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Surrey win the Championship after Somerset lose at Ol Trafford with still a game to go.

Oz in England white ball series, second ODI at Headingley tomorrow.
Schizotypal B starting on the Friday beers early then. Not sure if he even has a job
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a*glo shitters need an Indian to lead them
zachy got bodied in the last thread
We are the most oppressed county in human history
Surrey-owned ECB fears a late 80s style Worcestershire resurgence, and does what it can to keep us down
business idea: a /cric/ thread where a ctrl+f of "zachy" returns zero results
Reckon we can chase down 160-170 comfortably enough
170-210 is anyone's game
Anything beyond 210 and Sri Lanka win
Once New Zealand bring Nathan Smith into their bowling attack they will become an unstoppable force
He looks Skinner than a vegetarian jeet(me)
Gonna make Haath Maaluwa later
We should be confident to chase 300+. We did invent bazball after all
>"We are out there to score runs," said Brook. "If you get caught somewhere on the boundary or in the field then who cares?

literally who cares about winning lmao, good vibes are more important*

(*zoomers genuinely think this way)
the sique as it were
narcissist getting worried that there were a whole six posts in a row not talking about him
gone, gottem, fuck off, hope you retire out of shame.

Once KL fucks off as well the real batting lineup can score some runs.
Why does he dress like a gay man in the 70s
Who's this O'Rourke peewee? 3 wickets 2nd innings now inc GOATmindu
ashes to ashes
dust to clay
if will smith doesn't get you
steven may
micksperg trying to mix it up for once
(still dire though)
me, and the bosses all leaving the office at 1
anorexic fat neek steroid abuser
Highlights of day four of the penultimate round of matches:

>Division One

HANTS 462. & 204. v WORCS 273. & 158.
>Hampshire win by 235 runs.
https://youtu.be/OjiuzR11YRI [Open]

LANCS 140. & 398. v SOMERSET 146. & 224.
>Lancashire win by 168 runs and the Somerset loss means Surrey are Champions of England.
https://youtu.be/l_EXQfbq7PA [Open]

>Division Two

GLAMORGAN 239. & 209. v YORKS 361. & 273.
>Yorkshire win by 186 runs.
based civil servant
truly life on easy mode. bard and co shouldn't be complaining about a single thing desu
Back to Sussex tomorrow then going on holiday so get in
funny how certain man has gone completely silent on his previous civil servant hate. used to make a few posts against them every week. suppose it doesn't help when you're outed as one yourself
would zachy really get through their autistic recruitment process
So we've lost ANOTHER test...
Who do we have to play to ensure we can actually get a win?
Once thought I might hop from NHS to a civil service department such as public health england or something similar with crossover, the pensions were better and it seemed more interesting

But ended up being out of because the pay was always significantly worse for the equivalent grade (and the gap only seems to get wider) and their recruitment process is a huge faff compared
put off not out of, thanks autocorrect haha
they don't do any work though
honestly /cric/ has opened my eyes. the most prolific posters (zachy, bard) are civil servants and like 80% of their day is spent on their hobbies. it's ridiculous
this is a cricket thread
Guess who's back?
yfo mate
sucking a weihenstephan
Is there a tense passage of play currently happening?
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Ah yes lads, found the picture.
Not sure my easy life mode will continue desu, management has seen fit to slash the size of my team while expanding our responsibilities, just before our demand is due to grow
Not because they'd noticed I was doing fuck all either, they're just incompetent and have no idea about the service they're running, and apparently feel the need to do massive disruptive restructures every few months to stay relevant

Yeah don't do it to yourself lad
The public hates hardworking and humble civil servants, which is why our pay is so low
Meanwhile they continue to worship anybody affiliated with the state religion of R NHS, so you've got the easy life there
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As well as the webm!
im sort of a civil servant
sort of not
does feel more like working for the government than pr*vate
think I'll get a ridiculous early train tomorrow
like 6:30
to keep other person toil to a minimum
P*kshitstain or "vibes"land
no games on at the moment, but discussion in here should still remain cricket related
>claiming he never left
>discussion in here should still remain cricket related
all cricket related chat should fuck off to your designated general /cg/
One of my new toilees could be a bit of a problem
Has a history of taking time off for quote and quote """mental health""" breaks and because of sick relatives
She seems like a hard worker overall but just buckles at the very first sign of pressure, so I'll just have to give her a bit of the ol' charm and reassurance to keep her working hard while I live my life of leisurely luxury
is she fit?
Nah not really
Typical middle-aged woman
Type who, in a just world, wouldn't be in the workforce unless she pulls herself together
>The public hates hardworking and humble civil servants, which is why our pay is so low

