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FAA regulatory overreach - edition

previous >>16385317
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Me like this photo
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How do you figure out the optimal first stage : second stage ratio in terms of mass? propellant? just size? By which metric is most ideal?

Slow mo static fire
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there is a 5min slow-mo video from underneath the test stand (assuming this isn't just the same video that was posted a few months ago, would be wierd)
Unfortunate multistage, try to communicate staging better next time anon so we dont have two threads going at once. Ive put out a warning in the other thread >>16387289 so that nobody uses it as well as in the previous thread >>16387287.
I don't think its NASA specific, just another example of government bureucracy and basically the incompetence it incentivizes
it could very well be these same exact people were much more effective under a different culture, at least that is what Musk seems to think
the examples he used during the All-in interview were west-vs-east germany and north-vs-south korea
a country gets divided up arbitrarily at some point for a while, different managment cultures (in a sense) get employed
the other one is much more productive and these start compounding year after year so the results become massively different after a while
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Can we please appreciate the factoid that we finally had a proper staging. Both anons waited for page 10 to stage.
no, fuck off
Death to FAA
Why has FCC and FAA become so vindicative and compromised by partisan poltiics?
Because of the appointees sitting in the offices serve at the pleasure of the President. They are doing what their boss (or the guys puppeting him) wants them to do.
This is of interest to us
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Twitter was their ideological Death Star that they never expected to be taken out of their hands. Now they're showing the world what happens to those who get in the way of the agenda.
Pick your answer
Who is they? Why did the company file a lawsuit to force Musk to close the deal if they didn't want him to have it? Nice lore you got there.
probably thought Musk would just fall in line and let it run like it did previously, not fire 80% of the staff and transform the company
I hate the FAA btw
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Is there a 3D interactive map of the galaxy, or at least something that has all the stars and exoplanets within 1000 LY?

And a semi-related question, if humanity had to fuck off from the solar system due to an impending cataclysm, what's currently the best candidate for a habitable system we could colonize?
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Why are header tanks on the top? They're wasting so much space.
link please
but to speculate on your question: better stability to balance the heavy engines, uses an area of the ship which might be difficult to use otherwise, a cuboid shape should be much easier to use and design some standardized payload container
intermodal container but for space
what would be the best way to smuggle ketamine to Mars.
It's more about the mass anyway.
I like to think it was sort of a Brer Rabbit thing on Musk's part to make sure they didn't back out of selling.
>Oh noes, don't make me buy dat twitta briar patch!
Better off just synthesizing it on mars.
it's not hard.
Because it has to flip when landing, and that makes sure that the fuel goes to one end. The last thing you want is for the fuel to be sloshing around somewhere other than the pipe that comes out of the fuel tank.
And it makes me sad because the nose cone is such an obvious place to put a docking port.
but isn't it full before the landing sequence starts?
There are no border controls to space.
This is why illegals are called aliens.
it only takes one wrong slosh to get air over the drain pipe, so you want to make sure that the virtual gravity is always going the right way, and you can't be sure of that with the header tank somewhere else, especially with the regular big tank
you want it on an extreme end of the rocket when it flips because the centrifugal force is strongest
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>half a cubic kilometer
That's way too much space
Agreed. It should be banned.
What does anyone need so much space for?
the FAA is already handling the situation
Didn’t realize we staged. Copying my post from last thread
How do you play the factorio game when you’re doing something niche though, such as commercial stations? You’re not going to need thousands of modules. It could work for someone like SpaceX (though they probably don’t want to run a station for NASA, that’s a lot of work but I digress) they could leverage their already-factorio business model via Falcon and Starship industrial chains and just make station pieces as well. But how could Axiom do it? How could Rocket Lab play factorio with satellite buses? When there isn’t high demand?
That’s what I don’t understand. Musk had F1 but quickly pivoted to F9 and started pumping them out like crazy. How did he get away with that?
New Glenn and SLS Block 2 will probably have more payload volume but oh well. People aren’t building huge ass loads anyways.
One day orbital manufacturing will be a thing and you will just build the big payloads in space, stuff bigger than could ever fit in a single rocket payload space
>Why has FCC and FAA become so vindicative and compromised by partisan poltiics?

It’s the nature of government workers. They trend towards believing in government. That comes prior to anything else like Piagets Iron Law of Bureaucracy or the immorality of civil Unions or the Dilbert Principle.
depends on your engines and when you are aiming to stage
>However, a new generation of companies are again pushing asteroid mining forward—Factories in Space has a reasonably current list of entities working in the space. AstroForge, the apparent leader of the small scrappy pack, just raised an additional $40M to get them through their third test mission.

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>Who is they
> Arianespace rocket debris found by Irmen, an aerospace engineer from Dayton, Ohio, while snorkeling on a remote island off the coast of Honduras.

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Cannot into space
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nbc interviewing polaris dawn crew on the launchpad
Actually, we can.
>Damn, I hate being back on Earth
Who is going to be the first person to walk on Mars?
>there could be earthers here
The first person on Mars will likely be a crew of dead bodies, due to a fatal landing accident.
Its hard to tell who was really first, when its a scattering of gibs raining down onto terrain. "They" will all be first.
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>3D interactive map of the Galaxy
Unironically look at Elite dangerous for a 3d star map, if not learn python and browse through ESA's Gaia catalogue
>and exoplanets
That's more tricky, a good chunk of exoplanet findings are just saying that there are significant mass bodies beyond the star, with very little data on Radius, Density etc...
>best candidate
take you pick, none of them are perfect and all of them are too far anyway
SpaceX is not going to send crew until they are very certain about safe landing, which they can and will test with cargo starships
In 2029, right?
Human DNA scattered around Mars = seeds planted = making life multi-planetary = mission accomplished.
yes hopefully, but perhaps not extremely high likelihood
This anon>>16387589
>what's currently the best candidate for a habitable system we could colonize?
Proxima b. Possibly quite shitty but the planet is at least at the right distance and about the right size.
>uhm sir are you aware that Proxima is a flare star
Look beggars can't be choosers
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it is what it is
probably no sniffer dogs checking your PPK
Landing on mars is easier than on earth
You just need a bunch of parachute and a booster kick
Kerbal taught me that
Canyon autism anon would finally get his pit cities as a necessity
Controlled by democrats and other breeds of leftist. Nothing more complex than the left wing is ontologically evil.
He (>>16387638) is right but (you) however, are not.
natural selection operates on human systems.
this is proof that governments should be removed
Looking for habitable worlds is a reminder that rare Earth hypothesis is right. Combined obviously with rare evolution too.
When you look at pictures of galaxies you are probably looking at many galaxies which have no spacefaring life in them at all. I would conservatively guess its in a ratio of 2 dead to 1 alive, but the number could be in the thousands, or easily could be so high that the entire observable universe is dead. It's quite spectacular to think about.
I'm almost positive that several orders of magnitude more than the observable universe is dead
Are you still complaining about people staging early because the image limit had been hit?
>Why are header tanks on the top?
Otherwise they'd be butter tanks.

>ESA Wants to Develop a “Very High Thrust” Rocket Engine
>Even going a trillion times the speed of light we would never find anyone
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>Published on 5 December, the tender is part of the agency’s Future Launchers Preparatory Programme (FLPP). FLPP began in 2003
>Any significant work on a very high thrust engine will likely have to wait until after the next ESA ministerial-level council meeting, which will take place in late 2025.
takes years between meetings before they can even start the work
Yeah you're right. I wasn't even thinking about the start of life, but that adds a whole extra layer which by itself is fatal. Just the probability of a perfect planet and evolution of life on that planet are insane. The albedo of Earth has miraculously changed over the course of its history to compensate for the changing luminosity of the sun. What are the chances of that!?
People back in the early space age were so naive on that stuff. Even now loads of astronomers for some reason follow the copernican principle. As if there is anything typical about our situation.
Are they planning to have fully expendable second stages at all for special payloads? Imagine a 200,000 ton space station going up in one go.
>only 200m3 for Starlink
>only 550m3 overall
Guys, this is actually very concerning.
They might be forced to do that if Starlab gets built, after all it is 8m wide.
Yeah why is the pen dispenser so small? Kind of doesn’t seem worth it for Starlink.
Good point. I honestly don’t see the need for 100 launches a year also. Might be more common than we think.
I'm actually of the opinion that one self replicating molecule will inevitably lead to technological civilization, as that's what our N=1 suggests. That would mean the only solution to the Fermi paradox and the only great filter is abiogenesis.
Even here, the Earth is only around 0.0000000000012% alive by mass, and the Earth is only 0.0003% of the solar system's mass. The universe was not designed for life.
i enjoy watching normgroids gradually get blackpilled on starship and realise its actually a competitir to new glenn and not some "muh 150 metric kilotonnes to orbit" super rocket
>V1 starship
>some literal who website
>treating this like it's SpaceX's finalized design
stop being retarded
yeah, its going to be 200 tonnes to orbit
The competition is based on mass per dollar not mass per launch
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our civilization was far from inevitable, it rests on a large number of astronomically improbable events. There are basic fiilters like does the planet have the correct amount of water, is combustion possible in the atmosphere, is useful photosynthesis possible etc which all rely on an increidbly rare planet to begin with. In our solar system Earth is the only planet with a perfect ratio of water, all the others being deserts or water worlds. It is the only planet where you can start a fire in the open air, which I know is caused by life, but you could have a world with different chemistry where that doesnt happen. It is the only planet where useful photosynthesis is possible because it has a thin enough atmoshere to allow energy rich radiation to reach the surface, but has a gigantic moon acting as a dynamo which diverts the highest energy radiation away from the planet. Even if all these conditions are met, the planet must remain perfect for billions of years around a changing star, and going by Earths example we very nearly passed through the entire habitable history of the planet without any complex lifeforms developing
I agree, I guess I worded it wrong. All the filters are before abiogenesis. I think the theory was a product of the time (cold war) that intelligent life could arise and then disappear (nukes)
6 weeks to approve a location change that doesn't affect anything at all
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It's more over than it's ever been.

You know what that means right...
No, the secular religion we have now is the worship of the state.
Its referring to communism woke nonsense
>governments should be removed

You’re an idiot.
This must be my least favorite view on religion. Voluntary self-delusion out of necessity.
>stealing from people is moral
this is you
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its not voluntary to the retards the religion is aimed at
either you give them a somewhat benign religion like christianity or they start following secular retarded shit like woke communism
Think about all the fish that will die when Spacex drops a hot stage ring on them
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ESA has awarded a contract to the Franco-Spanish startup Pangea aerospace to develop a 200tf FFSC engine.

Very surprising choice, most expected Arianegroup (who already have a large engine program), or maybe Exploration Company, RFA or ISAR
the other too issues are similar but just a bit longer
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EDS + revolving door between Boeing and FAA and it all begins to make sense.
>how does this guy that smokes weed keep beating us
>two more decades
FWS already said this was fine. "incidental takings" is the term used.
>the dahlagates Elahn, take them and launch
>I'll hold 'em off, don't tell Dahnald about this
Cruz missles report in
Something is necessary, after Christianity's search for truth led to its own murder, it took the west no time at all to destroy itself with Nazism and communism. We still haven't figured out a solution, we were just rich enough to distract ourselves with music and drugs (every decade since Woodstock can be defined by a genre and a drug). Now that things are getting rough, a pseudo religious ideology has shown up again. This is a dire unsolved problem worse than any other we face.
I've been exploring some method for logic based fanaticism, and I think it may have something to do with space exploration. Space and time are infinite, so if you assume infinite expansion you can draw a cubic function of human lives over time. At some future point, say a million years, you could say that shifting the curve a second to the right reduces the human lives by a trillion. So every second wasted in not spreading out through the stars costs a trillion lives. If human life is inherently valuable then the math is obvious. Nothing would be more important, and expending your life to remove an impediment wouldn't require a second thought. I'm not sure how to codify it but I probably will attempt to start a cult when I do. Be on the lookout for a rust red cathedral in boca chica
so how is NSF going to spin this?
isn't that just long termism
What are they planning to do with a 2MN engine? That's the same size as the RD-191 or about half of an RD-180. If they're going to build a propulsively landed rocket powered by these they'd need to be planning for something in the same size range as New Glenn, which I guess wouldn't be the worst thing.
its explicitly for a super heavy launcher
Man every time I invent something someone beat me to it
Mid-day reminder that FAA fucking sucks
Like I said in the previous thread, USSF is the range authority yet the FAA tried to stick its nose in anyway. The FAA like many agencies will attempt to invent new powers for itself and no one will stop them if you don't push back. Yet brainlets ITT were trying to claim that's 'just how it is' 'gotta pay the fine' for regulations that were literally made up on the spot.

Do they really have the EDS? I've never seen any evidence but then again I mute or ignore anything with live commentary.
After Chevron Deference overturned by Supreme Court, SpaceX's legal fight against FAA just stronger.
No u
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they had an update that went into the post SpaceX made about the Starship launch and the fines I think
they defended FAA from what I heard, though I wasn't paying much attention

Abolish the FAA and form a new agency designed to do what the FAA was meant to do.
Like most of the government the solution is to turn the machine off and back on again to reset it.
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>Starlink satellite orbiting the Earth!
People are saying that SpaceX is lying...
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Pay for your child to be taught aerospace technology by a faggot that hates the single most successful space company in history:

this faggot is definitely on the no-mars list
should be on the no-LEO list too
People say that SpaceX only makes money because of government subsidies and that Elon is only rich because of his dad's slave-operated emerald mines. Fuck people. They're all idiots.
He's a raging faggot. What else is there?
I don't think people are. I think you're lying and trying to make me think something that isn't true, and if that's what you're doing then I want to visit physical reprisal upon you for daring to attempt manipulation on me, you fucker. Fuck you. FUCK YOU!
>commies are people
Animals are not people
it’s not even 9am
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I don't watch the gay dragons show, can he rephrase this sentiment for actual people to be able to read?
faggy meme, you should be ashamed of yourself.
when pigs fly
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Thank you
Kick Chris Combs to death in the street.
I don't think this is as unreasonable as Berger is making it out to be. ~400 satellites is a a constellation about 60% the size of OneWeb. If they've got the same form-factor as OneWeb's satellites and can launch 34 at a time that'd only need 12 Soyuz-2 launches to deploy everything, which would be easy for RSC Progress to provide and wouldn't break the bank of even a Russian-funded project. You should be able to do build this for less than $5 billion, but when you work in Russia you do need to budget a bit extra for graft.
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS you sound like reddit
You don't need to have watched any TV show to understand what he means. You are merely upset by seeing a pop culture reference.
nice try but we all know who you are
can anyone provide an argument as to why the faa shouldnt hold spacex to the same regulations they hold every single launch provider and aircraft company to? bieing skirts the rules sometimes but two wrongs doesnt make a right
Thats crazy
Are not law
i agree faa should let spacex do whatever they want until spacex killed more than 300 civilians
>I want to go to mars
>I want to experimentally test my rocket over the open ocean more than once per 6 months
wow so polarizing
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Why has nobody told me that I could get 4ChanX for mobile? This is great.
WHY do you want to go to mars?
try not to come across like a colonizer asshole..
If SpaceX is to be believed the FAA don’t even have jurisdiction over the tank farm move and the T-2 hour check.
Imagine if your company got a fine because some bureaucrat didn’t fill out paperwork to approve your new mouse pad for 6 weeks.
didn't ask
That's Pournelle, unless I'm mistaken.
>In any bureaucracy, the people devoted to the benefit of the bureaucracy itself always get in control and those dedicated to the goals that the bureaucracy is supposed to accomplish have less and less influence, and sometimes are eliminated entirely.
>Omg this launch is just like that episode of the Smurfs!
It's gay, talk like a real human.
To establish New Rhodesia
It wasn't even the deaths that did it, it was China grounding them and half the world following suit. The FAA was going to continue ignoring it
They should create regulations mandating a minimum thrust. Easy!
This just seems like the space elevator with extra steps.
Any guesses as to what he actually found with the salvage ship near S11 splashdown spot?
>only need 12 Soyuz-2 launches

Russian had 20 orbital launches last year. Not much of a margin even for that very optimistic 12 launches.
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The administrative bureaucratic state is crumbling before our eyes. The Chevron deference is dead. SpaceX smells blood in the water.
Thats not really true either. Trump had to go over the FAAs head and make an executive order to ground them.
Idk since he said blue fin tuna, and said he didnt actually catch a tuna, Im assuming they got a gridfin from B11 maybe?
Thank you for the correction. Been a while since I was in a Soc class.
Stick to X DogeDesigner
>20-30 people
Where are you going to put them moron? What station in orbit is large enough to accommodate 30 fucking people? Not even the planned stations are that ambitious.

>Just use starship
you are missing the point entirely.
They actually need 24 rockets, but that's spread out from here to 2030 so it's only about 5 extra launches per year. If you discard the plan to have 400 satellites in orbit by the end of the decade as completely unreasonable (which it is since they haven't started building the satellites yet) and let the timeline stretch out meeting the launch demand becomes almost trivial. Russia's launch rate has always been held back by a lack of payloads. Getting the funding is going to be a lot more difficult than contracting the boosters.
I think he meant with that Starship line as in make Starship do what Polaris Dawn did to sell seats, which at that point is just Starship Station kek
I don't think he actually went out to the sea. He originally thought the ship was recovering B11 and was investigating it with SAR imaging.
B11 recovery was the mahi mahi he was referring to. So the blue fin tuna should be something even bigger than that. Frankly I'm not sure it's B11 related at this point.
Oh yeah youre probably right, man I hate crypticfags
>And it makes me sad because the nose cone is such an obvious place to put a docking port.

A docking port in the TPS would also be bad.
"spacex needs to provide us more proof that they aren't wrong and they FAA doesn't"
Theia never existed just like Vulcan never existed. You were lied to.
wouldnt they have a docking port in the payload section like on space shuttle? the nose cone makes sense on a capsule, but on a spaceplane like starship the nose gets too much heating
tourist here.
watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-xyXDiC92s made me think: how come russians still produce the rockets engines they designed in the 50s/60s, while americans complain about all those lost (both space and non-space related) technologies? is it because american-made rockets and engines and everything is made in close doors by private companies?
>Do they really have the EDS? I've never seen any evidence but then again I mute or ignore anything with live commentary.

I don't know much but it seems like they are eggshell walking to avoid damaging relationships with government agencies and members of their community with connections to them. It's just transparently retarded at this point because anyone can tell two months to ask if a hotstaging ring falling somewhere else is clearly poor performance for your tax dollars.

Has NSF ever said a 3 letter agency needs to stop sucking? doubt it. It's an obvious hall pass
Vulcan is real. You’ve seen it down at slc-41. We haven't seen any proof of Theia, except that if you slap 3 planets together that becomes the earth and moon. It’s not that easy in planetry.
The Russians produced them continuously while the Americans switched from Saturn to the Shuttle
>Theia never existed
because these aren't actual regulations, its just something that FAA made up
>At first I liked him because he was advancing our species but then I found out we disagree politically so...
isnt that their job though? like, let them cook.
the day of the sink is approaching
Their job is imagining ways to stall SpaceX for political reasons?
If the FAA is holding up regular aviation for issues that don't affect safety because someone might hit a dolphin they can fuck off with that too.
chevron deference my good anon
no, its the job of the legislators to make up the rules and law, not agencies
the agencies are supposed to see that the regulations are followed
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They wouldn’t phrase it like that but yes.
>The Russians produced them continuously
even after the fall of the soviet union. why? and why so many different families of rockets?
It's easy to keep production going when you keep production going.
America stopped work on anything relating to the Saturn and thus the tooling and methods where lost.

