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Kotozakur-ACK! edition



>Sumo links and how to watch live:

last thread
>Aonishiki 5-1 at Ms4W
Enough for Juryo promotion? Thoughts?
Should make it 6-1 just to be safe, but seems very likely now.
At least 4 out from Juryo I'm thinking and the top of Makushita is kind of shitting the bed so I'm thinking he's in even if he goes 5-2
xth for Uncrowned Yokozuna Takakeisho
>Kikuchi 3-3
good morning I can't wait for the run over toad intai announcement.
If Ura was 5cm taller he would be Ozeki material. The guy is not just a meme.

Also, Kotozakura didnt look right after the bout, maybe he will go kyujo.
Ura is fun to watch. He may not be the best or most consistent but he makes for entertaining sumo.
He is a mortal lock for promotion, I'm definitely going to accuse the nips of racism if he doesn't get it
he'll forever be my favorite
>Takarafuji at 7 wins
Please god...please don't let him break my heart again...
It would be heartbreaking if he lost to Shishi.
I sometimes wonder if he's just a machine god made to break my heart.
He wouldn't have the advantage of his low center of gravity if he was taller. He is probably a lot stronger than people give him credit for, most people seem to think of him as the kawaii smolboi in the pinku mawashi who does the gimmick kimarites, but his upper body strength is just straight up massive, however he got them weak knees so if he were taller he'd be top-heavy would toppled over easily. He needs to gain 10-20 kg and transform into the next Keisho, thats his path to ozeki.
i want all of my fujis to win. he can do it!
>weak knees
>He needs to gain 10-20 kg
Can't have both.
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shishi will crush him like a bug
what if he gains the extra weight exclusively in his calves? he'd be impossible to tip over with ballast like that and the extra weight wouldn't be crushing down on his knees
It would be insane if Onosato zensho-yushos
yes, but even if he won't do zensho-yusho, he's 1 win away to become an ozeki. that's 9 basho since hatsu-dohyo...now that's insane.
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God I fucking hate watching Oho fight, how that shitter got to M2 I dont know.
If you can't root for that plucky son of a bitch you just don't have a soul.
Ura would've been ozeki material if he developed his fundamentals better early on, instead of now after he's been injuryfucked when it's too late.
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Horseshitryu's next 3 matchups after Abi will probably be Onosato, Kirishitma & Zak, he could easily end up kadob&
i think he's pretty much a lock with 5 wins, yeah. wouldn't always be the case, but if you look at the results at the top of the makushita banzuke, he doesn't have a ton of competition
Nabatame let me down. He loses matches he should easily win I think he might have down syndrome. All he had to do vs aonishiki is walk forward and he wins. Nabatame and his micropenis will be makushitters forever.
cute edition
Onosato gets one more win for ozeki and then loses his last 3, meanwhile Takayasu wins the rest of his bouts and gets the yusho. I believe
>Also, Kotozakura didnt look right after the bout, maybe he will go kyujo.
Zak hasn’t looked right since he was given the win over Tobizaru. Not his fault but his conscience is bothering him for a stolen win.
The mongol era in sumo is coming to an end and the Ukrainian era is starting to take hold. Sumo's international center of gravity is rapidly shifting westwards, Roga & Kinbozan being indicative transitional figures
You think Ura, of all the fucking rikishi, is the one who didn't have fundamentals? Ura?
this 16yo kid named Kotomotomura is really god; shame he's only 160cm and 70kg. As opposed to Kikuchi who's 175 and 105kg at 15. Hopefuly Enho 2.0 at least.
>Ukrainian era
Aonishiki is progressing really well, but Shishi is hardstuck in Juryo and I have my doubts if he'll do well as maegashira if he manages to get there for November. It doesn't feel like the trend forwards is very Ukrainian.
He has extremely good trickery, but his basic sumo fundamentals didn't come in until the past few years. This is what fucked his early career, he relied on his flashy moves too often and it caused him to spend almost two straight years injured because of it, when the better game plan would be to stick to fundamentals first and only bust out the flashy stuff when he needs it.
He has an outstanding highlight reel, but that reel came at a price.
Seriously speaking, what are the chances that Nephew, in his current state, wins against Onosato?
nephew can flip you in a moment if you're not careful
he's also seething now, so there's some extra motivation
Onosato should just stand up at the tachiai so he doesn't fall for any shenanigans that Sobriño throws at him. He should be very slow and methodical.
>Onosato should just stand up at the tachiai
Nice try Abi.
>He should be very slow and methodical.
I definitely agree with this. If he's able to keep his cool up, there's nothing Nephew can do that will win him in a power struggle.
I can see this happening though, if Onosato chokes, which can happen as we all know.
Not that insane really
The Yokozuna is out, the Ozekis are blowing it so far, there's no real challengers for him among the maegashira

Hoshoryu is probably the only one that might get him unless Zak gets his fucking shit together (doubt it, he seems tilted)
Roga is basically Mongolian, his home town is literally 80 miles from the Mongolian border
>The Yokozuna is out
He won against the Yokozuna last basho though.
He'll do it just to be a dick
Yeah but you can't say Teru loses every time, he's not weak even injured
>he's not weak even injured
His knees were literally exploding earlier this year, man.
I honestly don't know how he managed to pull through such a solid performance this previous basho.
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Damn close to being a dead body ruling. A rematch wouldn't have been unfair. Wonder if the judges are being a little more leniant on Onosato because they realise how good he is and want a new Yokozuna.

Maybe the rise of Onosato has rattled Zak and nephew. The drop off is wild, nephew is looking like he'll barely get a winning record this time. The ozeki need to face Onosato as soon as possible because this shit needs to be put to rest; either they are or aren't good enough. Gonna suck when chickenlegs makes makuuchi and the same shit repeats itself in November with the ozeki crying over a newcomer.
Aonishiki is coming up right behind too
I'm betting he'll make quite an impact in juryo
>implying chickenlegs wasn't just a fluke
The jump between divisions is pretty major. Aonishiki is good in the lower divisions but plenty of guys have been in the past. He's only getting attention because he's Ukrainian, same as Shishi who when eventually promoted will be eaten alive and spat back into juryo.
I also believe that Shishi will do well in makuuchi
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Because that's how I want it to be
Have you seen Shishi this Basho? The dude has at least partially managed to evolve from ungabunga.
Every time I watch him it's the exact same gameplan. There's a saying about life here in the norf, and that's to just keep going with your head down. Shishi does that LITERALLY. Every bout is him hunched over, head in his opponent's chest, just driving forwards. It gets him wins in juryo but something so monotone is going to be manhandled in makuuchi.

