I've lost a lot of friend, especially female friends by saying that I support MRA and by calling out gender double standards. I'm wondering if I should stop doing this. I thought western society progressed to the point where ideologies like these would be more acceptable but I guess I was too optimistic.
>>79614096What exactly have you been telling your female friends robot
now it's called the 4B movement, so you got what you wanted, just had to wait a bit
>>79614096>Being an MRA supporter has costed me a lotgood, sick of you faggots and your big ideas about how society "should be"
>>79614096There can't be a men's rights movement. If men had any actual rights that couldn't just be punched or stripped away at a moment's behavioral notice, this shit wouldn't exist and couldn't continue. By nature, men must always be suppressed, bound, and chained, pre-emptively if necessary, by things like circumcision, hard discipline, the threat of removal if they aren't useful or have bad attitudes, and so on, because if men were given nice lives like women then we wouldn't even be here. It's a bit demonic if you think of it, and foolish to think this kind of status quo could be changed by a "men's movement" whining on the Internet and holding up signs for other stronger, more competent, more comfortable men with nagging whore wives to read and laugh at.
>>79614116Not any specific but I've told them that some of the narratives against men are untrue or even outright the opposite of what's being said. For example, I've told them how the majority of domestic abuse relationships begin with women starting the altercation and how domestic relationships usually involve both the man and woman being abusive towards each other.
>>79614096Women think of men as beasts of burden, they actually don't even consider the idea that you have feelings.
>>79614339What do you mean by that?>>79614347Tell me how MRAs have tried to change how society should be and how that's even different from feminism or any other ideology, religion, culture, etc>>79614412Yeah idk I'm still going to support MRAs even if it comes at the cost of society. Anything is worth it for better treatment. > whining on the InternetWhining on the internet works if you do it long enough and consistently. Just look at how the word "female" is a derogatory term now.
>>79614096MRAs seek to advocate for men with basically feminine accommodations that mirror existing feminism which makes you gay. Because women and men are not the same there should be different standards for them, and the fact you don't understand this because you think women and men are the same means you are not only gay but also a spiritual tranny
>>79614765It's funny you say that because I recently came across some women complaining about how men don't see women as humans at all but they're hypocritically doing the same to men. > don't even consider the idea that you have feelingsYes, I've heard of this narrative before. Women were so convinced that men didn't have the capacity to feel certain emotions that they started to make up BS reasoning like how the male brain and their hormones don't allow them to feel the full spectrum of emotions. Which is of course false, literally just look at this board and you'll see robots pour their heart out on posts that no one would bother to read
>>79614800>I recently came across some women complaining about how men don't see women as humans Projection, nothing more.Small thought experiment: How many pieces of literature, motion picture, sculpture were made by men throughout history to display their love and obsession towards even the most common types of girls?Flip that around and ask yourself the same thing about women. Yeah.
>>79614787> you think women and men are the same meanStop trying to assume what I think. Never did I say that men and women are the same but there are obviously double standards in society that restricts or burdens their quality of life. Stuff that ranges from how women should be given priory over men in emergency situations and service to little things like how men are seen as insecure when they're wary or suspicious of a woman but it's considered intuition when women do the same
Wow. I honestly didn't expect this much backlash from supporting MRA and calling out double standards against men. I guess I was really correct when I said that society hasn't progressed to where supporting these types of idea is allowed.
>>79614811Brutal but that's true. Men love women on a whole another level. Men love women for who they are, but women only seem to love women for what they can gain from men. That's probably why there's such a big rise in misandry lately. Women don't need men anymore and there's very little for them to gain from men. They don't feel any guilt in treating men less than the dirt on the bottom of their shoes. It makes sense
>>79614864I recently wrote an essay to another anon about this, feel free to read it. I think everyone hates men on a genetic level and women don't even have a mechanism in place to deal with it.>https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/79582792/#q79588578I usually don't peddle my posts, but you seem interested.
>>79614906Brutal. It kinda reminds me of this one article title I saw about how racism might be inherited genetically but I didn't read it. I thought it was bogus but maybe not
>>79615058Every single behavior that is developed from interacting with your environment eventually makes it's way to your DNA sequence. That's a gross oversimplification, but it's kinda how it happens.Women never really had any evolutionary pressure to have strong feelings towards their men, aside from the inherited fear and assumption of violence. They didn't need that because they were provided for and got pregnant anyway, with or without intense feelings. Nothing happens without a reason and they just didn't have a reason.
>>79614096I don't see why there needs to be a men's rights movement. At least youre not one of those self hating onions male feminists
>>79615469>I don't see whyWith all due respect, that might be because you're retarded. What else don't you see any reasons for whatsoever?
>>79614749Do you have sources for these claims?
>>79614811Women have a lot of media about how much they love chad.
>>79614096Based. You have my respect apuposter