There is no inherent roadblocks to keep something manufactured for an exceedingly long time. Especially for something as bespoke as a rocket engine where nearly everything is produced in the country.
If anything it should get easier with time. If you manually machined something 70 years ago, you can use CNC machining instead and get more consistent results faster.
Because giving regulations work just so you can keep their useless selves employed is holding back competitiveness and human progress. The regulations serve no useful purpose and the only reason the other LSPs aren't complaining are because they exist to absorb corporate welfare and most of their staff is no more useful than the regulators themselves. It all has to go.
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Then they must be destroyed with extreme prejudice, at once.
>why so many different families of rockets?
of ENGINES. fuck.

see >>16387917
Vulcan the planet
>Theiafags coping hard
Its over you popsci fruit
This is a space telescope? It looks like a truss with a doohickey attached to it. More info on this? Now Im curious.
I honestly don't see what the Soviet union falling would have to do with much.
Nothing is lost with a change in management when it comes to the physical places that manufacture things. The Soviet space program pretty quickly pulled itself together after the fall of the Union.

If anything the decrease in government support after the fall would only increase the use of historic designs due to already having parts and engines ready and avoiding the investment required to produce new designs.
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Part of that is because the Soviets were centrally planned dumbasses. You'll read accounts of major planning meetings and you'll see them struggling with questions like "how to we provide enough tasks to keep all 70,000 workers at these design bureaus from sitting around idle?" Having lots of different engine production lines helped with that. They also preferred to have rockets tailored to launch a specific payload rather than designing a standardized rocket and fitting their payloads to that with some extra capacity left over. That was why they had a dozen different R7 variants flying before they standardized everything with the Soyuz-U. Having separate customized Soyuz/Voskhod/Molnyia types all flying at once helped keep worker utilization at 100%.

A few of the projects suggested in the Apollo Applications Program were big space telescopes assembled by EVA. That one looks like the proposed X-ray telescope.

>Large space structure experiments for AAP. Volume 4 - Focusing X-ray telescope a large space structure for X-ray astronomy Final report, 15 Sep. 1966 - 15 Sep. 1967

The report vanished off of the NTRS site, but the pdf was captured on internet archive if you want to read about it
>I honestly don't see what the Soviet union falling would have to do with much.
do you know what happens when a country fails and its economy crashes and its government gets disbanded?

>the Soviets were centrally planned dumbasses.
but the rocket engine design offices were not, were they? the video mention that they competed against each other.

>how to we provide enough tasks to keep all 70,000 workers at these design bureaus from sitting around idle?
why does that even mean that the information on engineering designs and construction would be kept for many decades, even after the fall of the SU and the creation of the russian federation?
I don't think you have responded to my question here...
>but the rocket engine design offices were not, were they?
They worked for the central idiots. They were good at making engines but had no say in what engines they made or how the projects were planned overall

They had a lot of engines because it was useful for keeping everyone working. They kept the engines after the wall came down because maximizing employment was even more important in the 1990s and it was a lot easier and cheaper than designing and building new engines. Russia has barely built anything new in the last 40 years.
>even after the fall of the SU
I can explain this one. Really theres 2 reasons for it, the first is a deliberate policy by the US government to fund soviet space activities so their engineers don't go rogue, secondly since the US never developed a ORSC engine the only engines available in the US were hydromeme or gas generator. The soviet engines despite being decades old were far superior to anything else available in the US which led to a lot of american companies buying them for cheap.
>do you know what happens when a country fails and its economy crashes and its government gets disbanded?
Life goes on?
That's quite literally what happens when seemingly major historic events happen.
90% of the population goes about their daily lives. This would include anyone involved with manufacturing, well anything.
If the top management ever dissolves. People don't suddenly stop going where they are employed. More often then not when the administration or management structure collapses, workers create one of their own.

Plenty of examples where factories abandoned by owners with employees left to fend for themselves often form a new company producing the exact same products. Just without the gross mismanagement.
A working management structure would forcibly remove workers and dismantle the factory should they want production to stop
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That's what they will call the new king of Mars
I have been posting that image on /sfg/ long before you even heard of dogecoin zoomernewfag
>Nothing is lost with a change in management when it comes to the physical places that manufacture things.
Energia's boosters were manufactured in the Ukrainian part of USSR.
Why are they testing the chopsticks at such a high position? Won't it make the whole tower wobble more? Maybe they want to use the elasticity of the tower as an extra damper for a smoother Starship catch.
You really need to educate yourself on large structures if you think a steel tower is supposed to be rigid.
Testing the worst case scenario?
>only the truly enlightened agree with the current federal administration's propaganda and mass media
Yeah, you are very wise
take it easy, Seth
he will eat his words. flight 6 no earlier than may 2025
why does data from other planets needs to be sent in radiowaves? why not return it to earth in SD cards, SSDs or some shit? that way you'd be able to captura a LOT more data, albeit at a later date.
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>t. engineer
Have you never heared of Space Engine?
Are you stupid?
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Proxima is just right over there, you can go there and there's stuff there to see and do.
no. I don't see a problem? spaceflight is pretty reliable nowadays, so you could send lower res stuff through radio and get the higher res stuff later.
I can't wait for DAVINCI.
Who painted the Mona Lisa?
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NTA but I like Space Engine :)
>inb4 picrel
Soviets used to deorbit their spy sats to get the film reels out
Closest thing is ESA Gaia. Even that only contains a fraction due to difficulties seeing the opposite side.
Instructions unclear, downloaded Universe Sandbox and am now angry
Redditor comment
based HIP 102152 poster
>Space Force Close to New Launch Contracts—But Only If Congress Passes a Budget
>The Space Force is preparing to award billions of dollars in launch contracts by the end of this year—provided Congress passes a budget. If Congress only passes a continuing resolution, the schedule may have to slip.
>By the end of 2024, Space Systems Command wants to award a contract for the next phase of its National Security Space Launch program. It also wants to observe a final certification flight from United Launch Alliance’s Vulcan Centaur rocket and see the first certification flight from Blue Origin’s New Glenn vehicle.
>All three events are key to Phase 3 of the NSSL program, which will be responsible for launching the military’s most important new satellite systems into orbit from 2025 to 2029.
>ULA and Blue Origin are widely considered the top two competitors after getting Lane 1 contracts, but neither company has an active launch system that is certified for NSSL’s most important missions.
>Strictly speaking, neither company’s rocket needs to be certified before a contract award—SSC’s criteria only requires that the bidders have a plan to achieve certification by October 2026.
space engine is awesome. I like how it has a plausible disposition of life in the universe. You never encounter an inhabited world by accident because they are so rare, and the vast majorety are desers with barely any life
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So much digging
I wonder: let's assume that you aren't an engineer and have no actual knowledge of mechanical engineer, but have unrestricted access to any tool that might help you build (DIY) and run rockets and rocket engines (incl. fuel), as detect and mitigate problems. do you think you would be able to "learn by doing" and actually make a working rocket, launcher or whatever?
Fuel isn't even the hard part... Falcon 9 is running on kerosene, remember.
As to your question, if you're planning on making anything larger than a desk toy you're going to kill yourself.
what if this person has basic knowledge of physics and, lot of common sense and access to lots of cameras and robots to test shit remotely?
At your own risk, dumbass. It would probably be far more productive to just learn how to do it properly. You're still never going to do something beyond hobby tier by yourself.
He gets paid for cringe levels of dick suck. You do not.
Per the United States Supreme Court, no. The regulations are created by the Congress, and enforced through the agencies. If the law that created the agencies says nothing about a particular subject, either the inference to create said regulation must be created carefully to be sure it maximally fulfills the function of the legally created boy for the purposes in which it was made, or it is unlawful. We have spent the last 40 years in a situation where these agencies could come up with whatever they want with minimal oversight of what they decided to regulate because the Courts created a precedent where they said "Chevron Deference" to say that they can run themselves, and that time is now over.
Legally created body*
Is the concept behind Chevron Deference practiced in the rest of the world? I heard it never existed in Australia.
Understanding the details of fuel grain combustion are a bit beyond me, but the mechanical of casting a solid propellant motor are fairly straightforward. I never got into doing that but I knew a few model rocket guys a few decades ago that did. Anyone with the right tools and materials should be capable of doing that. If you can get basic solid fuel manufacture down then upgrading the design to a pressure-fed hybrid engine shouldn't be impossible either. Improving would just be a matter of iteration with the only big question being if I'm smart enough to figure out why the latest design is working better or worse (spoiler: I'm probably not).
I honestly don't really pay much attention to bureaucratic nonsense even within the USA, let alone the rest of the world. I don't think the rest of the world really needs it because they still have systems where the Sovereign gets to do whatever it thinks it needs to, or can do, without much of anything in the way of limits, in the name of governance.
If ancient chinese peasants could figure out rockets, you can figure out rockets too. Unless you mean good rockets, then the answer is no.
Elon could literally kill my father, rape my sister and mother, drown my dog. He could dwstroy my career and burn my home to the ground. Fuck and impregnate my girlfriend (if I had one). All while I watch in horror, but still I would support him at the end of the day. Anything that gets us closer to Mars and I mean it. I dont think anyone here can really comprehend perfect devotion
>let them cook
You need to be at least 18 to use this website
>ULA and Blue Origin are widely considered the top two competitors
Bro really thought he cooked [math]\unicode{x2620}[/math]
>ground water already seeping in
Well I suppose it was a nice idea I guess
>After considering these foreign legal systems, we conclude that Chevron is not inevitable if we understand Chevron to mean either its current two-step formation or a judicial deference regime that fills a similar space. Italy and the UK, despite some indications to the contrary, are best thought of as having eschewed Chevron deference. Two countries with something similar to Chevron — Germany and Australia — give their deference doctrines significantly smaller domains than Chevron. Canada was the only country that we studied that had a similar form of deference. Moreover, Chevron’s focus on agency authority to act with the force of law and statutory ambiguity is nearly always absent in other countries’ deference doctrines.
I wonder why the usual suspects aren't saying the euro way is better this time.
You talk like a fag
evening reminder that FAA sucks
No, I'm trying to prevent faggotry. If he blows his penis off while experimenting with solid fuel rockets he'll have to transition to the dark side.
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But what if he’s actually a genius and that doesn’t happen?
>they want to use the elasticity of the tower as an extra damper

You got it.
If you don't bend, you break.

The sway in the tower actually widens it's tolerances.
That's why modern skyscrapers are designed to gently sway back and forth during an earthquake or 100 mph winds, if they didn't have any give they would experience structural failure when the forces involved become too great.
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He's not a genius, he isn't even willing to skim an engineering textbook.
lmao reminds me of some franco-spanish ship or submarine (can't remember) that was so bad it got scrapped because its construction wuality was too low
does Musk have any plans to implement tuned mass dampeners to reduce the g force vibrations on his ships
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What’s got you so tired?
We don’t work at SpaceX and Musk doesn’t decide what every change that happens on Starship is.
what is the isp of this bottled up anger now being released?
Ever seen a jet of water cut steel?
I was off sfg when the flame trench was revealed

QRD? Did the shower floor not work good enough? Are they tired of repainting things?
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Lived experiences are more important than books
Do apu users really?
makes me laugh how youpeople said there woud be no flame trench when it was OBVIOUS to anyone with a brain
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There are no 'lived experiences' when it comes to explosives other than maybe the kind that leave you with a nickname like 'Stumpy.'
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>Work Begins on Flame Trench Foundations + Massive Chopstick Work! SFU 57
Well right now its a pool so you better start drinking
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Both CNES (top) and ESA (bottom) have studied superheavy launchers over the past year
Always a reality check when people you respect actually ask space-related questions for once, but feel the need to throw in
>I don’t know or care about space
Like damn. Makes me realize it’s on NOBODY’s radar unless they autistically go out and do research themselves. Space just isn’t in the normiesphere it’s sad
this. losing an arm really helps you understand the technical issues with building rockets.
Tether rocket? Sorry I’ve never heard of this do you have any resources for me to read up on
>Elon redesigns the launch pad
>doesn't let anyone tell him it's retarded
>first launch digs a flame trench anyway
>more expenses and delays
We really can't let him experiment like this with the Mars city, he'll make mattress Mars or something
space is an autism thing because there are no people out there. and even then only a fraction of autists get a space fixation. normgroids and schizos dont care at all about space. even most people in academia or even spacex are just playing a role and are there for the status as it relates to other people.
The best thing we can do to mobilize the public about space is actually have humans living on other worlds and make them pretty/handsome so earthers want to fuck them and therefor think about space 24/7
What is your issue with the Mars mattress?
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Bureau 1440 actually demonstrated the same end-to-end video communication Kuiper did a few months before - august 2023 - and an operational size satellites were launched in May

IMO it's like, max 2 years behind Kuiper and G60/Qianfan in maturity, problem is funding. It's VERY much ahead of Europe's IRIS2
It's not quite as big as Kuiper or G60/Qianfan, satellites are 150-200 kg and they only plan 300-400 of them for operational capability (full scale is 900, which they hope to reach by 2035), it's also a private program that is moving faster than Sfera, IMO without the war it would have been possible to deploy this decade or early next one, problem is well, the war.
I don't care about space, I care about planets
Do you care about Mars?
So do you care about the colonization of Mars since you care about planets?
what is your fucking problem
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Back-to-back starship launches would be neat. Still hate the FAA
Based Socrates
Based Diogenes
why do they make starship so long instead of making it thicker for better volume vs surface?
Everything was already designed for 9m diameter. Why bother redesigning all architecture and essential parts when you could just extend it instead with the same capabilities and much less work?
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/pol/ won, /sfg/ is now new redpilled colony. China will land on the moon and mars first
At this rate we won't even get an ISS replacement. NASA grift to axiom total fucking disaster
always has been
>they don't know
Forgot to add that to my filter thanks. Also fitting image
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>I don't care about space, I care about planets
>muh filter

snowflake detected
just a whole ass Saturn S-IC stage sitting there, what did it hitch a ground launch ride on project Orion or something?
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Neat, I saw Stratzenblitz do something like that in KSP in order to throw something into orbit having used only air-breathing engines to build the speed.
Have fun spinning in the void homo
>problem is funding

That is an understatement and because of it they are not ahead of anyone.
They're definitely ahead of Iris2, whose only political support (Thierry Breton) was fired a few days ago and will probably not survive the year.
this is so retarded
is he /our/ guy?
Funding might not be as hard to get as it would be otherwise. Starlink has performed exceptionally well in Ukraine and there's a lot of people in the Russian military that would like to have a similar system for their own use. For all the talk about a 1440 constellation putting high speed internet in every Russian home it's the dual-use possibles that would get something like this funded.

And it's a low bar to say that they're ahead of Iris2. Even the constellations that haven't officially announced yet are ahead of Iris2.
No. Where the fuck do you people come from?? This is like the eights literal who posted this week. Buy an ad
buy an ad
what low iq does to people
God, I hope not. He's a tiktok twink. He even does faggy Mr Beast subtitles.
taking an elevator to free fall is indeed fun, wellnigger
yeah it filters for mission-focused no-nonsense/drama people you resentful middling acadumbic
Fuck off nigger
WTF is this real?!?
The only viable ssto is a space elevator
No actually, looks cool though. Thanks.
Yes Elon posted it on X
by thicker i mean make it more than double the diameter. maybe in a few years they will see the light. starship is still too small for mars colonization
>Fuck people. They're all idiots.
I just wanted to point out this one part.
That's all you need.
No such thing as a free lunch. Enjoy the Gs slamming into that fucking thing.
>von braun photo in the back
>Enjoy the Gs
You wouldn't fly PEOPLE on that contraption, right? It'd just be for cargo and probes or whathaveyou.
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>hydrolox first stages
Actually it’s a hydrolox sustainer with hydrolox strap on boosters. No “first stage” here
hydrolox sustainer == turbo gay
Elon: I consent
Krystal: I consent
Werner: Is there someone you forgot to ask?
My guy, that rocket can barely manage 1.25g of acceleration.
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Could be worse
At the end of the day, you're not Astra.
Or maybe you are.
Genuinely how did they fail this badly
stupid frogposter
That was just the first of many fuckups. I mean, pressure fed 2nd stage?
Venus manned flyby Genesis reading when
Tampermonkey took its sweet time porting to Firefox Mobile, so this is news to me too.
Update on FAA death watch?
1.65g. Better
QD arm didn't D Q enough. Ripped out a fuel line to an engine. 1.25 TWR became 1.00000000001 TWR.
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RIP Tropics trio batch 1
Did Rocketlab put up the other two pairs?
I don't see the Chinese doing that
Clover/Kuroba/KurobaEx has been around for ages.

They did.
Fully expendable for wartime Brilliant Pebbles deployments.
>/sfg/ position that the Moon is a planet is now mainstream science
feels good man
It was one anons position, not /sfg/‘s and it’s not mainstream either.
I don't see the Chinese doing much beyond the moon. Even their unmanned ambitions seem to be stalling out.
At least they provided us with a little lulz.
>a first stage is not a first stage
Which is fitting for a company that couldn't make a reliable pressure fed engine despite having NASA engineers help them.
It requires energy to fling you. you are stealing momentum
has just been revoked
The first stage engines were electric pump fed. I swear it's like the /pol/ memes are real and Jews are allergic to turbomachinery.
Theia is as fake as Wakanda, cope
The Moon is nothing more than a national aggrandizement stunt. The real meat of the new space race is to see who can put the most hardware into earth orbit the fastest. China was in the lead BRIEFLY but SpaceX has secured America's place at the top for a while longer at least. The FAA and the DNC are working for the Chinese to slow down SpaceX, because of course they are.
They seem to be allergic to anything with radial symmetry.
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Launches are for jerks.
me when i’m schizo and should have refrained from posting
>flag is a six pointed star
>round little hats
not so sure
Kamala harris is asian so this tracks
He has a point, mass-to-orbit is much more important from a strategic and economical standpoint than moon landings, which are mostly a prestige thing. There is very little on the moon that applies to Earther power struggles.
Pressure fed engines are deceptively difficult. They're mechanically simple but they are eager to not work right. Pump fed engines are unironically more dependable in practice.
I keep thinking wtf is Carr smoking because Spectrum has been connecting RDOF homes for over 1.5 years at least (https://corporate.charter.com/newsroom/spectrum-luanches-gigabit-broadband-in-western-north-carolina), but apparently this is yet another broadband buildout project. How many are there?
>you are stealing momentum
Call the space police then, narc
Sorry commie, perpetual motion isnt real :)
I should have said, allergic to things which ONLY have radial symmetry.
Exactly. All hardware in space which has commercial or strategic value is pointed at earth. Anything not pointed at earth is a glorified science fair project to keep eggheads entertained.
Who said it was? Cease rotation
you ever worked with either?
thought not...
pressure fed astronaut is right about starship. it should have been pressure fed from the start..
We can barely detect any worlds at all
Rare Earth Hypothesis is, at the very least, consistent with ALL observations thus far made. It always amuses me when people get all huffy and start citing the number of stars in the galaxy and the number of galaxies and all that crap.

