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last thread past bump limit! NO EDATING version, "only looking for f" will be paddled by a burly troon

>Looking for
>Not looking for


>Career / major
>Favorite genre of music
>Favorite food
>Favorite movies
>Interesting fact about you
Gabriel Knight, Maniac Mansion, Panel de Pon, Eastern Mind, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Super Puzzle Fighter II, Ristar, Toonstruck, Illusion of Gaia, Kirby's Dream Course, Alien Soldier
>Looking For
Retro Games
>Not Looking For
Video/Voice Call
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26/m/east coast us
tall, ginger, handsome
>Looking for
people who share my interests especially wine not enough classy alcoholics on soc
>Not looking for
women with emotional problems(that's most of you) and homosexuals
Food and wine, cooking. Sci-fi/japanese stuff like literature and anime. Classical music and opera.
>>Career / major
military and journalism/international relations
>>Favorite genre of music
>>Favorite food
steak frites with béarnaise
>>Favorite movies
the Philadelphia story/Casablanca
>>Interesting fact about you
I've sung at Carnegie Hall(more than once)
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>interests, hobbies
lifting, hiking, poetry, mysticism, analytical psychology, philosophy, crafting stuff, gardening , foraging, brewing, psychedelic rock, neofolk, symbolism, perennial philosophy, cooking, tea
>what you're looking for
everyday mundane conversation, deep conversation, music exchange, cooking talk, people that try to understand themselves
>what you aren't looking for
dullards and boors
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-all the usual 'nerdy' male interests
-music (mainly alt rock, emo, metalcore, numetal)
-lost media
-general tech stuff like pc building and soft modding consoles,
-travel (planning my 2nd japan trip atm)
>looking for
ideally other uk ppl but eu is cool also. usually active 6pm-1am (uk time). down to watch stuff be it anime, films or random yt videos. i like streaming games to ppl
>not looking for
mass adders, doomers, low effort, nsfw, 1 week old accounts, people who use :3
discord: _tabi_
I'm here to edate (pic related). Sorry not sorry.

I like tech, music, have an autistic fucking obsession with archiving media.
>Looking for
People to talk to and get to know , the more abnormal you are the better. I want to gain friends with interesting stories and opinions
>Not looking for
Video/voice call
horny shit
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Just your garden variety introvert that loves obscure and older media, with a particular focus on retro vidya and anime. Also have become a gymrat as of recent and have become mildly fit thanks to the act of picking up a weight and putting it down, so yay me. Likes yapping about stuff I love to anyone that will listen and engage. I'm also 5'9 and bald if anyone cares.
>Looking for
Friends with similar interests, and while not the main reason I'm here maybe a gf if she has similar interests and also leans right politically.
>Not looking for
Not picky about this, but don't be an asshole and/or pushy.
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>About you
I'm a workaholic. My entire self worth is based off of how much money I generate in any given month. It's my most toxic trait and you'd be forgiven for forgiving me for this, but sadly it is also the only real trait I possess.
I am a cold, uncaring and generally disinterested type of man with what my psychologist calls "an unsustainable and festering disdain for intimacy". She may have a point or two there, since I have not had a thought of a woman in any meaningful sense since I weaned off of Zoloft 3 years ago and broke off the connection with my then-sugarbaby in what I would have labeled as a Thespian goodbye, but in reality was closer to banishing a poor sow from my fiefdom in wartime.

I'm little proud of what I've done in life in regards to helping others. Lord knows I've tried but the voice that commanded me to sow only for myself and reap what I may, come hell or high water, may have been just as divine as one preaching Ten Commandments from the doorstep of a mental health clinic in the stupor of a dose of Methadone only the fiercest of Scots could survive.

I've done well in life, but it's never enough. Every day I wake up green with envy for grifters and holy men alike; their undeserved riches and that alone. Damn the following, damn the fame. I want their money and every time I have it, I want more.
I'm set for life but what life would it be without the chase? I would die of both overfeeding and starvation; the human equivalent of an Ourobouros with golden scales. I have tried to share the plight of excessive wealth, and yet none who have loved me have done so for this. Had I known that all it took was gall and not eye-watering stacks of cash, I would never had sold my soul in such a Faustian manner and kept my head firmly where it was supposed to be; between the thighs of a woman I could truly love.

>What you're looking for
Occasional conversation.

>What you're NOT looking for

>21 M NW England
> Not sure what to say about myself, looking for anyone to chat to desu, incredibly lonely. Done some fucked up things in the past, currently an alcoholic/drug addict. Not sure where my life is going from here.
> looking for anyone that fancies a chat
> not looking for people that use 4chan to find friends but assume they have all the answers. Self righteous types.
> gin030018 is my discord
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silly autist trying to survive i guess. i am a NEET at the moment but am confident that i'll have both a job and a driver's license before the end of the year. i try to be nice to people and i'm kinda sensitive i guess. just be patient.
>Looking for
friends that i can talk to while i'm at home and bored.
>Not looking for
coomers, bpd, extremely political stuff


tinkering with computers (linux crap), walking in nature, older vidya, i want to get into firearms but i don't feel like i'm ready for that yet
agnostic. i get along with most religious people, it's the pure athiest "LE WORLD IS MEANINGLESS" types that never shut up that bother me
>Career / major
i want to major in I.T. and get an associate degree, along with some related certifications.
>Favorite genre of music
i like late 70s-early 80s electronic stuff and um 90s new age (yanni lmao...)
>Favorite food
if i had to pick, steak cooked medium rare. kinda bland i know.
>Favorite movies
falling down, full metal jacket, and blackberry
>Interesting fact about you
i'm very thin and as a child i was able to steal things from vending machines by sticking my hand up the door at the bottom. got in trouble a few times but i never took more than one or two things.

>Looking for
Open minded, intelligent, creative or attentive individuals with similar interests for conversation. Maybe watch movies/anime and trade music.

>About me
I spend most of my time making music creative writing, watching movies studying psychology and playing league. I prefer to lead conversations and like investigating how people came to be the way they are.

>Not looking for
Don't add if sensitive to rejection. Don't add if avoidant, looking for love, or incompatible with NA timezones. People who constantly abbreviate or use zoomer babble. Under 20. Non fluent english. Bad listeners.


I'm just an older weeb dude. I like weeb shit, especially into JRPGs on that regard.

Debating getting into TCGs again, MtG or YGO probably.

I have 4 cats and I will spam you with them.

I like to cook and like a variety of music. A lot of older /mu/core. Also folk punk.

I'm looking for friends to chat with

Discord is zenzetta
M27, I'm an American living in the UK (long story)

I am probably an alcoholic. I drink everyday even while at work. I'm a military veteran and tend to write or read a bit. I'm not going to beguile anyone into believing that I am some subject matter expert in anything. I've met so many people on here who claim to know "everything" about a subject when in reality they know nothing at all and are absolutely drab people. I am frankly not interested in being entertained in that vein sense... I'd rather talk to someone honest about themselves as I am now and to be honest, I'm a drunk. I've been here and there while in the military. Guess it's best if you add me if you want to listen to some of my boring stories, lol.

>Looking for
People to at least have a conversation with. I don't care how far it goes.

>Not looking for
(Keep in mind this is coming from a drunk)
Trolls, cunts, actual losers who don't understand their own intentions, disingenuous people.


Drinking, I write stories an poetry that I base off my own life experiences but I doubt they're any good,

Answering the rest because why not?


>Career / major
I'm a network engineer (basically IT).

>Favorite genre of music
If I had to choose, I like early Baroque era music.

>Favorite food
I can't really eat without throwing up but I like avocados served with salt.

>Favorite movies
I don't usually like movies but I do like the following: Shawshank Redemption, The Thing (1982), Clockwork Orange, The Road, Pulp Fiction, The Naked Gun, The Green Mile, The Secret in their Eyes (Argentinean film), Quadrophenia (a film hardly anyone has ever watched but it's amazing), Leaving Las Vegas (mostly because I can relate to it).

>Interesting fact about you
Nothing. I drink about 1.5 liters of hard liquor a day.
I'm really goddamn tired of other people at the moment. (Why are you talking to other people then, retard?) It's complicated. I just want to be candid with someone right now, because today I am in hating people mode and I don't like the group of people I have to talk to now.
>Looking for
Its right there. Just come by and gripe with me. We can be haters today. I'm going back to love and hip-hop Atlanta tomorrow.
>Not looking for
Strange converters or people that are looking to take advantage of a situation. I hate other people, not myself. You're probably not gonna make headway there.
19/f/oort cloud
>About me
alien girl who works on space mine. happy. every hobby.

contact lebedprincess
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>Looking for
I wanna go on Omegle clone websites and I'm wondering if anyone wants to watch. I do say some slurs, but I'm not too insanely racist. We can just talk about random shit.
I collect military jackets and I also like history and I play the guitar very poorly
32 m us

I like hearing about people's problems and possibly helping them work through things. Console gaming is fun, and I'm always taking solid recommendations. Recently started working on putting a boat together. Enjoy a variety of movies and always looking for recs for that as well. Ask to find out more I guess?

>Looking for
My work has taken me to a place where there aren't many people around, so I'm resorting to 4chan for socializing with people who can talk about more than fish and trucks. People who can hold a conversation and want to share their interests with someone who will listen and ask questions. Life discussions because it's anonymous and that usually makes things easier for people to vent and open up a little.

>Not looking for
People who can't keep up a decent conversation

That cat has a big iron on its hip.
> ASL:
27, man, Australia.
> About:
6ft, good build. Classically masculine personality, stoic, self assured, paternal, etc. Hypermotivated on certain things and upward oriented.
> Interests:
Spirituality and esoterics of many kinds, gym/fitness/food, narrative, family, bit of gaming, politics but pretty tired re modern noise, probably a bunch others. Love talking about various social phenomena. Enjoy talking about religion, but arguing gets lame. Will go on many rants and tangents.
> What you're looking for:
Mostly interested in talking to girls rather than guys lately. Pretty much anyone coole to hang out with.
> Not looking for:
nonwhite, degenerate(troon, fag, turbo coomer, druggo, other), mental disorder, turbo depressed, people who have gross souls, politically obsessed.
> Contact:
discord: rocksteady97
30 m usa
neet with tons of time on his hands. i run a lot of ttrpg games and i'm looking for more players. i'm always online and if i'm not i'm probably asleep.
>Looking for
friends, people to play ttrpgs with
>Not looking for
right wing weirdos
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Not much, I like being outside and with animals. I enjoy cooking and healthy eating and watching movies. I don’t really watch much anime but I like the art. I play a lot of minecraft, roblox, and house flipper.
>Looking for
Friends, I would like women to talk to. Mostly I just want to be silly
>Not looking for

I’ve posted here before, but apparently I accepted to many people and my account got banned for spam, so new try this time I guess
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VERY HAPPY PERSON, joy curator, gardener of glee, warden of whimsy
>Looking for
friends who are good at talking about nothing
>Not looking for
people that appear offline or don't live in NA, asking me invasive personal questions when i don't know u at all, relationships
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25 M Midwest
Wfh as a software developer currently and finishing up my bachelors
Bass, Firearms, History, Anime, getting into manga a bit
Like flcl, AoT, FMA:B, etc. would be cool to watch anime or movies with someone.
Have been playing black ops 3 zombies, beat Armored Core 6 recently, playing SH2 Remake and Lies of P now. Favorite series are MGS and RE.
>Looking For
Chats, VC, people to play games with
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19 years old, new england area

I sincerely have nobody to talk to. i always had a lower social drive than others and struggled socially, but i still crave some form of social contact. I really hope i can have a nice conversation or even make a non superficial connection, i like to immerse myself in other people. as for my interests, i like photography, horror movies (especially ti west's x series), taking walks at night, digital journaling, and being on my computer, nothing special really.

>are you a nice person?
I mean well but i can be blunt.

>looking for
communication with someone, i am looking for nearly all types of people i think. nothing inappropriate though. tell me about your interests, what media you enjoy, how your day has been, anything really. i don't mind voice calls but I can get anxious if i am unsure of your personality first.


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33 years old
Nowhere Middle America
Diagnosed Schizophrenic. Asocial borderline antisocial. Generalized anxiety. Hypochondriac germophobe.
If we talk, be prepared for me to go from uninteresting boring and dry to infodumping megasperg randomly and depending on the topic so I hope you can yap and keep the convo flowing naturally because I can't usually. I know that's gay but it is what it is. I will be weird and frustrating to get along with, but the people who can understand and stick with me tend to regard me as a good friend willing to listen and be honest.
I'm mostly posting this because trying to meet people outside is an actual nightmare scenario and I dont want to be actually seen but also I don't want to be entirely alone all the time. This is happy medium I'm comfortable with.
Paintings, ancient history, food, all types of games, thinking deeply about shit that isnt that deep, storytelling in general, books/films/folklore/gamelore, conspiracy theories and astrology (I try not to believe them but they are interesting), fantasy worldbuilding and roleplaying such as but not limited to DnD.
modern politics in general (I'm super opinionated and often wrong so I just kinda shut up about stuff), identity politics (I don't hate anyone but you being a vagina2penis xgendered superqueer extrasexual literally does not matter to me at all, and I tend to not understand it anyway so I'll affirm and say 'cool dude'), music (it's fine in and of itself but genres and sub-genres and other categorizations and music culture and etc are unimportant to me you'll probably think my tastes are lame anyway), and uuuuuh yeah.
Also I guess I am weirdly defensive and hate being misunderstood judging by all the parentheses here.
>looking for
Online friends only. Gamers. Someone to carry me in Overwatch. I also play Helldivers 2, D2 and D4, BG3, SM2 and others. Flirting a bonus but im bad at it. Over the age of 23.
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29 m aus
>Looking for
>Not looking for
not australia
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>M, 30
Looking for genuine, open, honest conversation

(You) reading this, I want to meet you!

I ask direct but well meaning questions. I want to know and understand you, and I am happy to answer anything you ask me. I look for the sort of conversations that are interesting and unique, not superficial and casual. I'm wise and can understand, discuss, and hold interest in any topic you share with me. If I don't know much of it, I'll listen to you and I'll learn. That's a promise to a potential good friend.

While I don't have many people in my life, every friend I've had has been treasured, cared for, and appreciated. I'm not looking to collect. I'm looking for something real.

How often can you say you find someone offering this? You lose nothing by trying, anon.

>Please don't message me if:
You won't let down your walls over time, or if you just use me as entertainment until you grow bored.

I`m into gym stuff and occult stuff, also paranoid schizo but medicated
>Looking for
people to talk to
>Not looking for
horny gay guys


Gym, Occult/divination, shitposting
>Career / major
>Favorite genre of music
emo stuff
>Favorite food
tuna pizza
>Favorite movies
anything horror related
>Interesting fact about you
I`m a literal schizo
welder, i enjoy working out, military surplus, model painting, mmos (mainly runescape)
>Looking for
friends, sane people
>Not looking for
anyone under 21, insane people, people who spend too much time worrying about online stuff
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>about myself
Went to a femcel meme page making fun of men, felt insecure and inadequate, now I'm writing this.

My mom's a hoarder, never had a permanent residence because of it until now. I'm a jack of all trades I suppose, I have experience in almost every vidya except for strategy games. My childhood friend tried teaching me EU4 and Hoi4 but I didn't learned anything because I was too busy playing Genshin Impact for a girl and eventually stopped playing when we drifted apart. Dropped out of college, this is my 2nd time now. Too retarded that I always lose the will to study whenever there's interferences from my life.

I like watching video essays, mostly about film or game design like noah caldwell-gervais. Been watching Broey Deschanel. Interested with feminist media. I think it's cool to see a different perspective than the usual slop of media I usually consume.

>looking for
Misandrist or women. Someone willing to talk to me.

>not looking for

>contact discord
18ftm usa
mentally ill, i cant do anything right, i cut myself, pretty pathetic
>Looking for
someone to hurt me but love me
>Not looking for
.lapdog. (periods are necessary)


consuming media, drawing sometimes, reading sometimes, learning C, sleeping, talking to strangers
>Career / major
neet shutin
>Favorite genre of music
industrial metal and depressive black metal
>Favorite food
>Favorite movies
killer klowns from outer space!!! add me if ur a movie buff i wanna watch more movies
>Interesting fact about you
i have almost died a few times!
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I found myself between a rock and a hard place, but life goes on, right? It's that time of a year where I want some randos from here to chat with. My interests are (but not limited to) j-music,. vocaloids, anime, manga, schizo occult stuff, history, design, alt fashion, also I game a bit and watch esports. I consider myself handsome.
>Looking for
Frens to play Deadlock with, watch/listen to stuff together, and those who have similar interests. Plus maybe a flirty convos.
>Not looking for
commies, people who unironically believe in zodiac signs and other weirdos
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Autistic nerd studying politics and into language learning. I like roguelikes. I also do writing and reading when I have the time. I'm generally open minded but pls, hate rarely leads anywhere. Also trying to learn linux cuz the future of windows scares me.

>Looking for
like-minded people who want to discuss (=/= debate) things
you can tell me about a specific problem in your country :)
or teach me something
or a book you read
maybe i know your language

>Not looking for
low effort, nsfw, racists, hateful people

Obsessed with Y2K, probably a bit too much. Try to learn and become smarter continually
>Looking for
People to send music back and forth, discuss media, be email penpals with, be nostalgic about the old internet, discuss books & share passions.
>Not looking for
Old websites, forums, etc. photography (both modern and vintage), music, movies, academic books, humanities
>Career / major
>Favorite genre of music
Indie rock, punk, electronic, ambient, noise, industrial music
>Favorite movies
All About Lily Chou-Chou, The Lobster, Kikujiro, Koyaanisqatsi, Uncut Gems, End of Evangelion
>Interesting fact about you
I have a neocities I irregularly update I guess.
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25/M/US East Coast
Normal man in the country, living a normal life. I am friendly, and non-judgmental.
>Interests & Hobbies
Experimental music and film, Linux, headphones, indie horror gaming, gardening, and cooking.
>Favorite genre of music
Black metal, dark ambient, classical
> Looking for
Anyone friendly, interesting and/or funny to talk with.
>Not looking for
Trolls, fools, hooligans, or romance.
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>Summary of yourself
I’m an inquisitive weeb with a small, but close social circle. A lot of my leisure time is spent playing vidya, watching movies, documentaries, and getting lost down informative rabbit holes.
Vidya, retro and modern, especially JRPGs and survival horror, but most genres are on the table and I like to branch out. I also enjoy foreign and classic film, true crime, weeb stuff in general, cooking, comfy night walks.

