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talks maths

formerly >>16350826
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Layering (cascading) AES in CBC and ECB modes eliminates all attacks and makes it almost perfectly secure. That is all. Just do one pass in CBC 256bit, then another pass in ECB 128bit.
Furthermore, if you are worried about RNG backdoors, you can take random bits from your OS facilities and do this to them in streaming fashion to make perfectly secure keys or whatever else you need. You can also use this method with compatible asymmetric functions. Get on board with cascading cipher modes in AES wherever you need it to be truly secure.
Stop being a retard and use an AEAD mode.
>Use GCM
Alright if I'm communicating with a recipient or sender. Not helpful if I'm keeping a secret on disk or in source control. Also, WTF am I supposed to do about replay attacks?
>Use a message counter
Good God. No. Fuck you to death.
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Well yes, you keep a message counter in the associated data (fuck yourself my dude). Disk encryption: use XTS mode.
Do you guys like hopf algebras
No theyre kinda lame and oversymmetric
[math]f:[a,b] \to \mathbb{R}[/math] is a continuous function. If [eqn]\lim_{h \to 0}\frac{f(x+h)+f(x-h)-2f(x)}{h^2}=0[/eqn] holds for all [math]x \in [a,b][/math], prove that [math]f[/math] is linear on its domain.
I was thinking assuming strict convexity/concavity on small intervals and arriving at a contradiction may help since the expression really just checks convexity in small intervals around [math]a[/math], and had f been twice differentiable, would just be the second derivative written in a different way. Haven't written things down yet. Any other ideas anons?
/mu/ here with w combinations question

Im examining the total number of possibilities two hands can play a bar of 4/4, 8th notes, so each hand can play on one of 8 beats. Each beat can be occupied by one of 7 notes. How many combinations exist?

For example I can play the 1st of 7 notes on the first 1 of 8 beats in the left hand, for each note and beat in the right hand, and I want to know how many total combos exist

Gpt is saying it's in the millions which can't be right
(7 notes * 8 beats) ^ 2 hands = 3136
If you added another note I would be
(7 notes * 8 beats * 2 note per bar)^2 hands = 12544
If rests are allowed, 2^48 = ~281 trillion
If not, 7^16 = ~ 33 trillion
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Uhh, if the limit exists (since it equals 0), then it is twice differentiable? So integrate twice.
yes, but only because I like group schemes
Why are vomiting cats so funny?
not science or math
I typed RSA equation in CASIO calculator, and that little mother fucker broke private key from public one.
Is 5.0101101110111101111101111110111111101111111101... rational or irrational number?
>they made the card itself carry an encrypted message
It's either irrational or [math] \frac { 50101101110111101111101111110111111101111111096 } { 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 } [/math]

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