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The lads just wanna feel editions
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Me getting ready to post on /britfeel/
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We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives inside the dream
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Absolutely mind boggling, I say.
Boasting in a Lollers Bread
There isn't any more milk in the fridge
It new thread x
Incredible contribution thanks
108 years ago. What is life.
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We making it back 2 Tartaria w this thread
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>All those lives, 100 years ago, their individual hopes and fears, their excitement to be in a film, the giddiness and embarrassment and camaraderie all reduced to moments in a gif
Better off thinking about tits really innit
Booba looks pretty nice
Phwoar! Alice was a tasty wee bint of a bitch was she not? Corrrrr! I'd like to disappear down her wonderland! I'd be smiling like a cheshire cat!
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Good breadingham this

Womfy, even
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Alice isn't for lewding
She's pure
Don't give me that, lad. All Disney lasses are eligible to lewdingtons. ESPECIALLY Belle.
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>Better off thinking about tits
quite right
Might start doing occult rituals again n halloween
Bloody Mary says my name 3 times
Linn Park lad where u at
Used to look up satanic rituals to make a girl fall in love with me. It said to cover a baseball bat in blood then smack her over the head. Not sure what the blood was for but there was more after I hit her.
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Think I'll be calling it a day soon. Feel quite tired now.
Have a nice sleep and wake up with your wollocks wefreshed.
don't care & i definitely didn't ask
*slithers ominously towards HHL's wollocks*
*summons St. Wokey to drive the snakes out of Helper's wollocks*
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Got recurring dreams about cumming buckets onto stepmum soles
Its sick in the head bt i cant help it she rewired sth in my brain back then
Don't think there's anything wrong with it. Not like she's related. Same with step sisters (as long as you don't share a mum or dad).

Well, I still don't feel that refreshed off the weekend tbqh but at least I won't be wungover tomorrow. Takes me about a 5-7 days to get over a bender.
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Foodington digesting

Wapu womfing

This, then, appears to be the good shit
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Stepsister fit as f too i just emotionally attached 2 older model
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Need 2 start wasting my money on escorts soon instad of just wasting money on booze to sit at computer. But id obviously need booze as well to even do that in the first place. Obviously Id take pics to post for dee lads.
Sometimes i write a post nd am actually howling so much i step away from the computer nd walk around in circles howling privately before i even hit post. There was a lot of those in the last thread. Sorry but it's fun. No harm intended. It's just banter.
Be careful lots of HIV around nowadays. Normies think it's fine to have now that there's meds for it and reduced risk. What happens when their bodies become resistant to the meds, eh? Freaks.
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But then sometimes am posting something that your eternal soul depends on you taking heed of. Nd it might be the very next post buried under utter drivel. Bt I trust the true psychics will put the pieces together.
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Well, off to listen to some ambience videos in beddingtons then it's sleeps for me. Nighty night lids.

**** volunteered in a HIV charity nd tried 2 educate me about that "its treatable these days, its not a death sentence" nd am like EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW NIGGER DISEASE LOL I dont like these attempts@ rebranding blatantly disgusting things as normal, fair enough U get it and do whatever, but get a grip about saying its normal. **** was a full on SJW i went to like an IT training place 1 day nd it was weird arabic signs everywhere i says to her "tf is this an ISIS training camp kek" nd she actually took the huff the entire day saying that was out of order and i need to grow up. I just tell it like it is. Ur better off being unfashionable but safe instead of open minded nd dead.
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Enjoying ur dreamcore arc helper lid
Night night
most common name in Germany now is Mohammad. maybe same in Londonistan as well. GRIM

