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Two more months - edition

previous >>16396292
>yet another launch startup
we need more payloads you stupid fuckers
>BO: two more decades
>Elon: two more years
>FAA: two more months
>/sfg/: two more weeks
The /sfg/ prediction is always right btw
You'd think Starships were doing test flights with bus loads of school children by some of the comments you read on other sites.
Could SX have multiple launches ready for the same day when November whatever arrives?
next question
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Glass the Earth, demigod war eventually
They can't physically cycle the pad for multiple launches in a day as it's currently configured. Not enough time. Also they would need a launch license for each individual flight, which would not occur.
You're clearly new, retarded, or both. Lurk more before posting.
Possibly but there would be no point. The test data is what they are after since that will inform modifications to IFT-6 and so forth.
Not same day, but probably within 2 weeks, if noting gets damaged.
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What's your guys' opinions on counter-rotating drums of mercury plasma?
It's bullshit spread by actual frauds that may or may not be Feds.
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No sir,

Not getting out of this chair.
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>sloped mass driver
not even that.
No it isn't. It's very easy to replicate, too. So is the aether. You even have to explain it in classical sciences and it gets hand waved as 'space time' even though that, and mass too, is undefined. I'm not talking aliens or some super secret tech here, i'm talking about an engine even the ancients of india figured out. Well, you'll see eventually anyway. They can't hide it forever.
are you the guy who talks about andysixx? if so hats off to you man. youve been at it for years and never dissapoint.
If the Mach 0.7 at ground level on release figure is true, it's a huge scam.
What happens when you counter-rotate drums of mercury plasma, other than the mercury plasma getting dizzy?
Actual Indian frauds, apparently.
can you sttop being racist for a change? what does indianity have anything to do with it?
A cartoony sfx will play
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>SpaceX engineers have spent years preparing and months testing for the booster catch attempt on Flight 5, with technicians pouring tens of thousands of hours into building the infrastructure to maximize our chances for success

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Today I will remind them that Mars is a low IQ meme and a convenient, open-ended excuse for Musk to duck out on his HLS obligations to the Artemis program as NASA is already looking to Blue Origin for its new lander.
Indians are just as capable of defrauding investors as white people are.
will they do a mid course relight or is spacex planning to waste 4 more flights on suborbital shit?
What's the easiest way to keep up with SpaceX's progress and schedule of launches and Mars mission goal?
I'm so fucking jealous
Scott manley
that BOLD DICKHEAD. no thankyou! washed up for over a decade since his ksp days
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if the landing fails then starship will suffer at least 2 years of delays
good job you got it like 2% of the way to orbital velocity and you're still in the thickest part of the atmosphere
xitter (berger, foust, other journos, Melon, tankwatchers)
arstechnia (berger)
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>FAA Administrator Whitaker made a number of false statements in his testimony about @SpaceX. Either he doesn’t know what’s going on at his agency or he deliberately deceived Congress.
>I’ve asked him which it is. Either possibility calls into doubt his fitness to lead the FAA.

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Given that a "failure" is the Super Heavy booster crashing into its own launch pad while the water deluge is used to try and extinguish the fire, this sounds accurate. I love this all-or-nothing shit.
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Freedom (C212) is the sexiest of the Crew Dragons
Endurance is okay, Resilience ehh no, Endeavour has the coolest name but it’s ugly as fuck.
2 more months . fuck this man , i have nothing more to be interested in . Its like having a hole in your mind and everyday at the shower dreaming about how flight 5 will be and how future flight could be , moon landings , interplanetary travel ... all of that is what keeps me going ... 2 more months checking for updates that dont exist .
none of that sht will come in your lifetime. we will have an iss around the moon and some excursions to the surface, thats it.
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Purge yourself from these thoughts. It's the very reason you don't find an escape.
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Not a leftist, just a realist.
Grow up bitch I’ve been obsessed with space since the constellation days. Happenings were measured in years. You had a few obscure pictures of the N1 and Buran on google, and nothing but cancellations and random Delta II rocket launches that you had to convince your dad to go see
Testimony was gay, now put the lies into writing so they can proceed with the lawsuit
it just hit me how retarded this all is
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Love Titan

Simple as
which part?
Space is hard, and we are still in the early days of it. Be grateful you get to live in the times of space travel. 100 years ago we didn't even know what the other planets looked like, now that stuff is readily available at your finger tips.
In no particular order:
Titan, Venus, Triton, Io, Europa, Enceladus, Ganymede
We’ll have man on Mars and the Moon—both are cool and will get explored to hell by default. But the solar system bodies I listed above each deserve dedicated missions. Add to the list if I’m missing anything
pretty much everything that's happened while we wait for flight 5
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Nigga, how are we gonna explore Io without getting fried?

Also, I agree. Triton needs another probe. It's so interesting and overlooked. No idea why Uranus/Neptune have been ignored since the Voyagers.
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>how are we gonna explore Io without getting fried?
Bring a magnetosphere from home
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I'm gonna be the first man on Pluto, and you can't stop me. I will make a one-way trip and will make an inspirational speech that will immortalise me in history. I day dream about this scenario daily.
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>Add to the list if I’m missing anything
>but it's too far away
Don't care.
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Absolute kino
The worst candidate in the entire solar system for colonization
this entire year feels like /sfg/ meme magic leaking into real life
Is radiation for an Io orbiter THAT big of a deal? I’m not trying to meme. /sfg/ always handwaves radiation as some sort of non-issue
Triton is based. It is probably some sort of transneptunian object that was kicked into the solar system and captured so exploring it would be based
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Based as fuck. We need a NH-esque mission to Eris and Dysnomia. Apparently Dysnomia has the blackest surface of any planet in the Solar System. It would be interesting to know why that is.
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File deleted.
Accurate world model can predict anything. This fight was long predicted. So was the Biden admin fight. So was the leftist fight.

People just called us schizos for having a more accurate world model than others.
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Wrong bookmark screenshot.
Its just wreckage from booster 11 pulled up from 55m deep?
I guess they need something to do during the launch downtime. I was hoping for OLM B parts for the road closure tonight.
It's quite poetic, in a way. Eris has one of the highest known albedos in the solar system, just a barren desert of frozen methane, while Dysnomia surface has been described as darker than coal, thus producing quite the contrast for this little system out there in the cold, yet intriguing Scattered Disc.
Yeah alright. Any reason to visit Eris over Sedna or far/farfarout or whatever?
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>Eris is very dissipative—more so than should be the case for a body that’s frozen solid the whole way through. Eris must have melted significantly early in its evolution and must still host a warm convective ice interior (Fig. 1).
>A subsurface ocean, similar to that which has been proposed for Pluto (9), is not required by the model, but is one of the scenarios that is now a very plausible explanation for what’s lurking under Eris’s surface—a possible ocean world 90 times further from the Sun than the Earth is!
>An interior as dissipative as what Nimmo and Brown have inferred for Eris must be significantly different from Pluto’s interior. While both objects are likely differentiated, Eris’s outer ice shell must be convecting as opposed to Pluto’s conductive shell; these two worlds transport heat from their interior to their surfaces fundamentally differently.
>A warm interior also provides a neat explanation for one of Eris’s other few known properties. Eris’s convective ice shell might be too malleable to support large-scale topography, naturally explaining its low-amplitude light curve.
I agreed. New Hampshire should lay claim to all small bodies in the solar system.
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Are we... going?
It would be so fucking based if Musk just said "fuck it" and launched without FAA approval.
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no. its probably a test.
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Consultations came in early? We would've seen the explosive boys then, though.
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>it takes over 13 hours for light from the sun to reach Eris
It's crazy how our sun can have orbiters from so far away. Even if one was going at light speed, they would still probably have to take a nap on their way to Eris.
Only the ship needs to come down to arm the flight termination system. They can arm the booster at the pad.
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>didn't elevate the chopsticks to max height to take this pic
Let’s add another hemisphere to earth
pass the time by gooning to rocket girls
>It was calculated that a flyby mission to Eris would take 24.66 years using a Jupiter gravity-assist, based on launch dates of April 3, 2032, or April 7, 2044. Eris would be 92.03 or 90.19 AU from the Sun when the spacecraft arrives-
>It was calculated in 2011 that a flyby mission to Sedna could take 24.48 years using a Jupiter gravity assist, based on launch dates of 6 May 2033 or 23 June 2046. Sedna would be either 77.27 or 76.43 AU from the Sun when the spacecraft arrives.
choose, sfg
>Even if one was going at light speed, they would still probably have to take a nap on their way to Eris.
its amazing how many people here dont know basic physics
It's Better to Ask For Forgiveness Than Permission.
What would they do to SpaceX? Cancel crew 9? HAHAHAHAHA
I know why you love Titan
>Shangri-La is studded with bright 'islands' of higher ground, called inselbergs, which are thought to be protrusions of the icy bedrock.
Both. We will have fusion (propulsion not power) in the future and be able to get there in a fraction of the time.
>fusion propulsion
With whose permission? Gonna need a license for that.
but that's gay
Could we replace the southern hemisphere? They're not really pulling their weight.
I will still have to take a nap even if travel was instantaneous from my POV due to relativity. I'm just a very sleepy guy. *yawn*
t. easily amazed guy
I want to explode all over Starship-chan if you know what I mean
zubrin ignored all my emails.








has there ever been a study on the highest g people can endure for prolonged periods of time? relevant for interstellar acceleration and colonizing planets bigger than earth
DF-31AG, the chinese ICBM that was tested yesterday.