Favorite vidya: Trails/Kiseki, Final Fantasy, Jet Set Radio, Shadow Hearts, Drakengard/Nier, Shin Megami Tensei, Xeno, Metal Gear Solid, Yakuza, Tales, Ys, Silent Hill, Deadly Premonition, Resident Evil

Anime: Evangelion, Rose of Versailles, Mushishi, Natsume Yuujinchou, Great Teacher Onizuka, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Baccano

Film: House, Rosemary's Baby, Woman in the Dunes, Contempt, Ikiru, Your Name, Perfect Blue, Gone With the Wind, Sling Blade
>Looking for
Close friendships and engaging conversations over text or voice chat. I’d like to make genuine connections, and I'll do my best to give everybody a chance.
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Male /m/


Looking for a bisexual, straight or even lesbian girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship/family with a man. Contact me at rel587@protonmail.com

I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.

If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account.
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25, nb (amab)
>about me
I come on here to avoid classwork and people I live with. My physical characteristics are unnecessary because people who would care about such things don't deserve to talk to me. I am partially addicted to texting others on 4chan as a distraction from the boredom and anhedonia that encompasses my life. I generally eat the same thing everyday and rot my brain away on videos and texting. People describe me as emotionally volatile, hard to please, and hard to understand.
I don't like listing interests as they are simply a signal to others that a person is similar, I am not similar to any of you. However for the sake of conversation, I enjoy talking in general and asking questions about eachother. I used to work out a bunch and have recently begun working out again, it makes me feel better. A roommate is teaching me how to cook so that I don't eat the same meals every day.
>looking for
preferably someone that is patient and willing to talk in longer sentences (I hate short nonsensical replies)
>not looking for
minors, vapid people, sex
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24 M
average imageboard user, autistic about computer stuff (infosec and Linux/FOSS. I use Nix btw), economics and music (classical trained pianist ever since my pre-teens, often listening to /mu/core/RYM type stuff, I dig anything ambient or alternative electronic/rock/metal) I also like games (favorite game of all time is Dark Souls, also into Elden Ring, Touhou, ULTRAKILL, Hollow Knight, Minecraft and Terraria. I play chess a lot too) and the usual weeaboo shit (manga and visual novels, sometimes anime)
>Looking for
friends with the same interest as me really. I also love learning and hearing about other people's hyperfixation and maybe even trying them out myself too, so don't be afraid to tell me about something you like if you think I'd be into it too.
>Not looking for
cringe /pol/tard chuds, sellers, gooners and the like. just don't be weird
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i'm an incel who owns a silicone doll that is like a daughter/girlfriend to me. i don't have any experience with girls, and whatever i try, it fails miserably, but i wouldn't say i'm bad looking. i'm 180 cm tall, almost 7 inches peenor, i'm balding, but i have a beard, so that's salvageable, and i'm somewhat fit because i like nightwalking. i have very low expectations from this board, so don't be upset if you find my account deleted next month. i have a full-time job, and i'm kind to everyone in real life but may not appear so online. i might have mental illnesses (i'm not a BPDemon). i've been playing azur lane for about 2 years now, and i'm almost finished with the reverse collapse game. i like visual novels such as umineko and eroge games. next i'll play super neptunia rpg.
>Looking for
i might be interested in dating and meeting up, and i can pay full price for dinner/tickets/whatever
>Not looking for
- erp
- glowies
- gay anons
- server owners and moderators
- anons who get triggered (experience strong negative emotions) over the words such as pedo, incel, tranny, nigger, cuck, etc

you got a "uwu" id
i want an "owo" id now
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Early 20s F, USA
>Looking for
Someone who knows a lot about guns, ideally american and owns a collection of sorts
>Not looking for
Anything else
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Would like someone too talk to

please note I do spam
I am clingy
I don't like chuds or commies. yet have pretty radical views myself
I Have ptsd
sometimes trauma dumping is an issue for me
I don't like toxic people as I have my own problems
understand i have my own social life outside the computer and stuff other than on my pc and give me time too reply back. no I am not ghosting you if it takes half an hour to reply back
Please be polite about my ptsd
and ffs don't be retard , politically correct , a schizo or some npc who I need too explain every single word too

I like history , audiobooks , using my tablet , pondering various subjects

favorite youtuber: syntheticman (prefer odysee , only idiots still upload to youtube)

favorite comedian:

non professional: gypsy crusader
professional: bill burr , David Chappelle , Chris Rock

things I like doing online: just chatting , playing lfd2 , vcing

24 dislike talking too anyone below 23
rememberthebrigade (pin)

(as per standard if someone makes an accusation against me I'd like to first see a screenshot they sent you in dm or a screencap here. one posted here *if ever* will most likely never get a reply as such fodder is bait but if you must atleast post something. and I mean other than out of context collages)

> About you
Mostly looking for friends to DM with day to day. I won't write too much in this post since I'd rather have a conversation. I tend to initiate conversation.

I'm big on music and would like someone to talk to about shows or new finds. Go to stuff with if we get on well enough. Talking about mental health has been a mainstay recently. I dabble in film.

>Looking for
Organic conversation rather than just talking about a single hobby we both share ALL the time.

>Not looking for
/Pol/,incel stuff, hate machines, server invites, teenagers

Discord tag: harmonica_
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27/M/Southern Europe

I have always been told that I am a very smart person, and I am well into the "gifted" range of intelligence. However, a long time ago, after being hurt, I realized that the smartest move in life would be to become a savage. Since then, and with a lot of effort, I have been able to unchain the darkest aspects of my personality and develop a long set of maladaptative behaviors, although my intellect remains intact.

>describe yourself
Skinny, 180 cm tall, with a long beard. I do not care about physical appearance that much and I would expect you not to care, but I will send you a picture of myself on demand.

>looking for
A girl of any age that would enjoy being abused. Expect me to be extremely sweet and caring, but also randomly abusive. I will lovebomb you and shower you with affection and reassurance, but I will also hit you if you do something I do not like, or to deal with my own frustration, and I will also regularly force you into sex and treat you like my sex doll, but I will do all of this out of love, in my own twisted way: you will understand.

Keeping you happy is important to me, so I will also buy you treats and indulge you in any kinks, no matter how fucked up. You will be my queen and the center of my attention, for good and for bad.

I have had my time wasted in real life and I am getting old, so expect me to treat you like my wife from the moment you say "hello", and to be impregnated the moment we meet :)

>not looking for
Troons, people with healthy boundaries, avoidant personalities, people not looking for an actual relationship

>contact info
Discord: maconheights
i am a lonely neet with too much free time lol. i want someone to mutually ramble to, also maybe to play minecraft with. it would be nice to feel like i have a friend i can talk about anything with. i don't mind voice calling just to chill.
>Looking for
a bestie
>Not looking for
lewd.... or 30+ (sorry)
I've withdrawn myself from people almost entirely, both irl and online, mainly because I was in a hole and didn't feel like talking to anyone but now I'm looking to change that.
>Looking for
People to talk with randomly, preferably someone who's more engaging than I am. I have lots of interests (standard 4chan stuff like vidya, anime, manga but also reading and kino among other things) but I really like people talking about random stuff and everyday life experiences so that'd be appreciated. Being a bright-minded or whimsical person definitely is a plus.
>Not looking for
I'm not looking for anyone too depressed or too gloomy, too wrapped up in issues or the like as I can't really handle that. I also don't want anyone waiting for my attention instead of hitting me up whenever they feel like it.
making music , writing poems, being a parasite
islam. no im kidding, no religion
>Career / major
>Favorite genre of music
>Favorite food
red meat
>Favorite movies
clockwork orange, pulp fiction, stalker
>Interesting fact about you
i make asmr and i like silent hill speedruns

discord : vsunbeams
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Young enough, dude, Hungary
Just someone eternally online.
>>Looking for
Likeminded people, anime/vidya enjoyers. People who like to mess around with things. People who can keep boundaries (read below how they don't). Preferably someone closer to any european timezone.
>>Not looking for
Degens, people who cannot talk properly in text, VC users, people who show off their IRL traits and activities.
Being on my PC and fucking around on it. Though it is beyond than a hobby level. Audio, pic, file editing too, from time to time.
Technically christian, more autistically pagan/shamanic, probably.
>>Career / major
>>Favorite genre of music
Metal, but anything unique is good!
>>Favorite food
Barebones food...less complicated the better.
>>Favorite movies
Lord of the rings maybe.
>>Interesting fact about you
I'm online all the time and usually in some game, have a fast knowledge of touhou as well as hyperfixated to some games or online thing. I'm a robot with 21 score on the test. Coming from that board as well.
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18f korean need friend to chat with prefer 17-19 lonely need friend please be nice but no moralfag pls
sorry forgot user
I'm into gaming and anime and would like someone to game with :3

I've played osrs 120 hours this month so it'd be sick if you happened to play that or was curious about it
>Looking for
People to game with regularly
>Not looking for
Mean people >_<
Repost cuz' I met nice people in the last thread, listen to this;

>about ME
Hello, I'm a relatively normal anon, I'm easygoing and people around me seem to like me, I have a "good" job, I have a somewhat comfortable life, however I'm not particularly fond of my life, I want to do something but not sure what to do as time passes I just get more anxious about stagnation, it's hard to describe myself, I try to please the people around me so I behave in a very "normie" kind of way, but if I find someone I genuinely like I can act in a more natural way, honest, I like to do new things, meet new people, listen to new music, go to new places, I'm not particularly attached to anything or anyone.

I hope I don't come out as whinny or whatever, I never really complain, these thoughts are not mean to convey sadness & Im not depressed or anything.

>Looking for
I just want to talk to random anons that are true to themselves, people that feel human, people with "flaws", I don't really ghost or delete people so you don't have to worry about coming out as "weird" or "annoying" around me

confirmed gay pedophile unfortunately
theres no way he actually made that thread, would be too hilarious
but i can tell you that he is infact a gay negro
holy fed
I’m in university but I live kind of like a neet
>Looking for
Palia players. If you play, please add me! I am pretty friendly and the in-game friends I have are nice but for more chatty friends. I enjoy friendly flirting and they’re all girls, so… I’m looking for someone to play games with and have fun chats with :) I like to play league of legends in between Palia. If you don’t play but still want to chat, feel free to add me.
>Not looking for
Dick pics, sexual harassment, minors, trauma dumping
Discord: ton#09779
Reading, video games, crafty things, spending time outside, smoking
I don’t care to talk about it much
>Career / major
I’m in university
>Favorite genre of music
Indie rock
>Favorite food
Dan dan ramen
>Favorite movies
Princess Bride, Spirited Away
24/M/South America
Bio student. I'm looking for someone to work through basic algebra and calculus material with. As you can tell by dint of me asking here, I'm kinda in dire fucking straits. I was also looking for someone to read visual novels with but I'll elaborate below.
>Looking for
Honestly as long as you're within like 4 hours of CST/UTC-6 (so basically anywhere in the American continent) we can make it work. I had Lang's Basic Mathematics and Calculus Made Easy in mind but I'm not rigid about that. Previously I'd reached out to a economics student but it fell through because of timezone differences.

I get that asking strangers in 4chan to work through a math book is kind of ridiculous so additionally I was looking for someone to read through Umineko, Muv-Luv or the new F/SN translation with, in I guess kind of a book club/pen pals way. Latest VNs I finished were Full Metal Daemon Muramasa and Saya no Uta.
>Not looking for
Video/voice I guess. I don't care that much but my accent is atrocious
Not interested in working through them with you but Lang's Basic Mathematics is a very good book. There is a series of lectures that explains the book by a guy with a physics channel on youtube that are quite good.
If you put in effort and have taken everything up to precalc before I think you can probably finish that book in 2-3 weeks doing it 2 hours a day or so.
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jus a nerd lookin for people to chill with! u can yap to about anything im down to listen and connect w u :P
i love vidya (rpgs & fgc stuffs), horror movies, and all types of music (send me anything im down to listen :^]) and i cook!
>looking for
looking for people who just want to chill and yap to me doesnt matter what just wanna meet cool ppl :P
>not looking for
just weird people who just hate and dont try to get to know u :(
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22 M USA
vidya, music, history, (some) philosophy etc.
>looking for
cool people to chat with. ideally anyone with similar interests but im not all that picky as long as you are cool.
>not looking for
horny retards. debates. everything else is fine.

as for anything else just ask me if you wanna know more.
THE LEGENDS of SOC, no post is truly official untill these 2 degenerates post on it.
tag doesn't work
hes giga autistic and a schizo so im not surprised he'd post something like that.
>about you
Your lonely but friendly internet anon, that doesnt have any real friend irl.
Its hard to make friends post 30 as it is, but its even more difficult when dealing with actual diagnosed depression that paints your world in grey colors sometimes. In reality, I only have colleagues as "people i know" and see daily, but non of them is someone i condider w close friend that knows me well, and someone who i can rely on when needed.
Cars and motorsport, electronic music, movies, cooking, history, geo-politics, science, sci-fi, books.
>looking for
An online friend i can talk with on a daily basis and be open about any subject, without the fear of being judged.
We can share our interests, daily life struggles, past stories, hopes for the future, talk about current events or just rant to each other.
Im genuinely open to any topic/idea you have in mind (sfw/nsfw, lewd, unpopular or controversial opinions) as long as we can have a respectful conversation like two adults that dont have to necessarily agree with each other, but hopefully will be able have a proper discussion - so dont be afraid to challenge me.
>not looking for
Friend collectors who add and never respond, sellers and most importantly, people who cant hold a conversation.
Ya Allah
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lonely ugly hiki-NEET fag (not a bottom) with no friends and almost no online friends, lot social anxiety
searching for someone equally lonely to take care of and save each other... i can be very clingy we can talk about different topics if u like, i like anime/manga, art, vidya, reading books, history...
not searching for successful people that have tons friends and had lot relationships (if u expect me to be cute or beautiful don't add me im not )
discord: enki0379

You don't even answer people when they talk to you mate, why are you like that ?
At least you can identify yourself if you are making such claims about me. I admit some people added me and conversations fizzled out as they often do around here.
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23/M/Southern Brazil

Geography, music, climatology, extreme weather, traveling, nature, languages, true crime, genealogy, fitness/cardio, spirituality.

>Looking for
Someone to talk with, interesting and patient people, getting to know each other, hear about unusual stories. Sharing movies and music.
Plus if you are from my area/region.

>not looking for
Ghosters, low effort conversations.

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apolitical, nonreligious, trilingual.
likes: health, cooking, history, nature, animals, 2000s era, /x stuff, spirituality.

contact: diamondwhisky
25m portland oregon!

i'm into tea, writing poetry, modern art, fencing, esoterica, folk music, bonsai, among other things. learning japanese while studying classical chinese (bad idea). i am working on a neofolk+darkwave tape and would like to get feedback on tracks! i will give you a tarot or i ching reading or write you a poem if you ask (but not if that's all you want, that's meant to make friends not to be used as free labor!)

i am unfortunately very intense and can get easily attached so here is fair warning! no /pol/, underage, etc. + plus I filter hard (not personal.) also the only video game i play is minecraft very rarely so if that's 90% of your personality we won't mesh well.

a webpage with my various projects and random pictures: worldfullofviolence.univer.se
discord: hogna_vulpina
yeah black guys are way more chill. its no wonder girls on tinder rated black as the most coveted after all these years of slavery.
you dont have sex and are mad and trying to tough guy me or something, because you think that girl is reading this, and will reward you with her hole. but, shes already been claimed by tyrones BBC in her tight sphincter. hes been shagging her.
Not a valid ID anymore
drawing, few movies, reading and shitty videogames and other nerdy stuff

looking for someone neurotic who likes to talk about silly and and stuff or someone to give me drawing ideas

not looking for cocks

discord: carynewman
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NEET, working on not being one though. big into video games, anime/manga, history, tech, and i build gunpla. interested in painting some minis too but haven't gotten any yet. currently playing metaphor: refantazio and helldivers 2 a bunch.
>Looking for
friends and/or love
>Not looking for
mean people
f 28 usa

don’t ask me what I’m looking for because I do not know, I’m just here

don’t add me and then never send me a message / barely respond or I will delete u

what do you offer
it's a catfish, check the archives
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>About you
My name is Mimi, i like gaming, anime, games and learning langueges. I am fluent in Romanian English and French( even though i am pretty rusty at it) and i am learning Bahasa Indonesia
>Looking For
People with common interests and funny people hehe
>Not Looking for
sexists and muslims( i wont be part of ur harem astaghfirullah) for legal purposes that is a joke
>Games you wanna play?
ngl i only kinda like single player games but i would love to play some games that you would like
my discord tag feel free to add me : mimibucidefier
selamat pagi
20/nb/east coast

>Looking for
If you like vkei, goth fashion, horror games/movies etc, art (in any sense) yaoi, cosplay or specifically twd game by telltale OR FEAR AND HUNGER

>Not looking for

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29/M/USA (CST)
>About you
Relatively chill, normalish guy comparatively to most peeps on the chans. I'm most social during late afternoon & evening. Got five cats who I love very much and will send you a lot of pics of. I'm very understanding about mental health issues and I don't mind discussing them, so I can always an open ear if you need to vent to somebody. Started studying for IT certs lately, really fun. I am planning to build up a library of both books & physical media, really love cinema, literature, and gaming. Talk to me about history, animals, or Linux in any order especially.
Fallout New Vegas, Disco Elysium, Hollow Knight, any decent platformer really.
>Looking for?
Looking for people closer to 23 & above, won't go below 20. People to message on Discord throughout the day. Fun, nice, talkative and passionate people who enjoy the things they're into and wanna tell me about em. Fellow adults who are a bit lonely online and like having/being company through Discord. All timezones welcome.
>Not looking for
I don't associate with transphobes, homophobes, or /pol/ types. If you're one of these, stay out!