Cheers lid, ngl I'm really into my dreamcore right now. Why? I'm not really sure. It's coinciding with a lot of strangeness in real life. Makes me wonder if this whole reality is just one big dream.
been listening to alot of phonk recently, the chilled out sort though, not the aggressive noise sort
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I never talk about it b4 bc im kind of ashamed bt i see 3 prostitutes in the past,,bt I really mean prostitute whore not fancy "adultwork" "punter" "escort" i mean really a dim lit room in falling apart tenement building. 1st one was just massage that turned into handjob. It was meh. 2nd 1 same thing. 3rd one full penetration bt i felt weird halfway through nd couldnt finish bc it was so depressing i was so drunk I tried to say how much to just lick your feet? Or just have a wee chat? I'm lonely. But when i pulled out cash to signify "how many of these you want" she thought i meant i wanted moar seggs(didnt speak english) nd it just caused problems. It was too depressigng for me to get into it i couldnt help being self conscious about what i was doing nd i was blind pished as well which is the only reason i could make it into the place but it didnt actually help with getting the deed done, i still felt too weird about it. So basically i paid all 3 50 quid each nd never got my hole properly. These escorts are much dearer but i think its less guilt inducing cause theyre more like businesswomen than just random down n out junkies.
However as well @ that time i was planning on walking off a high rise building 2 end my life the same week so i wasnt just horny it was more of a "lets get this done b4 im outta here" thing which is probly why i could be so cavalier about life. Then a day or 2 b4 i was getting to that part mum says to me my uncle had stage 4 cancer nd am like, well i cant really do that now for her sake obviously. Actually almost every time i had a proper suicide plan something like that turned up to delay it.
Nd then after all that i went back 2 my wagie job(id taken 2 week leave to kill myself) nd ppl was like "what you get up to?" nd am like "not much just played my xbox kek",,,capitalist alienation
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Post some lid
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Captchas know what U did last summer
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Mibbe space in my tummy for 1 more stella
Last call
wouldnt it be cool if when you die you just live in your dreams ad infinitum
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Idk what alizee waffle poster was on about earlier cus autistic babies cry more not less. Mum always said out of me nd my sisters i cried non stop nd my dad held me against the wall by my neck when i was a babby cus i wouldnt stop screaming all night. Well they got divorced when i was 1yo cus he was battering her as well nd then she got married 2 more times nd they turned out the same way nd then she got married again past few years bt my stepdad now is an alright guy. Bt yeah am sure all that had no effect on me thats just a normal way to grow up for most ppl im sure. I couldnt stop blubbering all the way til puberty nd past that then about early 20s i just started feeling nothing at all and barely cried bt i still get bullied online talking about my feelings. Well I am quite sensitive after all. When I was born i instinctively knew this was a prison planet. My mum has really tragically bad taste in partners, its not her fault though, she messed my life up in some ways bt love my mummy though.
have a nice listen lid
yeah not reading this garbage
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Spraying on some poof juice
Go park with my economy cider
Shagging that mattress. Might be 2 pished to stay awake. Cut my face sas well
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We should bring bck hissing as a masculine form of intimidation desu
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Down this stella, nonce meal, bed
Thats basically the plan
Nice stuff
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Good night all good lads may you have nice dreams
>Nessun Dorma - Luciano Pavarotti
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2 same
2 same(helper lad)
2 same(me)
2 same(me)
2 same(me)
2 same
2 same nd same numbers as last same numbers
2 same(me)
another day of nutting on your own stomach king?
night lad dont spam the thread with opera x
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Feel v emotional n fragile. Might sleep w my knife tonight for security.
Might just down those 2 last stellas instad of sleeping. Feeling v vulnerable dee lads.
>You're so clever, you could do whatever you want in life, you could work abroad anywhere in the world you want if you really tried
Real quote from my mother last year
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i won't I will go to bed now
Nite lad. Don't be a tool in life. No one is coming to get us.
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Feel like i been locked up tight for a century of lonely nights
Nighty night laderino.
Reckon you fellas need to stop leeching off the government/your parents and get jobs
I'll pop it on the to do list.
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My mum still says I could have been a doctor.
My mum thinks I'm "good" with computers because I play vidya, and have googled a few issues and "fixed" my mums laptop a couple of times.
I'm an pleb.
Mel C? Still would, with my willy, if you know what I mean.
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I'm have a masters in psychology, its all shit. AI will replace 'conventional' learning.
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I want 2 be in Millport w/ ***** in 2008,,got the ferry from largs, then there was a bus in bt we just walked it through all the wee fields, I dont even remember what like............................................what did ppl even do or talk about like that, i never thoght about it bc i was 16 nd it was just instinctual, it just worked,plus my twin flame(first(utada)).....Nd the hotel there at the time was called "Royal George" not sure if its something else now. Bt staying overnight seemed big logistics. Every day like that was just fun to be alive never had any particular aim or anything to achieve for the day it was just about enjoying life. No one was on the "self improvement" grind we were just living. I want to fucking go back there. I miss ***** nd I miss those days which seemed like they would just keep going like that 4ever but they didnt. It hit a wall at some point. I didnt even notice then like 10 years passed dead inside. Well ***** expected me to achieve things in life like it seemed like i would but obviously i didnt. Oh well. But regardless i want to be there. I dont want to live in clown coocooland homosex niggerworld anymore. I want to be in millport 2008, 2nd of june. Not happening. Alright then.
I've got a masters in dossing, AI can't replace that.
*skins up before going back to sleep*
***** got 2 weans. She dont remember me at all. I remember everything.
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The Prodigy - Poison
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsc7mEuIQt8 CERN physics glow niggers killed our world in 2012 ***** was turned into a higgs boson hologram. THEY hate me bc i remember the before times. GANG STALK ME THEN FAGGOT
You off the weed now?
Also, how come you're up now, have you booked some doss days?
I reject this whole demiurgic vaxxtard cosmic prison. I want 2 see 17yo ***** in a summer dress again. I dont want to be here. I want to be there. I wont grow up. I wont mature. It was better before. Dont gaslight me. This is garbage. It was better before. Billions must die.
Thanks, make it your top priority.
Might as well finish the last stella after this 1. Thats 10 stellas. Not that bad apart from i had the diazepam as well. Dont giev a fuck now. Hope i fucking stop breathing in bed. Fuck this world. Cheers
Dont give a fuck. I want to be in millport. I dont want to be here. I hate it here. Simple as. I got my knife too so nobody bother me.
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I hope when i die am wandering around millport in 2008 bt the truth is probably I already died a long time ago nd that was already the passage 2 afterlife nd this is hell. How do U describe this world we live in except hell. Well w/e. Sieg heil.
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I was born in this cosmic prison from my mummy bt i come from a v different place altogether. Actually my soul is too old 2 be carbon dated. I want to get back to Millport. The mud flood nigger carnage destroyed Millport. My Tartary. I hate thisplace. I feel like a tiger in a zoo chewing its tail. I want 2 be in millport nd play mario galaxy when i get home. Get me out of here. I dont know why i ended up here but i hate it. But ***** has 2 weans now. Well she moved on. Am glad. When she visited me in my room in 2016 it was stacked with cigs and drugs nd she was like ":/" my mum was doting over her bc she saw it as an out for me to have a normal life again. Not happening. I cant live in this world unless U time travel me into Millport 2008. With all my memories. Then i can fix all the mistakes from there on.
I was born 2 suffer in this world. My raison detre. The last 1 who suffered like me was crucified. So be it.
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Alienation from mankind. John 15:18. My fucking path. Never asked 2 be born but here i am.
I want to wear makeup.
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Do U know corinthians 13?
Stomachberg troubles kicking in are they not

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Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.
For we know in part and we prophesy in part,
10. but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears.
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.
Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Nd shout out my autistic osananajimi too. Id go back then too. But mostly Im going in the tardis to Millport. I dont want 2 be here. I want to be there.
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Fug up my tripcode
I changed this shit soon for autumn anyway,,it seasonal
Or maybe I just dont use 1
Well d*lita stole my tsunades so i made a name nd then d*lita stole my name nd my tsunades @ the same time so i made a tripcode nd he tried to steal that too bt he got bored eventually
Bt admittedly d*llybubs make me laff quite a lot bt its in that way where a rabid animal can be cute bt then it bites U and you remember "oh wait i wasnt supposed to be bonding with this absolute psycho" he make me laff then i remember what he said about my cat nd i feel like violent feelings so thats basically how it is with that
I got 1 more stella kek
Nothing stopping me going Millport today. Buses starting soon. Might just head out on a mad one. Get a ferry from Largs.
Feels like 1 of those journeys id never come back from. Maybe i find apotheosis. Maybe I slit my throat.
Ill jump overboard nd join a pod of dolphins. I cant live in gay nigger world anymore.
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Want a Phoebe gf. Women my age are grim.
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Peach plum pear
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Bt I just got v tired
But i want my last stella
I migth fall asleep
It could actually be the end of an era as a wise man 1ce said
>oversized glasses
she looks like she fucks black guys imo
SSM update. He's got an Ocado delivery between 7 and 8 today. Something to look forward to.