Like bro, okay. Add up all those zeros. How many orders of magnitude are you at? A reasonable estimate is 10^24 stars. Oooooh such a huge number amirite? Is it really though? If there are only 24 independent 1-in-10 dice rolls that need to occur for a planet with human-like life to develop, that's your 24 zeros already. Or just twelve mere 1-in-100 shots to clear. What are the real obstacles and how likely are they to be cleared?

One hint is that it took life on Earth something like a billion years to go from unicellular to multicellular. That development jump alone eats up several of your 24 zeros. And after unicellular life develops, a technologically advanced life form is by no means a given! It's not as though evolution works towards human-like lifeforms as a goal, it just selects for survival and if it "prefers" anything it prefers dumb crabs instead of smart apes. Even if life gets to the state of advanced ape, how likely is it to survive and thrive long enough to develop even basic radio technology? Anatomically modern humans got genetically bottlenecked at least once, probably several times. Our survival was by no means a given even once we became clever apes who knew how to knock the rocks together. It could easily be the case that we simply got quite lucky to even be here. 24 zeros just isn't a lot.
>Rare Earth Hypothesis is, at the very least, consistent with ALL observations thus far made
Not consistent with the observation of earth itself.
>Muh moon
Massive collisions are common, and thus so are large moons
you can't scale up pressure fed engines
If we assume all life starts out aqueous then the bottlenecks past multicellular sea life are having well watered land area capable of hosting primitive plants, and periodic major impacts. The land area offers an escape from sea predators for plants (it is MUCH easier to adapt photosynthesis to land), and competition for rain and sunlight among plants will drive along all axes until something like trees emerge. Then eventually animals figure out air breathing to escape danger or for better performance, so you just need to keep rolling the "shuffle land animals" dice with major impactors until tree animals with dextrous limbs and 3D navigation brains emerge. I'd wager that at least 10% of planets that evolve ape like life develop chemical spacecraft if given sufficient time before the star kills the planet.
>Then eventually animals

and where did these "animals" come from without God ?
that whole routine citing the number of stars is such a common popsci knee-jerk reaction when you assert life is rare. I think it developed as a nu-atheist reaction to christians because alien life, especially advanced alien life, would discredit the human centric bible. it really has no basis in fact whatsoever. people who believe alien civilizations must populate the milky way only do so because they have had their preconceptions set by starwars
simpler multicellular life, like the plants
wasnt sea dragon pressure fed?
The humanoid form is the idea one, any world that isn't producing hominids should be reseeded into one that someday will.
Because there are so many intelligent humanoids other than humans on this planet
I find it funny that religious retards (who probably come from /pol/) blame everything on atheism and their supposed opposition to religion. how obsessed do you have to be with a group of people to make up shit like this?
NTA but I'm confident life did not start in the sea and that water worlds cant produce abiogenesis.
life probably started in volcanic lakes which would evaporate most of their water content during volcanic activity leaving behind a chemically rich pond.
There is the first problem after abiogenesis. How does life get from the pond to the sea, and howdoes it survive the very different conditions in the sea?
>Because there are so many intelligent humanoids other than humans on this planet
your dad on my cock doesnt count.
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There used to be, yeah. We all were chow for giant birds for a long time.
>How does life get from the pond to the sea
there are many vulcans below and at sea levels or barely above.

>and howdoes it survive the very different conditions in the sea?
it could have reproduced in or near a vulcan that was at sea level. maybe?
>blah blah blah life is rare
No it's not. Also aliens are real and have been here for thousands of years.
Deal with it chud.
Yeah and sea dragon worked so well.
>getting fooled by disinformation 30 years after the intended recipient collapsed
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
At one point there were multiple species of human living at the same time in our planet. Also our closest relatives in the ape family are humanoid and they are intelligent too in case you forgot.

Not only that but every single step that created the humanoid body plan of one head two arms two legs and a torso can absolutely happen on other planets. The laws of physics shape animals into the same body plans all the time, it's called convergent evolution. There is nothing stopping a quadrupedal animal from evolving on another planet. There is nothing stopping that quadruped from taking up an arboreal lifestyle (trees have evolved multiple times!). There is nothing stopping that arboreal quadruped from developing grasping appendages. There is nothing stopping that quadruped from coming down from the trees and becoming bipedal.

You are retarded.
I know because I've seen them.
No I will not elaborate.
you will look incredibly foolish when they finally show themselves. In the end I will be the one who laughs.
>At one point there were multiple species of human living at the same time in our planet.
Right now there are. And the only one capable of technological civilization is going EXTINCT.
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is this where the biggest Stanford torus habs will be located?
Release the big floating cube tech cowards
Why would I have to? Everybody using pressure fed engines has had protracted and catastrophic difficulties with their pressure fed uppers. Virgin Orbit, Astra, and even SpaceX struggled with them. Hell, even the Vega's Avum stage has been problematic with a pressure fed hypergolic upper stage.
It's not going to happen. The government already tried to get Lockheed and the other defense contractors to make the tech available but nothing came of it. The real research is being done by the sol foundation. Very promising results came from Garry Nolan's work with "experiencers". They found a tangible difference between the brain of an average person and the brain of the people they were studying. It was found in whole family groups, just like John Mack and co. Found through their research on the phenomenon.

If they did comprehensive blood work they would find more links. I've had elevated creatinine my entire life and I suspect that might also be a commonality.
No compelling evidence for what you're claiming exists. It's always tempting to believe everyone else is delusional, but it is much more likely, and much easier, that you (rhetorical) are the one that is deluded.
I always love how cold war propaganda has stuck with boomers fifty years later
>you couldn't believe the type of stuff they're cooking up in secret
Meanwhile it's all rotting shit and if there was a war that mattered we'd be toast
>if there was a war that mattered we'd be toast.
I doubt it. America numba wahn baybee.
Yeah. I should not have said that. I really hope this doesn't start a 100 post off topic sperg out
Doesn't mean the research shouldn't be done. And I do think finding 1/200 structural difference in the brain in every one of these individuals is a significant find. It's nothing to sneeze at. The science is being done and hopefully will continue to be done.
Structural variation is poorly studied but far from novel. Everybody is actually pretty different under the hood, and tons of anatomical variation exists, but it's very poorly documented.
Both are part of the executive branch of the government. They aren't really nonpartisan organizations to begin with.
Commendable levels of self-awareness.
It's very unlikely that the majority of the people they looked at all had the same over connection, all many times more than the average person. He explains as much in his interview on Lex Friedman

>Spacex is inspiring the wrong youth
>shoots himars atyou
>Not consistent with the observation of earth itself.
Yes it is.
>No it's not.
Life being rare is consistent with our observations. Your assertion that life is common is an article of faith, something you believe without evidence.
oh yeah? explain why every body in the solar system that has or at one point had liquid water has life or remnants of life
panSPERMia nigga
What remnants of life do you see on Mars?
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You could argue that it failed excellently. The margins for error on failing in that exact way and executing the maneuver it did afterward were minuscule.
I have it solidly at #1 for funniest launch failure, with a close second being the Proton that flipped because a drunk Russian hammered some sensors in upside down.
we are at least thirty years away from this level of deep space automation
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You have no evidence for that. Life has only EVER been observed on Earth or in Earth's atmosphere.
I saw homo sapiens on the Moon a couple of times
It happened more than twice
>Yes it is.
Baseless assertion to support your floundering rare earth axiom
Bayesian reasoning.
Either abiogenesis is almost entirely, but not quite, impossible, or it's completely mundane like most other things. Which hypothesis seems more likely?
Rare Earth Hypothesis doesn't say that life never occurs, only that the occurrence of life is very rare. This is consistent with the observation of life on a single planet, and never anywhere else.
If you're a Bayesian then you need to update your prior with our repeated and continuous failure to detect any signature of life elsewhere in the universe.
Not a single person posting this Ship 34 (aka Starship block 2) nose cone? /sfg/ is dead
It looks like shit!
We haven't even been trying. What attempts to detect life are you aware of?
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We have tried, repeatedly, for decades. A hundred years ago people were quite sure we'd find it as soon as we took a closer look at Venus and Mars. That didn't pan out, nor has it been found in any decade since.
I wonder how Viking’s landing computer worked
Everything outside of the Oort cloud is procedurally generated and exists only cosmetically.
nobody cares.
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>those lines on Mars? Canals.
>o-okay maybe they're not canals but I bet those dark spots are vegetation
>okay it's not vegetation but I bet if we go there and look under some rocks we'll find marshrooms or something
>o-okay we haven't found anything like that but maybe, if we dig deep under the surface and pull out the microscope....
Life of the gaps.
thats what she said
/sfg/ doesn’t like minute changes. I used to post more minor Starship changes and anons told me to shut up and only bring the more important benchmarks
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Look at this dude
look at the top of his head
Very important post. Listen to this anon.
Imagine looking outside your window into your backyard, not seeing any animals, and then confidently coming to the conclusion that animals do not exist. This is the same kind of lunacy that

>>16388507 (you)

are participating in anon. Also note that this applies to the search or intelligence as well. No one has been looking. No one wants to look. No one has bothered doing any significant searches in our own backyard let alone out in the cosmos. And yet academics confidently assert that there is no evidence and that aliens do not exist despite them not even attempting to look and actually see if that is the case.
We have fallen so far from the original ITS kino plan, it’s unreal
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I care, I don't go off looking for updates and just wait for them to percolate and collect here so I can learn about them, on account of profound laziness on my part.
New and improved flap?
I find it hard to believe that a woman actually used half of those words.

Imagine looking out your window for a century and never seeing any animals, plants, or even fungus. And yet for some reason you believe they are there.
Given how much and how quickly things change in starbase, I'm not going to care about minor modifications to articles that aren't launching within a week.
they are on design version 2 and they still havent figured out a fucking payload door. how embarassing.
Idgi. why do you guys hate Tim Dodd so much?
>We have tried, repeatedly, for decades
It's actually very likely. The variations tend to have root genetic causes, and that seems to be the case here. I can't be arsed to actually find out how that's supposed to result in proof of aliens, though.
The new flaps just feel too skinny to me. That's a purely aesthetic judgement, I'm certain they're mechanically sound.
i see pop sci slop tubers use this as stock footage in their videos lel
hilarious how they were running these tests on bare concrete before, not to mention the first flight lmao. what a spectacle. musk has made some colossal fuck ups
>New and improved flap?
It's the V2 Starship flap design, moved slightly leeward and with a different shape for better aerodynamic characteristics.
Except no one actually has. Look at the actual history of missions trying to discover life on Mars etc. there haven't been many over your century. All of seti can be boiled down to taking a Dixie cup to the ocean occasionally, scooping out some water, and checking for any fish. That is the analogy used by actual seti researchers.
We have not been looking. Not even close. You are delusional if you think we have done any significant searches. And again, we haven't even checked our own back yard. Plenty of examples of strange things going on, but it's all dismissed instead of looked into. I have yet to see a real, rigourus, and unbiased study on the abduction phenomenon. None.
Hey Tim. “Hate” isn’t the right world. Cringe at the amount of redditry, the over-use of emojis, and the absolute dogshit interviewing style despite being given unprecedented access that thousands of other autistic crave.
I respect you for being unfortunately divorced by your bitch ex wife and going out and making a career doing what you love; but you’re just kinda cringe and need to work out or take some test lol
They went with a diverter design instead of bare concrete because the sites are packed with a lot of infrastructure that wasn't there originally and they have less room than they used to. The new infrastructure gets rid of the test site crane that they used to need every time they static fired the ship.
based and /cfa/ pilled

averi better btw
>t.paranoid retard
ok, I get it. yeah, the guy is kinda cringe
but I just finished watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-xyXDiC92s and I see a lot of really fucking good, exhausting work. way better than anything I've seen ITT.
It's not proof of anything, but it does correlate with the anecdotal/witness evidence and that's a start. More research needs to be done. As I've said, no one yet has done any serious research into this subject. If no one looks how could anyone possibly find the concrete evidence you do desire?

Also I think I will trust the PhD when he says it's very unlikely for multiple pairs of individuals with a very specific genetic abnormality to come together like they found.
He used to be an order of magnitude more cringe, and he's STILL pretty cringe. The most recent Starbase tour was a massive downgrade from the first one he did, and would have been just about as informative if it was just a camera following Elon around as he occasionally pointed at things.
That said, I genuinely appreciate his videos and they're legitimately good to show to normies because the ones on fundamental spaceflight topics are informative but easy to follow. I feel like that's probably actually the prevailing attitude here and you're just too autistic to understand the bantz.
Fondag was the best material if you're going to launch a rocket off of it.
What they didn't envision was the ground under it to basically liquefy from vibration. Fondag ultimately being a concrete can't sustain a being load from no longer being supported.

Huge home made model
Telescopes, radios, rovers, etc.
We literally have looked, you're just whining that we haven't looked enough, but it will never be enough.
Kenyans are some of the most innovative person in the world
I don't hate you, it's tough love. The kind your father should have given you so you didn't end up to be so wimpy.
>I'm not wimpy
You care what people on the internet think about you. That's proof of your wimpiness right there.
>Ship 34
I can post Rule 34 (of Krystal) if you want
Ask actual seti researchers and they will say the same thing. We have not looked nearly enough. Even if we watched the entire sky 24/7 for a hundred years it still would even be close to being a significant search. You need a large time resolution to do seti.
That's pretty fucking impressive.
You’re both niggers
>guys who do a thing will tell you they want more money to do the thing
yeah no kidding dude.
Viking found life on Mars
It didn't but keep coping.
are you retarded? seti is basically saying "we are hoping to find signals of intelligent life elsewhere" as if intelligent life means they all developed radio comms that are somehow compatible with our comms. it's lazy and fucking retarded.
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Painted bits on B12
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>that are somehow compatible with our comms.

Would you not be able to tell between natural noise and something that looks structured. You don't have to decode it into alien music or tv
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>Would you not be able to tell between natural noise and something that looks structured
The more it's compressed, the closer it looks to noise
I saw Tim Dodd at a grocery store in Brownsville a few weeks ago. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, I don't mind at all” and wouldn't do the meme.
things that never happened
my dad works at nintendo and he says he saw Tim at the factory once.
What’s the point? Just testing aerodynamics? Or is this a structural test thing
The stringers help transfer the weight of the booster to the catch hard points at the top, but I have no idea why they painted them.
There are various forms of seti not just radio. They also want to search for laser comms as well. Some want to do "near seti" which is searching our solar system for artifacts or signs of intelligences. All are valid.

I just wish they also researched abduction cases as well. If people are reporting literal non human intelligences on earth, you would think at least someone would be interested in looking into that. even if there is only a 0.0001% chance that it might be legit, it'd still be the biggest discovery in all of human history.
More than enough to land your name in the books.
maybe to make it easier to see where the arms damaged the booster?
Human memory is not reliable enough to be a useful witness, even if the claims were actually true.
FAA is a threat to humanity.
Democrats are \a threat to humanity.
I don’t think anyone here disagrees lol
Irrelevant. That's why you take large, diverse, sample sizes and use control groups.

Treat it like a police investigation. Police work with memory all the time and they have plenty of ways to deal with it. One of the most basic things they do is withhold specific details from the public. Say a woman murders a guy and accidentally leaves a red purse at the scene. They don't disclose this detail to the public. That way when a tip comes in regarding a strange woman entering the house with a red purse but leaving without it the police know that tip is more likely to be legitimate.
The same technique was used by abduction researcher and psychologist John Mack. He and his colleagues would keep certain details a secret and use them as a marker for legitimate abduction cases.

When you hear the same small detail over and over and over from vastly different people who do not know each other that becomes much more compelling than just one guy telling a story. It's not impossible to study this subject. No one has really made the effort to do so. It's a real shame too because we are losing valuable witnesses every day. This phenomenon has roots all the way back in the late 1800s. They've traced families back that far, and it may go back even further though that is more folkloric content which is less likely to bear fruit upon investigation.
I haven't been convinced that pro/anti space is correlated with blue/red politics
My guess is it probably is (most things are), but I haven't seen much on this
Accept for musk tweets
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Neither really care.
It's just in this instance the tip of the spear is SpaceX and is being hampered by bureaucracy.
One party wants to keep course and inflate the admin state even more, the other wants to gut agencies for better and for worse and has potentially done so already.
Blue Origin's response to the sustainability requirement is so funny to me
>uhhh yeah we're going to build a better one later
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only landers that can go on a diet get in this club
Still would have been the best choice
Blue is antispace because technological innovation in the short term and human expansion in the long term threaten their ability to control everyone. Red is also (mostly) antispace because red is usually just blue with different branding. Red-vs-blue understandings of American politics are fundamentally flawed. The two party scam is just kayfabe set up to train the populace to only choose between two parts of the same group. In the past quarter century there's been a rising anti-establishment movement that manifested in two outsider factions on the left and right. The Regime was able to subvert the anti-establishment left almost completely, but was only partly successful with the anti-establishment right.

