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I see shit like this and wonder is it just me? Am I the crazy one?
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Huh wut? Are they making kiwi and kangaroo "elements" now?
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I mean yah at first glance it look stupid af but you would be surprised to find out how much the ancients were right about and how much bullshit is pure retardation they teach now. The greeks denoted 5 elements, earth, air, wind, fire and ether and when I was in school (grade school I think) they acted like the Greeks were retarded or something for these designations because "they" evolved the meanings to something totally different. Just because we have tools to break the elements down even further now doesnt mean the Greeks were wrong, they have no idea these designations were in relation to DENSITY not electron counts ffs. Density was the most important thing in their classification system. So dont judge a book by its cover, wait to see what they develop and the logic behind it, it might surprise you with how important the knowledge is when viewed through the correct lens

....... OR it could retarded woke garbage brownoids use to cope because whites and nips have done every scientific breakthrough for the last 1000 years. We will have to wait and see

I'm gonna have to go with my boy Occum on that one.
10-to-1, this bitch LARPs as a native. My grandmother has the same look about her and does the same thing. It is endlessly frustrating the hold these tribal peoples are allowed to have on us. Some of them literally didn't even invent fire.
which element is methylated spirits?
Makes me wonder why American natives were so much better than australian natives
shehim will never win a Nobel Prize for that
I'd say she's wasting her time but there's probably nothing better to spend her time on
American Indians are a bottlenecked population that is descended from 1500 Siberian modern humans. Abos are literally an archaic homo sapiens relict population representing the transitional form between heidelbergensis and early sapiens.
Most peoples didn't invent firekeeping, it would be more accurate to say that they lost the technology
The "right" way to think about science is a progressive refinement of models.
You're sane. Most science takes place in entrenched organizations receiving money from the government or corporations fulfilling hollow government rituals, therefore most scientists are noblemen or fawning sycophants to noblemen. Most noblemen in the West are currently part of a death cult that seeks the destruction of the civilization they rule over, so the works of themselves and their servants tends to be... noticeably strange.

Imagine being a vaguely skeptical Aztec while the priests were going to town on prisoners of war. You'd almost think you had to be the crazy one, because there's no way they'd build a giant stone pyramid, dress up in ostentatious feathers, cut the still beating hearts out of hundreds of prisoners, and then triumphantly raise said hearts to the sky while kicking the bloodless corpses down the steps over and over and over again, unless that really did keep the sun rising in the morning. Right? They're fighting literal wars over the ability to keep doing this, it's gotta be real. Ish. Right?

But no, they were just evil butchers for political reasons. This bitch preening about decolonizing chemistry is the same madness, just far less murderous. On the surface. Her masters would absolutely cut your heart out if they'd get cheered on for it.

Also this. Maybe she'll drink less while she's trying to figure out how to make a Sonic OC out of the periodic table.
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There's only one element they're interested in, and its not even an element.
australian natives have an absolute fuck ton of dream time lore.
>Some of them literally didn't even invent fire.
who? Abbos?
Are you retarded?

Thank you, I needed that.
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>check the actual article
>it's a fucking linguist talking about translating the table into native language so it's more meaningful to the nongs
It's fucking nothing. OP has bamboozled all you faggots.
Blame those clickbait articles
>one time I sniffed petrol and saw wacky shit
that's hardly lore
I thought maybe this was a clickbait title, where in reality they were trying to translate modern atomic names into the many aboriginal languages.
No. They’re literally creating a periodic table based on a “natural connection to chemistry”, using the fact that abos called uranium “sickness rocks”. Yeah, every culture in the history of the world has been able to figure out some elements are fucking toxic they aren’t special LMAO
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No, it isn’t. Try reading the entire article.
Now one was talking about Petrol sniffing, dickhead.
That is precisely the topic of discussion, try to keep up. American natives built incredible civilizations while Australian abbos sat around, got high, and talked about their fever dreams. One is excellent lore, the other is abysmal.
The population that got stranded on Tasmania when the Bass Straight flooded actually forgot how to make fire from scratch.
Abbo culture was no different than every other nomadic culture, including those on the North American continent, dipshit.
Fuck oFF back to /pol/ and cry about getting bashed by boongs to someone that gives a shit.
>>Abbo culture was no different than every other nomadic culture
Completely wrong, the natives of North, Central and South America all vastly surpassed Australian abbos in terms of cultural achievements.
>The idea that the Aboriginal Tasmanians lost the ability to make fire is primarily based on historical accounts and observations rather than direct archaeological evidence. The most notable proponent of this theory was anthropologist Rhys Jones, who suggested in 1977 that the Tasmanians had lost the knowledge of fire-making due to their isolation.
>It's important to note that there is no concrete archaeological evidence to definitively prove this claim

Fuck off, idiot.

They lived in a paradise, dumbass.
AND, Go try crossing Bass Strait on a wooden log, delusional tard.
Bullshit, North American Indians were nomadic and followed the Bison migrations for 12,000 years..
Abbo lore is every bit as interesting as theirs.

The rest weren't nomadic, idiot.
>Americans didn't have access to DMT
sure thing, shit for brains.
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Here is some basic science for you sweety:
>Pottery production and use were unknown in Australia before European colonization, despite well-known ceramic-manufacturing practices in eastern Indonesia, southern Papua New Guinea, and the western Pacific. The absence of pottery production in ancient mainland Australia has long puzzled archaeologists, given other documented deep-time Aboriginal exchange routes across the continent.

pic related, it's pottery made by ancient native people in Peru (South America.) Note particularly the chiselled Chad physique.
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This piece was made by natives that lived in what is now the American south (Arkansas). Presumably they made this vessel to honor their village imbecile, a kind gesture indicative of cultural sophistication.
They were nomadic, retard.
They hunted wildlife, cooked and ate it.
They weren't gypsies in caravan trails carting around tons of junk, moron.
I think I see what's going on here. You have misunderstood the meaning of lore. The kind of lore we are talking about is what the people did, not the made up drug-induced stories they told each other. Cultural achievements, cities built, technology invented, art produced.. that's the lore that matters. Not fantasy nonsense.
Nomadic, retard.
Compare them to other nomadic people people like the African Bushman..
Abbos also told stories about their ancestors like every other culture.. Stop talking bullshit.
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Eskimos, while busy fighting for survival in the bitter cold, found the time to carve this beautiful polar bear out of walrus ivory.
no difference to a message stick
Abbos also made Totemic Figures and Carvings out of Bones.
Let's see them.
Will this do?
Or were you looking for something preserved in the ice for centuries, or the magical stuff that doesn't deteriorate with the Australian heat?
The bassian plain was dry land during the last ice age, southern aboriginal population was stranded there when the sea level rose after the last ice age. They didn't arrive by boar and by all accounts were as dumb and primitive as (you)
You said they they were STUCK there, dickhead.
I didn't say they arrived by boat, I said they had no fucking reason to leave; like you and your mommy's basement.
>it might not necessarily look like a table
>it might look like a chair
>they made this vessel to honor their village imbecile, a kind gesture indicative of cultural sophistication
Sadly the descendants found in possession of this piece had forgotten the original purpose of the vessel and had been using it to prop open a door.
Maybe I should've said localisation rather than translation but it's still six of one half dozen of the other.

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