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/sci/ - Science & Math

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>be born with giga high iq
>waste all your potential on a board game
What else is he gonna do with that IQ? It's not like it directly translates into being successful at anything other than games. Made the right call honestly.
>zero barrier to entry
>higher social status than most STEM roles
>make decent money
>travel the world
If you loved chess why would you pick STEM over going professional?
Math. Literally anything that has a lasting impact.
men never had an standard for women
Math is risky, you're not making any lasting impacts without a huge breakthrough, which is getting harder and is heavily influenced by luck. You could waste your entire life on math and discover nothing, no reason to bother if you're not doing it for the fun of it.
No one outside the math community cares about modern math
>spending your life autistically memorizing moves
>giga iq
lel STEM fags are so easily impressed
sunken cost fallacy, sad
not too late to shift focus onto something accessible, but neuroplasticity is spent
he has several business interests
>neuroplasticity is spent
fake news
Can these chess incels stop posting on the science and math board? No one cares about your dumb board game
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>that has a lasting impact
Chess is even more risky. If you're not number one, you're pretty much irrelevant.
Idiots can be good at chess. High IQ's can be bad at math. IQ does not equate to being either productive or a success. All you spergs who think IQ matters in the real world are the true retards.
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>Idiots can be good at chess
Case in point: Niggaru Cuckamura
No one owes you the product of their mind.
>neuroticism has a negative correlation
this means there's no way jews can be as successful as they are
Do you even kno what neuroticism is
So jews are anxious and depressed?
all three are different concepts and scopes, which may or may not interact with one another
his IQ is 140+ he can do it
As if he owes you anything.
From what I've seen, he's pretty dumb outside chess so he wouldn't be able to do much
More likely around 120. High but not genius level.
IQ means nothing you faggot
giga high IQ just means he's an autistic retard
Lmao he’s been playing chess since 5 all the Indian GM are 115-120 PRI
Twice as easy is an understatement.
The high IQ realize it's always better to be the big fish, no matter how small the pond.
Langan has higher IQs than him.
>If you're not number one, you're pretty much irrelevant.
That's the case for any discipline.
Math has dozens of disciplines, so there's at least dozens of possible number one, like Andrew Wiles in Number Theory (Fermat's Last Theorem), or Perelman in Geometric0 Topology(Poincare conjecture). Same is true for any other field/discipline. Chess is world wide ranking, and if you're not number one you're toast.
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The higher in Maths you go the fewer there are that can appreciate it, eventually it becomes a hyper-Dimensional chess game between you and god, no else can even watch it happen.

>number one
"In mathematics, 1 is the multiplicative identity, meaning that any number multiplied by 1 equals the same number."
>multiplicative identity
"...identity with respect to multiplication is called a multiplicative identity (often denoted as 1)."

What is this "number" you speak of?

>A number is a mathematical object.
"A mathematical object is an abstract concept arising in mathematics.".

What is this "abstract concept"?
>A concept is an abstract idea that serves as a foundation for more concrete principles, thoughts, and beliefs.