I no longer hate people because I realize it is useless and I could just make things out of clay. Do not contact me if you are looking for me to mope.
18 / M / south west UK
Im brazilian, not diagnosed, but prob autistic, i like drawing, learning russian, programming, 3d modelling, and i sometimes i stream myself playing some games i like
I love One Piece, Dragon ball, Avatar TLA, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead (stopped watching at season 8)
Games i like: Fromsoftware Franchise, Team Fortress 2, Sparkling Zero, Resident Evil franchise and Devil May Cry
>Looking for
Not required but as I don't have contact or experience with girls, I'm looking for girls that have the same kind of interests as me, i like people that info dumps me with their interests or anything about their life.
>Not looking for
Weird people, sexting, ghosting, dry conversations.
Discord: vovozona_3
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Would like someone too talk to
please note I do spam
I am clingy
I don't like chuds or commies. yet have pretty radical views myself
I Have ptsd
sometimes trauma dumping is an issue for me
I don't like toxic people as I have my own problems
understand i have my own social life outside the computer and stuff other than on my pc and give me time too reply back. no I am not ghosting you if it takes half an hour to reply back
Please be polite about my ptsd
and ffs don't be retard , politically correct , a schizo or some npc who I need too explain every single word too
and esp no luddites , just...
normal sane people

I like history , audiobooks , using my tablet , pondering various subjects

favorite youtuber: syntheticman (prefer odysee , only idiots still upload to youtube)

favorite comedian:

non professional: gypsy crusader
professional: bill burr , David Chappelle , Chris Rock

things I like doing online: just chatting , playing lfd2 , vcing

24 dislike talking too anyone below 23
rememberthebrigade (pin)

I don't like speaking too women on 4ch since most are insane and it makes me uncomfortable speaking to women as a gay man generally
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20/ftm/midwest usa
currently unemployed schizo neet, i am goth but (unsurprisingly) fat so i dont have many good pics of myself in my outfits. love exploring new genres, currently dabbling in aggrotech and hardcore punk. please send me your favorite songs
>Looking for
friendly or interesting conversations, maybe the occasional call or something
>Not looking for
idk general retards, chronic gooners or the constantly horny type


drawing, having psychotic eps, reading comics, watching documentaries, identifying the bugs/critters i find outside or sent, gaming (fake gamer tho), listening to music
atheistic satanist
>Career / major
unemployed dropout
>Favorite genre of music
darkwave but ska punk is good too
>Favorite food
chile rellenos
>Favorite movies
corpse bride
>Interesting fact about you
had a schizo ep where i believed i had to kill myself in order to save the world
6'2, Farmer, Gamer, Weeb. Bi (not looking for hookups though). I'm pretty goofy.
>Looking for
Vidya friends, people to vibe and hang out with.
>Not looking for

disc: haengl
programming, tech and linux, comedy, pizza delivery, reading, music prod, gaming
>looking for
anyone who wants to have fun or talk about any of their interests.
Reposting from a nsfw but I'm not a total degenerate gooner, promise

> Age, Biological Sex, Location - you want to meetup and fuck
30 m Scotland - eventually maybe, sure
> Sexual Orientation
> About You - what do you look like
6'4, 198lbs, slim, around 9", short brown hair - ngl I'm kinda shy irl and tend to be more of a homebody but I've been told I'm pretty nice to chat with
> Virgin - Yes or No, Pussy, Anal, Oral
> Partner Count - if not a virgin how much of a slut are you?
Only around 14 or so
> Hobbies interests
Cooking, reading, woodworking, gaming, working out, design
> Fetishes and Kinks
BDSM, light ddlg, breeding, voyeurism, public, orgasm control, choking, biting, cnc, incest, facesitting, cheating and low-key feet
> Deepest desire or fantasy
consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation
> Favourite Position
Me on top pinning her legs back so I can slide in as deep as possible
> Looking For
Someone fun to chat and flirt with, occasionally sext or trade nudes
Or even just a fat ass and a cute butthole
I'm down for whatever
> Not Looking For
Trans, morbidly obese and catfish
> Discord Tag
>had a schizo ep where i believed i had to kill myself in order to save the world
Why are you me
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18 est
i like transformers/touhou and i live in my room (im not fat if that matters)
>Looking for
someone i can talk to
>Not looking for
nsfw, video, retarded sjws/chuds
digital.garo on discord
Why did you remove me?
I think you should define your sex so you get people that don't mind it or are looking for it
Unless you mean you're too far gone into the gender dimensions...
18 f europe
fixated on/into skyrim and skyrim modding right now, nothing interesting to say. i dont really care for talking about myself
>Looking for
kind people, potential friends
>Not looking for
sex pests/creeps/porn addicts/nsfw kys, misogynists/racists, also kys :)
also no over 27
kuruyui - discord

protestant christian
>Career / major
>Favorite genre of music
>Favorite food
i want to forever-vent.

disc =
33 f usa
just made this account so calm down freaks
I’m not looking for anything in particular
am I too old for this?
>just made this account so calm down freaks
rip inbox
>am I too old for this?
I'd say it depends on what "this" is, but there's men older than you trying to score a date on this hellsite, so you're ok
don't fucking add me if you're a woman I'm done with this shit
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OSRS mostly. i'm maxed and currently going for GM CAs and twisted kits. I skate a shitload, i love to cook, and i get paid to yap all day (not a streamer)
>looking for
people to vc with! id like to say we can play games together but i mostly play a point and click game from 2001. id play val, not league, and yes to most other games. we can also just chat about stuff or watch a serie/anime? i wanna rewatch soul eater soon

also fine with texting especially if the timezone is way different but we get along as VCs might be hard to find the time for but i do prefer vc over texting
>not looking for
overly political people. i'm here to chill and have a good time after work, not debate.
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need a new fp, some racist edgy loser guy I can chat with about anything <3<3<3
0 manwhore tolerance!!
can i add you and be your fp if i'm not racist, am 34 years old, not edgy but a huge loser?
Blocker above^, Interact at own risk.
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weebshit, gacha, edm, photography
>Looking for

friends, conversations, vc is cool too


no trannies
no wokies
no racists
no antisocials
no russophiles
no sending pics or divulging every detail about our lives as soon as we meet
no zoomers

I'm looking for someone chatty, around who I don't have to mind my words too much. Someone who's around whenever I want to talk. Patient enough to tolerate my mild autism. Friendly, chatty, nice.

What do I offer?
The best conversation to be had on this website and an unmatchable freak

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22 - nb - US

im obsessed with art (picrel), the occult, science fiction novels (will listen to any audiobooks you post), and tabletop games.

looking 4 more art friends / tabletop friends! also down to watch u play horror games or anything stressful (silent hills my favorite)

discord: thirteencandlez
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need good people
no freaks or leftists
into Japanese horror games and action games
I like to read and lift
non religious people need not apply
discord: lantzec
25 male US my mistake
>no trannies
>no wokies
>no racists
Seems a bit contradicting.. unless you're a black homophobe

>The best conversation to be had on this website
31 M from the UK. Very intelligent. I study lots of different topics and I love speaking about them with like minded people. I'm not looking to compare myself to you. I love sharing knowledge, not repeatedly arguing over it to fulfil each other's egos. I'm a happy, kind and contented person. I have a huge social battery and love to talk.

>Looking for
Friendly, kind or interesting people. Someone who feels let down by others and wants someone who can listen and keep to their word.

>Not looking for
Persons whose sole intention is using myself to fuel their ego-centrism or narcissism

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Aloof, Soft spoken, bored most of all
Divination (Tarot and Astrology), Biology, Entrepreneurship, Psychoactive Substances, Nootropics
>looking for
(you), e-friends, someone to watch documentaries/series/movies with and have long discussions about said thing; long discussions in general, if we click.
>not looking for
Boring people
Spiritual but nothing organized
Pharmacology or biochemistry
>Favorite genre of music
>Favorite Food
Chicken Cacciatore
in between jobs with lots of free time to listen to music, make playlists, and meet cool people. looking for someone to do that with.
regular suite of interests - gaming (getting into deadlock rn), movies & tv shows. I like reading about history and current events. I have a world I've been building for a few years, would love a fellow worldbuilder to trade notes with.
>Looking for
someone to trade music and build playlists with. picrel has a sampling of my taste, but I like listening to anything. vcing could be cool, potentially gaming together, though only text is also fine. I like trading stories and asking each other questions.
>Not looking for
someone who does not ask questions. people only looking to banter or trade memes - I'm not good at that. I'm also not often online on weekends.
>Looking for
Someone to talk to and spend time with and talk about random things perfer females but its okay if u are a male as long as u are normal
>Not looking for
Ppl who waste my time
HI! Im Cassie! You can call me Mari or Cass. I'm generally interested in ttrpg s, Vidya, reading / writing scifi, fantasy, and horror. I like to make little fantasy worlds and play characters in said world. I play a lot of d&d! I also play FFXIV and ow2 (silver support qq) quite a bit.

I love to cook and garden and work now as a private chef in a city for wage hoarders.

I'm like, pansexual or semi sexual or hypersexual idk, I just like everyone. I don't like to consider myself to be nonbinary, more just a being floating in aether, but NB makes it easier to explain.
>Looking for
I'd really like to talk to anybody, but I'm particularly interested in finding people for rping and world building!

Also people who like cooking, reading, or just need someone to talk to!

I like bubbly people to bounce off of!
>Not looking for
Mean, negative, vc unless I like you. RL trading.

>Favorite genre of music
Stoner metal but I listen to everything
>Favorite food
>Favorite movies
Dunno! Share some with me!
>Interesting fact about you
I've worked in multiple Michelin star restaurants and have lots of stories about a lot of bs.
God damn what's up with all of the gender confused men and women in this thread

I don’t have any friends at all. I was raised and lived in an environment that didn’t give me the opportunity to talk to people. It’s not that I’m weird, but I think it’s that people just didn’t care to get to know me. I honestly don’t know why. I’ve tried to talk and get to know people, but we chat for a couple of days and then they disappear. I love listening to music and I make music too. I also enjoy reading in general (novels, books, articles, poetry, etc.). I like fashion as well.

>Looking for
Anyone, I don’t care who you are—Muslim, Christian, atheist, male, female, transgender, white, black, English, or Arabic. Just come if you want to talk and make friends.

>Not looking for
People who want sexual things or are racist.

>Contact info
Discord: useifmagdi


>Career / Major

>Favorite genre of music
I listen to all kinds

>Favorite food

>Favorite movies
War of the Worlds

>Interesting fact about you
I don’t know—come and find out
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Wow, we clip through these fast.

29/M/Southern US

>about you
Just a bit of a dork. Traveled a little, done a little of everything, mostly just content to stick to my few hobbies in my little apartment these days. Getting old and just trying to mellow out more and more as it were. I like to read and just chill and take things easy. Video games to keep my hands busy but not nearly as much as when I was younger. Not much worth getting worked up about these days.

I read and listen to podcasts a lot. Not so much a music kinda' guy unless I'm drunk. Normally I'm just going through old pulp fantasy sci-fi/fantasy kinda' trash. Wheel of Time and Terry Pratchett and Vonnegut are some of my favorites. Other than that, I like learning things, cooking, messing with my overly long hair, just mundane stuff. I dabble a bit in some more technical stuff but that's all boring nerd shit. Been catching up on a lot of TV shows I put off. Working on The Sopranos and Outer Range. Hannibal might be my favorite show?

>looking for
Just people to talk to. My schedule is eclectic but I'm usually around even if I don't respond quickly or whatever. Just people who don't mind drinking and hanging out since I usually start hittin' the vodka around this time of night to relax and stop being too much of a nerd.

>not looking for
Don't be a weirdo sperg and we'll probably be fine.

Discord: deejaytheburd

Obligatory picture that somehow isn't me, but I'm pretty open and loose with selfies.
>God damn what's up with all of the gender confused men and women in this thread
>confused about mentally ill people posting on a board filled with mentally ill people
none of this please

(bonus: he immediately edited his message to say I was boring and to block him and then added me back)
lol forgot the pic
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>M, 30
Looking for genuine, open, honest conversation

(You) reading this, I want to meet you!

I ask direct but well meaning questions. I want to know and understand you, and I am happy to answer anything you ask me. I look for the sort of conversations that are interesting and unique, not superficial and casual. I'm wise and can understand, discuss, and hold interest in any topic you share with me. If I don't know much of it, I'll listen to you and I'll learn. That's a promise to a potential good friend.

While I don't have many people in my life, every friend I've had has been treasured, cared for, and appreciated. I'm not looking to collect. I'm looking for something real.

How often can you say you find someone offering this? You lose nothing by trying, anon.

>Please don't message me if:
You won't let down your walls over time, or if you just use me as entertainment until you grow bored.

25/M/Massachusetts, America

>Lookin for
Mainly looking for people to chat with. Open to almost anything so don't hesitate but please try to hold a conversation. One word replies are not really helpful to anyone... Down to VC after a certain amount of time!

>Not lookin for
No coomers or anyone too weird, not really looking to deal with your traumas.

>Music you like
Black, Death, Thrash, NWOBHM, other metal and rock

Paradox games, anime, music, collecting military stuff, firearms, vinyl and cassettes, RimWorld, Food, War Thunder, movies, my three cats, HiFi, anime figures

On the verge of 41%ing myself and just looking for people to talk to. I'm a pretty chill guy
>Looking for
Good conversation
>Not looking for
Share French Friends for tributes and more

27, F, South America
Used to spend too much time on the Internet, now I'm unfamiliarized. A bit of a hater but there's more things I like than I dislike.
>Looking for
A penpal/someone to chat and share music, forums, opinions, small bits about our days. I enjoy hearing others rant. Non judgamental. Would be up to play something online.
>Not looking for
Coworker type of people. I'm scared of being one myself already. Gays.
>Favorite genre of music
Emo, indie, twee, sadcore, some electronic stuff, up for almost anything.
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> ASL:
27, man, Australia.
> About:
6ft, good build. Classically masculine personality, stoic, self assured, paternal, etc. Hypermotivated, empathetic, living comfy life.
> Interests:
Love talking about life, people social dynamics, relationships. Spirituality and esoterics of many kinds. Big into gym/fitness/food, family. Bit of gaming, politics but pretty tired re modern noise, probably a bunch others. Enjoy talking about religion, but arguing gets lame. Will go on many rants and tangents.
> What you're looking for:
Mostly interested in talking to girls rather than guys lately. Pretty much anyone coole to hang out with.
> Not looking for:
nonwhite, degenerate(troon, fag, turbo coomer, druggo, other), mental disorder, politically obsessed.
> Contact:
discord: rocksteady97
26 f Portugal

Bored antisocial
I like old games and manga stuff

disc: sonans202
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Free-spirited, painfully self aware individual that leads a very active lifestyle in and outside of the gym and my job. I'm also leaving for Thailand in December and with that being said, let's just say I've been around.

>Looking for:
'lax people that are down for a chat here and there. If at all possible, someone that is familiar with occultism would be cool.

>Not looking for:
LGBT people, atheists, pessimists, impatience, 'woe is me' mentality, etc.

>Discord Tag:
This NIGGER blocked me for talking about skyrim
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26 f USA

depends on my mood

>Looking for
chill conversations with the few people that I will click with

>Not looking for
no neets, no addicts of any kind, no lewd

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29/F/US of A

Weird being on an island. Into art and esoteric shit.
I kind of go in and out of being very social but I keep a friends server up and running.

>Looking for
Folks to join my server. Weirdos. History nuts. Wikipedia hole jumpers.

>Not looking for
Any dicks!!! I am not single!!



Drawing, reading, server running, roadtripping, degeneracy, drugs, mountains, plants, the ocean, swimming, learning useless information

Just have a good time man idk I dont have 3 hours and a bottle of liquor right now

>Career / major
My major was fine art?

>Favorite genre of music
Indie Sleaze mostly

>Favorite food
Pho and Coffee

>Favorite movies
Poor things, Fire walk with me, Valerie and her week of wonders

>Interesting fact about you
Moved across the country long ways twice in this calendar year
I'm a hikineet currently. I want to work on music before I an hero some day maybe a few years from now. I spend everyday practicing the electric guitar and reading japanese. I'm still 1 year into the electric guitar so I'm not really any good yet.
>Looking for
Someone with artistic desires and also knows the struggle of improving their art/craft/ability in a thing. Mostly because I want to see the perspective of other people and see if we can learn from each other. It can be drawing, painting, music, writing, poetry etc.
>Not looking for

Making music, playing the electric guitar, reading japanese
>Career / major
I'm a neet who graduated highschool that's about it
>Favorite genre of music
My favorite music is vocaloid, but generally I like most types of music. I like rap and country the least.
>Interesting fact about you
I used to be able to perfectly half sleep while taking public transport. Idk if that's something special, but I always knew when to wake up.



just a fun dude thats in the military and enjoys fucking about

>Looking for

just to find a meaningful connection w someone. It can be platonic or not, idgaf. bored af and want to have fun

>Not looking for

trannies, fags


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19/ f / usa
i work 2 jobs, havent been sleeping well lately so im looking for people to occasionally chat with to kill time. i like writing, fashion, reading, collecting antique/vintage/decorative items. i like a variety of music if anyone wants to trade. i have some other hobbies i havent had time for lately\
>looking for
occasional chatting sharing media
>not looking for
mentally ill
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>About you
European anon living in Japan. I like internet stuff.
My hobbies are mainly vidya, love me some retro games too:
- Currently playing: Tetris Grand Master 3 : Terror Instinct
- Few of my favorite games are: TF2, FFTA, Majoras Mask, Tropico 4, Metal Slug Series, Carmageddon

- I started recently and I want to learn how to draw properly.

