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previous >>16390746
Fuck off back to your containment board
Elon :
SpaceX plans to launch about five uncrewed Starships to Mars in two years.

If those all land safely, then crewed missions are possible in four years. If we encounter challenges, then the crewed missions will be postponed another two years.

It is only possible to travel from Earth to Mars every two years, when the planets are aligned. This increases the difficulty of the task, but also serves to immunize Mars from many catastrophic events on Earth.

No matter what happens with landing success, SpaceX will increase the number of spaceships traveling to Mars exponentially with every transit opportunity. We want to enable anyone who wants to be a space traveler to go to Mars! That means you or your family or friends – anyone who dreams of great adventure.

Eventually, there will be thousands of Starships going to Mars and it will a glorious sight to see! Can you imagine? Wow.

The fundamental existential question is whether humanity becomes sustainably multiplanetary before something happens on Earth to prevent that, for example nuclear war, a supervirus or population collapse that weakens civilization to the point where it loses the ability to send supply ships to Mars.

One of my biggest concerns right now is that the Starship program is being smothered by a mountain of government bureaucracy that grows every year. This stifling red tape is affecting all large projects in America, which is why, for example, California has spent ~$7 billion dollars and several years on high-speed rail, but only has a 1600 ft section of concrete to show for it!

While I have many concerns about a potential Kamala regime, my absolute showstopper is that the bureaucracy currently choking America to death is guaranteed to grow under a Democratic Party administration. This would destroy the Mars program and doom humanity.

It cannot happen. Your help would be much appreciated. This is a fork, maybe the fork, in the road of human destiny.
Space Sex
2026, 2028, 2030
So mars landing will be 2034-36 lmao
Cry more, nigga
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I want to drive the orange pallet.
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Elon has given the kill order. It's time for Total Bird Death.
That there's an expensive machine, Anon.
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SpaceX should be receiving the majority of NASA's launch budget.
It is a waste of money to spend BILLIONS on one launch vehicles.
I just had one of those thoughts. Have we reached the point where, barring the realization of human immortality, our species is functionally at a dead end due to the nature of many hypothetical projects taking generations to accomplish where they'll be dropped for either political convenience or a lack of interest by a successor within an organization, or because some fundamental skill was lost and it's deemed that the cost of carrying forward isn't worth the effort to have the project be a success? NASA now reminds me more of SETI than it stands as some great beacon of hope for the future that it once did. The ability to care about anything is difficult when it takes 20 years to do some very basic experiment that gives a modicum of usable data. Nobody cares about that because of time scale.
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If I did this correct, they can save about 800 kg per ring barrel.
spacex should simply mill a 1mm deep orthogrid out of the 4mm steel barrels to get the worst of both worlds
your dates are wrong, it should be 2026, 2029, 2031, 2033
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Oh, wait. It's exactly 25% difference in mass, because the proportions are 3 to 4. I'm so smart.
I don't see you naked
>two more years
spacex should make deals with other countries so those countries can put pressure on the US govt
Good luck with that
Even if people could go in 2028 they wouldn't go unless they could return back
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Just wasted another six hours reading about planets/moons on Wikipedia again.
no i mean like they purchase starship launches
read a book, nigga
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damn that's crazy
What are some good books about the solar system?
Checked. What are some good books about the solar system?
wow, crazy how they have managed to copy spacex already.
that landing looks like a fucking toy though. the comments on twitter make it seem like a shitty chinese toy...
>5x 15 refueling tankers in rapid succession
well, I guess ambission is admirable
>An Introduction to the Solar System
>Fundamental Planetary Science: Physics, Chemistry and Habitability
>Exploring the Solar System: The History and Science of Planetary Exploration
Well not exactly but very close. You could imagine it being made of four 1 mm rings, and this would be getting rid of the innermost ring which would be the smallest one.
youre a fucking prick. are you joking?
According to my numbers, it's 75.0042%
>SpaceX should be receiving the majority of NASA's launch budget.

They do. NASA launched with SpaceX and Northrop Grumman. And NG is buying F9 lifts for its ISS resupply.
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insane even
Why are you asking?
new Mars info

bullshit as always. hes never sent a single object to mars but made these exact promises about flying there every launch window with falcon heavy.
I believe him when he says each launch campaign will be exponential. I don’t think 5 SS to mars is enough, they’re all going to fail. And even if they are successful I still don’t see humans being fast-tracked to go there unless there are hundreds of Starlink SS launches to iron out problems on Starship.
8 years bit maybe, 6 years ehhhh but only if 45 wins and Elon can suddenly launch once a month and really get the ball rolling, FUCK NO to humans on mars in 2-4 years
Oh please
Unironically, 2 years
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>gr8 newz erryone
>oceangate look fun as fuck? $10 million burning a hole in your pocket?
>try my new mars rockets! guaranteed to get your eGFR under 20 from radiation to the kidneys, and you might survive a few months after landing until a micrometeorite punctures the gay-ass bubble habitat my DEI hires designed.
Five SS to Mars is 75 tanker flights. Neither the tanker nor the depot exist yet.
Starship V3 would be like a third of that
it's mediocre bait but I'll take it anyway because I'm bored
>oceangate look fun as fuck?
yes unironically
>guaranteed to get your eGFR under 20
radiation is a spook. space radiation is a nothingburger
>my DEI hires designed
what team are you pretending to bat for here?
Elon won't let you suck his cock shill bro
you don't know that
>radiation is a spook. space radiation is a nothingburger


>Cosmic kidney disease: an integrated pan-omic, physiological and morphological study into spaceflight-induced renal dysfunction
>immunize Mars from many catastrophic events on Earth.
Space AIDS
An anon in the prior thread was asking what’s important to study to make a career in space stuff. Here’s my answer. Anyone have any other insights?
Obviously the technical stuff is important-- that should be your primary focus.

Something a lot of academia will overlook is learning how some projects succeed and others fail. There are a lot of examples of brilliant scientists/engineers doing cool stuff but the 'missing piece' never materializes to operationalize their innovations, so all their hard work is wasted (or rediscovered a long time later). A few business courses would be wise, maybe even a business minor (take at least these courses: accounting, finance, management, marketing, maybe game theory [although at my university it was a 400 level econ class with tons of prerequisites, you can often email the prof and audit it for free with no credit/grade rewarded, or just read their textbooks such as Games of Strategy by Dixit & Skeath]). With these skills, you can make informed decisions on teams/projects to join that have a higher probability of success. Also, in most companies there's a career track for individual contributors (ICs) and a career track for managers. You might be a better manager of other ICs than an IC yourself, and the business stuff matters a LOT for managers. Good ICs are nice to have, but a great manager can have a disproportionally large impact on the likelihood of success. (and consequently bad managers [like Bob Smith at Blue Origin] can squander mountains of talent-- BO and SpaceX have roughly the same number of employees--and many BO employees are even SpaceX alums!)

I'd also read some books/blogs on startups/space industry: The Lean Startup by Ries, Zero to One by Thiel, Casey Handmer's blog, Liftoff by Berger, Stratechery etc.
I wish musk didn't claim "full self driving next year" every year for the past decade
I can't trust his timelines
Starship has lost over a year and a half in aggregate to federal regulatory fuckery.
>Cards Against Humanity Suing Elon Musk, also known as the Cards Against Humanity Elon Musk Lawsuit, refers to legal action taken by the card game company Cards Against Humanity against Elon Musk in September 2024. Cards Against Humanity claimed that Musk had destroyed land owned by the company along the US-Mexico border that it bought in 2017 to thwart then-acting President Donald Trump’s border wall. Cards Against Humanity was suing Musk for $15 million. The company announced the lawsuit on Twitter / X and launched a website called elonowesyou100dollars.com that outlined the feud and upcoming legal action. Many users on X reacted to the news with memes and posts that championed Cards Against Humanity. Others criticized the company.
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spehsed and spehspilled
Anti-spacefags should leave. If space doesn't absolutely excite you then you are non-white.
oh, here is catholiccrusader1488 from southa merica teaching us about who is white..
>Flight directors during Apollo had a one-sentence job description, "The flight director may take any actions necessary for crew safety and mission success."
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there was a follow up

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and here is the X post that Musk replied to initially
So thank for buying starlink and supporting an historic mission
first uncrewed in 2026, then if that goes fine, crew in 2029
if uncrewed does not go as planned, uncrewed again in 2029 and crew in 2031
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you forgot the regulators
>two more years
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he talked about this timeline a week or two ago already, now its just more specific information about 5 ships
its the endgame. FAA will stage an assasination of Musk next time he approaches starbase. They will blame it on a car crash.
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Simply remove FAA
they wont be removed, trump wont do shit.
what if the self-driving actually comes out this year? robotaxi unveil in two weeks btw
What are their pronouns?
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Bless our King, we are going
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You're right, he personally won't. That's why he's leaving it up to Elon and others, that are knowledgeable on the matter, to decide what needs to stay or be removed.
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he will betray musk before the presidency is over. watch.
I'm out of the loop, are we still waiting for a fishing license for next launch?
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He won't be president lol
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>>16393602 (You)
Musk talking about the bellyflop manuever

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Isaacman commenting on Musks Mars timeline and the skepticism towards it
So… it’s a spaceplane?
nuh uh sweatie... shuttle maintained a 60 degree angle, anything above 69 degrees is NOT a spaceplane because I SAID SO OKAY
>~70m2 to ~545m2
Wow. That's almost half a km^2.
Its already out. Just like Reusable rocket is already out and commercial space is already out. Just because they have 1% chance of failure doesn't mean its not working.
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>Wow. That's almost half a km^2.
NASA has been promising a trip to mars for the last 50 years, POCKOCMOC for the last 35, yet people only complain when ol' musky is late by 4 years (for now). In fact, this insane idea has been exaggerated so much that for the public eye spacex/musk is synonymous to being late, when in reality they are the fastest in the entire industry by far!
yeah he's retarded, it's clearly slightly more than half of a km^2
Not that it matters, of course. You're only paying for it indirectly through taxes and your tax money already gets squandered in much worse things.
How big would be a solid fuel booster have to be to lob starship into orbit without it spending its own fuel?
stupid frogposter
Space is for children. It's like dinosaurs, a fairy tale.
yeah its kind of ridiculous to what standard Musk is held to, it shouldn't really matter what his goals are
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I wonder what people would say if musk never once mentioned mars. like if he just said
>yeah I'm setting out to launch 90+% of shit
>I just want to have the most reliable rockets
>launch government and private payloads all day everyday, that's the game
they laughed at him 10 years ago and were saying he is late
even tho catholiccrusader1488 would be a "space is fake and ghey" type
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The most successful are held to the highest standards. The least successful have no standards.
but thats now how people approach it, they act like everything musk does is a complete failure because something was late
People complaining about musk’s timetables is such a good filter for who is actually retarded and/or who has interior motives (such as EDS or who is deep in the trenches of academia and who hate him out of political or gibs funding)
Crickets when NASA is off by 20 years, but a lot of verbiage when Musk is off by 4… 5 years? Is it that big of a deal?! Musk is doing it out of pocket idgaf if he’s off by TEN years as long as he remains hopefully optimistic and continues to try
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CLDP status update, several slides were posted here a while ago
Yeah but those people are retarded NPCs. The only thing you can do is kill them on sight to save them from their own hell
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Why is it slower now?
Earth’s gravity is growing stronger
Case in point, here's the Space Exploration Initiative
a space policy initiative which planned for the US to go back to the Moon and ultimately have a manned mission to Mars. This was from the George HW Bush administration in 1989, 35 years ago!!! Not only they made zero progress, but humanity never ventured further than LEO since 1972, during the last Apollo mission, which was 52 years ago!
they'll never get flight rate up if it takes them so long to stack
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We got the missing Axiom update.
Sierra Space also got their own page.
NG is still making a bigger uncrewed Cygnus as a complement to Starlab.
SAS is making a robot to replace EVA.
ThinkOrbital to demonstrate in-space welding in Q4 this year.
>ThinkOrbital to demonstrate in-space welding in Q4 this year.
very interesting, so they aren't dead yet

