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>How will other branches even be employed after a robotics boom?
Of course genetic scientists would be employed as eugenics officers handing out the smartest chemist and AI waifus as gfs to robotics and engineering chads but what about theoretical "physics" people?
None of your hallucinations will come true.
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No, robotics is the future, we will rule the world! Just you wait quantum fags.
you wouldn't get it
you think the demons who invented electric motors intended for them to be used as joints for chinese plastic robot limbs?
they were intended to be used with systems of gears
go look at analog autopilot and flight instruments from around world war 1
not just marvels of design but of manufacturing
we peaked in terms of manufacturing around the 1980s
but we've never fully realized the potential of robotics, and we won't until a philosophical shift is made and acted upon
Square-cube law. That is all.
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Bwahahahahahahaha! You FOOL! you absolute BAFOON!
>Did i say GIANT Mechas!?
We will destroy CERN with a perfectly DINO SIZED Mechas. There's nothing you can do to stop us. All the funds will be MECHANIZED!
we'll even use vertical jets/propellers to lower ground pressure to erase our tracks.
>>Did i say GIANT Mechas!?
But they're just robots if they're not giant. Mechas gotta be giant to be mechas. I know my chinese cartoons.
what you mean by mechas? humans are robots made out of nanomachinery. it's very detailed. but still stuff.
today's robots are pretty raw in that regard. depending on application they'll eventually make artificial muscles, nerves and all that. still a robot but way more detailed
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It is disgraceful of me to build only a dino sized mecha, CERN would just use ATGMs!?
We shall build;
>shock absorbers connected to gyrostabilizers
>giant muscles, each "string" made with regenerative materials to generate power
>Jets of air pressurized via the internal stresses and propellers to lower fround pressure
It will be GLORIOUS!
and those hacks at the Nobel committee will bow! Before the Science field of the future: ROBOTICS
>He believes in nanomachines
Pfft, anon, mechas are meant to be bigger.
retarded pop-science babble.
yeah, that fits
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>Shit taste
Would you like a BASEDJAK with that quantum fag?
>Pfft, anon, mechas are meant to be bigger.
a mecha is unironically way simpler than a humanoid robot with artificial muscles and nerves and optic nerve and all that craziness
Steins;Gate was not that good. Maybe I was expecting more because Kurisu is a big /sci/ waifu but the time travel was too basic.
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Designweise? sure, But scale adds complexity as well anon
Play the VNs, theyare free on android and are getting a remake this year. It has conspiracy theories and willing shit to existence using quantum bullshit.
I don't know of a good nuclear anime though. I suppose it doesn't exist since the commie unions in the nipponese entertainment industry would cuck it because of fukushima like they cucked future war 198X to a failure back in the Day
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How will this mobile tank suit be powered?
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Dr. Pepper based power plant and a little uranium
Neighbourhood Mecha battle radioactive wasteland...
what's the best RTG radioactive material?
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Plutonium in a mixed, liquid form with dr.pepper
Then let's make even smaller robots. Imagine pocket-sized, hand-held servant robots, or self-defense robots. Onahole robots...
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>Are mechas the future of science?
No. Never will be.
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>Visionless, soulless, bureaucratic faux scientist interested only in his grants and reinventing the wheel
Your disgusting kind will be hunted and need presidential pardons just to avoid legal manhunts.
>No mercy to anti-gundam Galileans and their square cube dictat
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>Maidbot hive to man the cafes
>Insect sized servant bots to joust mosquitos
>Miniature desktop chateaus maintained by manor bots for decoration

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