Wutted did i not

Gonna call it for now, hafta do a bunch of shidd later on
This Karen kek. Definitely low iq. How the fuck is she employed acting like this? Hopefully she loses her job soon.

30 min video dam man
No attention span lad?
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Very hard to see girls without them these days.

She doesn't but I reckon she feels very comfortable around that man showing her skin off like that.
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Phoebe's dad looks like SSM.
Woke up just naa. Long day ahead.
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Ill just tan the last Stella then sleep. Fuck it. Dnt want any booze left in the fridge. Am booze free after tonight so might as well tan this now.
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The way she looks at him. You just know she wants more than driving lessons. Reckon she keeps driving bad just to spend more time with him.
He'll be in his grave by the time the revelations come out.
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Something about them makes a girl so much more attractive.
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Obviously if she would fuck my dad she'd fuck me, which is just a younger fitter version. I've got no loyalty there so idgaf. I know it's bad bt I'll pull it off 1 day.
Thinking about the dead homies w this last Stella
And my chickens in my stardew save i haven't opened. Peach, Pear, Patchouli nd the rest
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>Alice isn't for lewding
She's inherently lewd
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Completely bright outside innit
Guess the day is starting
Not fir me tho
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some fresh Seaside and an ocado food haul
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They are pacifying us wuth elf bars
Interesting word from Americans ""pacifier",its just a ljteral description of what a dummy does? Shuts babby up maybe same idea w vspes for adults I think.
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I miss my aunty ***
I never go to mass since 2022
Just remind me of death now
Tan this Stella
Fuck this entire world
State of britfeel, grim
I been defeated by 12 stellas bf I livr 3 fight another day
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Only the top brands for SSM. 7 pound olive oil that is
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he on that egg custard grind this morning
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First day back working, 260 emails to read and an HR meeting been put in for 10
Feels good to be needed desu
yea now its time for ssm spam lol fat youtube mong kek
Come on lads you know the routine
Post ASMR bints
Insult Ruthmong
Laugh at the state of his life
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emails reading update: 1 person has left, someone else has died
normgroids are such mongs when it comes to things like this. "I can't afford good butter". How many blocks of butter do you go through a month, 2? Wow you've saved a quid switching to lidl shit brand. Choke down aldi brown sauce because HP that you'd buy once a year is four quid a bottle. Just brainless NPC behaviour.
They really did make a fucking show of it back then eh?
Not like today where you chuck on some sweatpants, an old crumpled tshirt from the laundry you haven't done yet and wear a pair of slides just to go to the shops for some slop.
whats the latest on sm, what did he buy, sell, eat, drink, say, do?
I don't think it's normies as such, but it's a certain kind of dosser archetype who do this. Guy I know is a dosser for life, always has a story why he's not working, always something wrong he needs to doctor for or some crisis he's dealing with or some family thing, all very obvious and bad excuses.

Anyway, his mum died and left him and his brother half of everything each, plus they sold her bungalow and split it. The brother (who is a regular guy, not a dosser) takes it, saves it, spends a little her and there on important things, invests a little here and there, just general sensible use of the windfall.

The dosser lad decides the best thing to do with like 280k is to rent a three bed house. His mum was paying his rent for his flat before this. His brother advises strongly against this, that he should buy a small flat and live there with the rest. He says absolutely not, what would people say? He's got to have a house doesn't he? What would it look like if he didn't have a nice house?

A few years later and he's gone through all of his windfall. All of it. He's in social housing now. My point is though that he had the exact same mindset that you're talking about. Be it food, cars (he got a new one literally every single year) or housing. It's like a weird dossermong status thing or something.
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Oh look, Labour is going to simply close a bunch of women's prisons. Apparently "for women, prison isn't working".

I knew they were going to be full on anarcho-tyranny, but even this is quite brazen imo. They're not even trying to pretend to garner popular support on any front or sizeable/influential chunk of the population. All they're doing is shoving their WEF 2030 globohomo agenda through the system.

Our government is objectively evil and it is the just duty of every man to resist in any way he can.
It's a sleight of hand that shitty leftist governments do. They claim that the point of prison is rehabilitation, which simply isn't possible for 99% of prisoners, then when the prisoners are released (early lol) and commit more crimes again they throw their hands up and claim "well look obviously prison doesn't work because it doesn't reach the impossible outcomes we want it to!". Then they use that as a justification to close prisons/release prisoners.