Anyone got the doritos?
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This is from "Vision for Space Exploration", announced by George W Bush, his son, in 2004.
It sought, among other things, to develop Orion by 2008, to conduct a manned trip with it in 2014, going back to the Moon (and even with plans to the far side!!) and eventually to Mars. Always the same lofty goals. Do you want to know how it went? Anyways, a few years later it was replaced by Obama's plans in the next presidential term. By the general public's logic, NASA lied. In fact, can't stop lying and breaking promises over and over again.
To NASA’s credit they simply throw out ideas (typically in the form of viability studies) but are simply told what to do by Congress. Kind of a retarded system, especially when NASA can be told to do X, devote years and billions of dollars to it, only for Congress to say no no no we are canceling X we are now doing Y. NASA also has a “use it or lose it” style of funding so they can’t just save up money and make their own independent choices and spend money on things they want to do
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I'm going to donate and see
Mechazilla is getting tired and demoralized
Manley is stupid with his politics but he hasn't gone completely deranged, only slight bit.
>hey you guys we can have Doritos in space but we're going to have to make them bite sized and grease them so the dust doesn't get everywhere and compromise the seals

the dust on Mars is a non-issue
seals don't even exist
what are you talking about
How about the russkies? In February of 2004 the deputy director of Roscosmos announced to the public the Kliper project. This vehicle was supposed to be part of a modular system that, as part of a bigger spacecraft, enabled it to go to the Moon and even to Mars. RSC Energia's plans for their interplanetary spacecraft included a vast solar array that dwarfed the habitable module at the center. There were already proposals for Russia to reach the Moon in September of 2005!!! Of course, none of this ever happened, but hey, a couple of years ago in 2022 they promised a gigantic never-seen-before nuclear tug, first of its kind, that could take a crew to Mar- never mind, already cancelled.
John Halo eats doritos and drinks mtn dew code red while he blasts breaking benjamin while he whips the warthog on Installation 04 so I think it’ll be fine
Don’t worry bro Orel will launch to the Moon on an Angara from Vostochny in two weeks, trust the plan
You dont want processed chip flavoring in your eyes
I know, but the point is that these proposals are actually taken seriously in at first, and then forgotten quickly as if nothing had happened in the first place, only for the next announcement to come by and say the exact same thing. In a way, it even sounds Orwellian. People's memory is very, very short.
shooo jooo
>Venera-D originally proposed in 2003
>Currently NET Q4 2029
>The “D” stands for “dolgozhivuschaya,” i.e. “long lasting” in russian
>3 hr surface lifespan
Oh come on
I’m losing my shit if the Saars don’t put a camera on the ISRO entry probe. Rocket lab isn’t sending a camera. Russia is never going to launch venera-D. DAVINCI is simply too far away to get excited about
It's Venus. "Long lasting" is a relative concept. I think the current record for a surface probe is Venera 13's 127 minutes.
>NET Q4 2029
That date will eventually be pushed into the late 30s, you know that. And even if it launches at all, it will for surely crash, just like Luna 25. Russia is not made for missions past LEO.
I'm getting deja vu from this comment. someone made it before.
Yeah but I think that’s only relative to Russia’s orc tech. Remember, that record was set by CCCP shitcans and a significant number of the attempts didn’t even survive to the surface.
The US could get a modern lander there that could survive on the order of months/a year or more if they wanted to
It's hard to crash in an atmosphere as thick as Venus's. The Venera landers ditched their parachutes at around 50 km and just fell the rest of the way down and their impact speeds were under 10 m/s.
Kek POCKOCMOC will have sat on this for 20+ years only for it to explode when the Briz-M upper stage dies an hero
>It's hard to crash in an atmosphere as thick as Venus's
Don't worry, Roscomos will find a way for the mission to be a complete failure. Maybe they'll perform their favorite trick: failure of even escaping Earth's atmosphere (Anyone remembers the Mars 96 mission?)
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I am once again preaching to the choir here but literally HOW can you have EDS like thunderf00t/CSS/etc and think this is all some sort of “scam” when they are almost literally pulling tricks out of a magic hat with material design? And these aren’t just investorbait powerpoint things. They have made Raptors that push the envelope of low cost and high performance. They have shown you can just weld tanks. Flight 4 was an insane success, especially impressive when you consider the absolute joke that was Mk1 Starship and how fast they have advanced since then. These tanks hold insane pressures, raptor safely contains immense chamber pressures and outputs unbelievable thrust all at a low cost. It’s not just impressive it’s undeniably game-changing
This is making leftist trannies seethe endlessly
There are two states to EDS

>its not possible, its a scam
>its possible they're stealing it, its a scam
Fuck you belter.
Some people at JPL looked over the problem and what they concluded was that the absolute best we could do with modern tech was a 24 hour mission lifespan. We've got better thermal insulation tech than the Soviet's did but even that can only keep electronics functional for so long when you drop them into an environment as hot as Venus. Teams trying to plan longer term missions either have a big hole in their outlines labeled "develop groundbreaking new technology" or are trying to design rovers that run on clockwork instead of electronics.
increased regulatory burden
Remember when Warren Buffet was paying injuns to protest oil pipelines? Remember when oil companies were paying the Sierra Club to protest coal companies? My sister in law is vegan right up until she gets hungry then she’s down for steak and lobster.
total bureaucrat death
total martian colonization
In fact, roscosmos is such an embarrassment that in their 35-ish years of existence, as far as I remember they've only had only 1 single successful mission on their own beyond GEO, the Spektr-R teslescope, which was in a highly-elliptical Earth orbit. The other 2 were collaborations with Germany (Spektr-RG) and ESA (ExoMars). Seriously, can't find anything else, I thought there were at least 2, even remember having commented about it in this general some years ago, but can't find it now.
Not a single Russian flag. They don't deserve to be called USSR's successor. The soviets at least reached their destinations, even if it were in 1 million pieces.
I hope rockletlab hurries up their mission to venus
the opposite will happen.
SpaceX is picking up the remains of B11 from the bottom of the Gulf.
It's unreal how anyone even somewhat familiar with the space industry can be a Spacex doubter after seeing Raptor 3.
I will always treasure the absolute brutal embarrassment Tory got for trying to be snide about the first pictures.
theyre just sitting around with their dicks in their hands waiting for the FAA to let them fly again. Nothing better to do at this point
Because they don't, at least to a point. There's a mob of low-information troglodytes that have been weaponized against Elon by various economic and political groups. Hating anything Elon is just a stimulus response for them. CSS/etc have just tapped into that by making clickbate that triggers these creatures' programming. They probably believe it a little bit, but its mostly just signaling tribal affiliation and an act they can get paid adbucks for.
ExoMars barely made it. The upper stage exploded seconds after payload separation at Mars. The orbiter/lander survived by some sort of miracle, but the lander failed. Truly insane how incompetent they are
>The upper stage exploded seconds after payload separation at Mars
Does anyone track space debris around Mars?
how could you?
I don't know.
>but the lander failed
Yes Lord, today I will remind them
>ARCA Space Corporation, a company registered in New Mexico, U.S., founded by young Romanian entrepreneur Dumitru Popescu, was recently accused by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) of being responsible for the crash of the Schiaparelli module
>According to ASI, ESA awarded ARCA the contract to test the flight and entry into atmosphere of the module, which was worth EUR 1.1 million. ARCA, however, ran into a series of problems and cancelled the tests ASI told Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
>ARCA issued an official statement denying ASI’s allegations. The company says that it was only in charge of testing the parachute used for Schiaparelli’s landing on Mars, which worked fine, according to the ESA's preliminary investigation results. According to ESA, it was the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) that didn’t work properly; ARCA claims that an Italian company was in charge of testing the Inertial Measurement Unit.
>ARCA said it would initiate the necessary actions to have Enrico Flamini, the leader of ASI’s scientific team, “support the costs of the statements that have generated a press campaign against ARCA”.
>gets tired of waiting
>picks up where Virgin Oceanic left off
>vows to make SeaQuest DSV a reality
>implants a dolphin with Neurolink
>forms New Atlantis off the Texas coast
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>implants a dolphin with Neurolink
We Uplift War now
I didn’t know I needed to know about this.
Do not do this, it creates the Liir.
aren't there 30 some odd relatively intact raptors? Probably best that they are not just sitting out there I guess.
Dolphins would probably just use a hardsuit since they don't have any fine manipulator limbs, so everything locomotion related would already have to be robotic in nature.
>There's a mob of low-information troglodytes
Go in a shithole like /g/ and people aren't even aware how much F9 has lauched since the handful of launch and landing failures.
Most refuse to even acknowledge dragon exists or try to explain how unsafe it is because of the abort tests.

Truly a strange set of individuals.
EDS, the board
how long until they have a raptor 3 starship launch ready?
Two weeks
About the time the FAA approves flight 5.
serious answers pl0x. i wanna see raptor 3 booster in action
noone paid him to do that though
I was being serious. Elon said it himself. He’s building spaceships faster than the government can push papers across a desk.
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Honestly I think it could happen relatively quickly, maybe first one installed on a starship by early 2025, for a flight in mid 2025 or so? Idk, maybe as soon as S34
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it’ll buff out
>the behemoth rises
The camels are confused
>No paint
Next stop: McGregor's test stand for some hot fire.
I understood that reference.
holy kino
>posted before Musk posted on twitter
Ummm what the sigma
why won't they land on land instead of polluting the ocean
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Elon make a mars space station pls
thats idiotic
it doesn't make any sense to have a space station at all
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I knew it, this is where he gets most of his ideas from. Next he's gonna talk about the Mars mattress.
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Musk first posted a screenshot of the picture from his phone,then reposted it.
Explore self-adhesive ablative tape
Mike McCulloch is on the case
Use giant Optimus hands for mechazilla.
Why would having a space station at mars be a bad thing. You can remote operate machinery from orbit. Build yourself a nice landing pad so you don't have to worry about messy terrain.
SMART reuse
I hope this ends up on display somewhere
just realized I haven't told anyone today how much I hate the FAA
Phobos and Deimos are both there to be made into space stations
they switched from "starship will never fly" to "starship will only be used for Starlink"
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more like
>that's impossible, it's never been done before
>nothing impressive, it's already been done before
watch out how this is currently happening with orbital refilling.
>"environmentalists" when SpaceX offloads potable water


>"environmentalists" when Norfolk Southern doesn't stop a train carrying MANY tonnes of highly toxic chemicals when it's wheels literally catch fire in East Palestine Ohio

this is fine
>I'd rather have someone that's competent in the presidency.
I sure hope he isn't referring to Giggles the Clown.
Environmentalists have only ever been the foot soldiers of corporate/goverment interests
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digits confirm
and the headpat at the end is the best part
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Their days are numbered
At this point I wonder if humanity even deserves to be "saved". Bunch of ungrateful, hedonistic, sanctimonious cunts who only care about their own asses. Imagine being Musk or anyone at SpaceX right now, receiving criticism left and right non-stop from everyone you know, thank goodness the man seems to be immune to it and hasn't killed himself yet or turned into a misanthropist. With each passing day, I agree more and more with demigod war anon.

