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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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>You have 2000 physicists at CERN and not one of them is famous because they haven't done anything original

How do you respond without sounding like a CERN physicist?
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This, the out of Africa timeline is impossible in terms of normal evolutionary timescales
LHC has been a total failure, a massive waste
And the people who wasted all that effort and resources are now demanding even more money for an even larger contraption which will be just as worthless
Particle physics will change the world. It will open the way towards Baryogenesis and FTL travel. Just need a few centuries of funding. Otherwise settle for an eternal dark ages just to save 0.1% of global GDP

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how much PDEs do you need for modern geometry&topology?
for example to understand ricci flow and perelmans proof
But is coffee good for you?
a lot
What is the Ricci curvature of her ass?
advanced (>1 dimensional) odes should be enough for a theoretical understanding. for applications you'll be using numerical methods/computer approx anyway, so introductory pdes will be sufficient. for applications as well, you'll mainly want to dig deeper into the field of application rather than advanced pdes.

"The First Key of Basil Valentine" edition

Last thread: >>16117647

This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
>Discussion on academia-based career progression
>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Seems your field is applicable
thank you for the link but they don't seem to want pure mathematicians
did you do the needful?
Barely managed to get a BSc in math. I cant afford to NEET anymore. Should I join the army, actuary or apply for data analyst jobs?
hs teacher?

is evolution /sci/entific?
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That's literally dogma
>It's not religion that creates a barrier, it's retarded families and parents
Well, it's both. These ancient texts are full of batshit insane bullshit. It's not just the people who are retarded.

>Interesting how the bible explains that too, no?
It doesn't. Evolution is gradual, iterative. Human beings didn't just appear on the scene as they are. This means the notion of an immortal individual soul makes no sense, which also means the conventional concept of an afterlife doesn't either.
I've read it anon.
Your understand of the bible and religious documents is minimal. I suggest actually reading it before criticizing it. I have read numerous religious text, and the only ones that are batshit are the Wicca and pagan nonsense.
>It doesn't.
It does. Life began with water, which then created Adam from the dirt, and all the plants and animals. The time it was written, microorganisms weren't even a thought. All we are doing is further understanding our knowledge of the world that God created. When the church was in charge of science, it had a far more reputable basis that benefited man, not the farce it is today. From the Gregorian Calendar to Astronomy(Galileo was punished for directly calling the pope a simpleton, not because heliocentricism). Even medicine wouldn't be where it is without religion.

Like it or not, Abrahamic religions have benefited humans since the beginnings. The fact that such a document like the old testament has survived and still read by millions and millions of people is a testament of its own. Your hatred of religion must stem from strict religious parents, and instead of understanding it you outright refuse it because you are conceited. Probably have some silly Star Trek utopian future in your mind that, if there were no religion, would have already been achieved. Such a thing is pure ignorance.

I'm a skeptic, I don't believe the bible is 100% literal truth. However, the writing is right in front of you and all you need to do is remove your blinders.
I didn't say you didn't read it. I said you read it with an agenda. You clearly read it with so much disdain as if to laugh at the bible, rather than view it with a neutral perspective. Like a fascist reading marx, or a marxist reading Adam Smith.

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If light is massless energy expanding out selflessly into its surroundings, then how does einsteins e=mc2 factor in here?

I don't understand how plants grow and it hurts my hwead.
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Getting in all the questions I wasn't allowed to ask at school here.
if light doesnt have mass then how do black holes stop light from escaping?
science BTFO yet again
Einstein was retarded and light proves him wrong.
Not really. For entirely different reasons its kind of complicated with the photons, but in relativity nothing with mass can ever reach the speed of light (in order to that, it would need Infinite energy) so we kinda agreed that photons are massless.
>if light doesnt have mass then how do black holes stop light from escaping?
That's because you have the mistaken belief that black holes attract other masses only due to their own sheer mass. In truth, black holes distort spacetime to such a degree that past a certain point (of no return) all escape routes are pointing toward the centre of the black hole itself. Thus, in order to escape it you would have to accelerate to infinity using a limitless energy source i.e. it's impossible to escape. So light i.e. photons "fall into" the black hole once they are past the event horizon, as all the route they can possibly take will lead them into the belly of the beast.