- I once lifted 150kg DL and 130kg squat but I want to get new PRs.

and programming these days.
- I work in software so I like tech.

I also like the following but I do not spend as much time as during my 20s looking out for new stuff.
- ATHF, XRA, Lupin the Third series, Warau Salesman, etc
- Gatacca, Tetsuo the Ironman, Stalker (1979), REC, Days of Glory
- breakcore, hardcore/gabber, dnb, rock, heavy, game music, mostly but I like music from all genres.
I got back into dancecore and got nice recommendations from anons. Thanks a lot :----DDDD
- Machine Girl, Pendulum, Fear Factory, Deftones, Daft Punk, Fantastic Plastic Machine, Goreshit, Kid606, Scott Brown, Boards of Canada, Death Grips, Scooter, Aphex Twin to name a few that come to mind

I was diagnosed with ADHD recently but I think I got the hang of it. I could give some tips if you struggle with it.

>Looking for
Friendly anons. Chill conversations, whatever comes to mind. No need for immediate back and forth.

>Not looking for
Lewd stuff, romantic relationships, people asking only for Japan advice, RP, Larpers, rude people,
friend collectors (just adding and saying nothing)

If I do not reply instantly, I am not ignoring you, I will get to you as soon as I can.
Vidya (mostly retro atm but I love all games) anime, fantasy literature, worldbuilding, shitposting, random things I find online, reading about geopolitics and alternate history for fun, irl and online autistic shenanigans, taking hot baths.
>looking for
Friends to talk to about interests and random things, especially at night. Send me nightwalk pictures please!
>not looking for
poltards, coomers, "trad" larpers
Disc: goddessdivine0000

Watched the woman I love die in front of me the other day. The rest of my week has not been any less eventful.

Interests I'm numb. Come. Hop into VC with me. Let's do a thing.

Looking for: Women. I want to tell u what happened to her. I want to hear from u.

Not looking to: Masturbate. Can't. Probably ever.

If you had a more eventful week than me or if my story bores you, I'll buy u smt.
Unlock ur damn messages for fucks sakes! You're perfect. You're exactly what I'm looking for!
need a new fp, some racist edgy loser guy I can chat with about anything <3<3<3
0 manwhore tolerance!!
>didn't even bother changed the ip, disc name, or entire post
you must be insufferable
need a new fp, some racist edgy loser guy I can chat with about anything <3<3<3
0 manwhore tolerance!!
> blocking literally without any reason after few talks
> not looking for dicks but being a dick

catfish me harder mommy
hey, sent you a request on discord
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i'm currently a neet, but i've been making slow but steady progress towards getting over my idleness. currently i'm fixing my sleep schedule

i like long, aimless, meandering conversations. hypotheticals and 'what if' or 'would you rather' type questions are really fun. i really dislike discussion/debate style talks, though i can have very strong feelings on certain topics

as for things i do -- i dance a lot, i exercise from time to time, i listen to music, and i play video games that aren't fun with my internet friends (currently valorant)

as for things i find interesting -- almost everything, really, but to give some examples: i like things like history, nature, ecology, anthropology, worldbuilding, and whatever you have going on

>looking for
long term internet friends, fellow neets, reformed night owls. really anyone who thinks we might get along
+1 friendship point if you're european

>not looking for
overly political people. overly depressed people. people who like video essays too much
-1 friendship point if you're outside of europe

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20/m/Central EU
>About you
Very lonely guy interested in anime/manga, art and old internet. Available to talk most of the day (and night). I love Vocaloids also. I currently have way too much free time and I crave the thrill of meeting somebody new.
>Looking for
Somebody around my age to discuss whatever, trade art and music, just chat in general, especially about anime ladies and life. I love being asked questions and asking questions, but let's agree to not pry into each other's lives too much (or at least keep ourselves anonymous for the most part). I wouldn't mind some nsfw stuff too! Check out my post in the nsfw thread.
>Not looking for
People over 30, cis women, drugs, drinking, radical /pol/shit, VC/cam, gaming (I used to play some games but I've grown bored of gaming).
Extroverted, I like laughing at shit and always try to offer perspective on more serious topics, which I tend to avoid to stay chill
>Looking for
Friend groups to chat with while I'm home, preferably similar aged but idgaf really as long as you're social
>Not looking for
Lewd shit


I party a lot, I play guitar and I write (part of my job)
>Career / major
Film / TV
>Favorite genre of music
Rock, 70s-80s mostly. I also like electronic music. There are only a couple of genres that I despise.
>Favorite food
>Favorite movies
Horror is my favourite but I enjoy most types of movies/TV, as long as its good.
>Interesting fact about you
Been lurking for 15+ years
Would like someone too talk to
please note I do spam
I am clingy
I don't like chuds or commies. yet have pretty radical views myself
I Have ptsd
sometimes trauma dumping is an issue for me
I don't like toxic people as I have my own problems
understand i have my own social life outside the computer and stuff other than on my pc and give me time too reply back. no I am not ghosting you if it takes half an hour to reply back
Please be polite about my ptsd
and ffs don't be an idiot , someone I can feel a mutual understanding with who isn't mean spirited , a schizo or some npc who I need too explain every single word too
and esp no luddites , just...
normal sane people

I like history , audiobooks , using my tablet , pondering various subjects

favorite youtuber: syntheticman (prefer odysee , only idiots still upload to youtube)

favorite comedian:

non professional: gypsy crusader
professional: bill burr , David Chappelle , Chris Rock

things I like doing online: just chatting , playing lfd2 , vcing

24 dislike talking too anyone below 23
rememberthebrigade (pin)

I don't like speaking too women on 4ch since most are insane and it makes me uncomfortable speaking to women as a gay man generally

(as per standard if someone makes an accusation against me I'd like to first see a screenshot they sent you in dm or a screencap here. one posted here *if ever* will most likely never get a reply as such fodder is bait but if you must atleast post something. and I mean other than out of context collages)
27. Nb. United States
I am a kind, considerate, and non judgemental person with a deeply rooted fear of others. I am gradually becoming unable to be close to others due to life long traumas I am treatment resistant for. I have come to have a complete absence of interest in intimacy, romance, and sex. I have more than anything else, a love for creative expression, my own and others, and I consider it the sole thing tethering my consciousness to this world, otherwise I'd live in the world I've constructed in my head to cope with my incompatibility with this reality, as I consider myself not able to exist functionally in this reality. I am fascinated by psychology and it's schools of thoughts. I practice self-psychology on myself and know myself well, honestly too well. I have found over the years, the self awareness I've developed and the self reflection I've done has been to both my benefit and my detriment, however, leaning towards my detriment. I completely lack any belief or adherence to ideology be it polticial, religious, or philosophical. I do not want to talk to others who do not have a sense of love for all regardless of identity, and I do not want to talk to others who have hate in their heart. I love learning new things, and I want to continue to learn all of my life. I love getting to know others and hearing about what is happening in their lives. I love when others talk to me about things they like or love, or send me things they do. I do not mind long messages, honestly, I prefer long messages to short ones. I am mental health conscious. If you would like me to be supportive toward you mental health wise, I can be, although, I can't be significantly supportive to you as I do not have the capacity to be to anyone. Note, I am not on Discord all of the time, as in all day, however I am on every day.
chairkicker1027 - Please introduce yourself when you have the time to after I accept your friend request. Thank you.
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>looking for
a friendship with a girl who has a lot of free time and has at least some of these traits:
pseudo-intellectual, judgemental, somewhat private or quiet, likes psychology or philosophy
ideally you like the idea of being given a small amount of money sometimes

psychology student (counselling), currently reading thus spoke zarathustra, listen to music a lot & trying to learn how to draw
currently at war with a roommate
tall/skinny/pale/dark hair
interested in psychotic mental illnesses and eating disorder.s
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bored corpo looking for more friends, people that I can feel close around. I'm a good listener too if you want to vent
>Looking for
Friends, sane people, 25+, people who want to be heard, friends to start new hobbies with, preferably EST but any USA is fine, IMPROOOVERS, eventually people to face the void with
>Not looking for
Cluster B nut jobs, racists, schizo shit, non USA, drugs

Yoga, healthy lifestyle shit, cooking, audio books, some vidya, some anime, running, football, losing money on biz/
>Career / major
Working on it
>Favorite genre of music
Deep house, blues, jazz, all the cores
>Favorite food
Sushi, pho, bbq, salmon, healthy shit
>Favorite movies
Rashomon, The Darjeeling Limited, House of 1000 corpses
>Interesting fact about you
I'm fluent in normie and I even pass as one at my corpo. I'm decent at fightan, and even won a tourney once.
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>looking for
niggas to talk to
serial killers, eating raw meat, coding, maths, blackpill, biology, skull anatomy, biohacking, hacking, orthodontics, coding, linux and useless bullshit like that

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25m portland oregon!

i'm into tea, writing poetry, modern art, fencing, esoterica, folk music, bonsai, among other things. learning japanese while studying classical chinese (bad idea). i am working on a neofolk+darkwave tape and would like to get feedback on tracks!

i am unfortunately very intense and can get easily attached so here is fair warning! no /pol/, underage, etc. + plus I filter hard (not personal.) also the only video game i play is minecraft very rarely so if that's 90% of your personality we won't mesh well.

a webpage with my various projects and random pictures: worldfullofviolence.univer.se
discord: hogna_vulpina
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> 23/male/europe
> anime larper, weirdo, smug otaku
> animanga, VNs, vidya, cosplay, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people, meaningful relationships
> No friend collectors/queers/blacks/browns
> discord: @foureyedpervert
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best sfw discord ever made
bump since im now 21 lol
Why, just because you were born on this day 21 years ago? Maybe you're trans 12 or trans 37 and you just don't realize it yet
nothing new
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used to be a tryhard at games (D1 league/LEM cs), now only play socially. 60% of free time spent modding (mapping for source) now. seen some anime (really only fw shonen & fighting). in uni, have a job, and TWO cats. (only ask me about the cats, the other 2 are boring as shit)
>Looking for
someone to play games or watch stuff with. cool with VC. chatting is cool but let's have a proper activity to do from time to time.
>Not looking for
racists and gooners


modding for source, cycling/running, reading (discworld rn, trying to finish all of them)
vague feeling of something
>Career / major
accounting :)
>Favorite genre of music
indie (also finding new shit on random-song.com)
>Favorite food
butter chicken
>Favorite movies
whiplash & the big short (i watch these while i work sometimes)
>Interesting fact about you
i was a child model in south korea at the age of 4
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Gamer guy, i love food and being on my pc.
playing rpgs/crafting games/co-op games
lately i've been playing voices of the void, ufo 50, and against the storm but im down to play any co-op games we both share. i got almost 400 hours in bg3 but if you want to do a new run through that i still need to try out some run ideas i had. there might be a new stardew update coming out soon so I gotta play that too. I have played a lot of deadlock but haven't as much this past month.
watching tv shows/movies like From, The Penguin, Dandadan. I saw there was a teaser trailer for Severance s2 today which has me stoked. It's fall so I need to do my yearly rewatch of Over the Garden Wall.
I really like manga all I've been reading weekly right now though is chainsaw man but I just got caught up on Choujin X. I love dungeon meshi, Berserk, Gantz/Gigant, and One Piece.
>Favorite genre of music
Indie/Alt and midwest emo
>Favorite movies
my 5 stars on letterboxd rn are Ponyo, Banshees of Inisherin, The Batman, The Lighthouse, Southland Tales, Nuts in May, Spaceballs, Dredd, Children of Men, and Good Will Hunting
>Interesting fact about you
i can move my eyebrows independently like the Rock when he smells what's cookin
>Looking For
Girls who want to talk and get to know each other, Girls who want to play any of the games I've listed or any games they have been lookin to play with someone. Girls that like memes and being silly and likes cute animals and stuff like that.
>Not Looking For
Any Guys. Girls that don't like anything in my post.
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Reading, skateboarding, collecting music, internet.
Still figuring out.
>Career / major
Studying ICT right now.
>Favorite genre of music
Black metal, I listen to it daily.
>Looking for
More or less likeminded people to talk about music, life, hobbies. I'm not very picky.
>Not looking for
Chuds, minors.
Dude randomly blocked for seemingly no reason. Keep in mind if you feel like adding.
>black metal
>no chuds

Lol good luck with that.
So far so good lol, haven't met a single one yet from these threads.
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xbox players who play oblivion and/or skyrim and are ok with total beginner lvl lel started couple days ago or similar games like ark survival is something i want to start too.

>me 29 u 25 and above and has an xbox or uses pc gamepass/purchase games through the microsoft store for the games that have cross compatibility like palworld

>discord: gamingthrowaway
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fun, cheerful, outgoing, friendly schizophrenic internet archwizard looking for new friends to widen my social horizons and enrich my (and your!) social life
vidya, programming, music (a lot of genres), spirituality and philosophy, internet culture & aesthetics, fitness and gym, psychology, politics, history, nature & more!
>looking for
men & women under 30 that match the vibe or wanna have fun on the internet with me and my wizard clique
>not looking for
easily offended, tranny, retard, ugly (I won't verify the last one)
same thing as interests
>Career / major
>Favorite genre of music
probably alt rock-ish
>Favorite food
>Favorite movies
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
>Interesting fact about you
i've been journaling since i was like 15, probably written thousands of pages by now
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18+ femail est
>About you
NEET, more intellectual than emotional, bubbly, drawing, reading, fps and rythm games, playing chess and checkers, collecting stuff, gardening, hunting and code monkey on the side.
>Looking For
female friends that are cool and not retarded, vc, cs, drawing together, im very selective to people i give attention to.
>Not Looking for
I mostly want female friends,I dont keep up with politics anymore,no people with evil, romantic or sexual intentions, overly mentally ill people or especially no gay men.
>Games you wanna play?
cs, cs source, s.t.a.l.k.e.r, project zomboid, war thunder, MTG arena, holdfast, 100% orange juice, any rythm game, risk or rain 2, terraria, etc..
>I drink sometimes, I enjoy psychadelics more.
>I like urbex, trespassing, driving fast and listening to loud music. I enjoy the outdoors and impulsively going on trips to places far away. i do game sometimes, but lately i've been trying to broaden my interests in reading and other unspecified hobbies.
>antisocial misanthrope
>Looking for friends and someone I can tell all my stories and experiences to without need for a censor. Maybe like a best friend of sorts or a little birdie on my shoulder who I can share with.
>Not looking for mindless sex or classless obsession with my mental illnesses.
>I like 90's/2000's pop-rock/dad-rock, NSBM/DSBM, some OSTs from games and other media, music made by occult groups, rap, 'Tik-Tok' music.
>disc: wxrmwood
18/M/East US
College student on a dogshit night class schedule, gymrat, into gaming and history/politics. Fascist.

>>Looking for
Balkan descent (no Serbs) guys to play vidya with, people to chat with about job opportunities.

>>Not looking for
E-daters, e-girls, e-boys, mentally ill niggas


Reading philosophy (mostly Nietzsche), working out, cooking (I guess), fitness

None, former Catholic with church sympathies.

>>Career / major
Construction Management

>>Favorite genre of music
Metal/Hard Rock

>>Favorite food

>>Favorite movies
Pulp Fiction
Terminator 2
I don't watch many movies.

>>Interesting fact about you
I graduated high school early.
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VR Simracing (need a new seat :c ), light vidya with friends (LoL arams, Space Marine 2), music production (electronic/synth), live music (mostly electronic)
Friends to chat with through the day, good connections, people with interesting lives and interesting tales, lonely souls, chatterboxes, music sharers
>not looking for
Arguments, political talks, "you're my only friend" energy, people adding me for reasons not related to my post
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neet looking for employment. been studying for a career change. trying not to blow my skull into bits from sheer frustration
>Interesting Fact
traveled a sizable portion of the world
video games, music, photography, film, guns, a bit of cars
>Looking for
people that genuinely wants to make friends. similar interests would be cool but its not required. around my age and similar situation just cause its easier for me to relate.
>Not looking for
server invites, rudes, game invites (just burnt out on multiplayer games), ghosts
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>About me
im bored as heck, i like horror/true crime, games sometimes, drawing, writing, reading, youtube, music, dream core, stuff like that, my favourite game is kinitopet dm me if you played it.
>looking for
>not looking for
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32/m/Western Russia

Forestry, wildlife protection, stray animals fostering, carpentry, biology, theology, medicine, teaching kids, burning gasoline.

All sorts of interactions are welcome.

Honesty, respect, and support - that's what you get for trusting me.

