IQ tests are bullshit, if you take two identical twins, one raised in an environment that supports his education in school, and then put the other twin raised in Africa where he learns how to survive in the wild but never goes to school, and then you take them both to do an IQ test, obviously the one that went to school is going to have a much higher score. IQ tests are bullshit because it only measures on how well you do on IQ tests. Albert Einstein was a genius at math but did shit in French and history, does that mean he was "low IQ"?The real definition of intelligence is not by some stupid IQ test, but the definition of intelligence is simply whether you have the ability to learn something. Learning requires comprehension, practice, logic, reasoning, creativity, problem-solving, and other things that are a part of intelligence. Just because you don't know something doesn't mean you're low IQ, you just haven't learned it yet.TLDR; Intelligence is the ability to learn, it cannot be measured by a retarded IQ test.
>>1649819899% of IQ tests evaluate problem solving and pattern recognition, staples of intelligence. Most people can do that with or without schooling.
>>16498200So IQ is just pattern recognition? So you can be a genius at pattern recognition but still be a bum fuck retard when it comes to other things too.
>>16498198IQ is part of psychology, the first and most notorious pseudoscience.
>>16498198>IQ tests are bullshit, if you take two identical twins, one raised in an environment that supports his education in school, and then put the other twin raised in Africa where he learns how to survive in the wild but never goes to school, and then you take them both to do an IQ test, obviously the one that went to school is going to have a much higher score.I'd argue the one raised in africa will be more intelligent, because they can survive outside the institutions of civilization without paying any taxes on their labor.
>>16498201If you did IQ test, you'd know what it's about if you ware intelligent. But it's measure of something, not how long you've been properly using that thing...Knowledge is power, and intelligence measured by IQ test is far from knowledge.
>>16498201>So IQ is just pattern recognition?And problem solving.>So you can be a genius at pattern recognition but still be a bum fuck retard when it comes to other things too.Other things? Like what? All intelligence that exists as verbal, spatial, mathematical etc are basically pattern recognition and or problem solving.
>>16498198>I just did an IQ test and got a double digit score: the post.kys retard.
Oh, is it time for our daily midwit takes an IQ test and discovers he's not a genius so he rages against the tests instead of accepting he was just a local maxima in his social circle thread.Good to know tradition means something on /sci/.
>>16498204Why do they predict life outcomes well then?>they don’tAll the empirical evidence proves so, ignorance isn’t an argument.
>>16498284Boiling brainlet.
>>16498198>Albert Einstein was a genius at mathhe was a notoriously shitty mathematician and thats why he wasn't able to construct functional math to express his physics ideas, because he was mathematically illiterate
>>16498222fucking wrong, Jared>>16498198reaction-time tests have precisely zero cultural component, as do backwards-digit-span tests. In fact even chimpanzees can do them. Guess what? they generate highly consistent results strongly correlated with other IQ tests like Raven's Progressive Matrices. cope
>>16498198Pattern recognition and problem solving IQ tests aren't entirely inaccurate in determining general intelligence, as seen in the disparity of southern hemisphere and northern hemisphere. The tests are evolutionary biased towards developed farmer societies.
Eh, IQ is basically a dice roll anyway. Even if you score high there's still an issue on whether or not your spread of intelligence is relevant in respect to the era and economic market you exist in. A 140 IQ literaturist in 1600s-1900s was seen as a more or less a enlightened saint.Now? In 2024 and honestly the past couple of decades a 140 IQ literaturist gets hand waved by most of society unless they make some pop culture stuff akin to Tolkien or Rowling that can become a movie or game series.
>>16498198The only REAL test of Intelligence.
>>16498528Nah, by far is going to be dominated by being rich, second by conscientiousness, and only then IQ.
>>16498198LMAO, it can and is really effective to avoid bad hires among inexperienced candidates. It is so effective that several woke countries banned IQ test, so we have to use obscure games without tutorials instead. We tell them is to measure how good are they at following instructions. If they don't understand how to play the game that is a hard no hire.
>>16498569Griggs v Duke Power was in ruling the US that outlawed IQ tests because those with low light reflectivity tended to score low. Employers moved on to requiring four year college degrees as a proxy for IQ but the government once again got involved and pushed for everyone to get a college degree, using loans from the government.
ive seen too many "well im 130 iq" retarded posts to take it seriously.
>>16498198Well what if you take two non-identical kids and raise them in an identical environment and then have them take an IQ test?
>>16498584You might not be aware of this but just because someone posts that they have a 130 IQ doesn't mean they actually took a valid IQ test and scored a 130. Some people do lie on the internet.
>>16498555Being rich = high IQ. If you're poor, you're a low doesn't matter how you cope with this. your IQ exists to make you survive and reproduce, and money directly helps secure resources.
>>16498590What if I'm poor but still survive and reproduce? I've impregnated at least two women.