public also hates non-clinical NHS too, although we are saved by the fact our pay is tied to nurse pay.
have you considered shagging her to improve her mental health?
Unfortunately the records show that anyone to whom I've slipped the schlong has suffered a significant """mental health""" impact as a consequence
Judas Priest - Sad Wings Of Destiny
zachy doesn't count mate
sort of based
zachy this
bard that
get a hobby you fat neek
that was bard pretending to be zachy btw
put extra pressure on her to break her down and then let her go at the end of the probation period
wasn't but this is
Proteas flower for the op in the next thread again
Afghanistan are unstoppable
is everyone is fat neek schizo related to everyone is zachy shizo?
no but Steven May
Whats going on with South Africa? Are they playing a B team or are Afghanistan this good now?
Afghanistan took the limitless pill like twenty years ago now
there's everyone is a fat neek schizo (zachy)
there's everyone is zachy schizo (countystreamsperg)
there's everyone is a vpn schizo (unidentified)
so much peng Italian grandad knitwear on Messina hembry for the winter
I am sane.
>sebbo returned
>Nobody cares
Shame tali incels don't like that based as fuck Afghanistan flag, prefer that incel tier Saudi all white one
It seems the Taliban allow it to be flown for sport though?
It's all so confusing
Bordeaux next week, lads
Going to suck a lot of wine
She's way passed the probation period, unfortunately
teetotal me
enjoy, was out that way a couple of summers ago, take a trip over to Cognac while you are there
t. tarqs
Alcohol is a coping mechanism for the aimless and unambitious.
counterpoint: wine tastes nice
alcohol is for the /weakmind/ (certain man etc.) who can't face life square on. fine to do it in your 20s though
Your 20s are a time to get ahead, climb the ranks, job hop, go FIRE, as you enjoy your inevitable career crescendo in your early 30s before retiring at 38 or so
i ride highs I don't drown lows
Genuinely mad how easy life was for boomers
Like, if your parents didn't succeed, they were probably clinically retarded
(No offence intended)
>Pavements is a 2024 American experimental musical biopic concert film directed by Alex Ross Perry. It is a documentary/fiction hybrid film about the American indie band Pavement, incorporating scripted scenes with documentary footage of the band and a musical stage play consisting of songs from their discography. It premiered at the 81st Venice International Film Festival on September 4, 2024.
>Described as "a semiotic experiment", the film combines elements of documentary with a spoof biopic of the band, and incorporates moments from Slanted! Enchanted! A Pavement Musical, a jukebox musical using Pavement's music. That play is about Essem, an aspiring Stephen Malkmus-like musician in a small town, who meets and falls in love with a woman named Anne, boards a train for New York City with her, is tempted by fame and glory, has an affair with another aspiring musician named Loretta, and wonders if love is worth it. The story loosely tracks the progression and themes of Pavement's works, chronologically.

mine are (no offence taken), but they ended up succeeding anyway despite neither having had a full time job in their lives
purely off house price inflation and grandfather helping them out
Pavement: Resurrection
Pavement Vs Predator
Pavement Vs Predator: Requiem
Pavement Covenant
Pavement Romulus
Haven't been a regular here since 2020. Have popped in now and again but never stuck around. Haven't had the chance to catch up with Zachy, Richo, Daniel, Bard, Alchy, various others who I can't remember.
just found this bruise on my arm as a result of all the damage i've done to my liver
hope i make it that far
need to get a job that'll get me far enough that i can live cheaply in SEA for a few years before coming back and settling down with a qt waifu (non-SEA)
or maybe just stay there and FIRE but not settle down with a qt waifu unless she's also white
Literally nothing to do in SEA
Sort of place only deano morons would go
I'm flying to Bangkok on October 4
yes yes, SEA is nowhere near as good as South America and it's gay nightclub scene is it
i'd be going just for the cheap housing prices tbqhwy
wouldn't mind learning whatever the local language
thailand would be nice but it's easier to learn indo/malay
although i've heard bad things about the quality of shit in bali
quite an underwhelming score for Afghanistan given where they were and all the wickets in hand
too many dot balls
I'm more of a beautiful nature guy than a gay nightclub guy desu

