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Why do I look so different then everybody? I find it peculiar and strange, I've tried posting my photo on different boards in threads where you guess a person's ethnicity and I barely get any replies, people avoid the topic with me. I get told different things. I've been told that I don't even look white. But the thing is nothing really fits.

I wonder, how often does uniqueness or rarity of features persist in a race? I don't have really angular features, my face isn't long or very big, like I'm not short but I'm not very big looking in general. I've been told I look indian and italian and I think I sort or have features and skin like he Indians, germanics, and even Japanese. My nose is not that big, it's not flat but it doesn't protrude for my face like it's covered by facial fat or something, a lot of people have protruding noses.

My theory is that my race all but almost went extinct and I am one of the last of my kind, but technically though I am northwestern European.
Are you american?
You look like a pig crossed with a bonobo
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how many palm creases?
Person in the pic looks like a Northern Italian to me.
What the fuck, why? That picture is weird
I've experienced a lot of what j think is racism hence partially why I am so curious.
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Like this?
I don't know how people deduce what my race supposedly is, here with a good camera and normal focal I don't look white for sure
Italian guy
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Honestly, I am so curious partially due to my experiences, I was increasingly on a regular basis being singled out wherever I went in public.

It seemed to be due to some type of prejudice and I concluded it was racial because when you don't know a person and only see them in public, then the behavior is obviously based on one's appearance. This happened to a half Japanese girl I knew which was interesting and seem to echo what I had thought may have been causing the treatment. This has happened to me in America a little as well when I visited, like this one guy wouldn't stop gaping at me, like I must have looked so weird or different to him he couldn't believe it. But anyway, irs frightening because it's obviously hostile in intent often times.

I'm sure I'll just get called schizo for writing that but whatever
>Why do I look so different then everybody?
first you, then everybody.
>doesn't notice the misspelling even after having it pointed out
I think I have features in common with some indigenous people, though not all of them, whic made me realize I'm almost like an indigenous person
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I've always had a really long neck and I used to be ashamed of it but then I found out it's pretty common among Germans to have long necks like the lady in this pic
It's because you clearly barely take care of yourself you fucking idiot, it's not any kind of prejudice of your genetic traits. Cut your hair, take out your faggy earrings, shower every day and wash your face, and wear more form fitting clothes. Lift some dumbells every day til your arms get tired and do squats. People will treat you better.
I've changed my appearance numerous times, it doesn't have anything to do with my clothing or fashion choices.
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You completely ignored the other part of my reply. You look like a greasy heroine addict. Get a nice hair cut and take care of your body a bit and make sure to clean properly.
I think you're a racist
>>16489661 >>16489674
Check your caryotype. You probably have some chromosomal abnormalities.
I don't have down syndrome asshole

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