Though looking at Zak's recent performances maybe not.
The picture is a bit deceiving, his foot slipped and touched out side of the ring much earlier than the image shows. I thought the same thing seeing it live but on the replay his foot went out way way way earlier than I thought it did. Still a dangerous moment, without that little slip onosato was done for.
>Without that little slip Onosato was still gonna win the yusho and make ozeki
He'd have been fine DESU.
>i am not sure Chiyonofuji had it that bad as Hakuoho
He had it worse.
He's said himself that he'd rather lose than have a boring match.

>haha silly yokozuna dislocating his shoulder AGAIN x333!!!

Chiyonofuji's physique will never be matched.
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Shishi is the Kyokushuzan or Jesse James of the Ukrainian era of sumo. He isn't the chosen one, he is the vanguard
he won't
but he just needs to get 2 more wins and he won't have to worry about saving rank in NOvember
193cm, 171kg. He might be Shonannoumi tier in terms of skill & technique, but he has a great body for sumo. Plus Shishi is a lot less of a big lumbering oaf than Shonannoumi
Oshoma and Onokatsu are the same way.
Head down, back and arms as perpendicular to the floor as possible.
It can work to varying degrees obviously.
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>He's only getting attention because he's Ukrainian
If he makes juryo in November he will have gotten there faster than Takerufuji. Thats why people are noticing him. He started his career with a 20 match winning streak and is currently 37-4, thats why he merits attention, not cause of "oy vey muh racism". The fact that you're attempting to belittle his stellar accomplishments just because he is white is because of your own racist outlook on life.
Wakatakakage vs Onosato tonight is an interesting matchup, wonder if Wakatakakage will pussy out and henka like Kirishitma did or if he thinks he can come up with a means of beating Onosato in a more head on contest.
>wonder if Wakatakakage will pussy out and henka like Kirishitma did
Why do you think the match will be interesting if you don't know anything about Wakatakakage?
no sekiwake has gone zensho in the modern 15 bout era as well, the closest thing we have is Futabayama's historical first yusho (which was a 11 bout zensho at sekiwake)
utterly insane even in a weakened field
It isn't interesting at all. Here's what will happen. Either:
>Onosato pushes the cunt out, maybe there's pulldown spice at the edge
That's it. That's how every Onosato bout goes for the next 10 years.
Waka's not gonna henka someone who's never henka'd anyone else. His is a henka of justice.
>His is a henka of justice
Onosato beat his brother on day 9.
But he didn't do it with a henka. He's the henka avenger.
Is Onosato even physically capable of a henka at that size? Even Kirishima couldn't pull it off cleanly.
If Takakeisho can henka, anybody can henka.
Remembered Hokuseiho's only henka and I smiled. Thanks anon.
His style has changed a lot over his tenure.

>style during first ozeki run and comeback
Grab left hand death grip at tachi-ai and win

>early yokozuna
Centered around saving the knees. Absorb tachi-ai like stone wall, methodically grip and clinch up to limit opponents' movement, force them out.

>later yokozuna
Knees don't have the endurance for prolonged wrestling matches. Go forward during tachi-ai, but use techniques like arm drags to redirect opponents' momentum and knock them off-balance.

>most recently
Similar to the last one, but with even worse health. Don't have much left in the tank, so might as well empty it all at once and explode forward like Takakeisho, using mass and remaining functional muscles to blast them out.

Teru needs to be commended not only for succeeding in spite of his health, but for winning with what's essentially his C-game. Yet another example of "my brand of sumo" not always being the answer.
prime keisho had the smaller man's advantage of quicker than average movement due to having shorter limbs. he was a lot more agile than his spheroidalness might have suggested
>I honestly don't know how he managed to pull through such a solid performance this previous basho.
Ura would be yokozuna if everyone wasnt a fat fuck hambeast add a weight limit around hoshryu's weight.
Id say hoshoryu should be a slight underdog around +120 you have to remember onosato has never won against hoshoryu
Why do people like Endo so much?
Ultra mega Onosato-tier prospect when he started out, had an extremely successful amateur carrer, is considered handsome by the sujo (female sumo fans), him being a shitter nowadays notwithstanding
I have a hard time taking him seriously because he has to wait for hakuho to retire to become somewhat dominant. He was hakuhos bitch.
99% of the wrestlers were Hakuho's bitch. "Oh, you're not as great as the greatest of all time" isn't the gotcha you think it is. Besides, Hakuho was already virtually retired during Teru's second run. There were only 2 basho where Hakuho competed the full 15 days as Teru.
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Go look up Kakuryu and Kisenosato's records against him for a laugh if you think Teru specifically was Hakuho's bitch. Even Harumafuji was 21-37. Teru being 4-9 before his downfall was above average compared to the other three yokozuna, let alone everyone else.
In an alternate universe, Teru's injuries and diabetes don't flare up, and Haru doesn't get kicked out, and we have the first five-yokozuna era in history for a brief period of time until guys start getting quietly encouraged to actually retire.
Dang, this guy started out in Makushita. Is this the only time that's happened?
the Japanese on the pic he is holding translates to "your resemblance".
Makushita tsukedashi is relatively common and has been around for almost 100 years. Starting at Ms15 or Ms10 is rarer and was only around since 2001 (and was recently abolished). Ms15 required winning one of the four big national amateur championships. Ms10 required winning two of them.