Antispace is earther status quo; prospace is always some type of insurrectionist belonging to one of a range of political philosophies
Blue Moon isn’t HLS, it’s SLD.
HLS solely refers to Starship. Also it’s not really “Blue Moon” either
The tide is probably changing but historically neither have made it a priority. Red just wanted the money moving around and blue wanted the money elsewhere. From a policy standpoint the part we care about didn't even come up
I kind of like "gay race communists" as a catch-all. There are GOPe creatures this applies too as well. Would be very kek lel and jej to see Elon use this in 6 months or so.
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your mom sucked my antispace dick last night, you """insurrectionist""" faggot
2 months with the new FAA delay
Looks cool
As others have said, there is no real correlation.
The reason basically all space policy is gay and lame is because overt imperialism went out of fashion. The Outer Space Treaty was a fucking disaster for mankind. If the US and Soviets had refused to sign it, we'd have research outposts on Ceres by now.
I'm not sure why the truth makes you this angry, but it's an amusing reaction. Thank you.
In January the new congress will pass the FOFFAA (Fuck Off Faggot FAA) act granting SpaceX blanket license to do what it needs to do for Starship and will be back on track.
I didn't even read your crap except for a few words
you are so delusional and have such a big victim complex that you had to write that shit to feel better about your cringe crap. get therapy, retard.
Harris will veto that.
>Air Force Dodges PFAS Water Cleanup in Arizona, Citing Supreme Court Chevron Ruling

SpaceX should told FAA fuck off like Air Force
SpaceX should get an Air Force
is this general full of boomers or some shit? if so, how do you faggots even find this place? did you come from r/t_d or something?
>Musk is being investigated by FBI and NSA

it's over...
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Somebody needs to build one of these, if I win the lottery I'm starting work on one.
Exotic matter solves the negative payload issue
Why does it have a whole ton of thrusters on one side
Are the ones pointing down not good enough? Thrusters usually point down
What would you guys do if you had 10 acre of land and $50k in cash to waste on random stuff?
propaganda outlet for leftist
Some boomers, mostly zoomers though from what I’ve seen after being here a few years. Its mostly total geeks who know the internet (young) and are also obsessed with everything space. Boomers don’t find this place because they usually go to more common platforms like YouTube or for those a bit more professional they paying out to L2 at NSF which is a different forum that is dedicated to spaceflight. The thing about them is it costs money to post and is again extremely professional so you can’t say Nono words like you can here. So this general is the place where you can discuss spaceflight and such indepth while also being free to say what you want in relation to that. And yeah as you said right now we are infested with election tourists from r/T_d who are constantly on about muh party and shilling for whichever candidate. The janitor on this board sucks so nothing can be done other than filter them and wait until it’s over.
TLDR, no mostly autistic zoomers but right now is not the best time for the entire site so just use filter.
$50k won’t get you shit in to space. Why ask this question?
Maybe you could build your own mini-spinlaunch to throw cameras into LEO or something?
Yeah it's all "corrupt right-wing court" this and "corporate polluters" that
Build a big cannon, fire the cameras on suborbital arcs, drink the remaining money away as I shoot stuff outside the atmosphere
>right now we are infested with election tourists from r/T_d
Statements like this make it easy to identify redditors in the wild. r/the_donald was banned years ago and they'll still bring it up wherever they go.
Plant a small mobile tiny home (so regulators wont bonk you) and add starlink.
whats this?
>Statements like this make it easy to identify redditors in the wild.
>r/the_donald was banned years ago
anon... what you said only shows that (You) are a the redditor here...
They can definitely do more than that with PEZ.
reddit commies get the rope
booster 12 for flight 6 testing is rolling out
redditors will be sent Io's volcanoes
Yeah the cope is unreal
This post is underrated. If you know boomers, this myth remains stubbornly ingrained.
The Reagan crowd is clearly into throwing immense amounts of cash into the military-industrial complex to this very day. They also don't mind that all of the money gets siphoned off by Israel and Jewish profiteers.
They still think Area 51, Skunkworks, and other classified military shit is a century ahead of SpaceX, but in reality they have jack shit and are just feeding the beast.
Boycott NFS faggots suck FAA dick
China launched another six Jilin-1 satellites on a Long March 2D
>Who is going to be the first person to walk on Mars?
at this rate it might be isaacman
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What does /s/ - Sexy Beautiful Women have to do with SpaceX and the FAA?
Less regulation.... is good!
He is the obvious choice, and on track to be first.
Eventually he will become a SpaceX employee and divest his businesses to focus on Mars full time.
I'm okay with this, he is highly competent and that is the correct selection criteria.
Intelligence, real-world competence, relentless drive, similar values to Musk, being white, and most of all, being LOYAL to Musk is what matters.
Hardpoints on the side of Booster 12.
what for?
Catching pins! They are now reinforced with external stringers that are painted black to highlight them, to look even more badass.
This feature is KEY and the most innovative item on super heavy, aside from the Raptors themselves. These little fuckers replace the need for landing legs and a pad, crane, and complex vehicle post landing safing system, which is huge. The chopsticks can place the fucker right back on the mount, where the BQD will detank it.
2 month delay is good actually t.NSF
catching pins are higher >>16388602 >>16388607
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Trump won
what happened to jeff's dildo ride? why isnt it launching more often?
The new lifting scheme, both with the crane jig, and chopsticks, is now a 4 point grip for stability.
The second stage has 4 points, now the booster does too. Measure the spacing between the upper and lower points on the ship and booster, they are the same.
Hanging a booster from 2 points is inherently unstable, it will swing, and we do not want humans holding tag line ropes to get the fucking thing on the mount without banging Raptors on the sides. And the vertical launch mount alignment pins are fucking gay, and must be removed before launches. They are deleted for being gay and lame.
>FAA regulations explicitly defer to range rules for explosive safety requirements, including prop tank farms under 14 CFR 420.63(b)
>The range operator (NSSF) had already approved the tank farm
EDS made them forget their own regs kek
USSF rather
its been so slow lately
>less than 800 views
is this worth listening to or not?
Watch this live if you need Starship fix.
Mute if you think NSF is gay. 2X playback speed is recommended.
Ship 31 is also rolling back from Massey's, and booster 12 and the hotstage ring rolled to the launch site, and is currently engaging with the chopsticks right now for its lift up.
As in important launches or /sfg/
only launches matter now. we're past caring about the pre-launch minutia.
Are we gonna get a flight with the same profile as IFT-4? Is flight 6 gonna be the first tower catch test?
it just launched like a week or two ago
it was grounded for like over a year due to a bad landing
why isnt it launching once a week? i heard there was stupid amounts of demand.
Flight 5 will tower catch, flight 6 might be a 2nd attempt if flight 5 catch fails.
Had to quit not far in when they were talking about their space-nerd "origin stories" and making references to scenes from nu star wars.
Engineering minds want to see this. This is also a minor reveal of new booster and stage zero upgrades and capabilities, as well as insight into novel testing methods.
Casual tourists can watch Marvel movies and The Acolyte on Disney +.
No. Flight 5 is catch test. They will not waste a Starship and more importantly their prep time on a preflight of the flight 4 trajectory. It earns no important data for them.
There has to be a reason spacex is reticent to fly without a tower catch

I think they are really unsure about the catch arms and if they aren't adequate they don't want to repeat a bad design on tower 2.
Yeah at some point they will be stalled on tower 2 because they need the catch data to know how to proceed. A repeat of flight 4 would only yield data about the new heat shield's performance and perhaps also improvents to raptor startup reliability that were made if any.
>Had to quit not far in when they were talking about their space-nerd "origin stories"
what's wrong with tha-
>and making references to scenes from nu star wars.
They need to know ASAP whether tower catch is viable in practice or not.
B12 is in the chopsticks now but nobody cares anyways
less pointless regulation is good yes
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How can he post these threats? Cant the govt arrest him?
>because alien life, especially advanced alien life, would discredit the human centric bible.
Christians were the ones most likely to believe that there was life on other planets in our solar system before we found out otherwise.
because we already know that launch is 2 months away
previous lifts meant we were 2 weeks away from a launch
He's holding two astronauts hostage on the ISS so they can't.
What threats?
A good time in space.
Flight 5 will tower catch, flight 6 will be the FAA headquarters "tower catch".
shut up fag i want updates about shit like this you just hate space
yes, they are retificient because the tower catch is the next critical step
heatshields can be iterated with or without tower catch independently on every flight, doing a launch which would basically only be about testing if the new flap heatshield works better or worse than the last one (that did work to an extent already) is basically just minor iteration
and if FAA wants to be the slow cunts they are, wasting launches is very bad
they get to the goal of full reusability quicker this way overall even if the time between IFT-4 and IFT-5 is longer this way (it shouldn't be really, that is just FAA fuckery, deciding to consult FWS about shit that they didn't care about previously and now that is confirmed by this complete bullshit fine about things that happened a year ago and they don't even have the jurisdiction over)

maximizing the amount of launches is not the actual goal here, its to develop a fully reusable launch system
launches give you new data which are critical for the development, but doing something that you already know works is pointless, minute iteration can wait
Then just leave and do something else until December.
I'm sure CNN will tell you when a launch is coming. If you find this boring, you should rethink your life. Maybe you can find your true purpose with a different venture. Anon wants you to be happy.
The "administration" does not want to see kino success from the opponent before the election, so they flexed their power illegally, and got normies to buy it.
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>december NET
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whats up with these faggots
i don't know who shit in your breakfast/s this morning but this is one of the dullest parts of the buildup to launch. No new parts being installed, no testing being done, no testing of fuelling processes or the arms. They're just rolling the stages out to the pad for a second time, for a launch that we know is months away. I'm watching anyway because I have nothing better to do but the stack will be more interesting
I don't rightly know why exactly they need a coating. Could be something to make it easier to see where the catch arms contact the booster.
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>Enough is enough.
He doesn't know the difference between law and regulation.
wow I didn't know congress voted on tank farms
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>Why Falcon 9 Faced FAA Investigations But Not Starliner | We Asked The FAA
morning reminder that FAA fucking sucks and that apologists are enabling this shit
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was this posted
I hope they filmed this long in advance because not talking about starship at all is really bad timing or makes them FAAgot shills
>regulations are laws
That's insane. Even when Chevron deference was around that's not how it worked. Only congress can make law.
>enforcing what's written out
Like the part that said tank farms fall under the range operator? The FAA insisting it needs to rubber stamp something another government entity already approved isn't going to work in court anymore. The FAA's testimony on what the basis of the T-2 hour poll "rule" is will be something like because that's how so and so used to do it so that's how it must be done because it just does okay? Out of their depth and should go back to regulating airplanes which they also suck at but it will then at least not be our problem.
Wanna bet this faggot just has his LAST tour of Starbase?
Its clear he is trying (and failing) to walk a middle line, and not pick sides, kind of like what NSF is doing.
If you are not with SpaceX, you are against SpaceX. Fuck you estronaut, enjoy your future covering exciting Firefly and BO launches only (yawn)
doesn't seem like they are talking about the fines and SpaceX suing FAA either, at least that is the impression I'm getting
there was a video about the Starship license a few days ago and they were whining about why isn't SpaceX launching Starship with the old license and defending FAA
yes the 2h polling thing especially seems to just be some arbitrary thing that FAA thinks they have power over and that they can in fact arbitrarily waive as well
its insane administrative state bullshit
I don't think elon is that vindictive. I think elon would rather just explain spacex's position to estronaut's audience
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Punished Elon arc starts now
but yeah, I forgot about this F9 grounding thing but it was absolute bullshit as well
the landings don't have any safety problems when they happen out at sea, so the most the FAA should have done is something like ban RTLS until the problem is solved
grounding the whole fleet is fucking retarded, that combined with the frivolous 60 day delay to Starship and this completely frivolous fines from over one year ago are very obvious signs of the FAA being used as a politicla tool of harassment, lawfare
FAA are probably understaffed and incompetent to boot, but that doesn't explain all of this
it started a few years ago, but now FAA went over the line
It's all REDGOV vs BLUGOV so with the ascent of the space force and now star shield the lines are drawn
You sound like a pretentious loser. The only people I ever see unironically call themselves or others ‘punished’ is coping losers. Leave Elon out of your fantasies
The winning move is to say lets see how the courts rule on it or just say nothing.

Requiring the FAA to defer to NASA/USSF judgment on matters when launching from CC would fix most of this.
>here's all my baggage about this stale meme
How many days did you say you were staying?
You're the faggy redditor from earlier. I can tell lol
Space force should just handle everything related to space. They should also execute the traitors in the FAA
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The only obvious answer.
The military should clear the way for spaceflight with absolute priority, and civilian concerns and lawsuits can fuck right the fuck off.
FAA can deal with airports, airlines, pilots, Boeing and aircraft safety, and restricting drones.
Don't want to derail, but eyepatches are fucking kino. lmagine the aftermath of the inevitable Elon assassiaton attempt.

Will we one day see (lol) astronauts with one or blind eyes fly into space? How will zero-g affect their eyesockets, and how will gamma rays affect sight?
Starship launchsites need to have permanently restricted launch corridors
Imagine NASA with that DoD budget, we could do one or two more Artemis missions.
Meant to post, delet if uneccesary
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Already is
Because Brownsville is a shitty place for launches outside of R&D testing. You cant get any reasonable inclinations except one plane, and there are too many people to bitch about the sonic booms and beach access.
Vandenberg, the Cape, and probably other host nations + offshore platforms are the future, just due to geography.
I said permanently
relocate people if you need to
raze the nearby towns and cities, redirect flights and ship traffic
Does land move retard?
are you retarded?
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Yes, it does actually.
You are both retarded.
SpaceX is hoping to get airliner-safety status, meaning they will have permission to overfly land, but honestly I doubt this, so we are back to >>16389059
Saw either a very bright planet or a UFO in the western sky this evening.
Something new to the FAA drama that we suddenly started caring again? Dunno who has taken them seriously since the whole Boeing debacle..
uhm yikes sweety, we don't use that term anymore because it's offensive
we call them UAP now (unidentified anomalous phenomena)
strap FAA apologists onto the deluge plate
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Time to move spacex operations offshore
>Starbase still has a launch corridor over water and is even closer to the equator
FAA made up new regulations for things they didn't have claim over and amusingly enacted one of their regulations wrong
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>The First-Ever Private Spacewalk with Polaris Dawn Mission Commander Jared Isaacman
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Why is there much fewer welds in the middle?
internal stringers needed to support the heatshield weight?
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watching this, it is so fucking retarded that missions get randomly licensed by FAA or NASA
SpaceX should take Venezuela, build kino brutalist launch complex.
yeah its earlier in the thread, nobody gave a shit
This is a tough audience to please, what the fuck do you want to discuss?
The forward flaps are so clearly out of the plasma stream now, biggest problem solved.
I don't know why you fags say this looks ugly, it looks fine to me. The original ITS looked plasticy and cheap in comparison.
>unidentified anomalous phenomena
Wait, they changed it from "aerial"? Lmao
Actually that name does sound pretty kino, like an SCP knockoff videogame
before its integrated and the ship fully built out, I think its too early to tell if this is aesthetically worse or not
Metal Gear Solid is for gays and weebs
infiltrated by trannies now
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>Metal Gear Solid is for [...] weebs
Do you know where we are?
>infiltrated by trannies
Don't leave out the gays, they are a huge chunk of this site's crowd.
/v/ is a fast board but I don't think they are a "huge chunk" of the userbase
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you're making me hungry
>Nooo don't put any life detecting equipment on the probe
>Follow the water goyim
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SCP has been cucked ever since that Russian dude rugpulled everyone and trademarked it.
I will never forget this launch. It was one of the first ones I got my normie friends to watch me and when they happened they all turned and asked if that was supposed to happen.
I was into SCP since the /x/ days, I wrote the "Josie the Half-Cat" entry.
I took at look at it again the other year, and it's on a whole new site and full of slenderman-tier larping.
everyone already agrees with that statement.
are you the guy who's still seething because people said they were sick of politics on /sfg/ all the time?
>full of slenderman-tier larping
lmao you weren't there when the site was first made and it was taken over by deviantart larpers.
yeah, it was dispanded, and the fallout of them spreading to other places where they thought they were welcome can still be felt today, like you, for instance.
Bleak. I’ve heard Jurveston is a pedo, I’m inclined to believe. This is a nihilist thread
>yeah we could get to Mars in a week they just won't release it....
>Eventually he will become a SpaceX employee
No way, he clearly has some business planned for human space flight

The couple of retired old space NASA geezers that camp their forums had made them so tedious to read. Have to scroll past endless pages of their "I want to talk to your Manager" bitching at other posters.
I only say he must be an employee so his family cant sue if the mission fails. Like all new crew vehicles require testing with elite NASA test pilot/astronauts, until certified for civilian use. Unless Elon's hand is forced by the US Government, and send NASA's chosen crew instead (BIG mistake), they are probably going to need to send exclusively their own employees, who legally swore on a stack of bibles, declaring explicitly their contracts "this is risky and accept death, without slowing SpaceX from trying again immediately."
no hotstage ring?
don't need that for static fires or tank testing
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The baby food supplement Kuaizhou just launched with IoT constellation Tianqi satellites #29-32
China claims to have a booster shortage; yet has a million different rockets, and all of them are like
>Oriongalaxy Space Sheinzhou Dongfang15 “private” rocket
>500,000 kg mass on-par with an entire falcon 9
>1.7 T LEO
ToT constellation
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That's a big solid rocket motor....
Imagine the ploom
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I'm so ready for the kinography.
I think they are gonna do some catch testing now. They are lifting the booster up right now.
The AJ-260 used a 1.1 MN thrust SRB as separate igniter firing downward into the nozzle
>The Igniter motor, designed by aerojet, flew up a sled track and was supposed to have been brought to a controlled landing by four 320 ft tethers in a small pond near the test pit, the ignited broke all the tethers as a result of a slight delay in its release from the firing position, but landed about 100ft from the planned position after a much higher flight than expected
Apparently they won't be doing a WDR so yeah, probably.
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yep, its up way higher than necessary to mount it on the OLM
yeah obviously, but nu-atheists target christianity and not other religions because that would be raycis.
Just because loads of christians did beleive in ET life doesnt mean it wouldne be one step ina long list of steps discrediting holy scripture. Back when aylmaos became popular christianity was already functionally dead for most of the population
Basically every chinese launchers fall within 4 categories:

>Derived from 60s hypergolic ICBMs, itself reverse engineered from 50s soviet rocket, using the same tooling,engines,infrastructure that were built under Mao.
>Derived from the same "building blocks" that China spent 25 years (1990-mid 2010s) developping from reverse engineering Energia/Zenit.
>Derived from the Solid ICBMs that the chinese developped in the 80s/90s/2000s, some are literally repurposed missiles (like the one that launched today), other are "just" civilian applications of the same technologies.
>Very Recent ones made from copying the general architecture and solutions as SpaceX has (Zhuque, Tianlong...), almost all of them have Hydrocarbon/LOX GG engines inspired by Merlin.
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>I honestly don't see what the Soviet union falling would have to do with much
Dumbest post in this thread.
what did we do to deserve this kinda kino, bros?
i remember a few years ago elon started mentioning catching the booster as an option and the honest response was chuckling. i myself thought he was making a funny joke.
and now here we are, so close to the first catch attempt (yet so far away).
and then a few hours later a Kuaizhou-1A launched five more TianQi sats (IoT constellation). That makes three chinese launches in a row.
reminds me of starship
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long booster is loooooooooong
is catching it on the fins really a good idea? that puts a lot of negative gees on the vehicle when its specifically built to take high positive gees...
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Help me figue this out, the most advanced engine in the world is BE-4 or AR-1?
(the implication here is ofc Raptor is not it)
I can't believe you would just sit there and watch Elon do that. A real fan would help Elon.
SpaceX missed a trick by not using spherical tanks like on N1.
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there are actually catch hard points below the fins, too small to see from a security camera though
BE4 is unironically the most reusable first stage engine in the world. Theyve done a literal decade worth of fires on test engines so it must be.
You respect Earthers?!?
>the most advanced in the world
1: you're not developing it
2:it's not nearly as advanced as raptor and categorically worse in size, mass, thrust and probably ISP too.
looks like the cat meme
That’s the point… new
Funny to imagine that as Mars industrialization proceeds there will still be a guy that never left his home town of 8000 people whose main concern is when the eagles will next play the redskins. That guy will probably exist on Mars by the time we visit another star
jef is right, you want medium performance out of a high performance archietecture to get reusability. meanwhile spacex is pushing and pushing the material limits of their raptors. a recepie for disaster when it comes to reusability.
They have however gotten the cost of the raptor under a million and they're pushing it lower. The ship can handle some loss rate without problems and replacing them would also not be a problem
they need to push those limits because the ship is horrendously overweight and need to overcome that via brute force, v3's mass reduction is actually quite impressive but im eager to find out if they have fixed those v2 issues...
This is exactly what losers like Jeff Bezos and Peter Beck often regurgitate, because they can't figure out full flow staged combustion (which runs cooler and less stress on the turbo pumps)
They need to run their shitty engines at 80% or else they would NOT be reusable at all. Raptor 3 doesn't have this problem.
I have moved on with my life. It has already been 9 years since the last test flight. You need to let it go.
Look up the pickle rick tweet. It's insane.
I don't think infetterance is a real word, though.
There's no correlation between personal politics and attitudes toward space policy. But the current administration is absolutely attacking Elon and is both in practice and ideologically anti-space.
Remind me was HSR supposed to forever be expendable or is that only an adjustment made for right now?
They're building a space force.
only for block 1 boosters. on flight 3 the HSR literally sheared off from aerodynamic forces because it's not really integrated into the structure of the booster properly. They're dumping them in the ocean earlier in flight to avoid that
I already have cash to waste and I don't do anything with it
I already have 5 acres and if I had an extra $50k I'd put a down payment on a smaller lot. Seriously worst mistake I've ever made. Do you have any idea how long it takes to mow an acre?
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Total regulation death. Roundhouse kick regulations into the concrete. Slam dunk a regulation baby into the trash can. Curb stomp pregnant black regulations. Slice a regulation with a katana. Push old regulations down the stairs.
hey guys come watch this fog
So many failures lately these make me nervous
He's stupid.
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>That's insane
>thinks Elon is above retarded shit
Check out his shitposting and SNL appearance
and leave Elon out of your fantasies, NIGGER
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Ground Non-violence has no authority and no combat troops.
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Just so happen to have come across a /x/tard website. They have a section for nasa lies. Heres their take on the osiris-rex missions.
This is a side of antispace that I rarely get to see.
Whatever lets them get away with telling government agencies to go fuck themselves.
coming in sideways
Every Guardian is a master craftsman of war
the military should just step in at thus point and label SS as some public skunkwerks shit and tell the FAA to piss off since space force also wants their own units.
kino booster cam. look at those clouds
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Stuck it.
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Look at that kino landing
fuck the FAA
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>goes through clouds
>didn't see ship until the very last second
I panicked a little ngl
I think he meant it looks like the meme with the stretched out cat
no, they have just not gone to the top with the booster before
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The moon landing was fake and gay.
Debunk these 14 points https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie/
Protip: you can't
back to /pol/ with you
this is bullshit to cope with the fact that it's an inferior engine in every way.
they could reduce maximum thrust on the raptor and that would give it bigger safety margins than the BE-4 AND still keep all of it's other stats far above the BE-4.