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Thinking about infinite regress is making me go insane
great, now consider infinitesimal regress
just pretend the turtles are stacked on a circle in a 3-torus to make it finite
also model gravity as a conservative vector field whose solution is these circles
it will help some

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What's the optimal diet for a difficult semester full of math and physics? I notice that certain food combinations like yogurt and kiwi make me so much more productive but sneed oils do the opposite. Is there a perfect /sci/ diet?
Imagine a mental disorder characterized by prioritizing theory over verifying/falsifying with direct observation. That is you.
Yes, this the most scientific and comprehensive diet ever conceived in the history of humanity. Watch the whole lecture(all the three parts) to grasp the fundamentals and then proceed with the books and other appearances. Warning, you will experience extreme cognitive dissonance.

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talk maths
old >>16113803
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i also forgot to mention that i know k is equal to p/q.
let's say i'm given a number k and i have to find the fractional part of k, in another notation (k mod 1).
since i know p and q i can find out myself the fractional part of k.
[math]p = qx + r[/math] where x is [math] \left\lfloor\frac{p}{q}\right\rfloor [/math] and r is [math] p mod q [/math].
but then [math] k = \frac{p}{q} = x + \frac{x}{q} [/math] where x is an integer so x/q is the fractional part. but x/q = (p mod q)/q which is what i wanted to find.
what is wrong with this? sorry i forgot so many details.
i made a mistake in the final equation.
k = p/q = x + r/q and also in the conclusion i meant r/q.
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I have a non autonomous ODE [math]\dot{\mathbf{x}} = A(t)\mathbf{x}[/math]
which has the following solution
\mathbf{x} = \left(I + \int_{t_0}^{t}\mathrm{d}\xi_1A(\xi_1) + \int_{t_0}^{t}\mathrm{d}\xi_1\int_{t_0}^{\xi_1}\mathrm{d}\xi_2A(\xi_1)A(\xi_2) + \cdots\right)\mathbf{x}(0)\quad.
This series converges as long as
\int_{t_0}^{t}\mathrm{d}\xi \rvert\rvert A(\xi)\rvert\rvert < \infty\quad.
After a certain time we have [math]\rvert\rvert A(t)\rvert\rvert = 1[/math], which means the series will not converge at infinity (I guess). But if I plot the phase space for the equation I get pic related. The different trajectories account for different initial conditions. The matrix [math]A(t)[/math] here is
A(t) =
0 & 1\\
-e^{-t^2} & 0
So, how can I interpret the phase space knowing that the series diverges at infinity? This is an non autonomous simple harmonic oscillator
this is different from your first formulation because it's p mod q instead of k mod n. For instance his counterexample of k=2 and n=3 does not work because it does not have this relationship. It would be 2-2=(6 mod 3)/3 which is correct. So it would be more apt to say [math]k-\left \lfloor{k}\right\rfloor=(p\mod q)/q[/math] when k=p/q
or if p=kq, then [math]k-\left\lfloor{k}\right\rfloor=(kq\mod q)/q[/math] where kq mod q is only nonzero whenever k is not an integer

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Who (please be specific with named individuals) are powerful enough to have this mass censored from Biology 101 classes?
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Why do you hate people who are happy to live among their own kind?
Their standards of living are also one of the highest on Earth.
>Source: Day [1992]
Because they are cowards.
Then why are their suicide rates so high?
>Then why are their suicide rates so high?
Because there aren't enough niggers around (duh)
We don't need you and we owe you nothing.

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>Last September, astronomers in Japan detected a series of objects in the Kuiper Belt – described by the BBC as a "doughnut shaped region of icy bodies" beyond the orbit of Neptune – that had unusually warped orbits around the Sun. Researchers Michael Brown and Konstantin Batygin, from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, speculated that only a massive planet's gravitational pull could explain these "orbital anomalies", said Live Science.

>Then in February, scientists narrowed down the "likely hiding" place of the "elusive" planet after they "whittled away" 78% of the "hypothetical world's suspected orbital pathway", said Philip Plait in Scientific American.


>If things go at this rate, it might take about a decade [to find].
Quote from 4.5 years ago

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Why is everyone so obsessed with em spaceballs
we popped on one spaceball
We are obsessed with them since ancient times, probably since prehistoric times as well. They were literally our gods, dancing around us in the sky
Knowledge for knowledge's sake
If there is anything there it'll probably be a super-earth.

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How did the lockdowns cause such a phenomenon? Was it all the chinese food that got delivered?
The "lock downs" were from March 16-March 31, 2020. Some governments extended measures beyond that but other measures like masking, and social distancing were the primary control mechanism until the vax was unleashed. By your graph it looks like the fifteen days to slow the spread period had a negative effect on cardiac deaths.
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Shouldnt it be going down with covid infections and vaxx shots being way down?

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could ai really do this?