Laos is the smart choice
will look into it eventually
haven't made a decision yet
need find a job first before my liver fails
trying to find something i can do online without a reference and with an outdated resume
reckon i might just gild the lily and pay some cunt to be my reference
What about the TEFL gimmick?
don't have enough money for a cert atm
but i did find an online place that i don't think needs a cert (their info is conflicting)
and also don't have enough money for flights
reckon i'm going to pick somewhere with decent healthcare to go when i can thoughbeit
Isn't a cert like 100 oz bucks? Just avoid buying four beers from the pub and you've already got that
depends where from
the place i saw was like $500
i assume it was USD
turns out it was for a course not just the cert itself though
Teetotal about 3 weeks now
Only symptom of potential liver damage left is oily shits, but not as oily as when I was kicking them back daily
Normal colour poo not black anymore though, apparently if it was pancreas it'd be light so still afraid I might have busted the ol' liver and it's just compensated
Ween - 12 Golden Country Greats
Ahh fair
If you're decently charismatic you could offer online tutoring over Skype/Zoom/Teams, could probably charge $20ph even without a certificate if you learned a bit about teaching
Lots of learners just want structured opportunities to practice conversations with native speakers
Hiked to Machu Picchu with a fella who'd been doing this for years as a Permanent Traveller™, and it was working well for him
Anyway, I hope (Catholic) God looks kindly upon your efforts and rewards your endeavour
based, good work mate
my shits are a bit funky and pebbly
sometimes have a bit of blood in them
seems to happen when i don't drink enough water
i'd quit cold turkey if it wasn't for the withdrawal symptoms
i did it once before (quit for 3 years) but now i'm drinking almost a litre a day rather than 700 ml
been trying to taper off for a few months now
yeah i had a pdf somewhere about learning how to TEFL but the website i was thinking about using wants you to have a quiet environment
reckon if i do it i'll just do it at night and hope my laptop is powerful enough
it's been dropped a few times so it has some damage and doesn't fly so good anymore
it was low end from the start anyway
turkey mentioned
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literally cannot think of a single thing of interest to see in souf america. maybe carnivale. pablo escobar's hippos?
why are you interested in getting a job if you're convinced you'll die soon
Uyuni Salt Flats
Machu Picchu (inc Salkantay Trek)
Rainbow Mountain
The Amazon

Just a few splendid highlights from my mainstream route desu, but the continent is packed with beautiful places to visit

Not sure you can visit Escobar's hippos desu, didn't see that advertised anywhere in Medellin. I did want to do a feds vs gang style paintball game at one of his former compounds because that sounded pretty fun, but apparently the government closed that down a few years ago because they want to move away from narco tourism
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corrrr all the tiny rebel cans at Morrison are on clearance £2 a pop
Just won love and love at tennis so secured the summer singles ladder win
Feel like Bouldering has improved my tennis mental strength
Going bouldering now x
i'm not convinced that i'll die soon, just that there's a chance, and i don't want to die soon
need money to fuck off somewhere cheap because rent here is fucking expensive
what i hated was it's so hard to feel when you've actually been hit and getting hit and not RTBing is just not cricket
maybe the clothing i wore when i went was too thick though i don't remember it's been fucking yonks
>Uyuni Salt Flats
got fuckloads of salt lakes here, can't fucking move for a salt flat
>Machu Picchu (inc Salkantay Trek)
who gives a shit Angkor Wat mogs it
>Rainbow Mountain
geology is boring af
>The Amazon
it's a feedlot now, plus we've got rain forests here
few beers at the bouldering bar tonight
South America is reddit
used to fancy a trip to south america until bard went, dont fancy it now, must be a place for neeks
sister is moving to Thailand next week
shes more moving there with her boyfriend who has a job there, rather than travelling so I forgive her

So not true
I went to an indoor paintballing place in Hamburg recently and it hurt like a bitch (albeit on bare skin), way more than I remember from when I used to go in the UK as a kid. Guess it differs from place to place

You're being needlessly contrarian and I shan't stand for it
I will be checking out for myself if Angkor Wat mogs it in about 6 weeks thoughever
>The Colombian hippos reach sexual maturity earlier than African hippos.
the other shoe drops on zachy's sojourn
Got a free voucher for a photobook so I thought I'd spend it on one with the photos I took on my South America trip