Only 4 people qualified to debut at Ms10:

>Kiyoseumi (2007)
>Endo (2013)
>Mitakeumi (2015)
>Onosato (2023)
>Starting at Ms15 or Ms10 is rarer and was only around since 2001 (and was recently abolished).
Should be emphasized that current makushita tsukedashi is at makushita 60 and is simply a reversion back to pre-2001. Ms60TD is what it was for just over 30 years before 2001.
Given the date in question I'm assuming the change in 2001 was to entice university sumo champions to enter pro sumo instead of entering the workforce.
Shishi has an unmatched physique for that style
Those enormous T-rex legs anchor him to the floor
Mita vs Okaryu
That's going to be a good match for sure, I think both men have great potential
Chiyomaru visiting juryo tonight, he'll be 5-2 if he wins, might be enough to get him back in green silk.
Nice to see that Mita was able to recover after his incredibly embarrassing opening match loss. Imagine falling flat on your face like that literally rather than figuratively. They should make that act part of the comic sumo jungyo routine.
There is going to be a sanyaku slot opening up for November, who is going to get it? Looks like Oho has the inside lane currently, but strong finishes from Wakamotoharu, Atamifuji or even Shodai could end up taking it. Oho and Atamifuji face off tonight.
Abi and Takakeisho drop, 1Y, 3O, 2S and 2K
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a well deserved KK by Asakouryu
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Kiryukou certainly makes a few zabutons damp
That is one scary smile.
Poor Hakuoho :(
So close...
Basedshoma. Meething truck head on was manly.
thanks for not henka my man takeru
Feel bad for Oshoma, nobody likes him,no cheering
Day 12: Ross
Knees fucked.
That was disrespectful.
Too bad Ichi won't get ten wins this basho. I like it when I can call him Jew Ichiyamamoto.
I don't know if it's part of the joke or just the fact that they're stock image-tier images grabbed from google but every time I see these katsu images my first thought is that "that katsu looks like shit".

Seriously - too pale, not enough breading, unevenly cooked and it seems like some of them even use chicken b*reast instead of thighs like god intended. And where's the fucking lemon? These katsu are just sad.
I'd be happy to eat that regardless. I am just eternally grateful to the Japanese for inventing the dish.
I am still seething over Takerufuji blowing his damn zensho against Tohakuryu of all people... I guess stylistically he might be one of the worst match ups for Takeru?
Yeah, now I understand why they put 2-9 vs 11-0 or something like that, so the fucking 2-9 can outplay the 11-0 with some suicide luck and fuck up his zensho. The 2-9 will not win anything, it's only for the laughs.
Am I doing this right? Has no one gone up to Makuuchi by sheer banzuke luck?
>I am just eternally grateful to the Japanese for inventing the dish.
Katsu is as "Japanese" as curry.
I fucking hate Ohshitma
>Am I doing this right?

>Has no one gone up to Makuuchi by sheer banzuke luck?
The first makuuchi match of the day had Shishi up from Juryo because Hoku is kill.
No, I mean like promoted to Makuuchi.
Good basho for Ura.
You can't get promoted off a losing record unless you're in one of those really low divisions.
lol @ the old man
Mitakeumi is such an embarrassment.
Shut up Kotoshoho...
How often do we even see 7-8 being tangibly promoted at any place in the top two divisions? By tangible I mean more than just going like M10W to M10E for example. I can't imagine this has happened all too often excluding like mass retirements in the top division requiring spaces to be filled and no one below did well enough to jump ahead.
Nice Job for Oho
Oho is a changed man what the fuck
amazing tech oho DAMN
What a save!!!!!!
just noticed Kakuyru is a shinpan now... when will Hakuho get to be one lmao
Atami please finish your damn food.

Hopefully never.
Atami is FUMING.
Oho's awakening.
Finally he looks like a competent rikishi. That's enough for sanyaku nowadays.
Imagine Takakeisho as Shinpan
>a rikishi is thrown off the dohyo
>falls on Takakeisho
>bounces off the sphere man and returns to the dohyo without touching the ground
>the fight must continue
realistically he should follow in takanohana's footsteps and lose all of the weight he will probably explode by age 40
Shodai showing the power that got him ozeki.
>Shodai KK
Never lose faith in the plan.

Think they mentioned he's filling in for one who's sick and pulled out today, shamefully
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Daieisho looks like one of those pigmen you get in Taimanin.
Shodai walked off his interview? lol
Shodai's funny, if he actually got kk consistently we'd see it more often
He was busy going to fuck Tobizaru's sister.
NishiKEKs... not like this...
Why is MidnightSumo such an autist about people calling him a cat like it's the most offensive thing he's ever been called? He uses a cat for an avatar so people joke about it, and for some reason he just flies off the handle over it.
Papa bear is in good shape. Good for him, man.
Tochimusashi-esque, Joe
why did you pull hirado...
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This display of talent on Takayasu's part means he's expecting another child, right?
Papa bear looking good for at least a JY. Happy for him.
Please, WTK. I'm a big fan. Please don't henka.
>Please, WTK. I'm a big fan
No you're not.
It is impossible for belief to harm him as he does not believe in himself.

>Takayasu was also quite realistic about his yusho chances even though he is second on the arasoi. “I couldn’t win the cup even if I put my mind to it. Everything will turn out the way it’s supposed to. All that matters is doing my best and wrestling well for the next four days. I’ll take it easy,” he said.
Wakatakakage and Onosato have the same color on the mawashi?
it's onosover
Well that was unexpected.
Wow Waka fought like absolute hell there. Looked like Onosato eased up towards the end because he thought he had Waka out.


