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GW5 edition

Last thread >>144383782
Henderson saves lets gooo
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0-0 insha'allah bros
I own Anthony Gordon
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>lost 8 points on a last minute goal
jerked in morgan for jota
>henderson booked
Eze shithouse
>dropped darwingz for vardy
>80 points with saka, haaland and joao pedro left to play
could be worse
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>Smith Rowe

>Nkunku (i forgot deadline so didnt manage to swap him out in time)

Also captained Watkins who had his 2 bonus points removed an hour after the game.
Was top100k before this week, genuinely think I could drop 500k spots if not more.
God I hate this stupid fucking game
That boy Diblingz is quite good...

One for the wildcard at 4.5m
Captain Diaz has propelled me into the top 125,000 overall positions. Cooking on gas lads.
It's over. My chinkshit phone won't screenshot my bench for some reason but it's Flekken, Robinson, J. Pedro and Lewis.
My dad is just getting used to this game and I told him to get Luis Diaz and captained him. Guess who I didn’t get
Smith rowe on my bench.
I swear the game gaslights you. Was positive i put him in my team
Challengechads how we feastin'?
I am not hungry, I am starving
>60 points with 3 to play

Could be worse, but that 3 consists of white, halaand and an injured pedro
>injured pedro
He's fine.
Jota to Rogers
Konsa to TAA
Salah out
BBD in
>Minteh benched
Not fun
Why is Pedro on the bench?
Doing better than I usually do, but I'm virtually a few points from dropping about 1 or 2 million places and completely losing hope for another year
he is kill
Fuck sake, if that's the case (and he stays there) I'll have a 3 point Enzo sub on. Not the end of the world but not great either
pedro won't play 60 so hopefully he stays benched so I can get the 2 points off calvert-lewin instead
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>wood on penalties over the ngubus
chudson-odois we're still standing
At 6 mil, he's a beast
Imagine not owning the Kiwi Crusader.
Come on, Welbeck you fucking fraud.

I took Chris Wood out just to get Haaland in.
>chris wood for the asthmatic chris wood
The most annoying thing on FPL is seeing players you were so close to putting in do good
ngl this game is pretty entertaining. Hopefully it stays 0-1 until Pedro comes on so they're incentivised to attack more till the end of the match
Fuck you, Welbeck.

First opportunity, you're gone.
>gets booked
i bang goalz init
Clockwork, lads
i fucking knew i should've gone with welbz kek
>Free hit to get out of Shitty vs Arse
>Get fewer points if i had just done nothing
I sure am not a smart man
>Aina at -1
fuck me
Brighton have next :

Chelsea, Spurs, Newcastle, Wolves, Liverpool, City.

Time to dump Brighton players.
I shouldn't have brought Pedro in at all
Could be worse. I brought in Wissa then the cunt gets injured for 2 months
I only have 2 but i might wildcard next week
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That's four bad defences before two good ones.

Baffling how people still consider Chelsea a bad fixture for attackers when they haven't been that for like five years.
Why does Mitoma have an assist in my team but didn't get credited with the assist in the app's match summary?
He was fouled for the free kick.
Is there any point in hoping Pedro won’t be subbed on?
Get Minteh on the fucking pitch NOW
>timber and calafiori
Lol, why is Arteta inventing in this game.
He heard I brought in Timber.
Arsenal wins 1-0 today lets goooooo
fuck pedro was brought in
better score
uhh pedro bros???
This can't be happening
Confirmed six goals for the snow ape. It's fucking over.
good old woody
i'm sick of this boring cunt
fixture over form sisters........
Yeah, I don't care anymore. Perma captaining.
Also, of course Calafiori fucks up.
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Imagine not captaining Haaland
fixture immunity buff
I captained Salah because I believed in Arsenal defence
The existence of Haaland proves that Man City should be liquidated for cheating.
I have the moral victory for not choosing players from a cheating team
When they get sent to the Vanarama league then FPL must recalculate every game from previous seasons.
-60k after the goal. I have him.
Old man Gundogan should have two already, this could be a massacre. I hope none of you fell for the Saliba/Gabriel trap.
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imagine having man city players in your team
>gained rank prior to this match: 1,900,000
>now: 900,000
Imagine if I didn't wildcard for Haaland.
Same here.