it's simply an inferior and less mature engine design, stop crying about it.
blue will land on the moon before spacex. watch.
Thats /x/ stuff retard.
Inb4 samefagged replies saying /pol/ and politics is good
I don't really know anything about particle accelerators, but could you scale them up a thousand fold if you build one in space? like LISA is to LIGO. or are there some issues like needing physical hardware every so many feet?
They both are flerf and moon landing denier boards.
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was looking through the archive for this image
>but could you scale them up a thousand fold if you build one in space?
all you can really do is wait for extremely energetic cosmic rays to impact your stuff in space but building a giant particle accelerator in space is counterproductive
The real usecase for CERN type equipment in space is for x-ray free electron laser killsats.
that's an interesting idea actually... why do they use missiles to destroy sats, when they could throw a bunch of heavy, high energy particles at them?
Didn’t a particle beam go through a jannys head at one of these things and he lived to be old. How exactly would these destroy satellites? It’s only a few billion particles. Or maybe I’m thinking about it wrong?
He should make it with giant Optimus hands.
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Debris of Long March 3 booster that was "gifted" by the Chinese government to a chinese national park, it is now a tourist attraction.
AFAIK he got a hole in his head and was lucky to live for long.
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XFELs can vaporize steel targets over an AU away. They're an actual planetary defense weapon.
Pictograms are awesome. You can speak any language and understand these basically universally-agreed upon symbols
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He’s still alive and he had no hole in his head. He didn’t speak about it until a decade after. The only thing that happened was he went bald where it passed through. Why speak when you don’t know anything? This is just false info.
Well not the only thing but like in terms of physically holes happening in his head that’s the only thing that actually happened I mean. He of course has more underlying ailments now and had seizures and such but physically this was about the only thing that happened in a hole like manner.
>grounding the whole fleet is fucking retarded

Having worked in aviation, that part is pretty standard. It allows you to check every vehicle faster and more safely. A three day safety stand down is not punitive IMO.
I’ve known about this story for a long time, it’s a very popular “interesting trivia” topic.
But what I don’t understand is how you get into the looney tunes scenario of sticking your head into an active particle accelerator like how do the stars even align for this to accidentally happen
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He had told them to turn it off prior. They didn’t. Then the safety checks weren’t in place to warn him it was on either. So he simply went to do his job which he thought he was safe to do and it turns out it wasn’t.
but this was not a safety issue and not an issue for launch success either
it was a landing issue, something that no other rocket does
a jannies brain is more empty and robust than sensitive electronics
I’m going to embarrassingly soiface so hard when the tower catch actually works (if flight 5 is ever happens ffs)
did they ground the fleet for the landing failure? even when it was happening I couldn't find an explicit statement from someone involved that falcon was grounded. the FAA just said they were requiring an investigation.
Yes, they did
source plz
That’s still a safety issue. And I’m just arguing from my perspective and experience. I’ve seen entire fleets grounded for a worn bolt hole. It wasn’t a safety issue in the sense that people could die, but rather that shot could fall off the plane that wasn’t supposed to. Turns out every plane in the fleet had the same wear, and now that bolt is on the maintenance checklist (that mode doesn’t fly anymore so it’s moot, but still).
Turns out he was a particle physicist but was checking on a malfunctioned piece of equipment. Still didn’t have his PhD yet
its not
I'll take that as an admission you can't refute it.
Literally jsut google ‘falcon 9 FAA grounding’
They grounded the fleet for a few days, then decided to allow flights to resume while they were investigating

Plant wildflowers and call it a meadow. Get bees and register as a farm. Then you just need to mow like twice a year.
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you posted a fucking novel, i'm not gonna bother reading through a novel of /x/pol/-slop just to use basic logic and a high school understanding of physics to rebuke it
>waaaaaahh it's too much!
I accept your concession.
is it just me or does this thing look cleaner/less dirty than previous boosters? i don't mean in terms of design i literally just mean it looks a lot shinier with less blemishes.
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why don't you investigate if it could have happened instead of latching onto fringe arguments (never any solid ones) about why it didn't?
you're just wasting time with bad faith arguments disguised in some /pol/ novel
How you read what I linked, maybe you'll learn something....
whats your best argument? make it concise
have you read what you linked?
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Manufacturing is still improving. I hope the final product is 50s scifi shiny
pretending to be retarded and being retarded are both equally bad anon, just saying, there's no scenario where you are not a loser right now.

underage kids really do this and think it's trolling.
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was already tried by the SDI in 1989
Can you go back to posting screenshot together with Xeets? Saves me the trouble of having to open it
see >>16389518
>european spaceflight hinges on a single bureaucrat in the EU
what a pathetic culture
What could this be? micro starlinks or some new constellation with a different purpose?
>he says as the US FAA stops spacex from launching starship
you guys are in no position to make statements like that rn lol.
>November 10, 2014
Of course.
The moon landings are a hoax.
>if you don't accept the moon hoax you're trolling!
I shouldn't have expected anything better from 4chan...
so probably regular starlinks then
>10 minutes for a shallow cope post
not looking good anon, if you actually read what you posted you could sum it up and actually argumentate why it's le hoax
but you didn't.
so you didn't read it.
You can just say "i'll be excited when this happens" and not sound like a dork
see >>16389518
I'm practicing my hand flapping as we speak
it'll be one of those rare moments where an estronaut style basedface and jumping up and down like a toddler are completely acceptable and appropriate behaviour, just like when flight 4 made it against all odds.
don’t care, still dropping my jaw and standing up out of my chair and pointing at my screen when it happens. You can all be posh losers and pretend to act calm even when nobody is in the room with you when you are watching the live stream
The burden of proof is on you you stupid bantu, you're coming in here claiming "ITS A HOAX!!!" but you won't even write down a single argument, you're simply not worth arguing with if you can't even form an argument to begin with and just go "COPE I WON!!!" when someone says you have to from an argument
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I’m less curious about the lack of moon landing and more curious about them all seeing UFOs.
Shoot frogs
when the flap started glowing i unconsciously jumped out of my seat and started shaking, my heartrate spiked and it only got more extreme as it came through, survived, and landed safely.

it's one of those moments that far future historians may very well mark as the make or break moment for humanity.
Yeah I'll be excited too, I'm just not going to describe it like a terminally online meme addict
Why are you deflecting?
Are you really unable to form an argument based on this novel that you *totally* read?
>The moon landings are a hoax.
that is a statement, not an argument
yet that’s what you are nonetheless, curious
>i'm scared of showing my emotions for fear of social repercussion.
you do you.
Oh sorry. nta
>He competes against the entire space industry on his own
>In order to compete with Space X, the entire European space sector must be united and ambitious
Talk like adults, you fags.
this is actually how a lot of teenagers see the world, yes.
kek, you will never learn. gen alpha incel.
>t. seething millennial
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I don't know man, millennials do that too now.
>dude beard oil
Very superficial perception of adulthood
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remember when they poured some isotopically labelled sugar water on Mars surface and then claimed bacteria were metabolising it to CO2 when in reality it was perchlorates on surface chemically reacting with it instead?

I do.
Unlike you losers I have a life outside 4chan.
see >>16389537
the arguments are in what I linked. I've already spoonfed you enough.
i accept your concession.
see >>16389518
actually read it this time, kid.
throat my cock bitch.
You can be excited for launch to the point that you’re on the edge of your seat but no normal person even if they’re not hiding their emotions screams like a little girl at a launch like this. Look at how sportsballs fans react to their team scoring a touchdown. Thats what a normal person looks like. You stamping your feet flappin your hands pointing at the screen and screaming unintelligible things because you’re about to cream your pants at the thought of a launch is not normal. Being excited is normal. (You) are not
see >>16389607
that's not a very adult response anon...
adults don't talk like that.
damn I messed it up
see >>16389537
actually read it this time, kid.
>Screaming unintelligible things
you're adding a bunch of hallucinations to the description that were never mentioned lol.
so desperate to win something, what i don't know.
you cant talk with my dick in your throat idiot.
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bulli this anon.
>no u levels of rage-induced retardation now.
i'm sorry this >>16389518 post made you really mad but that's no reason to have a temper tantrum.
what is all this stupid shit about?
If this place is going to suck, I will just go to X
go back delta9250. nobody gives a fuck.
>what is all this stupid shit about?
it's about retards feeding the troll
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talk like an adult, you fag.
Ok. Go back then. Bye now.
>gets mad when I put int the same level of effort you do
Maybe actually engage next time kiddo
Holy shit you are literally 12 how the fuck did you find this site
nothing personnel kid
>level of effort
the only reason that i'm reminding you you're an underage who doesn't understand what trolling is because your posts were so low effort, i actually respect high effort trolls.
sorry kid, but the only attention you're getting is reminders that you are not smarter than a retard for merely pretending to be one, it's been that way since the dawn of time, it's still that way now, see >>16389518
It’s a literal child notice the poster saying kid allot. The only time I’ve ever heard someone call another person kid this often is literal fetuses in VC on a game or in text chat. I did this when I was young and I’m sure you did as well if you’re not a boomer
This, anon has been posting "suck my dick" and "I fucked ur dad" repeatedly for the last few days like it's his first week on the internet. Children should not be on this website.
Good point. Another one for the ‘You must be 18 or older’ bin. Does anyone have that Komarov image?
enough shit slinging listen to this loud ass chinese rocket
>still trying to dodge the issue
I'm waiting.
>all this seething because i called the troll underage
that's hilarious, jannies aren't going to do anything about pretend retards anyways so i might as well bully them while they're here.
also i aint >>16389616 >>16389605 i was actually the one making fun of him for giving a shit how people talk.
this whole seething maelstrom because i called the tardling in question a kid is another good example of that.
see >>16389518
see >>16389537
see >>16389518
and >>16389650
Electron is launching 5 satellites for Kinéis tonight. Crew 9 launches in 6 days, the capsule bound to bring Sunni and Butch back home in February.
see >>16389537
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this thread fucking blows I'm posting anime girls
Why am I supposed to care about Kineis again
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electron launches are fun even if it's a small rocket. the launch site is so pretty and it's not as played out as falcon
I don't either but I like Electron, I just think its neat.
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No you don’t Satan
No but what are they.
try and stop me froggy
see >>16389665
Actually no keep going. Shitting up this thread is good.
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there's no salvaging it but at least this is adjacent to being topical
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>Second batch of five satellites for the French Kinéis IoT constellation designed to operate with 25 nanosatellites of 30 kg each. The constellation will enable Kinéis, a company backed by private and public investors including the French government’s space agency CNES (Centre National d'Études Spatiales) and CLS (Collecte Localisation Satellites) an international space-based solutions provider, to improve its global IoT connectivity.
see >>16389518
see >>16389537
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see >>16389692
Jai hind. Though it doesn't take much if your competition after US and China is Russia/Europe.
>starship lovers with sls
yurifags are retarded
It is the world’s third largest. wtf does europe have right now? Russia?
The pecking order is USA>Chinks>Saars
>Third largest space power
And it only took 10 launches kek
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I don't have hard data but it feels like they get a much better value for their money than other major players (spacex excluded, obviously)
the rockets are lesbos, sorry to break it to you
Whatever launches ArianneGroup is able to wring out of ESA for Arianne-6 and the odd weather/GPS sat
More solar system probes and satellites.
Starship hates sls retard
Europe currently launches their unambitious projects on The Launcher aka Falcon 9
see >>16389518
i know you haven't because it states plainly that it doesn't matter whether or not you're an actual retard (moon landing denier) or pretend retard (underage user), you're a moron and a loser for it either way, there's simply no winning proposition on your end, i'm sorry.
see >>16389537
Keep posting this thread but let’s not do this shit next thread jah?
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Some kino drone photo's from starbase today
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holy shit you two need to shut the fuck up
that's the plan. I'll probably stop here as soon as the two retards stop posting at eachother
did you mean [redacted]
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Like starship is obviously in love with starship tanker, they're constantly having orbital dolphin sex like come on
I've gotten banned for less than this dumb shit
I also know that jannies visit this general
jannies, do your fucking work, jfc.
So are they gonna have replaceable launch mounts?
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>expected catch height
higher than I would have expected. maybe to keep flame off the OLM? but it's only 3 throttled down engines, maybe the damage adds up over time.
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Hey, hold on there, not so fast buddy.
What's up, bud?
Expendable TPS tiles, hot stage rings, ground system launch mounts, chopstick fixes between every flight, COPV replacements, the list is dire
Higher Isp means longer flames.
not to mention the fact that the tps cant withstand entry from anything above leo LOL
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>Adds up over time
It probably would given the launch cadence that SpaceX is looking at for the boosters especially with all of the damage that OLM takes on lift-off, the new flame trench on OLM-2 will mitigate that improving longevity.
I still suspect that the current tower will need to undergo a big redesign to not only increase height (definitely going to happen with Starship V.2 & 3) but to also improve the range of motion of the catch arms and minimize the tower shaking when it moves the arms
It’s still reusable if you are reusing human labor to build new ships for every flight
the state of muskcel cope
the state of bezoscuck cope
the state of becktard cope
see >>16389518
the state of kemptroon cope
see >>16389537
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Report them for spam idgaf
>announcing a report
spacex peaked years ago
SpaceX peaked with flight 4.
Reentry footage was kino and you know it. Unfortunately flight 5 will never happen. FAA too busy huffing their own farts to do the paperwork.
see >>16389518
the state of brunofag cope
if youre talking about efficiency then 100% unironically true. they developed falcon 1 and 9 for a tiny fraciton of the cost of what a legacy provider would take. then falcon heavy cost 1.5 BILLION. which was pretty high and similar to a legacy company. Now starship costs at least 15 BILLION and hasnt even reached a useable state. by the time it is working it will cost more than SLS.
see >>16389537
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that's it I'm pulling out the anime rocketgirls again
A downpour of superheated hot staging rings raining upon the gulf
see >>16389518
indua is the 3rd largest space power
This is what lack of spaceflight does to a general
>not a centaur
where is the horsepussy?
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see >>16389790
>Ship 30 on the way to the launch site
2 rockets have already launched today. a third is scheduled for this afternoon. it's gotten to the point we can't function unless an rocket that isn't falcon or chinese is currently in the air.
>launching anyway
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Honestly the falcon heavy test is probably the peak so far for a normal person. A car with a space suit orbiting the earth is something everyone can understand and get excited about
>what? a metal version of the space shuttle blew up again? why would I care?
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MIR was more kino than the ISS
Next ISRO launch when? I may not care about what they are launching but I will at least be entertained
To be fair, falcon 1, falcon 9, and even falcon heavy are all things that have been done before. Landing them hasn't, but they iterated to that after having a functional vehicle. Nothing like starship has ever existed, there is no playbook to follow. They have to spend money on failure after failure. It still isn't even guaranteed
>random fires
the wild west days
Why don't you go look at the actual launches this year retard?
India has only launched 3 times this year, 1 SSLV (<1t LEO capability), 1 PSLV (3t LEO), 1 GSLV (6t LEO)
Russia's at 11 launches, of larger vehicles, and for Europe the single Ariane 6 launch is more capable than India's launches combined
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>Romania's ANCOM delegation met in Washington with the FCC in order to develop a strategic collaboration between the countries in the area of satellite communications. Shortly after they met with SpaceX representatives on coverage in remote areas.
>Looks like Romania puts their citizens first, unlike the FCC...