Lmao Onosato became helpless when Wakatakakage got morozashi
feels so good to have him back
mongol??? you forgot your glasses dude
Watch Onosato job the rest of his bouts and he ends up at 32/33 of the necessary wins needed to progress.
Muscle manlets are BACK takayasu has a real chance he just needs one ozeki to show up
What a turn-around though. Good sumo and a deserved win.
I've been saying for like a year now that if Onosato doesn't immediately dumpster his opponent then he basically just goes back to relying on retard strength and if someone gets on his belt then he's in trouble.
kids are gonna get bullied on this day
Nishonoseki needs to drill some yotsu to Onosatos small head
Someone needs to make a shoop of that bongistani domestic violence PSA about soccer.
Kirishima essentially just sat ringside and watched someone fuck his wife the way Waka handled Onosato after he bitched out with a henka.
The absolute fucking state of Ozeki.
Good use of the kneed for leverage on the throw
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i laughed audibly
Ozeki shitting the bed
Holy fuck Hoshoryu is NOT a happy man right now.
Jesus, that was brutal. God damn it, Abi.
How upset is Nephew right now?
Abi is so unapologetically evil. That makes him fun.
I hate Abi but I hate Hoshoryu more so I'm happy to see Hoshoryu lose. Thanks, Abi.
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>Asashoryu with his nephew this very night
Good Sumo today.
Say something nice about them.
takayasu got this
both ozeki gonna be kadoban at this point I wonder if koto will scratch nephew's back if he gets his 8 and nephew needs one more win the last day.
Yeah if you ignore the ozeki. The Zak bout was good but damn, stop fucking losing you pair of faggots.
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Lmao I just went to check what it actually means and this was the first result.
Koto can beat abi right?
i have supreme manifestation powers
it's already done
The worst part is they're not even injured, this is just them doing poorly.
Good day but i am starting to suspect atami enjoys the humiliation of falling short of sanyaku
The word you're seeing the definition of (kunroku) literally means 9-6. It means an ozeki that barely gets by every tournament without getting double-digit wins.

P.S.: usually in the English-speaking world, when talking about sumo, we butcher the romaji of sumo terms and shikona all the time. It's sad, really. It's not "Ozeki" it's "Oozeki" or "Ōzeki". Try the Wikipedia glossary next time, it's pretty good.
As if nips don't butcher their own long sounds by saying them fast all the time, Ken-sama.
Yeah, but they're Japanese. It's their language. They can butcher their tongue all they want. They're literally speaking the language of the gods. WE peasants need to keep up with THEM.
I don't understand why oozeki use kadoban more efficiently go 8-0 week one+ 1 day pull out and miss the next tournament entirely. That would be 3 months of rest but the "duty" of oozeki spellbinds them.
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Common surname Ozeki(尾関 小関) is prounonced perfectly different from oozeki but long vowels in romaji are pretty inconsistant. If Ohtani is written like this ozeki should be Ohzeki, Kotokuzan should be Kohtokuzan
God damn, that was some nice sumo from wkt
Good match. They both had chances but Waka had such a tight grip Onosato couldn’t get the extension he needed to finish Waka off.
Here's how Takayasu still can win:
>Imagine Takakeisho as Shinpan

>Someone calls a mono-ii.
>Five elderly, overweight men with bad knees and fucked backs stand and get up onto the dohyo
>One guy in his early 30s is still trying to get up
>...ok, now he's trying to roll onto his side to get up that way
>...the yobidashi are trying to help him up
>...now some nice audience members are helping him too...
>"Start without me, guys! You know what? Fuck it, I'll just sit here. My vote is for gyoji gunbai dori."
>Oho is a changed man what the fuck
Taking that knock to the head must have jarred something into place.

He's been training differently the last few months, basically commuting to Sadogatake stable to work out with the Kotos. Might as well. There's no one at his stable he can train with and his stablemaster is 63 and getting ready to retire.
The more competitive environment at Sadogatake has probably given him an idea of what is expected of him at this level.
And I think some it just comes down to confidence.
Imagine if he was in a good heya from the start.
It's kinda amazing that he reached the upper maegashira, confined within this equivalent of Shikihide.
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good job, old man...
>Imagine if he was in a good heya from the start.
>It's kinda amazing that he reached the upper maegashira, confined within this equivalent of Shikihide.
Yeah. Doubly-so when you remember that he started his career during the coof, so he couldn't visit other stables at all until a year or so ago. The only times he would fight against decent competition was during the basho themselves.
Waka is probably the greatest at fighting on the bales. Reminder that he won his yusho vs takayasu by some matrix dodge move on the edge too.

He still has some stupid loss to bad footing that i suspect are jsut his knee being 100% there yet but the future is looking bright

That is all
So is Hakuoho a fraud? Is it the injuries or a lack of confidence? What's going on, he had more hype than Onosato.
I like that Oho is starting to hear more call-outs from the audience.

He's the first wrestler I ever followed from the very start of his career and, while he started with tons of hype, it kind of died out there for a while as other wrestlers in his age cohort surpassed him. Lately, though, it seems like the audience has come back around, probably because they're starting to see Oho show some of that potential.

He's fighting at a komusubi level right now and I wouldn't be surprised if he gets there in the next few tournaments. (As for making ozeki/yokozuna or ever winning a Cup...that seems a little far off at the moment.)
>So is Hakuoho a fraud?
He just has an injury-prone body.
Also, he's still the youngest guy in the sekitori and has been a pro for less than two years. He's still growing and still figuring out his sumo.
Onosato has Kotozakura
Kirishima has Hoshoryu
Takayasu has Daieisho

Triple 11-2 incoming.
imagine if he lost 10 a couple times in a row and got demoted to j3w
Good to see how strong Wakalaka has come back after his injury.
that's too optimistic
what we're seeing is the result of hakuho's style when he was the leader of a stable, and we saw it consistently with his guys
they've all had problems with injuries, and even though hakuoho got surgery to fix it, it was probably exasperated while he was under hakuho's tutelage
There is no way Zak in such sorry state can do anything to Onosato.
b-but the pride Oozeki..
>t. Jsa
>joins sumo under Miyaginobeya, quickly becomes viewed as part of the future of sumo
>switches to Isegahamabeya, immediately crumbles to incompetence
>hakuho did this
Takarafuji's defense was simply too much for Shishi to get a yorikiri win despite having the advantage for like 90% of that match.
What went wrong Shishibros?
>official sumo youtube channel skipped the Abi vs Hoshoryu upload
holy disonorabu
Excellent showing from both but WTK was incredible here. I find it really interesting just how fast Onosato put his fists down. It's almost as if he was TOO eager since this was literally his Ozeki promotion bout.
I like it when he gets ready first, kinda reminds me of Asanoyama.
Japan simply can't keep up with his demands for tape.
Isegahama oyakata had no comment for abi's action. nobody likes henka.
>Kirishima henka
>Abi henka
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>switches to Isegahamabeya, immediately crumbles to incompetence

