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Post your amateur bitches sleeping or napping...
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sleepy sluts, what a great combination of words. rolls so nicely off the tongue.
sleepy sluts, I could say that all day. somebody should name a song after that.
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Gay faggots will complain about the veins
Nah, blue veins indicate whiteness. It's why even the palest Asians never quite have the same glow as a pale white woman.
> ai shit
> wife
yep, this will be the closest to a wife you will ever experience, faggot loser
I think it's not AI but a compose image from several photos or from shitty camera software. Woman looks real and you have two logotypes on the pillows that also look okay, but the rest of the image is disorted. There is a horizontal disortion on the wooden panels above the bed that indicates that's indeed a composite image of sorts.
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So hot! Did she wake up?
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Wife 49
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wow more?
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Gf in the morning
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She's got spanked as every woman deserves to be
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My wife
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Asleep Friend
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I love this and would love to dump but the captcha took me 3 minutes so...
The ex
i think its just AI. look at the layout and detail of the walls and floor. the mess of unidentifiable stuff left of the bed. the stuff halfway up the pillar right of the bed. the lamp. none of its real.
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Anything else?
Those sleepy soles are asking to be sniffed, licked and coated with thick moisturizing cum. Hope you catched the opportunity
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sleeping gf
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totally sleeping
This thread is a faggot hand goldmine!
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More nudes of her! lol
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Gf 27
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