The reality is that there are simply those in society who are criminally inclined and no amount of workshops or therapy or rehabilitative nonsense is going to change that. The way you deal with those people is you KEEP them in prison. Ooohhhh no mate nah mate mate nah what about their oooman roights?!
Hope they aren't sacking everyone de lid
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none of their nonsense is sustainable and we will see a nation-wide societal collapse Russia 1991 style within the next few years. Bank of England went in heavy in Ukraine and now we're broke because they lost their gamble. That's how retarded our leadership is
hold tight and look forward to the future where we rebuild from the ground up
>My point is though that he had the exact same mindset that you're talking about
except you've completely ignored the point which is that the price difference between good and shit in things like olive oil and butter and sauces is almost nothing especially when you consider how infrequently you buy and it and the quality difference you get for your money. Yet NPCs will react on impulse at the high price tag and think they're being economical buying the cheap shit adulterated rapeseed oil brands and then fume that a dosser like SSM gets to spend seven quid a bottle on organic extra virgin olive oil while they're working full time and have to penny pinch. How much olive oil can you really go through a month? It's irrational because these same people will then spend thousands a year on takeaways, holidays, car payments etc like it's nothing.
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It can be turned around. It can be changed. The country is not over. We are still alive and Concorde will fly again.
You know the trick to sorting emails quickly, right lad?
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>weather set to turn colder
Kinell I just checked how much I'd get in redundancy pay if they wanted to get rid of me. Nearly 20 grand after tax lmao.
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Nice and slowly of course. 'Catching up on emails' is a good 1/2 day excuse for not doing anything else
Not that much all things considered is it? Hope you don't have a mortgage.
Need to start doing some winter clothes shopping desu.
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I like you're thinking, but no. The real trick is
>open unread tab
Then you say on teams or slack or wherever 'sorry guys, still chugging through my inbox from the leave I took, might be slow to respond today/tomorrow'.
I'm not a brit but can people in the UK really not afford to heat their homes?
I do, but that's 6 months net pay + notice period you have to land a new job. Pretty damn good.
We could cull all NEETs on benefits and use the corpses as biomass to heat britain's homes.
You have to understand that nearly every aspect of the country has been in chronic, barely managed decline for decades now. We are not a first world country any more. Our economy is a disaster and energy is being systematically made less reliable and more expensive through direct policy choices. I assume you're referring to the winter fuel allowance for old people, right? There's some obfuscation here, so I'll try and explain.

Old people are a 'stakeholder' in our managerial system. They get massive amounts of benefits from the state paid for by an ever shrinking slice of actually productive net taxpayers. One benefit they get is a lump sum payment in winter ostensibly for fuel to heat their homes. They started this around 2000 I think but now because people have become accustomed to the government simply giving pensioners more money now nobody can imagine a situation where this isn't the case - well it's just how it's done innit? So taxpayers are fleeced for more money year on year as the number of pensioners increases.

However, combined with the fact that the economy is terrible and our energy production/purchasing system is designed so that we pay the absolute maximum at the time when prices are at their absolute highest, if the government stopped this taxpayer boondoggle then yes old people literally would be dying in their homes because they couldn't afford to heat them.

Tl;dr England not a first world country.
Quite like that Espresso tune from Sabrina Carpenter. Wouldn't mind cumming on her bangs.
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ukraine needs our support
all dossers will only have their universal credit paid to them if they fight in ukraine. deductions will be made to pay for their own equipment of course, and there's no guarantee that such equipment can be given to them before they reach the front
taking from your idea. those who refuse will be made into biofuel use to power missiles that are launched into russia
Listening to a woman on the radio describe how Mohammed Al Fayed sexually assaulted her repeatedly. Weird boner, man.
*wakes up*
NO, we're all going to comment about immigrants on facebook, and get locked up for the winter. Free food and heating my lid.
Fucking Hell, The Archers has got a bit brutal, hasn't it?
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>We are not a first world country any more.
Mass immigration wouldn't be an issue if we weren't richer than most of the world.
Why is the FTSE 100 at an all time high then?
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this guy can get a gf, so why cant you?
yes! times are tough, so we need to tighten our belts and cut benefits for people so we can send more to ukraine. they need it more than we do.
if we dont send more to ukraine, putin will conquer ukraine then move on west into western europe and before you know it hell do a sealion and well all be speaking russian
Don't forget, the government need to give themselves a raise as well next year.
Just spoke to our Vlad, and he said it wasn't his original intention, but seeing how jewrope have been funding jewkraine, he might as well do it now.
>Ex-police officer wins 1.1m after discrimination
>Katrina Hibbert was a safeguarding sergeant with Thames Valley Police (TVP), working with victims of child sexual and drug exploitation in Cherwell and West Oxfordshire.
>She had started a party and events business as a "positive outlet" to help her cope with the stress of her job, a tribunal heard.
>But she resigned from the force after it withdrew permission for her to run the business while she was off sick, which a judge found to be "discrimination arising from her disability".
corr 1,100,000 quid it lovely
This shit is so pathetic. I don't understand this kink at all. I'd rather get divorced than endure this humiliation.
Not him but, the faggots get off on it. They aren't forced to do it.
Imagine having kids and they see daddy sucking a black cock on Reddit.
Morning teams call. It's me and eleven dithering catladies. Talking about 'neurodivergence' and shit like that. They literally bring up the internal monologue and most say they do not have it/can't think in words/can't picture things in their heads.

The NPC meme is real, lads. Never forget that. It's literally real and they're fuckign zombies, shambling around barely reacting to stimuli.
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>The NPC meme is real, lads. Never forget that. It's literally real and they're fuckign zombies, shambling around barely reacting to stimuli.
Many of them in this thread.
Chuds shall inherit the earth bitch
Some people don't have an inner dialogue in their heads which I find completely mental. I talk stuff out in my head with my head voice all the time.
That sounds horrific.
I just assumed everybody had a monologue going through their minds.
Normals are weirdos.
First they came for the OAPs and I did not speak out, because I was not an OAP.
Now they're coming for the NEETs..
She looks so council estate and I want to see her get railed. Cuck can get lost, chavvy slags are my thing.
It was The Unbelievable Truth
_VERY_ hungry but bossman wont allow me to have an early lunch
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Lunch? At barely ten past eleven in the morning? That's insane!
Imagine going through life not thinking. I don't understand it, surely if not having a conversation in their minds, there's some words in their minds? Food, toilet, sleep, you know the basic things. How teh fuck do they function?
This can't be real.
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The PS5 will be going back to cex

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>lad sucking the BBC looks exactly like my brother
Not him but i always eat lunch at 11.30 at work, avoid the bit rush at 12
Ruth's future beta provider husband in 15 years time
der poopenfartenshire
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Laura is taking her PS5 back to CEX too. She needs that cash injection.
Big areola
fucking KEK, replacing the hard drive in a ps5 that he doesn't play, to store nothing on it, and he fucks it all up
Love girls with big areolas
has he not voided the warranty on the ps5 taking it apart
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Laura is an Xbox fan now. She doesn't even know these controllers work on Xbox One. Definitely not very good with her vidya knowledge.
So does Laura's FWB Jamal
cumming on big areolas
Motivation to work today is zero, and I mean zero.
Sickening this video. Absolute disgrace this country. I'm ashamed to be British. That could be your mum or sister being attacked. Pigs think they can seize your phone for filming their crimes.