>implying the fall wasn't before the switch
Part of me think Onosato is gonna throw and fuck up his last bunch of bouts from the weight of expectation on him. The worst part is an 11-4 finish means he'd need 13 wins next basho to make ozeki.
Not true. That was a perfect henka perfectly executed.
It wasn't even the most egregious henka this basho because Tobizaru's day two showing v Onosato was disgraceful.
He'll still make it with 11 wins. 33 in 3 is only an indication with Teru breaking and only 2 Ozeki they need him ASAP
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They need ozeki? What's wrong with the current ones?
Shodai is awoken!!!!
They are not that pathetic usually, they break 10 wins pretty much all the time lmao. But two Ozeki is still risky and he is a japanese hype train, they'll give it to him... and they should honestly, too much injury bullshit happening lately, they need to protect him.
33 wins is just a broad unofficial guideline and not a hard requirement. They can, have, and will deny ozeki for 33 wins (in three cases 34 wins!) if they think the sekiwake wasn't strong enough in their final few days of the final tournament.
56-18 at Miyagino, 21-17 at Isegahama
This doesn't show anything, dummy.
You're disgraceful.
>gets injured at Miyagino
>this is Isegahama's fault!
I was implying the opposite, they'll give it to him now even with only 32 wins.
I know you were, and I was showing that they're more likely to do the opposite. They've never rushed someone to ozeki just because "they need him" or "Japanese hype train," historically they've always been conservative in waiting, especially if someone is young. The actual decision makers still remember Futahaguro and don't want a repeat, and standards for both yokozuna and ozeki tightened after.
>They've never rushed someone to ozeki just because "they need him" or "Japanese hype train,
What the fuck is Shodai then? And I've heard (probably from Chris Sumo not sure) that the JSA isn't not happy with wrestlers dropping ranks because of injuries lately, they are not risking it with this guy and they'd be right not to.
The JSA should let rikishi skip a basho once per year without losing rank then.
>What the fuck is Shodai then?
Someone who got 3 double digit scores from joi in 4 basho, capped with a 13-2 yusho that saw him beat both ozeki and went undefeated in the second week. Not someone who struggled in the last days of the last tournament against the strongest competition.
>Go 11-0
>Lose once in a great bout against a former top prospect who has a yusho under his belt
Meanwhile the okezi choking harder than a goth girl with a daddy obsession:
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The discussion started on a guy implying that Hakuoho is bad now because Hakuho's training methods lead to career-ruining injury. The W-L record doesn't show anything, but neither does the injury record. Unless we're prepared to talk about the remarkable good health of Teru, Harumafuji, Takarafuji, Aminishiki etc

>gets injured at Miyagino
Hakuoho was injured during the 2022 Kokutai Tournament, not at Miyagino.
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I'm watching through today's juryo now, and what the fuck I never realised just how badly Asakoryu looks like a midget. His proportions are straight up midget tier.
It's his big head; it's making his torso look smaller in comparison which is giving off the dwarf impression.
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Guess the rikishi.
That's easy. It's chickenlegs.
>The tiny fucking calves
Guess that was an easy one :/
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Takakeisho 6 months from now after having gone full muscle manlet ready to take the horizontal rope
Captcha: JKKKK
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>this guy was in a playoff against the Yokozuna last basho
Zak was looking great at the start of this basho and he's just falling apart. Sad.
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>actual interesting information on 4chins
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Too skinny
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Settle down? Ata was better all match with the double belt grip and then just rushed the finish. Oho's fighting better, but I don't think he deserved to win that match against the based tomato.
This, but Diasho.
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His losses have been against the people appearing unusually competent but also, looking at his wins, only one has been against a rikishi who has a winning record as of this point in the basho. I expect him to win against Onosato given the affinity, but the numbers don't paint a picture of a guy moving up quickly.
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Love this dude.
Fucked up this is the world we live in
kill yourself, chris reported nothing, because he's a fucking leech who reads headlines from jp news aggregators
He looks like his face got hit by a cast iron skillet, Tom and Jerry style
Asakoryu is one of my favorites but he had midget proportions. It’s like a midge grew to manlet size.
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Wakatakakage showing excellent strategy, exemplary courage, and amazing tenacity against Onosato. Took his charge head on, got way inside and hung on for dear life. What a guy.
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My boy Shimizuumi finishing this basho still undefeated, 14-0 career record, including a debut match win against Enho
>He's half an inch taller than me.
He's not a midget! Everyone else is just tall!
... right?
He might if he zenshos next basho
which looks possible given his performance
Denuma managing a kachi koshi by the skin of his teeth
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Ishizaki wins it by a hair!
me in the back
he's taller than enho and midorifuji...
if this guy doesn't motivate the rest of the shitheads in futagoyama, then i dont know who or what else would do it.
bye shishi
TakarafuZi, the Butcher of Bucha
He's not ready.
Names are weird. I don't usually go after names because they're proper nouns and don't necessarily have to follow the rules. Ohtani is just the way he wanted to romanize his name.
Day 13
Ah, you beat me to it. Thank you.
That was an awkward and tired looking match (Busho/Ryuden)
I now remember how much Waka was being demeaned by Ross yesterday, saying how boring the Waka / Ono bout was going to be.
WTK yuusho.
WTK/Onosato playoff for the yusho cmon
He was only saying that it was gonna be less exciting because Waka lost the day before, so it the match wasn't gonna decide whether both of them were at the top of the table.
This is like the ahegao shirt.
Looks like Murray is finally starting to get on the Onosato bandwagon. He was always like, "oh I need to see some more of his matches before I decide." Now he's deciding when he's literally one win away from Ozeki. lol
I love this gyoji's fit so much. It actually looks bad ass. This is Kimura Shounosuke, right?
Actually it's Hisanosuke I think.
Also God damn, that was a great comeback.
I still think that he's going to make it to yokozuna, eat shit after his first significant injury, retire by 28 and ultimately end up being remembered as a "what could have been".
wakamotoharu has some insane defense on the tawara. good effort by oho
RIP Atamin
Lmao I thought Mitakeumi kicked Atamifuji in the butt
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What a fucking fight by Ura.
Great fucking bout. Go Ura!
shodai aiming for sanyaku? HAHAHAAHA
So.. what is the plan anyway?
He's just taking it one day at a time and doing his style of sumo.
As expected of Shodai.
Hiradoumis ozeki dreams straight into the dumbster
classic choke-yasu
I believed. ;_;
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It's not yasuover. I refuse.
Aaaand he's injured again.