Note that the Long march 11 is derived from the DF-31.
Humans die in a little over two hours if kept exposed to more than 1.3 G
wow the human body really is pathetic. there is no future for us, ai is the only consciousness that will ever leave this star system
that's hilarious.
>[cries in Argentinian]
I swear guys, Tronador is gonna launch soon, just 2 more years, trust the plan, boludo.
>You know, it's fun for a movie or video game, but I'm real life, there aren't just orbital rockets sitting around ready to go with a big red "launch" button that anyone could press
I guess you'll have to have sex with someone else
Ok but what if I slowly increase 0.01 G a day
I told you anon to stop sending him random pics of mattresses.

I'm looking up human centrifuge accidents right now but nothing comes up.
>accelerating at 1g would reach 0.77c after 1 year
1 g is plenty
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If this were true, wouldn't even slightly obese people die immediately?
>>16398207 >>16398209 >>16398219
I just pulled those numbers out of my ass lmfao didn't expect people to actually believe it.
A quick Google search that links to some unrepeatable sources says that we could probably survive up to 1.5 G for a long period of time but with some chronic health issues.
If cryosleep/hypersleep ever becomes a reality then humans could probably survive for much longer in higher Gs since maintaining consciousness would no longer be an issue.
You would be able to adapt to higher Gs up to a certain point, there's a limit to how much your bones and muscles can strengthen to. Where that limit is, I dunno, but it's probably less than 3Gs.

lel, nice work

I would also like to congratulate the thread as a whole for being autistic and retarded
nice bait, congrats anon
okay but now that I think about it they definitely killed someone deliberately with one of those huge human centrifuges for science

how long did it take for them to be reduced to paste at 20 g
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This is true it happened to my cousin once.
I want the FAA to fucking KNEEL
>Although Jupiter is a great deal larger in size, its surface gravity is just 2.4 times that of the surface gravity of Earth.
>2.4 times
it's over
Based I love jewish liars
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2.4x is still a lot a gravity, but it's not the thing to be worried about.
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we'll never live on jupiter
Here is screen shot of current passing and making mercury rotate. If you put an aluminum disc on this and attach the electrical components it creates lift by "vortex" which is a process in the aether. Without it, there is no easy explanation. But it lifts against the earths own field.

Why does Elon not just come out and talk about the mercury turbine? I mean I know why but whats the major malfunction of keeping humanity in the stone age for so long?
Here it is floating with more info.
give in to that voice elon
launch it
it yearns to be free
Fuck environmentalists
>"rules for thee but not for me"
Reminder that your local elected officials—republican, democrat, mayors, governors, representatives, senators l—literally don’t care about space and are asleep at the wheel and would only really care to let SpaceX proceed unhindered if someone like China randomly landed on the Moon and scared them.
I guarantee you maybe only 3, 4, 5 people TOTAL in the entirety of congress know what Long March 9 is, what LM10 is, what MSR is, that Chinks are trying it to. They think Starship and Branson’s plane are the same thing, a folly project of billionaires.
If you’re mad that SpaceX isn’t receiving political favors it’s because any care for SpaceX is skin deep and the only thing that matter (to the people with authority and control of the purse) either see him as le bad twitter man or le based trump man and this is as deep as the conversation about SX goes in their head.
That review is retarded and redundant. The local AHJ wherever the fab is being built is already going to ensure compliance before issuing any air or water permits.

t. I design fabs
I want to be the devil on Elon's shoulder that whispers into his ears, "humanity will never become multiplanetary if you keep caring about what bureaucrats and politicians think".
If he can speed up Starship development then it doesn't matter if he'll piss off the US govt. because he'll be able to fuck off to where the US govt. has no power.
We talk about this every thread THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS
It’s apparent he cant get to mars by just being a fence sitter they won’t let him which is half the reason he’s become so nutty with political involvement the last year or so. This whole stupid take of
>ugh! if only he would keep his own foot out of his mouth!! Maybe the great filter is elon himself XD
is BEYOND RETARDED. Half the political sphere of our modern world are globalists who will not just let you “go to mars” on a whim
Is his current politicking annoying? Yes!!! But doing nothing is worse for the mars project so too bad so sad; you either play the game or you get thrown off the board as a useless pawn and SX understands this
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Clear on location!
Who gives a shit
Why can’t he take his rockets to the Bahamas where he can bribe their government to do whatever he wants? Why does he insist on launching in the US?
You are misunderstanding what I meant by that post. I'm not saying that Elon should've remained a centrist fence-sitter. I'm saying that Elon should literally just stop caring about legality and just fucking test. He should just let the FAA fines pile up, then leave the planet entirely before he has to pay them.
Take a guess retard. Seriously. If you think he can just walk off to some other country with US rocket tech, even as a private company who did all the internal R&D themselves, then you’re an idiot. I hate to be harsh and mean but I’m sorry, too many of you idiots keep suggesting he can just “go somewhere else”. That’s not on the table. Not only for practical/logistical reasons but law reasons.
>Why does he insist on launching in the US?
Legal issues. SpaceX is considered part of the defense industry which limits their operations outside of the US and their hiring on non-US nationals. The DoD would throw a hissy fit if it turns out some irrelevant fucking island country got rocketry tech even if they didn't have the economy to build a cardboard model rocket.

Did you know the FBI is involved in model rocket clubs?
where can I get one of those cards?
me :3
Wasn't that ATF until a judge told them to fuck off?
I feel like bones and muscles would be the most adaptable, your cardio would be what I imagine is the limiting factor.
>clear has magic cards now
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>The NVS Tanegashima reporting team has entered the Takezaki Press Center. They are preparing for the live broadcast of the launch at 14:24:20 on the 26th. The photo shows the H-2A rocket No. 49 at around 9:10.
Launch from Tanegashima in three hours
Japan get their streams up early, don't they?

This does not look like good launch weather.
>Sooooooo.... they removed the second. They're cooking something...

2nd booster alignment pin removed. 2 more weeks
It's gonna be SN8 all over again
My God.

There's no way they're just going to let that shit sit there during the hurricane, right?
There's no hurricane
Launch in the eye of the storm
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Elon look at his tomakak
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you sure about that

looks like the worst of it is going to miss the launch site, it's headed for the panhandle
elon is the storm - Q
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nuke FFA
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what did the Football Federation of Armenia do to you??
delayed Starship
He's Turkish
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soon, brother
>As part of this preparation [ for the final 'Elon Interview' ], the recruiter advised Rose not to ask Musk about space elevators.
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I don't see how this is supposed to launch in an hour. The weather looks terrible.
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>It is 60 minutes before launch. The final countdown operation has started.

Stream hiccup. New stream is live, and the rocket is still go for launch despite the suspect looking weather
>Launching a H(awk)-2A
so what happens if he asks him about it anyways?
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Luna, Mars, Mercury, Ceres, Callisto, Venus

In exactly that order
75 iq
we will never set foot on Mercury. Way too expensive in delta-V to get there on human timescales.
Yes I'm pretty sure TX is not in the FL panhandle
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Clear Live!
Clear needs to be on the payload one of these days. Is JAXA sending anything to the moon soon?
>打上げ4分40秒前です。自動カウントダウンシーケンスを開始しました。It is 4 minutes and 40 seconds before liftoff. The automatic countdown sequence has started

Clear needs to be the payload on my little rocket if you know what I mean
that's a lot of pitch early on
musk has been talking about Mars for over two decades
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Japan is really suffering from a lack of independent spaceflight photojournalists
Why does that guy leave his camera UI on
Is it some cameraphile thing
probably just japanese autism
I'm pretty sure that NHI just sends out whatever intern they like the least to cover the launch
second stage cutoff, awaiting payload separation
Eris & Dysnomia = Ying & Yang
separated! mission success
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What do you mean by human timescales
The separation of satellite has been confirmed.
One last H-IIA before retirement
nice clouds
look at all the missions we've done to Mercury so far, all have needed multiple planetary flybys to bleed delta-v to get down the gravity well, which adds multiple years to the mission. Plus we can't use aerobraking at the end. And then a manned mission would have to climb all the way back out of the Sun's gravity well to get back home to Earth. It's just hugely expensive compared to other destinations.
A direct shot from LEO to Mercury orbit is 690 m/s less than a direct transfer to Pluto followed by a surface landing, and is 4.33 km/s less that a direct solar escape trajectory. Mercury is a bitch to get to.
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Idgi why do people like him
We can safely live on saturn
All you have to do is roll over to prevent blood from pooling
Thunderfoot keeps me in the know
(it's over)
Earlier this year I speculated they'd only get 2 or 3 test flights in... It's disappointing to be right!
so like 3 years
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looks like it's tracking north, but hard to say for sure

Could the winds cause structural damage to launch site in a worst case scenario?

>An image of the unidentified object shot down over Canada's Yukon territory in February 2023 has been obtained by CTVNews.ca.

