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File: Straight_line.jpg (4 KB, 651x272)
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Look at the picture. It is a line a straight line in fact, not that it maters for the same rules applies to all lines. it must have a start and an end dosent matter from what corner you view it whre it starts or how its twists its always the same. it begins and the it ends. becous if it dosent both end, and start then it isnt a line. i think existance is like a line in a way, it must have started (or be precived to have started) and at some point it also needs to end (or be precived to end at some point) for it to excist. and so i suppose we must all go at some point and i have had the frightful realisation that in every religious book mentioning the so called eternal after life (heaven/hell/nirvana) is just saying that when you die its lights out (aka eternal) a line whitout start and end in other words, not a line. but we humans (me included until resently and probably still) have like a child not wanting to stop playing whit our friends in the sandbox, have atempted to bend the line into a circle. But what we forget is that then it is no longer a line as it once agin has neither end nor start.

so uhm what im trying to say is the finity of reality is what proofs its existance. you will die "forever" becous you have to i have to everything has to. then we come to the next problem of is a line a line if no one sees it so if the universe ends nothing can observe the line so does it exist? idk im really fucking drunk hope you have a good day sexy man/woman on the other side of the screen.
*hits blunt*
so yeeeee that's the thread.. what do you guys like think and stuff
well? what do you think?
Sort of. The line is a relation and the manifestation of the relation is what we call time.
debunked by Kant. the idea that time begins and ends it equally as valid (and equally as invalid) as the idea that time is infinite in both directions. you can't prove it one way or the other because you are trying to apply reason to things that can't be experienced.
fake&gay. I already exist so that's direct proof I can exist. you need to prove I can't exist more times than once.
>It is a line a straight line in fact, not that it maters for the same rules applies to all lines.
It does matter because the rule says that lines are straight, if its not straight, its not a line, its an arc or curve.

>it must have a start and an end
No, if it has a start and an end, it isn't a line, it is a line segment, lines by definition are infinitely long one dimensional, zero thickness, math elements.

>if it dosent both end, and start then it isnt a line.
Still wrong, repeating yourself doesn't add evidence to your false claims, it is only a line if it has no beginning or end, it if has ends, it is a line segment instead of a line.

Pretty much everything else in your post is just retarded nonsense based on your misconceptions about basic grade school geometry.
Do the world a favour and neck yourself.

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