It was nice while it lasted lads
If teru can drop 3 onosato can its not over yet!
woman on the top in the white sweater has big tits
Neph doesn't want that looming MK and kadoban.
Now it's up to Onosato to not fuck it up.
nice flip from nephew
Just torinaoshi this shit
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the crown on shinpan judging this basho LMAO..koto stepped out firrst
thought onosato's hand brushed the ground first desu
a lot of cuties today!
>He lost?
>Rematch time!

Lol, lmao even.
zACK out of gas for a round 2
He was so jittery before the first bout. I hope he'll learn how to be the real top guy, like Teru.
see >>144541403
koto stepped out first, classic shonosuke.
When your pops is one of the top guys in JSA, you get some degree of privelege.
is Teru injured? how? in the stable?
Onosato just said "fuck this" and overpower his opponent lmao
He was so tentative at first. I was surprised Koto could hold his charge so well.
Gotta fix that, buddy.
I feel like torinaoshi was the right call looks like onosato's toes was out hard to tell
Onosato was in air outside dohyo which means dead body. It's not about who touched sand first strictly.
If they died at same time it's time to rematch
His knees are made of glass, what do you expect?
Takakeisho has submitted a retirement notice to JSA
Farewell, king.
Keisho's win over Teru is playoff is still the most favorie sumo moment for me.
Fuck all haters, watching Keisho at his peak was pure joy.
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RIP, thank you for everything
Damn, it was a good run
enjoy retirement he earned it he didn't choose sumo but he gave it his all , ah what a sight it would have been to see him wear the horizontal rope and doing an entrance ceremony.
I'll be honest, I disfavored the Hampter because I've always seen him as a Yokozuna that didn't manage to deliver on his potential, rather than a successful Ozeki.

Never the less, hope the new Minatogawa-oyakata will be successful in educating new talent.
Fellas, I haven't kept up with sumo since Hakuho retired. What's happened since then? Did Takayasu ever get his yusho?
I hope teru will slap some sense into atami, start that coaching career a little early. My heart can't take another basho like this
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Nope. It's a gigantic clusterfuck right now. Basically no Ozeki manages to hold the rank for a substantial period of time, or put down the expected dominance of Ozeki. It's a giant whirlpool of fuckery.

Thankfully there are a few major rising stars. Onosato (Nishonoseki-beya) just today all but secured his promotion to Ozeki, and he's by far one of the most dominant wrestlers in the last few years. Takerufuji (Isegahama-beya) is extremely promising as well, even if he's having a bit of a rough time, having sat out most of the last two basho, after being the first rookie makuuchi yusho winner ever.

The current Ozeki are Kotozakura, formerly Kotonowaka, and Hoshoryu. Both are doing pretty middling this basho. Terunofuji is still sole Yokozuna, but he's sitting out way more basho than he's in. If he shows he's a monster as he always was though.
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Oho killed him.
A damn shame, really. I had good joy watching him win and lose.
Holy fuck what an excellent day of sumo.
The slow mo showed Onosato's toes creeping dangerously far over the rope as it happened. The rematch was a solid call.
Shishi completely fucked up against Takerufuji. The guy is known for insane tachiai power, and all Shishi did was slowly stand up and give Takerufuji an easy target for that power. Probably the most one-sided salaried bout of the basho.
Adios, run over toad
Thank you for the memes and the occasional good bouts
Six slots opening in juryo?
>last time he didn't ACK himself before intai was winning a yusho with a henka against a maegashitter
Actual karma
And to add to that, Kirishima just reclaimed his Ozeki rank this basho and Takakeisho announced his retirement, so when Onosato gets his big fish, it's gonna be back to 4 Ozeki, 2 from Japan and 2 from Mongolia
>Kirishima just reclaimed his Ozeki rank this basho
Huh? Wasn't it LAST basho that he needed 10 wins to do that? Guy is starting a fresh Ozeki run.
>Kirishima just reclaimed his Ozeki rank this basho
Last basho was his chance to reclaim his rank with 10 wins.
He's on a new ozeki run now. If he wants to get his rank back, it will be the hard way.
Oh sorry good point, completely slipped my mind
Yeah, he's gotta win 22 more times in the next 2 bashos now
i knew after that first nerve injury he would be out in a year or two
well, what else do you want to do, either withstand the initial blow or henka.. it's like with abi's nodowa, everyone knows he's gonna do it, yet it's his primary attack which still works.
>Hakuho's stable imploded and he got demoted to janny
>Asashoryu has cancer.
Shishi didn't set himself up to withstand the initial blow is the problem. He just raised his centre of gravity and made himself an easy target.
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damn Roga fans look like THAT?!?
there was even a quite pretty tv-moderator visiting him.
they posted it even on their yt chan.
I'm a Roga enjoyer and I do in fact look just like that.
The sanyaku next time could look very strange

Y: Terunofuji
O: Kotozakura, Hoshoryu, Onosato
S: Kirishima, Daieisho

K: Hiradoumi needs to win out to preserve his rank
Daieisho will be promoted since Onosato, Abi or Takakeisho are not going to be sekiwake next time
If Wakatakakage wins out, he could conceivably be promoted from M7 with a 12-3
If Oho gets 10-5 he could get a slot as well, even a 9-6 might do it if Wakamotoharu or Shodai don't leapfrog him.
2nd best terminal Ozeki of all time and by far the 2nd best rikishi of the Terunofuji era (actually, who would be the 3rd?). There is an argument he could have been promoted in his 2nd run (playoff loss and yusho).
I wonder what would have happened if he was promoted.
Would it be possible to have surgery and do it like Teru? Fight twice per year to win?
Or are his issues permanent and he would be a new Kisenosato?

