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File: Biology-Gen-Honors.jpg (60 KB, 760x380)
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How to get started in learning biology at the fastest speed?
For what purpose? I'm asking because this will affect the method that will suit you more.
>For what purpose?
Cs/mathfag. Don't know shit outside of high school about neither biology or chemistry. I've decided to learn it because I'm interested in application of my field with humans and animals
not him but gardening
File: konata19.jpg (21 KB, 300x295)
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read biology textbooks in the copilot seat of an sr-71 blackbird
So do you plan to learn bioinformatics, biostatistics, computational biology??
He is right be more specific, it's like saying I want to learn history. History of what?
RHS Gardening
The old farmer almanac

Always start with native plants or plants that thrive in your ecosystem. I would prioritize natives; there’s nothing better than connecting with your local fauna.
Rosalind.info is terrible for people who don’t have AP Biology-level knowledge. The page assumes you already have a strong understanding of biology, and OP will get shredded by the problems.
Would be happy about it, but I personally need more of a molecular biology and neuroscience
If my assumption is correct, I’d guess that you want to become a bioinformatician or computational biologist. In that case, I recommend going through the following Khan Academy classes and using an AI assistant if you have any questions. The combination of using an AI chatbot to answer your questions while studying will make you learn very quick.
Biology Overview
Classical Genetics
Molecular Genetics
Cell Reproduction and Division
Energy and Transport in Cells
Biochemistry is a must in the case of molecular biology, neuroscience is also needed but not as essential as molecular. Take one of the next courses.
edX Harvard: the Principles of Biochemistry
MITx: Biochemistry: Biomolecules, Methods, and Mechanisms
Professor Dave Explains Biochemistry (I am very fond of this one might be a lil outdated tho)
Fundamentals of Neuroscience by Harvard University
Computational Neuroscience by the University of Washington (since you're a mathfagnerd)

Those 2 are focused on human neuroscience if you want to learn more deeply about animal neuroscience I recommend Ethology It's really not neuroscience but still fun to learn.

Behavioral Neuroscience by MIT OpenCourseWare
>Professor Dave
I have a feeling that he is at terminal stage of midwitism after he defended circumcision
If you’re interested in bioinformatics, once you have a decent understanding of biology, you can start with the online book Bioinformatics Data Skills or Biostar. Both are great guides. As a final reminder, the best way to study quickly is to ask yourself why something happens. Understand it—don’t just memorize the concept. You need to fully understand why. I cannot stress enough how useful it is to use an AI like GPT or Claude to answer your questions.
He was always a retarded faggot only autistic high schoolers watched.

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