She looks so basic lmao
Why work when other people are willing to work for you?
Trust your instinct anon, do you wfh? Shame you just had a powercut. Work in an office? Shame you've just suddenly developed covid. Food production/catering/restaurant worker? Shame you have diarrhoea.
wadda fucks gawan awn 'ere den?
There's been a lot of flooding in the Banbury area, so I've temporarily taken in a guy who has been forced out of his home by the rising water. He's a young rastafarian gentleman by the name of Hanford. We were chatting last night and he asked me if I'd like to try smoking cannabis. I misunderstood and thought he asked me if I wanted to try "a smoked canard's beak." I've always been a fan of smoked duck so I thought I'd give it a go. Imagine my surprise when he pulled out a huge bifta!
You're right lad. Time to get creative.
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>Trump is now handing out cash to voters.

I got 143.50 in CEX vouchers
here's your you you funny fuckhead
What's even worth getting from CEX? All their discs are grimy and all their devices are in shit condition.
This is /britfeel/ not /yankfeel/, my American friend.
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Kebab later I am thinking
Do you have an inner dialect? If not, just how did you think you were hungry?
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Basic? Nah wops is more like that.
Oh how thick I be.
I am British born and bread but I was hit by a coconut in an excursion to Jamaica and my inner dialect has been that of the deceased Bob Marley ever since.
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Only know one asmr lass that sets foot in those diagusting smelly places.
Sometimes the stuff is bad condition but generally fine for me.
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wops is too obsessed with cex. I wouldn't ecer support them. They rip you off, they don't care about putting the right editions in the right cases, they sell dodgy electronics.
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Wops frequents CEX even more than SSM does
Ruthmong looks basic
Hollow Man and The Amityville Horror, 2 for 15 quid on Blu-ray. Nice. Hollow Man one of my favourites, will be a nice upgrade. They do a double pack with Hollow Man 2 but I've no interest in that shite. I've never seen the original Amityville so that will be nice to discover. I love Margot Kidder.
Both released by 88 Films so decent extras. Hollow Man has a commentary with Paul Verhoeven and Kevin Bacon.
And you look amazing? I doubt it.
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Yeah she's in there several times a week. Goes to different ones.
CeX SHOULD be charity shops but you've all been hoodwinked just like how they keep trying to set up 'vintage' 'thrift stores' howdy yeehaw buy these 2006 Air Maxes y'all, who's it supporting? uhh...INDEPENDENT business, yahoo!

Take your slop discs of 0s and 1s you could just download and shove them up your arse.
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Something really funny is the number of BLACKED actors (The guys) have ended up in prison. Bunch of them also do gay stuff now instead. Imagine being paid for a living to fuck the hottest white women on earth and you throw it away LOL.
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If you haven't seen the 82 minute AI-voiced David Attenborough documentary about how India is the worst country in the world I highly recommend it. Fucking creasing over it nonstop.
mad how many voting age people don't know whether a billion is a thousand or a million million
her whole purpose in life was to do her blacked scenes
she was born and built for it
I know Flash Brown is in gay porn and Jay Hefner recently got killed in a shooting, what about others? Wasn't aware of anything major happening beyond those two.
miss when i'd go in charity shops as a kid wiv me mum, got all sorts of treasures from there, had a whole collection of art attack on vhs
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The Poole branch is SSM's local. All the staff know him there.
Might show this to my mum and tell her it's real.
Any links?
Ive unironically been called a 10/10
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Sister took the Xbox controller for an asmr video again.
day 4 nofap
so fucking horny for blacked
i know ill regret wanking though
then again not like a girl will ever like me so its the only sexual release i can get
but id still regret it
im so alone
i wish i was dead
You should bust into her room with a balaclava on. Then, punch her really hard in the face to shock her and incapacitate her. Then, pin her on her bed, pull up her skirt and rip her tights in the middle to reveal her hairy vagina. Then, punch her again and tell her you'll kill her if she doesn't shut up. After that, whip out your cock, get hard and violently thrust in and out of her wet, hairy vagina until you cum inside her.

She will never take your Xbox controller again (unless she liked it).

It's fucking wild
Nice lad but most of us wouldn't be such degenerates. Maybe a step sister.
Bit of a cruel joke the pussy is so close to the disgusting shithole. Notice some women's vaginas are almost attached to the arsehole but some are well seperated. Mad.
If it's properly washed inside and out I prefer the butthole desu
Very unhinged post
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Mum going on about boring jobs that make me want to kill myself. Tell her to fuck off, I don't give a shit anymore.
Mental how literal babies come out of women's fannies. So glad I'm not a woman.
If you shove your cock deep inside a woman's vagina it unlocks the second vagina and inside this vagina lies the mysteries of the universe.
The real redpill is that they enjoy it, which is why they're desperate to have more than one. When a woman gives birth her vagina is stretched to the absolute maximum her biology will allow and she subsequently experiences the strongest orgasm in her life up to that point. The sheer dopamine that gets released causes instant 'addiction' and so the rest of her life is spent chasing the high.
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No onions sauce to dip bao buns in. No maple syrup to dip pancakes in.