>Released through a Canadian freedom of information request, the grainy image appears to be a photocopy of an email printout.

>Heavily redacted documents show how the image was approved for public distribution within days of the headline-grabbing incident, but then held back after a public affairs official expressed concerns that releasing it "may create more questions/confusion."

>A U.S. F-22 fighter jet shot down the object on Feb. 11, 2023, shortly after it entered Canadian airspace in the Yukon territory, which borders Alaska. It was one of three unidentified aerial objects(opens in a new tab) blasted out of the sky that month following the high-profile Feb. 4, 2023 downing of an apparent Chinese surveillance balloon(opens in a new tab). Shot down over Alaska, Yukon and Lake Huron between Feb. 10 and 12, 2023, the three objects were reportedly much smaller than the towering Chinese balloon.

>At the time, officials described the Yukon object(opens in a new tab) as a "suspected balloon" that was "cylindrical" in shape. A reported Pentagon memo(opens in a new tab) said it appeared to be a "small, metallic balloon with a tethered payload below it."

>Released as part of the freedom of information request package, an email from a Canadian brigadier-general offered what they described as the "best description that we have" of the Yukon object.

>"Visual - a cylindrical object," they wrote in an Feb. 11, 2023, email. "Top quarter is metallic, remainder white. 20-foot wire hanging below with a package of some sort suspended from it."

>The image appears to have been taken from an aircraft below it, although that has not been confirmed.

ayy lmao
UFO news always come out around the same time someone wants to memory hole some other news story.
>You're clearly new, retarded, or both. Lurk more before posting.
calm down spazz
>NASA and SpaceX prepare for impact of Florida Hurricane Helene on Cape Canaveral

With Hurricane Helene approaching Florida's Gulf Coast, NASA and SpaceX are preparing for potential impacts on the Space Coast.

While Brevard will not be in the direct path of the storm, strong winds, heavy rain, and threats of tornado activity are expected to impact the area. Expected to make landfall late Thursday, Hurricane Helene is a big storm whose outer bands will reach across the state

Wednesday afternoon, the Brevard County EOC said it would enter Level 2 activation Thursday. That's the middle level prioritizing personnel to react to weather emergencies.

With the Crew-9 launch already moved to Saturday, SpaceX stated on X (formerly Twitter), that they would move the Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon spacecraft − which were standing upright on SLC-40 Wednesday morning − back to the hanger this evening.

The Space Force is not currently planning any closures, yet conditions are being monitored.

NASA has entered HURRICON IV status, which means 50-knot (58 MPH) sustained winds are anticipated. During HURRICON IV, NASA follows government issued checklists which ensure all equipment, property, and personnel are prepared.

"Teams with Kennedy’s Exploration Ground Systems Program are ensuring the safety of personnel and flight hardware and have begun preparations ahead of the potential impacts of the approaching weather system," she said. "This includes walkdowns at areas where hardware and ground support equipment are located, including inside facilities as well as at Launch Pad 39B, and storage and/or removal of any items that could become debris. Teams will continue to operate based on the center’s guidance."
going to be thinking about this every time someone calls Musk lucky
Musk is continue to get "lucky" in most of the things he pursues
because there's no basic truths to them
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Are rocket names trademarked? What's stopping RocketLab from making a "Proton" rocket? Or someone making their own "Falcon" rocket? If the rocket is obscure enough is the name up for grabs?
People getting worked up about some pin removals when we know there is no FTS installed. lol. Even Musk wouldn't accept the risk of it Proton slamming Starbase or launch infra.
pin removal has always been before FTS installation
does the rocket equasion account for relativistic exhaust velocities?
Like, what would happen if we build a big ass generational ship to get to alpha centauri, using an ion drive, except instead of a regular ion drive we use a fucking particle accelerator and blast out the ions at 0.999c?
wouldn't that produce an extremely efficient travel option, that'd get your easily several km/s in delta v with just a percent difference between wet mass and dry mass?
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>Voyager probes were gay
You have to go back
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Yeah, as part of his long-running grift.
That's the 21st century for you
thats some long term thinking, came up with the mars mission before starting SpaceX so just they could delay a test on a rocket they were going to develop two decades in the future
maybe Musk has a time machine
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Don't make me get my fork.
She's an Eldritch Abomination
Not you're Waifu
SLS does need to be canceled though. It's nothing but a money vampire.
I don't think anyone concerned themselves with trademarking "Falcon", ever
Trademark pretty much only extends to the type of business you are running or what the product is. It's why you can have Apple in your business name or as your DBA and get away with it, unless you are also a tech company.
How do I go about securing a place doing hard labour in the lunar hydrogen mines? I'm not very smart but I want to go to space
suck cock. everyone in space is gay (theyve literally never had sex with a woman up there) so you will get far
Nice to see BO becoming more talkative.
patronising generic corporate tone though, jef needs to start posting about BO from his personal account like Elon
I'm happy with limp doing it. He's the one actually on there.
See you again in Q3/2025 for IFT-4 lol
Sensationalism and Space Colonization
Buy an ad kyplanet
>at least 2 years of delays
because the (((FAA))) uses it as an excuse
welcome to the government; the most evil, wasteful, and pointless organizations humans can ever create.
farmers and miners build roads all the time, government is pointless.
im not sure competing against a more intelligence adversary would be like that.
Someone with my intelligence could learn about some math concept. But it took someone really smart innovate the concept. Reverse engineering a solution is comparatively easy.
inb4 Kamala Harr- I mean Joe Biden sends the national guard round to impound the site.
>humanity's spacefaring chaces: scuppered.
>>humanity's spacefaring chaces: scuppered
Theres still the chinese
good morning oort cloudposter
>humanity's spacefaring chaces: niggerred, with a double dose of pajeet, liberal white guilt, jewish meddling, Californiaized welfare economy
The US had a good run, 250 years should be a top 10 list civilization status?
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>burger making it a point to bring up when spacex hired an ex-microsoft (zune) pajeet to run starlink early on, who refused to move out of washington, then shit up the place by employing slackjawed retards for years and saw real spacex employees as spies come to check on their work
>gets fired, ends up being picked up by BO for Kuiper and brings across all his slacker buddies
>ends up being picked by kamala harris to sit on the national space council
all the puzzle pieces are coming together
>early life
thanks, anon
sorry for /pol/ but if Trump wins, will the FAA stop bogging down SpaceX with red tape like before?
Isn't that crazy that Biden is (theoretically) still running the country?
pls no spoilers i just started reading reentry
Seems like giant impacts are rather common
Rare Moon bros... our response?
Trump will make it illegal for Musk to miss a month without launching
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Anon, I...
Yes, he will put the Space Force in charge of launch licencing.
But Trump isn't going to win.
I don't really trust the guy to stop all the red tape but he'd definitely be more supportive.
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Starlink is proving to be a money printer
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Why hasn't anyone made a version of this gif but starlink?
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Looks like a Christopher Scolese ripoff. Why is this phenotype so common is space grifters?
how much does starlink charge for the service for each plane?
probably something like 30k a month
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It's probably not too expensive at first, the marginal cost to them is basically zero. The real key is getting into the market, once they're in the market everyone has to pay for Starlink, nobody is going to take long-haul flights with no internet or shit internet. It also means airlines can and probably will in the future get rid of inflight films, which probably aren't cheap either. Flights are a totally captured market once they're in, there is zero alternative to Starlink.
Like they're gonna tell us that?
Every private company negotiates their own deal. Apparently there are no data caps, SpaceX is expecting to expand capacity MASSIVELY once Starship is able. These early contracts are probably price gougers, hopefully long term lock-ins, because data is about to become cheaper than ever.
Being first to offer it is huge, and every major airline is now kinda forced to sign up, or be shunned by passengers. I would expect this to even make some airlines fail because of it.
I feel like I'm underestimating internet on planes. Is this such a big thing? I thought that nobody uses inflight Wifi. Just watch some movies or somthing?
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At some point there are going to be viable starlink competitors. They can’t wait too long to start charging.
okay boomer
nobody uses it because its expensive and shit
good wifi on long haul flights would be great
>Le republicue Ariane c'est fini
I don't see why we can't do both
There genuinely will not. Who is going to do it? Blue Origin? Everyone else is going to get absolutely slaughtered on launch costs. How are you going to compete with SpaceX when they can offer better service for less? The problem is that internet is totally fungible, I don't care at all who is routing my packets. If two people are selling internet, one at 50Mb/s for $10, and one at 60Mb/s for $9.50, the one at ten dollars will have ZERO customers, even though it's most of the way there. For someone to compete with SpaceX they have to build a better launch vehicle, better satellites, and be able to provide a faster cheaper service. It's not going to happen. Starlink has relatively high switching costs too, I can't imagine it's cheap to install those antennas.
pretty much this >>16398764
when you do occasionally have a long haul flight with ok internet (i could almost stream the scrubbed IFT-1 at 240p) it's nice to be able to mindlessly scrooool
if new glenn turns out to be operationally reusable then it can genuinelly comprete with starship since both have the same payload and glenn has much higher payload to high energy orbits.
Just look at a train, but if you're american you probably don't use those.
Most of the people are glued to their smartphones.
China will eventually have their own constellation of course, Euro will force domestic planes to buy from OneWeb, Amazon will have something workable for their gay IoT shit and device lock-ins, but for raw data connectivity, nothing will compete with Starlink.
The US Gov't will probably do something really stupid, and contract $100 billion to Blue Origin to "maintain competition", or forcibly split up Starlink into "Baby Bells" of old. The next administration decides so many pivotal things, its chilling as fuck to think about.
We are right fucked, and our hopes will be ruined
The problem for BO is that they can't "compete" in this market, 99% of the way there is the same as 10%, they have to somehow develop better satellites, a better cheaper launch vehicle, better ground infrastructure, and leapfrog SpaceX's already substantial lead. I just can't see it happening. I understand that New Glenn looks pretty good on paper, but close doesn't count here. If Starship starts missing key milestones and New Glenn actually ends up working perfectly, and it's somehow cheap, and BO rolls out something better than their current lackluster sats, then SpaceX should be pretty worried.
well yeah kuiper is shit compared to starlink, but starship is missing and has been missing key milestones for years. at this point its obvious that if it ever fufils the dream of fully and rapidly reusable while being cost effective then that will only come after years more hard work. optimistically half a decade more. pessimistically never. It wouldnt be quite as bad as space shuttle in the pessemistic case because at least it can fly unmanned to carry high risk interplanetary payloads, but it could easily end up like shuttle in other regards. Shuttle was sold on the exact same promise as starship.
>At some point there are going to be viable starlink competitors
how many hundred thousands sats will there be in orbit?
Kino mission, kino system
its crazy how many people always fail upwards in life
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>Activation testing on our Stage 1 engine vertical test stand is well underway at Stoke’s Moses Lake Test Site. Here’s the water deluge system doing its thing, ready to support the next phase of our full-flow staged combustion engine testing.
Somewhere between 0.5 and 2
Based. Stoke seems to be delivering on time much more than the other players. Also their rocket is extremely performant, advanced, novel, and incredibly useful. It has an obvious future as a crew launch vehicle, eventually.
I have a feeling Elon is supportive too, they are symbiotic, and he might fund them for a stake in small vehicle services, without them needing to beg the VC Jews with a propaganda campaign, and then be controlled by said investors. That shit KILLS space companies.
>not enough people with cameras
those who lived through the 80s will appreciate the irony
85% white and the 2 minorities are asian. Lol SpaceX really keeps it at the minimum government mandated diversity minimums.
You'll have to settle for me doing a manned flyby and coming right back
Yeah, what the fuck is their problem? Wouldn't branding their shit on the most amazing views possible be a no-brainier? Japan makes the best optics and sensors.
You're an earther and even after death your soul will remain trapped in the dirt.
t. never been on a plane for 14 hours
eventually you get bored
Gnu Image Manipulation Program, et al
I'd rather walk 1000 miles than spend a whole day on a fucking airplane.
in really technical positions you tend to see a mix of white people and asians, primarily the chinese because they outnumber the other east asians
east asians being generally good at math isn't just a stereotype. it's the result of very strong emphasis on education both in society generally and at an individual level, and the importance of mathematics in education and testing
Being on a quiet airplane with a nice seat and a big window is tits, and I look forward to it. Spaceflight enthusiasts should appreciate the view from aviation, or else why are you here?
What you REALLY hate, are bad airlines, full planes, with obnoxious, loud, smelly, rude, and diverse people with children as baggage, a center or aisle seat, no WiFi, and the guaranteed shit experiences at the departing and arriving airports.
Pure aviation is based, I can watch the window for hours as long as there is a view. If only we were rich, and had a pilot's license.
if you want to get to the other side of the world, that is something you have to do
Good luck walking across the Pacific. Even if you could walk across the Bering Strait, you would still die trying to walk through Alaska and Siberia.
commercial planes are slowly becoming buses, with all the shit they come from...
I would bet money you’ve bought the cheapest tickets on every flight you’ve ever been on.
>if you want to get to the other side of the world
I don't, nothing but trash over there.
Boats are fine.
The first time I ever flew as a kid it was on a little learjet with four other people, it was pretty nice apart from the REEEEEE of the engines the whole way, supersonic flight must be nicer. I've flown commercially since then and I'm not going to again, it just blows.
I bet you would, fagboy
beyond having some more space, all planes are the same shit. the problem is not the plane, it's people.
Not that dude, but I only buy tickets for more expensive flights to avoid impossible connections and Air Canada. I'm not paying an extra $3000 for a wider seat and a nicer meal.
>all planes are the same shit
*all flights and seats
Planes have a literal caste system, do you want the lowest tier?
Select the correct flights, and the experience will be pleasant. But, prepare to pay for this luxury, which former generations took for granted.
Me when I’m stuck next to the screaming baby for 6 weeks on my starship ride to mars.
It's better this way - the average person can actually travel now.
Back in the day of Airline Regulation flying was out of reach for most.
Look at all that wasted space, you could pack another hundred paying passengers in that little area!
I heard Southwest Airlines has a Back-to-Africa program for $39 one-way, From Chicago and Atlanta.
I regularly gift tickets for this, and then write off the charity on my taxes.
(I think) all airlines in my country use the lowcost model in which tickets get more expensive as they are filled, and seats are priced separately, so even when I've traveled in 1st class I had retards shit up my flight.
but I've never been to murica or europe, and you guessed correctly, I'm a cheap ass. I've been given 1st class seats only because of associated benefits of my credit cards