>Made in earth by humans
>Stained with dried up jizz
Yeah you dirty little circuit board. You were MADE by us bitch. Now take this hot load.
see >>16389537
Japan is also ahead of India, by the way.
I don't know why people believe India is going to somehow become a leader in spaceflight, their delusional optimism is mocked everywhere else online for a reason. "India superpower by 2020" became a meme because of that
see >>16389786
i'm really enjoying how hard you're seething
Only because it's hard to show the real scale (just the size of it, that's crazy) on a stream in an effective way. Being at a Falcon heavy launch and RTLS vs a superheavy/ship catch in person would be an easy choice
sars... durgasoft flightcontrol avionics java
nagoor babu sir weapon of durga
see >>16389537
i'm really enjoying how hard you're ignoring https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie/
how small of a rocket could viably carry 3 astronauts and dock with a space station? Soyuz is a pretty small rocket, but the spacecraft could theoretically lose the orbit module and fly on an even smaller rocket.
you're clearly not, you're really mad that there is no victory in this ultimatum, you are either a retard or a socially awkward moron who thinks pretending to be a moon landing denier is trolling (it isn't)
Keep dancing around the issue
You cannot refute https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie/
see >>16389518
pretending to be retarded = bad
actually retarded = also bad
this was established almost 2 decades ago now, and you still haven't learned.
There really isn't a hard answer because that's never been a design objective of any rocket I'm aware of. Based on existing rockets something around the size of Electron would be a starting point.
he must be reminded at every turn that pretending to be retarded is also retarded.
see >>16389537
retarded moon hoax believer calling others retards is rich
When is stoke gonna save us from high crew launch costs
He isn't pretending. Unfortunately I think neither are you
I will pick endless FAA bashing over whatever is going on in this thread.
pretending to be retarded is the same as being actually retarded.
retarded moon hoax believer calling others retards is rich
i'm not pretending to bully this poor little guy, no, i'm actually doing that.
moon is not a hoax though, and you are retarded if you think that, you're also retarded if you're pretending to be someone who thinks that.

why is there so much steam coming out of your ears? you should calm down.
Does super heavy get caught on the pins or the grid fins? I thought they were doing grid fins because that's easier, and if the ship is slightly rotated the pins would miss. But I've never seen any actual information on it. And the catch arms would need additional hardware to pick the ship off the grid fins and settle it on the pins to secure it.
IP grabber. do NOT click or open.
I've thought about that but electron is too small for even one person. with a 700 lb payload capacity, even if you limit your astronauts to 100 lb short women, you only get 600 lbs for pressure vessel, life support, attitude control, and docking port. that's a hard ask.
I think you could *maybe* squeeze by on 3 tons for 3 people.
retarded moon hoax believer calling others retards is rich
>you only get 600 lbs for pressure vessel, life support, attitude control, and docking port
I bet you could do an even more stripped down Gemini like that, if you're wearing a suit what do you need a hull for anyway?
fuck off
Pins, fins might be backup plan though. I'm not sure what the plan is if super heavy attempts the catch but for whatever reason can't position itself properly to be caught. Does it have enough fuel to gtfo of there or do we get a nice explosion?
you could make the capsule not store pressure. that adds risk and the need to dock to an airlock on the space station.
I've been coming at this from the perspective of using international docking system standard but if you really wanted to save weight you could design an new standard that is narrower gauge and has a built in airlock on the station side.
you could also not have a docking port at all and force the station to birth the entire capsule into a large airlock to save even more mass. but I don't think that's in the spirit of the question so I'm not going to consider it.
let's say no birthing, the spacecraft has to be pressurized and be able to maneuver and dock itself.
>more seething
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How long can an MMU keep someone alive? If you've got some tethered life support during rendezvous then you only need to disconnect and maneuver over to the station yourself and go inside the airlock. If no berthing like you say then this probably won't work, what's a docking ring weigh anyway? It'd probably be the bulk of your 500lb spacecraft.
I don't think a capsule carrying three crew could get much smaller than 5-6,000 kg, so you'd need a rocket at least as big as an Antares or a Zhuque-2. I did find a proposal for a 4,800 kg capsule that would have launched on a Delta II but it was just a 2-seater.

8 tons reusable is Neutron's sweet spot so you could definitely put a two man crew bus on it.
Between reflights do they completely empty out and clean F9 tanks during refurb or is it likely they just leave the little bits of RP-1 left in the tank and just top it off when it needs to launch next
a few hours
>Only two
Not really economical. Hell, even 4 at a time isn't really economical with partial reuse, as shown by axiom.
Really you need to bring up 7+ or use a fully reusable small rocket and bring up 4 at a time. 2 is pretty pointless.
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good find, thanks. actually looks like it seats 5 packing them in like sardines. so it could definitely lose some weight shrinking it down to 3 seats and using more modern systems like using RCS fuel for abort like dragon does.
>you need to bring up 7+
Really shows how shortsighted NASA was forcing Dragon to become a 4 seater.
The funniest outcome would be finally doing a mission into Europa’s mysterious ocean, finding hydrothermal vents and perfect Earth-like conditions… and just not finding any life at all. Not an iota of it. No weird blood worms, no extremophile single-cell creatures. It’s just barren.
It's like 55 million per seat roughly goes down to 31 million ish with 7 people. Not great but still 24 mil cheaper per person.

The funniest outcome would be discovering microbial life on Europa. Having it be a huge deal the world over for about a week, only for the grey niggas to show up and completely overshadow that accomplishment.
Correct. This is also what will probably happen
At that point just send a bunch of Octopuses there
>The publication reveals that Axiom is due to pay $670 million to SpaceX for four Crew Dragon missions, each of which includes a launch and ride for four astronauts to and from the station encompassing a one- to two-week period. This equates to $167.5 million per launch, or $41.9 million per seat.
If you take the $67 million figure and do the same calculation, you get per seat price of 24 million which is BO NS territory.
funnier would be if they find a rich ecosystem of multicellular life, even some vertebrate analogs, and surviving extremophiles on the probe infect the ecosystem and kill all the alien life.
>they got fined for dumping water here
clown world
Gentle reminder that at the GAO’s launch/cost figure of roughly $1 billion for Orion, four astronauts means each seat costs $250,000,000 and somehow this is supposed to be acceptable
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wtf I thought this thing was like the size of a fridge
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Year of the tipped landers
The point is NASA's decision to not allow Dragon propulsive landing had the domino effect of jeopardizing their own CLD program because of high seat cost.
I suspect it was some shuttleboomer not wanting to admit that the arm and cargo bay were the only things Shuttle did better than Dragon.
yet another lawsuit to slow down spacex as much as possible

VIPER is also way bigger than I thought. I envisioned it as a tiny little RC car but it turns out it’s pretty damn big
What the fuck bwahahahah based SpaceX. I hope Elon builds an X Corp trumpwall just to spite those leftyfags.
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curiously, it looks like the same land that they bought awhile back. it looks like this is going to be another one of those situations where spacex owns all the land except one tiny plot that they're not allowed to develop on and will keep suing them just to be annoying.
Cards against cheetoman spent 2 million on a worthless plot of land? Amazing.
>41 mil per seat.
Seems the 55mil figure is out of date then. Either way it's still not economical for small stations unless they start putting up 7 at a time. 1-2 Station keepers. 2-4 government/nasa researchers and the rest could be space tourists.

Ideally we get a fully reusable medium lift specifically for crew and cargo. Hopefully stoke makes a 10-15ton rocket that can do 4-7 crew to orbit with just the price of fuel /refurb being the main factor in cost. That would allow for small space stations to live comfortably in orbit with ticket prices in the 100k range rather than 20 million
>against humanity
Living up to the name
no they probably spent a few thousand and pocketed the rest
that's surprising, i thought they at least had a sense of humor but apparently they suffer from both terminal TDS and EDS
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so this is the play... they'll try to get an immediate "stop work" order for starbase to get it shut down for as long as possible
The state needs to sponsor lobotomies for Ars commenters, it's the only way they could ever act human.
i said after flight 4 that it would really scare the fuck out of EDS'ers and kick them into high gear when it comes to interfering with spacex, they can see spacex is succeeding now and will do everything in their power to stop them because their entire personalities and worldviews hang on spacex being a failure.
i was right.
yep there's lots of comments that are calling for spacex employees to be hunted down and shot to death and for spacex's stuff to get destroyed
Just kill their CEO
that's what you get for reading ars comments on an article that wasn't written by berger or clark
But what would you do if you couldn't gossip about retard commenters. Clearly it's your passion.
even berger's articles are full of EDSfags now
I'm starting to think this thread is half bots
you "guys" support your beloved leader even when he takes over private property?
EDS giving way to Elon fatigue thanks to over-reporting

"I'm just so tired"
i'm reserving judgement on this until we know absolutely for sure that this story is being wholly truthful and not leaving out fine details, as anti-spacexers usually do.
*God-Emperor, Master of Mankind, or simply "the Emperor", will do
I want to go to Mars. I don't care if Elon builds a fucking palace on the CAH lot. It also helps that the CAH people bought it literally only because of 'the wall' and did literally nothing with it.
Yes. Anything against Musk is lawfare. Anything for him is rule of law.
Literally yes and I’m not even a 1. I’m maybe a 2 or a 3 and the SpaceX Mars project is more important than any E*arther land plot
>CAH people ... did literally nothing with it.
SpaceX should claim squatters rights
YOU are "reserving judgement". the rest of the retards ITT are not.

>until we know absolutely for sure that this story is being wholly truthful
I can clearly see a lawsuit being announced

>Anything against Musk is lawfare. Anything for him is rule of law.
yeah. he's a poor victim. you should give him all your money to help him.

>It also helps that the CAH people bought it literally only because of 'the wall' and did literally nothing with it.
... and? I thought americans cared about private citizens and their property?
are you even american, btw? I've noticed lots of non-americans ITT lmao
>COH Co-Created by Max Temkin who worked on the Obama campaign
SpaceX bots? Get a fucking grip man
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Blow it out your ass
I am an American, but the CAH people are honorary illegal aliens.
x.ai bots? twitter bots? tesla bots???
elon loves AI, so why wouldn't he use bots? he's a tech guy after all. do you even know what tech people do?
You are surprised people look down on those who bought a piece of land not to use it or develop it but only for the sole purpose of litigation, speculation and extortion?

>leddit spacing
Figures. Here's the last (you).
>>leddit spacing
>Figures. Here's the last (you).
redditanon... stop projecting and go back
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oh look at that it's time to post more anime girls
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this drawing isn't accurate, Buran should be mortally injured by a piece of giant debris.
post those two fucking
and shuttle should have a big wet pee stain on her crotch and an embarrassed look.
>group buys land to stop border wall
>help them by using it as a construction site so it's even harder for trump to imminent domain it or build around it.
>they get mad

leftists want to destroy this. never thought the future would be leftists turning to luddites and the right trying to usher in a golden age of science and technology.
Actually I was thinking she should probably have a wooden expression and be affixed to some sort of pedestal as if she were taxidermied.
Squatter's rights, right? Isn't that what all the lefties love so much? They're not using the land for anything so it's up for grabs. Property is theft, as they say.
>"its okay when we do it"
who are you quoting?
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nta but
you. that's literally what you are saying lmao
CAH employees should be executed for bringing forth this lawsuit
Reddit spacing is a newfag trap, and that wasn’t even how it looks like, not all double spacing is Reddit spacing. Nice job exposing urself retard. You’re probably from that /pol/ link aren’t you because only those tourists are stupid enough to try to pretend to be oldfags and expose themselves like this.
>inb4 double down
You’ve done this twice already it’s getting embarassing
Unironically yes.
Fuck lefties, kill lefties, curb stomp lefties, decompress lefties in the airlock, chain lefties under the rocket during a static fire, launch lefties into the stratosphere, drop lefties from orbit, flood leftie air supply with CO2, TOTAL LEFTIE DEATH.
I wasn't the anon you were replying to, but more importantly, GTFO newfag and gb2r.
hey man I just want to be able to buy mirrored scissors
Anything the State feels it can't control it will be compelled to try and destroy
so you had severe EDS all along, figures
fuck off
post address then. I'm overtaking your property.
I will be heavily prepared for the visit :^)
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Enjoy getting 12 gauge up your ass commie
Elon was never mentioned once. You are getting backed in to a corner for being a cancerous tumor newfag trying to make yourself fit in and lashing out at anyone that replies to you. You are using shit flinging tactics to make anyone that criticizes your horrid behavior seem less reputable. I am not even the original anon which would be easy to tell if you checked the typing styles. Nobody likes or wants you here. You can samefag as many replies as you like to pretend like you won but any real /sfg/ regular can see you stick out like a sore thumb. You know I’m right but you refuse to admit it. You are acting like a manchild. You don’t have to keep rabidly defending yourself like this. We are all anonymous. If you changed your behavior to fit in better instead of taking the discussion down with you then nobody would remember this shit spewing. You cannot make a general bend to your will just so you can win an argument.
>didn't post address
post address COWARD
lmao what a massive wall of text
didnt read btw
based and keyed
TLDR for 0 attention spam zoomer newfags like you. We all can tell you’re a newfag from the /pol/ link and all the little things you do we notice, nobody likes you here. Stop the shitflinging, discuss spaceflight.
Another newfag trap, or you’re from the sharty which is even worse.
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>newfag trap
Do you really not know?
Keep spamming these. They’re still here they just stopped their usual see cancer.
It really is mask off. They're gong to war with him.
this picture isn't accurate her skirt should be tattered and full of holes.
Is there some coordinated thing happening right now?
yeah it's called the US presidential election
seems like it
Yes I know it’s from /tv/. Nobody on this site uses it outside of there, /pol/ and the sharty though, you cannot deny this. Saying keyed and based in the same sentence is also the exact same thing it’s like saying based and based. Only an absolute retard or a newfag who doesn’t know how to use the word would say it like that. You make yourself so obvious.
You've been living under the rock for the past 4 years?
why are you so verbose, do you have autism
Tranny activist propagadist has Musk on target since the Biden told them to target him.
>One of the creators, Max Temkin, a designer from Chicago, is Jewish. He also is the co-creator of the politically incorrect game Cards Against Humanity.
Wow, what are the odds?
nobody even mentioned elon newfag.
you should just leave now, you've disgraced yourself.
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What's the punishment for launching a rocket without FAA approval? A fucking fine?
stop samefagging tranny
Yes, it's okay when it happens to people I don't like.
The guy is an Obama political activist. CoH bought the property to stop Trump's border wall drive. Now they target Musk for whatever frivolous suit they hope to slow down SpaceX.
>using words is difficult
for retards like yourself, i'm sure it is.
probably some criminal case eventually if you just keep launching with the justification of safety
the sperg is starting to lose its shit again
fuck the FAA
You showed your tranny cult card. You suffer from EDS
instant panicked tranny accusation too lol.
i've seen this trend in recent years that newfags just try to sling the word tranny at everything a half-assed attempt to fit in.

you will NEVER fit in, you will NEVER be a 4channer.
Reply to both posts I will screenshot. Here Ill do it for you.
You could again check typing styles if you wanted to check samefaggery. Screenshot going up in one second.
who are you quoting?
haha holy shit this guy is losing his mind, this is hilarious.
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Go ahead and check which posts were mine.
all me btw, also I'm trans
Why is /sfg/ being raided? What’s the point of that?
Clearly the first step is to drop roggs on the FAA, DOJ, and FBI so that can there's nobody left to charge you.
you, since you seem to get really angry for no reason when someone uses more than 10 words in a response.
i'm guessing this comes with the territory of being an underage zoomer who doesn't belong here?
What do you think is the point of a raid?
I don't think we're being raided, this is our home grown autism. Spaceflight exclusively attracts autists, like trains.
US election. The entire site is being raided. We were also linked to from /pol/ recently so general quality is turboshit since we’re infested with newfags. Thanks to whoever did that by the way, dick. It’s going to be like this until the election it seems. Did you see those posts where a /pol/ tourist said we have to fix the country and earth before we go to mars and then in the same breath said gatekeeping was bad?
i remember browsing 4chan 10 years ago on ANY board and there wouldn't be this amount of obtuse fucking loser newfags trying really hard to fit in and getting mad when they get called out.

newfags need to understand that they will get literally zero respect and nothing but disdain when they haven't lurked for at least a few years first, bullying newfags should become top priority again.
>/pol/s are degrowth commie trannies
I dont think so, sister.
No. Its not. Its not natural, it happened directly after we were linked to from /pol/ and none of the shitslingers are talking about spaceflight. It is entirely obvious it’s not normal. There was even some random retards glorifying /pol/ for using trigonometry as if their ‘astronomy’ division was special because they watched a capture the flag video. You cannot call this normal but you do because this is the only normal you know.
I smell projection
a few threads ago you'd notice this one dude who got REALLY mad every time people suggested gatekeeping, i'm assuming that's the /pol/tard that linked us and started this whole fiasco.

this is even worse than the furfag incident during IFT-2.
god i fucking hate normalniggers, none of these people belong on this site, they should just permaban everyone post-2014
Anon, I’m not a regular. I just check in from time to time because I like cool shit and space flight is cool. Near as I can tell nothing happens in here except genera discussions. So I don’t understand the point of raiding this place. I also don’t understand the point of vegans screaming at me while enjoying a burger.

Seems off the rails for Otto be homegrown. But I suppose we all have some crazy family members.
Why? She hasn't been ass blasted by the atmosphere yet.
lmao the coward niggerfaggot never posted his address.
such tough keyboard warriors ITT kek
Dude, just to be very serious for a moment, I can obviously tell who you are across posts and you need to chill out. Not everyone who has chuddy opinions is a /pol/tard. I'm still riding the FAA hate train and shitting on them every opportunity despite hating /pol/tards myself.
>low word count angry response
your generation's brains have been rotten by social media lol, completely incapable of engaging in higher thought.
It’s not natural. Trust me I know. Even the IFTs weren’t this bad afterwards.
Good point. Another ticker to add to the list of identifying them.
i looked at the CAH land and I gotta ask...how big is the lot? because there are two buildings on either side of it. the whole thing looks like one continuous project. if part of it is their land then it has to be very small.
Its a throwaway political project for them. Ignore it.
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clearly you can't lol.
>not everyone who has chuddy opinions
i have chuddy opinions, likely the exact same on this issue, that's irrelevant to the fact that these cunts do not belong and should fuck off.
i used to browse /pol/ back when it was new and fresh, there was some genuine fun to be had there.
since 2015 and especially in 2016 /pol/ got fucking murdered by newfags from plebbit who never got bullied off this site afterwards, they're STILL here and they STILL think they belong, matter of fact they all think they're oldfags now. as a result i fucking spit on these cuntbags who think they deserve a lick of respect just because they have chuddy opinions, that's not good enough.
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I haven’t been complaining about FAA hate since last thread, I put it on filter until it’s done since I don’t want to discuss it and honestly it’s worked out pretty well. You can discuss it I’m just not gonna look at it anymore and I feel like right now that’s for the better. I accept I was wrong in trying to silence it since so much of the recent news has been on it, I still hold my opinion though. Probably better for me to just filter it since it is on topic discussion so I haven’t been talking about that since then. Those are also not me, here’s proof. Again, check similar writing styles if you’re looking for samefagging.
0.39 acres according to one of the commenters on ars
Tell me what I have to do, I live 3 miles from FAA headquarters. Tell me in no uncertain terms what needs to be done.
Confirmed ultra wide tranny
nah just 4k
>seething so hard he's looking for anything to grasp onto, including monitor size now
you call others trannies when your balls probably haven't even dropped yet, faggot, nobody buys your facade.
Go there and talk to the manager.
>i used to browse /pol/
And again if you hate /pol/tards it should be more than obvious how many are in here. Ignore all FAA related posts in thinking about this, do you think >>16390122 and >>16390092 and >>16390036 are normal? Two of those are the exact same post about EDS when Elon wasn’t mentioned (I also proved that was my first reply there) so any earlier conversation doesn’t pertain.
>$150k for that tiny plot of land in the middle of no where
Sounds like a scam
>you didn't uncritically accept the article and plaintiffs assertions?
>you must be bots
You've clearly learned nothing over the last several years.
falseflag obviously, walk in with a bomb strapped to your chest, detonate and also leave a anarch commie manifesto where you lament that the FAA didn't lawfare hard enough.
picket out front
why do you keep telling your life story in every post? Might want to get a diary instead
>when Elon wasn't mentioned
You showed your tranny card. We know you're a tranny. People aren't stupid lmao.
back when subhuman offsite faggots like the ones now shitting up this general weren't infesting it completely, it was quite useable, there were fun space elevator threads there.
>back when
like seriously, can you imagine being such a fucking aggressively egotistical newfag that you don't actually know what EDS means but still copy it's usage in the desperate hope to fit in?

crush newnig skulls with a mallet.
No, it has been infested by trannies like every other place, even the mods are trannies
>newfag now just ranting and raving unintelligebly
you're too tilted, best you go do your homework now, you can (try to) pretend to belong again tomorrow.
>it has been infested by trannies
yes, after the 2016 election gave it a shitload of signal boosting. i just said that, your reading comprehension is lacking.
We see through your reddit, sister.

