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No amateur shit
No pictures of foot taking 90% of the screen
Just beautiful photography of women with barefoot/heels.
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So basically "feet are not the focus"?
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>No amateur shit
I feel you on this. So many otherwise great pics ruined with terrible lighting and photo quality.
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Carlin from Soles of Silk
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A virtual "hear, hear" to footfags for giving me easier access to poses like the spreads here. I don't really care about feet, but my favorite poses just happen to have them in the air.
>I don't really care about feet
you're missing out. the ability to appreciate a pair of cute feet really contributes to your quality of life. lots of barefoot girls walking around
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why are korean women so cute
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>Professional edition
I always wonder if the girls in these productions are cleaned up or if they have smelly feet sometimes
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Seriously. White women between the ages of 18 and 40 will usually take their shoes off if they get any opportunity. I’ve dated three women long term, and all of them preferred to be barefoot or wearing socks. They’d lose the shoes first chance they got, even in public.
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no dicks on /s/ faggot
Sounds like lower class to me but ok
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>why are korean women so cute
Plastic surgery

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