Are you a member of a professional /sci/ society?
>>16561034>not professional suoy/sci/etyYou had 1 job
Yeah I am a member of the society for industrial and applied mathematics, even served as an officer for the grad student chapter back around 2013 or so.
The finest organization around you is more than likely one doing math vulgarisation for kids. I respect the good people fighting burocrats in professional organization, but I'd rather show kids whatever I think is fun at the moment and hang out with cool professors / motherly math cuties
>>16561034I'm a professional NEET
>>16561034Any other American Nuclear Society fags here?
>>16561034Mathematical Association of AmericaAmerican Mathematical SocietyAmerican Statistical AssociationAmerican Homebrewers Association
>>16561034Nope. I'm doing some actual science, and they don't approve of that, because most of them are incapable of such things, so my presence would make the inequality too obvious.
>>16561034My mates would bash me for being poser cunt if I say anything.
>>16561034Why would you consider yourself a member due to some obviously automated email reply from an organization that clearly doesn't even know what country you are in or if you are even a real person?
>>16562195He cut the email retard
>>16562304Nah anon would have said administrator instead of member if he were an administrator instead of just a low level member of the organization.
>>16562316I posted the image. The email is addressed to me. I obviously cut my name out. I got accepted as a full member after applying.
ACM and IEEE-CS at various times but stopped both as I really didn't get much out of them.
>>16561034IEEE NPSS and IEEE EDSOnly for discounts on conference registration since work only reimburses the member rates.