You will never be a woman.
The random tranny cards too. It’s just incessant name calling with whatever you can think of even when it makes no sense. Anyone who disagrees with them is tranny, commie, lefitst, EDS, TDS, democrat even when nobody was talking about any of those. You’d think they’d maybe mix it up with /sfg/ specific names like wellnigger, earther, spincel, etc. but they just outright refuse to make themselves less obvious.
your writing style suggests you're a reddit transplant likely obsessed with basedjak memes.
you should consider suicide.
you will never belong, you will never fit in.
I'm pretty sure I came up with the term, at least used it quite a bit before I started seeing it used more frequently here and then in other places (I mean the term itself is a pretty natural extension of the related TDS term)
Boy I sure do love rockets.
Does anyone else want to talk about rockets?
>eeek oook
What happened this time?
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mfw i dont get wat i want!!! waaaaaaaa i want faster waaaaaa!!
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I would, what rocket do you think would send this up?
yep, they try to fit in by using EDS because that's a term already somewhat familiar with them, but they likely haven't even experienced any EDS themselves, they just got here after all.
you could show them some equations and ask them to solve those but they'd just pussy out and call you a tranny again.
every single one of these niggers deserves mandatory execution.
/qa/sister is having a meltdown in thread >>16390185
he's telling me that i, a bearmode logger, will never be a woman.
Honestly, its only random if you live in a bubble. Everyone else understands the connection between the words, ideologies, the narratives, etc. Thats why we can connect the dots.

Its even more true today than it ever was in history. If you can pin point a single stance, you can pinpoint their entire worldview.
None, it's not going up.
I wonder what happened to them, dont really see much news or other stuff
their plan is starship right? although it flatpacks and scales well onto any rocket.
I bet the flat tiles could even fit through the pez dispenser. it's a match made in heaven.
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EDS is inside the /sfg/ vernacular though
Why are you biting such obvious bait? Good lord you are such a horrible poster. Do you just feel a possession to respond to everything possible when it even the slightest bit ticks you off? Grow some thicker skin Jesus.
i think a lot of these starship derived payloads called it a little too early trying to hedge their entire market pitch on a (revolutionary) rocket who's completion date is subject to the whims of creative genius, general competence, bad luck and regulatory hurdles.
2 months
Delayed by FAA because of politics
yes, it is, but when you use the vernacular completely out of it's context in a hamfisted attempt to say
>"l-look at me guys i-i'm not a newfag i can use your lingo!"
it instantly pops out as extremely unnatural.
I am a beautiful woman, and you will never be happy :)
Yeah considering we haven’t seen much progress from them recently online about it indicates it’s not going well. Didn’t even make that CLD presentation.
No those tiles are slightly curved, not flat enough pez. I think they could do it on Falcon though if they sent it up in bits and pieces which I think was their original plan? Not 100% on that though.
Seems about right, I wonder how they plan to deal with this though? ThinkOrbitals plan is more adaptable like I said before but other stations (not Haven-1) will have that issue
But you do pretty clearly have some level of EDS, this isnt the first time you are sperging out
would this really work?;
>b-but you h-have EDS t-tho
no, and i probably know more about EDSers than you.
you're just seething that people don't fucking tolerate you for being an abject newnigger subhuman.
only one way to find out.
Expendable launches are boring
YOU are not the arbiter of who has EDS or not, you're alien to this place and it is extremely apparent to everyone.
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Recent events only prove I was right in think Haven-1 would be up there first. Loud and proud Vast shill
>enter building
>go to the commercial space offices
>find the permitting paperwork
>approve it
>put it in the filing cabinet
>don't forget to cc elon on the email
>ask the girl at the front desk what her plans are this weekend
>get her number
>exit building
vast? more like small
you muskovite lovers are really funny
btw, this general is a mess, and the jannies aren't doing shit
There is one single faggot in here that has taken up more space in the thread complaining about /pol/ than the actual /pol/ posters. It also mysteriously started after /pol/ was linked here, despite no noticeable uptick in /pol/ posting. If you ignored it and posted about rockets instead it would go away, but I'm guessing you can't actually participate in a discussion about rockets, can you?
>two weeks
Please sir if you post these include screenshot. Also very interesting development, seeming more likely that Starliner gets cancelled. Though obviously still a good possibility they just put someone else on the board and remain committed without announcing anything publicly.
i am getting an uncanny feeling that it really is that easy
>ask the girl at the front desk what her plans are this weekend
That girl is probably 50 years old and overweight.
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>despite no noticeable uptick in /pol/posting
Are you blind? I have also been discussing the ThinkOrbital station just now kek. Why don’t you tell me what this equation is really quick.
>muh /pol/

rent free dutch autist
what's the image limit on /sci/?
Happened in the previous thread too and all the talk about newfags just seems like either projection or some infiltration attempt, trying to astroturf the general opinion here
I.e. dont talk about the politics related to FAA, musk should shut up, defending random bullshit card against humanity lawsuits
Its a pattern
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Ksp2 progress report?
>dispite no noticeable uptick in /pol/ posting
ah you're the guy who posted the links, so far you've come in with damage control like this every single time people call attention to the amount of newfaggotry as of late.
>guessing you can't actually participate in a discussion about rockets, can you.
high hypocricy coming from a newfag who unironically linked this general on not just /pol/ but also /k/ and /v/ with the specific stated goal to bring in more newfags.
you're a vile and wretched creature on par with a jew, you should genuinely do genetics a favour and end your bloodline.
this is also the same guy btw, he keeps panic samefagging every time attention is drawn to this.
Another thing, how many times do I have to tell you that it’s not just 1 person? I’ve proven it multiple times with screenshots too and writing styles are clearly different. You just can’t accept that nobody here likes what you bring to the table which is all name calling and no space.
Still shit play the original. Was doing docking training right now actually but can’t get the fucker lined up. Allot more precise than previous maneuvers it’s crazy.
Share the love and you'll find the permitting goes a lot smoother.
I get whined at in both cases, easier this way
>le rocket equation meme
Anyway faggot you have ruined like three threads in a row
It's all relevant politics too, no one is saying we're going to Mars to shut out niggers or something, it's developments in the space space
>inb4 a bunch more samefags claiming the people noticing newfag activity are all just projecting
That’s true I guess. Atleast you bring news to us, so thankful for that. I can try to post follow up images if you’d like whenever I see so you don’t take the heat?
>you're the guy
That is the first time I've posted all day, I usually lurk. You two have shit up multiple threads now
keep feeding the collective paranoia lmao
If you like (the real reason there was no screenshot is because I was phoneposting)
Yeah I noticed that a long time ago but didn’t want to do as >>16390243 this anon said. Generally just not a good idea to start with samefag accusations but this thread is kinda ruined enough already. Even rocketgirlspam couldn’t curb the shitness. We keep also getting moved up in pages and janny does nothing about this mess even though he’s online. It’s going to be a long thread and the light at the end of the tunnel just keeps getting further and further away. We were on page 6 like 18 hours ago!
YOU have shit up multiple threads, seriously you're not being very subtle, i know newfags struggle with this but as others have pointed out it's not very hard to tell writing styles apart. you're going out of your way to damage control and your incessant attempts to pretend the linking didn't happen make it pretty obvious it's you.
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>a 1200+ post thread of meta commentary about the thread with occasional spaceflight posts sprinkled in
Lmao you are losing it
This is what happens when we get bored of Starlink launches and the gooberment is visibly cockblocking Starship.
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this is why gatekeeping is so important, you should never let subverters in, earthers should be gatekept aggressively lest they draw even more attention and bring their earther friends.
one little incident probably added about 50 alien tumors to this place.
Woah, you're sick. That's wild. I'm going to abandon this general for a couple days in case it's contagious
Spaceflight will heal when the current admin is removed and Trump takes office. Seriously, not even a political post but from a pure function pov. Harris will go after spacex
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Yeah not a good time :( I wanted to do more Space Engine requests but it would get lost in this mess so what’s the point.
>same shortform angry response again.
if i was wrong you wouldn't have said anything lol
He’s gonna call you a larper if you mention earthers since it’s not in his double digit word count vocabulary
no i think he'll just keep calling me paranoid as he has been.

>16390228 (You)
those two posts are LITERALLY two seconds apart, tardfaec newfag sperglord

it would have been physically impossible for me to make them both
seriously you're a basket case and a fucking idiot

you want to qq about samefags but can't even check timestamps
makes me think YOU are the one samefagging and just accusing others of what you're guilty of

pure cancer
>so what’s the point
Adapting to being on our own on Mars. Janny can't come to the rescue there. Have to settle things among ourselves. Chudlon will be in charge, earthers will be after us.
you're the only subverter ITT

the guilty ALWAYS point fingers elsewhere to deflect blame
If you post it itt and then next thread I wouldn't be mad
>it would have been impossible for me to make them both
oh i'm sorry you only posted one of those, my bad.
thanks for reconfirming you're here though, now go away, permanently.
>literally accusing the people noticing your activity of what you're doing
lol, going with the firehose of falsehood approach now i see?
Do you have any idea how hypocritical you are right now? What causes people to twist their logic into pretzels like this?
Next thread will be better
Janny keeps moving us up in pages. Its a long ways off
ffs you thickheaded dutch autist
that's pure rookie shit
never, EVER apologize
ALWAYS double down
and you call me a newfag, lmao okay
/pol/tards justify their behaviour to themselves by thinking the places they're aggressively invading who don't want them will be bettered by their presence somehow, much like the trannies that they accuse everyone of being.
/sfg/ was never good
you keep calling me dutch so it's basically 100% certain that you are the one who posted those fucking threads SPECIFICALLY stating you wanted to infest this place with newfags and are continually blaming me instead in some sort of unholy mental gymnastic monkeybar.
even earlier you were constantly damage controlling and then telling me that i'm paranoid for noticing you, pretending you're not in the thread.
>and you call me a newfag
you act like one, obtuse, annoying, constantly trying to subvert, inflated ego and sense of self-importance.
>b-but i b-browsed this place a few times before in 2020.
not good enough lol.
impressive, very nice
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Yeah. I mentioned that earlier. The behavior is so uniform between them all that it’s obvious when you have one. You’d think it’s bots but no bot could be this rabidly stupid.
I'm pretty sure there are like 4-5 people that have replied to you
You think there is only one?
check this shit out >>16390292
>n-no i'm actually multiple people
you keep doing this, you literally just confirmed it's you, you were in that thread.
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Wrong. It was good just a few threads ago. That siphon station one was peak /sfg/. Autistic discussion of Mars surface megastructures, that rotary station OC also got posted there and we had a great time, solar vs nuclear and spin vs well made a comeback there too.
You are a pure basket case.
Paranoid doesn't even begin to cover it.

That's how I know you're the flaming dutch retard who posted in that ONE Polaris Dawn thread on /pol/.
His OPSEC simply does not exist, and merely encourages saltminers.

I don't post threads.
That shit is for chumps.
But I do know this general would improve if you stopped fucking posting for two threads entirely.
Anon this is twitter news…

soi flamewars general
yep i posted that siphon station one specifically so people would be encouraged to actually talk about fun /sfg/ topics but it's become rather difficult now with the sheer amount of new regulatory warfare against spacex to report on, even though i'm rather getting sick of discussing it since it'll probably sort itself out and we have no impact on the outcome.
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>2 more months
We could have prevented this
SEC sanctions might affect Musk CEO status in the worst case
>that's how i know you're the flaming dutch retard
you saw me remind a bunch of /pol/nigs that they would never belong on this site, which means you were in that thread, and your incessant defence of the posting of those threads pretty much garuantees you are the /pol/nig responsible for this mess.
and yet you STILL call me paranoid lol, i knew /pol/tards were dumb but this is a new low.
But how does that correlate to SpaceX. Thats for twitter
I've been samefagging for over 500 posts in this thread
Caught him in his own logic.
And an admittance. We all knew it.
stop panicking, this isn't even the first time you revealed yourself, you were at it in previous threads too.
it's ironic that people from your board are now just as subversive as the people it used to claim to be against.
Fuck happened here?
Someone linked us in /pol/ like 2 threads ago and this is the fallout. Don’t even bother if you just got here, just wait for new bread.
people were discussing the amount of newfag activity as of late and they started instant damage control, even calling people EDS'ers completely out of context in an attempt to fit in.
YOU are more responsible for encouraging /pol/ to migrate here than I, believe that.
They are attracted to salt, which your tears of impotent rage provide in droves.
Your petty and feeble insults are an invitation.

>the posting of those threads
But there was only one.
You act like there's a systematic campaign on /pol/ to raid you.
Most of them don't know you even exist.

Could it be you're just parroting this line to derail the general, and don't really believe it?
Yes, it could.

You're an idiot for thinking everyone who responds to you is the same person.
Just because someone doesn't use NTA doesn't mean they are TA.
The antianime schizo is back woth a new shtick
This is what happened >>16390306
Someone tries to defend CAH which degenerated into newfag/tranny/poltard name calling.

yes, everyone ITT is one person
especially the posts that are only 2 seconds apart
Hey that’s not true. Its a different cancer, you can tell because there were multiple rocketgirls posted itt and he didn’t stop to say anything about it.
I think you should go outside
Two trannies have been having a meltdown for multiple threads now accusing people of being newfags and schreeching about /pol/
>go out of your way to post multiple threads about spaceflight on at least 3 large boards, including /pol/
>incessantly link /sfg/ in each one
>blame dude who came into thread to remind them they are subhumans
YOU posted the threads, and those links, you are DIRECTLY responsible for everything that has happened afterwards, stop trying to shit blame, this newfag fiasco is exactly what you wanted otherwise you wouldn't have done it crab bucket fag.

>you're an idiot for thinking everyone who responds to you is the same person
that's not me, that's post is clearly a crude attempt at mockery.

how did you end up like this, what kind of upbringing would steer someone to this kind of subversive behaviour?
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I just was, eatin dinner but it started raining so I went back inside.
damn you're really pissed off because people noticed aren't you.
no, you're not samefagging 500 posts in a row, nobody claimed that, you don't have to throw a temper tantrum just because people are having an allergic reaction to your linking of /sfg/
I think you replied to the wrong anon on the second one. Unless you didn’t? Then idk why you quoted the other guy
>more seething
i'm sorry you will never belong anon, there is nothing you can do about it.
No, that wasn't me.
I keep saying I haven't posted a thread anywhere on this entire website for more than a year now because it's true.

You are the cancer, this general is derailed because of YOU.
Not me.
Go to bed.
Do not post in this general again until two threads have hit page 10.
wasn't a reply, was part of the greentext.
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I didn’t link /sfg/. Why are you replying to me? I think you’re thinking I’m the other one who sent the 4th message? I’m very confused but you’re accusing the wrong person atleast I’m pretty sure
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Ah I see my mistake, all good now
yeah it wasn't you except that you were in the exact same place and you can recall me and you specifically point me out every time blame is placed on the person who actually made the thread, link and opened the floodgates to /sfg/.

threads were posted on both /k/ AND /v/ as well as /pol/.
you should consider suicide.
I'm the one that made the rotor city and I also post the Mars mattress every day. Are you saying I'm the only one making these threads worthwhile? I'll take it
Two more months (of this)
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Yeah, it's obviously you.
Dutch autist, your posting style and ridiculous hate fixation on /pol/ gives you away every time.
I bet you don't even remember the flag I admonished you under in that thread.

>threads were posted on both /k/ AND /v/ as well as /pol/
really wasn't me, but if it makes you seethe in buttangre then and that's a GOOD thing too
someone should link this general to /b/ next time so you have an aneurysm

I saw that /pol/ thread ONLY because someone posted a crossboard link to that thread in this general.
And seeing you flip out in that /pol/ thread was very funny.
You really should take my advise, this general would be healthier.
Yeah. Gonna check some other threads for now. Maybe wait for the next launch till this calmed down.
Do they put something into the water supply in the Netherlands that turns the people extremely autistic?
if i recall correctly it was right around the end of the siphon station that some faggot started early staging while loudly bragging about it, the exact same guy also ended up linking us over and over on /pol/ during the duration of the polaris dawn mission until right around the end of the EVA.

i sincerely hope this doesn't happen again, /sfg/ seriously needs it's own board or something because with the lackluster janny more newfag invasions like these form a serious threat to the integrity of this general.
yo I made a similar hat. now I need to make an extremely serious hat. thanks frog
Maybe the launch after the next launch. Electron is going up in 20 min and I don't see this calming down by then.
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Big factor, though there are other anons helping and posting interesting things. I’ve personally been trying to contribute but no big info dump interviews have come up recently though I did do some Space Engine stuff. I’m dinkin around with KSP1 right now and I’m stuck on docking, I may do Space Engine stuff again later but first I want to figure this out. If you have a request you want me to try to get a good gif of I can take down your request since you’re here and see what I can do. Up to you though and it would be a bit until I get to it.
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holy shit all the fagposting today
yes, and?
i'm not the one trying to hide, you are, lol.
you're trying to draw attention to me but i don't give a fuck, what's important is that you're out here blatantly admitting that you're responsible for all of it while desperately flicking residue of responsibility onto me.
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You don’t have the original? Here fren, take this one.
you don't have to post twice, you can just put it in one post.
fake stream you got baited
This is it, right?
yeah, a truly terrible outcome.
gatekeeping should be done more heavily for now so newfags don't get the idea that they'll be accepted automatically.
I also made a shirt to go with it
Not sure how you'd frame it but I'd like to see the shadow cast by any moon on any gas giant from the surface of said moon, or another moon behind it. (>>16390352 is me)
It does look that way

Yeah, that's the right one
>you're out here blatantly admitting that you're responsible for all

you're out here blatantly admitting that you're responsible for all but too stupid to realize that ans what a crank you are
how your ridiculous autism is having a negative effect on this general

makes me think you're derailing with flamewar fauxdrama on purpose like you're paid to
but it's more likely your obsessive compulsive and have /P/DS conditioning
>Launch i care about
Have fun, anon. Electron is too much DOA for my taste.
Are you two dutch spergs a couple?
/pol/ derangement syndrome thread is deranged
You or the child in Bangladesh?
Kek that’s a good combo. I’ll try and get that in a while then, I’ll post it next thread too.
I own a decorated apparel company
Next thread is probably best kek
I've learned to ignore all the metaposting, especially that which occurs around this time of day.
if harris wins its over for spaceflight.
And there you have it. Nobody defends /pol/ except /pol/ immigrants. Thanks for playing bud. You don’t fit in.
yeah i well and truly don't give a shit what you think about me, all you've succeeded in doing is outing yourself.
why don't you own a spaceflight company?
Space is easy, weaving is hard.
nobody needs to defend /pol/

you need to attack /pol/ in every single thread because obsessive compulsive disorder autism
personal boogeyman
no such thing as /pol/ derangement syndrome, it deserves all the hate it gets, just like the FAA.
>nobody defends /pol/
which is why you're doing it right now and are getting cross that people notice?
I tried pretty hard a couple years back to figure out absolutely anything I could do to get involved with space suit manufacturing, but there was nothing. Total dead end. Do not recommend as a career path
I know what country you post from.