I guess with Terunofuji and Takakeisho out it will be the era of Takerufuji and Onosato?
There's only 2 Komusubi, right?
What's the cap on Sekiwake
No cap

Fr fr
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Wow they've given the basho's new hot thing the Ozeki awfully early, I wonder who they're saving for his day 15 opponent.
It was a good run regardless, his highs were fun and his lows were hilarious. See you space hamster
In theory there's no cap on either, but it comes down to if they feel someone deserves a spot when the existing lower sanyaku haven't lost their spot. Someone at M1 will make komusubi with a winning record regardless of how many other komusubi there are, whereas for sekiwake it usually takes double digit wins if there are already two so that guys don't get cockblocked out of a possible ozeki run if there's already two 8-7 sekiwake taking up space.
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I do not care for this particular gentleman.
But I will concede, going forward, he was a bad man.
>Tomorrow Aonishiki will fight against Aoiyama
>the fight for the right to be the dominant "Ao-"
WTF why is no one talking about this KINO?
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>Nope. It's a gigantic clusterfuck right now.
Entertaining as fuck for us /sumo/ newfags desu.
Disagree. Sports are way better when there's clear dominant competitors.
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Educate me. So Ozeki just lost Rank and is now S. What is required to get back to O?
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It's not about the feet, Onosato touched the ground with his hand here. Torinaoshi was a fair call though, it was pretty close.
>that flag..
Sure mate.
Asashoryu is shitposting on twitter about this, he HATES Onosato (literally tweeted about it)
I mean it wasn't the best call in the world since he pretty obviously touched the ground, but Koto gets so many retarded calls in his favor it's hard to be mad about one going against him for once.
I hope he enjoys retirement, he made his body into a sumo ball and clearly suffered the consequences for that
>(actually, who would be the 3rd?)
Asashoryu is an overly aggressive faggot who deserved to be forced into retirement. I'd hate to be Hoshoryu, having to put up with that asshole constantly.
On the first basho immediately after promotion, a sekiwake can return to ozeki with 10 wins. If he fails to win at least 10 then he's treated the same as any other wrestler for future ozeki promotion.
Only two wrestlers in modern sumo have successfully made two full ozeki promotions without taking advantage of the 10-win return.
thanks anon
>immediately after promotion
Well technically if an Ozeki wins 10 wins after a promotion he will also be an Ozeki in the next basho!
So Onosato only needs to win 1 of his next 3 matches to get his 2nd yusho before his topknot has even grown in fully. Crazy.
Literally the fastest ozeki promotion since Napoleon. Granted he had the benefit of Ms10TD but it's still crazy.
Even his losses were impressive, especially the Herculean effort from an in-form WTK.
He also had the benefit of this absolute shambles of a sanyaku.
If this came up in something I was translating I'd translate it to "OK-zeki" which is what I think of Kotozakura as.
The reason Asashoryu hates Onosato is because Asashoryu is trying to relive his glory days through Hoshoryu like one of those overbearing parents you hear about in the US who push their kids too hard at sports. Onosato threatens to take the spotlight off Hoshoryu and reach Yokozuna before him, so Asashoryu is taking it as a personal attack.
Aoiyama is so far past his prime its not even a contest bro. He's still a great rikishi but the most he can do now is pass on his skills.
Becaus Aoiyama looks ready to retire since last year
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Picrel, his skills.
I mean its kino in the sense that its a passing of the torch. But its basically a victory lap for Aoinishiki's promotion to juryo.

Of course if he loses....well that would be unfortunate now wouldn't it.
>Due to some twist of fate Aonishiki gets matched upwards against a Juryo rikishi for his 7th bout
>The rikishi's name is Takerufuji
i'm hoping both ozeki lose tonight to set up a final battle for survival in the last match of sensuraku with the loser being condemned to kadob&
Aonishiki's style makes him a prime candidate for a classic Aoiyama slapdown. Dan has got to be drooling over it
>I'm gonna slap this little shit down so hard I'll be able to recognize the imprint of his face in the clay
When's the last time Ura won by some unusual technique? He seems to have really straightened his game out and it's paying dividends. Maegashira 1 incoming.
goodbye toad
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Honestly wouldn't be surprised if Shishi had a cracked or at least bruised rib after that tachiai. He left himself wide open and Takerufuji basically got a perfect shot with body hands on his upper body.
Hopefully he'll do better tomorrow when he faces off against Takorofuji
Shitshi is just a big lumbering idiot with a pear shaped body. He just wins against the jobbers in juryo because he is bigger than them.
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I guess the winners will climb to Juriyo or stay in yurio ....
Wasn't Takayasu already in decline in the Terunofuji era? I feel he was mostly a Hakuho era guy
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>the guy who does curls at the gym vs the guy who does squats
The sad thing is Shishi actually does have a natty squatter physique. It's why he looks like shit.
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From the dreary place where there were no ozekis , all the old one where broken and dying to a current FLOURISHING stable of newcomers

We are heading into the good times again and i'm happy to witness it.
No but I just heard Kotozakura's been trying to take it two days at a time lately, might explain why he's floundering so much this basho.
That guy needs a vacation
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it hurts...i'll miss him...
He won by head pivot throw against Tobizaru last year, first time it happened in makuuchi since 1998.
This January he beat Ryuden by underarm forward body drop, which he previously pulled out in 2022, and he remains one of only three in history to use it at the top division (other two being Tsunenoyama in 1952 and Asashoryu in 2002).
Tottari (arm bar throw) is still reasonably rare and he seems to win at least one bout with it every other tournament.
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Strategically it's smart to hold it in reserve, it makes the opponent hesitate mentally wondering when he'll bring it out.

Or he's just giving the people what they want- some straight up wins.
Rest easy Human Cannonball.
Those few times when he was healthy was wild to watch.
I hope he can drop some weight soon.
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>That cameltoe
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Don't mind me, posting keishos
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Both of these people have retired...
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>TFW no more GENIUS, hamster, run over toad or cacakeisho
Its over
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A full moon comes down
from the night sky, soon the great
new moon arises
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The banzuke is a complete shitshow.