Good. It’s already on the works.
So many feelings
Manley baffles me sometimes, then I remember that he's just incurably british
That'll buff right out
Ignore the deserving and undeserving aspects of justice. Only focus on what is good and not. Focusing only on evil leads to more evil.
/g/ has derangement syndrome about everything, Elon, crypto, AI, you name it
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Somehow we need a repost of the actual photo on its own.
Doesn't FSD technically exist right now for most Teslas? Like it's not 100% flawless but you can technically have a tesla drive you whereever you want by itself can't you?
erm its actually FSD(Supervised) now chud
That seems like a generous (to the feds) estimate
Its existed for few years and people have been driving them. It can do ~99% of the daily driving. The 1% is mainly the starting and the ending point where they havent connected it fully. There's still smart automated parking(having the car park automatically) and smart recall(calling car from parking to you) but they aren't unified with regular FSD yet.
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a memoryholed atrocity
Piloted by an anime girl inside the tower
>giving concessions to hostile powers because they said nice things to him
>why yes, Trump not attacking Russian forces in Syria (before it was to spill over into war in Europe) like Hillary had planned obviously PROVES he is a KGB mole sent to infiltrate the White House
blah blah always the same with these zio-retards
You can use it to generate the plasma torus which will be used to restore Mars' magnetic field.
>but you don't need a magnetic field
No, but it's nice to have and raises morale.
>>but you don't need a magnetic field
You do need it, claims to the contrary are coping. The task of terraforming is difficult enough without fighting an uphill battle when you don't have to.
Even more reason to build a BPT (Based Plasma Torus). And Plasma Magnet ships can probably use it for braking into.
wish the dolphin uplift guy wrote more books
why don't they use all that exhaust to power a turbine????
Imagining dolphins as being the uplift candidate is so 90s, we really had no idea what we were talking about.
Raccoons are a much better candidate
>almost bipedal
>inquisitive mind
Dolphins are untrustworthy, they're the gaslighters of the sea.
>Raccoons are a much better candidate

>looks at Franklin
>I will always treasure the absolute brutal embarrassment Tory got for trying to be snide about the first pictures.
I must have missed that. Any screencaps of it?
Musk would do well to get some military advisors.

The idea that he's going to let people buy themselves a ticket to Mars is fucking stupid.
They aren't going to be qualified professionals with a salary commiserate to their talent, they'll be unstable richfag tourists who will endanger any mission they are assigned to and deadweight eaters going stir crazy.

A recipe for disaster.
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Every now and then you come across a woman who’s a keeper.
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He posts this, the video of the test firing is posted soon after, and Gwynne posts:
That's the main interaction, but I think he had a couple other posts where he was clearly salty.
Oh it's the autistic decontamination protocol fag.
You come across as someone who either fantasizes about being in the military or is very new to the military and hasn't had time to get disillusioned.
And what qualifications do YOU bring to the colony?
So this is how gundam development gets started.
Ugh Don make me sad
To be honest I thought it was a clean prototype when I first saw it too
I love these schizo concepts for giving Mars a magnetic field (or something equivalent).
Is this true? Is Nikki Haley the right choice for space?
>qualified professionals
Jared will likely be one of the firsts.

>they'll be unstable richfags tourists
Personal opinion wit politics leaking.
Bamford is actually a serious plasma researcher who showed how a relatively weak magnetic field can cause charge separation in the solar wind, greatly enhancing the shielding effect. She showed how the Lunar Swirls on the moon are almost certainly due to this shielding.
any military historian could tell you that the system of purchasing commissions has very serious problems that outweigh incidental benefits
that observation holds true in private venutres too

if people want to fund missions and use that stake to nominate candidates, that's probably good
but pretending these posts are open to anyone with the money is going to end badly
that's not something worth encouraging because it has the potential to corrupt and "streamline" the certification and training process'

not going
but I know that relvant qualifications are the defining criterion for selection
Not trying to discredit anyone here, schizo was meant as more of a compliment than an insult. What I was trying to say is that a lot of the proposed solutions for the Martian magnetosphere question are creative and batshit insane in the best way possible. Between this, nuking the core a billion times, and building giant fucking magnets, I just love the sheer scale and ingenuity behind it all.
Jared is going to fumble the decon procedure and track deadly Mars microbes into the base, killing everyone.
>I just love the sheer scale and ingenuity behind it all.
This isn't a "mission", whatever that is. Paying to go is like buying a ticket on the Mayflower.
Martian microbes likely wouldn't be compatible with human biology and would have little effect on our bodies. Most pathogens are evolved to be infectious and harmful, and in an environment with no multicellular life, there's no reason why any hypothetical Martian microbes would evolve to infect things. Alien diseases are pure sci-fi schlock.
Wait a minute, there's microbes on Mars? Can I see the proof?
You may have never heard of the Mayflower Compact, Massachusetts Bay company.
Or the Plymoth company.

They didn't just sell people tickets.
Had law codes and charters.

>Martian microbes likely wouldn't be compatible with human biology and would have little effect on our bodies.
That's loaded.

Dormant, or potentially active extremophiles may be discovered that could reproduce asexually in habitat areas or host and produce unforeseen byproducts.
It really depends on the location. There are places on Mars where that is considered more of a risk.
>Had law codes and charters

They also dumped them and created their own because ‘oh noes a storm blew us off course and now we aren’t beholden to the laws of the Virginia company’.
These extremophiles have no evolutionary pressure to drive them to acquire the ability to infect and multiply in human body. It is just as likely that 20% oxygen level is lethal to Martian microbes, if they exist.
If NASA had done serious followups to the Viking experiments and answered the question instead of chasing rocks and pretending like nobody believes Mars had liquid water for decades we wouldn't need to deal in hypotheticals.
introduction to a human host could occur incidentally through membrane or inhalation
asexual reproduction doesn't really need that much evolutionary pressure
you seem to be assuming a lot about Martian ecology back when it had an atmosphere
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I hate how we need gay still-in-development technologies like fusion, metallic hydrogen, or antimatter to get some of the best feasible specific impulse propulsion.
I wish we could just get everywhere in a reasonable timespan using chemical and nuclear (fission) rockets. Or that some of the schizodrives like the QI drive or EM drive were real. I don't want to wait another 40 years (or probably more like 80 lol) until scalable net-positive fusion is discovered/invented before we can finally get the technology to colonize the outer solar system or even start interstellar travel.
C is still too slow. The universe is fake and gay. Dirac was right.
>introduction to a human host could occur incidentally through membrane or inhalation
Doesn't mean they can overcome our immune system, which they have no reason to have evolved such capability. Nor their ability to multiply inside human body, again something they have no reason to evolve.
>asexual reproduction doesn't really need that much evolutionary pressure
No reason to believe they have evolved to multiply effectively or even survive in 1 atm, 20% oxygen, 20 degrees environment. You seemed to have forgot that Martian microbes, if exist, are evolved to survive and multiply better on Mars, not Earth.
>you seem to be assuming a lot about Martian ecology back when it had an atmosphere
On the contrary, you are assuming that Martian microbes would somehow evolve the ability to take advantage of humans and Earth like environment despite they have no evolutionary pressure to evolve such capabilities. You are assuming Martian microbes would randomly evolve such a set of capabilities despite the almost infinite number of alternatives, some of which would let them multiply better on Mars.
Laser highway is all we need bwo
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Please don’t talk about the Kliper in this thread. I can’t take it.
Russian spaceflight history is so full of tragedies. I feel enormous sympathy for anyone in that country who actually cares about space.
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>getting 1 ship to mars, let alone 5, will require spacex to master orbital starship refueling within the next 15 months
they're cutting it close
I think you got your words mixed there. Donald is the everything for Zion guy.
they're demonstrating that next year sometime, which requires a launch cadence of being able to do two ships in in the space of 3-4 weeks. If the first or second catch attempt goes well and there isn't a lengthy mishap report to produce, 10-15 launches could be possible next year which would be plenty to make orbital refilling 'easy'
Preach nigga, it's like building a frontier railroad but in space. In fact the circumstances are almost identical. Work gangs have to work ahead of the infrastructure on slow travel times with expensive upfront and ongoing supply costs, just like the railroads. Once the road is established it slices travel time into a small fraction of its previous times and also eliminates stupid waiting for orbital transfer windows (very cool). Increases payload while cutting costs massively. A wise man would invest in optics companies, solar power companies, silicon ingot production companies. Imagine you invested in iron and steelworks just before the american railroad fevwr kicked off. $$$$$$$$$#$. Unfortunately this means the "we don't need roads where we're going" thing doesn't work out which makes me sad.
>Warren sees green activists, who he once said should be “removed from the gene pool,” as a serious threat to the industry.
I hope he wins.
You don't need a magnetosphere on mars. Earth needed one billions of years ago to get past 1 variable of the great filter but it's no longer necessary for atmosphere retention.
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Phobos, being tidally locked and VERY close to mars, would be a better than average outpost. The excellent view of the martian surface may also come with the advantage of radiation reduction, the planet of mars taking up a substantial portion of the sky. If they built a base in a deep crater or hole there could be very low radiation.
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How big?
On the side facing Mars, radiation would be almost zero
Don't fucking jinx it
There's no size limits in space senpai
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She totally roasted him...
he probably STILL feels the burn.
Ayys have ships a mile wide I don't see why we couldn't
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I understand the want to go to Mars, BUT the moon is RIGHT THERE!
Once you have established a colony on the moon THEN go to mars.
The moon is close enough that if you screw something up the settlers can enter bunkers and be rescued in a few days.
Moon colonization FIRST then Mars.
I think the surface would reflect/scatter some UV radiation but it would be lower than direct exposure to the sky
colonizing the moon is pointless, at least making it fully self-sufficient like a mars colony should be
Moon is tougher because of the total vacuum and lack of water.
You're mother is a total vacuuum
>All of that silt in the engine bells
It was probably buried quite deep, let's see if the can recover more
We cant even think about that until we solved all the problems on Earth
Focus on yourself, buster! Hit the gym! Stop trying to save the world!
I can't hit the gym until we fix the Earth
I support Martian colonization but I should say that Mars’s atmosphere may as well be a total vacuum compare to Earth’s at less than 1% thickness, it doesn’t even reach the Armstrong limit.
Also there’s ice on the Moon, and if that’s not enough, it takes slightly less dV with a lot quicker travel time and no biyearly transfer window to move water to the moon.
SpaceX is just moving forwards with Mars colonization first because Starship is overkill for landing on the Moon and is designed to aerobrake in what little atmosphere Mars has to get free dV for touchdown. Plus NASA and the ESA are supposed to be working on Moon colonization and SpaceX wouldn’t want to steal their thunder ;)
The answer to Earth’s problems are in Space.
Europe clper
So I was watching videos about the early industrial revolution and learned that water>steam has an expansion ratio of 1700, I did a double take because isn't vac raptor only like 200? Does this have to do with the bell shape? You don't get that expansion ration just from high pressure steam right?
>Mars’s atmosphere may as well be a total vacuum compare to Earth’s at less than 1% thickness, it doesn’t even reach the Armstrong limit.
I don't mean for walking around in, I mean as a resource.
You can compress it, pass it through a plasma cracker, and get oxygen for very little effort, venting the carbon monoxide outside. You don't have to electrolyze regolith or be ultra-careful to recycle all your breathing gas.
>Also there’s ice on the Moon
Amount unknown, and if it's there it's in a few limited locations in an inconvenient form. On Mars you just use a shovel.
I'm so fed up with Europa.
the whole point is to have a self-sufficient redundant place for civilization
moon will never be self-sufficient due to the lack of resources and proximity
Mars being two years away is actually good for redundancy, problems won't immediately be replicated on mars too
Everyone is man. especially the Encels
Does anyone have a link to that recent power point update of the new space stations?
Western civilization isnt self sufficient. Why would Mars be?
The saturn system unironically sucks
the expansion rate depends on the initial and final pressures, its not some fixed metric
if you had a hollow sphere the size of the earth that had perfect vacuum in it, you could release a single molecule in there and in principle the "expansion ratio" would be the volume of earth divided by the volume of that molecule (or the smallest container you could put the molecule in, in principle it could be the size of the molecule)