It not right. I live in food desert.
get a chastity cage lad, then you can watch all the blacked you like and you won't be able to cum to it
Doubt mine will ever get that deep desu
I've just asked my wife and she confirmed that you're talking bollocks.
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Didn't menaquinone4 make a post just like this back in the day?
id just take it off
problem is when i get horny like this and dont fap, its all i can think about and i get a headache too
cant do anything else
so fucking horny for huge black cock fucking pretty white girls
Might consume a product if that's alright with you lads...
Just asked some random whore walking down the street and she confirmed this is 100% correct.
Pretty sure you can still cum with a chastity cage, lad.
I miss Rhodesia so much, lads.
Just spotted a larp a few posts above
Average height of a man in the UK is 5'10", but remember that's including a ton of undernourished and generally shorter immigrants too, so the real average for a British man is likely closer to 5'11" or even a flat 6'0".

How do you measure up, lads?
I'm 5 ft 2 and almost 15 stone. Got that Danny DeVito body type. Not even joking tbqh.
>38 BMI
I'm cultivating mass, lad.
bigger than SSM de lad. He's about 37-38 BMI
>Oi, mate mate mate, I'll have you know that the 20,000 quid accommodation donation was pure hospitality yeah, for my son to study for his GCSEs because the paparazzi were taking pictures of our house yeah?
>Now button it up or I'll have you nicked for misinformation, alright mate? Look the Ethics Experts have settled the question, it was for just a nice little gift that a friend gave me for my lad, that means if you say otherwise you're spreading disinformation okay mate?
He's quickly turning into just another socialist dictator. One rule for thee, another for me.
Who could've predicted that the man who protected Jimmy Saville and who admits that he doesn't even dream at night could be some kind of malicious amoral golem?
>One rule for thee, another for me.
That is every politician.
No politician has anything of worth to offer.
I decided to watch the presidential debate. One interesting observation:
Trump is fucking hilarious but never laughs himself. Kamala is painfully unfunny but laughs constantly.

new hard drive won't work. Have to piss about loading in all is games. Well it's just too much hassle isn't it? He gave it a go it just not for him.
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casually necking four custard tarts in a oner
Getting seconded to a new team for six months, beginning in about a fortnight. Means in the interim I can wind down the work I'm doing in my current team and then for a week or two in the new team I can take things very slowly. It's like being part time for the next month. Cheers x.
>casually necking four custard tarts in a oner
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tempted to pick up the new edition of nick land's xenosystems from passage press
looks v good quality, might cop
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My Blu-ray TV collection is very small compared to my DVD TV collection. The problem being a lot more shows are released on DVD in comparison. I'd like to get The X-Files on Blu-ray but it recently went from 80 quid to 150 quid. Still good for the amount of series and episodes, similar price for the Supernatural Blu-rays which is 15 series.
Want a woman who will force me to do this.
>My Blu-ray TV collection is very small compared to my DVD TV collection
Bit cold now it is officially autumn. I remember the days of 12 hour heating when I wanted, but now alas I am a poor.
*freezes to death*
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1 less scrounger, muahahaha
Labour are just Tories light now.
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AII poIIiticians are the same
Schizophrenics claiming pip operating incendiary devices in the British army
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Wheelchair bound landing signal officers
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Bet he regrets voting Labour now
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take a big whiff on these
This looks like the most pointless fetish ever. You get nothing out of it
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An entire royal artillery regiment operated by deaf people
1.2 million pounds in ear protection can be saved over 10 years on this policy alone
What else do you 'get' out of any fetish beyond the enjoyment of participating in it?
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The office of Veteran affairs outsourced to Atos
I didn't know you britfags had Sasquatches over there too
How many PS5s has he bought now, 6? Get new scriptwriters
>waa waa give me attention
sad cunt
Dirty bussy
Clean bussy
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The absolute fucking S T A T E of wagies. I find this genuinely disgusting and personally offensive to life itself.
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SSM has a mental illness. Someone needs to intervene.
Grown ass men caring about birthdays beyond the age of 21. Grim.

Unless it's a foid post, I'm not clicking it
To the actual average or the average you made up?
It literally says in the article he gets pleasure from his job. I don't know why this angers you so much
>help people prepare financially for later in life, assuming they don't also die before retirement age like me of course
yeah, don't care
Trying a new bottle of goypop, fanta apple. It's alright.
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>he gets pleasure from sucking that black cock and posting the picture to reddit
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Scottish 'people' are pathetic
Love a bit of the zogslurp tbqh. Limit myself to one glass bottle of coke a week mind.
You think that's the same thing as working?
if you're incapable of understanding how basic analogies work, maybe just be quiet, k?
I don't get what point you're trying to make lid.
If you're incapable of making money, maybe you should be quiet.
just back from the barbers, how are turks always so incredibly skilled at cutting hair but they cant do anything else? also i noticed about 20 or so of those big 24 packs of barr cream soda in the corridor going to the back of the shop, what is that about?
Nerve touched, babe?
>Limit myself to one glass bottle of coke a week mind.
That's good. A nice treat, and a good bit of discipline.
Based chink video AI pumping out comfy webms for de lads. It does struggle with pixel art though.
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Getting ads targeted just for me again
apparently topless barmaids were a thing back in the day, can and oldfags confirm this?
These oat biscuits from Ikea are DE-CENT!
That Prize Guy dude must be making a shitload of money.
Corr what a bargain
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On that Wednesday wuppagrind me. Life's better when you wake up without a hangover.
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Said the monkey fucker
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Corr I got this one the other day.
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Old British mythology:
>King Arthur
>Robin Hood
Tales of great men overcoming evil both literally and metaphorically. English liberty and virtue and righteous struggle are central themes throughout. The point is to inspire greatness.

