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I get the impression there are tons and tons of new models looking into "latex" as their niche but really has no idea what it is about. Anyone else feel the same?
that's always been a thing they just do what's currently popular and sells
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Is that Sonia Anubis? Didn't know she was that much into latex. Well I guess that career is equal parts music and tease.
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Yeah, she is hot
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:3 hot
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just be thankful for new content and pray that they're not too 'alternative'
the world owes me a temporary halloween 'tex gf
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I am entitled to come home to this every night and creampie her!
not latex. dumbfuck
this is >>22091272 you spastic
look at
the mask, and the catsuit, schizo
Who cares, all this new content is great, the more girls wrapped in latex the better.
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but anon! knowing she wears it because she likes it is hotter than wearing it because it gets views
Never thought I'd be into preggo latex
How about we don't post AI animated images or whatever you call this?
This dude is straight up rubbing his dick bro.
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shit is hot as fuck, totally gets my brain going wild. I need a broody latex loving girlfriend
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I'm worried about ethics in the latex community
That is clearly a penis, lmao
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such as?
Who is she?
Judging by the signature, it's Ada Wong from RE.
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I was so happy when my preggo girlfriend wanted to wear her dress. She does it only once a year nowadays saddly
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sadly there isn't much content for this, it's not advised that pregnant women wear latex.
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Noice. It's not even sexually stimulating me. I think it really looks good.
you sure it wasn't just a meaty vag
Yes. I'm sorry I have to tell you this but you jacked off to a dude.
daily occurrence desu i don't mind
Is pumping the accellerator a fetish? PF also seems to wonder.

So, they have no interest other than in the money?

Sure, yet there is already too much ink and metal.

>Who cares, all this new content is great,
Sure, I was just wondering if it was a trend or if I was just imagining it.
>the more girls wrapped in latex the better.

>I'm worried about ethics in the latex community
Please do go on.
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I was just shit posting because of the discussion about people wearing Latex for money vs the love of the game
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need aging millenial office latex asian gf
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>Aging millennial
Don't do this to me, man
yesss gibbb 35 year old tex millenial gf
i wonder if those horse dildos hurt the flat heat doesnt help in penetration
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ohhh yeahhhhh daddy want!
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love asai, love midoka
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Reddit & Insta LATEXnCHILL
We know
I think both PF and Kate Beckinsale (>>22090518) enjoy it. Hopefully we will get more cosplay this year (and she also had her daughter in full cosplay garb earlier).
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>mom's wearing latex around their kids to nurture the fetish
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>wake up
>still believe the world owes me a 'tex gf
all is well
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however i don't deserve a 'tex wife
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>latex mommies initiating their daughters into the latex fetish to serve men and be latex whores
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we all deserve a tex wife
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>eat lunch
>belief in the world owing me a 'tex gf wanes
the afternoon depression is starting
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Laytex or gaytex
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>the world give up and finally gives you the owed tex gf
>she uses reddit and has onlyfans
You guys aren't ready for tex gf, wouldn't know what to do with her, and would ghost her as soon as she started asking you to be featured in her content as her latest video slave.
who wouldn't want an onlyfan gf? other dudes paying for all our crap? sign me up
It's like my grandma always said. Why buy the milk when you can get the sex for free?
On the contrary I'd be bending over and begging for the strap on to demolish my latex clad ass until she deems me turned enough to give to a bbc master
Her daughter is now about 25 so all is fine. What is it like for children of well known (latex) models?
>who wouldn't want an onlyfan gf?
Daddy issues
My tex gf sent me this :3
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Her asian friens is comingnover too :3
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her friends have arrived...
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very cute, love how hoods can be cute
>gf is allergic to latex
>wears PVC and wetlook instead
Life is suffering
>what is chlorinated latex
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I need to shove her latex pussy in my face
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what's stopping you
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Eri is still my 'tex oshi
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Because Im autistic,even a comfy 5/10 mid tex gf like pic related I would shove my head in their tex crotch
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i can give you a latex opera glove handjob
are you a comfy foid?
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a hands a hand
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If you are a woman I would take the handjob and then fuck the shit and finish inside of you while wearing latex desu
Wait, really?
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She's consistent and reliable, albeit the well's dry for the man who spends no money
>tfw too retarded to find rips of her "Latex instead of normal clothing" sets
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this is 4chan, being autistic is the default
It's a requirement
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sadly autistic women that are into latex are extremely rare
Sure? I thought autistic women were frequently into latex, though my sample size is limited. Tight wear such as spandex is more acceptable for women, and slipping into latex is a smaller step.
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>woke up
>realized I am owed a latex asian gf
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I am owed this by the state
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I'm a chronically online incel so I know very little about women, even less about 'autistic' ones.

