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dating for genetic and practical optimization is the true redpill
i don't care about anything other than
your IQ
your physical strength
your natural intuitive wisdom
your mental health
your physical health
and the networking opportunities your friends and family provide
life is a game and i'm playing to win
love is amazing
but it does nothing for you when you're 70 years old and still sharing rent with 3 strangers in a trailer park working as a walmart shopping cart pusher in a winter snowstorm
one day you will drop dead during your shift and the world will move on
this is serious
breeding with a perfect genetic specimen isn't going to be enough to compensate for your own poor genes, anon
>your iq
>your physical strength
>your mental health
>your physical health
>networking opportunities, friends/family
NIGGA that is a lot of standards. and love is based on a lot of those things. wym you don't care about love?
i'll brute force this shit over multiple generations
in 500 years my offspring will be the ultimate chads
warhammer 40k shit

be silent
godspeed, genghis. i believe in you
i'm 6'2 130+ IQ and probably will earn a lot of money after college (medfag) my children will probably be in the top of the totem pole. If I even managed to pull
>be genetic specimen
>mate with other genetic specimen
>have a downie baby because genetics isnt concrete
Maybe one day theyll fully sequence genomes and how they interact, but until then youre looking at correlative factors to make causative determinations
Retard, they do sequence whole genomes and know how they interact.
just make 10 babies
Genelets are so pathetically desperate its unreal, they can't be vanquished fast enough

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