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what's the point in exercising, eating well and generally taking good care of my body if at the end of day I lie in my bed for 6 consecutive hours without being able to fall asleep?
summon the rape demon to thwack you with 5 pounds of melatonin
What's keeping you awake? Thoughts? People around you?
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same happens to me, it sucks, it sucks, it sucks
Ahh yeah, running doesn't help my anxiety sometimes, nerves still shot, still depressed. Crippling as fuuck.
It's like my body wants to rest and is clearly exhausted but my mind is alert.
there is stuff I need to fix irl and im dodging responsibilities so that explains some of it. but im just jealous of the people who lie down for 15 minutes and *poof* are gone.
I utterly depleted my body yesterday waking up early, strict routines, exersiced like crazy and did everything seemingly perfect. yet the thought machine still doesn't shut down.
i got medicine to help with my insomnia works 100%
You and I have opposite problems but we're both exhausted. I sleep too much, chronic fatigue
Regular exercise can cure insomnia, especially exercise strenuous enough to tire muscle
Because you're aware that you're falling asleep and can't do it. Like standing on the edge of a bridge and not being able to jump off.
Or it could be like OCD. Always something off, can't get your head to stop thinking about pink elephants.
>Always something off
thats true i cannot relax even if im supposed to in comfortable environments. been described to always appear "uneasy and on edge". well whatever..
i do that already. every advice in the book. its 99.9% a mental thing
sorry to hear that.
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If I could just sleep like a normal person my life would be okay, not great, but fucking bearable. But I can't have that can I?
Take a week of vacation and do nothing else except try to exhaust yourself completely and then sleep with earplugs and a blindfold with no alarm set.

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