Have any of you ever had an event in your life that instantly reduced your intelligence? Like brain damage but all of your other brain’s functions are unaffected.
>>16575098I became a Naruto fan.
>>16575107>I became a Naruto fan.Was this the cause or the effect?
>>16575098I was prescribed antipsychotics, as soon I started taking them, my short term memory and focus went on vacation, like literally I lost few IQ points. And I'm sure it was pill, not disease.
>>16575098I self medicated my glutamate system hyperactivation with memantine, now my memory is no longer photographic, my memory is now normie-tier.I live happier now, no regerrts.
>>16575098Yes and it's called ultimated acces to the Internet
>>16575098Every time I have a flu with fever. It takes about a week for the body to recover plus another 2 weeks for the brain to get back on track. It is very uncomfortable experiencing this deterioration, even though I know it is only temporary.
>>16575098I should have brain damage from binge drinking in my early 20s and almost dying from alcohol poisoning once. I have a hypothesis that minor brain damage, chronically induced by frequent alcohol intoxication, actually aids in creativity. If the damage isn't too acute, the brain adapts by forming new synaptic connections to compensate for neural cell death. Alcohol intoxication therefore acts as a kind of catalyst for neuroplasticity, leading to divergent thinking and the capacity for creative output. The brain's ability to adapt to chronic intoxication diminishes with age, so there is a small window during youth and early adulthood when this effect might have some benefit. This is why so many great artists, musicians, writers and even scientists have been alcoholics, and why many of them burn out by their late 20s and 30s.
>>16575098Boxing in some basement after a bad breakup. Concussion, never recovered. Fighting being so popular now among celebrities is probably a disaster for a lot more young men than me. Maybe Joe Rogan has some blame too. Normal people should not be getting punched in the head.
>>16575098I took too much ketamine over the years, turns out it causes permanent brain damage as well as other organ damage. My decisions lately have been terrible. I feel like a completely different person from ten years ago.
>>16575098No I did the opposite by taking Modafinil, phenibut and L-dopa and increased my IQ tenfold
>>16575098Chemotherapy ruined my intelligence.
>>16575966So now you have a two digit number?
>>16575098I’ll add: did you feel a physical sensation when you lost IQ points?
>>16575098Yes. I got sick. Strep throat.Then I got better. Eye opening experiencing sub-100 though. So fucking thick headed.
>>16575098About 30 years ago, at the request of a friend who was managing an estate, I presented a sort of private game show for a small audience, the binding purpose of which was to resolve who would get everything: the son, or this sleazy businessman who was directly involved and did have some standing.The son was a complete idiot, and at one point he gave an answer which was so stupid that I could actually feel it making me dumber, just like a blow to the head. I can't even remember what it was, but that impression of becoming dumber really stuck with me. I told him off in front of everyone. In the end, the son won, because the sleazy guy couldn't answer a basic question about business ethics. I regret having ever met the son, but it was his choice of category, so I guess he had a little sense after all.
>>16575098Not all other functions unaffected, no. Long story short, my mother lied and got me institutionalized for a week. I am literally a more psychotic person for that having happened to me. I can literally feel the dysfunction in my psyche as it washes down my face, over my shoulders and twists down my triceps. I can't focus as much.