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Taylor Swift edition
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xtina was my favorite
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>does not use the opportunity to name the thread poptarts
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I love her so much
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she really grew into her slut self
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Hail Satan
Hailee Steinfeld
She's just so hot.
How are you gonna have a Taylor Thread, and not post her Swift Nip?
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It's interesting how sexual Taylor's become since 2022/2023; before you'd never see her wearing clothes like this or spreading her legs.
even during the 1989 era she commented that she would never want to be seen like that

gotta stay competitive

plus I bet she's feeling the pressure to make the most of her youth as she gets closer to 40. it's arbitrary but you know people in the spotlight like that feel the expectation to always be sexy, youthful, perfect, etc
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>gotta stay competitive
I think some of Taylor's success can be traced back to her never going full sex kitten like a lot of her female contemporaries (Selena, Miley, Demi, Ariana, etc.) did, it makes her concerts safer to take kids to.
>pressure to make the most of her youth
I feel like this must be part of it. She's got the best body she's ever had and she's 34, so she's in the last hurrah of any kind of youth. Still interesting to see.
I think she was almost ready to turn her back on the big popstar thing but then went hard right into that again with the current tour and all, and she's competing in that space against a bunch of much younger women, most of whom do play up their sexiness a lot, hence maybe the need to compete with that more now
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Literally a painting.
>Study in white. The young lady and her housecat.
I can see that. Is Billie Eilish still doing her baggy clothes thing or has she decided to sex it up yet?
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oh shit, nice
Why does she cut her nails so short?
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lovely big british tits
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anyone old enough to remember these snail fighters?
I want to rub her the right way
Can't get enough of Olivia
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I respect Billie Eilish not leaning into her sexuality as an artist, but it makes no sense that she doesn't.
Hailee Steinfeld is the ideal woman.
>snail fighters
Do elaborate please
She's not british
KP is all; did I say you could take my picture?
Yulia and Lena. t.A.T.u.

Team Lena forever.
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Lady Gaga
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Lily Allen
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Melanie C
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Alexander Burke
Auroras music isn’t exactly my cup of tea, but she seem like the type of chick that would leg-lock you into giving her a Creampie while she says some shit like: “Fill me with your life-giving seed…”
Who the hell is this lol
ava max
Selena Gomez
Queen of Butt-Rock, Taylor Momsen
She's so boring
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I think a lot of autists on this site still cling to her because of the dubious rumors that she was a /b/tard.
Also /pol/tards unironically think she's "based" for whatever the fuck reason.
Her music sucks too.
Picrel is another untalented hack, but I would cum buckets on her epic cans.
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That wasn't very poggers of you.
wtf does that mean
I want to drain my balls inside Charli’s bratty pussy.
old hag
Tay is so sexy
You faggots are just as bad as the cunts that say “demure”. Y’all learn a new word and try to figure we’re you can use it next.
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Anyone up for some Beer?
Veiny/stretch-mark titties with Baby-Bottle Nipples?
Yes please.
moar charli, need to creampie her!
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Where my Chappies at
>I want her to ride my Pink Pony Chub
She's a farm girl. Praying mantis exterminator was her first job as a kid. She probably pooped in the woods so many times back in the day.
She looks so much better without eyeliner. Her eyes are so cute in this picture.
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>I want her to join brony club

Legit would, so much would.
And Cindy Lou-Who
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this bitch is ugly, don't post her here
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Sorry, but some of us are fans.
villareal sisters
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Doja Cat
This girl is aging real badly, she's starting to look like Kamala Harris.
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Literal who
Hideous nails
Basically you were threatened
Why she got a diaper on did her ass finally give out after riding executives cocks

Shut the fuck up, samefag
Only 1 (you) is me kek
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Didn't she get as big as a house?
If it requires a satellite view, it's not a slip.
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Charli and Dua!
Looks too much like Cillian Murphy to me.
6s that most dudes ignore at the club
Swift nip...lol
I want to fuck her so bad I don't care if I catch AIDS
Yiu know what , she looks better now that I see that
Disgusting pdf file
Yep, then they both ended up hooking up with a string of gross but rich Russian dudes and pumped out some kids. The life cycle of Russian pop stars.
ahh yes, the fake lesbians
>I should be over all the butterflies
>but I still jizz to you
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Alice Glass - former queen of /mu/.
Y she look like she got downs
It's the usual Disney style pipeline. It goes like this:

>Good girl
>Alt emo
>Matriarchal witch

Christina, Madonna et al follow the script.
This bitch needs to fuck off and die.
> Sorry, but some of us are retarded.
it looks better
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The other Taylor....
nah. she flat. truly inferior to the super sexual breeds of high potency celebrity of today.
her tits are bigger now because she got fat
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Terrible photo they both look mid like a normal blonde at a coffee shop is more fuckable
1950s old lady underwear
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You're my kind of people.
What a hag
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I hope this one makes an onlyfans account one day
Maddie Ziegler
I wish more Popstars were comfortable letting their tits out for a documentary
Zara Larsson looks like such a turboslut
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she'd literally get her tits out all the time when she started her career
How can you post her in this thread without posting that juicy dumptruck ass.
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how do you do fellow boomer?
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I don't get the hype, really I don't get it.
Don't worry, most of the rest of us don't either
Fit, good looking, incredibly rich, dresses up like a slut and shakes it for the crowds

What don't you get
more Poppy please
god damn I love this little slut
I wonder how the celebs that lusted after me as jinx hoax hyde feel about my internal female organs. I can't get out of bed and have to hold my uterus so the pain goes away. And I still look like Philly the kid, eug. But I really am a male lesbian. Lezzy dropping dick
I wonder how the celebs that lusted after me as jinx hoax hyde feel about my internal female organs. I can't get out of bed and have to hold my uterus so the pain goes away. And I still look like Philly the kid, eug. But I really am a male lesbian. Lezzy dropping dick
Ashley Tit-sdale
How do they buy such ill fitting clothes all the time
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I am pretty good, thanks. How are you?
Look at the size of his feet
dang, she didn't care if her tits were out in this picture she knew it'd sell....

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