why is the milky way stuck in a giant void like this?
>>16575176Where's Andromeda?
>>16575176It's not
>>16575204but why would scientists assume that then?
It's a simulation
>>16575221Did you find those "scientists" from behind a dumpster, perchance?
>>16575243You can't just say "perchance"
>>16575221They don't
>>16575269I take that as a yes.
>>16575271So what do they believe then?>>16575301Stop with the trolling.
>>16575389Fuckoff, space isn't paranormal.
>>16575318Milky Way is in more of a peninsula on the void. There's also galaxies that are in the void.
>>16575675Your unproven schizo theories, however, are.
>>16575953Anon may laugh, but I dare him to outrun it.
>>16575820>>16575389Why do you idiots post to /sci/ You both clearly don't know anything about astronomy and your posts make OP look like the smart one and you look idiot trolls. >>16575707I think the real issue is the use of dark matter and dark energy as handwaving excuses for the matter distribution. The irony is dark matter and dark energy belong in /x/ threads more than someone asking about cosmic voids and matter distribution in observable space.
>>16575976If it's mainstream science, it goes in /sci/. Even fringe science goes in /sci/. It goes in /x/ when you're talking about literal spirits and demons.
>>16575979OP was asking about cosmic voids which is an aspect of matter distribution is space. I really don't care about your justifications for posting stupidity in a thread clearly beyond your intellectual depth.
>>16575980Somebody asked what scientists believe about this. What's your answer?
>>16575981I already answered that question.Do you have a reading disability or something?
>>16575989>I already answered that question.Where though? Do you know?
>>16575976>the use of dark matter and dark energy as handwaving excuses for the matter distributionThen build an experiment that exclusively confirms one theory of dark matter. Until then "dark matter" will be used to explain mass distribution
>>16575976The names. *taps desk*
>>16576003It hasn't. I suspect it's a bot.
>>16576003>>16576219I suspect you're both ESL.>>16575976<--you are still hereI expect you'll both keep spewing reddlt nonsense instead though.>>16576028>Build an experiment to prove dark matter and dark energy existWhy on earth would I build an experiment to study ghosts?
>>16575176that's a picture of an isolated galaxy, super imposed on a picture of a globular cluster. our galaxy is in a void like all the galaxies are (except the ones that are colliding).no one thinks we are "stuck" our galaxy is moving towards the local group, which is moving towards the great attractor.space is so fucking vast you cannot even comprehend it in the slightest. on the scale of the galaxy we are so small that we effectively do not exist.