>former generations took for granted.
I wonder... how much did people pay for those flights?
I'm just being ironic. flights were much more expensive in the past.
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Happy 41st anniversary to Soyuz T-10-1 blowing the hell up on the launch pad and almost taking out two cosmonauts
I’m going to guess if you filled a whole plane with business class seats they would be slightly less expensive than the business class seats on a normal airline, all else being equal.
>how much did people pay for those flights?

I know in the 80s flights were 3~4 times what they are now, not adjusted for inflation.
>sarlink means durga sir
Yep, I used to fly out of Dallas on a plane with ONLY business class seats. Overstuffed leather chairs, legroom, 2 row configuration, and complimentary alcohol & gourmet snacks plus a light meal. Wish I remember what the airplane was called, it was an MD or Embraer maybe? This was in 2002-ish, the flight was near empty, it was low cost, and the best flying experience ever. I remember the champagne mimosas and hot toasted almonds offered freely.
Nah, I fly 1st/business only. Imagine wanting to pay less so you can be treated like cattle.
Its called the company expense report, correct?
what a great picture of nothing
My employer was too cheap to ever allow for that, I just do it because I can.
their attire is much more futuristic than what people wear now
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one of the flights I regularly take is ~$1,500 for economy, $5,500 for business and $21,000 for first class (just using google flights and the dates it suggested)
unless you are so wealthy you no longer care about money it's fucking retarded to pay that much
I travel for pleasure, if I were doing it regularly for work I'd agree.
The 70's was pretty based, people BELIEVED in Star Trek and The Jetsons.
The future was all wanted back then seemed real and achievable.
>$21,000 for first class
For that kind of money I should get to take the plane home with me, or a stewardess at least.
They only have an average of 2.5 launches per year. There's just not enough action for Japan to have a domestic NSF/SFN that sends a well-equipped crew down to Tanagashima. The only reason Clear can keep her channel going is because she can latch onto streams of launches from other continents.
>I thought that nobody uses inflight Wifi.
And nobody drove cars 100 years ago. Not because people didn't choose not to, but because it wasn't available or was complete garbage.
>he's never shitposted from 40000ft
I'm suggesting one of these big camera companies sponsor a live stream, as an advertising event.
Looking at you, Sony.
I remember watching Nature on PBS back in the day, and all the sponsors were big Japanese camera companies, showing off their wares through great wildlife photography. Canon, Minolta, Nikon, Olympus, all funded that show, and got their little ad in the intro and outro. Why the fuck cant they mount some of their best modern shit on the rocket, and the ground, and stream it for publicity sake, and national pride? Fuck, the whole stream can be just 30 minutes long, and 3X a year wont break their fucking budget. I hate shitty rocket streams, so much.
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>it's expensive
$10 is expensive to you?
>it's shit
Because you couldn't stream in 4k?
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Contemplating the gizmos
Orion is roomier than I remember
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And there's a woman in the back, browsing Instagram and FB on her MacBook Air M4 PRO MAX
yes and yes
Can't believe Disney sued them for that
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>According Shotwell, Starlink hits 4 million customers this week, up 100% from SEP 2023
https://house.texas.gov/videos/20813 (at 29:00)
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it's like a giant cross
Unironically how does Stoke do it, it feels like they're moving even faster than SpaceX in the early days. How the everloving fuck do you develop an FFSC engine in just a few years?
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why is shotwell there?
Poached talent, thats all. Not everyone wants to work for Musk, at least not for very long.
When was this? My office is a few blocks away.
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Anyone recognize the patch?
Everyone in this picture is very expressive
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Wiseman has been seen with it before the last couple of months. I think he put it on around the time they started neutral buoyancy training or something idk
I just remember there being a big hubbub around it because people thought it was the Artemis II patch at first but then everyone realized it was just flight ops
Yeah, he speaks later in the video and there's a better shot of it
To answer questions related to appropriations funding by the state and also to tell them not to believe the FAA/EPA lies.
Discusses TCEQ/EPA permitting issue around 41:00
No amount of leg room would be worth no head rest
>In June 1967, Lawrence successfully completed the U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School (Class 66B) at Edwards AFB, California. The same month, he was selected by the USAF as an astronaut in the Air Force's Manned Orbital Laboratory (MOL) program, thus becoming the country's first black astronaut.
>Lawrence and other MOL astronauts laughed when asked at the announcement "Will you have to sit in the back seat of the capsule?"
Damn this reads like an ebin shitpost in the current year but I guess it was just a normal question at the time.
I thought the hate on the FAA recently was a bit unfair, considering it was SpaceX's own fault that they didn't apply for a new licence until the last minute instead of applying ahead of time. But this tweet here is just wrong, why is the FAA demanding licence for modifying a TEST model? An operational model I can understand needing to review any modifications, but this is just for testing, which would go through many modifications.
The FAA shouldn't review vehicle modifications at all if no humans are aboard and the modifications fall within broad established boundaries. Do I need a new hunting license if I decide to get a different gun? I don't, however there are restrictions on the sorts of guns that can be used for different types of hunting. The FAA's only concern should be ensuring the rocket does not collide with an aircraft or harm people on the ground which is easily accompished with a TFR and launch exclusion zone.
>it was SpaceX's own fault that they didn't apply for a new licence until the last minute
This is a lie the FAA keeps telling to hide the fact that they would have taken 9 months to issue the license if spacex applied 7 months in advance.
The FAA's statement is ambiguous unless there is more information somewhere.
That's how it's been so far though, each new flight has required vehicle and operational modifications to be reviewed. It's a test flight yes but that just means changes have potentially even more likelihood to affect behaviour so you want to review that carefully. The TPS thing is a bit silly but it's probably just a standard response to cover their bases, I doubt TPS changes make much of a difference at this point especially with reentry over the ocean so it probably amounts to "You changed it? Any expected differences in how it holds up? Alright fine, approved, next change". I think a lot of these nitpicky issues are coming up because visibility on this issue is rising so they want to make sure they leave no avenue for "you didn't properly check this minute change" enviro seethesuits.