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22/F/South America (Chile)

im kinda drunk rn

>Looking for
casual conversations and vc, maybe frens

>Not looking for
NSFW, romance or dating

books, music, poetry, bugs and drawings


>Career / major
literature student

>Favorite genre of music
new wave, midwest emo and e-punk

>Favorite food
ice cream

>Favorite movies
it's such a beautiful day

>Interesting fact about you
i like wine


(pic of me)
M, 18 from SEA
I like talking to people, new and familiar but I tend to try talking to too many at once on other platforms so, emails might help. Still a student, so, I have free time aplenty but I just can't socialize too well and do want friends and connections despite my somewhat introverted nature. I'm rather upbeat, optimistic to a fault and chill, can't really describe myself any further cause I'm prone to self aggrandizing or deprecation.
Like to take walks, listen to music and find new songs to vibe with or be inspired by, browse artwork on sites like pixiv, danbooru or Twitter even, love video games, anime, writing and reading, though, the last of which I hope to do more often. Also, my favorite manga is Pandora Hearts, anime is FMAB, movie would be Lord Of The Rings Return of The King, and game would be Monster Hunter World
>Looking for
Just someone to talk to and be friends with. Chatting away on what we like or dislike, maybe discuss some stuff we're interested in, so on.
>Not looking for
People who are rude, self absorbed or just abysmally disrespectful toward those with differing points of view and opinion. Just be civil.
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amateur musician, very into hiphop, mostly play league (sorry) but i play a lottt of games (been getting into dota 2 recently)
currently learning chinese!
also own a decently sized server if youre looking for a place to fuck around in
jojo enjoyer
some of my favorite games are katana zero, lisa the painful, pathologic, and team fortress 2

>Looking for
people to play games with, chat with, or share music with
meeting other musicians would be nice as well

>Not looking for
freaks, chasers, just general weirdos

making music, 3d modeling, writing, game development, idk i do a lot

>Favorite movies
eraserhead and gummo

> ASL:
27, man, Australia.
> About:
6ft, good build. Classically masculine personality, stoic, self assured, paternal, etc. Hypermotivated, empathetic, living comfy life.
> Interests:
Love talking about life, goals, relationships. Spirituality and esoterics of many kinds. Big into gym/fitness/food, family. Bit of gaming, politics but pretty tired re modern noise, probably a bunch others. Enjoy talking about religion, but arguing gets lame. Will go on many rants and tangents.
> What you're looking for:
Mostly interested in talking to girls rather than guys lately. Pretty much anyone coole to hang out with.
> Not looking for:
nonwhite, degenerate(troon, fag, turbo coomer, druggo, other), mental disorder, politically obsessed.
> Contact:
discord: rocksteady97
questions for you
five images you've recently saved
a song that calms your nerves
something from your mind you put into the material world
the last thought you have before falling asleep
best thing you learned from someone else

f, i want to know you
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i like movies, video games, reading, writing, music, goth fashion, benzos, i got depression, ocd and anxiety which i would like to bond with someone who deals with depression and help them. i am very kind, sweet, understanding, respectful and will be a good friend to you!
>looking for
>not looking for
nsfw, romantic relationships
f 28 usa

don’t ask me what I’m looking for because I do not know, I’m just here

don’t add me and then never send me a message / barely respond or I will delete u

20, female, canada
>about yourself
cringy annoying depressed retard
>favorite movie/anime/game
american psycho, elfen lied, saya uta no
>looking for
closer to my age, cool non-normie retards who are mentally ill who have been on 4chan for a while
add me if u have homicidal thoughts or want to be gaslighted abused murdered im kinda into all of that stuff and want to discuss about it xd
>not looking for
sex, normies, niggers
>something you hate
>about you
tall nerd mass comms major working on having more social interactions. I'm not a basement dweller or anything but I should probably talk to more people outside of exactly school or my hobbies.
card gamessss, landscape art, and cardio. I also like self improvement stuff n skincare, but that's not really interesting or conversational, anthropology is pretty cooooool
>looking for
or just chill people to talk to, but being able to hang out would be cool. Be as lewd as ya like, idrc. Ideally someone that just periodically hits me up or replies instead of the classic one convo never again lol.
>not looking for
racists n things of that sort, I'm not an edgelord lol
mr.twister. (there's periods)
Catfish from previous thread
none of what you want is SFW
22 Male New York, United States

>About you
I am a self destructive egocentric megalomaniac on 4chan for the past two years. I have a steady career in being an apprentice draftsman for a construction firm that I am contracted with for the next decade. I like to talk to new people and hear out different perspectives on the many walks of life out there. I am a very sentimental person in the way I appreciate a lot of small and trivial behaviors and mentalities. I hold a lot of optimism for the world, and I grew past a lot of the cynical views that are constantly being exposed on the internet. When it comes to sexual attraction for others, having respect and admiration for them is important for me. I want to be enamored by their presence and I want to be motivated by their strength. I will be patient to give others the chance to demonstrate their capabilities.

>Looking for
A 22 to 25 year old woman.
Is human.
Is a Gemini.
Has a blood type of B.
Has pink hair.
Lives on Earth.
Likes to go shopping.
Has a fear of complete silence.
Has a news reporter like personality.
Likes to eat cherry vanilla ice cream.
Is unable to handle spicy food.
Is a talented dancer.
Is able to play several musical instruments.
Likes to wear crop tops, mini skirts, long gloves, headphones and heels.
Has a firearms license.
Is a bit of an airhead, confident and brave.

>Not looking for
18 to 20 year old women.
Has a blood type of AB.
Has green hair.
Is a virgo.
Wearing chokers and fishnet stockings.
Has a fanclub.

Is arrogant and deeply competitive.
Is spoiled and immature.
Has a history of mischief.

19/f/usa (texas)
i'm really interested in philosophy and gender roles and the differences between men and women, i like talking about myself and i like answering questions/helping guys understand what being a girl is like
>Looking for
someone who's curious abt life from a girl's perspective, or who just doesn't understand girls, or just wants to hear me yap about myself lmao
>Not looking for
voice/video, someone who wants like a long term chat partner
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I'm not a minor, and that's all you need to know. I don't care about your a/s/l either.
Interests: Film, literature, visual arts, music (I write my own music but I'm an amateur), history, religion, news and geopolitics (not troglodyte culture war bs), recreational drugs, pharmacology, lolcows, abnormal sexuality, spooky things; paranormal phenomena, occultism, esotericism, tantra, conspiracies.
>Looking for
New friends, open-minded folks, people to watch movies or cytube with, play Yume Nikki/fangames online with, share art and music with, those with similar interests. You don't have to share any of my interests though, as long as we have fun talking to each other.
>Not looking for
E-dating, sex stuff, drama queens, political ideologues (left-wing or right).
Discord: spoookyclaire
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Mentally handicapped (PTSD and extremely persistent depression) tattooed and pierced semi-neet freelance illustrator and gym rat. I don't go outside except to go to the gym and therapy.
Centrist leaning right, anti paraphilias, anti drugs and alcohol.
I really like old movies, some of my favorites include breakfast at tiffany's, gentlemen prefer blondes, white christmas, goodwill hunting, finding nemo, terminator 2
I love art in many forms including paintings, tattoos, video games (i dont play online), animations, crochet, embroidery, clothes customization or making

>Looking for
either an autistic gym rat bf or girl friends

>Not looking for
"i'll start going to the gym for you" nope you're missing the point. Coomers, sociopaths

discord: winglessfairy
21 f
hi princess
i work 2 jobs and go to school, work gives me meaning since i am an empty shell. there is flesh and emotion to me but no substance. mostly fear and being on the verge of tears.

as for my hobbies i made jewelry and dolls and i learn languages mmm. learning to sew. when i save up i will get some perfume equipment since it is a dream of mine to have a small jewelry/perfume and garment buisness

i have a wacom and i feel like drawing. i will not draw porn or underage anime girls. but if u want something silly or even ur fursona i will draw it in my style.

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very swag very cool

Basically besides working 9-5, I lift in the gym (powerlifting/strength training mostly), cook foods, play games and have a medium-sized youtube channel that I spend some time on, been also playing piano for a few years, read some stuff sometimes, talk to people on discord u know the usual :)
>Looking for
cool people, swag people, people with shared interests or not, don’t really care just don’t be dry or weird
>Not looking for
dry, weird, creepy people, etc just be a decent person yk
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Lost in the woods of my heart
Weapons systems, business, fashion, astrology, psychoactive substances, science, contemporary philosophy, calisthenics, music (black metal, classical, trap, darksynth).
>Looking for
Meaningful friendships. I want to get to know you.
>Not looking for
losers, feds

Just a loser from /r9k/ with a small group of robots where we vidya, bant, talk, chill and everything in between

>Looking for
Some autistic/losers/virgins/shut in friends for vidya, Deadlock, Dota 2, Rocket Leauge and anything fun.

>Not looking for
Faggotry, normies

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Just a shut-in with an irregular sleep schedule. Kinda depressed and socially anxious. I like playing video games and drawing occasionally (pic rel isn't mine, though).
>Looking for
Internet friends. I connect well with other shut-ins and depressed wagies. Also people from my country would be nice too.
>Not looking for
Voice chatting.
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edgy, bored and i have no one to talk to about interesting shit and rant
lolcows, music, computers, psychology, cybercrime
>looking for
non normies
>not looking for
fags, nazis, friend collectors
hi. im extremely obese.
i just want anyone to vent and support me.. or make me cut myself because i hate having a body

disc is giozacharie
>About you
I'm terminally online but I go outside
>Looking for
Friends my age around my area. I wanna go to beach or hike or somethin.
>Not looking for
Sexual intercourse. Drug use
stechkinaps on Discord

I enjoy anime, firearms, outdoors and stuff. Sometimes play vidya but I'm not really looking for vidya friends right now.
>Career / major
I live independently. I don't have a major but I do have a career.
>Favorite genre of music
Weeb music like vocaloid, nujabes, I enjoyed Touhou music in the past. Anything sounds good drunk.
>Favorite movies
I don't really watch movies but I am open to watch a few.
>Interesting fact about you
Because this place is sorta small, I'm not really gonna say anything unique about me yet.
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>About me
Dude just looking for frens, hoping to go to the pub with some people, depressed but who isn't, huge gamer, anime lover, movie lover... the works you know the type. Love to cook home made meals, and genuinely just want to talk to people and hang out. Already made some great friends here and hope for more.

>Looking for
Frens, both irl and digital (though irl perfered), don't judge really so everyone is free to add me. though I do have some limits, will state later in "Not looking for". Also would love some people who actually message first from time to time, I hate being "that guy" who always has to start the convo. Small talk is fine, you gotta start somewhere so don't worry if you're the shy kind and whatnot (I'm like that too)

>Not looking for
Gooners, porn brains, people who hate women just because they can't get a date... that kind of people. Like I said I try not to judge but that stuff... bro


Gaming (hearts of iron 4, Witcher 3, CP2077, Borderlands 1&2, Stardew, Foxhole, L4D, SCUM, Call of Duty World at War, World of Warcraft, Project Zomboid)

Roman Catholic, though not a very good one

Security Guard

>Favourite genre of Music
Whatever Sabaton counts as (rock or metal idk)

>Favourite food
Pasta bake

>Favourite movie
Letters from Iwo Jima

>Interesting fact about you
(Under construction, will open when I'm interesting)
>your post
>Mox detedted
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hello! im a half japanese half egyptian lad
i've posted on here before, some of you may recognize me, if you do!! shh...
i haven't been feeling particularly well for a while now, and while i thought myself recovered enough to not need to come to here anymore, it seems that i have thought wrong
i do not want to seem pessimistic but i really am just not feeling very well, so i'm trying my best to reach out for help as something bad might happen very soon, so i can at least say that i have tried!!!
>Looking for
anyone who wants to talk or hang out really, i play a lot of videogames and im down to watch anything; remember, kindness prevails
>Not looking for
please just dont be rude
this is an alt account, so please dont expect instant friend request acceptance, but i will try my best to not leave your message as unread for too long
i will post this and head to bed, maybe i will feel better tomorrow and delete this, maybe i will just forget about it
im just so tired, im sorry
please help me
I like gaming and such, anime, all sorts of stuff. IDFK. Im drunk atm
>Looking for
>Not looking for
Dick pics
>discord: _tabi_
fuck you
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22 M US
retired semipro OW player, would love 2 hear more about what people fill their time with. tell me what motivates you, what your goals are, etc....
>Looking for
conversation while i'm working overnight (I don't really do anything at work lol...)
>Not looking for
we'll figure that out
31 F US

Just ur fat needy puppet looking for a daddy

Will share pics, vid, VC

okay isaac calm down
fuck off fed
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29 M Midwest
Friendly albeit edgy dude with a lot of varied interests. Lots of autistic takes on things i enjoy.
Love VC. Love hearing what others have to say
>Looking for
Friends to talk about interesting things or sharing similar interests
>Not looking for


Gaming, card games, cooking, model kits, reading, movies
Its complicated, i have some Bibles

>Some Favorites
One piece, higurashi, baki, disco elysium, Shin Megami Tensei, True detective, sopranos, LOTR, hellboy
22 male Florida
politically active (not radical) normally busy with work but I am chronically online when home from work since I know no one in this damn town. big into story driven games as well as the good old coop multiplayer overwatch/DBD/payday
>Favorite genre of music
classic rock and heavy metal
>Looking for
people to hang with either online/irl someone to grab a beer with
>Not looking for
creeps, pervs, people who are just judgmental or prejudiced
21, biofemale, canada
i like videogames (phasmophobia, overwatch, league of legends, minecraft, and webfishing have been big interests lately), cats, talking 2 ppl (i dont have every many friends and i wanna change that), cold weather. i like skiing, collecting random small stuff like bones/buttons/rocks/feathers, i like learning abt new things. i like predator catching videos. im quick to anger, im bipolar, working on it. im very insecure but also aware that im quite ugly (not exaggerating ive been told so) and also fat (ive been dieting for a while and slowly losing weight but im still big) which makes it hard for me to socialize irl, as well as being detransitioned from ftm (i was on testosterone for a bit) and nobody irl seems to understand, hence why i resort here for friends/ppl to talk to :P
>looking for
friendssssssss, other losers or people who like losers, to hang out with and play games or talk abt our days and whatever
>not looking for
no sexpests. dont flirt w me ... its rlly obvious when ur just talking to date, makes me uncomfortable. i wont show u my face either so pls dont ask until we've been friends for a while. also dont add me if ur indian or muslim thanks .....
kekfi. (dont forget the period)
Have you two talked yet!?
There's no way you're still on here catfishing
who's mox
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18M, Western Europe
mentally ill, i try to be nice tho. I love metal (mainly black metal), also a big history buff and currently playing total war medieval 2
>Looking for
ppl to get to know, long term friendship. metalheads or general alt ppl preferred
>Not looking for
edgelords, politics, coomers, basic ppl
discord : highrider999
I have severe mental health issues that are preventing me from keeping a job, im in a lot of debt, not much by normal standards but its a lot for my situation, my rent is due and im broke, i have cats and no way to feed them when their food runs out. i'm planning to kms in hopes that my family would help my cats when im gone
>Looking for
Someone to talk to to plan what im gonna write to my family and the few people i care about. whatever i write for my family has to convince them to care for my cats, or get them adopted
>Not looking for
anything else
>ASL / description
M/mid 20s/AUS, average height, white with blue eyes and brown hair, fit and healthy, work out regularly, speak english and decent russian

>Looking for
Not sure though I would prefer femanons (bio not trans). Friendship is fine though I'm open to more. For what it's worth, my type is generally alt girls, tats are a bonus, any race is fine though I often seem to date Asians, idc if you're mentally unstable either. Men can add as well if we share interests, but i'm straight

>Not looking for
political extremists of any stripe, poor conversationalists, ignorant fucks, straight laced people

I love to read, classics and literary fiction mainly, cinema, collecting records, football (aka soccer for the Americans), gym, visual art or at the very least looking at visual art specifically painting and sculpture, writing, music, weed

>favourite genre
Tough as my tastes are pretty eclectic but I'd say either indie rock or jazz (j-jazz particularly) overall - longtime radiohead superfan, been really fucking with massive attack and portishead recently, and love exploring obscure shit from around the world

>favourite books/films
hard to name a single book but some fave writers are tolstoy, kafka, mann, andric, greene, naipaul

currently, my favourite films are come and see (klimov), ugetsu (mizoguchi), fallen angels (wong kar-wai), apocalypse now (coppola), and paris, texas (wenders)

disc: _raskol_
teleguard: 52GQ4Y4RK
18 F United Kingdom
Socially awkward...I get nervous about going outside. I'm trying to improve my social skills.
>Looking for
Just someone to talk to. Happy to chat about most things.
>Not looking for
Low effort. I've tried making friends before and always feels one sided. Also if we don't get on, don't get toxic and I decide not to talk. People have been scary in the past.
Discord - wittle_dwagon
I enjoy watching TV and movies. Currently watching the bear. Well not right now, I'm just looking at the ceiling just now. Love animals just never had one, send pics
I don't believe in anything.
>Favorite food
>Favorite movies
Too many to list
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atheist, materialist
radical left politics, prog & metalcore, pc building, few videogames

>Looking for
mates, ideally in aus but idrc
>Not looking for
racists, misogynists etc

dexln discord
terrible person and narcissist. avoid at all costs
>Looking for
eFriends to chat about our shared interests or life with. If you've got a special interest you know a lot about, I'm a great listener for you to text dump onto.
>Not looking for
People who just want to bitch and be unhappy. Bitching is fine, but there's a self defeating attitude I'm referring to here.
Reading(I read a lot and from a bunch of different genres), hiking, animals, philosophy (not the alt right weirdo stuff, like actual philosophy), psychology, plants/gardening, cooking/baking/bread making, TCGs (Currently into Flesh and Blood and the Pokémon TCG), video games (Mostly single player RPG style stuff. If you're playing Echos or Wisdom hit me up. Great game.)
>Favorite music
Bilmuri, Bleachers, Origami Angel, Palehound, The National. A lot of other stuff too. That's just my most recently listened to artists.
>Favorite food
Vietnamese food, American style BBQ (I like hard bark and mustard sauce. Feel free to tell me why I'm wrong if you feel different.), Cheesecake
>Favorite movies/shows
Gremlins, The Lighthouse, Better Off Dead, The X-Files, Fringe. If you're watching The Penguin hit me up.
>Favorite Books
Howl's Moving Castle, Dungeon Crawler Carl, The Shadow of the Gods, A Grief Observed, any Michael Crichton. A lot of other things.
>Interesting fact about you
I've never broken a bone and I enjoy telling people that because technically it means I can be the Antichrist. But I'm not super edgy, I just find it funny because I was raised hard-core fundamentalist Christian
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29/nb amab/next to spain

- lonely, depressed, doomerpilled worldview
- politically leftist with strong beliefs but no solutions
- autistic hiki neet with no life goals
- curious and creatively driven, especially in the arts
- average lain, osaka and patchouli enjoyer
- privacy enjoyer, hate discord but am using it just for this. would rather talk somewhere else if we vibe with each other

>looking for
people to talk to. i have very low expectations, and this is not my first time here
i like reccing music too

>not looking for
chuds, coomers, video or vc

(with the dot)

watching films and listening to/making music on the rare occasions i have any motivation

atheist, anti organised religion

sociology dropout, no career

>genre of music
dream pop, breakcore, drone metal
just to name a couple. i listen to anything desu

spaghetti bolognese
very picky eater overall

all about lily chou chou, autumn sonata, lilya 4 ever, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

>interesting fact
i don't know if this is interesting but i won a regional poetry award once, and never wrote poetry again
Aw, where did yellowbluecat go?
It was really nice talking to you. Hope things are alright.
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Who is this so I have context.
I dont think you know what a narcissist is.
Terrible person is fair, but more subjective. I do not know your criteria.
I have not had any overly in depth conversations from here lately, so your complaint doesnt hold much weight to me.
Anyone who would judge me without seeing for themselves is not worth my time to begin with.
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Mid 30’s/M/Tx
Family is genuinely important to me, I check up on my grandfather minimum two times a week.
I like cooking for friends and family, even if I haven't done it as much as I like to lately.
Friends and acquaintances will often send newbies in our hobbies to me.
I enjoy interests or media that engages your mind, but also occasionally enjoy wholesome or fun things.
Some might prescribe me as an extremist but even so I always attempt to put forward mutual respect and always try to be motivated by love not hate.
>Looking for
I'll be completely frank I do have some good friends, but they're all male.
I do have hopeless romantic inclinations but at the very least it would be pleasant to have a member of the opposite sex to have a decent and healthy long-term conversation.
Edgy or a dark humor is fine, but you'll have to be at least not impenetrable to sarcasm.
Someone who appreciates honesty and a genuine desire for connection.
Shares my general interests and values or at the very least not combative about them.
One day I'd love to build a modest cabin with a little veggie and fruit garden, someplace with evergreens, maybe some mountains in the background and some fresh water nearby.
>Not looking for
People who are severely mentally ill (that doesn't include a little anxiety or depression), progressive types and racially self-loading people, LEWD crude or rude people, someone who can't remember where they added me from.