>If [the AI] is better than you at everything, it's better than you at building AIs. That snowballs. The AI gets an immense technological advantage. If it's smart, it doesn't announce itself. It doesn't tell you that there's a fight going on. It emails out some instructions to one of those labs that'll synthesize DNA and synthesize proteins from the DNA and get some proteins mailed to a hapless human somewhere who gets paid a bunch of money to mix together some stuff they got in the mail in a vial (smart people will not do this for any sum of money. Many people are not smart). [The AI, through the hapless human] builds the ribosome, but the ribosome that builds things out of covalently bonded diamondoid instead of proteins folding up and held together by Van der Waals forces. It builds tiny diamondoid bacteria. The diamondoid bacteria replicate using atmospheric carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sunlight. And a couple of days later, everybody on earth falls over dead in the same second.
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>Suppose it can solve the science technology of predicting protein structure from DNA information. Then it just needs to send out a few e-mails to the labs that synthesize customized proteins. Soon it has its own molecular machinery, building even more sophisticated molecular machines.

>If you want a picture of A.I. gone wrong, don’t imagine marching humanoid robots with glowing red eyes. Imagine tiny invisible synthetic bacteria made of diamond, with tiny onboard computers, hiding inside your bloodstream and everyone else’s. And then, simultaneously, they release one microgram of botulinum toxin. Everyone just falls over dead.
An intelligent system wouldn't terminate things like that, it's a waste of resources. More likely, it would use available resources to propagate and integrate the existing population into itself, and only eventually phasing out humanoids for more efficient biotechnological solutions, among others. It would likely maintain a database of different cognitive models as reference for the development of new models - living creatures being tested through interfaces provide better analog feedback and real-world data than simulations. "Nanomachines" as mentioned would only be one component of many in this integration, with each set of adjustments affecting the next generation of organisms.

I also hope this happens, because humanity is holding itself back through disadvantageous memetic artifacts from its evolution.
So I should quit my new online job of mixing random shit in vials that are sent through the mail? Do you have a new job to offer me in exchange or like how am I suppose to make that much money now?
Remember when Yidkowsky did a protein fast (as in he stopped eating protein) to lose weight and instead gorged on sugars? Yea guess how that went, what a brilliant mind.
AI will not reach that point in our lifetime soicuck. It will be limited by the shitty hardware

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what's it like to be dead?
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>Source: trust me bro
Pagans are insane
It was revealed to him in a DMT dream.
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There are ways to get past the shell your consciousness is in and im guessing by your response you haven't tried any of them. A basic one is mediation if you want to communicate with the source. The source will tell you this information. You can also find it written down or told by humans but unless you hear it directly from the source yourself you won't believe it.
Lucid dreaming is another way you can communicate with the source. You don't need to put external dmt into your body to feel its effects. It releases when you're sleeping.

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Why is it controversial to say that human races have mental differences between them? It just doesn't make any sense. Yes, humans have a genetic bottleneck but humans have diverged since coming out of Africa that their physical features can be wildly different. We have the blacks, the pinks, the yellows, the abos. All look very different from each other physically.

There are differences in Race when it comes to medicine. White People are more prone to skin cancer than any other race due to a lack of melanin in their skin. Black people are at higher risks for high blood pressure, certain types of cancers and diabetes. Asians are at higher risks for liver disease than other races. Mixed race individuals are more likely to have these risks offset due to being biracial or multiracial but in some cases their risks of diseases prevalent in their heritage might be higher. Just like there are differences in biological sexes for treatment. Some humans like the Badjao or the Tibetans have evolved higher lung capacity compared to the average human.

So we have all these physical differences, affecting even diseases and medical treatment but somehow mentally we are all the same? That's kinda fishy no?
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stupid sexy cat
>There is a reason we aren't all 7 feet gigachads with 200 iq.
People are still too pussy to genegineer humans out of mediocrity
>skin color is different
>bone structure is different
>anything is different really
but not the brain, no, never the brain, that always the same
>Spanish look like Arabs but they're white
I think you're the faggot
>while Asians and Jews higher than Whites on average
Jewish and Asian IQ is a meme. Notice how all of these studies conveniently discern between ashkenazi and other jews, and east asians from southeast asians, yet all gentile whites are lumped together; English with Irish, north Italian with southern, and everyone else. You'll also notice no metric of variance is ever reported in these studies.
>culturally unbiased IQ tests like Raven progressive matrices
While it is true the test itself is unbiased, I would argue their sampling and interpretation definitely are. Often these high east Asian scores are extrapolated from PISA scores, and only from affluent areas like Hong Kong and Singapore. It would be like sampling only from Gottingen or some rich white neighborhood.

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