Looking back now, I can see that my itinerary really was a thing of rare beauty

The perfect blend of activities
this is the post
zachy's going to visit his sister in Thailand and secretly fall in love with the place but will then FUD it on /cric/ as part of his gimmick (see London, Dua Lipa etc)
>being needlessly contrarian
everything I said is true.
zachy will love it because chicks with dicks will pretend to be into him and he'll self-cope and believe it's genuine and foreign """girls""" (who all happen to be poor thirdies) just get him in a way that western girls don't
>Guess it differs from place to place.
I do remember starting a match with a hoodie on but taking it off, having just a t-shirt on my upper body, getting hit in the arms and it not hurting
more annoying that it was expensive and far away
no but Steven May
Yeah I reckon that would make a fair difference
We were all in t-shirt and shorts or dresses, and ended up with lots of welts on our skin
Meanwhile there was a group of krauts who took it very seriously and clearly went regularly, and they were all in hoodies and thick trousers even though it was bloody boiling
more like the perfect >bland of activities you big neek
>damn this sucks shit
>reckon if I jack the saturation to infinity I *might* be able to convince everyone I'm having a great time and not being bored out of my arse coming down of 5gt of coke
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no i took the hoodie off pretty quickly
was getting too sweaty
didn't hurt just didn't feel it
i did have my hoodie on another time but it was the same feeling thoughbeit
i.e. i reckon you were right about it being different from place to place, or rather, in the ammo used
maybe we use different paintballs than you guys
idk it was a while ago, the last time i went, but i do remember some mates complaining about the balls but my memory's foggy on it all
>takes place on more than one day
climbing done..ok on wall sesh
Time for weighted chins then a few duvels
duvels strong
oh no no no he didn't manage to fluke any v5s again
just like me
finally made some weighted chin progress just then
think deloading works at heavy weight
your cns forgets what progression is or something and needs to be refired
quite weird
just did a bit of unloading if you catch my drift
>spamming multiple boredomering posts in a row
keep it in /cg/ you twat
weren't bouldering posts they were chin up posts you fat neek
it's to do with your gay skinny neek hobby so keep it in your gay skinny neek hobby general (/cg/)
you gay skinny neek
i like hearing about zachys progress in bouldering
think rescue remedy makes me a better tennis player
a cheeky spray into mouth every change of ends
calms nerves makes sense
that's the biggest problem for me at tennis
probably helps with lots of other sports too

Obviously you couldn't do it in professional sport because you would be caught on camera and it would look weird lol
absolute state of these saffa man dem
Property search isn't going well. Nothing ticking all the right boxes at my meagre budget

I have decided to enter into the lottery
I am now preparing to view large country houses with 50 acres and an AGA.

Sucking a Guinness
this one is also good
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sucking on a tiny rebel

they're a good band
/cric/mas meet up on the cards lads? early dec in donedon?
good stuff, not really a lot like them
maybe daniel kahn but not really the same genre
sightseeing is for NEEKS it's about the vibe
it's God's continent
disgusting bazball tourism
can do I'll have v6 under my belt by then
im down but i'll have to sit between countrystreamslad and zachy so they don't get into it
>just checked the shart africa score
good reaction image this
can I save?
Could do this time, might be comfy. also finna heem everyone at skribbl.io like I do every /cric/mas
even got DMT down on lock with our national floral emblem producing it in abundance. LITERALLY zero reason to visit south 'let's get our kidneys stolen by a cartel' america
have nothing against the county posts he thinks it's me
whole heartedly in favour of the cricket posting (the sport which is played over two innings)
Afghanistan are amazing
Just doesn't stop
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countystreams wrecked the last meet up on cytube
might be more that South Africa are just bad now
south africa can't play spin
leaked way too many runs without maharaj and shamsi
protip: both
there was only myself, zachy and countystreams on (and an obvious sockpuppet that only spoke once every 30 mins)
so either this is countystreams bigging himself up or zachy advertising himself getting owned
hmmm hmmm
i was there too
I was also there - lad who went to the shop
not sure where this it was only 3 people narrative has come from, especially when it's only being mentioned now
I (countystreams) did not post >>144549103
In reply to that:
>they hated him because he spoke the truth
methinks peewees dodged a solid bollocking at the hands of afgachads in that rained out test.
there was people dipping in and out (sebbo and some personas)
but most the night there was 4 people there, one of which was suspected of just being a second zachy account as they barely ever talked
i dont believe you
I, glammylad, was on the last meet up
but my name was zachy to confuse things a bit
I mean if that ‘zachy’ was zachy then I think it’s really apparent, now thinking back, how badly he’s declined mentally in recent times.
Is losing by 150+ runs to Afghanistan a good thing?
ah didn’t see>>144549333 that explains things. Thought ‘zachy’ seemed too calm
zachy was theevisceratorofV5s obvs
going France so packing fairly spenny
patrik ervell 2014 SS t shirts and the like
maharashi swim trunks
don't forget the £300 bin bag coat
half-suspect the zachy posting now is just someone pretending to be him, who somehow found his socials (his full name is hardly a secret) and occasionally posts some pics/links from it to keep up the charade

would explain why the gimmicks are so tired and repetitive
might bring that as rain does loom
Or might just slum it in the Norse projects x elka
the trickers are coming
The cheap beaters (solovairs) are staying put
PRQ graph looking good
/cric/ a*glo shitters never recovered from the Soul Limbo vocaroo
Sorry I meant the chart what am I like
dire stuff from SA. didn't even compete
>"We are out there to score runs. If you get caught somewhere on the boundary or in the field, then who cares?"
I see that the English now have another intellectual in their midst to accompany YJB
no other sporting story like Afghanistan
they have an unstoppable aura
no wonder they beat the Soviets and usa
Should have said USA ((you) and (me))
Imagine sharing a dressing room with these mongs no wonder Graham Thorpe a*glo shitter'd himself
She looked like me
in here lads
Sucking a proper job
Lovely Celtic ale
Packs a mild punch too
stomach ache and sloppy poo on the cards
Wonder if I'll get any reward for winning the singles ladder
This is stingy northeners we are talking about so probs not ;)
what one
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listening to a bit of welsh emo

Proper Job IPA
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lel how is this a language?
lmao, tried getting a gf you fat neek?