However, IMO, the jump from spandex to latex is huge. Latex needs lube to put on if it's not chlorinated, doesn't breath so it can't be worn in the summer and needs to be cleaned as soon as it is taken off
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in case you want the whole set

filetransfer io/data-package/eRqgFHzh#link
anyone else feel halloween costumes were less sexy than their regular daily wear?
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was this so long ago she's using what looks to be an iphone 3gs?
(i deserve a 'tex gf that sends me teasing selfies of what i'm getting when i get home)
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this looks like something from uhhhhh, I forget her name but it was around 2012-2014 some british designer who was gothic and created stuff like that

and yes we need to be teased by tex gfs who increase the horny level until we put them in their place
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I had this random idea if you could make microscopic holes into the latex sheet to make it breathable without loosing the shine or feel. Sure you wouldn't sweat as much underneath but it would be more practical to wear. Perhaps a laser array to make some tens-of-µm-sized holes. Any manufacturer reading this, feel free to try :D
wouldn't the holes just sort of close up? it's rubber
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Micro perforation of latex is possible, pic related. The main problem with this is that every hole increases the chance of the latex tearing. It's mostly done on hood because there is less stretching.

Mind you I'm just a fetishist and never made any latex clothing
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One girl I knoew enjoyed spandex and wanted to try a latex catsuit straight after watching Batman Returns. She was high functioning but if you looked closer there were signs she was on the spectrum.
The second one had a preference for sports involving tight wear including long distance cycling, and I think it was her I saw in a deep red latex catsuit. She is a lot more obviously on the spectrum.
Sure, latex is a lot more involved but it provides superior compression.
On tight latex it would rip, sooner or later. But adding very small holes into loose fit latex or small things like underwear would be possible.
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Yeah those I have seen but the holes are likely close to millimeter range even though it is marketed as micro perforated. A micrometer would be 1000 times smaller scale, you could not see or breathe though it. Maybe the breathability would be something like gore-tex.
Nothing really beats latex in the looks and the feel but perhaps leather or patent leather is the best compromise for everyday wear, if so desired.
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>Nothing really beats latex in the looks and the feel
Indubitably true, though it is socially more acceptable to wear spandex in public.
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Here is my latex asian gf, she gives me tons of gloved handjobs and always lets me finish inside of her and she walks around with the creampie in
Any videogames with latex in them?
On top of my head, Splatoon (sort of), Cyberpunk 2077 DLC and Stellar Blade
Strangely elegant, though the cut indicates she is single...
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What's up with the face, especially the eyes, AI?
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kigurumi mask. Not a fan of it and this is coming from someone into hoods
Need early 30s millenial latex gf who looks strong and powerful
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*waits for you to pick them up and carry them to your room*
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she seems to like tex





these two fukken brats
Bianca Beauchamp did an entire shoot for Sin Episodes back in 2006.
>Zero Suit Samus
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early to mid 2000s tex is very underated
kigurumi mask means it's a dude
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desu I don't care. call me gay if u want. (pic is the same 'dude')
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bit disturbing
it's Demask, their stuff can be a little unique. Would post from the Bizarre catalog but images are too small
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Can't believe that was almost 20 years ago. Bianca's ass today is much bigger and rounder
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Latex cult
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This is how younger latex women are initiated
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According to some random thing I saw, this is the "Queen of Latex Fashion", AJ Odudu. Take that claim for what it's worth.
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I, personally don't think she has earned that title. That said, she wears it well.
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She also uhh... doesn't wear Latex nearly enough
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dont have one

her best fit
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Not the Queen of Latex Fashion, but she does look good in it, she should wear it far more often. Need more black women in Latex
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yess latex ebony bimbo
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if only latex California cults were a thing

name's Ruby Sunset. Just don't look for recent stuff, she's gone full Bogg
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>wake up
>i don't deserve a 'tex gf
must be my monthly depression time
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hello I like brown milfs
>wake up
>no late 40s arab milf in latex who wants a 30 year old to worship her in tex
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so much asians in tex, so little time
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