Why did inceldom die all of a sudden? Every guy, everywhere is getting girls now. Dudes I've been watching for years in obscure cloutless youtube channels, blackpill pages, guys I know in real life, losers on /r9k/... Everyone out there getting girls.I myself got a cute 20y old Wasian gf with a body count of 0 after years of getting nothing, at 26. And I didn't even try or "self-improov". She appeared suddenly.And every guy out there has a very recent similar story.What the fuck is going on?
It didnt. Male sexlessness is higher than ever, people just got better at larping on here.
>>80268298No it's not lol male sexlessness has never been lower. Everyone is gettting gfs out there.
>>80268283>.webmThis girl is such a beauty tho.
There's more incels than ever before dumbass. Females just refuse to settle for us
>>80268283Trump won. The world is fixed.
>>80268283I wish I could get a cute chinky
>>80268283pretty weak bait, ill be generous and give you 0/10>>80268551maybe don't call asian women that if you want asian women
>>80268283sure thing faggot. maybe you'll catch AIDS from your faggot boyfriend.
>>80268283You're retarded. Sexlessness is rising, never fell. You don't see it as much here anymore cause reddit took over and drove out most incels. I still remain though.
>inceldom die all of suddenIt was dead on arrival, complete clinical death, put on life support anyway, and yet people still think it is going to survive. Anyone who has an actual life and can think a little can see how dumb it is and it's just a bunch of crabapples.
>>80268283the kikes lost in Gaza and spent a shit load of money and resources to defeat, hamas, yemen, hezbollah, iraq and iran. they couldnt do shit except kill civvies. so the funds for all the things that propagate inceldom, ie) right wing propaganda, misogyny, social media fanaticism, joblessness, desperation, nihilism, etc have dwindled.while inceldom isn't dead, it is severely diminished as male and female populations get wiser and humanist, instead of materialist and soulless.
>>80269060Wise commente. rare to see. Good to see.
>>80268283This is the year of the asian gf. There's billions of these girls, obviously one of them is bound to like you.
>>80269428I sure hope so, although I'm severely mentally ill and haven't showered for 2 weeks
>>80268283Trump obviously
>>80268298Basically this. Also r9k is full of normies since 4chan incel culture is becoming trendy. Last year I left cause every thread was full of relationship posts
>>80268551jbw desu
>>80268283I love qsian girls so much
>>80268283Nationalism ties itself down hard to interpersonal relationships.When people have an identity, they find like-minded others to confide themselves with.
>>80268355If that's true that makes us actual losers that much bigger failures.
>>80268283>>80268355Kek the opposite, ive never seen any of my aquaintances or anyone i meet manage to get a gf.
>>80268283me out here, alone, like usual, seeing the normies get gfs and bfs all over again, woooo
I'm still here and I still hate women.
>>80268283>Every guy, everywhere is getting girls now.>Everyone out there getting girls.Source? I can make up random shit at will too.
boring shit thread made by some molested fat faggot
>>80268283>Every guy, everywhere is getting girls now. This is a lie.I am over 6 feet tall, full head of hair, fit, I will become 32 years old this year and never even kissed a girl.
>>80268283stop watching retarded youtubers
>>80268283it somehow happened to me as well, and i was a nearly mid 30s virgin. my gf is a zoomette and basically hates men her age because they all tried the exact nonchalant/breadcrumb playbook only some tinderchad can get away despite being mids. i broke her hymen because me being an anxiously attached freak that couldnt resist multitexting and calling her daily with sweet somethings won in the end.
I am still alone at 25 but congrats to all the anons that won.
>>80268283>She appeared suddenly.that's crazy she just spawned in your living room? you just dev consoled her in? wow bro, crazy.i'm still waiting on mine to arrive by mail but i'm not sure if my mailbox is big enough. what can I do?
>>80268283They put themselves out there and you didnt. Thats the diference