I remember this song from music channels back in the day
ol toothpick arms is too scared for singles. needs a doubles partner to carry him (can't carry much with those twiglets)
and this classic

kek good one tbf
the singles league
most single wins


Meds then bed ol bingo wings
Doubles is shit Im well aware
almost as good as fightstar
lel why be sad just listen to good shit
Might bring infinite jest to France
Want to read it again

another decent welsh tune but the band were a bunch of neeks from cowbridge (proper posh part of wales)
yeah I remember that one lol
not great

Aren't these guys Welsh too
went to uni with one of them kek
Dire cover that
pseud detector going off again. you don't get Infinite Jest the same way bard doesn't get SNY
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alri' time to up the tune ante a bit
love this one

you must be like 40 years old
I love some of the monologues
For instance the anti-tattoo one
And it's about tennis so I dig
Dfw wrote some great articles on sport such as how tracy Austin broke my Austin
You're right I don't get a lot of it that's why I want to read it again
Based glammylad rocking out (I know its you cos of the gifs)
i am 36 years young
Ska? For me, it's operation ivy
I love that /cric/ has a few welshies despite there being no welsh cricketer in forever representing england and that theres no welsh people anywhere else on /sp/
I'll be climbing v8 by that age (on climbs that don't demand too much flexibility or jump highness)
he was our last great hope and moving to england killed him :(
Welsh people love cricket mate
glammylad is the only welsh one
some rando larper who doesn't understand any welsh can't be included in the discussion
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forgot he fucking photo ffs
wasn't he suspiciously quiet when the euros were on though?
only welsh flag I remember seeing on here is Bard, that's all I'm saying
wtf I love SNY (2008)
It was only two weeks since I was most recently musing upon its genius
I get it completely
if he was a volcel like bard he'd still be with us
i live in england (surrey) now mate
>two of my grandparents first language was welsh
>Go Wales a few times a year to visit my great uncle in nursing home near crynant
>Not a weakling toothpick armed angloid like you
>Not Welsh
Still fuming that they gave me that
I have nothing against the Welsh, generally speaking
But to insinuate that I am one is nothing but an unforgivable insult
wtf so you're a fraud as well
i guess so
i am tempted to move back because im fully remote now and everything is cheaper in wales
better to be Welsh than a laptop thumbing neek from redditshire
does this bloke remind anyone else of stuart broad?

zachy is't actually welsh and glammylad is a larp
>the boulderer just used reddit as an insult again
oh yeah I forgot about that
in the county reporting in threads all the worcs had english flags
counties closer to wales had english flags
very sussy indeed, especially with all the vpn shenanigans
zachy never got a welsh flag but bard did
quite funny really
ironic one might even say
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>glammy lad is a larp
post trwydded yrru
certain larping well foreheaded man running to google translate to try and reply in this language he has no clue about
Done him
I do 20mm max hangs therefore not a redditor
not a HUGE fan of hip hop
but this tune i quite like

Wu tang doesn't hold up simple as
Grip strength is the greatest predictor of mortality there is, this is is science
I don't want David milliband or something getting his filthy hands on the eternal life pill and me being agonizingly timed out
Like hip hop me
As I'm Welsh (black)
lashing out, pretending to be welsh, random political ramblings
yep, clear signs of him starting to get drunk on friday night again
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if russia is so bad how come they love a bit of raving

that's right you fat neek
teetotal chad, me
mental how much money this saves btw
They are even waving British flags wtf
I thought russians hated us
I spend £10.50 a week on alcohol for me friday night binge
This is the Welsh song I know
not a boomer so just logged in for a quick good laptop sesh lads
your shops are very well established by now, you practically gag at the mouth to try and do one every time one of your flags is called out
money is the root of all evil
I am a giver, not a hoarder

paypal us a tenner then mate
You were warned about PARSIQ btw
ok what's your PayPal? Message me on Facebook
didn't you buy that shite at like $1.50 zachy lad?
As in, you were warned against not buying it
yes, some, call me a very passionate buyer
bought more at under 10 cents tho
kek KEK
i remember this
it was in response to these english people putting on a terrible welsh anthem and trying to make a viral 'welsh' jay z tune


they were fuming about that
Basil looms

Wales has a rich music scene desu
This is one about the Iraq war
Only seen newport from the window of a train in its rail station
It seemed like one of the most grim shitholes I'd ever seen (thankfully rarely go past Cardiff to see the true horrors)
Welsh doesn't crack
toothpicks snap
unironically though, i liked this GLC tune