earths diameter is 12,742 km
the atomic diameter of He is 62 picometers
the expansion ratio would be 2.1 *10E17 or 21 quadrillion
because it has to be and there is a great incentive to be
>almost zero
Mars covers only about 16% of Phobos sky - in picrel angle alpha is about 20 degrees, so diameter is 40 deg and area 16%.
One could dig a 70 deg sloped hole and block the rest of the sky though.
Use sunblock?
Hmm that's not very good. Can we lower Phobos? Or expand Mars?
Lowering phobos probably not too hard. Expanding Mars difficult.
If the FAA didn't keep delaying their shit, they would have almost an entire extra year to master orbital refueling.

>but it's no longer necessary for atmosphere retention
I see this posted again and again in this general but almost every published paper on Martian terraforming claims that we will need one for long-term terraforming.
I know it will take a very long time for Mars's atmosphere to get blown away again if it were replenished but a magnetosphere also provides radiation protection to those living on the surface, and there's always the possibility of freak solar weather.
Happy 25 year anniversary of Mars Climate Orbiter burning up to those who celebrate.
Check yo’ units!
>there's always the possibility of freak solar weather.
This would definitely happen sooner or later and might really assfuck your atmosphere if you forgo the magentosphere.
There is an interesting possibility to make a Mars colony virus-free. Theoretically every single immigrant could be screened for viruses and what ever viruses manage to get in should quickly go extinct in the small population. It could take hundreds of years for new viruses to evolve. At the same time the Mars colony eill be extremely vulnerable just like the
native Americans were. A native Marsian might not be able to return to earth
You are retarded
Mars doesn't need to manufacture computer chips. It will be a specialized economy like every other place, if it ever is an economy.
it does as a matter of mars national security
they don't necessarily need to be on par with specialized earth chips, but mars needs to have the possibility of being fully self-sufficient, that means chips too
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>Isar Confirms Hot Fire Testing Has Commenced at Andøya
>German rocket builder Isar Aerospace has told European Spaceflight that the company is “currently performing hot fire tests of the first and second stages” that will be used for the inaugural flight of its Spectrum rocket.

inb4 test stand blows up
There's not going to be much national security concern that far from earth, anyway
if the shipments stop coming and you need those chips for operating the base, then yes it is a very larger national secuirty concern
its existential
Edwin kite mentioned atmospheric loss would take millions or "even billions" of years to happen. Anything beyond the scale of multicellular life is so totally irrelevant it's not worth putting human effort into.
lol that drop
nikki haley was a spook
How does this podcast stay in business? it sounds like a 90s AM radio broadcast, super boring host, super low quality. put me to sleep
probably listened to bt boomers
How does this mistake keep happening? Y is a right hand key and T is a left hand key
i sometimes write with weird fingers if im eating finger food
i imagibe you would still need listeners for the sponsors to make sense
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>list of other boomer orgs, scams, oldspace
did they forget they subscribed monthly?
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I thought Trump was supposed to be literally Hitler? Why is Elon somehow more racist than him all the sudden?
is the spacex artemisplan really to to the trasnfer burn, landing, and liftoff from the moon all on one tank of fuel? if so, makes sense why musk is scrambling for higher performance engines and a loner ship, because thats impossible with current ship.
>inb4 elon says none of that shit is his or spacexs and its contractors who dumped it
comfy stream
What even does racism mean these days? Or fascism? Or evil?
Seriously… they throw these words out so often like the boy who cried wolf that I don’t even care anymore.
He wants to colonise Mars
Colonisation is racist.
poor latinx construction workers dumped it there for their local construction project and CAH is doing a heckin' racism by telling minorities what they can and can't do
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Before/after of recent failed launch from Russia
they make it look brighter outside than it seems
What rocket was it?
The sun is coming up wdym?
It’s still pretty damn dark outside at 6:55 in texas time. If you were driving without headlights you’d crash
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>Headline figure - what Musk wants would take 35 Starship flights. Likely SpaceX needs to be fulfilling the HLS contract for NASA at the same moment so add maybe 10 to that. These flights likely have to happen in a year at most, as propellant will boil away.


7 post long thread and an article
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>file deleted
so this was actually posted before musk, huh
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That's really impressive, any chance in hell of getting video of the event? Or is this one going to be buried and hidden, leaving it up to the imagination?
nice puffer jacket
That’s actually just yuri borisov, not putin lol
Soyuz recovery is so silly. Everyone carries you and throws a blanket over you like you’re some sort of gangly sick creature hahah. Looks comfy though, I’m sure if you asked for borscht and vodka they would accommodate
Most of the work after manned window three or so will be factory labor. Your fantasies are not based in reality
If the sun was visible from earth it would cover more than half of the daytime sky.
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uh lol um
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why not here
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boing memes seem to be pretty hot right now
or maybe I am the only one seeing tons of them
if the latter I wonder why the algorithm is doing this to me
anyone that has anything to do with physically handling nature will tell you that "environmentalists" are just journos by another name, losers who either didn't study or studied irrelevant shit in college who know have no applicable skills other than the ability to read and write basic english.
anyone who mostly stands around screaming at other people to do stuff and treats that as a profession should consider having their braincase cheesegratered against a concrete curb.
>we should do X
>you can strive towards doing X
>no, you should do X for me
I noticed a coincidence when I looked into who was behind Cards Against Humanity
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I hate GM so much it’s unreal
did that bad boy work?
> paywalled
Any subscribers wanna help a nigga out?
it can move its arms around so in that sense it worked, but that's no different from any other robotic arm
it wasn't capable of moving from one location to another, didn't perform any useful work and couldn't be taken outside
Do people like this just not fear someone tracking them down and kicking the shit out of them?
why would they? it hasn't happened since high school
why couldnt it be taken outside
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>it hasn't happened since high school
Probably why they're so smug and bold about being such cockmunching faggots, nobody's kicked the shit out of them for it in years.
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exactly, i've planted about 3 hectares of forest over the past few years but the moment i'm tasked to high cut some pioneer species so the undergrowth gets a bit more light some retarded passer-by tries be nature conscious and tells me to stop cutting down the poor trees.

you guys might hate these people, but you could never hate them as much as i do from my position.
is there an overpressure notice scheduled today?
I suppose they didn't design a way to power it outside or any way to secure it in place or procedures for moving it around since it wasn't intended to do that and didn't have any useful purpose outside the station
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Which ISS modules have windows? I know the copula does, obviously. Kibo also does, are there any others?
Oh good heavens the state of this board is really abysmal. I usually just keep this tab open and click to next stage, but I was recently forced to see the catalog. Guys we absolutely can not allow schizophrenics on Mars
this site has trained me to laugh every time someone uses a normal set of two words in my language, fuck all of you.
fuck you guys.
thankfully the rest of /sci/ is completely irrelevant.
/sfg/ IS /sci/.
which is really why /sci/ should be merged with /trash/ and /sfg/ should take it's place as a new board.
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Russian segment has a few windows. Zvezda has 14 small windows. Nauka has I think two? One of them pictured here.
Oh my God, they're actually going for launch
>forced to see the catalog.
lol, I can already imagine that experience: posts about vaccines=bad, IQ tests, and 1=0.999, those 3 repeated over and over again.
You're as cringe as the fags who say punchable face
some people just have punchable faces man.
voices even more, valley girl accents, especially on men, make me want to beat it out of them until they start speaking normally.
not the anon you were talking to btw.
Calling your enemies racists/fascists/nazis is an old communist tactic.
Low-t unmale, any other anon itt could beat you up and you couldn't do a thing to stop them.
Take away the most relevant one, 1=0.999, and replace it with incoherent schizophrenia. There are /x/tier threads on this board right now
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I laugh whenever I see a normal set of any words in your language.
̶e̶a̶r̶t̶h̶e̶r̶s̶ the dutch could be here
FAA gonna freak
It is a very silly language.
to be fair that's not my language, that's afrikaans, a hilarious offbranch of dutch.
imagine australians for english, but much cuter sounding.

for instance their word for a female flight attendant is "zweefteef" which means "floatbitch" in dutch.
kek, that is pretty funny.
what if it's true
there's also their word for submarine: kan-nie-sink-nie-skippie, which is literally just can't-not-sink-not-shippy.

every time i read afrikaans i imagine a cute loli speaking it because that's what their language sounds like, a cute loli trying to be as vulgar as possible.
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Behold Avio's grasshopper project. 7 tons thrust.
That'll be 200 million yurobucks.
It'd be cool if the launch button were inside the spacecraft.
the zweefteef zegs we gaan!
>composite tank
Oldspace grift, meme or a good idea?
I don't believe them
>t. Never grew out of middle school
>t. never got over being rightfully beaten up in school
>every time i read afrikaans i imagine a cute loli speaking it because that's what their language sounds like, a cute loli trying to be as vulgar as possible.

That explains the existence of this thing.