But you don't even remember mine, despite the fact you saw my flag and we talked in that thread I didn't make but got crosslinked to this general.

That makes me better than you.

Brilliant pebbles
>i'm a /pol/nigger addicted to flags
that's hilarious, really goes to show how newfags will never fit in.
i don't care about flags and i never will, it's so ridiculously easy to pretend to be from different places with that system.
>eliminate the possibility of a nuclear holocaust
gay and lame

When did I defend /pol/?
I've been telling you to stop shitting up this general with complaints about /pol/ existing for many threads now.

Any spacecrew would fucknig airlock your ass within a matter of two weeks.
>Brilliant pebbles mentioned
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>posts higher number
by calling /pol/ a boogeyman and really awkwardly trying to force the phrase "/pol/ derangement/ as a crude derivative of EDS and TDS.
you're really out here trying to claim that /pol/ gets unjustified levels of hatred in the way that trump or elon musk does.
Then its ok if we check under your floor panels for earthers?
it's ridiculously easy for me to identify your country of origin because you took it upon yourself to post on /pol/ ABOUT THIS GENERAL

that's stupid yo
what worries me is the fact you still don't know where I'm from, despite the visual evidence that has passed before your very eyes
you should give this whole 4chan thing a break for a few threads
lurk moar, etc
>post on /pol/ about this general
nah i just made fun of /pol/tards a little in that thread and didn't make any mentions of this place, you however went out of your way to mention /sfg/ every time you replied to me, once again reconfirming that you posted that thread and are directly responsible.
/pol/ is obviously a personal boogeyman of yours
consider that a complementary profiling service

>/pol/ gets unjustified levels of hatred in the way that trump or elon musk does

I'm not the one who mentioned Musk, Trump, and /pol/ in one breath.
its just reddit trannies. nothing more.
apparently, you could see the plume from miami
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I’m using 4ChanX file randomizer, it sets a date for your filenames within the last year.
>lurk moar
>for not giving a fuck about flags
haha nu/pol/ is a racket
when'd you blow in, 2018 or something?
Not just this thread.

Every thread more or less since Polaris Dawn launch.

I got the same feeling when they started talking about "gatekeeping".

They don't know about rule 1.
And why is that?
no but you did make a really silly attempt to compare EDS with perfectly healthy levels of disdain for 4chan's containment board. the board that is a containment board for a very good reason.
sorry nobody like /pol/ bro, i know it must be very upsetting the rest of the website sees you as basically romanian gypsy's.
Shoot netherlands into the sun
>once again seething about being gatekept
>capable of lifting 320 kilograms to low orbit
is that new? last I heard electron could lift 300 even
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>doesn't proudly keep his original file numbers
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>can we talk about rockets that are launching and not FAA thats harassing SpaceX
Actually hey while this general is totally off topic, is there any spaceflight related shirts or hats you'd wear? When I say any, I really mean any
>you did make a really silly attempt to compare EDS
I have never even typed EDS before now.
No reason to.

The fact you think I am everyone ITT who talks about that subject just proves my estimation of your mental health is accurate.
I'm here for you dude, but you need to take my advise and swear off the internet for a few days first.

You don't gatekeep shit.
None of your insults affect me.
i wonder how much money their grifting has net them.
i would maybe wear a hat that has "Kill all Earthers" embroided on it
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I watched seething shitters in the dark near the tanhauser gate
good question. They have only had three launches this year, getting blown out by New Zealand of all things!
Are all of them deflecting?
At least a grand each stream probably
any images or just the text?
idk, but atleast 2 of them are deflecting.
yeah some of them are

from >>16390384
>/pol/ derangement syndrome thread is deranged
what an absolute retard you are lol.
>n-none of your insults affect me
once again the exact same shit that the guy who posted those links said.

i'd say they're affecting you quite a bit since you jump in to damage control every single time the newfag incident is mentioned, and you use these exact same phrases over and over again.
oh and also whining about my nationality as some sort of really weird attempt at a threat.
nigga you don't know me, you could tell me i'm dutch a whole bunch more and it wouldn't change the impetus that you caused all of this and you're responding to me in the exact same way every time because you feel threatened.
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Any book recommendations? Berger's Reentry is coming out in a few days and I have also found out about this one, which is going to be released in November.
>Astronaut Dr. Charles Camarda has uncovered a recurring cause of accidents that no one has articulated yet--loss of a research culture that places a premium on learning and the quest for knowledge and what that means. He shows how to develop high-performing teams and networks of such research teams to solve anomalies rapidly, which can help prevent catastrophes in complex high-risk/high-reliability organizations.
>tanhauser gate
fuck bro
you got me

my salvage corvettes ate such serious shit during that mission
mistakes were made
man the schizo and trollposting ITT is strong
also funny how the jannies delete random threads from the catalog but won't even touch the shitposters ITT.
deleting random threads takes a lot less effort than actually reading threads and deleting the obvious shitposters there
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no but i have pins from a handful of JPL missions.
janny being absent is the only reason that douchebag got away with early staging and linking us in the first place.
it's only going to become a larger problem over time, something really needs to be done, /sfg/ needs it's own moderation.
you posted on /po/ and told them about this general

deal with it
exile is the price
the entire studio was laid off
game is dead
What was the point of having the sign in English? What did they mean by this?
is there anything worth salvaging from ksp2 or it's back to ksp1
>you posted
you posted on /pol/, yes
>and told them about this general
nope, i made fun of them, didn't mention this place, you did in your responses to me however.
>deal with it
i already have and you're panicking, if it's for good reason idk since the janny is dead anyway but you've thrown every single thing in the book at me.
>exile is the price
says the newfag lol.
Woah are those legit? Awesome. Any patches?
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one good thing is that a lot of modders hired by the ksp2 team went back to ksp1 modding
Another battery dumped into the ocean...
wtf why'd they cut away from the batteries just as they did the hotswap?!?
the fishes need electricity
>Switches camera view from engine to payload just before battery hotswap is supposed to happen
Why, hobbitlab stream operator?
ya'll niggas realize that coincidences exist right? not everything has to have a reason.
>didn't mention this place
you did though
told them to stay away IIRC
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/sfg/ is now based and redpilled, thank you Dutch anon for bringing me here.
no i very specifically told them they would never belong on this site, and only that.
you went out of your way to talk about /sfg/ specifically though.
not that any of that matters since you are the one who let newfags in in the first place.
if they're going to put so much production value into a constellation launch nobody cares about the least they could do is point the cameras in the interesting directions.
>page 8
>1300+ posts
I'm not reading all this shit, what happened?
you must be dumb. he keeps this one alive by deleting other threads. he could let this one hit page 10 to let anons start a new one but instead he promotes the shitposting

>that douchebag
anon... take your meds

>/sfg/ needs it's own moderation.
I got banned from this board once for posting some stupid shit ITT, but apparently the new janny/ies don't care about this general.
lmao why does their mission control camera pan back and forth?
>another seething response
man all this ducking and weaving and whining about me being paranoid and now you're reduced to smugly making halfhearted jokes to cope with the situation.
pretty sad.
i wasn't referring to /sfg/ threads in particular you retard
i was referring to how janitors operate in general
jesus fucking christ why is everyone in this thread a low-functioning autist
And politics, I think. At least, at some point yesterday one of the involved people called me a retarded nigger faggot for saying that the uniparty exists in American politics. I stopped paying attention after that.
what happeend to ksp2? is it worth buying?
the only reason I even posted in that /pol/ thread was to tell you to shut the fuck up

>you went out of your way to talk about /sfg/ specifically though
burden of proof is on you
go ahead, find that thread on an archive and post proofs

I'll wait.

that's rich, coming from you
you can't even check timestamps between two different posts before accusing me of samefagging
>i was referring
so this ^ faggot is actually impersonating other anons kek
8/10, funny
see >>16390458
people noticed all the off-topic posting, couple newfags outed themselves and started trying to emulate /sfg/ terms and lingo. discussion shifted towards the person responsible for linking /sfg/ to other places and he turned up instantly trying to damage control the situation.
that's the TL;DR
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>tfw you just want to chat about rockets but you have to deal with two retards clogging the thread
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>Dutch anon can't tell between two different posters
Based retard
you are one of them idiot. i know its you.
you fucking idiot. thats not what happened.
>community note was bullshit again
mmhmmm, just trying to help were you?
nobody but the guy posting direct links to /sfg/ drew attention to it until you came along and "warned me" to stop making fun of them.
you realize how this story doesn't add up, right?
you're still trying to use me as a scapegoat over and over again but i'm sorry, it doesn't work that way.
I don't think I've ever seen a thread reach 2000 replies.
Could be wrong about that.
there's only one retard trying to damage control though.
>just trying to help

I am helping when I reiterate to you the need to stfu immediately.
You are not helping the situation.

>"warned me" to stop making fun of them
You fucking zoomers don't know how flamewars work.
That's a callout. I 100% you are too young to understand what I mean.
I wonder if the one(s) stirring shit are using AI for their trolling, and also, how many posts ITT are actually simple samefagging
it's really sad that 4chan decided to remove the IP count...
>n-no YOU'RE the newfag
rest of this post had basically nothing of substance.
i guess that's it then, all your options are exhausted and you're just starting to repeat yourself, i think we're done here, thank you for coming out to damage control, i think i have a better idea of what makes you tick now.
bot tier post
>even shorter non-response
that eager to get the last word in? i'll let you have it if you want it so bad.
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Much better.
why are right-wingers so shit at memeing?
I think the libtard spacex employees came up with that one
I figured it was a giant /sfg/ thread because it is a rare three-launch-day. But no...
Once Mars is settled, discussion about Martian affairs will become political and therefore inappropriate for /sfg/.
>Trans World Airlines
i want to become trans. transplanet
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Everyone I have a solution to our predicament. It’s all jannies fault for being a lazy bastard and not moderating the thread. Go to 4chan home page navigate to the bottom and click there. Submit moderation feedback saying that /sci/ has dogshit moderation in /sfg/ because janny is too god damn lazy. Let janny sort out who does and doesn’t need to go, and get the mods to get on his ass about it. Best solution is to have an arbitrator on this since nobody wants to back down
We need a space board
Just so we're clear, this is a call to raid? Yikes
If Mars is actually settled I don't think /mars/ would be an unreasonable addition to this site
>immediatly try and subvert moderation of obviously shit thread
You are why we need to submit moderation feedback. Janny clearly has not done shit here and you want him to continue not moderating the thread?
all lawyers should be sent in a single starship directly to the sun

anon, you can give jannies and mods direct feedback in their IRC channel
Wait till you hear about Transtage
inb4 this gets deleted for global 8
Just woke up. 1400 posts at page 8? What happened?
Someone said starship wasn’t a spaceplane and everyone dogpiled to explain that it is
see >>16390491
see >>16389790
why did they roll the ship out to the launch pad if they have no hotstage ring on the booster
Oh so it's just some spergs. Sad. See you guys next thread.
Elon Musk's downful. it is over
It would probably be easy to get away with rape on Mars since there's no police
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On this day, Surveyor 2 launched (1966) and HEAO-3 launched (1979)
I know next to nothing about the Surveyor or HEAO programs :/
You're missing it! GET IN HERE

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Same with the ISS. Or Dragon for that matter
no, the raped would form a rape pact and rape the rapees
US extraterritorial laws means she will rape you back and take all your money when you come back.
buy an ad
You must be the EDS poster. Leave our thread!
rape will be mandatory on mars to fulfill breeding quota's.
tall martian women will be freely allowed and encouraged to corner and rape earther immigrants.
Hot milf on theleft deserves to having titties suckd
>newfag is still going
The subhumans that think about rape constantly like turd worlders are exactly the type of people who wngts. Would you like to be raped in the shower by another male prison inmate since you seem so fond of it? That’s the only thing that will happen when you’re sent to a prison penal colony in LEO. The whole point of going to mars is to get away from (You)
Mars would fit in on /int/, all they would need is a new flag icon
it's gonna be a sausage fest. modern women would not dare opt for a life with the slightest inconvenience
Just like on the American frontier
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rape is natural. you are surpressing pedophilia
Oh stop it that’s demented
>would you like to be raped in the shower by another male
no i only want to get raped by women taller than me, i want them to physically overpower me and poot my penus in vaginer.
t. rapelet
>/pol/ is ruining my general


this thread
getting ready to deploy the five Kineis satellites
The final swarm will be 25 iirc
You forgot about the Space Marshal
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>no spaceflight
>endless lawfare
Waste of delta-v. Send them into a parking orbit and make them stay there.
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Are we going?
you are everything wrong with this site
Just ask me 50 years ago if venus has lava and you would have the right answer. instead you ask scientists who waste your money for 100s of years and then after trillions spent they say "we really cant know for sure but it seems to shit like a duck and eat bread crumbs like a duck...idk im agnostics!"
>4chanX mobile

now you know why this general is wrecked
post the original images then we decide

geological activity on Venus surprises nobody
Free speech
To the credit of planetary scientists there has only been limited data from limited missions around Venus. Everyone thought the evidence for volcanism would be extremely “in-our-face”. Instead, we’ve had trouble identifying active melt flows, tectonic activity, ash-induced lightning (or hard evidence of lightning of any kind whatsoever), etc.
But bear in mind what I said earlier—only limited data. It took a team of researchers dusting off what I believe was old Magellan data and re-analyzing it in fine detail to notice strange topological changes from different orbital passes to suggest active volcanic activity.
based and true
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Mobile devices should not be able to post on 4chan.
America is why this general exists in the first place.

Relocate to NSF forums.
half the shitposters write in lowercase, though
Yeah the Magellan data was synthetic aperture radar data from a probe launched in 1989. Simply putting modern sensors and a camera on an LVO orbiter would be insanely useful.
I know youre a newfag because we respect NSF here. they are home to L2 the most insider friendly place in the space industry. we get the scoop before berger, but you have to pay
JPL has had a robotic martian political stronghold on NASA for far too long. They can fuck off; we’re sending humans there soon enough. Divert funds to Venus, and Icy Moons missions NOW. Oh, and let’s visit Uranus and/or Neptune again, Cassini-style
You clearly don't realize the NSF are a terrorist organization.
Venus is interesting in the same way organisms at deep sea vents are interesting.
Yeah im sure bill nye is evil psyop. puhlese, just give it a rest. youre exhausting
dropping by to say that the entire /sfg/ discord is laughing at you
no i think the thread is just /pol/ getting mentioned and the people who have some weird love pact with /pol/ going out of their way to defend it.
Why isnt spacex blitzing starlinks to every body in the solar system? Add some sensors and cameras, hoard the data and sell it to the scientists for billions
The plan is to probably establish intranet spheres around the Moon and Mars eventually, once humans are there.
As for gatekeeping scientific data: that works for earth observation (i.e. MAXAR and stuff) but not really for other planetary bodies. The demand is purely scientific at that point, and people autistic enough to care will simply call you a paywall asshole and probably be smart enough to find a way to hack your data one way or another lol
discord trannies have more problems, the entire castrated cult is a voluntary extinctionist movement.
They are comm sats dude. Making an interplanetary probe isn't simple as slapping sensors on your comm sat.
Because NASA will only give billions to do so to failing VC startups
Limits of launch capabilities are 1) regulatory 2) capital allocation 3) vehicle recycle time (but more regulatory)
okay incel.
Okay but how many of you are going to cum when it happens?
depends on how hard your mom's working at the time
I'm not an incel. I had sex with my assigned hybrid alien gf.
go back to >>>/pol/ faggots
they prefer "castiza"
New thread when??¿!¿‽
Reminder, current lawfare against Musk and his companies.

>2 of California's new law about "disinformation" and AI parodies

Prob many more I dont remember
>upside down question mark
are you latinx by any chance?
I'll let you guess newfaggot
>your beloved leader
Because obviously that could be anyone, or has ever referenced anyone other than Elon Musk in these bait posts...
No I held down ¿ On my phone keyboard too long¡‽
that's good. what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Flight 5. Anon, you slept through it. The booster was caught.
several of these are entirely self-inflicted
Don't worry it's not a one-way phenomenon.
>Inside Elon Musk’s 23 active lawsuits
For the friends of the admin, everything. For their enemy, the law. Magical laws only uniquely became active when politics didnt align.
for your mom, muh dick
No, Australian
Just 8, no, 7 more posts!!
i write in lower case on my smartphone to deceive the computer goyim
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With BO naming boosters I suggest we name booster 12 "Godzilla" that way mechazilla can catch Godzilla
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Kot (in space)
Oopsy poopsy yeah I’m bakin. We near image limit
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is starship the chariot of the space age?
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DC-3, hopefully.
So much has gone right with the Starship program but we’re still so so far from the end goal it’s unreal. These things need to be flying on the order of months/weeks; not once or twice a year
>inb4 it’s the FAA
>inb4 it’s a democrat political attacks against Musk
I don’t give a fuck and I don’t disagree, I’m just pointing out the fact that SS has a shitload of engineering hurdles it still needs to jump and it needs many more flights to sort them out. Hell there is probably at least 5-10 fundamental ship-killing problems that exist the tankage/plumbing/engines that they haven’t even considered as a failure mode yet just because they have a lack of flight data at the moment
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if you stage with that image I'm going to come to your house and piss on your mom (whose house you live in the basement of)
Tuxedos are silly little specimens. This guy has two brain cells
Was that the one frogs killed after it safely returned home?
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This is an image limit stage, it hit 250 with that staging post
you were off by 1 dumbass. crap staging photo too
The limit is 251. We're there.
>Also our closest relatives in the ape family are humanoid and they are intelligent too
One just chills in trees eating fruit, one just sits on the ground eating sticks
Fuck when did that happen. You’re right I see red at the top now. Nevermind continue as normal, deleting post
congrats retard, you’re supposed to put “/sfg/” in the body text, now your thread cannot be found by a filter search
What's the penalty for luring a hundred FAA inspectors onto the launch pad and then static firing 30 raptor engines on top of them?
Huh? I see it in the name section what are you talking about. That I didn’t mess up.
It's fine as long as it's actually in the subject field and not the name field. RIP.
what's a captcha?
you put the title in the name when it should goes to subject
rookie mistake
Actually jk you have a good thread but for whatever reason it’s not showing up in my filtered tab. Weird, I’ve never seen this before. Huh
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Viability of launching military comms satellites from SSBNs?
Oh fuck I see now. Damn it Im still getting used to the extension. See that’s why it’s not showing up my bad guys. How do we want to move forward? I’m fine with having someone remake thread if it’s felt to be that important
>FTS activated
Based retard janny

What was the purpose of asking this?
Venus is like the bottom of the sea except worse

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