New British mythology:
>Grenfell Tower
>Stephen Lawrence
Tales of BAMEs unjustly suffering at the hands of whites. All BAMEs removed of agency and sclerotic institutions are seen as upstanding and necessary but misguided. The point is to guilt trip whites into redistributive and two-tier policy mandates; natives must 'give up' something to correct historical wrongs.
Lovely tits on her. Seems she's trying to hide them in all her other videos though... Shame.
>>Grenfell Tower
>>Stephen Lawrence
don't know what any of that is tbqhwy
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Gotten back again, me

Ran into the schizoid boomeroid in the middul of the street earlier too, fucker saw i was wearing headphones but was skitzoing out regardless/attempting to intercept me in a VERY bizarre manner again

Unwindan and womfan it up now
Mad how we saw Trinity from Trailer Park Boys from a young child and now we can watch her sucking cock on OnlyFans.
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Old Britfeel lore:
>Feel Street
>Timothy James Byrne
>regular OC
Tales actually about the feels of being British and genuinely funny lolcows. Regular OC from interesting trips. Point is to establish camaraderie between the lads and have a fun time.

New Britfeel lore:
>boxroom dossers
Tales of mongs doing fuck all. Seething and coping from majority, not comfy at all. Attention-obsessed personalities immediately blocked by anyone with any sense. No OC, just regurgitation of shitty gimmicks. LARPs abound. Point is to annoy each other.
DVDlad at least provides OC even if it's mundane.
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AI gens are OC, those are posted occasionally, even though most are related to SSM.
Driving lesson lad here. Haven't had one in 2 weeks and was pretty good but nervous for mine this evening.
I unironically find Rachel Reeves hot and would like her to bust my balls or lock me up in chastity.
You should run someone over for a laugh.
Want to shag but cant. It not right.
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Would even shag a man's arse if it was good looking enough.
SSM is more interesting and less sad and disturbing than Tim.
I wouldn't. I'd probably suck or jerk a sissy male but that's about it
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Not too fond of boomers am i

No sire
I can't die happy because I didn't fuck Ashlynn Brooke in her prime.
Yeah we know keir, you have made it obvious.
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Id shag Natalie's arse just for the experience.
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iktf de lid
I have a strong suspicion she has HIV.
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Hate sitting around waiting for something, fella on the phone said 5 working days but I'm hoping it lands in the next 48 hours at least before the weekend.
What are you waiting on, lad? I've loads of Blu-rays coming this week. Hopefully new phone next week. Going for the Motorola Razr 50 Ultra.
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>Mad how we saw Trinity from Trailer Park Boys from a young child and now we can watch her sucking cock on OnlyFans.
w...we can?
Yes, lad. She has an OnlyFans.
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That is a nice nipple tbqh lad corrr
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Not him but, not too shabby. Does she get them out properly or just cock tease?
No idea, I don't pay for that shit. In the description it says no asshole or pussy but apparently she gets her tits out and sucks cock.
Might start posting on Blackpill Club again, fuck it
If you lose weight does your cock look bigger? I'm fat and my cock looks average. If I got skinny would it look big?
Does it feel like your layers of fat are covering up length?
Your weight does affect the size of your cock to some extent but you really have to push it to see a noticeable effect.
I heard someone estimate that for every 100 pounds you gain over a healthy weight you effectively lose about an inch due to the fat bunching up around you.
Yeah I have a fat pouch surrounding my dick.
Well I'm around six stone overweight so it might work for me.
I'm 20 stone and the fat on my body has all but swallowed my cock up. It makes it look much smaller than otherwise.
How come?

Still works though doesn't he?
He's been on an indefinite hiatus after a messy divorce from his dominatrix wife and an incident with a stalker. Not making content right now and likely won't again. Not that lad, but I've seen some info possibly making out that he has HIV, but I'd place it low on the probability scale, maybe like 10% chance. Sadly it looks like life just did a number on him and he wanted some peace and quiet.
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I am a fucking disgusting degenerate mess of a man. I don't know how to change.
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I'm only 2st lighter than you
Coor bloody hell you chumbawumbas, how do you let yourselves get this big? Low self-esteem?
You should cut down on your pork life mate, get some exercise
I'm 21st and pushing 22st last time I checked.
I can't speak for LSFPL but I spent many comfy days/nights sitting at the computer shitposting, playing games, watching youtube all whilst eating junkfood.
>no asshole or pussy
trinity keeping it classy, ricky would be proud
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How is an *AVERAGE* man supposed to compete when women can experience this whenever they want for a one time investment of about 30-odd quid?
would you really want to shag someone whos had that thing up her fanny?
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He just can't stop buying and selling PS5's
It a disease
Helen say nothing to him about his obsessive behaviour
The seasideARMY just encourage him to keep buying and selling PS5s
He stuck in a nightmare loop
He need help
Yeah. And giving up on everything. 'Who cares, why bother?' kind of attitude. And it's a vicious cycle because eating more makes me MORE like that as well. All started from childhood though ultimately.
Just want to say that she has an excellent butthole. Really good colour, shape, tautness, symmetry etc. Wonderful.
SSM was 19.2st at his last weigh-in
got to my age with not great social skills
just fucked no matter what i do now
gonna be alone forever and probably end up homeless one day
How tall is SSM?
It lushington is it not
Got a PhDberg in Goonology me
Further proof that HHL is a fucking nonce!!!
>How tall is SSM?
How tall is Ruthmong?
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Fancy some pasta for din dins today x
This is kinda cute actually, you can tell he's a little beta male just by his shagging posture. More "men" should go pussyfree like this so that women can laugh at them
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Pastas always a good bet lod
got beans on toast for myself later, might stick on a bit of grated cheddar too. Last of the stock until I get a food delivery later on. Didn't know you were still into L signs btw?
Sick of getting spammed by eBay sellers giving me offers on stuff I've saved to my wishlist. Spamming cunts.
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Yeah, I've just confirmed the pasta for din dins. One of them Worrisons ones. Not bad tbqh.

>Didn't know you were still into L signs btw?

