it you're kinda right de lid. Spooky indeed. Has an uncanny feel to it for sure, still love the place though.
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Turdington coming on is it not

Total turdington expulsion
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>iT aLmOSt LiKe!
Hmm yeah I was at the Jameson more at that point

Yeah, Dun Cow is alright but rarely go due to the price of the drinks. You can't afford to get drunk in there unless you're minted.
2017 was 7 years ago lads.
Year I graduated. I thought I knew everything. Now I know I knew nothing
Yeah it's small and fancy and before long you're talking about John Atkinson Grimshaw. 6/10.
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2024 is as far from 2012 as 2012 was from 2000
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very good year for /britfeel/
Now if u excuse me I going 2 drink beers nd listen Disney songs in the shower
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Think I saved my first ever Apu pic that year.
If Link Lad works in Wealth Management I am fucked.
My heart been broken too many times. My uncle got 5 heart stents. I probly got worse heart damage from sadness. I just trudge along.
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I'd like to think Trump will bring back some of that 2017 era nostalgia if he wins but I know deep down that he won't. You can never go backwards in life.
but now you know only to go for the attainable walling ned types.
Why so? Don't compare yourself to me and feel bad me laddy. Like I said I'm not even well paid. My lack of charisma and sociability will always hold me back anyway. It a limiting factor.
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I've been here since 2007. I've seen some shit.
Same,I was 15 lel
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It's about the shrimple things in life, is it not
That's not it. I don't want your job. Just wondering if the company has "Wealth Management" in its name. You know, 'financial stuff'.
Why would this mean you are fucked though. The mind boggles. But anyway no it doesn't have that in the name so don't worry my lid.
Gonna sleep soon. Watch some asmr first.
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For me, it's some Fortnite then beddingtons.
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My Apu is in fits of joyous tears after hearing Keir Starmer say there will be a return of the sausages. He's completely obsessed with them and he votes based on what each party offers to sausage makers. They're the only thing he eats and all of his internet searches are about them. So glad there's finally a political party backing up our Sausage Apus.
You could have just said that. Had me all worried there.
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Love me herbal essences
which flavour u got
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Got the lime herbal essences rhubarb raspberry shower gel dove Deodorant nd pumpkin candle burning so am feeling like pretty chill,,the honey herbal essence is my fav I've tried idk if they still make it
UK Friday the 13th Blu-ray box set don't include Jason Goes to Hell or Jason X. Got to import those from America on DVD.
thanks for the reply ;)