So, the "number one" is a "belief"?
low body count?
I pay taxes for his ass
His iq is double digit but he memerizes board moves.
A test about gay little patterns designed to figure out if someone is legally retarded is now used as bragging rights for nerds
He also pays taxes for your poor ass
The only worthy field of science today is medical drug research. You find cures for ailments, you leave a lasting impact.
No, you don't. You have a critical misunderstanding of modern economics. Allow me to correct you.
Governments levy taxes to remove money from the monetary supply. Governments print money (via QE) to add money to the monetary supply. The money QEd is used to fund programs intended to increase the velocity of money.
Hopefully, this leads to a cycle of business wherein the government prints more money than it has any backing for, leading to economic expansion, leading to increased taxation revenue which cancels out the negative effects of economic expansion, allowing them to get elected again.
Unfortunately, the world is utterly filled with morons like you who think that the government bothers to create some correspondence between money collected in taxation and actual, real world dollar bills. Made out of paper, or plastic, or jeans. lmao, no. The "money" you "give" in taxes is instantly destroyed, digitally, not the instant it lands in their account, but MONTHS prior to the action. You are an expectation value embedded in a model. Nothing more.
Taxation is a method to reduce the monetary supply to handle inflation towards a target level.
>Governments levy taxes to remove money from the monetary supply.
not always and almost never in fact
>Governments print money (via QE) to add money to the monetary supply.
They do it for all kinds of reasons, mostly to supplement their budget but also for more obscure jewish schemes.
>velocity of money.
Pure schizophrenia
>some correspondence between money collected in taxation and actual, real world dollar bills.
Its never a 1 to 1 fit and no one ever claims it is. Its still neary over 90% funding with taxes except in hyperinflated shitholes where its going to be 90% printing. No one has ever claimed all the money the government spends comes from printing or from taxes, you are a moron that thinks hes smart for "debunking" something no one has ever believed
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>eventually it becomes a hyper-Dimensional chess game between you and god, no else can even watch it happen
That's what makes it worthwhile.
is this the academic version of this meme?
This is a retarded thread
>giga high iq
more like good memory, maybe a doctor
I also unclog his toilet
Well yeah, you can't do everything.
I also think gymrats are fucking worthless
>spend 10hrs+ a week so you have bigger muscles
>which bitches don't care about
>which are illegal to use
kinda, depends on how you perceive the situation
if you think you have enough time to learn everything you need to know, then you'll have no problem adapting and gaining competent knowledge
but if you think, even subconsciously in the back of your mind, that you don't have enough time to learn everything you need to know to become competent with the knowledge, then then you'll struggle to learn, since you can't justify the time and effort required
this is my personal experience with learning
in my mid 20s i learned computer engineering and mathematical concepts with relative ease because it's related to my career, but i struggle to remember the most basic concepts in video game because i recieve absolutely zero benefit from getting good at them
learning how to apply electrical logic gates to low level computing was easier than memorizing elden ring boss attack patterns
the mind is a genuinely amazing device
>You could waste your entire life on math and discover nothing,
you can say this about any field though. you think chess has a higher chance for a breakthrough? he could have easily faded into obscurity after hitting some sort of bottleneck. with math you can just shift laterally to a different topic. no such option exists in chess. you're either the best or you're not.
This is wrong. If you are high IQ you won’t be bad at math assuming the profile is even or higher NVIQ
Humans (like any other creature) do take the path of least resistance, whenever it's possible. Another good example of this is Dolph Lundgren:

>6'5 blonde Swedish gigachad
>graduated from Swedish high school with straight A's, but was also very good at sports at a young age
>goes to the US and is literally awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to MIT in 1983
>instead decides to marry his female negro boss at some nightclub, and to pursue acting
>"Lundgren said after being exposed to the entertainment business, he found it more attractive and rewarding than chemical engineering, so he decided to pursue a career in acting"
>proceeds to build his career acting mostly in B-movies, gets famous after the release of "Rocky IV"
>net worth of $18 million
It's not even about neuroplasticy. Significant declines start in the mid-20s to early 30s, but the actual impact of this is susceptible to debate. The issue is simply time itself and the shortness of a human life.
To become truly proficient at anything, you have to invest about 8000 hours of learning. If you study for two hours every day after work (and that's just the average, meaning you also have to invest time when you're sick or away from home) it will take you almost 11 years to become proficient. But two hours, on average every day, is a lot. The vast majority of people are unable to keep this pace. If you make that one hour it's 22 years.
I clog his toilet.
that kind aligns with my point in >>16542330
regardless of the reduction in learning capacity, as you get older, you find it much more difficult to justify the time and effort required to master something
as you age, advancing your career and taking care of your family become much more important goals than learning a new relatively unimportant skill
if you can't find value in learning something that requires significant time and effort, it's going to be very difficult to become highly proficient at it
i remember this with video games as a kid
every summer break, i'd become a machine at whatever game i was playing, because i had nothing else to focus on
when school started up again, i lost my ability to grind and learn new games because studying was a higher priority
if i had similar difficulties learning new skills later in adulthood, it might be attributed to reduced neuroplasticity, which could be an oversight
it might not be the theoretical reduction of neuroplasticity that causes the difficulties with learning, but instead could be other adult responsibilities reducing the amount of effort and priority i place on learning the new thing
i also noticed this with 4chan arguments
in university i had no problem arguing with people for hours, and i'd frequently win due to the effort i'd put into the topics
as i started working, my time and effort spent on this website reduced dramatically

it might be more of a priority issue, and not entirely neuroplasticity
I know how his one opponent cheated.
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Orbital mind control lasers?
I literally switched to cs from ee after taking 1 (one) programming class and realizing how natural it came to me
I got my cs degree and graduated top of the class, I didnt really expect it because I barely studied kek
>>instead decides to marry his female negro boss at some nightclub, and to pursue acting
That was fucking Grace Jones
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Why the fuck are you even here

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