Unlike you, I don't live in a shithole.
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That panel was surprisingly sturdy.
Unlike you I have testicles.
post proof with timestamp. you wont fag.
you had a temper tantrum because someone noted that people that act smug like these internet activists do likely never had to deal with any actual adversity in their entire life.
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>austistic screeching
space lolis?
IMO composite tanks (either cryogenic tanks for liquids or composite casings for SRBs) generally make sense for small upper stages of small launchers, because when you work at such a small size, the 30% or so tank mass gain really matter for the stage's mass ratio and payload. I'm not convinced for lower stages.
Wow Norgay sends up a rocket before us swedebros?!?, whatever will we do about this. Sigh, I suppose I will have to piss and shit myself now in pure frustration
>let me see your balls, fag
I was always taller and bigger than most my classmates so I no one ever wanted to fight me and I didn't hang out with niggers. I also didn't have a childish need to fight anyone unlike you
afrikaaner space lolis
where's that poster that thinks Mars won't have age of consent laws
>dennis tito wasn't just some random billionaire he was a former JPL scientist
I'll never forgive them
age of consent will be in mars years
yeah, 6 mars years.
b-but officer, i'm 13 in mars years!
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frost on the booster
Spektr is such a sick name for a station module, damn
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>Ship (SN?) 30
How many numbers have been skipped, or were assigned to ships that wound up half-finished or scrapped? Crazy to think we're seeing #30, having been watching since before webm-related.
SN5 was the first test i watched and around the time i learned of the starship program. was staying up late at night looking for random shit on youtube and stumbled across a labpadre livestream showing that silo taking off and landing.
shit was so wild i instantly started looking into starship and what the heck spacex was trying to do with it.
SN5 always stood out to me with all the debris flying around and highway 4 is right there. In hindsight it seems like none of it would have been allowed if they actually thought he would succeed and knew what would come afterward. Rather it was seen as some silly billionaire blowing up his toy rockets on the beach on his dime.
finish to florida tower already
Can't without the IFT-5/6 data to know what is needed
you need FAA permission to land on earth...do you need it for mars too?
Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if some gay law made it so.
yeah it's become very clear to me that all the naysayers did nothing to stop him because they genuinely thought it was a techbro pipedream.

i think you've all noticed the agression increased substantially after flight 4, it landing perfectly DESPITE heat shield failure scared the shit out of the EDS crowd who can no longer subconsciously fool themselves into believing it will fail, which means they need to MAKE it fail in order to keep their worldview from tearing itself apart.
they might honestly have deluded themselves into thinking starship was never gonna work before flight 4, but that's no longer the case and they're very very afraid.
Due to the starlink terms of service the US government has already agreed it isn't their business
>For Services provided on Mars, or in transit to Mars via Starship or other spacecraft, the parties recognize Mars as a free planet and that no Earth-based government has authority or sovereignty over Martian activities.
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There's no reason to believe Avio's timelines since they have never met them.

From what I understand, they got M300€ back in 2022 to develop grasshoppers and a 60t thrust Open Expander methalox engine, the current plan is

>2025: ~7-8tf thrust DC-X like methalox grasshopper to fly a few/several km, with restarta capability (like the recent landspace test, but smaller)
>2026: ~20-25tf thrust VTVL vehicle that will demonstrate a typical launch profile with reentry burn, landing burn, with a S2 demontrator for Vega E
>late 2020s: Small RLV derived from their IFD with probably <1t payload using their 60t engine (60-120tf)
>early 2030s: Medium-lift RLV

Unambitious, yet they won't even keep that timeline, but there's also no reason to hate it unless you're italian, since it's entirely funded by italian taxpayer's money, and that funding would never have left italy, and there's a serious italian alternative to Avio.
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I remember when it was still called BFR and looked a lot different, I wanted to believe but I didn't start to until Hopper took flight.
>50 million an engine
>2 billion per starship
Oldspace really poisoned people's minds
the collage of people saying it's a water tower with the picture of starhopper flying is one of the most beautiful things I've seen
gotta thank whoever had the foresight to make this screencap
>they genuinely thought it was a techbro pipedream.
It's a strange disconnect almost as Falcon was already rather successful at the time. The explanation may be that most EDS sufferers simply don't follow rocket development closely and didn't fully appreciate the significance of Falcon let alone what Starship would mean.
>they're very very afraid
ULA/Arianespace are afraid as they should be. It's the random EDS sufferers that are puzzling as they don't seem to realize the thing that they're afraid of is a charicature of a man that only exists in their head as a series of twitter posts.
>they don't seem to realize the thing that they're afraid of is a caricature of a man that only exists in their head as a series of twitter posts.
Many such cases these days
t. punchable face guy
TBF starship is the most ambitious rocket ever and a radical departure from a lot of established design philosophies. falcon being successful didn't guarantee a 33 engined steel VTVL SHLV would be feasible to design and build.
>The explanation may be that most EDS sufferers simply don't follow rocket development closely and didn't fully appreciate the significance of Falcon let alone what Starship would mean.
This is a large part of it, yeah. Anyone who follows rocketry enough to see what Falcon has done is impressed. They are only upset or frightened if they have stake in a competitor.
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The average EDS sufferer is not aware of anything in spaceflight whatsoever. You get people posting on twitter about how spacex has never flown a single successful mission. When they say it's a "vanity project", or "billionaire toys" they mean it literally, a lot of them are not aware spacex has flown anything to space.

xkcd being as cringe as it is, people need to remember this comic when talking about spaceflight. The average normie thinks the shuttle is still flying and they think it goes to the moon.
>soft landing
>The average normie thinks the shuttle is still flying and they think it goes to the moon.
Fuck you for being right
It did land softly, we saw it. It just also exploded after
I enjoy telling them Obama canceled the shuttles and they're museum pieces now. I get to see them become racist in real time.
landed softly, tipped over because it;s in the water, explodes because the top of the booster just made a 70 meter drop into the ocean at full speed.
i fell trees for a living and there's a lot of momentum going into things that tall tipping over, big trees, often need some cushioning in the place you're going to aim them because the fall could shatter the wood's structure and ruin it's value. a hollow tank like the booster would obviously rupture easily even on contact with water at those speed.
didn't bush cancel the shuttles in such a way that they would keep flying until the next president was in office?
imagine a martian redwood tipping over during a storm, that shit would be crazy, it would splinter and send shrapnel into anyone standing near the fall.
Who cares we live in the age of gaslighting, just lie to make your enemies seem even more crooked
No, Congress was trying to shut it down in real time. They had to fight for STS-135 funding.
Obama radicalized me at age 12 when he did that. I was just discovering an interest in spaceflight and he refocused NASA to the weather. Spaceflight was looking like a blip in history. Oh well, he inadvertently kicked off Mars colonization so it's fine
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Yes, but
this. Also /sfg/ hates it but I was excited for Constellation back then, having that axed burned me more than the Shuttle ending since there seemed to be no plan as to what to do next.
Yeah and for those who do appreciate what Starship is the EDS is largely performative. A strange form of tribal signaling perpetuated by the media because not only is it good for ratings, it serves their political ends. Sociologists will study the TDS/EDS phenomenon centuries from now but I remind myself in an ideal timeline they will have died out as a profession.

Checked. From my view Trump stoked it a bit early on as part of his original election gambit but has since dialed it back yet the symptoms persist. Elon on the other hand has only begun to embrace as part of his morph from tech bro to Bond villain.
I was anti shuttle by then but my first memories of spaceflight were my dad telling me about what happened to Challenger and the names of the other orbiters and how Endeavor came to be as a result of that. Then sometime later listening to an AM radio broadcast of Discovery launching while we were driving and him explaining the throttle back for max-Q and then hearing the callout for throttle up. It seemed really awesome and stuck with me more than any launch I ever watched on TV for some reason but then again it was the only game in town at the time. Also memories of him explaining how insanely expensive it was and why the turnaround times were so slow which was why we only got a few launches per year.
Shuttle is magical if you don't know any better. My first launch was on a fat 8" CRT in Big Ed's Chicken Pit. By that point it was mundane to the adults but I was entranced, despite the entire thing being filtered through a couple years of dust embedded in a couple years of frying grease ten feet in the air
It's bizarre to me how many people are desperately trying to downplay this, or trying to blame the FAA over the fact that SpaceX blatantly broke the law. Discourse of spaceflight on this website is irreparably broken, with this many anti-government dipshits polluting everything.
glancing through seems like the type of criticism hasn't really changed, they even use similar language, its just that the goalposts have moved now
Downplay what? The fines? Do you really want (you)s this badly?
Chevron deference isn't law. It has almost no equivalence in the rest of the world, but the usual "european model" suspects will never tell you that.
Hey bud, looks like you forgot to reply to me there. I specifically posted that for attention (positive or negative) so not replying to me is a dick move
Starship will only be used for Starlink.
and HLS
and a handful of commercial payloads (not that many tho I swear)
it will DEFINITELY never go to mars (with people)(enough times to build a city)
Russian next-gen ICBM, undergoing very troubled development (five of six test launches have failed)
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>T-2 hour poll
>tank farms
It's going to be very funny to have people bear witness to the most significant human achievement since the first thrown rock and realize they were the bad guy
>anti-government dipshits
Only genuine retards love the government.
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>next-gen ICBM
>NTO-rich staged NTO/UDMH combustion
nani the fuck
They will pivot to claim that its a waste of money and spending it here would solve all our problems and meanwhile that highspeed rail line in CA will still not be finished and have cost many times more than Starship development + dozens Mars launches.
you've been around since 2009 right?
Anybody else getting problems with captcha?
My addblocker is having conflicts with captcha.
go troll somewhere else
Ironically I would trust Elon more than the government to do HSR properly.
he's busy enough as it is. we need a modern railroad baron. someone like musk who isn't him
Everything vomits with the captcha. I have computers I literally can't use on 4chan at all because of the captcha. The solution is to cuck or cave in your head with a ball-peen hammer.
ublock origin works fine
i'm using ublock origins, on firefox.
Ayo fuck King George the third
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try chrome on linux