that sounds good, fancy. get yourself to lush sometime and get all the mad honey chocolate soap bar stuff, what a treat.
Plus I just open a new blueberry elf bar ye.....am thinking wagies fuming. Perfumed, in my own lane. My bed time is whenever I say so. Thx
why is not them all? gotta buy Jason X separately because that's your favourite one? Just put them all in reee
Used to go lush nd Yankee candle shop w **** I love lemon lavender yankee candle bt going in those shops alone as solo male might be nonce ish I fear
Why they call them Elfbar? Makes me think of an Elf's cock. Get on the weed de lid.
yeah reckon you're on the money there. they're trained to be friendly which can overwhelming but that means they ACKNOWLEDGE you.
Don't know probably due to rights or something. Those two are the weirdest most interesting films as well IMO. I wouldn't call any of the Friday the 13th films particularly good but they're entertaining slop with nice tits. Not as good as the Nightmare on Elm Street films.
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>Need a bookcase update
I mean one had the Alice Cooper song? And I can see X 'not counting' to some people but fuck it throw it in there.
Like omit Freddy vs Jason obviously. Although in the Nightmare on Elm Street box set, do they include Wes Craven's New Nightmare?
Yes, lad. I've got the Nightmare box set and it has everything other than Freddy vs. Jason and the remake. I love New Nightmare. I wish Wes Craven was still alive.
You should start collecting GCSE and A-level study guides as well IMO.
Yeah I hated New Nightmare at first because the whole meta/postmodern thing is cringy, but he pulled it off well. Rewatching New Nightmare years later, I appreciated it more.
And then managed it even better in Scream.
Get those CGP (?) ones with the funny jokes.
I like all the Scream films other than Scream 3 which I maintain is a steaming pile of dog shit. Funny how Scream 4 kind of ripped of All The Boys Love Mandy Lane with the ending.
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Just can't get into girls with tattoos.
a person who is slightly damaged
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At least one woman liked SSM's boomer joke here. Mental
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Just finished off me BBQ wringles.
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Got quite a lot in the non-language bookcase
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>Please be jealous of my vapes and my cans of lager and living with mummy. You wish you were me. LMFAO.
m8 u know before U posted this tonight I'd never once mentioned lager or vapes. So thats specifically what you're jelly of I guess. Lil resentful bald babbyman nigger aren't U. My mummy told me if I don't want 2 work that's fine. Sorry you have to wage cause your mum doesn't love you except as an economic unit. Thx
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>29 results
Crosslid has been a busy boy tonight
>Deus Vult: The Great Reset Resistance
lmao good luck bro.
I am a wagie and I just smashed up my logitech mouse in a rage about your disposable vape.
Based, lad. I thought you'd be into that. You ever flick through any of these books or just for show. I love my DVD collection but I do watch them as well.
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Not a fan of blacked haired Lauren. Prefer blondes me.
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That night was a fuckijg wreck bt to be fair he did txt me back I was just being impatient. We haven't even met irl since 2013 nd no text since 2016 until that night. I was freaked out I ebrn did that when I woke.up nxt day.
Shippy is now known as Lingobook Lad
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I do feel connected 2 alizee poster spiritually bc I was mylenefag since 2005 or so when avant que l'ombre album released I don't remember if that was b4 or after alizee started. I didn't follow alizee that much bt it's kind.of the same thing in some way. Idk..I got that mylene on.
SSM has a good sense of humour. That's how he has managed to sleep with so many women despite being below average in appearance
Zesty, moist and all ready to be broken in
Milf, lolita. Which way white man?
Yeah, I've seen Helen howling with laughter at his daft impressions.
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Yeah contrary to memes I do read them quite often. Although only a minority. Love collecting DVDs/BluRays too but that's a side interest of mine. Looking to get spooks seasons 8/9/10 soon. Will have to go to cex in Coventry/Northampton for those. Always enjoyed your posts lad as a fellow physical media collector
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Why not the two?
This is also my secret.
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In 2012 the homeless that sat nxt to me on Govan bus nd we had spiritual connection,,I was concerned with mayan calendar, CERN,, when we parted ways in town he said what's hr mobile number?Eye instantly felt like............a shiver, this isn't a good idea.....bt I too anxious to assert myself so I took his phone (grim Nokia) nd write my number in. He never contact me. He said he was going wedding that day, bt was it really a funeral ? For my life, the world? I often felted like I signed my soul away 2 devil that day,, with that phone.
wagies malding in bed
Never watched Spooks but thought about it a few times because I know Keeley Hawes is in it. CEX have been known to sell individual seasons from bigger series packs I've noticed.
I am so angry lad. So so angry
Truman Show vibes today. Ran into a mate from school outside the local shop. Seems the simulation is bringing back old characters a lot lately for some reaosn.
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When I see someone I know from years ago I duck onto an alley or cross the street to avoid them.
I always have dreams I'm meeting people I knew in primary school. Mental.
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el muchacho con los ojos tristes
>perfectly normal occurance for someone who never left their hometown
>yeah truman show vibes this
>it's all a simulation
Baffling sense of self-importance
The bald Ness nigger of the Newcastle toon
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This is pure Dee Dee yoker stuff mate
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Actually it's
>de los ojos tristes
How dare you fuck up the lyrics of this song which is literally about me
That wasn't a homeless guy. It was Satan himself
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Nd where is my Arbroath poster lass all of a sudden
East coast sister
They all leave me
you genuinely have the music taste of a failed normie from 2004, it's baffling
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Nu breadington soon is it not sire
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Yip thats the vibe I got lad. Met satan(confirmed) in January 2013 bt whether it was first meeting or predestined by that guy(satan) idk. Met a witch outside shortly after. She said ""refresh yourself" then the sky lit up with thunder bt I could somehow tell nobody else on the street noticed it. She had a box of brownies allegedly baked for a homeless shelter,,she gave me 1, I took it home nd studied it over n over to figure out what the fuckinf script was, every time i looked @ the brownie when i looked in any mirror my reflection was different. Just binned it in the end.
If you want to break the spell there is only one way. You need to go to a restaurant called Zum Stolpereck in Worms, Germany. You will meet Jesus there
Jesus turned water into my arse and fucked it raw on the streets of Jerusalem. It not right.
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>failed normie from 2004

Corr and I mean corr x

I can proper hear this playing in the wee cafe I'd go 2 after primary school. Mmmmm
The smell of shit seeping into the house from outside again. Sometimes it just be like that.
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I have put a nice or maybe ok edition for us lads
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https://youtu.be/rbhRAPM10o8 mmm
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Pure thinking about the Babylon set from the 1916 silent film Intolerance. BOGGLES.
Make me a new thread wagie
go on lollers lad xx
O thats a nice 1, didn't see. Thx

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