Lots of traditional tabletop Hobbies, 3D printing and firearms
>Career / major
A very unique employment ask
>Favorite genre of music
Indie folk country stuff, the mountain goats, jazz and some classical
>Favorite movies
Upstream color, prestige and I think RoboCop has a very beautiful script
>Interesting fact about you
This is going too long how about you ask me
bump, maybe drop your discord coz i tthink i cant receive requests
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>What are you looking for?
Shortlived music exchanges. Add me, post 3 songs you like, I'll show you 3 and we delete each other. I just want to discover some new music.
>Not looking for
Anything else.

Come play the game.
Would like someone too talk to
please note I do spam
I am clingy
I don't like chuds or commies. yet have pretty radical views myself
I Have ptsd
sometimes trauma dumping is an issue for me
I don't like toxic people as I have my own problems
understand i have my own social life outside the computer and stuff other than on my pc and give me time too reply back. no I am not ghosting you if it takes half an hour to reply back
Please be polite about my ptsd
and ffs don't be an idiot , someone I can feel a mutual understanding with who isn't mean spirited , a schizo or some npc who I need too explain every single word too
and esp no luddites , just...
normal sane people

I like history , audiobooks , using my tablet , pondering various subjects

favorite youtuber: syntheticman (prefer odysee , only idiots still upload to youtube)

favorite comedian:

non professional: gypsy crusader
professional: bill burr , David Chappelle , Chris Rock

things I like doing online: just chatting , playing lfd2 , vcing

24 dislike talking too anyone below 23
rememberthebrigade (pin)

I don't like speaking too women on 4ch since most are insane and it makes me uncomfortable speaking to women as a gay man generally

(as per standard if someone makes an accusation against me I'd like to first see a screenshot they sent you in dm or a screencap here. one posted here *if ever* will most likely never get a reply as such fodder is bait but if you must atleast post something. and I mean other than out of context collages)
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>About you
Calm and patient INFP-T type, shy, anxious, high morals, I also stutter since I'm 5
>Looking For
ffxiv frens
project moon/limbus frens to talk about series
fighting games - spar partner (granblue versus/tekken 8)
anything sfw
>Not Looking for
nsfw, way too big timezone difference, dont bother if you are from america or something please
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Gay twink
I like outdoorsy stuff, cooking, video games, movies, music, sports, reading
>looking for
A friend or a boyfriend
>not looking for
Dry people
People that can't hold a convo

pic is me :3
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30 M Latin America
>Looking for
23+ friends
Reading (currently in awe of Dostoesky), writing, training MMA, watching horror films
Agnostic. Open to Christianism and Buddhism
>Favorite music
Currently Deftones. Lots of world music.
>Favorite movies
The Exorcist, Ju-On (The Grudge), Andrei Tarkovsky films. Might be a good place to also note my appreciation for the Silent Hill games and Suehiro Maruo's art.
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i. have nobody to talk to so just need someone to talk to and share their. opinion kinda sad and .bummed out rn.
discord: ofcourse334
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>ASL & Timezone
23/trans mtf/Brazil/BRT(UTC -3)

23yo weeb working with crypto.

I'm very much own my own, introverted, creative, dreamy and a good listener.
I enjoy having a decent chat about any topic, seeing other people’s perspectives and helping out people and letting them vent their frustrations and issues.
I get too excited and very passionate about my interests quite often.
I often need distance and time to myself.
Also I've got mild Asperger's. That's a disclaimer there.

>Looking for
Someone to talk to and spend some time. Just to have interesting conversations to spend some time.

>NOT looking for
• Relationships
• Sexting, trading pics, lewd stuff
• Friends with benefits

• ***MUSIC***
• Crypto
• Anime
• Videogames
• Cinema
• Writing
• Tech (Hardware and programming)
• Linux
• Philosophy
• Programming
• The Occult
• /x/ shit (Supernatural, conspiracy theories, occultism, hermeticism, esotericism)
• Mythology
• Internet history/culture
• Linguistics and learning languages
• Learning new stuff


Product manager for web3/blockchain companies. Currently working for 3 different ones at the moment.

>Favorite genre of music

>Favorite food
*Insert japanese dish here*

>Favorite movies
That's hard. Not much of a movie person anymore. My favorite at the moment is "Stop Making Sense"

>Interesting facts about
Once my house got raided by the police


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I hate 4chan and pretentious nerds
feel free to be a loser but at least be self aware dammit


I Thought you where gnostic

>Police Raid

Foooor dating a minor right , don't you also like loli ?

Seriously don't add this person...

I dated him on and off for five years since 8ch was still a thing. he is a fucking sociopath. and has ghosted multiple other men he has added from his own country so keep that in mind if your gonna add him or your some incel who likes troons. I am literally one of the few people who can tolerate him , so if your one of the retards who can even give a single fuck about this retarded R.Brigade lore , yes this person is probably the only person who is so dysfunctional I can actually tolerate them and their sped behavior. or however you gotta see it.

>inb4 he uses a bunch of whataboutisms or uses a sock account attempting to have the lastword. your shit poor carlos and I live rent free in your head. just admit that and move on stop posting.
24 years incarnated into this body. white man. east coast north america.

I work out and meditate and increase my knowledge and that's it besides what's below. I'm homophobic, transphobic, racist, antisemitic, etc etc but it's not my entire personality.

interested in body cleansing, conspiracies, spirituality, blood, and the occult. I also watch (kino) movies and anime and play videogames, mostly deadlock and mahjong. a deadlock duo or movie watching accomplice would be excellent.

might help you with any health issues you may have at my own discretion.

looking for women. no minors. bonus if you're from SE usa.

will discuss most things, that pique my interest. we'll see where things go.

if you're mentally ill be upfront with it. fake women (trannies) and fags are unacceptable.

disc is jailbreaker

Thank you for the best birthday ever you fucking nemish

since you also posted a really shitty dox last time. here , lemme end that with something alittle more absolute. it isn't like people have seen my face before on here. shame I can't have any revenge porn to post

(you even did ask me to send you nudes of other people on here because I swear too Christ you have a cuckholding fetish and I'd post their IDs on here just to shame you even more so they knew you asked for their nudes from their profiles)
funny that i can tell this is rememberthebrigade with the schizoposting and grammar errors
>I live rent free in your head
>schizoposts 4 times in a row
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18, f, east coast of the USA
my interests are hardcore, emo, screamo, mathcore, heavy music in general, makeup, fashion, and art.
>looking for
a friend to talk to, especially if we have similar interests
>not looking for
coomers, crazy people, downright chuds


my discord is fearbeforethemarchofflames
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y'all niggas funeral , go ahead. add him
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29. F. SC

Currently in school finishing up my prerequisites for my BSN. I'm currently having an obsession with tattoos along with piercings. I miss having them plastered on my face. I'm also trying to read more during my free time. Fair warning, I can be a bit socially awkward at some points.

>Looking for
People to talk to-hopefully to start some friendships, share random stories and whatnot, share similar interests, could possibly lead into voice chats, I always wanted to try that.

>Not looking for
bigots, racists, misogynists, dry conversations that I have to pick up on.



Reading books and manga, watching anime, exercising, listening to music, music festivals, raves, flow arts, jewelry making, music production, figurine collecting, cooking, Pilates, yoga, meditating.


>Career / major
Nurse Assistant / Nursing

>Favorite genre of music
EDM most notably (DnB, Trance, Jungle, Riddim/Dubstep), Old School hip-hop, Jazz, Instrumental hip-hop, hardcore and deathcore (I need more recs please), Rock, R&B, Break beat, Indie.

>Favorite food
Everything Begal

>Favorite movies
Audition, Spirited Away, and Reservoir Dogs

>Interesting fact about you
Shit. I forgot to add my tag.

>Interesting Fact
I can go without sleep and still function like a normal human being.
F/24/southeast USA
>recently diagnosed autistic, work in IT. a bit of a stoner. working on my social skills
>Looking for friends, particularly an active small server or gc. I can be awkward 1-on-1 and do best in a group
>Not looking for e-daters/sexting/a relationship. I have a bf who I love very much and am loyal to, you cannot change my mind so please do not try. I am also burnout on politics and completely uninterested in discussing them
>discord is cersei.lannister
>huge range of hobbies. I love moe anime and yuri, fond of “old internet” vibes. i love touhou, hololive, idolm@ster, love live, vocaloid, etc. i like collecting anime figures. i also love aviation (no desire to fly) particularly American fighters WW2-present and commercial aviation. I play a lot of arcade air war thunder when I have the time. currently playing osu!taiko, fortnite and NIKKE a lot. I’m also a shitty programmer (I’m cisgender I swear) and like dabbling in game modding. I love biology/paleontology, especially entomology.
>dabbling in catholicism, not much to elaborate on here. just want to be a better person
>bachelor’s in criminology, though I started as an entomology major and worked in a lot of insect labs during undergrad. i now work in IT, thinking about a compsci masters.
>I enjoy pretty much all music. in particular surf rock, rockabilly, death metal, denpa, hardbass, drum and bass, and more I’m probably forgetting
>my favorite food is probably tiramisu. if I could I would replace all my meals with iced coffee
>My favorite movie is Big Daddy with Adam Sandler. I have seen it upwards of 4000 times and can recite it from memory
>I am not too easily offended. also an intermediate Russian speaker
sleeping isnt a hobby nigga
23/ M /California, LA
>Special Interests
-Gaming / Used to be a huge gamer so anything you've played or liked it probably have played. RPG, JRPG , GACHA, VNS, HORROR, ROUGELITES
-Working out is my mian hobby rn so if you want advice or talk about it with each other lmk!
-Exploring, I constantly travel and hang out around California and USA
alking about life and sharing stories and I'm a fast responder so feel free to message me. I work at home so I'll prob respond fast. I feel obligated to respond to almost every message so unless I'm busy expect a convo.
>Looking for
Someone to talk to basically, I don't mind the subject at hand
>Not looking for
Underaged people, creeps
im bored and sad does anybody wanna play webfishing?

discord: 24272784092
No way you out here talking big guy. Last I checked you were a pedo too. This you, yeah?
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Cold and distant at first but I quickly warm up to people that I enjoy interacting with, up to lighthearted silliness and shitposting. The people that have added me previously enjoyed my voice a lot. I have a little home gym that I try to work out in on a daily basis, I enjoy seeing my body grow. There is sense of kinship that I feel with the weirdos around here, working with dozens of university students on a daily basis makes me appreciate the unique stories and perspectives that I get to experience here. I'm an open book for any questions myself.
Surreal Horror media, I used to give Lacey's Games and Fear & Hunger as an example but those blew up in popularity.
Story driven video games like Signalis, the Project Moon games aswell as crpg's.
Multiplayer slop like LoL, FFXIV, WoW, CoD, Deadlock and so on.
Anime/Manga that focuses on world/character building, I love hunter x hunter, Saihate no Paladin, Latna Saga and recently Tower Dungeon.
DnD is something I have gotten into a couple of years ago, the player agency and freedom of choice is something that appeals to me a lot.
Depending on the mood, from Have a Nice Life, the Neighbourhood, Lil Peep to Tyler the Creator, MSI, I can just send you a spotify list.
>Interesting fact about you
I was kidnapped as a kid.
>Looking for
Be your authentic self and don't hold back, I'm here for the unique personalities and weirdos. Tell me about your story, debate me about a topic or simply gush about your favorite hobby. Most of these conversations are going to be short, yet this is just the nature of things. However if we get along well I would be happy to chat in voice and play videogames together to further the friendship. I have a big soft spot for cutesie people, they trigger my protector instinct.
>Not looking for
I am a shallow and broken man, most likely incapable of love, so don't count on anything romantic. Other than that you can feel free to surprise me.
I really wasn't going to say anything because I'd rather let him have a meltdown on his own instead of putting more fuel to a fire but yeah, lol.
I saw people mentioning him and absolutely wacking his ass and didn't even mention it, wishlist he couldn't help himself when I posted lmao.
mid 20s NA
im looking for someone to watch movies off my list with me, i dont care about your hobbies, your ethnicity, sex, gender, orientation, likes, dislikes, you dont have to talk or even introduce yourself, ill go on cam and share my screen, im going to try and watch something every night, id like to hear about your thoughts on the film afterwords but its not necessary if you dont feel comfortable, i just watched the substance and im about to watch the audition tonight
i mainly like psychological, art house, foreign and vintage japanese animated films; jin roh, the color of pomegranates, cannibal holocaust, enter the void, the thing, natural born killers, fantastic planet, pusher, love exposure
tag: mentalpurity
DNI if you believe personality matters for dating/romance.

DNI you believe that “hard work” will make you successful

Otherwise we should get along decently

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>I play vidya. I have that pokemon style autism
>Looking for someone who is not mentally deranged
>DNI if you believe personality matters for dating/romance.
It does though…
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19/m/ deep in the heart of Texas
schizo lifter, Dark Souls strength build enjoyer, gear head, and metal head. Every
>Looking for
anyone idc
>Not looking for
22/Detrans F/SE U.S.
>Looking for
Someone to consistently chat with & befriend. Ideally, another woman :] I have a life & hopefully you do too! Meaning I hope you can understand that I may not be able to answer at the drop of a hat, as I work in an environment where phones aren't allowed full-time; & I like my sleep.
>Not looking for
Video/voice call. Conversations on sexual topics can be Normal between friends, but I will request to change topics if I feel as if I'm risking being unfaithful, & I can be a bit rigid & weird about that to be honest
I love non-fiction, & any info about human beings from a sociology/anthropology/etc perspective. I love humanity very much, generally. Besides that, I consume a lot of media that is critical of transgender people. It's kind of an obsession, a coping mechanism. Outside of work, I don't do much. Not really any passions or real hobbies, but I think I can contribute to almost any topic of conversation. I occasionally read & rarely write. Big into doomscrolling these days idk.
>Favorite food
Not a favorite, but I've had such a hankering for vinegar based barbecue lately, which I used to hate. My partner scared me last weekend asking if I was pregnant because I was dipping chicken into vinegar >:[
>Favorite movies
I belong in the (James Cameron's) Avatar cinematic universe & I will find a way to get there either in this life or the next. Sharkboy & lavagirl is a close 2nd, I used to watch it exclusively & constantly when I was little.
>Fact about you
I'm black, for those of you who would like to steer clear for that reason.
>Actual fun fact
When I was still taking testosterone I ran a semi-popular twitter account focused on gooning. I deleted it when another gooner broke my heart lol
>I play oldschool runescape like 8 hours a day. Yay nostalgia >_<
disc: molecules1334
f 28 usa

don’t ask me what I’m looking for because I do not know, I’m just here

don’t add me and then never send me a message / barely respond or I will delete u

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M 18 russia(pic is me)

Looking for people who want to make friends and are willing to let one tap into their soul

Your dreams ambitions and interests

Music is a big plus

Not looking for
Soulless people
Discord is bajf
nonchalant dreadhead who wants friends
>Looking for
idm any but i prefer arabs
>Not looking for
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I Know it's you fawkes..

You and your little furfag group of friends and gf have already fucked with me in my dms like four...

five times now ?

Dude , people projectin' here. talking about rent free ?? I Block you , say a couple things you don't like and block you. your still making these collages ??

Maybe you should go get pegged by your gf with the balalaika pic , hey. I ain't into that shit. nor does posting random trash thats (AGAIN) a bunch of whataboutism and literal smearing vs someone saying he was based and posting literal cp. but you do you , now fuck off. Aren't you working on making a tabletop game anyways , what if i should just leak under the project your harassing me constantly. not... five years + like this >>33561548 twat. no , i actually unironically know every spec of dust of this person and have genuine grievances with how they ruined my life. your just fucking with some rando online and posting collages of my medical surgery pics....

dude.. find something better to do with your time
21m Poland
>Looking for
Someone to talk to with similar interests
>Not looking for
Love, overtly political/sexual discourse, too put together type of people
Art history (mostly theory of art and contemporary), electronic music, a bit of philosophy with major gaps in knowledge, non-narrative cinema, conspiracy theories
>Fun facts
Amateur music maker, two very unpolished albums in the shelf, very slowly working on my no-budget debut film
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I'm diagnosed autistic. I have a lot of hobbies that involve the outdoors, cooking exercise, art, and video games. I also love history and learning about cultures.
>Looking for
People to play survival games with or people to talk to about shared hobbies/interests. I'm open to hearing people rant about their life issues too, idk, i'm open to a lot.