>No Yokozuna
>Both Ozeki jobbing
>4 Sekiwake, 3 of which won't be Sekiwake after this
>2 Komusubi who are doing okay all things considered
>Maegashira results are completely random, M1s eating shit while M15 Takayasu is still technically in the Yusho race, only consistent thing is that Rikishi whose names start with Waka- do well

God please let Onosato and Takerufuji bring some stability to this nonsense, or at least let Terunofuji be healthy enough to dumpster everyone in November.
I don't give a fuck, we've had some really exciting sumo.
I'd rather enjoy watching the bouts instead of worrying about a stable and consistent banzuke.
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kawazoe picking up 170kg for yusho
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>Takarafuji on track for double digits
I never understood why they battle in such a small raised platform like that, that guy could have broken his neck
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Large men fly like nothing else
The danger makes them fight harder to not fall. The outside is padded though.
>POV: you are a hamburger and you only have five patties instead of the six he ordered
First time watching?

Onosato's bout was everything we wanted it to be, but can we just take a moment to appreciate Hoshoryu's utter physical dumpstering of Kirishima? His performance in this bout was nothing short of Asashoryu reborn. That wasn't one of nephew's usual judo throws, that was borderline just picking him up and dropping him. I hope this basho serves as a wakeup call to nephew that he needs to get angrier and do this more, because the current roster of rikishi aren't going to roll over and let him get his easy throws.
God, I wish I were you.
I hate this bitch so much.
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>they both nod as they walk past each other
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>Onosato Ozeki-he
Right now Onosato's record is making Hakuho look like shit. The only thing Hakuho had going for him at this point was being younger when he made Ozeki.
ermm actually it's read as え when used in that way in modern japanese
>Right now Onosato's record is making Hakuho look like shit.
lol come on, man.
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It took Hakuho a good few years to make it to Ozeki, and even then his first yusho was his first at Ozeki. Onosato got to Ozeki in 7 basho and he has 2 yusho BEFORE Ozeki (assuming he wins this one). That's pretty stellar.
*in 9 basho gomen
It's just such a silly comparison to make at this point. Onosato hasn't even had 10 tournaments yet, why bother comparing him to the guy with basically the most everything ever in the sport? Hakuho isn't famous for having the best start ever, he's famous for having the best career ever.
It doesn't. Hak's entire career win rate is 84.6%
Onosato's is 68.54
>It took Hakuho a good few years to make it to Ozeki
He was a malnourished 15 y/o kid when he started.
Onosato was an amateur champ x500, and an absolute physical beast.
I mean, he's fucking good, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Don't compare him vs the GOAT, until he wins at least 10 cups.
lol, calm down hak's dickriders
I wasn't even watching when Hakuho was active and I agree with taking his stable away for the Hokuseiho thing. Onosatofags are just too obnoxious.
Onosato is currently 24 years and 3 months old. At his age, Hakuho had already been yokozuna for two years and had ten yusho.
Onosato confirmed for scrub bust who will never be yokozuna.
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Respice post te, Miyabiyama memento.
post more keishos
you'll have to wait until onosato wins 45 yusho before you can say shit like this man
>lol, calm down hak's dickriders
I fucking hate mongols.
But even I can't argue with pure stats.
Wow, what a run. First 4 at least.
Wrong era, I guess.
Is there an active wrestler with a tachi-ai close to Harumafuji's? What was his secret? It looks crazy fast.
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First they have to get down to his level, no one can do that
Is this what Ura's going for
Is having Ishiura as a coach the reason why Miyagino attracts muscle manlets or does Hakuho just have an affinity for them?
Somethin about previous Miyagino, Chikubayama was relativly small at 1.76m and 116kg. He only accepted the then 137 pound future hakuho as basically a favor because none of the other stables wanted him out of a group of young mongolians that were invited to japan by Kyokushuzan for tryouts.
It always seemed to me that Miyagino-beya, and then Hakuho himself like to give manlets and smaller dudes a try.
Japs love them a giant killer in sumo, and I do to, the body type variety makes it interesting.
>8 basho
>2 cups
Onosato's record is good, but Hakuho averaged 2.8 cups per 8 'sho. If Onosato wins in Nov & Jan then he will be outpacing Hakuho
And the year he was Onosato's age, he was already Yokozuna, won 3 cups with 2 zensho and JY'd the others with one loss, all playoffs.
>>2 cups
At least wait until he blasts Neph later today.
Takerufuji's tachiai is fucking wild.
And when Onosato was Hakuho's age he'd only just decided to go into grand sumo. The story cuts both ways.
No it doesn't. That's a stupid comparison, mine's a stupid comparison and so is the original comparison. The only difference is mine wasn't sincere.
>Hey guys Onosato's early career is comparable to Hakuho's at the moment
Except that's not what the original post said at all. Brits ignoring history uh oh
We invented history, shut the fuck up and go cry about nobody paying your backwater midwest shithole royalties on putting a beef patty inside a bun because you think nobody else ever anywhere did it. SAD!!!
Herodotus invented history
And Onosato invented fucking your sister.
>ree I am retarded
There I summed up the entire conversation for you fellas, can safely move on from this one
inb4 who quoting - me, you, and everyone else fellabuddypal
>A fucking leaf
Really wish Euros could learn to get over their cringey nationalistic inferiority complexes with respect to the USA, its so tedious seeing the same chimpouts over and over and over again
New thread



I like the way Midorifuji is fighting this basho, it doesn't always works but he looks healthy and provided some entertaining matches
This is fine because I want to marry his.
>2nd best terminal Ozeki of all time
That's Chiyotaikai. Keisho can have 3rd place though.

>Or are his issues permanent and he would be a new Kisenosato?
Keisho's issues are neck injuries. Knee injuries you can recover to almost as good-as-new, around 90% or so. Neck injuries like Keisho's don't ever get better, only worse.
Reminder there has only been 1 (one) college rikishi to ever make yokozuna. Onosato seems like hot shit now, but this is sumo. There's a million things that could happen that could turn Onosato into a total jobber overnight. Just look at Endo.
Forever jonokuchi.

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