Somedays I feel like a loser, somedays I don't. I'm just on that go with the flow grind in life now de lid.
God I love serving women like this at work. Some absolutely fantastic MILFs in the office. I know what you mean, similar sort of thing here...it's too deep-rooted to go away but don't always feel like an actual loser. The rare times I win it is really nice.
MARKS in Weatherssoons for a pint

Also sauce?
for your pasta and for your image
>bust lip
Did nonce hunters attack are lad again?
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It's Laura Tobin de lid, she does a lot of loser/beta trigger stuff in plain sight. She knows exactly what she's doing.
All the generations of men who fucked raw pussy and bred, passing on their genes for thousands of years all culminated in producing me. An autistic retard who wasted his life, will die alone, and has done thousands of cooms to BBC porn.
way she goes, bud
Damn very nice
going to have to do a bit of...research into her lad
Many babies and children would die before reaching adulthood. Parents would have 8 children
>earlier, some guy came up to me and asked if wanted to buy a bag

Genuinely thought this was a findomme
why is she doing the Loser sign then?
How come so many people from the UK are robots ? i don't understand : you guys are smart, white, good looking, have a funny accent, got a new history, not many arabs/black people beside indians ...
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How have you never heard of Laura Tobin? She's on TV every morning doing the weather.
We're all autistic. Seriously.
Watch ANY interaction between British people and it's cringey, awkward, fake, apologetic, and over the top. Americans are not like this. A 3/10 American would probably have more charisma than a 8/10 Brit. It's just how we are. Britain is the autism capital of the world.
I've HEARD of her but why would a weatherwoman by holding up an L sign? doesn't look edited to me either.
Do you think my scottish friend is autistic too ? he told me he was good looking and he had a house and a dog, much more wealthier than me

I wanted to come over and that he make me visit scotland, but i was always afraid because i'm literally 3.5/10 and he is like 6-7/10 ....

Do you think i would fit right in being arab ? i know english ones are used to see indians, but how about scottish people ?
I'd be skeptical if you haven't met IRL but you never know, could be true. My uncle lives in Edinburgh and I enjoyed visiting that city. There's just as many Arabs in the cities there as here, but probably far fewer in the more remote parts like the highlands...then again, there's far fewer PEOPLE in general there. Sounds like a fun adventure though, I am planning on travelling to see an online friend in France one of these days in fact. Might as well seize the opportunity to see someplace new :)
>tfw my ancestors may have raped some QT celtic women
SSM diddled his nieces
Imagine sticking your cock in a pussy engulfed by ginger hair, unwashed, unshaved and matted for years - they didn't have venus razors back then mate! Disgusting.
SSM killed Benji
About 34 gigs of porn downloaded today. Did a little curating of recent scenes and picked the choice ones. Shall be enjoying these later this evening.
whats a way to signal to the black men around me that im a bottom bitch and would like to be approached? like fr a way to let gay bbc's know im down for it without having to actually do any approaching msyelf since idk whos gay or not
I'm mentally ill and boring i think so he wouldnt like me ... i live in france too but i avoid going outside because i'm ugly ...
beggars cant be choosers lad, on that note, when did pube shaving become a thing? id guess around the 1990s
Dress, act, walk, talk and generally behave like a gay guy? How do you think gays tell each other apart? How do you think straight people can tell 99% of the time that someone's gay?
It's fallen in and out of fashion across all of history, lad. The idea that people didn't groom themselves until the 90s is a load of nonsense, just like how Hollywood depicts medieval Europe as some mud caked shithole, like people wouldn't pave their streets or have floor boards in their homes just because it's 1500. Plenty of Romans kept it totally smooth for instance.
big black monster cock
Ruth's favourite thing.
I understand, I feel the same way most of the time. I dislike going outside but have to sometimes. I'm fat AND ugly, so people stare. But it sucks being confined to the same four walls. I wish I were more confident and could do what I want without worrying about things as much. What mental issues have you got anyway?
Walking from the gym today I almost cried. I'm so alone. Might kms soon.
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Thinking about the same thing lod.
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I think i have Borderline Personnality Disorder, people kept telling i must have it, because i have been obsessed with my friend for the past years

If you are white it should be fine, i think some chubby can be cute because you can massage their belly and be more assertive with them, but i'm bi so its different ...

At some point i even thought of killing myself or transitionning so that my friend would love me again, i wanted so many time to buy a flight to glasgow but i would just end up all alone in the middle of some placei n nowhere without him ...
nice to see some lads bringing some class
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Wausage wasta for din dins with some cheesy warlic bread.
>Plenty of Romans kept it totally smooth for instance.
makes sense actually, romans were top shaggers
never even kissed a fanny
Any pictures of this feast?

Already necked it. Cba to take pics of every meal.
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Imagine this fresh outta the microwave de lid
The Nigerian staff feeding our king well I see
Lazy bastards. It takes 20 minutes to make this shit from scratch and will taste 10x better.
Crazy to think people actually eat this
I will never understand the microwave meal mindset. Revolting in every aesthetic sense of the word.
I heard Liam fucked Arbroathy. Can anyone confirm?
who the fuck is liam?
nice try liam
Nu dolly for dollymong to play with
Used to get called spam mong now its dolly mong
fuck me has it been 40 days already
Any DVD updates de liiiidy liiiiids?
did i tell you lads i was cleaning my flat? yea got about half way through on monday and cant be arsed now, theres binliners full of shit everywhere and stuff all over the floor, not very comfy
WW3 kicking off tonight?
for me? its jenny demilo's bbc hypno

whats goin on here naaaa
is it? whats happened now?
i wish i had the courage to become a crossdressing hooker for black men
Israel doing a ground invasion of Lebanon apparently.
'slutyvannesa' is my idol
>moneylenders throwing their weight around
nothing new really
I am so locked in. Hardly even feel like the same person anymore.
Anyone want to chip in and rent a cinema screen to goon?
got about 7 quid in change until friday, how much gooning would that get me?
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I would genuinely be interested in that
Nice numbas too
Yeah I would do that. I'm in Burnley. You?
We got a drinking update drinking update

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