And no I'm not trolling. This is a biology/medical question not sure how it wouldn't be science. Why is it when I coom just right like deep and powerful and completely enough it cures my chronic constipation, frequent urination, and nocturnia? I'm not schizo this is true and real. Why do freemason mods get so mad when I discuss this? Did I accidentally discover some weird occultic sex magic ritual to cure prostate enlargement/inflammation by simply being addicted to masturbation? Any logical reason for this? The medical science on this is really underdeveloped and primitive still. Theoretical suppositions though?
The Placebo effect is strong with this one
>>16575575Going from waking up every hour on the hour to pee every night or having to poss every 5 minutes while awake to sleeping for 10 hours straight uninterrupted or peeing every 3-4 hours while awake is unequivocally not a placebo effect
>>16575568It's Freudian. Your parents were too strict during your anal stage, leading to anal retentiveness, and too lenient during your phallic stage, leading to phallic-expulsiveness. When you coom, you're unconsciously thinking of your mother and, upon satifying your oedipus complex, your psyche is gratified and your neuroses are temporarily relieved. However, you never consciously work out the root causes of your psychic disorder and the cycle continues.
>>16575600>It's Freudian.Indeed. Your fixation on the anal and the phallic is a symptom of having failed to pass an early childhood development phase.
>>16575600Jewish perversion projection pseudoscience is pretty funny but can I get a serious answer?
>>16575568I wish you were a serious human being with a passion for science
>>16575568Schizo thread
>>16575575Nah this definitely used to happen to me as well. I was a NEET for a few years and got so addicted to playing Civilization IV that I would repress the urge to poop and only go to the bathroom after masturbating. It got to the point where getting sexually aroused would always be associated with a sensation of having to poop. I know this sounds like a joke, but it's not. A few years after this I noticed that masturbating seemed to have the same effects OP mentioned re: constipation and insomnia. I stopped doing it for religious reasons a while ago, but there's definitely something to the theory. I would imagine that the OP and I both don't get much physical exercise, because I get the same effects if I spend a few days doing cardio.>>16575742Sanest take in the thread so far.
>>16575568frequent urination can be caused by an enlarged ejaculating you could be releasing some pressure.