The long pole now are the environmental reviews and those could've started their up to 60 days runtime a lot earlier if the modification request had come in before mid-August. At that point the safety review might've ended up the long pole. Elon said next flight would attempt a catch immediately after IFT-4 so they had enough time to submit the changes earlier.
okay, lets say the make a request very early
what if they want to modify the vehicle a bit more? send the request again which resets the timer again?
so SpaceX basically has only a small amount of time to do engineering before they need to send a new request, and then fuck around waiting for months to actually test these things
the optimal action here might not be to send the request as early as possible if its expected that the modifications are iterated for some time until a good enough solution is reached if it takes months every time anyway
if the engineering solution actually works during the test, then that is much better than modifying and testing it again due to this months long wait time between every iteration (assuming the modifications, engineering etc would not take any time at all, of course they take time as well which probably increases the optimal amount of time to use on the mods as well)
Pretty sure the fishies get as many 60 day delays as they feel like.
>changes have potentially even more likelihood to affect behaviour so you want to review that carefully
The FAA isn't qualified to make such a determination. NASA? Yes. USSF? Yes. However neither of them are regulatory agencies. It's also an irrelevant concern because of AFTS.
>enviro seethesuits
Why is that a problem? The FAA isn't a person or a corporation. Did such a concern ever exist when Boeing was allowed to kill hundreds the families might sue them?
Prediction: A man's T-levels are inversely correlated to his level of deference to government agencies.
Presumably they know what they're going to do with the next flight article for a while before it's done, so that's the point to submit the changes. But in case of the environmental reviews that are at issue here both things are related to trajectory, which probably could've been planned shortly after IFT-4 and then submitted. SpaceX knows from the past IFTs that these changes trigger reviews and inter-agency consultations with the 60 day thing so they should expect it and try to get it in as early as doable to avoid delays due to it, in this case I think they could easily have done it earlier.

Only to a point I think, and anyways for prior IFTs these consultations usually didn't use all of that time, so it's decently likely that that'll be the case here, too (but the FAA expecting November probably means it'll take till then even if the consultations are done earlier).

>The FAA isn't qualified to make such a determination.
I think the intent of AST is to be, but yes from what I heard it's rather SpaceX presenting the rationale for why it doesn't affect safety and the FAA signing off on it if it makes sense to them.
>Why is that a problem?
They're already being sued over approving Starbase and with Musk painting an ever bigger target on their backs they're going to want all their ducks in a row. It's as much self-preservation as avoiding unnecessary further delays (and if they do it right it protects SpaceX, too, because if lawsuits come and all is done to the letter they can just tell them to fuck off and show the proof).
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It's not OUR fault your dude has the wrong politics.
I wonder if ULA too has to deal with all this FAA bullshit whenever they throw the entire rocket into the ocean every single time.
ULA are the adults in the room. you dont see ULA throwing their ytoys out the pram, only Musk does that.
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FAA hates change as it means more work for them.
Where's Dysnomia?
>I thought the hate on the FAA recently was a bit unfair, considering it was SpaceX's own fault
I think it's a bit unfair that you're allowed to continue breathing
(they don't)
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Is having a partially reusable rocket a cheat code? Wants to launch a mega-constellation of whatever ? yes sure, not like Amazon throwing billions and just praying that someday it actually gets done. Want to crush the competition ? of course, just thanks to the economies of scale, reduce you price per rocket to an amount your competitors cant match . Easy ! Antitrust ? laughable, Hey Amazon/OneWeb, look i will launch you piss poor little twinky shitty satellite for ... 2 bucks and a lollypop so you cant file me for monopoly .
if we lowball it and assume each individual customer only uses the 120 subscription, that's 5.76 billion per smackaroos per year.
that'll easily pay for all the upfront dev costs, launch costs and starlink manufacturing costs within a few years and from there it's all fuckin cash money, and that's ignoring all the maritime, aviation and military deals they're making and the fact that the customer base will keep growing.
Glad you asked
In the Scattered Disk, along with its parent body, Eris. This region actually intersects with the Kuiper Belt, and there's no exact boundary between the two. The former extends from 30 to 50 AU from the Sun, while the latter contains objects whose perihelia start at 30 AU. Eris itself has a periapsis of 38 AU, and a whopping apoapsis of 98 AU.
Fun fact: although one might think of Dysnomia as a very small object, it's actually larger in diameter than some well-known round moons like Mimas, Enceladus, and Miranda.
Monopolies aren't illegal. Anticompetitive practices are. Being cheaper than the other guy isn't anticompetitive.
how much tax revenue is starlink generating for texas?
this kiley guy is really ripping into them huh? i guess he smells blood in the water or something.
I meant to reply to >>16398147 lol
yeah steam and spacex are in my opinion 2 good examples of "benevolent" monopoly's where their product is just genuinely far above the rest in quality.
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>ULA are the adults in the room
of course they are
>ULA email leak: internal emails allege smear campaign against SpaceX and Elon Musk
>In the email exchanges, ULA vice president Robbie Sabathier and Hasan Solomon, a lobbyist at the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, appear to criticize the leadership of NASA as "incompetent and unpredictable"
>Subsequently, Sabathier goes on to lament the fact that large taxpayer investments are being “thrown away due to the cozy relationship established by Trump political hacks throughout NASA” while “creating a procurement environment that penalizes firms with union labor.”
>In other emails from April and May, Sabathier and Solomon appear to strategize a White House lobbying push against SpaceX, requesting White House officials to retain ULA CEO Tory Bruno’s position on the National Space Council’s User Advisory Group.
>Apart from the six ULA emails, the leaked ZIP archive also contains a 3,000-word conspiracy manifesto titled “Elon Musk: Friend to China, Enemy of Democracy,” allegedly written by Solomon’s unknown “source.”
Orion is actually pretty cool, I just wish it wasn’t $1 billion per launch. Unacceptable. That cost puts it on the chopping block when it comes time to cut the fat because Artemis is too expensive with nothing to show for it. Sooner or later there WILL be commercial means to get NASA astronauts to the lunar surface. Maybe if Orion was $200, $250 mil per launch it would be worth keeping. But not $1 billion… sorry you’re outta here
>ULAshitters are deranged libtards
Are we noticing a pattern yet, /sfg/? Can those of you left who hold on to your delusions release them?
It's another episode in federal agencies doing everything in their power to screw over Musk. But really this is decades of power consolidation into the bureaucracy stretching its muscles:
>Step 1: impose substantial, highly onerous regulations
>Step 2: cooperate with "preferred corporate partners" whose lobbyists treat you to expensive dinners (at minimum) in exchange for actually being able to do shit
>Step 3: enforce the letter of the ""law"" against any company/citizen who refuses to play ball
>Step 4: if (3) doesn't work, simply make as many frivolous allegations as possible, imposing ""civil fines"" without any external finding of guilt
>Step 5: drag your feet to slow any appeals process so that by the time it's resolved you are ready to start again at step 3
The good news is that the Supreme Court is finally sick of this shit and has imposed serious barriers to steps (1) and (4) by overturning Chevron (i.e. ruling that Congress makes laws) and holding that the SEC couldn't issue fines without a jury trial (i.e. upholding the 7th Amendment)
don't forget their employees rolling up to spacex facilities and jeering at spacexers in the early days.
no, all these oldspace fucks are just pussies who can't be sincere and use the "w-we're all teamspace" motto whenever their motives, decisionmaking and business practices are questioned, but behind the scenes these people are fucking SEETHING excessively because al lot of these people are still in pseudo-denial about reusability outcompeting them.
if you pay attention you'll notice oldspace fags always subtly try to imply that falcon 9 reusability hasn't been "proven" to be cheaper in breathless terms, A.K.A a lot of them believe spacex outcompeting the fuck out of them is conspiracy and govt collusion on spacex's part rather than incompetence and complacency on theirs. you saw it recently again with arianespace with their comments on spacex.
>"PLEASE i beg you stop gompering arianespace to le zbacex itz not faire, zbacex muzt be getting carriede by le US government honhonhon."
fuck off back to pol
>you'll notice oldspace fags always subtly try to imply that falcon 9 reusability hasn't been "proven"
Or sometimes, for some reason, it's the complete opposite. As in, they start gaslighting and saying that nobody ever doubted SpaceX and reusability in the first place kek
>creating a procurement environment that penalizes firms with union labor
That's a funny way of saying "relies on free market principles"
You wake up ... alone in you mini space station travelling outwards of the solar system .