(RMS admitted he has never installed GNU/Linux btw)
chrome sux
They're having mighty battles with people trying to automate spam using ML-augmented captcha solvers. The site admins have been losing. The current version uses session cookies to decide how botlike you are, so if you're blocking those it will keep the captcha from going through.
God damn trolls and shills fucking up things for everybody as always.
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no thanks, i'll stick with firefox on linux for now.
probably switching browsers again soon though.
What an ugly beast they've found
bill nelson understands the score, he knows oldspace is unsalvageable at this point even if he was once a champion of it, he knows spacex is the future and he knows all the people who tried to fight spacex's mars ambitions after they succeed will be forever seen as pariah's in history.
he might be a snake but he made his strategic side switch at the right time, without being too obvious about it, in a way i sort of admire that.
based ballast bill?!
seems to be kind of a mixed bag but I don't think I've ever heard him shit talk SpaceX or Musk
he did in the past, he's proven himself flexible enough to sail the changing tides and isn't really pro-oldspace anymore, though he does his best to not arouse suspicions.
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I would be possed at spacex sometimes if I was bill. Starship and Artemis aint going well, but luckily anything falcon is a golden ticket and Nelson doesnt care much about Artemis so its ok that starship is late and underpoerforming
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seems like it was just a partial tanking test
*52 years
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Holy shit ballast bill redemption arc is certainly in full effect LFG
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noog len static fire
vid soon I hope
I didn't realize Angry Astronaut was also an EDS sufferer. He's such a huge faggot in his latest video it's unwatchable.
>on linux
You seem to misunderstand the philosophy.
Always was. Guys with a space following need to be subtle, like Scott Manley. But yeah, look at his videos, oldspace and aliens. He's a classic boomer
my philosophy is that I like having a usable dev environment and an OS that isn't bloated garbage
>spies on you
lets face it, we'd be against spacex too if the elon was a degen pushing far left ideology
not SpaceX but probably elon
no I wouldn't
Sent from my Kindle Fire
If he was pushing far left ideology, then he still would be working at PayPal today.
leftist elon: mars will be black, muslim, and lgbtqa+. good luck getting a ticket, white "people".
Speak for yourself faggot
>Ron Johnson, Chattanooga Falls Tennessee, USMC 1993-1994, "Democracy Dies in Darkness"
He's also jewish.
I don't think the colony would actually succeed with that very long, but in the mean time SpaceX would be making access to space very cheap which is good (assuming this DEI shit didn't affect SpaceX too and thus make it less effective as an organization)
so in a sense this isn't really compatible with what SpaceX is now, it and all Musks companies are very big on merit
so this pushing of a degen left ideology would have to be separated from the running of the companies in actual fact and I think would have to be separated from starting a colony too
Elon Musk is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.
When is blue ghost launching
no, because if he was pushing far left ideology i wouldn't have to worry about his companies succeeding, they succeed the because they hire on merit, unlike many of their competitors today, with that merit and their cultural drive for colonization instead replaced with white guilt and DEI hires, i don't think they would've even gotten falcon 9 re-use working.
So you're happy with BSD, then?
you would have posted a screenshot if whats behind that link was worth reading.
its a chubby faggot with severe EDS whining how Musk is a scam
I should become a space youtuber, this guy is so untalented and stupid its unreal. yet hes grown a big ish following because space youtube is so starved of talent.
The FAA should be dismantled completely
debian with xfce at the moment
it's not perfect but the driver support is good and I have unused RAM and idle cores
>not bloated garbage
chrome isn't my OS
I would probably become far left troon if Elon did
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>New Glenn is actually the most likely of the three to fly
Xfce is so boring; you might as well use twm at that point.
I used gnome for years but the bloat got unbearable.

These days I just hop around to different distros and DEs every now and then.
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Why is IFT-5 once again suborbital?
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Because Starlink is doing just fine on F9 and Starship is no longer required for Starlink profitability
catch testing doesn't require going to orbit and getting the catch right is now the most critical issue
I've considered it but every time I say an "s" I whistle. Then again there's Issac Arthur
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If Elon supported far-left policies then he wouldn't be a billionaire entrepreneur.

Although I don't think Elon is actually as based as a lot of posters here claim he is. I still like him but someone who was genuinely racist like EDS sufferers try to make him out to be probably wouldn't be giving internet to every brown and black third-worlder for dirt cheap. Also he hires a lot of pajeets and is pro-Israel.
If he really was capitalist von Braun then he would be putting Rods From Gods into orbit above shithole countries instead of Starlink and would be more open to Ukrainians enacting TZD with Starlink.
But Ship could get to orbit and deliver Starlinks.
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There's no benefit to full orbital for testing purposes and going suborbital means you know where the debris will go if you have to use the FTS
that introduces extra complexity i.e. slows things down
They also must do propellant transfer for HLS contract. Ship could do a lot of stuff in orbit.
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>its actually endearing
it will, but after they get the booster catch working
at that point they don't expend 33 engines every single test launch
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>viable commercial use cases for space?
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>how involved is Musk with SpaceX?
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>does Musks outspokenness about politics affect SpaceX?
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Berger thinks the uncrewed starships to mars in 2 years is very unlikely
he's fine with ukrainians enacting TZD with his satellites, he just doesn't want it to be starlink satellites.
that's the whole reason why starshield exists, of course.
>berger thinks starship hls will happen in 2026
lol. its already NET 2027.
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SpaceX is already working on the crew quarters for Starship and Berger has some idea about what Polaris 2 will be about but can't share them yet
unlikely is the understatement of the century.
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Berger doesn't think the FAA slowdowns are due to overtly political reasons
doesn't think is the understatement of the century.
lmao at berger baselining Artemis 3 in 2027.
>"the FAA arent holding spacex back due to politics" *cites nearly 20 year old example*
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but he thinks the FAA issues are going to get worse before they get better
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GAO warned us a year ago. Let's be real, NASA isn't trustworthy with their timelines.
you guys need to learn to read between the lines.
this is what he actually meant to say:
>gets uglier for four more years before it gets better
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Berger doesn't think Starship HLS will be the long pole of Artemis 3
>would be more open to his main source of income being used as a weapon against a space capable military
This is not politics
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only 50% chance of a private space station in LEO by 2030
So basically Starship HLS readiness in 2027 but not the long pole? Sounds like Artemis III in 2028...
damn. axiom must be fucked.
VAST is going up next year though? even if its hella late its still a station before 2030.
He's wrong
>Artemis III in 2028
My personal guess is Artemis II in 2029 or later. The only way this changes is if the mission architecture is changed by executive order if you know what I mean
they can make 2 happen just by changing the reentry trajectory. it doesn't need anything that isn't built.
VAST Haven is effectively useless for NASA's requirements.
well he did word it "in 2030", not by 2030
so technically if Haven-1 launches and is deorbited before 2030 and Vast does not launch the subsequent station in 2030, then that assertion would still be correct
as far as I understand it Haven-1 is supposed to be deorbited in just a year or two, 4 commercial astronauts missions or something and the deorbit
or make it uncrewed as well
>changing the reentry trajectory
The skip? You think they're going to risk heat cycling while they still aren't sure why it failed? Not a chance.
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>Propellant load test and preflight checkouts complete ahead of Flight 5

>he's actually going to launch anyway and dare them to do anything about it
October surprise!
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rocket fuel is a psyop
Hanlon's razor
Don't attribute to malice when incompetence is an explanation
post CAD files or stfu
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real ufos run on tape
the only way this is worthwhile to do would be to put a candidate inside a dragon inside the starship, and let the candidate stream while in orbit.
that was venus
Some other notes from Berger's AMA that weren't posted, summed up

>Retropropulsive crew dragon was "quite far along", sticking to it would have certainly delayed Crew Demo beyond 2020, it's Kathy Lueders who convinced elon to kill that idea
>F9 S2 was "looked into", decided against (implication is that it was never as serious as the above point)
>"I know there is a general recognition that the US government should try to be nimble on the regulatory side with new space companies "
>To date, Musk's political opinion has not led to serious churn in SpaceX's employee base
>Musk had directed SpaceX to build 40 F9 core a year before reuse became operational
>$15 Million for F9 cost is "reasonable estimate"
>Didn't hear of any issue with hot staging ring on IFT 4 (re: environmental review)
>Didn't hear about SpaceX making its own (I guess formal) astronaut corps
>Knows about cause of recent landing failure, can't talk, it's not a major issue.
>Shotwell and Musk have a very good relationship
Yeah, it's good to be ambitious, but they should be internal company goals rather than constantly making an ass out of yourself in public.
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making them public brings more pressure
good summaries, didn't post the sceenshots of all of them because some were a bit low info/already known/boring but you summarized the best parts
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so you're going to pay your factory workers

based forestry anon
I know what you mean.

Stay safe out there, don't forget to check the top before you cut.

I can remember Columbia being sad.
Was too young to realize it at the time, but that was the beginning of the end for shuttle program.
Goddamn foam.
don't care what a reporter "believes" though ofc a redditard would
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Appreciate the caption
people really need to read a history book before they run their mouths
how does it avoid all of the obvious problems of a space gun?
- extreme atmospheric drag
- still need a rocket second stage
- extreme acceleration means you can only send inert payloads
- rocket second stage is now retarded because of the above
even worse idea than spinlaunch, which is impressive
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Flying big rockets is literally the only thing that matters.
Hanlon's razor is "when incompetence is sufficient." Incompetence is always an option, but malice becomes a factor when incompetence is not enough to explain it.
I love how comfy his office looks
who's that guy?
It has been pointed out many times, but I love how he had them cut out and raise part of his ceiling to fit his Saturn V model.
Some Austrian (the one with pretzels, not kangaroos). He's most notable for being one of the first great patrons of rocketry. He invested a lot of money into von Braun's rocket program.
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I didn't even know they had a space program
when you modify the ceiling of your office to fit a larger model rocket on the display stand
What if the regulatory obstruction and lawfare weren't at the direction of any political interest, but because Jeffo started frantically offering outlandish bribes to everyone he could reach so that New Glenn would have a chance?
This is not a serious suggestion but it made me laugh.
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Almost did
Not a big deal considering Artemis II might seriously be delayed to 2026 lmfao.
You can’t be mad at HLS being some sort of “limiting factor” when the downselection was made in the middle of 2021! This meant either ALPACA, the original shitty natty team lander, or Starship was expected to START work from scratch that year and be ready… soon? That’s so unrealistic. And congress was mad that the decision was made by an interim administration (thank you Lueders and Jurczyk) and said they should have waited EVEN LONGER until a new administration was installed to choose a lander.
Half the reason SS was chosen was the fact that it was already independently being worked on and NASA didn’t have to pray to God that a lander could somehow be started and ready to go with limited funding in four or five years. That simply wasn’t going to happen with ALPACA or Blue Origin. So yeah no complaining about lunar Starship being late, the alternatives would have been twice as far behind with Artemis III tentatively schedule in the early 2030s right now
They specialized in point-to-point rocket delivery of packages to Britain.
weve seen the americanand russian space shuttle, what would a 3rd reich space shuttle look like? also for fun what would a brit empire one look like
These are the models they used to fake the Apollo program
The V-2 really is the father of all rockets. US and Russia both flew them in the post-war period, developing them directly into Redstone and R-2 (which eventually culminated in the R-7 aka Soyuz), respectively. The USSR licensed the R-2 to China which formed their Dongfeng missiles, which turned into the Long March family. France, meanwhile, used V2 to iterate into the Véronique sounding rocket which became Diamant which became the Ariane rocket family with collaborative support from across Europe. All have direct lineage it’s insane.
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Thank you, Germany
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It'd be interesting to see what the infrastructure for a British Empire worldwide spaceplane program would look like. Launch and landing facilities on all continents would be an interesting challenge to have enough dV to maneuver the craft wherever desired.
Saturn inline shuttle
worthy competitor for arca and spinlaunch in the retard olympics
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>We’re excited to be coming out of stealth mode to announce $8M in new funding to build a giant cannon that can launch raw materials needed for the orbital economy. We just secured a $2M Air Force contract and hit Mach 4.6 with our latest gas gun.
Is it pure coincidence that during murrica hours this general is filled with /pol/tards and children?
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How's that Starship Flight 5 going guys? Too bad your dude didn't back the correct future President, you might have caught a few boosters by now.
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>For queen and solar system
People are blaming the FAA for fucking up progress on the government's own moon program. They're literally wasting taxpayer money.
You don't need to exist.
>SpaceX blatantly broke the law
Regulations are not laws.
Series of coincidences are a pattern. Inability or unwillingness to connect the dot is a problem.
>Mars' air is now breathable but it smells like ozone MUSK LIED AGAIN
Other way around.
Its engineering challenge. Not an absolute physics barrier. So answer lies in smart trade offs
>Saturn inline shuttle
so youre basically saying germany would absolutely dominate and make all other countires look retarded?
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okay, but why would you do that?
you get some chunk of garbage going significantly faster than orbital velocity and then bleed off energy and mass literally like a meteor
then you end up still needing to put the remaining chunk of garbage in a circular orbit or it will come back, burning up the rest of the garbage and kinetic energy on reentry

