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File: picturemath.jpg (121 KB, 1402x939)
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Elementary school students solve this.

In the first grade.
It's 100%. If you've already drawn a card the probability of that card being the card it is and not some other card is 100%.
>Shuffles cards
2 1 3
>draws 2
1 3

is it 1/2? this seems to be deceptively simple.
It's ambiguously worded. For example l, draw 2 of the cards, not 2 the nunber
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This is worded weird.
"What is the probability that you do not draw one (card) if you draw two (cards)"
100% because you drew one two cards.

"What is the probability that you do not draw (the card numbered) one if you draw two (cards)"

"What is the probability that you do not draw (the card numbered) one if you draw (the card numbered) two"
If you draw two cards, the probability of leaving #1 should be the same as the probability of leaving #2 which should be the same as the probability of leaving #3. So it should be 1/3, not 66%
this is why school is bullshit
bum p
>In the first grade.
that's when I learned to read

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