Fraud bastards
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The ogre took me from 80k to 180k.
I kneel. What a goal.
please stop posting this beautiful specimen. it makes my heart sore knowing that i will never get to spank and whip her before softly comforting her tears away. just die in my sleep already.
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Gained 200k places. Didn't C - Haaland. Barely gaining anything.

He makes FPL trash
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Need an Akanji hat trick to save my week.
>sold your soul to climb a million ladder ranks
was it worth it, anon?
Christ, I'm really doing shite in the H2H
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>doku marking gabriel in a set piece
>fpl managers playing a game where you pick whoever scores the most goals, and other managers pick a player who scores the most goals
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Good week. But Haaland fags will still beat me
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Imagine not having Gabriel.
we feast
simple: play in a cup with like-minded people and dont care about optimization faggots trying to score high on global ranking
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Benched him, because you know... Haaland
>red card to trossard
what the fuck
115 charges
Come on, City.

Run rampant on 10 man Arsenal.
>scoring against parked bus arsenal
Not happening.
Imagine not having the Saka and Gabriel double up
Saka got subbed off now, which I don't think is bad because he can avoid injuries
He got subbed off because they're down to 10. He's a 90 minute man to a fault.
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>having saka
Arsenal are actually based \o/
How on earth is Haaland leading in bps?
Another week with a 20point bench
Fuck sake
>Benching your 6m defender
You get what you deserve. [2]
What a joke.
Mate the bench is for 4m fodder and 1 rotational piece
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Raya 9 saves.
>Haaland didn't get booked for throwing the ball at a player's head after the goal
dodgy refs strike again
Bro you posted this same screenshot last week, kek
Keep benching Gabi and SR

Based, also looks like a bonus point
It was before they conceded. I was somehow on a green arrow.
>73 points
Gained over 1.2mil places just by wildcarding for Haaland lol. Wish Dunk and Winks could've gotten me some returns too though.
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I thought i changed my team and i hadnt
>Wished for a CB to return
No wonder you could go from 9 million to 7.8 million
Well, I was planning on having Watkins as Capt against Ipswich.
So, it'll have to be Haaland against Newcastle. Just watch the ugly cunt now blank
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>wildcard Lucho out because he always goes cold
>wildcard Son out because he's been hugging the line for 3 weeks
>aina, dunk and sels 1 points combined
>saka subbed at half time
>Watkins (C) bonus robbed from 2 to 0 after the game, Haaland gets 3 in a 2-2 game despite doing nothing but scoring a goal
This week has been my 9/11
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Extra bonus point given to Rogers. Tiny green arrow.
Might swap out Salad for Diaz and free up 5 mil
still keeping onana (mid) for now but if he fails to deliver against motherfucking ipswich i'm sneeding him
fun fact
Onana (mug) have outscored Onana (mid)
I have 2m and 2 FT spare. I'm thinking Jota & Porro out for Saka and Digne. What do we think?
don't go with digne just yet wait until Friday for injury news.
Fuck knows what to do with Eze.

Dropping in price, had one good week and all the rest 2 pointers.
Everton next, then Liverpool
Easy. If WC6 take him out, if not hold.
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This movie (and series) is sorely disappointing.
It might be time for Mbeumo inshallah... almadidullah...

All movies with Veronika are kino.
Thanks bro. Brentford's fixtures do look appealing for a long stretch.
I need to start living with mistakes and start saving some transfers
Mashallah Mbuemobro we feast
Annoys the fuck out of me that people are so fucking eager to do their transfers which forces your hand due to fluctuating prices.

I wanted to hold on for Gvardiol to see if Rodri stays or goes away, seeing how much more attacking he will become with Rodri on the field, but I don't want to lose value on him either.

And anyways retards start making transfers soon as the GW is over despite there being possible CL or other cup games, or international games or whatever possibilities for injuries, and other information you don't yet have. Is it all because of stinky third worlders or what
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How can I improve this?

No cash in the bank.
Akanji to Robinson 4.7 or Mazraoui 4.6
Longstaff to Semenyo 5.6

Depends really.
jota out

Jota to Mbeumo or Rogers maybe?
Pedro to Wood
Getting rid of a Man City defender with their upcoming fixtures??
Akanji has been getting 1 or 2 pts and he's 5.5 mil. No cash, free a mil right there
Also, Lewis is 4.7
Partey may be a decent bet. Starting all games now.
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I think an Arsenal/City defender is essential.
Apart from Southampton(h) Semenyo has some tough fixtures ahead.