it's also physically possible to punch yourself in the face, but people that do that get put in mental hospitals
>en ik hoop dat dat de
>Shotwell and Musk have a very good relationship
Smart people working on problems in groups will figure it out. If the solution was that easy, then it would already be widespread.
It doesn't. The purpose of this project is to scam money from the government (the bureaucrats authorizing contracts are retards.)
nah, Elon impregnates women as casually as most men shake hands
if there was anything going on she'd have quadruplets with unpronounceable names by now
There are like 50 companies you can make related to Mars colonization but these faggots keep making new ways to get shit to space. Even if the market wasn't saturated you aren't going to find anything missed in the 60s
Their children are rockets.
>it's physically possible, so it's just an engineering problem
>smart people will be working on it
by similar reasoning, eating a log of shit is just an engineering problem and smart investors are putting money into coprophagia startups
She’s married, but her and Elon obviously share some sort of deep business bond. She’s ride-or-die. She’s been there since the beginning and people have tried to buy her out (I believe Bezos offered her some exuberant offer to go to Blue Origin, which she denied).
She found her niche at SX and idk if she’s obsessed with Mars, or if she just simply likes running a tight ship and finds comfort at SpaceX—but damn she’s good at what she does.
The Clean Water Act, which they broke, is, however.
He genuinely loves her, she's more than a breeding sow to him.
How Will We Get to Mars?
Very true unironically
damn why do chuds in /sfg/ shill this kyplanet guy so much?
shes clearly in love with musk. i bet whe she gets boned by her husband she thinks of musk.
it’s just one guy (trans female) who keeps posting his own channel (he should buy a self-serve ad!)
Again, you're dumb.
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Nonsense ignores reality of SpaceX in favor of fantasy
Don’t speak ill of mommy shotwell you cretin
and yet you're the one who thinks people will use space guns
I like how no one gives a shit about the BO hot firings kek. Fuck you Bozos, fuck you Limpy
Based administrator senator administrator Crypt Keeper
There are multiple companies with real money chasing it that think they have the engineering solution. You are retarded.
>Mach 4.6
So they're 3% of the way to space kek
Just because SpaceX made some kind of Faustian bargain doesn't mean QI is real and you can just spin / chuck shit to space, that asteroid mining is currently economical, and whatever the fuck else random space startups are doing is actually a good idea and founded on correct thinking.
I was fully under the impression that he was a lefty up until he started talking openly about politics a few years ago, I was still a space x fan back then.
good to see that mr. lk-99 himself is still going at it
Yup I second this.
The right wing political posting was actually a surprise to me when it started. And while based, it’s annoying more than anything kek.
I don’t disagree with him but he’s in his redpill honeymoon phase and he can’t shut the fuck up due to his tism
I don't even need to go ad hominem. Your argument is that both that no one is doing it because it's too hard and that it must be possible because everyone is doing it.
You haven't addressed any of the technical challenges at all other than to imply that venture capitalists couldn't possibly be wrong.

Again, even if it is possible it's a horrible idea. Did you know that occasionally products fail horribly and shouldn't have been created in the first place?

Just think how great SLS must be, given how much money is being spent on it!
maybe during the Kwajalein days
>Gwynne in a bikini
I unironically ship them
How many times has anyone launched anything to space with a gun?
Define “gun.” A nuclear blast may or may not have sent a pothole into heliocentric orbit (very unlikely but there’s still a small probability)
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>a pothole
He's talked about it before, it's just that nobody ever listens to what he says. He thinks about Tesla, SpaceX, etc. like they're is own children, and not in the "I love this company like my own son" way, in a literal, autistic, he loves them like his own children way. Covid restrictions almost sunk Tesla, and Dem lawmakers didn't care, and Elon is now on a multi-year rage spiral because he thinks Democrats literally and not metaphorically tried to murder one of his literal and not metaphorical children.
I don't have a source, just obsessively watch every interview Elon does and you'll also be able to piece it together. He was a techbro lib or whatever you want to call the bay area socially liberal fiscally conservative YC flavored group up until 2019/2020.
remind me again why everyone worships spacex and sleeps on the company who literally invented drone ship reusability.
if the manhole cover did reach escape velocity it would have been vaporized, so that's a pretty good example of how dumb the space gun idea is
theyre muskrats. don't listen to them. they don't care about space, only their idol.
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Because SpaceX has been to orbit.
BO landed on a drone ship?
>prior to Blue Origin all ocean going vessels were single-use and disposable
Those who are in the arena are the only ones that matter. Those that are working on the problem are the only one relevant. If they see a path, there may be a path forward. If there is money, then there maybe a path forward to their engineering details.
No they didn't. They tried to patent the idea of rocket landing on ship though. It's so infamous that they were and still are constantly laughed at for that clown move. >>16395584 was a shitpost and >>16395586 fell for it.
>Those that are working on the problem are the only one relevant.
And are you working on it?
All Beck had to do was ask Elon for advice and basically just make a ~8-13T to LEO mini Starship, expendable upper stage
Did I say I was working? I said there are multiple engineering companies working on the problem.
So your opinion is worthless by your own admission. Now fuck off.
No, the opinions of ones working on the project are the only ones that matter.
I see why VC scams work now kek
>the engineers are working magic I don't understand, but they're working on it so it must be real
>here have $15 million dollars
You should make those $15M
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can't they just do picrel but with fish to get the launch license faster? it worked at vandenberg
it's a constructive proof of the existence of retards with money
Neuralink the local octopus and dolphins and get their verbal approval
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5 starships to mars won't happen in 2026 for sure.
They would need like 50 flights a year by then for that to happen and they are struggling with the HLS timeline as is.

I think maybe if everything goes right they can send one in that window, but even that seems a bit unlikely.
I'm working on it, but for the same reason VC scams work, pitching something boring with a high likelihood of success doesn't. Try making a startup that isn't space related right now
designing a device to feed you cow shit is also an just an engineering challenge, doesn't mean you should do it
opinion discarded
you think musk would give beck good advice?
you must be naive
fuck off EDS chill
what a hideous language.
Didn't read your post. Anyways, when do you think they are gonna send the first Dutch person to Mars? I believe the first mission is gonna be 100% American, all Spacex and Starship engineers, crucial for setting up the propellant plant, while in the second one NASA and ESA might hitch a ride.
A dutchman on mars would look out the starship window upon landing, notice the lack of gay ass bicycles, and simply die.
>Anyways, when do you think they are gonna send the first Dutch person to Mars?
Shortly before they build the first Martian zoo.
you just gave me an idea: mountain biking on olympus mons
To the anon like a week or two ago asking about a planet such as Jupiter falling too close to its star and having its gas stripped away leaving only metallic hydrogen, look up papers on Chthonian planets.
The term is “photevaporation” and basically what’s left is a super strange, dense core. Oddly enough it’s mainly just hypothetical and there isn’t much quantitative data on confirmed examples meaning it is either very rare for a large planet to survive such extreme inner orbits, or it’s just harder to identify planets existing that close to their host stars.
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Jielong 3 launch in 40 minutes or so, the launch is sponsored by CBD, a furniture company currently advertising electric couches on its stream.
surely the core would lose its exotic state when its no longer under the pressure of the gas layer?
link to stream?
Yeah the discussion in the old thread was whether or not it would be conductive to keeping it in a metallic hydrogen state assuming it was metastable and the stripping of the outer layers was fast enough. It’s likely not the case, at least that’s my personal belief. It would be slow decompression and the hydrogen would either melt back into metallic fluid / sublimate into gas again; or just convert to solid hydrogen V and/or IV
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Here's a better amateur stream

The official stream is picrel
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>Great enterprise starts with a dream, bases on innovation, and achieves with actual work
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And I think this is the "official" stream from CASC/Chinarocket, not that it's any better
is Clear streaming?
Do you think if elon asked nicki minaj to film a music video at stage zero she would do it? We're not flying so...

Mars 26 with Starship is impossible. Please stop pretending it isn't.
It would have been possible without the FAA
Rockot went up
I wonder if shotwell will retire when the achievements just get better and better. How could you duck out of spacex before moon and mars landings?
Picture in picture solves it.
I am disgust
I am intrigue
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>website paused stream to give a popup during liftoff
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It would sting, a lot

The thing is, technological progress has to align with social progress to some exist. It feels dumb to say don't advance technology until we solve unrelated problems, but sometimes that's obviously true, like with all seeing all knowing surveillance tech. Anyway I see left ideology as regressive and something I would be ashamed of if it went to space. And somehow I don't think it would be as cool as the nazis making it into space. Concerning, but not humiliating. But a drag queen on the moon is where I burn it all down.
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It lifted off
It didn't seem like it exploded while being in view.
Le français sera la deuxième langue la plus parlée sur Mars, mon ami.
Unironically this, all the paperwork and licensing thing from the FAA and friends amounted to more than 1 year of delay so far.
>And somehow I don't think it would be as cool as the nazis making it into space.
we already saw it happen with the soviets
their shitty ideology eventually destroyed them, but it very nearly took the rest of the world along for the ride.

Spacex Mars 2026 requires an impossible number of engineering development, depot and propellant launches to occur before the 2026 launch window. It was never going to happen, FAA or no FAA.
its doable
>electric couches
Like electric chairs, but for the whole family?
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best I could get
fuck tiktok
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I believe in Elon for his 2026 uncrewed Mars launch missions, if the FAA would actually let him test and iterate. I do think 2028 is a bit too soon for human missions to Mars, however, because even if Starship is human-ready by then, there's still so much more work that would have to be done for human habitation on Mars beyond the initial 5 test Starships predicted for 2026. But even if the uncrewed mission is delayed by another launch window, I would still be impressed. For a while I was so blackpilled on the future of spaceflight that I think Martian colonization wouldn't be started until late 2030s at the soonest, so seeing the possible timeline moved up to late 2020s or early 2030s because of Starship is whitepilling.

>its doable!

No. Mars 2026 would require a fully operational Starship on a two week launch cadence for scores of flights. There is zero chance Starship can do that in 2026.
They would already be on a two week cadence without regulators
Thanks anon.
going to mars is no longer a technical problem
it's up to the politicians now
Current OLM can't support 2 week cadence, actually
>only the last 15 seconds have the actual launch
Yeah, the stream paused itself to give a popup to suggest downloading a .exe.
it's really not that hard
Invoking known science, spaceflight being limited to our Solar System alone might not be such a bad thing when you think about it. Earth is the most important place in the universe, followed by Sol and our moon. Everything should be done in service of preserving the Solar System for as long as possible, assuming genetic entropy isn't a thing either and humans get to live that long.