Drawing, animating, cooking, gardening, hunting, fishing, foraging, leather/wood working, sometimes metalworking/a little gunsmithing, camping, photography, lifting, running, reading, etc.
Not very religious. I like going to church but not really a Christian.
>Career / major
Park ranger
>Favorite genre of music
I love too much music. Maybe some alt country or electronic stuff.
>Favorite food
Meat pierogi or penang curry
>Favorite movies
Apocalypse now
>Interesting fact about you
I used to be an engineer, i'm tall, and can drink milk fast
>upwards of 4000 times
You would have to have watched it every single day without missing a single day since you were 14 years old to get close to this number.
we've spoken and my point just got more proved by this reply.
I kinda suck at giving a description of myself, especially when the question is open ended like it is here, I'm just your typical socially retarded introvert with no friends
>>Looking for
Not really sure, I guess I'm just looking for new cool peeps to talk to, just casting a rod and seeing what bites y'know?
>>Not looking for
Just don't be an asshole and we'll get along fine!
PC stuff, vidya, manga, anime, somestimes VNs too (gonna start Narcissu soon) languages (I speak 4!) and literature, I also have a small music CD collection if that counts as a hobby.
Agnostic but grew up in a fairly conservative Jewish family
>Career / major
warehouse wagie (blegh)
>Favorite genre of music
Punk & Metal!
>Favorite food
Ben & Jerry's Netflix and chill'd, the name is cringe but god damn is it fucking amazing
>Favorite movies
I don't watch a lot of movies in General so its hard to pick a favorite but Perfect Blue was pretty nice
>Interesting fact about you
I'm colorblind :D
they all turn out this way after a while
Damn big guy. Who hurt you so bad? Lol. Sorry my girlfriend made fun of your dumbass, but it's kind of warranted. You're sort of an annoying fag and you constantly shit up the board with your cringe fucking wannabe soldier act. Nigga, you have never been in a war, that supposed Afghani girl you were in love with is a fiction, and you are constantly on the board mentioning me.

It's undeniable how deep in your veins my name is. Every time you get trolled by someone you run to this board speaking my name. Lmao dude. You ever think there are other people who find you as unbearable as I do? Other people who may be more invested in seeing you kill yourself than me? I'm sorry you are jobless and live mommy still in your mid-20s, but I have better things to do than worry about you.

I made fun of you for being a pedo and posted your picture to remind you to watch your tone. You are no better than the people you battle against you fucking creep. :3
I’m a chubby curly haired nerd who’s heart is usually in the right place even tho his head is usually up in the clouds.
Writing, drawing, listening to music, going to concerts, driving, collecting, playing board games, going to the movies, snorkeling, swimming, diy auto work
>Career / major
I work in the Collectibles market but I have a BS in the Sciences
>Favorite genre of music
Indie Rock, Indie Pop, Psych Rock, Oldies, British Invasion
>Favorite food
Beef Wellington and Sticky Toffee Pudding
>Favorite movies
Grand Budapest Hotel, Jaws, Up, Ratatouille, Nope
>Interesting fact about you
My dream is to one day learn to scuba dive so I can visit the wreck of Titanic’s sister ship
>Looking for
New friends :)
>Not looking for
Ghosts or jerks
bump, &c.

25m portland oregon!

i'm into tea, writing poetry, modern art, fencing, esoterica, folk music, bonsai, among other things. learning japanese while studying classical chinese (bad idea). i am working on a neofolk+darkwave tape and would like to get feedback on tracks! i will give you a tarot or i ching reading or write you a poem if you ask (but not if that's all you want, that's meant to make friends not to be used as free labor!)

i am unfortunately very intense and can get easily attached so here is fair warning! no /pol/, underage, etc. + plus I filter hard (not personal.) also the only video game i play is minecraft very rarely so if that's 90% of your personality we won't mesh well.

a webpage with my various projects and random pictures: worldfullofviolence.univer.se
discord: hogna_vulpina
26 m EU
A very quiet guy. I have bad social anxiety after something happened to me that I don't want to talk about.
>Looking for
>Not looking for
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>Looking for
friends that smoke or maybe a friend group just to have someone to talk to
>Not looking for
reading, the sims, music, smoking, idk!!!!!
>Favorite genre of music
i like all genres rly but my fav band is msi
>Favorite food
>Favorite movies
donnie darko & bride of chucky? maybe
>Interesting fact about you
im a little boring
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22 Male, UK
fishtank live, reading, manga, writing, cooking, chilling with friends, conspiracy theories, true crime, filmmaking (please make a movie with me!) being healthy : )
>about me
I am in uni but not sure what to make of it, I've done some traveling and met interesting people, I have friends but it's not enough. I'm single, somewhat tall, I like to write but hit a wall (on a related point no women over 25 please ha ha haaaaa). Feel somewhat lost and unproductive.
>looking for
friends, or whatever comes of it, people who like to vc, people in similar time zones, up to meeting (but if you are not up to meeting / live on the other side of the globe that's cool too). If we could do a project that would be cool, like make a movie or help one another lose weight or get disciplined or something like that.
>not looking for
overly politically correct or woke people, very left leaning people, people who blank or don't wanna vc, actual peadophiles, girls with bpd, indians (I mean people from India, Red Indians are cool).
this person is a man
23m western europe
mushrooms, psychedelics, nature, outdoors, eventually meeting up, mint tea with ginger, black tea with bergamot, mount and blade warband napoleonic warfare, paradox coop vidya, philosophy, theology, politics, history, asian/western fiction, watching movies/shows together (going to watch melancholia in about a hour or so after having made this post), making scrambled eggs with tons of butter and eating it with feta cheese and simit, reaching gnosis/manda, annihilating oneself to reach unity with god, being of service to the sublime port
>looking for
men and women are both fine
>not looking for
faggots trannies and other such filth, people who have moral and ethical opinions that lean to the left, golems who cannot think for themselves and kikes.

currentely listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BAY6N0jXVQ [Embed]
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the demon of Babylon disguises himself with the coat of the righteous
Would like someone too talk to
please note I do spam
I am clingy
I don't like chuds or commies. yet have pretty radical views myself
I Have ptsd
sometimes trauma dumping is an issue for me
I don't like toxic people as I have my own problems
understand i have my own social life outside the computer and stuff other than on my pc and give me time too reply back. no I am not ghosting you if it takes half an hour to reply back
Please be polite about my ptsd
and ffs don't be an idiot , someone I can feel a mutual understanding with who isn't mean spirited , a schizo or some npc who I need too explain every single word too
and esp no luddites , just...
normal sane people

I like history , audiobooks , using my tablet , pondering various subjects

favorite youtuber: syntheticman (prefer odysee , only idiots still upload to youtube)

favorite comedian:

non professional: gypsy crusader
professional: bill burr , David Chappelle , Chris Rock

things I like doing online: just chatting , playing lfd2 , vcing

24 dislike talking too anyone below 23
rememberthebrigade (pin)

I don't like speaking too women on 4ch since most are insane and it makes me uncomfortable speaking to women as a gay man generally

(as per standard if someone makes an accusation against me I'd like to first see a screenshot they sent you in dm or a screencap here. one posted here *if ever* will most likely never get a reply as such fodder is bait but if you must atleast post something. and I mean other than out of context collages)
stop fucking posting
>asl 19f us
I want to die please help me please oh God please
>I want to die please help me please oh God please
kys then
Was recommended to go post in this thread
>about me
Grey eyes, black hair, pale. I'm a neet, I play vidya. I like league, overwatch, tft, dbd, csgo, val. Pls dont expect me to buy games im sorry.

I was raped and developed pretty bad depression/anxiety PTSD so please don't invite me to your groups/ servers. Please don't become perverse.
>looking for
I'm really looking for someone who wants to hangout and play the same video games as me and can text + voice call. Maybe someone to draw with me on call?
>not looking for
female collectors, meetups, perverts, people who don't play the same games, NA East Coast people (ping)
I’ve watched it multiple times daily throughout a large portion of my life, since I was a baby
antisocial but wanting to get a bit better at dealing with people, kinda realized i dont have anyone to chat with or play games with so much anymore.. im pretty open for anything i think, anyone can add me
>Looking for
friends to chat with, play games with, talk about anything, share some music (really into that but i have no clue for the most part lol), make frens basically, ideally someone to play coop games or something, im open for any but if someone wants to play chill stuff like stardew valley or those kinda games id love to try
music, gaming, collecting stuff like vinyls or games, achivement hunting on steam, hiking and swimming, building stuff like gunpla or jigsawpuzzles
>Contact (discord)
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>Looking for
Vegans, running enthusiasts, music trading, anime lovers, doomers, rant to me about why you dislike humanity or anything
>Not looking for
A relationship
DISCORD: 2z0g9ubcqgz
running, anime, zoning out to music, thinking about how fucked humanity is
nope, open to discussing
>Career / major
who cares
>Favorite genre of music
electronic, non-lyrical, fuck
>Interesting fact about you
Tell you when you add me
22 M
Music, Literature, Fitness, Anime, Visual Novels, FIlm, Philosophy, Sociology,

>Looking for
friends nothing else I got a gf

>Not looking for
gooners, edgelords,

disc: @exiledfaf
24 M ny state
Introvert but I try to be social. Just not in a area that doesn't have spots to express my interest. Sporty, likes anime, been watching slayers and working out. I do watch most genres tho
>Looking for
Mainly looking to chat with the idea of dating but if it happens it happens
>Not looking for
electronic/pop/classical music, lifting, technology, cooking/food, algorithmic trading, shitposting
>looking for
friends and memes
>not looking for
bobs n vagene
>interesting fact about you or interest you have
i have over 650k last fm scrobbles
>doesn't work
I was too late :'(
25 / MtF / west-coast
Im just a mentally ill tranny (gigahon (this means I really,really look like a man)). I am into cybersecurity, philosophy, psychoanalysis(!), old games like go and chess, and generally vibing
>Looking for
just some e-friends
>Not looking for
sharing nudes, weirdos, racists, cyberdating
jewish, religious beliefs are vague and shaky
>Career / major
unemployed ex software dev with a philosophy degree
>Favorite genre of music
industrial, electronic, noise, shoegaze, rap
>Favorite food
>Favorite movies
Dr. Strangelove, A Serious Man, Eyes Wide Shut
discord: d3m0ndoll
27 M US

insomniac, smoke and drink regularly, not religious, pretty liberal

>Looking For
interesting convo, something to do in the late night hours, someone to practice french with, whatever really

>Not looking for
racists, pedos, video/vc, political convo

music, fashion, books, gaming, art, movies, philosophy

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Reposting cause I'm a retard who misspelled her discord name

25 / MtF / west-coast
Im just a mentally ill tranny (gigahon (this means I really,really look like a man)). I am into cybersecurity, philosophy, psychoanalysis(!), old games like go and chess, and generally vibing
>Looking for
just some e-friends. dont expect to ever cyberdate me lol.
>Not looking for
sharing nudes, weirdos, racists
jewish, religious beliefs are vague and shaky
>Career / major
unemployed ex software dev with a philosophy degree
>Favorite genre of music
industrial, electronic, noise, shoegaze, rap
>Favorite food
>Favorite movies
Dr. Strangelove, A Serious Man, Eyes Wide Shut
discord: d3mondoll
>Looking For
Ageplay, text, middles, siblings, childhood friends, women, fem men
>Not Looking For
Under 26, voice chat, littles, babies, mommies, daddies, masc men
Hang out server for chuds and trannies


oops almost forgot just woke up , bump ^_^
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> ASL:
27, man, Australia.
> About:
6ft, good build. Classically masculine personality, stoic, self assured, paternal, etc. Hypermotivated, empathetic, living comfy life.
> Interests:
Love talking about life, goals, relationships. Spirituality and esoterics of many kinds. Big into gym/fitness/food, family. Bit of gaming, politics but pretty tired re modern noise, probably a bunch others. Enjoy talking about religion, but arguing gets lame. Will go on many rants and tangents.
> What you're looking for:
Mostly interested in talking to girls rather than guys lately. Pretty much anyone coole to hang out with.
> Not looking for:
nonwhite, degenerate (troon, fag, turbo coomer, druggo, other), mental disorder, politically obsessed.
> Contact:
discord: rocksteady97
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20 m usa
i like boring video games and being cute, uni student and have no friends, my entire life is just cope, trying to overcome nonspeaking autism with sheer willpower
>looking for
nice people who want to vc with me because i am very bad at talking and want to get better, people with pets who will send me pictures
>not looking for
homophobes etc
>interesting fact about me
i sleep on the floor as an exercise in stoicism, embracing discomfort to cultivate strength and resilience (my bed has too much trash)
>discor d


It's complicated to think about anything right now... I'm really into sad, moody, atmospheric music, Ween, Superheaven.. I've been getting into fashion lately, especially soft grunge and '90s styles, trying to reinvent myself with something that feels natural and comfy to wear. I’m also curious about weird, esoteric things, I’m watching Harvey Birdman, let's just say I’m not exactly an "intellectual," but I read a lot to disconnect my brain. I used to watch stupid American reality shows like 90 day fiancé or that one show with obese people, because they were funny, so it speaks...

>Why i'm posting here

To be honest, I feel terrible and lonely. I don’t know a better place than soc because people here are less judgmental. I don’t think I’m mentally ill or anything… or maybe I am, I don’t know. Besides just rotting in my room or going to class, I don’t socialize much, and now I’m paying the price. I always tried to convince myself that being alone was fine, but now it just feels really shitty, i'm looking to just disconnect my brain and have some funny conversation about anything just tell me what you want to talk about or don't, Also, I don’t feel like adding too many people because I think it would just be overwhelming. I’m more looking for someone dumb to talk to on a daily basis, I like to think I’m pretty normal, even boring or bland, but I just don’t feel like I can connect with people much or it’s pretty rare, I don't really care about much to be honest

>Not looking for

I really, really, really, really don't want something too negative. It's okay if you rant sometimes, but also think about me. And if you ask for my advice or some help, then don’t be harsh right after or just don’t ask, I'm not looking for anything romantic, dating, or whatever. Just don’t add me if it’s just to insult me. I don’t mind some banter, but there’s no need to be super harsh.

i am vacating the internet for a while as i had a dream about instagram reels last night. consider this offer rescinded for the time being
Stay away from this guy
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>about me
I'm an unwashed neet bro, no pussy here.
>looking for
talking with someone, or anything more engaging (vc,games,sharing music, etc)
>not looking for
gooners,skynet, burner accs, relationship

ps.: if I don't write to you again for a couple days that doesnt mean I wanna just collect you as a friend or some shit, I just have a hard time starting convos with people, only to be called a "normiegroid"
bit fair, but I'm just trying to be nice
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Hey! Ima make a real post now lel. I’m an 18 year old dude from ct who loves video games and boxing and also anime. I’m looking to chat with other people who are into the same stuff and I’d really love to chat with anyone. I have no preference for who I talk to since every conversation is a book waiting to be discovered. My discord is IDontExistLooool
25, M, Russia
history, European architectures, European culture
>Looking for
Germans, Austrians, Swiss, Scandinavians to talk about culture and architecture




BORN IN 2018


WOMEN ARE BANNED(dont need more)

Looking for an accountability partner, need to improve my life in several ways but I'd like to start with the basics. I'm very communicative, attentive and I'll gladly help you as well. Looking for highly motivated people who will take this seriously.
Ideally from the EU timezone so that we can work more effectively together.

Discord: geforce9600gt
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I live in a bus, break things in webpages, and run a click farm of people I keep locked in my basement dedicated to keeping fake news articles about Robert Downey Jr. at the top of Google results.
>Looking for
People who read books, believe in ufos and bigfoot, or enjoy horror movies and gundam. If you want to play Halo with me, that’s a plus.
>Not looking for
Video calls, people who dislike cheese, and needy weirdos who want to discuss golf trivia. Otherwise I’ll do my best to talk to you.
>Interesting fact about you
I was born with no eyes and feel/touch all objects around me using my heightened sense of smell.
its my birthday and im having some kind of bpd mixed/hypomanic/depressive episode which i have not experienced in a while so if someone would like to talk to me that would be really cool

discord: m0theyes
i like music and movies and video games and esoteric stuff and weird stuff and whatever
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neet looking for employment. been studying for a career change. trying not to blow my skull into bits from sheer frustration
>Interesting Fact
traveled a sizable portion of the world
video games, music, photography, film, guns, a bit of cars
>Looking for
people that genuinely wants to make friends. similar interests would be cool but its not required. around my age and similar situation just cause its easier for me to relate.
>Not looking for
server invites, rudes, game invites (just burnt out on multiplayer games), ghosts, /pol/
Thought I recognized the name. This dudes chill as fuck.

Went to message you again to catch up but it seems you removed me - I assume cuz of lack of chatting since the last message I have from you is the 11th. Work/Life got in the way, sorry bud!
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M(ex-mtf)/24/upstate ny
>special interest(s)
Oh boy this is a long list I’ll go over it in a few bullet points.

Camping/the great outdoors- I can go on for hours about nature trees and the such like. Camping trips are my ideal vacation whether it be fake camping or backpacking 6 hours in the middle of no where you can see the arms of the Milky Way its genuinely beautiful. It also plays into my other hobbies including shortwave radio browsing and astronomy.

Christian theology- I’m going preface this with the fact that I’m Christian however not a catechumen I’ve been attending an Eastern Orthodox Church(OCA) with interest to someday becoming baptized within the Orthodox Church. Now that we got that out of the way I can and will go on for hours about Christian theology and want to discuss it in depth constantly. If you’d wanna read the church fathers together I’d be more than down. However if you are interested in Christianity exclusively because you like crusader memes and trad posting we might not get along too well.

Radio- oooh boy I can’t really explain this other then radio is wonderful shortwave ect if you like shortwave radio browsing or wanna get into ham just add me.

Ttrpgs- I really enjoy the world of darknes If you wanna hear about vtm lore and wta lore I’m always down to talk about it.