827AU from the sun, which at this point is just barely any brighter than Sirius in a moonless night on earth.

You pass near Sedna, at just 15.000km from his near pitch black surface
Go off, ULAsister! Show those Muskrats who's boss!
that's mostly the more sideline EDS crowd doing that in my experience.
their derangement syndrome forces them to disown spacex and by extension musk of any difficult achievements, so anything that was impossible and spacex would never accomplish and they should just stop trying is now easy and oh oh actually actually someone else did this vaguely arbitrarily similar thing before so it's not impressive at all see?
watch for the orbital propellant tranfer demo and how these people will act afterwards, for about 5 straight years we've been hearing nonstop from midwits with a chip on their shoulder that it's impossible or will take years to solve and then spacex will just do it and suddenly it'll be like they never said anything and spacex shouldn't be boasting about such a modest accomplishment.
you really can't win with toddlers like this who's modus operandi would literally collapse if they admitted that they were wrong and their worldview was upside down.
I can barely leave the Mun!
I'm not surprised that they believe SpaceX's success is due to government collusion, since that's the only reason that any of them were ever successful at all
Lmao found one
reminder that starlink is now at minimum raking in 480 million dollars a month.
Lmao this will be funny to witness
First its impossibly difficult and then it will be obviously easy and they wont miss a beat between these two opinions
I remember being a kid and being autistically obsessed with Sedna. I would talk to other kids my age, and within 5 minutes I would start throwing Sedna facts right at them, even though nobody even knew all the original 9 planets in the first place, not even the adults. Oh, the memories...
thats revenue retard
you gonna cry?
if I was in a starship to mars, i would sing ground control to major tom and play the guitar loudly to get everyone in the spirit. then i would go to the mess hall and eat space doritos and talk to my crew mates
>isnt it just insane that we are doing this? we are changing history!
and then i would sleep in my comfy cube and play nintendo switch, zelda. weightless gaming now that is the dream
lol, i've seen that in real time with starlink. it went from "12k satellites? impossible, a scam" to "nobody really thought it was impossible, just that it was hard and useless" to "shut it down!". with orbital refilling i suppose they'll mention how the russians already do that with the ISS, so nothing new. and when spacex lands on the moon, well, the government already did that 60 years and cheaper lmao
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this moment is singlehandedly responsible for about half of all EDS on the net today.
i wonder how much money some of them lost.
Thats crazy
tell me your spaceflight dream slash plans :)
Going to happen again soon, this time a lot of people are unwilling to short TSLA though
>Yuuuup, perfect time for a cookout.
so far, the most asinine one, which i came across several times and makes me go wtf, is the fact that "rockets have existed since the 40-50s, so spacex is nothing new". that's it. it's like saying that every single technological company in the world is a scam because electronic computers have existed since the 40s???
i wonder if there will be some lolcows who's EDS is stronger than their sense of monetary self-preservation.
you just know that people like ESGhound would absolutely try to short tesla again.
i would stick me nob rite in me wifes arse
I see the same criticisms levied at apple all the time. At the end of the day their market share speaks for itself.
you wouldnt pass the cognitive stability test. i think you are weak of mind to say that and considered a risk
Reentry for anyone that's interested: pixeldrain dot com ~forwardslash~ u ~forwardslash~ qac2V2wi (It's opus 144 vbr)

Sorry about the link formatting. Took a bunch of tries to get past safegaurds.
I'm pretty sure subscription price varies by location, so there's places with 100 or 80 bucks a month, too, not to mention forex. 400 million is probably a decent lower bound, though.
You musktards are hilarious. Keep it up with the astonishingly uninformed hooplah.
thanks, will do
I just sucked liquid shit through a straw
that's insane
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>Elon launches IF5 without FAA approval
>Kama- BIDEN renounces the Artemis contract with SpaceX
>Artemis missions drown in over runs and cost creep
>China gets to the moon first
>2028 president cancels the program with no manned moon missions complete
tell me about it
>a 3,000-word conspiracy manifesto titled “Elon Musk: Friend to China, Enemy of Democracy"
I need that PDF kek
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Upside down US flag
All this parading and tantrums from musk are really embarrassing. Govt feels no shame, and the law is the law. it will not speed up regulation, of it did then it would prove him right OR be against the law. he looks like a petulant ineffectual child, bad look
especially if there is Krystal porn in there
It's a pretty cool place
> Estimated makeup of 24% Triton-type tholins, 7% amorphous carbon, 10% nitrogen ices, 26% methanol, and 33% methane.
>Water ices confirmed
>Reddest surface in the solar system
It's going become a gas station for transfers to Kuiper Belt objects and the Oort Cloud
the kuiper belt doesnt exist.
Pioneer 11 my beloved. Walked so Voyager 2 could fly
>ULA are the adults in the room
Next you'll say you've castrated yourself
Been busy at work so I’m out of the loop by a good two weeks (ha ha). I saw mentions of some sort of expendable ground pad for Starship. Or at least, I’ve seen the idea floated around. Is this just speculation? Is it something SX has said they will do as a temporary fix?
Are they about to build their own crawler?
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>Spotted some of Booster 11's Raptor engines that SpaceX recovered from the gulf on our flyover this morning! @NASASpaceflight
>All of the other thousands of KBO's found
Not really clear without samples; might be some kind of crystal + dolomite
aliens you mean
a hand full of rocks does not a celestial belt to make
You have no idea how over Neutron is kek.
It's actually bad.
Like, best case is 4th launch in 2028.
Is this your latest cope, spacex stan?
go play a videogame or something, do what normal people do when they're bored
still going better than starship, and more ambitious too! I like how Beck leads with style and respect unlike Musk.
A resounding yes
>1st engine failed catastrophically on pad, refurbishment is optimistic.
>0$ (zero) of contracts
>Beck doesn't expect contracts anytime soon
>Environmental assessment to BRING the rocket to Wallops won't be finished until December 2025
>Wallops pad is still at earliest stage, no serious progress in 18 months
>Beck himself says he expect Neutron will fly once in first year and twice in second year
>Serious regulations that prevent more than 6 Neutron launches a year that will take a lot of time to change.
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What is the solution to the earther question?
Sounds like a realistic company with a realistic CEO with realistic goals
>on pad
on stand sorry*
This was withheld from investors, there's a reason they didn't share any video.
funny because this seems on track with or even faster than starship development. if i had told you guys in 2016 that we would be 8 years later without a sucessful orbit, you would have laughed me out the room
> Estimated makeup
I don't think you should put that on your face, sounds unhealthy
when i'm bored my first instinct isn't to pretend to be retarded, online, what drives people to do what you do?
>Government employee complains that Stoke Space doesn't have a government affairs team to engage with.
Kek, based.
You are clearly miserable. Maybe if your cringe emperor followed basic law you wouldnt be in this situation?
>nobody here is under the age of 50
you forgot to add "in space"
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>air traveling
>US domestic cattle class
>log into wifi
>it's Viasat
Yes that's the joke, useless and laggy like one GEO link for 300 people. I can FEEL the light lag uploading files.
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Swing an orion ship around the Moon and direct fire it into the city of your choosing, utilizing it as a direct kinetic energy weapon
Or, conversely, use it as a gravity tug to redirect a rather massive NEA into Earth
"On Thursday, the FCC unanimously voted to open 1,300 megahertz of spectrum in the 17.3 to 17.8GHz bands to non-geostationary satellites, which would include Starlink satellites that operate closer to Earth."