Pedro must stay.
>Is it all because of stinky third worlders or what
Usually it's because of casuals but this gameweek is also a big wildcard window, so that's the main reason.
Just wildcard honestly. What a fucking awful defence.
Most defences have to be shit anyway to sacrifice money for midfield and forwards.
SURELY egyptian fraud will haul this week, SURELY.
You obviously hate defenders with a passion lol

I would consider doing Palmer > Saka to free up cash for Diaz > Jota. Diaz is the hottest player in FPL right now and I just wish I swapped him out for Jota earlier when they were equally priced. Those who are skipping him are risking getting priced out later when he's 8.5m+, but he could also turn out to be a flop. I think the less risky move is to bring him in
You can also just Wildcard right now and put some more thought into defence, maybe drop Salad and build around Haaland, Saka, Mbuemo, Diaz, Liverpool/Arsenal defence for long term haul
i must be fucking retarded
i picked mykolenko and i haven't played him in 5 games
i could've just picked a 4m defender and not have lost .5m
now he's worth 4.3
Luis Diaz's price is expected to go up tonight.
Well, after the Brighton rape, you had a reason not to play him again.
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i've never played him
i just bought him to fill the defender quota, i should've gone with a 4m defender
So you don't have a single 4.0 defender? Now, that's pretty dumb.
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trials and tribulations of my first fpl
Second rise this week
Might just wildcard to regain interest in this god forsaken ogre infested season
I dont watch, can anyone whit a big brain predict those matches:

Newcastle United : Manchester City
Arsenal : Leicester City
Brentford : West Ham United
Chelsea : Brighton and Hove Albion
Everton : Crystal Palace
Nottingham Forest : Fulham
Wolverhampton Wanderers : Liverpool
Ipswich Town : Aston Villa On Sky
Manchester United : Tottenham Hotspur

will suck your cock if right
City, Arsenal, draw, Chelsea, draw, draw, liverpool, villa or draw, spurs
City, Arsenal, Brentford, Chelsea or draw, Palace, Forest, Liverpool, Villa, Spurs, and you missed Bournemouth.
Is Rodri kill

City, arsenal, draw, Chelsea, draw, Nottingham, Liverpool, Ipswich and Manchester United
brentford or draw
everton or draw
All draws
Please dont touch my pp
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>rank falls from 75k to 350k
Quansah is never playing again kek
Jotabros we're back
Still gonna replace him with Diaz
who to (c) next week saars
Should I swap Pope out and who for? I'm feeling like Martinez or Flekken but I can't decide
Flekken for me, he's been in my team for years and he's steady which is all you can really ask for in keepers in fpl. I don't think Martinez is worth the extra 0.5k.
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This week's challenge is grim ngl, just hope that Salad/Jackson will return
Thoughts on James Maddison as an FPL ASSET lads?
I need to flog Jota and my first thought was to uprate one of my 5.0m defenders to him but it leaves me v short in midfield as I already have Minteh and ESR starting most weeks.
A sideways move to Madders?
Madders is a good pick. Most expected goal involved in the league after Haaland. You should get rid of Minteh though.
>You should get rid of Minteh though.
I'm struggling to bring myself to do it desu, he looks like such a fucking good player and he's clearly capable of contributing as he already has two assists, but his minutes are limiting him. Would I be better with a steadier cheap mid?
>only one African goalkeeper in the entire league
I laughed lmao
He looks great but he's a rotation risk and their fixtures are awful. Wait for GW12 to see if the starting XI has solidified and take advantage of the fixtures then.
best 5.5 or under replacement?
Tavernier? McNeil?

Amad Diallo and Rogers also worth note taking, both are 5.0 and 5.2 respectively
Depends on who you have already. McNeil seems decent. Rogers is obvious but I assume you already have him. Carvalho could be a punt I go for on my wildcard but it's risky.
Who to replace Joao Pedro with?
A Solanke/Jackson front two is looking tastier
Jota will be starting on Saturday after his midweek double, and will probably score too.
Haaland and Saka enjoyers, who are we captaining this week? I have Saka as my provisional captain, but might pussy out before the cut off

Of course, that's what I expect to happen now that I brought Diaz in

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