>looking for
Frens- anyone is welcome and I’m down to chill and listen to you vent and talk.
Camping friends- above but you live close and wanna go on camping/fishing trips together
Church frens- you are a Christian and wanna talk about Christianity together.
Honest people
>not looking for
People with hardened hearts who do not want to self reflect. Now if you lie to me I’ll forgive you but I’d prefer you move on and learn. say you continue lying and never try to change well I can do my best to help but I don’t think our friendship can grow in that situation. Just try your best and you’ll be fine.
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I write books. Play some video games. Smoke cigars. Read books alone in hippie pubs.
>Looking for
Someone to talk to, play games with. Someone to read and critique my work.
>Not looking for
video games. Tabletop RPGs (mostly VtM)
Agnostic, go to church sometimes
>Career / major
I write books
>Favorite genre of music
Drone metal
>Favorite food
>Favorite movies
The Thing, Alien, Dune 1984
>Interesting fact about you
bpd is interesting
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25/M/Massachusetts, America

>Lookin for
Mainly looking for people to chat with. Open to almost anything so don't hesitate but please try to hold a conversation. One word replies are not really helpful to anyone... Down to VC after a certain amount of time!

>Not lookin for
No coomers or anyone too weird, not really looking to deal with your traumas.

>Music you like
Black, Death, Thrash, NWOBHM, other metal and rock

Paradox games, anime, music, collecting military stuff, firearms, vinyl and cassettes, RimWorld, food, War Thunder, movies, my three cats, HiFi, anime figures

Maybe. I cleared out people who ghosted me. Only exception was a dude who started saying pervy stuff who I unadded for that. I'm working a lot too though.
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We have a small, chill discord server.
>No drama!
>No cliques!
>Hella comfy!
>Nice people from all over the world!
>We play video games sometimes!
Feel free to join if you wanna talk to people.
im just bored and looking for people to text lol... im into manga, anime, horror games and films, music (especially rock), and a lot of other random stuff
>Looking for
friends and cool ppl!!!!!!
>Not looking for
racists, bigots, etc...
discord: catboyhypno
Not relevant to either of us until later.
>looking for
Potential cultists.
>NOT looking for
Anything else, including sex, abusable info on you, and money.
Pragmatism, truth, altruism, and self servitude--all synonyms, if you're literate.
>favorite food
Pineapple pizza, with the juice squeezed out and baked on high heat so it congeals and half caramelizes into a yet unnamed blend of citrus, cheese oil, and meat grease. Serve with sriracha, ranch, and garlic.
>Interesting fact about you
I was forming memories when I was one year old.

Pic related is S+ tier wisdom. If you don't already think so, or if it doesn't viscerally strike you as a lightning bolt of jarring genius, then you are the garbage I hope to weed out with this post. Do not contact me if you have any internal attachment to narcissism, dishonesty, or sustained fallacy of any kind. If you are not EXCITED to shove the truth down every throat and up every ass--including your own--then you need not apply.
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Social recluse and introvert, currently going through an transitional period of including myself in more IRL matters. Been considering distancing myself from /soc/ lately, as I'm sort of a normie and pretty distant from internet culture these days, so I don't know if I really have a place here anymore; but I'm a bookworm nerd who was raised by the internet, so I'm reluctant to fully dispel that side of me. Also, I'm getting pretty uncomfortable from the cold lately, and misery loves company.
>Looking for
Long term, potentially close friendships. I dream of making genuine friends that don't force to talk to each other as some sort of formal courtesy; but rather, a genuine bond that could lead to meeting IRL in the (far) future. But I'm realistic- so just general internet correspondences for now.
>Not looking for
Any malicious, mentally ill, weird/degenerate stuff. I'm just looking for friends, don't make it hard.
I don't care to pry for a response from you on first meet, so please introduce yourself if you want me to start talking to you.
Discord: palcico

Amateur photography, Japanese stuff, music, fighting/indie games, light exercise/skincare/fashion
Agnostic, but open minded and respectful.
Favorites change over time, but currently-
Music; a couple of bands of >100k Spotify monthly listeners, such as "Motopony", "Feed Me Jack", and "The Breathing Effect".
Movies; can't think of any lately, but I was just talking about Ghibli and Makoto Shinkai films with some weebs the other day if that's useful
Food; hard to think about, because I'm trying to diet through the cold/not gain too much weight this season- but as a Californian, I will always pay my respects to In-N-Out for their #1 combo meal. Less than $11, what a steal!
>Interesting fact about you
A couple months ago, I was cut off by an Waymo Autonomous Vehicle with no passengers in San Francisco.
>29, f, us
> looking for good conversation and like minded individuals
> not looking for racists, trolls, degenerates, etc
>contact: m0m0ka__
do not add this person they will ghost you
just looking to chat to pass time, blog post ab life, etc. i read and really like to experiment w different kinds of music to listen to. sometimes play vidya and gym. im in school + i wageslave
>looking for
cool ppl to blog ab life + chat, possible music exchange. more likely to hit it off if ur into beauty/biohacking + fitness, reading, animals + nature, different kinds of music, vidya, art/photography, sewing/making clothes.
>favorite music
probably dungeon synth but also enjoy bossa nova, experimental, twee, post doom/black metal, shibuya-kei, edm, italian film score, jcore, pop punk, folk/country, japanese funk/jazz/rock...
>not looking for
cant conversate
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Damn, I got a couple of friend requests minutes after posting, seems there's a lot of you lurking at night. Please excuse me if I'm a bit burnt out by the time I get to your friend request/chat.

Buddy, I've never even seen your tag before; out of my year of frequenting these threads, I've only had to block 5 people from these threads so far. Guess you'll be joining them
i only asked if youre black cause i am too :/
i spoke to metronome for a decent amount of time and found them to be pleasant, better than a lot of the people i talk to off 4chan desu! sometimes you dont mesh with someone but that doesnt mean they are a terrible person or a narcissist. you should try to be kinder to people that you dont necessarily like.
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We will survive brother.
Hunting for your dream.

Former basement dweller, still leading an isolated lifestyle but more consciously now. Recently figured I will keep getting older and there are way too many things I have been avoiding or putting off, it would be nice if we could motivate each other to make our days count a bit more.
I'm interested in most things relating to oldschool imageboard culture, I have been around for 10+ years now and although I browse way less I don't believe you can ever actually escape. We can consume media together, but I'm more interested in peculiar encounters and collecting other people's life stories or experiences.
That said, women are strongly preferred, men are fine but I'm not looking for anything romantic.
Texting can get a bit dry, so after getting to know each other I would rather vc here and there to catch up. It'd be amazing if we became good friends, and for you to be european so meeting up could be a possibility down the road.

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>20/M/East Europe
Generally boring and meaningless person. The only major hobby I can really share with an internet stranger is Video games. Im also dumb and probably autistic (im slow on some social stuff and keep quiet in groups of people). Aside from all that I enjoy collecting old or rare money, vynil records, MTG cards. Love rock (mostly old but fine with newer stuff and some metal).
>Looking for
People to kill time chatting while im in university
new username blonde.redhead
a guy in twenties
chronically online discord eboy
i like having random chit chat that doesn't matter
in fact that's my only hobby
>looking for
people in thailand
i'm going there
but i know no one there
someone be my trip advisor
27 M Winnipeg MB
Salaryman Rando Pleb living in isolation
>Looking for
Other lonely People
>Not looking for



Flight Sim
Fake Catholic (cause my mom)
>Career / major
Office Admin
>Favorite genre of music
>Favorite movies
Gerda (2021)
latina and retarded and likes games
>looking for
friends :3 socialization.. nice people i can vc with perhaps
>not looking for
rude people or weirdos
gaming and garage kits :p
i believe in a higher power but undefined
current neet
>favorite genre of music
90s emo/skramz, dsbm, hc punk
>favorite food
japanese curry and refried beans ! !
>favorite movies
truman show, the thing, the shining, interstellar, submarine, eternal sunshine.. i LOVE movies
>interesting fact
i have pica and schizophrenia
at least he asked
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If you want an answer, you can unblock me.
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25m/North eu

>Favorite anime/manga
NHK,Konosuba, Fate and other Nasu stuff (before the disaster that is FGO), Gainax stuff like TTGL/Klk, Champloo, Railgun etc.

also watching plenty of stuff from this season.

Was a silly NEET but in training now, i drink and play videogames like WoW/FF14/Rimworld or new releases, if not that probably working out or watching anime and reading. I also go to a decent amount of venues in the summer and stuff like that. also 2hu.

>looking for
Weeb fwends,ppl to just talk to and play WoW/FFXIV with

>not looking for
overly mentally ill inviduals

No one cares you fucking pedophile
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Gardening,Crafting,Technology (Like Hardware components, OS's and stuff),Like to have a fun talk in general,Content Creation.
PC Gaming: Limbus Company,Terraria,LISA The Painful,Left 4 Dead 2,Roblox (Only if it isn't dry) (Will get more in the future)
>Looking For
Doesn't matter just don't be weird alright?
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Profound sadness. BPD (Big Penis Disorder also Borderline Personality Disorder).
>Looking for
>Not looking for
no blacks, no tans, no trans
>Favorite genre of music
>Favorite food
Honey chicken
>Favorite movies
Hackers, Pulp Fiction
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gay, vers, twunk/jock
I'm a physics student and enjoy math, anime, manga, yaoi, sports, gym, mystery series, romance novels, gaming
>looking for
hot guys, twinks, jocks
stem friends
conversations about either my or your interests, sharing hobbies
either nsfw or sfw are cool
>not looking for
annoying, boring, untalkative people who think a convo = passively answering my questions
those who can't/don't introduce themselves after adding or say why they added me
server ab psychology and mental health

lots of cluster bs neets and femboys, owned by someone w bpd

https://discord.gg/socionics (
Join for our Chud Election Coverage.

We are doing a Nick Fuentes watch along tonight!!

You did nothing wrong and everything is alright, feel free to add me back.
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> ASL:
27, man, Australia
> About:
6ft, good build. Classically masculine personality, stoic, self assured, paternal, etc. Hypermotivated, empathetic, living comfy life.
> Interests:
Love talking about life, goals, relationships. Spirituality and esoterics of many kinds. Big into gym/fitness/food, family. Bit of gaming, politics but pretty tired re modern noise, probably a bunch others. Enjoy talking about religion, but arguing gets lame. Will go on many rants and tangents.
> What you're looking for:
Mostly interested in talking to girls rather than guys lately. Pretty much anyone coole to hang out with.
> Not looking for:
nonwhite, degenerate(troon, fag, turbo coomer, druggo, other), mental disorder, politically obsessed.
> Contact:
discord: rocksteady97
I'm introverted, introspective and creative
>Looking for
Friends :3
>Not looking for
Anything sexual
(This is a throaway account, if we connect i can give you my main)
>Career / major
Graphic design
>Favorite genre of music
>Favorite food
>Favorite movie
The End of Evangelion
>Interesting fact about you
I have a photographic memory
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Let's go webfishing (text preferred before VC)

VR Simracing (need a new seat :c ), light vidya with friends (LoL arams, Space Marine 2), music production (electronic/synth), live music (mostly electronic)
Friends to chat with through the day, good connections, people with interesting lives and interesting tales, lonely souls, chatterboxes, music sharers
>not looking for
Arguments, political talks, "you're my only friend" energy, people adding me for reasons not related to my post
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>Looking for
Someone to talk with: no filters applied, brakes are loose, I want to see from which cliff you throw me off and have fun. I usually stay up late so I have no problem connecting with US folks

>Not looking for

Reading, tabletop games, computer nerd, DIY, motorcycles, videogames, gardening, gym, crossdressing.

>Discord tag

stop spamming every single discord thread you faggot
no one cares about you or any trannys problem
stop spamming schizoposting
read the room and ffs kys you disgusting pedo
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neet weeb who's mostly into jrpgs and blue archive, i like drinking beer, 80s/90s music and metal
>looking for
frens who are willing to discuss anime, jrpgs, music or play games while drunk
>not looking for
e-dating, drama
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27 M Winnipeg MB
Salaryman Rando Pleb living in isolation
>Looking for
Other lonely People
>Not looking for



Flight Sim
Fake Catholic (cause my mom)
>Career / major
Office Admin
>Favorite genre of music
>Favorite movies
Gerda (2021)
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Not NEET or anything, just always felt more comfortable talking to and opening up to internet folks.
>Looking for
Friends, people to chat with throughout the day, maybe play some Vidya with if I'm lucky. Bonus points if you play FFXIV
>Not looking for
A relationship. Trust me, you don't want me.

Music (listening, playing, etc), cooking, cosplay, video gaming, anime, history, astronomy
Agnostic mixed in with a bit of pagan ideals
>Career / major
I help people for a living
>Favorite genre of music
Musicals, ska, 90s alternative
>Favorite food
Sea scallops
>Favorite movies
>Interesting fact about you
I am a classically trained singer!

lax rules, chill people, funny easygoing convo
no porn etc allowed
splinter server from duo
aha woops forgot image
we have pretty girls
i like vns, video games(mostly multiplayer lately), tcgs, weebshit in general, music, looksmaxxing
not a snowflake, i think im interesting/fun to talk to
>Looking for
fun people to talk to or play games with
>Not looking for
annoying niggers, DO NOT ADD if youre an attention whore friend collector
boring/nothing in common
also i hate degeneracy like alcohol/drugs/smoking/being fat, i wont judge you but dont talk to me about that
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>description of self
incredibly swag
lift heavy shit (training to compete in powerlifting), play classical piano, play videogames, work 9-5 in software engineering, I also babysit a few discord daycares (servers), so that occupies some time, have a yt channel, grow some PLANTS (no not weed)
basically just a normal fella not some edgelord but I’m swag af I promise
>looking for
friends that I can chat shit with, optimally play videogames or do whatever else and hang out
>NOT looking for
really dry people. also I’m not making this post to get new members to the server, I just want some friends
Sent you a friend request.
Lovely. Did your marriage wither already?
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Introvert, NEET, autistic, cooked attention span. I enjoy 90s/00s electronic music, artsy anime, and retro games (mainly gamecube era).
>Looking for
Long-term friends who might want to join my server.
>Not looking for
ERP, new accounts, relationships, troons, emotional baggage, or mental illness


the fucks an elin
i have played every game ever and i don know an elin
How does it feels to have temperature room IQ?
Just a fucking google search.
I just wanted to fuck with the poster
You can fuck with cringe 18 year old girls if you want, I don't judge you.
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Wow.. you really got me XD
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all girlz get admin
cute girlz only ^
emo girlz only ^^
we like to vc a lot !
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20, nb
current NEET looking for long-term online friends / a new fp
outwardly androgynous / feminine appearance, easily emotionally attached
i like accommodating to peoples' needs/wants and tailoring activities to their interests, like making curated music playlists or enjoying their favorite media (games, movies, tv) with them
also like providing media recommendations of my own, very particular with my own interests being enjoyable to others
alternative/experimental music (ask me about genres!), narrative adventure games, art house / criterion / boutique blu-ray, graphic novels & hardcovers, photography, puzzles / trivia / quizzes
>looking for
wanting someone who can reciprocate tons of emotional affection and can be dynamic or keep a conversation interesting!
i like to hear people ramble about their hobbies, i'll show mutual interest and listen for as long as required!
people without too many obligations, it's cool if you're employed or a student if it doesn't take a lot away from the friendship
>not looking for
connections that taper off quickly (looking for long-term, dummy!)
anything irl / a large timezone discrepancy (i'm EST, your bedtime ≠ my bedtime)
overly masculine men or those who don't take pride in their appearance (try and look nice!)
vc focus (willing to vc on occasion but it's not a primary thing for me!)
please reply with yours or your post if interested :)

choosing not to do the extended version, all the necessary info is here x_x
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Primarily looking to do art stuff with others. I'm bored. If not you can add me just to chat so long as you're not annoying. You can look me up in the archives for better bios.

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Eu,28, female
I am simply a lonely person who does not have much interaction with others. I am introverted and do like taking time to myself but I am trying to change this part of myself
>Looking for
Friend. Someone to possibly vc with. Maybe play games together or watch one another play something or watch a show in general
>Not looking for
Romance nor lewd


Right now I am in a difficult position where I can not pursue my hobbies as I’d like to. I am trying to get into cooking. I do love jpop and have recently got back into anime. I adore dolls and collect them (bjd) but because of my circumstances it is not possible at the moment
>Career / major
>Favorite genre of music
>Favorite food
>Favorite movies
Evil dead series
>Interesting fact about you
I am actually an American residing in the EU, so I only really know English but I am trying my best to learn French
Forgot my contact
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> 23/male/ger
> anime larper, weirdo, smug otaku
> animanga, VNs, vidya, cosplay, film, reading
> Only people from Germany please
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people, meaningful relationships
> No friend collectors/queers/blacks/browns
> discord: @foureyedpervert
bored n jobless :( i like vocaloid, shoegaze, manga, anime
>Looking for
ppl to talk to or do stuff with, i want someone to get close with n be close frens maybe more idk
>Not looking for
horny people
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>Looking for
i haven't socialize in while so if that could actually happen thx

>Not looking for
weridos, creeps

stichting, diy


>Career / major
being mummified

>Favorite genre of music
noise,d beat, grindcore, goregrind, death grind, death metal, brutal death metal, slam, hardcore, sluge, cpunk, doom, nu metal

>Favorite movies
pieces, guinea pig series, necromantik, friday the 13, scream, evil dead, rob zombie halloween, texas chainsaw massacre, terrifer, video violence, house by the cemetary, slaughterhouse, cannibal ferox, martyrs, hellraiser

>Interesting fact about you
i eat dirt :D

shit forgot *26/M/USA
20 f usa
Kind of mild
>Looking for
Conversation, however long they do/don’t last
Horror and action movies, metal and rock, lifting(kind of), generally spooky stuff, cars are cool but don’t know a thing about them
>Not looking for
Obesity, a boyfriend, e sex, coomers, under 20, vc, trans, doomers

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