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/sci/ - Science & Math

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Is studying mathematics worth it?
No, but you might want to anyway.
why isn't it worth it
Nta, br if you value your sanity, it wouldn't be worth it.
No offense to mathbros, but there are no sane mathematicians.
i already have a couple screws loose
No worries then.
Depends on what you mean. At some point it becomes some odd mix of navel-gazing and objective truths of the universe. The big problem is that it's basically impossible to tease out what actually matters when you're down in the weeds.
No jobs in it and you have to actually use your brain. Engineering has more jobs and you only need to know finite difference methods and some dumbed down physics, which you will likely never need for your day-to-day work
Yes, you can use math to reverse engineer PageRank. With Trump in the white house, the corrupt dealings of the democrats with Google mean diddly squat, so Google is a sitting duck. All you have to do is expect that Google will do something anti-competitive and have a lawyer ready to sue them for $billions if they so much as move a muscle.
only if you are a genius
AKA working for banks that typically only hire people from the ivy league. Unless you're thinking about trading on your own, which will likely lead to you losing all your money because you can't compete with everyone else who has more skills/computing resources than you
so nobody here thinks studying mathematics is worthwhile? or if they do, the highest aspirations are to be a quant for a financial firm?
you sound like a CCP shill
>please don't outsmart me, Americabro!
Committing genocide against the Chinese is fun, but it isn't harmless. Chinks are smart, but they aren't free, and because money is math, studying math means using money to enslave the chinks and commit genocide against them. it's fun AND it feels good!
Reason 3 is both a trvke and a blatant schizopost depending on how you look at it. No amount of ML wankery can lead to progress in pure mathematics. The problem, of course, is that the “system” as Ted put it only cares about applied math, which is indeed susceptible to ML bullshit.
t. friend in numerical analysis constantly complains how every prof is abandoning finesse and rigor for those juicy ML grants
if its relevant to what you want to do, then yes
why can't ML help progress pure mathematics.
you have to be indian or asian to be hired as a quant and atleast have 2 phds from ivy league schools
because proofs are original, rakesh. You can't train ml on them. A proof of one theorem doesn't tell you anything about how to prove another.
What kind of maths? If you need it to do what you want to do, then yes of course. If you're talking about maths research, studying maths mostly just for fun, etc, then if you have to ask the answer is no.
Fuck no lmao wtf
But my parents think I'm some kind of genius or something cause of the basic shit PDEs on my white board, so whatever. They think they're supporting a special little genius and as long as they think that instead of "anon should get a job" I'm living good if all I have to do is read some boring dry ass books about the next crazy PDE vibrating buttplug method.

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