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If I took a bottle of still water, flow it through a sieve, boils it to 150°C, evaporate it then make the steam go through a condenser, will the water be safe to drink?
Why wouldn't it? Would probably be safe with just the boiling, it's unlikely to have actual toxic chemicals in it just bacteria.
Use a fractionating column with a thermometer to increase the number of theoretical plates and keep only the water fraction. When the temperature gets up to the boiling point for water at your altitude let the distiller run for a moment, then discard the distillate. Collect the distillate until the temperature rises above the boiling point for water and remove the collection vessel. The water will be pure except for chemicals transferred as azeotropes or from thin films in the condenser.
>boils it to 150°C
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Thanks for the bump cretin. Not like you add anything to add.
Yes. Just forcing it through charcoal is enough. Realistically, just distilling it e.g. evaporating it into another container, even osmosis is going to make it safe to drink. Millions of ways to skin a cat. Look into reverse osmosis. You could also just boil it...assuming there isn't any chemicals or dirt in it, it will still kill parasites, bacteria and virals.
Sure. That's called distillation buddy
you dont have a condenser

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