But you burn me up, you paint my skin,
In bad designs, that aint even in,
I got good lungs, I've got a good heart,
My mind is fit and my feet can walk,
fucking great tune that

my fave will always be:
welsh dont squelch
Long debunked you fatty angloid
Send over a new one, after you can do 10 pull ups perhaps
some dire 'sic being posted ITT
cardiff is great for sure
but you need to get out to st davids in pembroke or the gower in west wales
serene as fuck, plus plenty of climbing (without ropes)
Decent base line ngl
need turkbro to put up some cusic
currently listening to deftones myself
lmao state of me

Welsh music is based
cardiff is average
it's englishness cancelled out the fact it was in wales
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for me?
its catatonia
not seeing any acknowledgment that Ian Watkins is Welsh
zachy probs a big fan
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i like welsh DJ high contrast

insane how lots of people from Cardiff don't even have a a Welsh accent because it's so globohomo'd nowadays
reckon in swansea it's not quite the case so much. Everyone there probably has a Welsh accent
Not welsh myself and this story always freaked me out about the welsh

My paternal grandmother was from crynant (so neath)
My partnernal grandfather from st.clears
based zachy, he is welsh at heart and in heritage
and yet you can't converse in welsh at all. pathetic

We are still here.
We are still here.
In spite of everyone and everything.
In spite of everyone and everything.
In spite of everyone and everything.
We are still here
by that link I could say I'm irish (not that I'd want to)
I'm even more welsh (sadly half), but I don't really care about wales at all nor would ever claim I had any real connection with them

born on the right side of the border (just)
Yeah I remember that from a few years was quite grim
Isn't many jobs in Wales really
My paternal grandfather had the choice of staying in Wales and being a French lecturer there, or moving to Sussex. They were very close to staying in Wales. If they had I wouldn't exist so nice move based grandparents, wouldnt be enjoying Afghanistan or bouldering right now without that decision
just saying if we are going into ww3 soon
i'll go with the lads who sing like this

not sure why you're so keen on wanting the world to end mate. strange gimmick this one
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Israel are generally war hungry and REALLY want Iran to bite so the big strong USA with their human killer carriers can help them kick their arse
Iranians tho are kinda built slightly different
It's quite funny imagining the seethe in the Israeli government unfold reee why won't they bite
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Yeah okay
fuck our anthem sucks
I feel like we're a bit welsh heavy tonight lads
all larpers
most posts are by a posh lad from surrey and some guy from sussex
it's a decent flick
was later surpassed by The Florida Project (2017), which packs much more of a punch, thougheverbeit
was good I think
Welsh music deserves at least one night dedicated to it


He's singing about Wales here btw. The most unspoiled land there is
miss the days of zachary posting vocaroos like you would not believe iibqhwyf (if I'm being quite honest with you famalams). would have like to hear some on Afg v SA specifically
Why do you keep servin the USA like this you yank brown noser
It's worse than fish tank and lilya 4 Eva
Zachy you piece of shit
what a tune
Florida pooject retard proper servin the USA
It's honestly not even that good
It's alright
most films are yank
and I've already educated you about this - you were born into a rich family so are incapable of ever truly 'getting' a kino like this. simple as
it's a proper working class film
for people who have climbed the social ladder
not for blokes that got a trust fund set up before the age of 2
nah it's really good, I've seen many more films than you
oh shit the kiwi nonces are waking up
reminder: zb has decent taste in music, mediocre taste in films, awful taste in clothing
Same fag
It's a poor man's lilya-4-eva
you can reverse this as the guy who posted this is a fat angloid neek
To be fair, he doesn't choose his clothes, he just wears whatever he can find at the dump
don't know about the others but his /fa/ness really is offensively bad. no idea how you can get it so wrong really
for me it's https://youtube.com/watch?v=A3qK0iPWBR8
i like this song by former cricketer stuart broad
its comfy

This post in your accent is hilarious
How's golf and stripey pants you deano retard
Pro-tip: if you're going to wear a shirt uou found in a rubbish bin, put it through a washing machine and clean the stains first.
>but his /fa/ness really is offensively bad
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time for bed lads
sleep well
dont think too much about life and what you could have done better an' that
just accept where you are in life without regret and try to make small improvements here and there if you want to
god bless x
>ynr the USS Liberty incident
I'm from Brighton I sometimes like the tarquin posing as a poor person look
Sorry I will always be this way
Get over it
bard's coat was better, objectively speaking
not so easy when you can't rig that like you rigged the /cric/ poll
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yes you definitely dress better you obese Anglo neek lmao >>144551599
wtf some cunts made some shit ripoff of redgum
Zachy pull your fucking pants down
bards coat is awful and straight
proper neeky
the fact you rate it just shows what limited taste you have

