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>Gets absolutely no credit when it comes to be the big bang theory.
>Him and Einstein was talking and Einstein said something like oh the universe is forever expanding.
>”oh then it must’ve started a single point”
>Crippled pedophile takes credit for the theory
>every time you look up the theory in question you have to go through a crappy overrated sitcom
>features a poorly written bagged eyed bitch that’s whole gag is autism

What a legacy to leave behind
>>Gets absolutely no credit when it comes to be the big bang theory
Except the relevant metric carries his name. Stop making threads about shit you only know about from pop sci slop.
Big bang has been replaced with eternal inflation anyhow
ofc nobody knows about it
steady state retards (athiests) are still seething that a bunch of fucking Catholics were right about everything (again! how dare they!)
Literally nobody is seething outside of your schizo mind
Friedmann had discovered it before him, and it would anyway be found very quickly after hubble because it's not very hard.
you can pretend that history didn't happen all you want bud
Right about the universe beginning in 4000 bc? Lmao
The Catholic scientists who invented the big bang theory did not believe the universe was 4000 years old. Only a few cranks in Utah, in modern day America, believe that shit. Unlike you, deceased champion of the steady state model, they also did not believe that it was timeless and eternal. Retard
Why did your brain get replaced by a retardation generator?
see this post
Ask your handlers to stop you from posting
Idk I personally am seething a little.
Universe should be steady state
Wasn't his contribution entirely ontological? He didnt do any of the math and his ideas weren't even really his own if you think about it. They came entirely from a theological perspective, which isnt sufficient for science. Yeah sure he can get his name written down in the margins, but probably nobody outside of some delusional christfags genuinely believe he deserves credit beyond that.
Ok, still isnt proof of God though lmao.
bro you made me geek heres 500k
like the history of you being asked to provide proof of said 'seething' and producing - once! - a bunch of links about disagreeing? because in your tiny brain disagreement=seething?
The relation is just [math]Hd=v[/math], it isn't that much of a discovery, though it did btfo the reddit like atheists of the era because "muh heckin' universino isn't eternal and had a beginning" so I do thank him for that.
Big Bang is religious schizobable due some catholic cucks. The universe is an eternal boltzmann machine.
Right about god snapping universe into existence out of nothing, obviously.
It just makes sense!
Also universe is le expanding or something even though infinite thing cannot expand because it already takes up whole entirety of everything.
Let say you have infinite mathematical space and you have a balloon and you explode it. Where does the air molecules go and do?
stay within the infinite mathematical space
The observable universe is either eternal or it isn't. Plain guessing gives you a 50% chance of being right and there was no real evidence for either possibility back then. Just because some dumb nigger got it right by accident doesn't mean you should start sucking his asshole and put his dick in your own.

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