That being said, any good hard-scifi books about interstellar spaceflight?
>going to mars is no longer a technical problem
If you want to be really pedantic, it wasn't a technical problem either even in the days of the Apollo missions. Saturn V was designed to be a Mars rocket first.
I've heard Hail Mary by the same guy who wrote the martian is pretty good, it does play a bit loose with one of it's plot macguffins though.

No. Especially no if you run the numbers for what's needed for that launch window. Double no if you've actually have worked in engineering R+D and know how things operate in the real world.

Mars 2026 was never possible. Don't point the finger at the FAA for that.
>it would take a gorillion years to figure out how to refuel starships!
Yeah, no. The only hard part left is the chopstick landing. Once they figure it out the rest is easy as fuck, presuming the FAA approval for Starship Block 2 and Block 3 doesn't take 6 months each
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When in doubt, always refer to picrel. If anyone is going to land on Mars, it's going to be SpaceX, might be 2 or 4 years later, who cares. Better than NASA, pockocmoc or ESA. If it were for them, there will no Mars trip within this century, or maybe ever at all.
I'd recommend if you're really starving for scifi but Andy Weir really shows his faults in that one. Every character is the same redditor
>any good hard-scifi books about interstellar spaceflight?
Alastair Reynolds' Revelation Space is good but a bit handwavey with the ships. Light lag, trip times, relativistic effects and concerns, and philosophical implications are all very well conveyed. Author worked with ESA and is an astrophysics PhD
>Every character is the same redditor
I wish science fiction didn't get watered down to characters who's only personalities are vague pop culture references and absurd fanaticism about science
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No court has ruled on that, only the FAA making wild accusations and acting outside its purview.
that kaarl is very lucky
The paper I read proposed that the metallic hydrogen would dissipate, but rocky core of such a planet would remain in a fucked up compressed state, only relaxing over millions of years. So the minerals would be in states that formed under extreme pressure but are metastable at ambient pressure.
So you find an unacceptably dense planet close to its star, that could be a Cthonian planet.
>anti-government dipshits polluting everything
Boot polish is not supposed to be this large of a percentage of your diet
>ship landing/catch
>Alastair Reynolds' Revelation Space
kek just listened to IA mentioning this one in a video I was listening to as I was reading this post
You have four months.
>if you've actually have worked in engineering R+D
I do
>and know how things operate in the real world
I guess I do then

stop being a faggot
>Author worked with ESA
yeah, a lot of his fiction is extremely gay
Echlers Syndrome?
What's worse is that the "science" is usually wrong anyway so what's the point. Genre literature was a mistake.
During a static fire test
Reentry is out
Can you actually not read?
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I'll never stop recommending Phase Space by Stephen Baxter. It's a collection of short stories, many of which involve alternate timelines of Apollo or Mars landings. And the future-fantasy ones are still quite hard.
Many of them tie in to this other books but that's not necessary to read them. This was the first of his books that I read and I found it great.
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It's out!
post the .pdf or buy an ad

Go be a thief elsewhere.
You are on the correct website, maybe you haven't looked very deeply?
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I've had the time of my life
And I owe it all to you
If he only knew one day he would be the world's second most hated man.
probably the most loved/revered too
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Petulant child.
he's just like me fr but instead of chewing out government officials when launches get scrubbed i just throw a tantrum on /sfg/
>gets angry at government official for launch delay
could be any one of us
I understand his frustration
Musk just needs to tard wrangle Trump and its going to be a start of the golden age of spaceflight
Everyone was pissed that day,I remember
Based Ballast
If I remember correctly, there was a tornado warning in the vicinity, and the sky was purple.
To not understand why it was scrubbed is not difficult, people were pissed because of the hype, then disappointment, but weather like that is blameless
Given that he's an old party dog, I wonder what he feels about the way his party is moving towards. Whether he's a classic liberal like Musk and rejects the current political propaganda.
I watched the interview and am kinda fond of the gas gun guys.
The CTO seems real sharp.
It is not a "light-gas gun". Doesn't seem to be easily googleable how fast you can get something going by just blasting compressed hydrogen at a tail wedge.
Most gas guns use combustion.
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Hey Elon, Trump is watching.
Go for launch?
He will retired in a few months, so he does't feel constraint by politically.
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Yeah, he's concerningly pro-government at times.
my hardcover copy arrives on friday. Shan't be reading spoilers til then
What would genuinely happen if they just launched?
Looks like funnily written Swedish. Reads like that too.
we gotta stop building space stations that are only meant to last for a decade or two. businesses can't work off of such short timelines.
staffing departments full of DEI so they become nonfunctional is actual malice BTW
We were all furious
Took a break. What sn number is the OFT-5? Also hopwen?
The FAA would throw the biggest hissy fit and SpaceX would probably get fined and court orders to not launch again until the whole FAA business is sorted out.
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The USG would ground SpaceX indefinitely, use the military to halt operations, and nationalize the company.
launch NET end of November, FAA needs to consult FWS about fish for 60 days (though infinitely renewable)
what's the point of the recent pad rollout / dog and pony show?
If that gives them idea he's a truly deranged rocket man that would do everything for the cause then it's possible he gets Markusiced out of fear of him giving secrets / defecting to China.
The deep state does mainly care about national security not political allegiances.
FAA would shit and fart, and Space Force would assume direct control and sideline FAA
nothing better to do
wen starship v2 launch
It might actually not be that long. SpaceX has lots of experience dealing with government types and Elons increased rightoidism is genuinely getting him favors from senators and others who would have some sway
The next next next one I believe.
S34 is V2 and I think after S31 they skip to it.
there's only one v1 left after flight 5 so probably feb-april 2025
Get out.
November is ridiculous
The hot staging ring might a like a dolphin or some whale or something dude
Don't those live in the ocean as well?
Can't just drop shit in there willy nilly
thats what SpaceX and FAA have both said
It's legally refer to as wenhop in the FAA license, sorry
Whales can read the NOTAMs. They all have internet now.
Get out newfag
You just outed yourself as a newfag, oof
Shame maybe, if that's something possible for those types to feel. Or at least pressure.
one more and we just GAAN
Get out
Was an excellent read. Not as tightly written as Liftoff, but nice to see deeper into something that we've already followed.
how long was it?
Calibre says 113k words. Took me just over 4 hours to read through @ ~440 wpm
Exactly this.
Jurveshtein is a flirt with jailbait poon tang. Very disrespectful and gross!
Fight me, I'm on the Discord rn
Does anyone have the gif of krystal fox getting anal fucked on tv while zubrin watches smiling
I think you must have dreamed this.
It's a webm.
>one death
>regulators shut it down
The space force are so vocal about wanting a nuclear thermal rocket so they can “quickly change orbits” around the Earth-Moon system or whatever…
I don’t understand why they don’t just have the authority to say
>yeah fuck the normie regulation
and just build a project orion battleship. Talk about quick response; they could go from lunar orbit to mars orbit on a whim just because they felt like it. It would be the ultimate “policing the inner solar system” pax americana deterrent. And it would be based as hell
Even elon isn’t autistic enough to put this idea in 45’s ear. Kek if Bezos was really based he’d approach Trump for a lucrative contract to build an orion ship.
Call it New Clear lmfao
call it new hiroshima
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lol saw this yesterday but it was too retarded to post here, seems to have gone a bit viral
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Were they told that they'll be approved for launch very soon?
no, they were told it would take two months
Clearly something changed.
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yes, they decided they needed to consult the fish and wildlife service about the impact of a hot stage ring falling on some fish even though they didn't need to do that for the first time the ring was jettisoned
now when the drop location moves slightly closer to land, they need a 60 day consultation
they also consult FWS for 60 days about the sonic booms from landing (which have already been studied previously but for some reason they feel the need to do this again)
"very soon" could be anything since gov agencies have guaranteed red tape (even people in commercial aviation rant about outdated bullshit still being included in trainings and seminars)
old news thx
okay then, nothing changed

we need payloads instead
/sfg/ will not refute this video
(Hint: they can't)
This! A man too far ahead of his time for his own good.
That's what I'm saying
If it's kyplanet he probably says something about moon mining (which we've already discussed the economic infeasibility of) and sending some Leo constructed station like ship instead of just a Starship (retarded). How'd I do?
I don't know, I never watched the video.
Flight of the Dragonfly (or Rocheworld) (interstellar laser sail)
I can taste the jealousy
Elon also spergs out and yells at people in a childish tantrum rage, sometimes without cause, and guess what?
It works. You are a clinical imbecile if you think this method doesn't get results, like it or not. It works for Elon, and it worked for Trump. Just look at the loyal followers this earns. We need more Chads in charge.
Although, Elon isn't stupid enough to blame his team for a scrub of the very first Crew Dragon during a fucking tornado warning. He is actually extremely committed to crew safety, but still prefers absolute Chads in his craft, like Issacman and the Polaris Dawn crew. Risk goes with the territory, but no retard would launch into a supercell thunderstorm. Except Trump, perhaps. NASA is a huge pussy, but still, the scrub was 100% called for.
It's not a race, brother.
isn't that a pretty standard speed
the actual superfast readers are at 1000 wpm
not page 10 yet
I didn't measure my speed, but if I read too fast, I forget what was 2 lines above.
lel, once on a test of reading speed the passage was from a book I'd already read, so I just immediately said "I'm done"
you can get the ebook via mobilism, heres one of their download links: https://www.zippyshare.day/Ms6T5ZaLIl58uCb/file
why do people give a shit what this random journo says?
how do you read epubs? they always look like shit when I convert to PDF
It's not his opinion that's interesting, but that he was gone out and talked to the people who have inside knowledge
use an ebook reader. fuck kindle, on pc use calibre on phone use readera. there are probably better alternatives that i am not aware of
>how do you read epubs?
terminal: "bk"
desktop GUI: Thorium
mobile: Librera (F-Droid build)
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I just used Calibre to convert to PDF, and looks excellent to me so far.
Thank you anon, much appreciated.
if youre not reading ebooks on your phone youre missing out. pdf is like reading screenshots and ebook is like reading html, where you can adjust everything from font and size to color scheme to your preferences. i always read ebooks on my phone when i am commuting
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I don't own a smartphone.
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Phones are too small for me to focus on, my old eyes love a 2K/1440P 27" PC monitor, in a properly lit room, perfect eye to display spacing, with Mein Kampfy Chair.
My reading nirvana, your preferences may vary.
>some retard made a new thread already
Can you faggots go three days without splitting
you already know the answer to this
sure we can, this thread has been up for 3 days
it's either krystalfag or the /pol/vermin, or the schizo that posted scat a while back.
Not linked, page 9, not real /sfg/
once we hit page 10 someone make a new thread.
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Reminder that shit like this is out there bros
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Reminder to review the latest Perseverance images on this forum www.unmannedspaceflight.com/index.php?showtopic=8817&st=15

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good stage, was about to stage myself but figured i'd check the catalogue one last time.
yeah, idek why, but yeah
so true
The same people claiming that Elon can't do it are the same ones pushing to increase regulations and claiming Musk should be stopped. Their apparent brain is rotten

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