Your ideal fashion is basically the President of North Korea except if he was a deano laptop thumber lmao
hmmm a good starting point might be every post about clothes he's ever made lmao
good night lad
Clean my faeces you kiwi nonce
I will knock you out
Even harder than prabath is about to you in your 4th '''''''innings'''''''
>""""""posing"""""" poor person



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That's the plan, I'll clean your faeces with my cock. You're my little gimp
yh man u the expect bruh
Expect on the fashun bruh
never leave ur laptop but u the expert on the fashun bruh
i've missed zachy vs kiwi posting ngl
what happened to the kiwi hater poster?
that lad bullied like 95% of them off this general and only a couple have recently started coming back. he was pretty dedicated kek.
i forgot about that bloke
i need to stop drinking
Welsh doesn't crack so that's impossible
Got mindbroken and arse fucked by big strong kiwis

Pavement aren't that bad really
Rattled by the Rush is the best thing they did
When I'm bouldering I look strong desu
This was my calling but my parents never had a clue, how could they. They got me into tarq tennis toil instead
My kids will be world champs at Bouldering
not true this it it
beer, bouldering, tennis
all pointless vices
you need religion
no but Steven May
real generational tarqs are probably going around with boring frumpy beige trousers, chequered shirt and a worn jumper/sweatshirt that looks like it's seen about 15 years
'chabin bla x
ffs this is exactly what I'm wearing now but I'm lower middle class
fuck off sebbo
see first reply ITT
this desu

It's mad like
Defending your land, like Palestinians or Irish people, you become the terrorist
Literally akin to falling Pocahontas a terrorist
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alri icky x
Gottem kek
Welsh cracks
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Sorry but I cant condone a lot of what Isreal does
Never will be able to genetically
Might be a Welsh thing
just chucked my vape out the window lads in case it was made in Hungary lol
never met anyone welsh called zach
“Never lose hope, be persistent and stubborn and never give up. There are many instances in history where apparent losers suddenly turn out to be winners unexpectedly, so you should never conclude all hope is lost.”
― Theodore J. Kaczynski
luff Bibi
LUFF the mozz
hate 'bullahs
'nuff said x
don't think that's working out for zuckerberg and metaverse
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Based Shri Bibi

From the river to the sea
Greater Israel it will be
>bullied 95% of them off this general
I'm pretty sure I'm the only Kiwi who even interacted with him, just because I found his posts funny and he couldn't resist making more if I kept replying to him
Then I went away for like a month and now he seems to have vanished, kinda sad actually I hope he's doing ok
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Green is the warmest colour
Nobody knows what sleep does anyway
Your wounds actually heal quicker during consciousness than during sleep
Sleep probably has psychological benefits, like it allows you to unpack and start again. But physical benefits of sleep are probably a giant myth desu
Surely gotta bring a pair of APC jeans if youre going France
Are you stupid
think he's trying to recreate his beer contains no calories meme
To be honest, no, not one bit
Why do you start hallucinating and eventually die if you don't sleep then
hello englishfrens ready to lose again i hope?
May i
I'm Not English
I am Welsh (black)
>SL v NZ rest day
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Was britjeet, dare I say it, right all along
fuck surrey
I did book a 6:30 train but I might just go home whenever you know
Can do that as a railway VIP
fuck somerset
alri /cric/

how is the HUNDRED doing this year?
tier 2 nations like NZ aren't quite well equipped enough to be able to play for 5 days straight so as long as both sides agree a rest day can be used mid-way through the test.
Reckon Sri Lanka are going to win
New Zealand are going to lose
Rain on its way to save kiwis for nth time
if NZ lose, everyone loses. Except Sri Lanka I guess
>It is the first time a test has featured a rest day since December 29, 2008, when Bangladesh were hosting Sri Lanka in Mirpur and the match paused for the local parliamentary election.

>The only other rest day in a test this century was on December 30, 2001, when Sri Lanka hosted Zimbabwe and play stopped for Poya day – a monthly Buddhist holiday marking the new moon.