From what I've seen this should enable a pretty big boost to upload speeds
>you are clearly miserable
you're trying to get interaction from strangers online by pretending to be retarded, that doesn't sound like something a happy person does.
get a hobby, find something you productive to do.
The bif difference is that ULA is not throwing rocket in a nature reserve
The daily SpaceX petty posting of their staked rocket waiting to fly is so based
My hobby is to be a healthy reality check for fantasists. Your hobby is talking to a wall.
my hobby is riding your dads cock last night faggot.
You have a gay hobby
Well my hobby is spitting in your moms mouth.
you don't know my pain travelling anywhere in the world from Australia. All the good airlines (oneworld alliance) locked into Viasat years ago. 50 united states dollars for 10 hours of dogshit internet fuck off
the first 2% takes 20% of the fuel
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>waaahh musk is too loud even if he has a point
>y-you can't just criticize a federal agency thats a tantrum
>the FAA is right because they just are, okay?
>musk is wrong because... he just is and and he's even more wrong for complaining
what a crappy photo
Exterminate the FAA.
Its just the standard castrated cult that worships the government
no, your hobby is what you're doing right now, trying desperately to ignore the fact that you're alone in your room with nothing else to do right now, and trying to get negative reactions out of strangers online who you will never meet in the real world.
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I’m sorry but canned fish on the ISS is diabolical
put one in the air filters.
I'd hide one somewhere right before crew rotation. Good luck finding it, assholes!
Where the hell do you even put it once you’re done? This seems like the most logistically dumb thing to bring up
Mir apparently had exotic space adapted microflora in its air ducts after all those years.
The second you open that tin, oily fish-smelling particles spray everywhere and get onto everything. Being oil it won't dry, it just stays oily. Now they HAVE to deorbit ISS.
iss should get turned into an aquarium when it's deemed unsafe for humans. shit would be hilarious. ideally they would have the internal volume taken up 50% by air and 50% by water so fish would swim into air pockets and flail around until they drifted into a water pocket again. would be very interesting seeing if they could adapt.

ISS should have always had a monkey in a cage too. He should have been put up there in initial construction and still there now causing a ruckus and screaming. it would have been a great test of long term effects of zero g
fish have boneloss problems even faster than humans in space.
What do fish need bones for anyway, squid don't have bones and they're doing just fine
>2028 president cancels the program with no manned moon missions complete
That's mostly likely outcome, the US government will not allow any manned missions to the Moon or Mars because the culture war will finally reach its peak.
fish are neutrally buoyant so it's not like they will have trouble walking when rogozin wraps a towel over them after their return on soyuz
Tick tock FAA eunuchs
Oneworld is what I fly typically (American, Alaska). The eskimo card is great but the wifi is awful.
You'd never believe it but it turns out I hate the FAA
You can't spell gay faggots without FAA.
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I loled, funny.
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Kill all space elevator fags
starship is a space elevator
>ends up being picked by kamala harris to sit on the national space council
indian culture please understand
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I hear it's basically the same at Hawthorne SX and Tesla, though you do usually get 1-2 weekends off. Arrive around 9, and if you leave before 7 don't expect to last long
Stir fry the FAA in a wok
Of course he hates them. Theyre the main competition for his alt right meme rockets
that would be extremely dangerous, just imagine if somebody fell from that height
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Wayward Shelby
>National Guard
Abbott wouldn't allow it
anyone got the image?
based. elon will agree with me that the tethered space ring launcher is the solution
>(opens in a new tab)
Jeets are the fucking worst
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>A new report from NASA's IG confirms my reporting from June that the ISS program has escalated cracking in the Russian PrK module into its highest risk and consequence categories.


>NASA faces increasing risks to sustaining ISS operations through 2030. On-going cracks and air leaks in the Service Module Transfer Tunnel are a top safety risk; and NASA and Roscosmos are collaborating to investigate and mitigate the cracks and leaks, determine the root cause, and monitor the Station for new leaks. However, in April 2024 NASA identified an increase in the leak rate to its highest level to date.
The Texas National Guard is busy erecting razor wire along the New Mexico border.
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>Black Hawk
>propeller blades
Why are journalists so dumb? There are SOME helicopters with propellers but Black Hawks certainly aren't among them.
oh, so I guess you think blackhawks can cheat the laws of thermodynamics by having propellantless thrust now, don't you
I think you two anons are about to argue about something stupid regarding the linguistic differences between "rotor" and "propeller".
they're strapped onto the frame
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Virtually all helicopters use rotors, not propellers. Those that use propellers are weird and rare exceptions.

It's not a "linguistic difference", nobody calls a helicopter rotor a propeller, because it isn't one.
>no propeller
>gets propelled
helicopters are not reactionless drives. you're clearly wrong. just concede.
>cars have propellers because they get propelled
Moronic. Stop excusing idiot journalists, you clearly do not hate them enough.
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Shut up.
The second link calls it a rotor. The first link compares it to a propeller. Neither says that helicopters actually have propellers.
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Reminder, FAA is delaying SpaceX due to legal technicalities rather than following the intent/spirit of the legal procedures.

Anyone that is honest and forthgoing would find no issue with SpaceX's Flight 5 plans. Instead they are holding SpaceX hostage due to politics
From which books are these excerpts from?
It doesn't matter, we are not aviation professionals
Berger's new book Re-entry
Saying that helicopters have propellers is like saying rockets use jet engines.
>well ackshully the rocket engines produce a jet of exhaust gas so if a journalist says Falcon 9 uses jet engines he isn't technically wrong
No. This is stupid.
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Still waiting for that Voith Schneider helicopter design
rockets use propellers
Thanks, gonna seek it online
No kidding, the DNC works for the CCP.
They both use propeller to convey the concept to readers who may not be familiar with rotor, which is also why Berger used propeller in his book.
Literally nobody is confused by "helicopter rotor"
I didn't know what a rotor was until this thread and I'll probably forget in an hour
I think your helicopter has autism.
propellers use rockets
If I was reading a book about helicopters and the author made the mistake of referring to a rocket's jet engines, I probably wouldn't hold it against him that much as long as the helicopter stuff was somewhat interesting.
Are you guys excited for OFT-5?
wumpa wumpa wumpa
Only if its right now
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>The Rotary Rocket did fly three test flights and a composite propellant tank survived a full test program, however these tests revealed problems. For instance, the ATV demonstrated that landing the Rotary Rocket was tricky, even dangerous. Test pilots have a rating system, the Cooper-Harper rating scale, for vehicles between 1 and 10 that relates to difficulty to pilot. The Roton ATV scored a 10 — the vehicle simulator was found to be almost unflyable by anyone except the Rotary test pilots, and even then there were short periods where the vehicle was out of control.
Why exactly? From people shorting or from investors losing money?
those tip-jets were more like weird afterburners
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>Hot tip jets are a form of simple pressure fed rocket engine as both fuel and oxidizer are being supplied, mixed, and ignited
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Let's play on the rotors, anon ^_^
>Rotors seen as method of Orion spacecraft return
that's a rocket engine
>the rear end of a turbojet engine is a pressure fed rocket engine
Every capsule should have an SCE switch with the default position unlabeled and the second position labeled OX. It should moo when flipped.
>_> Who is the woman in the blue striped shirt
Kate Tice
Is SpaceX going to make one of those for when they start doing droneship landings?
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>Typically the oxidizer used is air that has been compressed elsewhere in the aircraft and ducted through the rotor to the tip thruster
Conventional rockets are just bladeless helicopters
FAA approved in 3 days
>NEWS: @SpaceX plans to invest $1.5 billion in Vietnam, the Vietnamese government said today – The remarks came after Vietnam President To Lam’s meeting in New York with SpaceX government affairs official Tim Hughes this week.

>The government did not clarify where SpaceX’s investment would be made, or when details could be agreed to but this could help resolve a stalemate over the launch of the Starlink satellite services there.
Charlie don't launch.
A rotor is a type of propeller
The speculation is manufacturing facilities will be built there but this is possibly an ITAR violation. My own speculation is its more related to their defense capability and DoD is involved in this.
Moons are bullshit. that right there is a binary (or more) planet system. nobody pulls out the barycenters for binary star systems. you see two stars you call it a binary. why is it that some planets aren't planet enough and have to be demoted to moons? it's all a scam
For super heavy, nigger
Vietnam is a pretty big electronics exporter and the forecast only has that growing. If SpaceX is ramping up production of starlink terminals then Vietnam wouldn't be the worst place to be sourcing components from
if it's purely starlink (and starshield-specific hardware is kept within US borders) I don't see how ITAR would be an issue. $1.5b is a lot of money even for a what would be a large facility, that'd be about 30-50% of their total capex for 2025
Its over
>Age of consent is bullshit. that right there is a young (pubescent) adult. Nobody pulls out consent for mentally retarded people. You see grass on the field and you play ball. why is it that some adults aren't adult enough and are demoted to minors? it's all a scam
are we sure ISS can make it to 2030?
Yes, Vietnam is Samsung's biggest manufacturer in the world, so SpaceX can easy build a supply chain there.
Technically planets with moons aren't planets because they haven't cleared their orbit
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just epoxy it then jb weld then duct tape
It’s not that easy in space stationery.
If the worst of the problem is localized to Zvezda's aft port it would just mean that the Russian segment loses a docking port. Progress craft docked in the back couldn't transfer cargo and Soyuz couldn't dock there at all. Propellant transfer from Progress to Zvezda is conducted outside of the station's pressurized perimeter and would remain unaffected. Moving Soyuz from one port to another is about as route as shuffling Dragons around so it'd just be a slight complication to station operations. The Russian side of the station doesn't have anywhere near the traffic jam issues the American side does.