Oh I see, Sri Lanka is the problem.
if it was in the middle of a series of 5 matches it'd be a test day iykwim haha
you cannot be serious
i'm serious and don't call me shirley
haha ok shirley *winks at rest of /cric/*
ravichandran ashwin
Controversial statement m8
Today's a rest day ? Fuck lel
ok i'm not claiming to be moses or anything but i think i had a premonition last night in my sleep and i'm petrified now
it was just someone who i couldn't see warning me about March 2025, whispering at first then screaming about it
what the fuck is that about then
meth mostly
dreams are just dreams I wouldn't worry about it
How did you distinguish this premonition from any regular dream you had
You do any reading? Kinda keen about jung
Just remembered something cringe I did when I was 12 and cringed irl
i never remember them normally but woke up in a right state after this one, very vivid. real
i think the end of the world looms lads
>inb4 no but Steven May
kino Pant hundo

Missed the lad.
meant for
The duality of test cricket, watched Pant's majestic blitz now I gotta watch the donkey KL shit his pants trying to save his career.
end of the fiscal year
he obviously was warning you to do your self assessed tax return
Dragon quest XI on the cards this weekend
>watching rabbit-in-headlights batsman trying to save his failed test career
Basically all of 90s a*glo shitter cricket
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more grown up game than assassin's creed or call of dooty
kek is that the game he plays?
good game
can you stream it so i can watch you play
Black midi are actually better than bcnr
One chose looks other chose books
thinking the closing track on the new Magdalena Bay album might be SOTY (desu)
good album desu
way, way better than brat
Whoops, looks like Gambhir and Rohit fucked up the declaration.

There's ike 2.5 days left, what's the point in declaring so early even with a 500 lead? Should have made bangbros suffer in the heat and declared with 10 overs left in the day. Right now the pitch isn't even doing anything and batting is a breeze.
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wtf is this about lmao? games gone
zoomer bowlers are conditioned on t20 / donedred cricket so can only bowl like 30 balls a day each
love her vocals
shit tame impala x mgmt ripoff
terrible take

good take
it's a good album because it's basically chillwave revival
There is nothing to discuss about music
Either like it or you don't
Simple as
yeah but what about the chords and shit bro? what if it has cool chords??? gotta talk about that
Beat poopeelia in cricket again lads
thankfully i only like good music, every song I like is great. good taste is a bless. honestly feel bad for all the plebs that like bad music.
do you like that doongadoonga indian song?
he must like poop (pop) music haha
basilberg looms
just accidentally killed one of gods creations lads :(
would pick that little runt up by the scruff of its neck and then drop-kick it into the sea if i could
did u know u cant spell crap without rap hah
know what my first official v6 climb is going to be
isn't being reset for another 6 weeks so I'll get it on film before then
v6 is a type of engine mate
delusions of v6 after he fluked a couple of v5s at the reddit sofa gym
link it
Birth control is not an issue
I wipe it all off with a tissue
cant be bothered
the hollyoaks cafe gym
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reminder this is where zachy statpads
it even has its own designated laptop thumbing areas lmao
don't actually rate that one at all stopped going
Bangladesh will win
Feel like test cricket might enter a Renaissance period in the late 2020s
kek my Nan could climb that
that's the spirit
what the fuck is the point
>we'll have a declare thanks
with 2.5 days to go and the pitch turning into a batting paradise.
rohit and gambhir doing their best dumb and dumber impression.
no real point. it's the crossfit of gen z
the exercise is basically pull ups but they have to have all the additional reddit stuff (coffee culture, colourful grips, special shoes etc) to make it seem meaningful and unique
meeting other redditors
Meeting other homosexuals
meeting other toothpick armed neeks
meeting other /cric/ members
based direst ever take lad
cricket at 11am boxing from 4pm
day is SORTED
what snacks shall I get from waitrose
no deanoball?
Trying to finish a day early to get a round of golf in. a*glo shitterball is spreading
Carrot and celery sticks + hummus
no, it's completely correct and r/bouldering is your homepage so pipe down
lots of nang yatties in London ngl
needs to be some sort of policy to disperse them across the country
>fielding first AGAIN
Just went for a steaming nice Potts-bowling-in-ODIs
>Zaltz namechecking the Zester
/147/ lurker confirmed
CrossFit is some dire dead fad for fat neeks who were too lazy to load a barbell and progressive overload
Climbing is primal
>woakes has a snooker ton
>lineker has a 147
gen alpha will speak of bouldering the same way next decade and you'll seethe
>Steven Finn saying Woakes is good at everything
Except bowling outside of England he forgot
I hate head
my bouldering bag absolutely reeks di lads
bowling first has never worked in the history of cricket
huh? sounds nothing like Tame Impala really
reckon you're just trying to promote 1 of the 2 decent Aus contributions to music (Nick Cave's the other) in history. I'd probably do the same desu

This test match sprung to mind instantly
you might be right
cmon Shanto...score a 100 you shit cunt!
just washed my arse, fr
LNER larps as an airline
Bear grills larps as a boulderer
>convict was a kanglu all along
Explaons a lot
is this camera man drunk
bear grills actually climbs outdoors
why would he demote himself to a redditler
it's really not that warm mate haha
was just a shitpost mate
If Travis Head's first name were Richard he would be Dick Head

into the tail already. Sad!

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