Reasonably confident, but not as reasonably confident as we were 12 months ago. The option for extending the ISS mission past 2030 is looking like it's gone from a really bad idea to a completely untenable one.
>a toilet seat
canadian gov viral marketing campaign to poo in the loo
It’s exactly that easy.
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Reminder, Starship and Starlink are fake and not impressive
>I'm not sure what Elon Musk knows about the FAA, but fighting the FAA is a fast way to go broke

This was the first comment, and I was confused how someone could say this with more than 50% certainty. Then I realized the people who read this website actually don't know lmao
Give me a rifle and I shall head down myself
Starlink IS a distraction though. Who the hell even uses it? People already have perfectly good internet on their phones and at home.
>muh phone company internet

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That's right, this is the /k/troon spy satellite thread. Post satellite photos.
I dont think this flag is upside down. It hangs flat on the tower and the wind picking it up is making the lateral flag looks upside down
soon enough everyone sitting on an airplane or a boat
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just paint on a coating of this
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Is the rockershipt kespoding
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>New Glenn Nears Launch, SpaceX Crew-9 Preps, and LC-39A Starship Updates | KSC Flyover
musk putting a flag up does not make faa license come any faster. it's goofy
Shut up nerd, patriotism rules.
he's not doing it because he's a partiot he's doing it to shame people who cannot feel shame. goofy
Foreigners or Leftists. Maybe both.
>Sedna's discovery is old enough that anons were kids when it was known
I still remember 51 Pegasi b being on the cover of Time magainze
His video speech about this is pretty good.
>TMT delayed yet again
>The National Science Foundation could take until the end of 2026 to complete an environmental review for a potential investment in the proposed Thirty Meter Telescope on Hawaii island
>Already had a second environmental review in 2022
>Has also had to redo its permitting multiple times
>Zero (0) progress in 9 years
It aint happening. Creationism and sacred dirt trump science as long as you're brown.
In what sense?
which party came up with this environmentalist bullshit? it has long since went way past what the original purpose was and just became anti-growth NIMBYISM
Hawai is democrat run btw
These are house reps and have no power. also
>california rep (spacex hq)
>republican (friend of elon)
nothing more than elon's partisan lapdog. not subtle
you are making this partisan
>>california rep (spacex hq)
TX is hq, do try to keep up
Despite the parallels to Starship most of this seems to be due to things at the state level and how management of that land was handled by the University of Hawaii. Naturally it attracted the rent seekers, useful idiots alongside the few with genuine concerns and the COVID lockdowns created the perfect opportunity.
its regulations run amuk and incompetence, another clear example is the california high speed rail
but simply incompetence and retarded rules explain a lot of it, see BEAM program (42 bil and no-one connected yet, or 12 bil for EV charging and there are like 8 chargers)
Not currently, do try to keep up. Iknow it's hard keeping track of everything Elon promised you. Still waiting on your pony?
Go ahead and name a venture he was working on other than Hyperloop that hasn't gone anywhere.
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>you must dismantle a telescope and revert the dirt to its natural state and monitor it for 3 years to see if wildlife approves
>do this two more times and maybe we'll let you build that scope that we've blocked for 15 years :^)
I'm guessing this is also why nobody even talks of a potential launch compex in Hawaii. One of the benefits of Starship will be the ability to construct space telescopes that are much larger. CA HSR at least has workers show up sometimes, even if nothing gets done, right?
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You were here earlier pretending to be retarded for (you)s on the internet and now you're back.
Starship lol
>source: wikipedia
This is some comedy
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>Pictured: nowhere
>zero mars flights
>zero moon flights
>zero orbital flights
>zero payload delivered
>one broken payload door
Starlink. It's just a shell game
Mars is still not terraformed.
xAI hasn't developed AGI yet
He did change SpaceX incorporation to Texas from Delaware. Company HQ can mean anything and isn't tied to any special legal definitions as far as I'm aware. It can be a hut with one secretary if Musk says it is.

I know they have offices elsewhere in Texas too, but If Gwynne doesn't spend most of her time at Starbase I'd say Starbase is a meme HQ.
the new office building is still being built
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It's ok to like spaceflight without becoming a delusional popsci manchild. Keep yourselves in check
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all interplanetary cargo transport long term will be with ion drives im sorry to say.
>"Musk is a fraud!"
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So is there any rough estimate when the next starship launch is happening?
Was thinking of taking time off work to see it.
NET November
If Kamala wins it'll never happen so get out and volunteer to ballot-stuff for Blumpf
Indeed hyperloop is just late, and so is your pony! Don't give up hope!
Hyperloop is the only thing that's actually getting no effort. The rest are in active R&D, and are otherwise just late.
FAA is waiting till after the election to determine the fate of SpaceX. Elon will probably be punished for his behavior
>Currently working with various local governments and private stakeholders to consult, advise, and perform research, development, and testing on the viability in their cities for Hyperloop, the high speed transportation of passengers and goods in tubes.
Looks like you can eat my crusty ass faggot
It's okay Anon, they offer remedial English lessons at community college. You can work on your reading comprehension there.
>Rocket Lab Continues to Mislead Government Customers & Investors
>After finally giving up on the 2024 readiness lie following failure of their now publicly acknowledged NSSL Lane 1 bid, Rocket Lab is gearing up to run the same play in 2025, despite clearly not being close to readiness for launch “mid next year”. A slide shown in the Q2 presentation suggests to investors that Neutron will achieve first flight “4.3” years after announcement, which would align to June 2025. Yet in a late June 2024 interview with Ars Technica, Beck acknowledged that launch by the end of 2025 was a “tight schedule”.
>The readiness lie has now pivoted from an “end of 2024” “green-light schedule” to the notion that their “aggressive schedules” are justified by the fact that all their hardware is ready for flight without any system testing or development cycles. Documents recently obtained by staff reinforce that Rocket Lab and Virginia Space are now trying to cover up pad readiness issues from earlier this year. All phased construction plans and timelines related to pad readiness have been fully redacted or had image quality reduced to make them unreadable.
Hyperloop is happening, keep crying
wrong, the Boring Company is iterating on TBMs rapidly and cheap tunnel boring is a requisite for building the hyperloop
saying hyperloop is not progressing is like saying the mars base is not progressing
yes they are, but you need to do something else before you get to it
designing a mars base is retarded if you don't have a way to get the materials there just like designing a hyperloop system is retarded if you don't have a reasonable way to build it (most of the cost will be tunnel boring right now)
or like saying your 10 year kid is a failure because their college education is not progressing
there is stuff that needs to happen before the college happens
>This denial doesn’t change the reality of the risks and timelines for environmental approval – which make a vehicle test (let alone flight) in 2025 all but impossible. Based on information available to this office, no new approvals from NASA or the FAA have been received since the April update. There is substantial risk to government partners and missions awarded to Rocket Lab in the event of a shareholder lawsuit or SEC enforcement action given the brazen nature of these misrepresentations.

>Rocket Lab has recently shifted from claiming that they would sign the first contracts for Neutron after the first “hot fire test” to not signing any contracts until after they bring the vehicle to market and “prove that it works”. This apparent change of heart was likely driven by the hot fire test failure – a fact somewhat easily withheld from investors but not from customers interested in signing a launch service agreement. Rocket Lab has still sold $0 in launch contracts for Neutron despite reportedly competing for deals against other new entrants.
Don't waste your time on those retarded skeptics. They know nothing.
4. Cadence
>In the Q2 call Beck repeatedly claimed that they would be able to hit a “full operational cadence” quickly after first flight. NASA has publicly projected that Neutron will not fly more than 6 times a year through 2032. Similarly, Beck has repeatedly said that Neutron will only fly once in the first year and twice in the second. This cadence is grossly inadequate to make a meaningful contribution to national security requirements in competition or conflict. Even at peak performance in 2030-2032, and assuming ability to meet the full advertised mass to orbit, Neutron would have a maximum annual capacity to orbit of 85 tons – less than one Starship and the equivalent of about three Falcon 9 launches (which would take SpaceX less than a week).
>[redacted] shared slides (attached) and a recording of the WISE EA kickoff meetng held on April 29, 2024. The kickoff confirmed that Rocket Lab sell does not have environmental approval for the Neutron program at Wallops and that the required environmental assessment will not be complete until December 2025. If Neutron is ready for transport to the launch site by December 2025, NASA Wallops and Virginia Space may attempt to use an interim “Written Reevaluation” to bypass NEPA requirements, but given ongoing litigation related to SpaceX’s Starship program this is unlikely.
lmao, nice collateral damage by Elon
Please, read it again:
>Currently working with [...] to consult, advise, and perform research, development, and testing on the viability
They're basically just letting people ask about it while not committing any resources to making it happen because partial-pressure tunnels are not something they're anywhere close to being able to do with their existing research directions.
do you have a point?
>He did change SpaceX incorporation to Texas from Delaware
That was tesla
he did it for all of his companies
Yes: even the least in-work thing Musk has "promised" doesn't constitute any kind of a broken promise.
Is this your latest shill script?

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